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/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2004 Open Dynamics Framework Group All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the Open Dynamics Framework Group nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INTEL OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include
#include "NXU_hull.h" #define STANDALONE 1 // This #define is used when tranferring this source code to other projects #if STANDALONE #undef NX_ALLOC #undef NX_FREE #define NX_ALLOC(x,y) malloc(x) #define NX_FREE(x) free(x) #else #include "Allocateable.h" #endif #ifdef HULL_NAMESPACE namespace HULL_NAMESPACE { #endif //***************************************************** //*** DARRAY.H //***************************************************** template
class ArrayRet; template
class Array { public: Array(int s=0); Array(Array
&array); Array(ArrayRet
&array); ~Array(); void allocate(int s); void SetSize(int s); void Pack(); Type& Add(Type); void AddUnique(Type); int Contains(Type); void Insert(Type,int); int IndexOf(Type); void Remove(Type); void DelIndex(int i); Type * element; int count; int array_size; const Type &operator[](int i) const { assert(i>=0 && i
=0 && i
&array); Array
&array); // operator ArrayRet
&() { return *(ArrayRet
*)this;} // this worked but i suspect could be dangerous }; template
class ArrayRet:public Array
{ }; template
::Array(int s) { count=0; array_size = 0; element = NULL; if(s) { allocate(s); } } template
&array) { count=0; array_size = 0; element = NULL; for(int i=0;i
&array) { *this = array; } template
&array) { count=array.count; array_size = array.array_size; element = array.element; array.element=NULL; array.count=0; array.array_size=0; return *this; } template
&array) { count=0; for(int i=0;i
::~Array() { if (element != NULL) { NX_FREE(element); } count=0;array_size=0;element=NULL; } template
void Array
::allocate(int s) { assert(s>0); assert(s>=count); Type *old = element; array_size =s; element = (Type *) NX_ALLOC( sizeof(Type)*array_size, CONVEX_TEMP ); assert(element); for(int i=0;i
void Array
::SetSize(int s) { if(s==0) { if(element) { NX_FREE(element); element = NULL; } array_size = s; } else { allocate(s); } count=s; } template
void Array
::Pack() { allocate(count); } template
Type& Array
::Add(Type t) { assert(count<=array_size); if(count==array_size) { allocate((array_size)?array_size *2:16); } element[count++] = t; return element[count-1]; } template
int Array
::Contains(Type t) { int i; int found=0; for(i=0;i
void Array
::AddUnique(Type t) { if(!Contains(t)) Add(t); } template
void Array
::DelIndex(int i) { assert(i
void Array
::Remove(Type t) { int i; for(i=0;i
void Array
::Insert(Type t,int k) { int i=count; Add(t); // to allocate space while(i>k) { element[i]=element[i-1]; i--; } assert(i==k); element[k]=t; } template
int Array
::IndexOf(Type t) { int i; for(i=0;i
Member )))- ((char*)NULL)) int argmin(float a[],int n); float sqr(float a); float clampf(float a) ; float Round(float a,float precision); float Interpolate(const float &f0,const float &f1,float alpha) ; template
void Swap(T &a,T &b) { T tmp = a; a=b; b=tmp; } template
T Max(const T &a,const T &b) { return (a>b)?a:b; } template
T Min(const T &a,const T &b) { return (a
