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/* * OgreMaxViewer - An Ogre 3D-based viewer for .scene and .mesh files * Copyright 2008 Derek Nedelman * * This code is available under the OgreMax Free License: * -You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial. * -If distributing derived works (that use this source code) in binary or source code form, * you must give the following credit in your work's end-user documentation: * "Portions of this work provided by OgreMax (" * * Derek Nedelman assumes no responsibility for any harm caused by using this code. * * OgreMaxViewer was written by Derek Nedelman and released at */ #ifndef OgreMax_OgreMaxUtilities_INCLUDED #define OgreMax_OgreMaxUtilities_INCLUDED //Includes--------------------------------------------------------------------- #include
#include "OgreMaxPlatform.hpp" #include "ProgressCalculator.hpp" #include "OgreMaxTypes.hpp" //Classes---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace OgreMax { /** A collection of parsing, loading and other miscellaneous functions */ class _OgreMaxExport OgreMaxUtilities { public: static void LoadXmlDocument(const Ogre::String& fileName, TiXmlDocument& document, const Ogre::String& resourceGroupName); static void LoadXYZ(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::Vector3& xyz); static Ogre::Vector3 LoadXYZ(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); static Ogre::ColourValue LoadColor(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); static Ogre::Plane LoadPlane(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); static Ogre::Quaternion LoadRotation(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); static Ogre::FloatRect LoadFloatRectangle(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); static void LoadBufferUsage(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::HardwareBuffer::Usage& usage, bool& shadowed); static void LoadBoundingVolume(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Types::BoundingVolume& volume); static void LoadBoundingVolumeFaces(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, int faceCount, std::vector
& faces); static bool ParseSceneManager(const Ogre::String& sceneManager, Ogre::SceneType& sceneType); static bool ParseBool(const Ogre::String& value); static Ogre::Light::LightTypes ParseLightType(const Ogre::String& type); static Ogre::ProjectionType ParseProjectionType(const Ogre::String& type); static Ogre::BillboardType ParseBillboardType(const Ogre::String& type); static Ogre::BillboardOrigin ParseBillboardOrigin(const Ogre::String& origin); static Ogre::BillboardRotationType ParseBillboardRotationType(const Ogre::String& rotationType); static Ogre::FogMode ParseFogMode(const Ogre::String& mode); static Ogre::HardwareBuffer::Usage ParseHardwareBufferUsage(const Ogre::String& usage); static Ogre::Node::TransformSpace ParseTransformSpace(const Ogre::String& space); static Types::BoundingVolume::Type ParseBoundingVolumeType(const Ogre::String& type); static void LoadCustomParameters(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, std::vector
& customParameters); static void LoadUserDataReference(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::String& userDataReference); static void LoadSubentities(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, std::vector
& subentities); static void LoadNoteTracks(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, std::vector
& noteTracks); static void LoadNoteTrack(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Types::NoteTrack& noteTrack); static void LoadNote(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Types::Note& note); static Ogre::ShadowTechnique ParseShadowTechnique(const Ogre::String& technique); static Types::UpAxis ParseUpAxis(const Ogre::String& upAxis); static Ogre::Animation::InterpolationMode ParseAnimationInterpolationMode(const Ogre::String& mode); static Ogre::Animation::RotationInterpolationMode ParseAnimationRotationInterpolationMode(const Ogre::String& mode); static Types::NodeVisibility ParseNodeVisibility(const Ogre::String& visibility); static Types::ObjectVisibility ParseObjectVisibility(const Ogre::String& visibility); static Ogre::uint8 ParseRenderQueue(const Ogre::String& renderQueue); static Ogre::PixelFormat ParsePixelFormat(const Ogre::String& pixelFormat); static Ogre::TextureType ParseTextureType(const Ogre::String& textureType); static void LoadClipping(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::Real& nearClip, Ogre::Real& farClip); static void GetChildText(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, Ogre::String& text); static Ogre::String GetStringAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name); static Ogre::String GetStringAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, const char* defaultValue); static Ogre::Real GetRealAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, Ogre::Real defaultValue); static int GetIntAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, int defaultValue); static int GetUIntAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, unsigned int defaultValue); static bool GetBoolAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, bool defaultValue); static Ogre::Plane GetPlaneAttributes(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, Ogre::Real defaultX, Ogre::Real defaultY, Ogre::Real defaultZ, Ogre::Real defaultD); static Ogre::Vector4 GetVector4Attributes(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement); static Ogre::PixelFormat GetPixelFormatAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, Ogre::PixelFormat defaultValue); static Ogre::TextureType GetTextureTypeAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, Ogre::TextureType defaultValue); static Types::NodeVisibility GetNodeVisibilityAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name); static Types::ObjectVisibility GetObjectVisibilityAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name); /** * Recursively searches the XML element tree, counting elements with the specified name * @param element [in] - The start element. This element is included in the count * @param elementName [in] - The element name to search for * @return Returns the number of elements with the specified name */ static size_t GetElementCount(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const Ogre::String& elementName); static size_t GetChildElementCount(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const Ogre::String& elementName); /** * Iterates over the specified element's child elements * @param element [in] - The element whose child elements are iterated. This may be null, * in which case no iteration occurs * @param childElement [in] - The start child element. This will be null at the start of an iteration * @return The next child element will be returned, null if there are no child elements */ static const TiXmlElement* IterateChildElements(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const TiXmlElement* childElement); static bool AllDigits(const Ogre::String& text); static bool IsPowerOfTwo(unsigned int value); static unsigned int NextLargestPowerOfTwo(unsigned int value); static unsigned int NextSmallestPowerOfTwo(unsigned int value); static void SetNodeVisibility(Ogre::SceneNode* node, Types::NodeVisibility visibility); template
static void SetObjectVisibility(T object, Types::ObjectVisibility visibility) { switch (visibility) { case Types::OBJECT_VISIBLE: object->setVisible(true); break; case Types::OBJECT_HIDDEN: object->setVisible(false); break; } } static void SetCustomParameters(Ogre::Renderable* renderable, const std::vector
& customParameters); static void SetCustomParameters(Ogre::Entity* entity, const std::vector
& customParameters); /** * Sets the node's initial state (position/rotation/scale) to identity while * preserving the current state. This is used when setting up node animations */ static void SetIdentityInitialState(Ogre::SceneNode* node); static void CreateMovablePlaneName(Ogre::String& createdName, const Ogre::String& baseName); static Ogre::Entity* CreateEntity ( Ogre::SceneManager* sceneManager, const Ogre::String& entityName, const Ogre::String& meshFile, std::vector
& subentities ); /** Determines if the specified character is a path separator */ static bool IsSeparator(char c); /** * Ensures that the specified path has a trailing path separator character * @param path [in/out] - The path */ static void EnsureTrailingPathSeparator(Ogre::String& path); /** * Removes all relative fragments, yielding a full file path. Used only under Windows * @param path [in/out] - The path */ static void MakeFullPath(Ogre::String& path); /** Determines if the specified path is an absolute path */ static bool IsAbsolutePath(const Ogre::String& path); /** Joins two files paths together, returning the result */ static Ogre::String JoinPath(const Ogre::String& path1, const Ogre::String& path2); /** Determines if the specifiled file is readable */ static bool IsFileReadable(const Ogre::String& path); /** Deletes the specified file */ static void RemoveFile(const Ogre::String& path); /** * Sets the default lighting in the scene manager if it hasn't already been set * @param sceneManager [in] - The scene manager for which the default lighting is set * @param upAxis [in] - The scene up axis * @return Returns true if the default lighting was successfully set, false if it had already been set */ static bool SetDefaultLighting(Ogre::SceneManager* sceneManager, Types::UpAxis upAxis); /** Determines if the specified resource group is an Ogre 'internal' resource group */ static bool IsInternalResourceGroup(const Ogre::String& resourceGroupName); /** * Destroy all resource groups except the ones internally needed or created by Ogre * and optionally creates a new default resource group * @param defaultResourceGroup [in] - Optional resource group to create after destroying non-internal * resource groups. If empty, nothing is done */ static void ResetResourceGroups(const Ogre::String& defaultResourceGroup = Ogre::StringUtil::BLANK); }; } #endif
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