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/* * OgreMaxViewer - An Ogre 3D-based viewer for .scene and .mesh files * Copyright 2008 Derek Nedelman * * This code is available under the OgreMax Free License: * -You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial. * -If distributing derived works (that use this source code) in binary or source code form, * you must give the following credit in your work's end-user documentation: * "Portions of this work provided by OgreMax (" * * Derek Nedelman assumes no responsibility for any harm caused by using this code. * * OgreMaxViewer was written by Derek Nedelman and released at */ #ifndef OgreMax_OgreMaxTypes_INCLUDED #define OgreMax_OgreMaxTypes_INCLUDED //Includes--------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "tinyxml/tinyxml.h" #include
//Classes---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace OgreMax { namespace Types { enum UpAxis { UP_AXIS_Y, UP_AXIS_Z }; enum NodeVisibility { NODE_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT, NODE_VISIBLE, NODE_HIDDEN, NODE_TREE_VISIBLE, NODE_TREE_HIDDEN }; enum ObjectVisibility { OBJECT_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT, OBJECT_VISIBLE, OBJECT_HIDDEN }; /** A custom parameter for renderables */ struct CustomParameter { size_t id; Ogre::Vector4 value; }; /** A simple bounding volume, centered around the owner's origin */ struct BoundingVolume { BoundingVolume() { this->type = NONE; this->sphereRadius = 0; this->boxSize = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; } enum Type { NONE, SPHERE, BOX, MESH }; /** The bounding volume type */ Type type; /** The bounding sphere radius. Used when 'type' is SPHERE */ Ogre::Real sphereRadius; /** The bounding box size. Used when 'type' is BOX */ Ogre::Vector3 boxSize; /** A single face */ struct Face { Ogre::Vector3 vertex[3]; }; /** Faces of the mesh bounding volume. Used when 'type' is MESH */ std::vector
meshFaces; }; /** A single note in a note track */ struct Note { Ogre::Real time; Ogre::String text; }; /** A collection of notes */ struct NoteTrack { Ogre::String name; std::vector
notes; }; /** A collection of note tracks */ typedef std::vector
NoteTracks; typedef Ogre::SharedPtr
NoteTracksPtr; /** A single external item. */ struct ExternalItem { ExternalItem() { this->position = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; this->scale = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_SCALE; } Ogre::String name; Ogre::String type; Ogre::String file; Ogre::String userDataReference; Ogre::String userData; Ogre::Vector3 position; Ogre::Quaternion rotation; Ogre::Vector3 scale; BoundingVolume boundingVolume; NoteTracks noteTracks; }; /** * Extra data placed for a various object types. * Depending on the context and type of object, some of the fields in this structure might not be used */ struct ObjectExtraData { ObjectExtraData() { this->node = 0; this->object = 0; this->receiveShadows = false; } /** * Initializes the data from another data object * Note that the object/node fields aren't copied */ ObjectExtraData(ObjectExtraData& other) { this->node = 0; this->object = 0; this->id =; this->userDataReference = other.userDataReference; this->userData = other.userData; this->receiveShadows = other.receiveShadows; this->receiveShadows = other.receiveShadows; this->noteTracks = other.noteTracks; } /** Determines if there is any user data */ bool HasUserData() const { return !this->id.empty() || !this->userDataReference.empty() || !this->userData.empty(); } /** If set, the extra data belongs to an Ogre::Node */ Ogre::Node* node; /** If set, the extra data belongs to an Ogre::MovableObject */ Ogre::MovableObject* object; Ogre::String id; Ogre::String userDataReference; Ogre::String userData; bool receiveShadows; NoteTracksPtr noteTracks; }; typedef Ogre::SharedPtr