=0&&i<2);return ((float*)this)[i];} const float& operator[](int i) const {assert(i>=0&&i<2);return ((float*)this)[i];} }; inline float2 operator-( const float2& a, const float2& b ){return float2(a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y);} inline float2 operator+( const float2& a, const float2& b ){return float2(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y);} //--------- 3D --------- class float3 // 3D { public: float x,y,z; float3(){x=0;y=0;z=0;}; float3(float _x,float _y,float _z){x=_x;y=_y;z=_z;}; //operator float *() { return &x;}; float& operator[](int i) {assert(i>=0&&i<3);return ((float*)this)[i];} const float& operator[](int i) const {assert(i>=0&&i<3);return ((float*)this)[i];} # ifdef PLUGIN_3DSMAX float3(const Point3 &p):x(p.x),y(p.y),z(p.z){} operator Point3(){return *((Point3*)this);} # endif }; float3& operator+=( float3 &a, const float3& b ); float3& operator-=( float3 &a ,const float3& b ); float3& operator*=( float3 &v ,const float s ); float3& operator/=( float3 &v, const float s ); float magnitude( const float3& v ); float3 normalize( const float3& v ); float3 safenormalize(const float3 &v); float3 vabs(const float3 &v); float3 operator+( const float3& a, const float3& b ); float3 operator-( const float3& a, const float3& b ); float3 operator-( const float3& v ); float3 operator*( const float3& v, const float s ); float3 operator*( const float s, const float3& v ); float3 operator/( const float3& v, const float s ); inline int operator==( const float3 &a, const float3 &b ) { return (a.x==b.x && a.y==b.y && a.z==b.z); } inline int operator!=( const float3 &a, const float3 &b ) { return (a.x!=b.x || a.y!=b.y || a.z!=b.z); } // due to ambiguity and inconsistent standards ther are no overloaded operators for mult such as va*vb. float dot( const float3& a, const float3& b ); float3 cmul( const float3 &a, const float3 &b); float3 cross( const float3& a, const float3& b ); float3 Interpolate(const float3 &v0,const float3 &v1,float alpha); float3 Round(const float3& a,float precision); float3 VectorMax(const float3 &a, const float3 &b); float3 VectorMin(const float3 &a, const float3 &b); class float3x3 { public: float3 x,y,z; // the 3 rows of the Matrix float3x3(){} float3x3(float xx,float xy,float xz,float yx,float yy,float yz,float zx,float zy,float zz):x(xx,xy,xz),y(yx,yy,yz),z(zx,zy,zz){} float3x3(float3 _x,float3 _y,float3 _z):x(_x),y(_y),z(_z){} float3& operator[](int i) {assert(i>=0&&i<3);return (&x)[i];} const float3& operator[](int i) const {assert(i>=0&&i<3);return (&x)[i];} float& operator()(int r, int c) {assert(r>=0&&r<3&&c>=0&&c<3);return ((&x)[r])[c];} const float& operator()(int r, int c) const {assert(r>=0&&r<3&&c>=0&&c<3);return ((&x)[r])[c];} }; float3x3 Transpose( const float3x3& m ); float3 operator*( const float3& v , const float3x3& m ); float3 operator*( const float3x3& m , const float3& v ); float3x3 operator*( const float3x3& m , const float& s ); float3x3 operator*( const float3x3& ma, const float3x3& mb ); float3x3 operator/( const float3x3& a, const float& s ) ; float3x3 operator+( const float3x3& a, const float3x3& b ); float3x3 operator-( const float3x3& a, const float3x3& b ); float3x3 &operator+=( float3x3& a, const float3x3& b ); float3x3 &operator-=( float3x3& a, const float3x3& b ); float3x3 &operator*=( float3x3& a, const float& s ); float Determinant(const float3x3& m ); float3x3 Inverse(const float3x3& a); // its just 3x3 so we simply do that cofactor method //-------- 4D Math -------- class float4 { public: float x,y,z,w; float4(){x=0;y=0;z=0;w=0;}; float4(float _x,float _y,float _z,float _w){x=_x;y=_y;z=_z;w=_w;} float4(const float3 &v,float _w){x=v.x;y=v.y;z=v.z;w=_w;} //operator float *() { return &x;}; float& operator[](int i) {assert(i>=0&&i<4);return ((float*)this)[i];} const float& operator[](int i) const {assert(i>=0&&i<4);return ((float*)this)[i];} const float3& xyz() const { return *((float3*)this);} float3& xyz() { return *((float3*)this);} }; struct D3DXMATRIX; class float4x4 { public: float4 x,y,z,w; // the 