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/************************************************************************* * * * Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Russell L. Smith. * * All rights reserved. Email: Web: * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of EITHER: * * (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at * * your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser * * General Public License is included with this library in the * * file LICENSE.TXT. * * (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in * * the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files * * LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. * * * *************************************************************************/ /* C++ interface for new collision API */ #ifndef _ODE_ODECPP_COLLISION_H_ #define _ODE_ODECPP_COLLISION_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus #include
class dGeom { // intentionally undefined, don't use these dGeom (dGeom &); void operator= (dGeom &); protected: dGeomID _id; public: dGeom() { _id = 0; } ~dGeom() { if (_id) dGeomDestroy (_id); } dGeomID id() const { return _id; } operator dGeomID() const { return _id; } void destroy() { if (_id) dGeomDestroy (_id); _id = 0; } int getClass() const { return dGeomGetClass (_id); } dSpaceID getSpace() const { return dGeomGetSpace (_id); } void setData (void *data) { dGeomSetData (_id,data); } void *getData() const { return dGeomGetData (_id); } void setBody (dBodyID b) { dGeomSetBody (_id,b); } dBodyID getBody() const { return dGeomGetBody (_id); } void setPosition (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) { dGeomSetPosition (_id,x,y,z); } const dReal * getPosition() const { return dGeomGetPosition (_id); } void setRotation (const dMatrix3 R) { dGeomSetRotation (_id,R); } const dReal * getRotation() const { return dGeomGetRotation (_id); } void setQuaternion (const dQuaternion quat) { dGeomSetQuaternion (_id,quat); } void getQuaternion (dQuaternion quat) const { dGeomGetQuaternion (_id,quat); } void getAABB (dReal aabb[6]) const { dGeomGetAABB (_id, aabb); } int isSpace() { return dGeomIsSpace (_id); } void setCategoryBits (unsigned long bits) { dGeomSetCategoryBits (_id, bits); } void setCollideBits (unsigned long bits) { dGeomSetCollideBits (_id, bits); } unsigned long getCategoryBits() { return dGeomGetCategoryBits (_id); } unsigned long getCollideBits() { return dGeomGetCollideBits (_id); } void enable() { dGeomEnable (_id); } void disable() { dGeomDisable (_id); } int isEnabled() { return dGeomIsEnabled (_id); } void collide2 (dGeomID g, void *data, dNearCallback *callback) { dSpaceCollide2 (_id,g,data,callback); } }; class dSpace : public dGeom { // intentionally undefined, don't use these dSpace (dSpace &); void operator= (dSpace &); protected: // the default constructor is protected so that you // can't instance this class. you must instance one // of its subclasses instead. dSpace () { _id = 0; } public: dSpaceID id() const { return (dSpaceID) _id; } operator dSpaceID() const { return (dSpaceID) _id; } void setCleanup (int mode) { dSpaceSetCleanup (id(), mode); } int getCleanup() { return dSpaceGetCleanup (id()); } void add (dGeomID x) { dSpaceAdd (id(), x); } void remove (dGeomID x) { dSpaceRemove (id(), x); } int query (dGeomID x) { return dSpaceQuery (id(),x); } int getNumGeoms() { return dSpaceGetNumGeoms (id()); } dGeomID getGeom (int i) { return dSpaceGetGeom (id(),i); } void collide (void *data, dNearCallback *callback) { dSpaceCollide (id(),data,callback); } }; class dSimpleSpace : public dSpace { // intentionally undefined, don't use these dSimpleSpace (dSimpleSpace &); void operator= (dSimpleSpace &); public: dSimpleSpace (dSpaceID space) { _id = (dGeomID) dSimpleSpaceCreate (space); } }; class dHashSpace : public dSpace { // intentionally undefined, don't use these dHashSpace (dHashSpace &); void operator= (dHashSpace &); public: dHashSpace (dSpaceID space) { _id = (dGeomID) dHashSpaceCreate (space); } void setLevels (int minlevel, int maxlevel) { dHashSpaceSetLevels (id(),minlevel,maxlevel); } }; class dQuadTreeSpace : public dSpace { // intentionally