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/* * OgreMaxViewer - An Ogre 3D-based viewer for .scene and .mesh files * Copyright 2008 Derek Nedelman * * This code is available under the OgreMax Free License: * -You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial. * -If distributing derived works (that use this source code) in binary or source code form, * you must give the following credit in your work's end-user documentation: * "Portions of this work provided by OgreMax (" * * Derek Nedelman assumes no responsibility for any harm caused by using this code. * * OgreMaxViewer was written by Derek Nedelman and released at */ #ifndef OgreMax_OgreMaxScene_INCLUDED #define OgreMax_OgreMaxScene_INCLUDED //Includes--------------------------------------------------------------------- #include
#include "OgreMaxPlatform.hpp" #include "ProgressCalculator.hpp" #include "Version.hpp" #include "OgreMaxModel.hpp" #include "OgreMaxRenderWindowIterator.hpp" //Classes---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace OgreMax { class OgreMaxSceneCallback; /** * Manages the loading of a OgreMax .scene file. * This class is very lightwight in the sense that doesn't maintain a lot of * internal state. Instead, wherever possible, most of the data is put into the * Ogre scene manager. As such, when deleting an OgreMaxScene, keep in mind that * the scene manager and all of resources that were loaded as a result of loading * the scene are NOT destroyed. You will need to destroy those manually. */ class _OgreMaxExport OgreMaxScene : public Ogre::RenderTargetListener { public: OgreMaxScene(); virtual ~OgreMaxScene(); /** * Options that may be passed to Load() */ typedef int LoadOptions; enum { NO_OPTIONS = 0, /** Skips the environment settings in the file. Skipping the environment also skips shadows */ SKIP_ENVIRONMENT = 0x1, /** Skips the shadow settings in the file */ SKIP_SHADOWS = 0x2, /** Skips the sky settings in the file */ SKIP_SKY = 0x4, /** Skips the nodes in the file */ SKIP_NODES = 0x8, /** Skips the externals in the file */ SKIP_EXTERNALS = 0x10, /** Skips the terrain in the file */ SKIP_TERRAIN = 0x20, /** Skips the octree in the file */ SKIP_OCTREE = 0x40, /** Skips scene level (non-node) lights in the file */ SKIP_SCENE_LIGHT = 0x80, /** Skips scene level (non-node) cameras in the file */ SKIP_SCENE_CAMERA = 0x100, /** Skips scene level query flags in the file */ SKIP_QUERY_FLAG_ALIASES = 0x200, /** Skips scene level visibility flags in the file */ SKIP_VISIBILITY_FLAG_ALIASES = 0x400, /** Skips scene level resource locations in the file */ SKIP_RESOURCE_LOCATIONS = 0x800, /** Indicates animation states should not be created for node animation tracks */ NO_ANIMATION_STATES = 0x1000, /** * Indicates scene 'externals' should not be stored. They will, however, still * be loaded and the CreatedExternal() scene callback will be called */ NO_EXTERNALS = 0x2000, /** * By default, the OgreMaxScene::Load() checks to see if the file that was passed * in exists in the file system (outside of the configured resource locations). * This flag disables that logic */ NO_FILE_SYSTEM_CHECK = 0x4000, /** * Indicates that a light should be created if the loaded scene doesn't contain a light * Any lights created as a result of setting the default lighting are not passed to * the scene callback */ SET_DEFAULT_LIGHTING = 0x8000 }; /** * Loads a scene from the specified file. * @param fileName [in] - The name of the file to load. This file name can contain a directory path * or be a base name that exists within Ogre's resource manager. If the file contains a directory path, * the directory will be added to Ogre's resource manager as a resource location and the directory will be * set as a base resource location. If the file doesn't contain a directory path, and assuming * SetBaseResourceLocation() hasn't already been called elsewhere, no resource location configuration * will occur during the load * @param renderWindow [in] - The render window in use * @param loadOptions [in] - Options used to specify the loading behavior. Optional. * @param sceneManager [in] - The scene manager into which the scene is loaded. Optional. If not specified, * the scene manager specified in the scene file will be used to create a new scene manager * @param rootNode [in] - Root node under which all loaded scene nodes will be created. If specified, * this should be a scene node in the specified scene manager * @param callback [in] - Pointer to a callback object. Optional. * @param defaultResourceGroupName [in] - The resource group name that is used by default when * creating new resources. Optional. */ void Load ( const Ogre::String& fileName, Ogre::RenderWindow* renderWindow, LoadOptions loadOptions = NO_OPTIONS, Ogre::SceneManager* sceneManager = 0, Ogre::SceneNode* rootNode = 0, OgreMaxSceneCallback* callback = 0, const Ogre::String& defaultResourceGroupName = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME ); void Load ( const Ogre::String& fileName, OgreMaxRenderWindowIterator& renderWindows, LoadOptions loadOptions = NO_OPTIONS, Ogre::SceneManager* sceneManager = 0, Ogre::SceneNode* rootNode = 0, OgreMaxSceneCallback* callback = 0, const Ogre::String& defaultResourceGroupName = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME ); /** * Destroys the internal OgreMaxScene objects * Note that this does not affect the scene manager or any resources. * Those must be destroyed manually */ void Destroy(); /** Flags that define which name prefixes to set */ typedef int WhichNamePrefix; enum { OBJECT_NAME_PREFIX = 0x1, NODE_NAME_PREFIX = 0x2, NODE_ANIMATION_NAME_PREFIX = 0x4, ALL_NAME_PREFIXES = OBJECT_NAME_PREFIX | NODE_NAME_PREFIX | NODE_ANIMATION_NAME_PREFIX }; /** * Sets one or more name prefixes. This should be called before Load() is called * @param name [in] - The prefix. This may be null * @param prefixes [in] - Flags indicating which prefixes to set */ void SetNamePrefix(const Ogre::String& name, WhichNamePrefix prefixes = ALL_NAME_PREFIXES); void Update(Ogre::Real elapsedTime); /** Gets the base resource location */ const Ogre::String& GetBaseResourceLocation() const; /** * Sets the base resource location, a directory, which all other resource locations * are considered to be relative to. * @param directory [in] - The base directory. If this is an empty string, resource * locations loaded from the scene file are not added to the Ogre resource group manager */ void SetBaseResourceLocation(const Ogre::String& directory); //Various getters Ogre::SceneManager* GetSceneManager(); Ogre::SceneNode* GetRootNode(); /** * Gets the scene node with the specified name, optionally prepending the scene node name prefix * @param name [in] - The name of the scene node to get * @param nameIncludesPrefix [in] - Indicates whether the name already includes the prefix. If false, * the scene node name prefix is used with the node name. * @return The scene node with the specified name is returned */ Ogre::SceneNode* GetSceneNode(const Ogre::String& name, bool nameIncludesPrefix); /** Gets the up axis type */ Types::UpAxis GetUpAxis() const; /** Gets the up axis vector */ const Ogre::Vector3& GetUpVector() const; /** * Gets the scene scaling - in units per meter. * This will be zero if the setting was not defined in the scene file */ Ogre::Real GetUnitsPerMeter(); /** * Gets the scene's unit type (meters, feet, and so on). * This is a descriptive string that may contain an additional divide factor */ const Ogre::String GetUnitType(); /** Gets the extra data associated with the scene */ const Types::ObjectExtraData& GetSceneExtraData() const; /** Gets the extra data associated with the terrain */ const Types::ObjectExtraData& GetTerrainExtraData() const; /** Gets the extra data associated with the sky box */ const Types::ObjectExtraData& GetSkyBoxExtraData() const; /** Gets the extra data associated with the sky dome */ const Types::ObjectExtraData& GetSkyDomeExtraData() const; /** Gets the extra data associated with the sky plane */ const Types::ObjectExtraData& GetSkyPlaneExtraData() const; typedef std::list
ExternalItemList; /** Gets the list of external items */ const ExternalItemList& GetExternalItems() const; /** Gets the background color */ const Ogre::ColourValue& GetBackgroundColor() const; /** Gets the environment near range */ Ogre::Real GetEnvironmentNear() const; /** Gets the environment far range */ Ogre::Real GetEnvironmentFar() const; /** Gets the loaded fog settings */ const Types::FogParameters& GetFogParameters() const; /** Gets plane object used as the current shadow optimal plane */ Ogre::MovablePlane* GetShadowOptimalPlane(); /** Gets the plane object with the specified name */ Ogre::MovablePlane* GetMovablePlane(const Ogre::String& name); typedef std::map
AnimationStates; /** Gets all the animation states created by the scene */ AnimationStates& GetAnimationStates(); /** Gets the animation state created by the scene with the specified name */ Ogre::AnimationState* GetAnimationState(const Ogre::String& animationName); typedef std::map
ObjectExtraDataMap; /** Gets the collection of extra data for all Ogre::MovableObjects */ ObjectExtraDataMap& GetAllObjectExtraData(); typedef std::map
NodeObjectExtraDataMap; /** Gets the collection of extra data for all Ogre::Nodes */ NodeObjectExtraDataMap& GetAllNodeObjectExtraData(); typedef std::map
ModelMap; /** Gets the collection of all model templates, each of which is keyed by file name */ const ModelMap& GetModelMap() const; /** Gets the model template with the specified file name, loading it if it isn't already loaded */ OgreMaxModel* GetModel(const Ogre::String& fileName); /** Gets the collection of scene query flag aliases */ const Types::FlagAliases& GetQueryFlagAliases() const; /** Gets the collection of scene visibility flag aliases */ const Types::FlagAliases& GetVisibilityFlagAliases() const; /** A single resource location */ class ResourceLocation { public: ResourceLocation() { this->recursive = false; this->initialized = false; } ResourceLocation ( const Ogre::String& name, const Ogre::String& type, bool recursive = false ) { this->name = name; this->type = type; this->recursive = recursive; this->initialized = false; } bool operator < (const ResourceLocation& other) const { return this->name <; } Ogre::String name; Ogre::String type; bool recursive; private: friend class OgreMaxScene; bool initialized; }; /** * Adds a new resource location. * The new resource location isn't visible to Ogre until CommitResourceLocations() is called */ bool AddResourceLocation(const ResourceLocation& resourceLocation); /** Adds new resource locations to Ogre3D's resource group manager */ void CommitResourceLocations(); typedef std::set
