Folder Synchronization among Local & Remote, Multiple PCs and Multiple Users

DriveHQ FileManager has very powerful folder synchronization features. It can synchronize local and remote folders, folders on multiple PCs and folders belong to multiple users. Folder Synchronization makes a local folder and a remote folder have exactly the same files and sub-folders.

DriveHQ FileManager supports real-time and scheduled synchronization; it also supports one-way or two-way synchronization. While the feature is very powerful and useful, please make sure you fully understand how it works as otherwise it can accidentally over-write your files or delete your files.

Folder Synchronization could be used as automatic backup; however it is not as safe as using DriveHQ Online Backup. E.g., it doesn't keep multiple versions; so you cannot restore an older version file. also, if you delete/modify a local file, the remote file is also deleted / modified. This can cause accidental deletion / over-write of your files. DriveHQ FileManager is designed to be used on a daily basis like Windows Explorer. You must logon Windows to use DriveHQ FileManager. On the other hand, DriveHQ Online backup can protect your data even when nobody is logged on Windows operating system.

  1. Create a New Synchronization Task

  2. Edit a Synchronization Task

  3. Folder Synchronization among multiple PCs and Multiple DriveHQ users

  1. Create a New Synchronization Task
  2. Edit a Synchronization Task
  3. Click on "Tools" --> "Manage synchronization", the "Manage Folder Synchronization" screen shows up, you can Disable/Enable, manual synchronize, edit or delete the Synchronize task, as shown below:

  4. Folder Synchronization among multiple PCs and Multiple DriveHQ users
  5. You can install DriveHQ FileManager on multiple PCs; On each PC, you can synchronize a local folder with the same remote folder. This will synchronize the folders on all PCs.

    To synchronize folders among multiple DriveHQ users, e.g., if userA wants to synchronize two folders: FolderA of UserA and FolderB of UserB, then UserB must share FolderB to UserA (usually with Full-Access right). When UserA logs on DriveHQ FileManager, he can see FolderB in "\DriveHQ Share\UserB\FolderB". He can synchronize the shared folder with his local folder.