undefined, don't use these dQuadTreeSpace (dQuadTreeSpace &); void operator= (dQuadTreeSpace &); public: dQuadTreeSpace (dSpaceID space, dVector3 center, dVector3 extents, int depth) { _id = (dGeomID) dQuadTreeSpaceCreate (space,center,extents,depth); } }; class dSphere : public dGeom { // intentionally undefined, don't use these dSphere (dSphere &); void operator= (dSphere &); public: dSphere () { } dSphere (dSpaceID space, dReal radius) { _id = dCreateSphere (space, radius); } void create (dSpaceID space, dReal radius) { if (_id) dGeomDestroy (_id); _id = dCreateSphere (space, radius); } void setRadius (dReal radius) { dGeomSphereSetRadius (_id, radius); } dReal getRadius() const { return dGeomSphereGetRadius (_id); } }; class dBox : public dGeom { // intentionally undefined, don't use these dBox (dBox &); void operator= (dBox &); public: dBox () { } dBox (dSpaceID space, dReal lx, dReal ly, dReal lz) { _id = dCreateBox (space,lx,ly,lz); } void create (dSpaceID space, dReal lx, dReal ly, dReal lz) { if (_id) dGeomDestroy (_id); _id = dCreateBox (space,lx,ly,lz); } void setLengths (dReal lx, dReal ly, dReal lz) { dGeomBoxSetLengths (_id, lx, ly, lz); } void getLengths (dVector3 result) const { dGeomBoxGetLengths (_id,result); } }; class dPlane : public dGeom { // intentionally undefined, don't use these dPlane (dPlane &); void operator= (dPlane &); public: dPlane() { } dPlane (dSpaceID space, dReal a, dReal b, dReal c, dReal d) { _id = dCreatePlane (space,a,b,c,d); } void create (dSpaceID space, dReal a, dReal b, dReal c, dReal d) { if (_id) dGeomDestroy (_id); _id = dCreatePlane (space,a,b,c,d); } void setParams (dReal a, dReal b, dReal c, dReal d) { dGeomPlaneSetParams (_id, a, b, c, d); } void getParams (dVector4 result) const { dGeomPlaneGetParams (_id,result); } }; class dCapsule : public dGeom { // intentionally undefined, don't use these dCapsule (dCapsule &); void operator= (dCapsule &); public: dCapsule() { } dCapsule (dSpaceID space, dReal radius, dReal length) { _id = dCreateCapsule (space,radius,length); } void create (dSpaceID space, dReal radius, dReal length) { if (_id) dGeomDestroy (_id); _id = dCreateCapsule (space,radius,length); } void setParams (dReal radius, dReal length) { dGeomCapsuleSetParams (_id, radius, length); } void getParams (dReal *radius, dReal *length) const { dGeomCapsuleGetParams (_id,radius,length); } }; class dRay : public dGeom { // intentionally undefined, don't use these dRay (dRay &); void operator= (dRay &); public: dRay() { } dRay (dSpaceID space, dReal length) { _id = dCreateRay (space,length); } void create (dSpaceID space, dReal length) { if (_id) dGeomDestroy (_id); _id = dCreateRay (space,length); } void setLength (dReal length) { dGeomRaySetLength (_id, length); } dReal getLength() { return dGeomRayGetLength (_id); } void set (dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dReal dx, dReal dy, dReal dz) { dGeomRaySet (_id, px, py, pz, dx, dy, dz); } void get (dVector3 start, dVector3 dir) { dGeomRayGet (_id, start, dir); } void setParams (int firstContact, int backfaceCull) { dGeomRaySetParams (_id, firstContact, backfaceCull); } void getParams (int *firstContact, int *backfaceCull) { dGeomRayGetParams (_id, firstContact, backfaceCull); } void setClosestHit (int closestHit) { dGeomRaySetClosestHit (_id, closestHit); } int getClosestHit() { return dGeomRayGetClosestHit (_id); } }; class dGeomTransform : public dGeom { // intentionally undefined, don't use these dGeomTransform (dGeomTransform &); void operator= (dGeomTransform &); public: dGeomTransform() { } dGeomTransform (dSpaceID space) { _id = dCreateGeomTransform (space); } void create (dSpaceID space=0) { if (_id) dGeomDestroy (_id); _id = dCreateGeomTransform (space); } void setGeom (dGeomID geom) { dGeomTransformSetGeom (_id, geom); } dGeomID getGeom() const { return dGeomTransformGetGeom (_id); } void setCleanup (int mode) { dGeomTransformSetCleanup (_id,mode); } int getCleanup () { return dGeomTransformGetCleanup (_id); } void setInfo (int mode) { dGeomTransformSetInfo (_id,mode); } int getInfo() { return dGeomTransformGetInfo (_id); } }; #endif #endif
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