ResourceLocations; /** Gets the resource locations that were configured through the scene */ const ResourceLocations& GetResourceLocations() const; /** Gets the extra data, if any, for the specified object */ Types::ObjectExtraData* GetObjectExtraData(const Ogre::MovableObject* object) const; /** * Gets the extra data, if any, for the specified node * This only works for nodes that were exported as 'empty' */ Types::ObjectExtraData* GetObjectExtraData(const Ogre::Node* node) const; /** For internal use only */ void HandleNewObjectExtraData(Types::ObjectExtraDataPtr objectExtraData); protected: /** * Loads a scene from the specified XML element * @param objectElement [in] - The 'scene' XML element */ void Load ( TiXmlElement* objectElement, OgreMaxRenderWindowIterator& renderWindows, LoadOptions loadOptions = NO_OPTIONS, Ogre::SceneManager* sceneManager = 0, Ogre::SceneNode* rootNode = 0, OgreMaxSceneCallback* callback = 0, const Ogre::String& defaultResourceGroupName = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME ); //Ogre::RenderTargetListener methods void preRenderTargetUpdate(const Ogre::RenderTargetEvent& e); void postRenderTargetUpdate(const Ogre::RenderTargetEvent& e); /** * Determines the name of an object stored in an XML element. The name is * presumed to be for a new object, so if the name is not unique an exception is thrown * @param objectElement [in] - The XML element that contains the object * @param node [in] - The scene node that will contain the object once it's * parsed from the XML element. * @return If the XML element contains the 'name' attribute, that attribute's value is returned. * Otherwise the parent node's name is returned */ Ogre::String GetNewObjectName(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::SceneNode* node); /** Updates the progress for the specified progress calculator. */ void UpdateLoadProgress(ProgressCalculator* calculator, Ogre::Real amount); void LoadScene(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void FinishLoadingLookAndTrackTargets(); bool LoadResourceLocations(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadInstancedGeometries(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadInstancedGeometry(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadInstancedGeometryEntity(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::InstancedGeometry* instancedGeometry); void LoadStaticGeometries(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadStaticGeometry(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadStaticGeometryEntity(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::StaticGeometry* staticGeometry); void LoadPortalConnectedZones(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadNodes(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadQueryFlagAliases(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadVisibilityFlagAliases(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadExternals(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadEnvironment(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadRenderTextures(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void FinishLoadingRenderTextures(); void GetRenderTextureObjects(Types::LoadedRenderTexture* loadedRenderTexture); void LoadTerrain(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadOctree(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadNode(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::SceneNode* parentNode); void LoadFog(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadSkyBox(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadSkyDome(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadSkyPlane(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadClipping(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::Real& nearClip, Ogre::Real& farClip); void LoadShadows(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadExternalItem(const TiXmlElement* objectElement); void LoadEntity(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, const Types::MovableObjectOwner& owner); void LoadLight(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, const Types::MovableObjectOwner& owner); void LoadCamera(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, const Types::MovableObjectOwner& owner); void LoadParticleSystem(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, const Types::MovableObjectOwner& owner); void LoadBillboardSet(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, const Types::MovableObjectOwner& owner); void