ObjectExtraDataPtr; struct FogParameters { FogParameters() { this->mode = Ogre::FOG_NONE; this->expDensity = .001; this->linearStart = 0; this->linearEnd = 1; this->color = Ogre::ColourValue::White; } Ogre::FogMode mode; Ogre::Real expDensity; Ogre::Real linearStart; Ogre::Real linearEnd; Ogre::ColourValue color; }; struct SkyBoxParameters { SkyBoxParameters() { this->enabled = true; this->distance = 0; this->drawFirst = true; } bool enabled; Ogre::String material; Ogre::Real distance; bool drawFirst; Ogre::Quaternion rotation; Ogre::String resourceGroupName; ObjectExtraData extraData; }; struct SkyDomeParameters { SkyDomeParameters() { this->enabled = true; this->curvature = 0; this->tiling = 0; this->distance = 0; this->drawFirst = true; this->xSegments = 0; this->ySegments = 0; } bool enabled; Ogre::String material; Ogre::Real curvature; Ogre::Real tiling; Ogre::Real distance; bool drawFirst; int xSegments; int ySegments; Ogre::Quaternion rotation; Ogre::String resourceGroupName; ObjectExtraData extraData; }; struct SkyPlaneParameters { SkyPlaneParameters() { this->enabled = true; this->scale = 1; this->bow = 0; this->tiling = 10; this->drawFirst = true; this->xSegments = 1; this->ySegments = 1; } bool enabled; Ogre::String material; Ogre::Plane plane; Ogre::Real scale; Ogre::Real bow; Ogre::Real tiling; bool drawFirst; int xSegments; int ySegments; Ogre::String resourceGroupName; ObjectExtraData extraData; }; struct ObjectParameters { enum ObjectType { NONE, ENTITY, LIGHT, CAMERA, PARTICLE_SYSTEM, BILLBOARD_SET, PLANE }; ObjectParameters() { this->objectType = NONE; this->renderQueue = Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_MAIN; this->renderingDistance = 0; this->queryFlags = 0; this->visibilityFlags = 0; this->visibility = OBJECT_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT; } virtual ~ObjectParameters() { } /** Name of the object */ Ogre::String name; /** * The object type. * This can be used to determine which ObjectParameters subclass can be used */ ObjectType objectType; /** The object's extra data */ ObjectExtraDataPtr extraData; /** Object query flags */ Ogre::uint32 queryFlags; /** Object visibility flags */ Ogre::uint32 visibilityFlags; /** Indicates whether object is visible */ ObjectVisibility visibility; /** Rendering queue. Not used by all types */ Ogre::uint8 renderQueue; /** Rendering distance. Not used by all types */ Ogre::Real renderingDistance; typedef std::vector
CustomParameters; /** Custom values. Not used by all types */ CustomParameters customParameters; }; struct EntityParameters : ObjectParameters { EntityParameters() { this->objectType = ENTITY; this->castShadows = true; this->vertexBufferUsage = Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY; this->indexBufferUsage = Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY; this->vertexBufferShadowed = true; this->indexBufferShadowed = true; } Ogre::String meshFile; Ogre::String materialFile; bool castShadows; Ogre::HardwareBuffer::Usage vertexBufferUsage; Ogre::HardwareBuffer::Usage indexBufferUsage; bool vertexBufferShadowed; bool indexBufferShadowed; Ogre::String resourceGroupName; struct Subentity { Ogre::String materialName; }; std::vector
subentities; struct BoneAttachment { BoneAttachment() { this->object = 0; this->attachPosition = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; this->attachScale = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_SCALE; this->attachRotation = Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY; } ~BoneAttachment() { delete this->object; } /** Gets the name of the attachment itself */ const Ogre::String& GetName() const { return this->object != 0 ? this->object->name : this->name; } Ogre::String name; //Used if object is null Ogre::String boneName; ObjectParameters* object; Ogre::Vector3 attachPosition; Ogre::Vector3 attachScale; Ogre::Quaternion attachRotation; }; std::vector
boneAttachments; }; struct LightParameters : ObjectParameters { LightParameters() { this->objectType = LIGHT; this->lightType = Ogre::Light::LT_POINT; this->castShadows = false; this->power = 1; this->diffuseColor = Ogre::ColourValue::White; this->specularColor = Ogre::ColourValue::Black; this->spotlightInnerAngle = Ogre::Degree((Ogre::Real)40); this->spotlightOuterAngle = Ogre::Degree((Ogre::Real)30); this->spotlightFalloff = 1; this->attenuationRange = 100000; this->attenuationConstant = 1; this->attenuationLinear = 0; this->attenuationQuadric = 0; this->position = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; this->direction = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z; } Ogre::Light::LightTypes lightType; bool castShadows; Ogre::Real power; Ogre::ColourValue diffuseColor; Ogre::ColourValue specularColor; Ogre::Radian spotlightInnerAngle; Ogre::Radian spotlightOuterAngle; Ogre::Real