Share Folders Online

Using DriveHQ FileManager, it is extremely easy to share folders / files online. Just logon DriveHQ FileManager, select a folder and click on the Share button.

  1. Navigate through the shares you have created

  2. Share a remote folder

  3. Share a local folder

  4. Edit a share

  5. Delete a share

  6. Access a share

  1. Navigate through the shares you have created
  2. Share a remote folder
  3. Share a local folder
  4. Edit a share
  5. Delete a share
  6. Access a share
  7. After you have shared a folder using DriveHQ FileManager, the folder can be accessed by the "Share-to" users online. Whether you share a folder using DriveHQ FileManager or website, the result is completely the same. You can share a folder using DriveHQ FileManager or website; you can also access a shared folder using DriveHQ FileManager or website. There is no difference, except using DriveHQ FileManager is more efficient in uploading / downloading files / folders. Using website is more convenient if you (or a non-DriveHQ member) don’t have DriveHQ FileManager installed.

    Accessing a shared folder online using website is covered in "Using DriveHQ Web --> Share --> How to access folders shared by other users?" section within the DriveHQ Online Help. In this section, it only covers accessing shared folders using DriveHQ FileManager.

    If another DriveHQ user shares a folder to you, he / she usually sends a "Share notification email", which has the detailed instructions about how to access the shared folder, e.g. a typical share notification email includes the following info:

    There are three ways to access these files:

    1. If you are a DriveHQ member, please log on to your account and access these files in the DriveHQShare folder.
    2. If you are not a DriveHQ member yet, I recommend you to sign up now using this e-mail address. My files will automatically appear in your "DriveHQ Share" Folder.
    3. You can also access these files through the following link; you will have read-only access.

    The Share Key: 7338973/tt0255iw8pwp

    Please install DriveHQ FileManager to download all files. It works like Windows Explorer or FTP, supports drag-n-drop.

    It can download / upload any size files reliably. Please download it at:

    Using DriveHQ FileManager to access a shared folder, you must have a DriveHQ account. If you are not a DriveHQ member, you can sign up a DriveHQ account using the email address that received the share notification email.

    If your DriveHQ username or your registered email address is in the "Share-to" list when the other user shared the folder, then you can logon DriveHQ FileManager. The folder(s) shared to you is automatically linked to the special virtual folder:


    Dependent on the permission of the share, (which is set by the user who shared the folder to you), you might be able to access the folder with "Read-only", "Add / Upload" or "Full Access" right, etc.

    As an example, user FreeDrivehq shared a folder My Documents to user SubFreeDrivehq with full-access right. FreeDrivehq also shared GroupRead to the whole group with Read-only access; GroupWrite with full-acess right. The screenshot below shows when the user SubFreeDrivehq logs on his own account, he can see the shared folders in the virtual folder:

    \DriveHQ Share\FreeDrivehq\

    In the above screen, since the folder My Documents was shared with full-access right, he can right click on a blank area to create files / folders in it. He can also drag and drop files / folders into this shared folder. If the folder is shared with read-only access, then the menu item "New" will be disabled and you cannot upload files into the shared folder.