LoadPlane(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, const Types::MovableObjectOwner& owner); void LoadBoneAttachments(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::Entity* entity); void LoadBoneAttachment(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::Entity* entity); void LoadLookTarget(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::SceneNode* node, Ogre::Camera* camera); void LoadTrackTarget(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::SceneNode* node, Ogre::Camera* camera); void LoadBillboard(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::BillboardSet* billboardSet); void LoadLightRange(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::Light* light); void LoadLightAttenuation(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::Light* light); void LoadNodeAnimations(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::SceneNode* node); void LoadNodeAnimation(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::SceneNode* node); void LoadNodeAnimationKeyFrame(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Ogre::NodeAnimationTrack* animationTrack); void LoadObjectNames(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, const Ogre::String& elementName, std::vector
& names); void LoadRenderTextureMaterials ( const TiXmlElement* childElement, std::vector
& materials ); Ogre::ShadowCameraSetup* ParseShadowCameraSetup(const Ogre::String& type, Ogre::Plane optimalPlane); protected: LoadOptions loadOptions; OgreMaxRenderWindowIterator* renderWindows; Ogre::SceneManager* sceneManager; Ogre::SceneNode* rootNode; OgreMaxSceneCallback* callback; Ogre::String defaultResourceGroupName; Ogre::String baseResourceLocation; bool loadedFromFileSystem; Types::ObjectExtraData sceneExtraData; Version formatVersion; Version minOgreVersion; Ogre::String author; Types::UpAxis upAxis; Ogre::Real unitsPerMeter; Ogre::String unitType; Types::ObjectExtraData terrainExtraData; Types::ObjectExtraData skyBoxExtraData; Types::ObjectExtraData skyDomeExtraData; Types::ObjectExtraData skyPlaneExtraData; ExternalItemList externalItems; Ogre::ColourValue backgroundColor; Ogre::Real environmentNear; Ogre::Real environmentFar; Types::FogParameters fogParameters; Ogre::MovablePlane* shadowOptimalPlane; /** Movable planes that were created when loading Ogre plane objects */ typedef std::map
MovablePlanesMap; MovablePlanesMap movablePlanes; /** The objects that were explicitly loaded from the scene file */ std::map
loadedObjects; /** Tracks scene loading progress. */ class LoadSceneProgressCalculator : public ProgressCalculator { public: LoadSceneProgressCalculator() { this->nodes = AddCalculator("nodes"); this->externals = AddCalculator("externals"); } public: //Child calculators ProgressCalculator* nodes; ProgressCalculator* externals; }; LoadSceneProgressCalculator loadProgress; /** Look target information, encountered during the loading of a scene */ typedef std::list
LookTargetList; LookTargetList lookTargets; /** Track target information, encountered during the loading of a scene */ typedef std::list
TrackTargetList; TrackTargetList trackTargets; /** The created animation states */ AnimationStates animationStates; /** * A lookup table for all the ObjectExtraData created for each object * This will be destroyed when the OgreMaxScene is destroyed, so if you * would like to keep this data, it should be 'stolen' by calling * GetAllObjectExtraData(), copying the values, then clearing the values * that are contained in the OgreMaxScene */ ObjectExtraDataMap allObjectExtraData; /** * A lookup table for all the ObjectExtraData created for each object */ NodeObjectExtraDataMap allNodeObjectExtraData; /** * A lookup table for all the models that have been loaded */ ModelMap modelMap; /** * The index into the first unused element in loadedRenderTextures * Used during the loading process */ size_t currentRenderTextureIndex; /** All the render textures */ std::vector
loadedRenderTextures; /** * All the render textures, keyed by the corresponding render targets * The pointers reference the entries in loadedRenderTextures */ typedef std::map
RenderTargetMap; RenderTargetMap renderTargets; /** The query flag aliases */ Types::FlagAliases queryFlags; /** The visibility flag aliases */ Types::FlagAliases visibilityFlags; /** The active scheme, saved before a render texture update and restored after */ Ogre::String previousActiveScheme; //Various name prefixes Ogre::String objectNamePrefix; Ogre::String nodeNamePrefix; Ogre::String nodeAnimationNamePrefix; /** Loaded resource locations */ ResourceLocations resourceLocations; }; /** A interface that receives notifications during the loading of the scene */ class OgreMaxSceneCallback { public: virtual ~OgreMaxSceneCallback() {} /** Called before a scene is to be loaded. */ virtual void StartedLoad(const OgreMaxScene* scene) {} virtual void CreatedSceneManager(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::SceneManager* sceneManager) {} virtual void CreatedExternal(const OgreMaxScene* scene, const OgreMax::Types::ExternalItem& item) {} virtual