spotlightFalloff; Ogre::Real attenuationRange; Ogre::Real attenuationConstant; Ogre::Real attenuationLinear; Ogre::Real attenuationQuadric; Ogre::Vector3 position; Ogre::Vector3 direction; }; struct CameraParameters : ObjectParameters { CameraParameters() { this->objectType = CAMERA; this->fov = Ogre::Radian(Ogre::Math::PI/2); this->aspectRatio = (Ogre::Real)1.33; this->projectionType = Ogre::PT_PERSPECTIVE; this->nearClip = 100; this->farClip = 100000; this->position = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; this->direction = Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z; } Ogre::Radian fov; Ogre::Real aspectRatio; Ogre::ProjectionType projectionType; Ogre::Real nearClip; Ogre::Real farClip; Ogre::Vector3 position; Ogre::Quaternion orientation; Ogre::Vector3 direction; }; struct ParticleSystemParameters : ObjectParameters { ParticleSystemParameters() { this->objectType = PARTICLE_SYSTEM; } Ogre::String file; }; struct BillboardSetParameters : ObjectParameters { BillboardSetParameters() { this->objectType = BILLBOARD_SET; this->commonDirection = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z; this->commonUpVector = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y; this->billboardType = Ogre::BBT_POINT; this->origin = Ogre::BBO_CENTER; this->rotationType = Ogre::BBR_TEXCOORD; this->poolSize = 0; this->autoExtendPool = true; this->cullIndividual = false; this->sort = false; this->accurateFacing = false; } Ogre::String material; Ogre::Real width; Ogre::Real height; Ogre::BillboardType billboardType; Ogre::BillboardOrigin origin; Ogre::BillboardRotationType rotationType; Ogre::Vector3 commonDirection; Ogre::Vector3 commonUpVector; Ogre::uint32 poolSize; bool autoExtendPool; bool cullIndividual; bool sort; bool accurateFacing; struct Billboard { Billboard() : texCoordRectangle(0, 0, 0, 0) { this->width = 0; this->height = 0; this->rotationAngle = Ogre::Radian(0); this->position = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; this->color = Ogre::ColourValue::White; } Ogre::Real width; Ogre::Real height; Ogre::FloatRect texCoordRectangle; Ogre::Radian rotationAngle; Ogre::Vector3 position; Ogre::ColourValue color; }; std::vector
billboards; }; struct PlaneParameters : ObjectParameters { PlaneParameters() { this->objectType = PLANE; this->xSegments = 0; this->ySegments = 0; this->numTexCoordSets = 0; this->uTile = 0; this->vTile = 0; this->normals = true; this->createMovablePlane = true; this->castShadows = true; this->normal = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; this->upVector = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z; this->vertexBufferUsage = Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY; this->indexBufferUsage = Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY; this->vertexBufferShadowed = true; this->indexBufferShadowed = true; } Ogre::String planeName; Ogre::Real distance; Ogre::Real width; Ogre::Real height; int xSegments; int ySegments; int numTexCoordSets; Ogre::Real uTile; Ogre::Real vTile; Ogre::String material; bool normals; bool createMovablePlane; bool castShadows; Ogre::Vector3 normal; Ogre::Vector3 upVector; Ogre::HardwareBuffer::Usage vertexBufferUsage; Ogre::HardwareBuffer::Usage indexBufferUsage; bool vertexBufferShadowed; bool indexBufferShadowed; Ogre::String resourceGroupName; }; struct NodeAnimationParameters { NodeAnimationParameters() { this->length = 0; this->interpolationMode = Ogre::Animation::IM_SPLINE; this->rotationInterpolationMode = Ogre::Animation::RIM_LINEAR; this->enable = true; this->looping = true; } Ogre::String name; Ogre::Real length; Ogre::Animation::InterpolationMode interpolationMode; Ogre::Animation::RotationInterpolationMode rotationInterpolationMode; bool enable; bool looping; struct KeyFrame { KeyFrame() { this->time = 0; this->translation = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; this->scale = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_SCALE; } Ogre::Real time; Ogre::Vector3 translation; Ogre::Quaternion rotation; Ogre::Vector3 scale; }; std::vector
