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/************************************************************************* * * * Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Russell L. Smith. * * All rights reserved. Email: Web: * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of EITHER: * * (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at * * your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser * * General Public License is included with this library in the * * file LICENSE.TXT. * * (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in * * the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files * * LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. * * * *************************************************************************/ /* this is the old C++ interface, the new C++ interface is not quite * compatible with this. but this file is kept around in case you were * using the old interface. */ #ifndef _ODE_ODECPP_H_ #define _ODE_ODECPP_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus #include
class dWorld { dWorldID _id; dWorld (dWorld &) { dDebug (0,"bad"); } void operator= (dWorld &) { dDebug (0,"bad"); } public: dWorld() { _id = dWorldCreate(); } ~dWorld() { dWorldDestroy (_id); } dWorldID id() { return _id; } void setGravity (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) { dWorldSetGravity (_id,x,y,z); } void getGravity (dVector3 g) { dWorldGetGravity (_id,g); } void step (dReal stepsize) { dWorldStep (_id,stepsize); } }; class dBody { dBodyID _id; dBody (dBody &) { dDebug (0,"bad"); } void operator= (dBody &) { dDebug (0,"bad"); } public: dBody() { _id = 0; } dBody (dWorld &world) { _id = dBodyCreate (; } ~dBody() { dBodyDestroy (_id); } void create (dWorld &world) { if (_id) dBodyDestroy (_id); _id = dBodyCreate (; } dBodyID id() { return _id; } void setData (void *data) { dBodySetData (_id,data); } void *getData() { return dBodyGetData (_id); } void setPosition (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) { dBodySetPosition (_id,x,y,z); } void setRotation (const dMatrix3 R) { dBodySetRotation (_id,R); } void setQuaternion (const dQuaternion q) { dBodySetQuaternion (_id,q); } void setLinearVel (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) { dBodySetLinearVel (_id,x,y,z); } void setAngularVel (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) { dBodySetAngularVel (_id,x,y,z); } const dReal * getPosition() { return dBodyGetPosition (_id); } const dReal * getRotation() { return dBodyGetRotation (_id); } const dReal * getQuaternion() { return dBodyGetQuaternion (_id); } const dReal * getLinearVel() { return dBodyGetLinearVel (_id); } const dReal * getAngularVel() { return dBodyGetAngularVel (_id); } void setMass (const dMass *mass) { dBodySetMass (_id,mass); } void getMass (dMass *mass) { dBodyGetMass (_id,mass); } void addForce (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz) { dBodyAddForce (_id, fx, fy, fz); } void addTorque (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz) { dBodyAddTorque (_id, fx, fy, fz); } void addRelForce (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz) { dBodyAddRelForce (_id, fx, fy, fz); } void addRelTorque (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz) { dBodyAddRelTorque (_id, fx, fy, fz); } void addForceAtPos (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz) { dBodyAddForceAtPos (_id, fx, fy, fz, px, py, pz); } void addRelForceAtPos (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz) { dBodyAddRelForceAtPos (_id, fx, fy, fz, px, py, pz); } void addRelForceAtRelPos (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz) { dBodyAddRelForceAtRelPos (_id, fx, fy, fz, px, py, pz); } void getRelPointPos (dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result) { dBodyGetRelPointPos (_id, px, py, pz, result); } void getRelPointVel (dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result) { dBodyGetRelPointVel (_id, px, py, pz, result); } int isConnectedTo (const dBody &b) { return dAreConnected (_id,b._id); } }; class dJointGroup { dJointGroupID _id; dJointGroup (dJointGroup &) { dDebug (0,"bad"); } void operator= (dJointGroup &) { dDebug (0,"bad"); } public: dJointGroup() { _id = 0; } dJointGroup (int max_size) { _id = dJointGroupCreate (max_size); } ~dJointGroup() { dJointGroupDestroy (_id); } void create (int max_size) { if (_id) dJointGroupDestroy (_id); _id = dJointGroupCreate (max_size); } dJointGroupID id() { return _id; } void empty() { dJointGroupEmpty (_id); } }; class dJoint { dJointID _id; dJoint (dJoint &) { dDebug (0,"bad"); } void operator= (dJoint &) { dDebug (0,"bad"); } public: dJoint() { _id = 0; } ~dJoint() { dJointDestroy (_id); } dJointID id() { return _id; } void createBall (dWorld &world, dJointGroup *group=0) { if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id); _id = dJointCreateBall (, group ? group->id() : 0); } void createHinge (dWorld &world, dJointGroup *group=0) { if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id); _id = dJointCreateHinge (, group ? group->id() : 0); } void createSlider (dWorld &world, dJointGroup *group=0) { if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id); _id = dJointCreateSlider (, group ? group->id() : 0); } void createContact (dWorld &world, dJointGroup *group, dContact *contact) { if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id); _id = dJointCreateContact (, group ? group->id() : 0, contact); } void attach (dBody &body1, dBody &body2) { dJointAttach (_id,,; } void setBallAnchor (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) { dJointSetBallAnchor (_id, x, y, z); } void setHingeAnchor (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) { dJointSetHingeAnchor (_id, x, y, z); } void setHingeAxis (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) { dJointSetHingeAxis (_id, x, y, z); } void setSliderAxis (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) { dJointSetSliderAxis (_id, x, y, z); } void getBallAnchor (dVector3 result) { dJointGetBallAnchor (_id, result); } void getHingeAnchor (dVector3 result) { dJointGetHingeAnchor (_id, result); } void getHingeAxis (dVector3 result) { dJointGetHingeAxis (_id, result); } void getSliderAxis (dVector3 result) { dJointGetSliderAxis (_id, result); } }; class dSpace { dSpaceID _id; dSpace (dSpace &) { dDebug (0,"bad"); } void operator= (dSpace &) { dDebug (0,"bad"); } public: dSpace () { _id = dHashSpaceCreate(); } ~dSpace() { dSpaceDestroy (_id); } dSpaceID id() { return _id; } void collide (void *data, dNearCallback *callback) { dSpaceCollide (_id,data,callback); } }; class dGeom { dGeomID _id; dGeom (dGeom &) { dDebug (0,"bad"); } void operator= (dGeom &) { dDebug (0,"bad"); } public: dGeom() { _id = 0; } ~dGeom() { dGeomDestroy (_id); } dGeomID id() { return _id; } void createSphere (dSpace &space, dReal radius) { if (_id) dGeomDestroy (_id); _id = dCreateSphere (,radius); } void createBox (dSpace &space, dReal lx, dReal ly, dReal lz) { if (_id) dGeomDestroy (_id); _id = dCreateBox (,lx,ly,lz); } void createPlane (dSpace &space, dReal a, dReal b, dReal c, dReal d) { if (_id) dGeomDestroy (_id); _id = dCreatePlane (,a,b,c,d); } void createCCylinder (dSpace &space, dReal radius, dReal length) { if (_id) dGeomDestroy (_id); _id = dCreateCCylinder (,radius,length); } void destroy() { if (_id) dGeomDestroy (_id); _id = 0; } int getClass() { return dGeomGetClass (_id); } dReal sphereGetRadius() { return dGeomSphereGetRadius (_id); } void boxGetLengths (dVector3 result) { dGeomBoxGetLengths (_id,result); } void planeGetParams (dVector4 result) { dGeomPlaneGetParams (_id,result); } void CCylinderGetParams (dReal *radius, dReal *length) { dGeomCCylinderGetParams (_id,radius,length); } void setData (void *data) { dGeomSetData (_id,data); } void *getData() { return dGeomGetData (_id); } void setBody (dBody &b) { dGeomSetBody (_id,; } void setBody (dBodyID b) { dGeomSetBody (_id,b); } dBodyID getBody() { return dGeomGetBody (_id); } void setPosition (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) { dGeomSetPosition (_id,x,y,z); } void setRotation (const dMatrix3 R) { dGeomSetRotation (_id,R); } const dReal * getPosition() { return dGeomGetPosition (_id); } const dReal * getRotation() { return dGeomGetRotation (_id); } }; #endif #endif
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