void LoadingResourceLocations(const OgreMaxScene* scene) {} virtual void LoadedResourceLocations(const OgreMaxScene* scene, const OgreMaxScene::ResourceLocations& resourceLocations) {} //Resource-based callbacks, called before a resource is created //The main purpose of these callbacks is to get the resource group name for the //resource being loaded, though other parameters may be modified as well virtual void LoadingRenderTexture(const OgreMaxScene* scene, OgreMax::Types::RenderTextureParameters& renderTextureParameters) {} virtual void LoadingSceneFile(const OgreMaxScene* scene, const Ogre::String& fileName, Ogre::String& resourceGroupName) {} virtual void LoadingSkyBox(const OgreMaxScene* scene, OgreMax::Types::SkyBoxParameters& skyBoxParameters) {} virtual void LoadingSkyDome(const OgreMaxScene* scene, OgreMax::Types::SkyDomeParameters& skyDomeParameters) {} virtual void LoadingSkyPlane(const OgreMaxScene* scene, OgreMax::Types::SkyPlaneParameters& skyPlaneParameters) {} virtual void LoadingEntity(const OgreMaxScene* scene, OgreMax::Types::EntityParameters& parameters) {} virtual void LoadingPlane(const OgreMaxScene* scene, OgreMax::Types::PlaneParameters& parameters) {} /** * Called right before an Ogre animation is created. The parameters may be modified. * In particular modifying the length is useful in cases where there are multiple node animation * tracks on the animation, each of which starts and ends at different times. */ virtual void LoadingNodeAnimation(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Types::NodeAnimationParameters& parameters) {} //MovableObject-creation callbacks, called after an object has been created //These are called after the object was attached to its parent node, if there is a parent node virtual void CreatedLight(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::Light* light) {CreatedMovableObject(scene, light);} virtual void CreatedCamera(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::Camera* camera) {CreatedMovableObject(scene, camera);} virtual void CreatedMesh(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::Mesh* mesh) {} virtual void CreatedEntity(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::Entity* entity) {CreatedMovableObject(scene, entity);} virtual void CreatedParticleSystem(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::ParticleSystem* particleSystem) {CreatedMovableObject(scene, particleSystem);} virtual void CreatedBillboardSet(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::BillboardSet* billboardSet) {CreatedMovableObject(scene, billboardSet);} virtual void CreatedPlane(const OgreMaxScene* scene, const Ogre::Plane& plane, Ogre::Entity* entity) {CreatedMovableObject(scene, entity);} virtual void CreatedMovableObject(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::MovableObject* object) {} virtual void CreatedNodeAnimation(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::SceneNode* Node, Ogre::Animation* animation) {} virtual void CreatedNodeAnimationTrack(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::SceneNode* node, Ogre::AnimationTrack* animationTrack, bool enabled, bool looping) {} virtual void CreatedNodeAnimationState(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::SceneNode* node, Ogre::AnimationState* animationState) {} //Render texture creation callbacks virtual Ogre::Camera* GetRenderTextureCamera(const OgreMaxScene* scene, const OgreMax::Types::RenderTextureParameters& renderTextureParameters) {return 0;} virtual void CreatedRenderTexture(const OgreMaxScene* scene, const OgreMax::Types::LoadedRenderTexture* renderTexture) {} /** Called after a node is created, but before its entities or any child nodes have been created */ virtual void StartedCreatingNode(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::SceneNode* node) {} /** Called after the node and all its entities and child nodes have been created */ virtual void FinishedCreatingNode(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::SceneNode* node) {} virtual void CreatedTerrain(const OgreMaxScene* scene, const Ogre::String& dataFile) {} virtual void HandleObjectExtraData(Types::ObjectExtraDataPtr objectExtraData) {} //Progress callback virtual void UpdatedLoadProgress(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Ogre::Real progress) {} /** * Called after a scene is loaded. * @param scene [in] - The scene that was loaded * @param success [in] - Indicates whether the scene was successfully loaded. False * indicates an error occurred. */ virtual void FinishedLoad(const OgreMaxScene* scene, bool success) {} /** * Notifies the caller that shadow textures are about to be created * @param scene [in] - The scene that was loaded * @param parameters [in/out] - The shadow parameters that are in effect. Any of the texture-related * parameters can be modified. The most typical one to be modified is the texture pixel format. */ virtual void CreatingShadowTextures(const OgreMaxScene* scene, Types::ShadowParameters& shadowParameters) {} }; } #endif
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