keyframes; }; struct NodeParameters { NodeParameters() { this->visibility = NODE_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT; this->position = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; this->scale = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_SCALE; } ~NodeParameters() { for (Objects::iterator objectIterator = this->objects.begin(); objectIterator != this->objects.end(); ++objectIterator) { delete *objectIterator; } } /** The nodes's extra data */ ObjectExtraDataPtr extraData; Ogre::String name; Ogre::String modelName; NodeVisibility visibility; Ogre::Vector3 position; Ogre::Quaternion orientation; Ogre::Vector3 scale; std::vector
childNodes; std::vector
animations; typedef std::list
Objects; Objects objects; }; struct RenderTextureParameters { RenderTextureParameters() { this->width = this->height = 512; this->pixelFormat = Ogre::PF_A8R8G8B8; this->textureType = Ogre::TEX_TYPE_2D; this->clearEveryFrame = true; this->autoUpdate = true; this->hideRenderObject = true; } Ogre::String name; int width; int height; Ogre::PixelFormat pixelFormat; Ogre::TextureType textureType; Ogre::String cameraName; Ogre::String scheme; Ogre::ColourValue backgroundColor; bool clearEveryFrame; bool autoUpdate; bool hideRenderObject; Ogre::String renderObjectName; Ogre::Plane renderPlane; std::vector
hiddenObjects; std::vector
exclusiveObjects; Ogre::String resourceGroupName; struct Material { Ogre::String name; unsigned short techniqueIndex; unsigned short passIndex; unsigned short textureUnitIndex; }; std::vector
materials; }; struct ShadowParameters { ShadowParameters() { this->shadowTechnique = Ogre::SHADOWTYPE_NONE; this->selfShadow = true; this->farDistance = 0; this->textureSize = 512; this->textureCount = 2; this->textureOffset = (Ogre::Real).6; this->textureFadeStart = (Ogre::Real).7; this->textureFadeEnd = (Ogre::Real).9; this->pixelFormat = Ogre::PF_UNKNOWN; this->shadowColor = Ogre::ColourValue::Black; } Ogre::ShadowTechnique shadowTechnique; bool selfShadow; Ogre::Real farDistance; int textureSize; int textureCount; Ogre::Real textureOffset; Ogre::Real textureFadeStart; Ogre::Real textureFadeEnd; Ogre::String textureShadowCasterMaterial; Ogre::String textureShadowReceiverMaterial; Ogre::PixelFormat pixelFormat; Ogre::ColourValue shadowColor; Ogre::String cameraSetup; Ogre::Plane optimalPlane; }; struct LookTarget { /** * Initializes the LookTarget for a scene node or camera. * Either sourceNode or sourceCamera must be non-null */ LookTarget(Ogre::SceneNode* sourceNode, Ogre::Camera* sourceCamera) { this->sourceNode = sourceNode; this->sourceCamera = sourceCamera; this->relativeTo = Ogre::Node::TS_LOCAL; this->isPositionSet = false; this->position = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; this->localDirection = Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z; } Ogre::SceneNode* sourceNode; Ogre::Camera* sourceCamera; Ogre::String nodeName; Ogre::Node::TransformSpace relativeTo; bool isPositionSet; Ogre::Vector3 position; Ogre::Vector3 localDirection; }; struct TrackTarget { /** * Initializes the TrackTarget for a scene node or camera. * Either sourceNode or sourceCamera must be non-null */ TrackTarget(Ogre::SceneNode* sourceNode, Ogre::Camera* sourceCamera) { this->sourceNode = sourceNode; this->sourceCamera = sourceCamera; this->offset = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; this->localDirection = Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z; } Ogre::SceneNode* sourceNode; Ogre::Camera* sourceCamera; Ogre::String nodeName; Ogre::Vector3 offset; Ogre::Vector3 localDirection; }; struct SceneNodeArray : std::vector
{ void Show() { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) (*this)[i]->setVisible(true, false); } void Hide() { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) (*this)[i]->setVisible(false, false); } }; /** A loaded render texture */ struct LoadedRenderTexture { enum {CUBE_FACE_COUNT = 6}; LoadedRenderTexture() { this->renderObjectNode = 0; this->renderPlane = 0; this->camera = 0; for (int index = 0; index < CUBE_FACE_COUNT; index++) { this->cubeFaceCameras[index] = 0; this->viewports[index] = 0; } } /** Sets the position of all cube face cameras */ void SetCubeFaceCameraPosition(const Ogre::Vector3& position) { for (int index = 0; index < CUBE_FACE_COUNT; index++) this->cubeFaceCameras[index]->setPosition(position); } /** * Gets the 'reference' position, which is used when updating a cube map render texture. * The preferred position is that of the render object. If there is no render object, the reference * camera is used. If there is no camera, the zero vector is used. * @param position [out] - The position. If there is no reference object, this is set to zero. * @return Returns true if there was a reference object to use, false otherwise. */ bool GetReferencePosition(Ogre::Vector3& position) const { bool result = true; if (this->renderObjectNode != 0) position = this->renderObjectNode->_getDerivedPosition(); else if (this->camera != 0) position = this->camera->getDerivedPosition(); else { position = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; result = false; } return result; } RenderTextureParameters parameters; Ogre::TexturePtr renderTexture; Ogre::SceneNode* renderObjectNode; Ogre::MovablePlane* renderPlane; Ogre::Camera* camera; Ogre::Camera* cubeFaceCameras[CUBE_FACE_COUNT]; Ogre::Viewport* viewports[CUBE_FACE_COUNT]; SceneNodeArray hiddenObjects; SceneNodeArray exclusiveObjects; }; /** Maps a query flag bit to a name */ struct FlagAlias { FlagAlias() { this->bit = 0; } Ogre::String name; int bit; }; /** A collection of flag aliases */ struct FlagAliases : std::vector
{ /** * Gets the name that corresponds to the specified bit * @param bit [in] - The index of the bit to look up * @param name [out] - The name of the bit * @return Returns true if the bit's name was found, false otherwise */ bool GetBitName(int bit, Ogre::String& name) { for (size_t index = 0; index < size(); index++) { if ((*this)[index].bit == bit) { name = (*this)[index].name; return true; } } return false; } }; /** Used for attaching MovableObject instances to an owner */ struct MovableObjectOwner { /** No owner */ MovableObjectOwner() { this->node = 0; this->entity = 0; this->attachPosition = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; this->attachScale = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_SCALE; this->attachRotation = Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY; } /** The owner is a scene node */ MovableObjectOwner(Ogre::SceneNode* node) { this->node = node; this->entity = 0; this->attachPosition = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; this->attachScale = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_SCALE; this->attachRotation = Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY; } /** The owner is a bone within an entity's skeleton */ MovableObjectOwner ( Ogre::Entity* entity, const Ogre::String& boneName = Ogre::StringUtil::BLANK, const Ogre::Vector3& attachPosition = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO, const Ogre::Vector3& attachScale = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_SCALE, const Ogre::Quaternion& attachRotation = Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY ) { this->node = 0; this->entity = entity; this->boneName = boneName; this->attachPosition = attachPosition; this->attachScale = attachScale; this->attachRotation = attachRotation; } /** Attaches the movable object to the owner */ void Attach(Ogre::MovableObject* object) const { if (this->node != 0) this->node->attachObject(object); else if (this->entity != 0 && !this->boneName.empty()) { //TODO: Modify Ogre to accept object->getName() when creating TagPoint Ogre::TagPoint* tagPoint = this->entity->attachObjectToBone(this->boneName, object); tagPoint->setPosition(this->attachPosition); tagPoint->setScale(this->attachScale); tagPoint->setOrientation(this->attachRotation); } } /** * Attaches an empty object to the owner. This has no effect if the owner is a node since * there's no notion of an "empty" object for nodes. For entities, an "empty" object corresponds * to a tag point that has no attachment */ void AttachEmpty(const Ogre::String& name = Ogre::StringUtil::BLANK) const { if (this->entity != 0 && !this->boneName.empty()) { Ogre::SkeletonInstance* skeleton = this->entity->getSkeleton(); Ogre::Bone* bone = skeleton->getBone(this->boneName); //TODO: Modify Ogre to accept name when creating TagPoint Ogre::TagPoint* tagPoint = skeleton->createTagPointOnBone(bone); tagPoint->setPosition(this->attachPosition); tagPoint->setScale(this->attachScale); tagPoint->setOrientation(this->attachRotation); } } Ogre::SceneNode* node; Ogre::Entity* entity; Ogre::String boneName; Ogre::Vector3 attachPosition; Ogre::Vector3 attachScale; Ogre::Quaternion attachRotation; }; } } #endif
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