4 rows float4x4(){} float4x4(const float4 &_x, const float4 &_y, const float4 &_z, const float4 &_w):x(_x),y(_y),z(_z),w(_w){} float4x4(float m00, float m01, float m02, float m03, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m13, float m20, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m30, float m31, float m32, float m33 ) :x(m00,m01,m02,m03),y(m10,m11,m12,m13),z(m20,m21,m22,m23),w(m30,m31,m32,m33){} float& operator()(int r, int c) {assert(r>=0&&r<4&&c>=0&&c<4);return ((&x)[r])[c];} const float& operator()(int r, int c) const {assert(r>=0&&r<4&&c>=0&&c<4);return ((&x)[r])[c];} operator float* () {return &x.x;} operator const float* () const {return &x.x;} operator struct D3DXMATRIX* () { return (struct D3DXMATRIX*) this;} operator const struct D3DXMATRIX* () const { return (struct D3DXMATRIX*) this;} }; int operator==( const float4 &a, const float4 &b ); float4 Homogenize(const float3 &v3,const float &w=1.0f); // Turns a 3D float3 4D vector4 by appending w float4 cmul( const float4 &a, const float4 &b); float4 operator*( const float4 &v, float s); float4 operator*( float s, const float4 &v); float4 operator+( const float4 &a, const float4 &b); float4 operator-( const float4 &a, const float4 &b); float4x4 operator*( const float4x4& a, const float4x4& b ); float4 operator*( const float4& v, const float4x4& m ); float4x4 Inverse(const float4x4 &m); float4x4 MatrixRigidInverse(const float4x4 &m); float4x4 MatrixTranspose(const float4x4 &m); float4x4 MatrixPerspectiveFov(float fovy, float Aspect, float zn, float zf ); float4x4 MatrixTranslation(const float3 &t); float4x4 MatrixRotationZ(const float angle_radians); float4x4 MatrixLookAt(const float3& eye, const float3& at, const float3& up); int operator==( const float4x4 &a, const float4x4 &b ); //-------- Quaternion ------------ class Quaternion :public float4 { public: Quaternion() { x = y = z = 0.0f; w = 1.0f; } Quaternion( float3 v, float t ) { v = normalize(v); w = cosf(t/2.0f); v = v*sinf(t/2.0f); x = v.x; y = v.y; z = v.z; } Quaternion(float _x, float _y, float _z, float _w){x=_x;y=_y;z=_z;w=_w;} float angle() const { return acosf(w)*2.0f; } float3 axis() const { float3 a(x,y,z); if(fabsf(angle())<0.0000001f) return float3(1,0,0); return a*(1/sinf(angle()/2.0f)); } float3 xdir() const { return float3( 1-2*(y*y+z*z), 2*(x*y+w*z), 2*(x*z-w*y) ); } float3 ydir() const { return float3( 2*(x*y-w*z),1-2*(x*x+z*z), 2*(y*z+w*x) ); } float3 zdir() const { return float3( 2*(x*z+w*y), 2*(y*z-w*x),1-2*(x*x+y*y) ); } float3x3 getmatrix() const { return float3x3( xdir(), ydir(), zdir() ); } operator float3x3() { return getmatrix(); } void Normalize(); }; Quaternion& operator*=(Quaternion& a, float s ); Quaternion operator*( const Quaternion& a, float s ); Quaternion operator*( const Quaternion& a, const Quaternion& b); Quaternion operator+( const Quaternion& a, const Quaternion& b ); Quaternion normalize( Quaternion a ); float dot( const Quaternion &a, const Quaternion &b ); float3 operator*( const Quaternion& q, const float3& v ); float3 operator*( const float3& v, const Quaternion& q ); Quaternion slerp( Quaternion a, const Quaternion& b, float interp ); Quaternion Interpolate(const Quaternion &q0,const Quaternion &q1,float alpha); Quaternion RotationArc(float3 v0, float3 v1 ); // returns quat q where q*v0=v1 Quaternion Inverse(const Quaternion &q); float4x4 MatrixFromQuatVec(const Quaternion &q, const float3 &v); //------ Euler Angle ----- Quaternion YawPitchRoll( float yaw, float pitch, float roll ); float Yaw( const Quaternion& q ); float Pitch( const Quaternion& q ); float Roll( Quaternion q ); float Yaw( const float3& v ); float Pitch( const float3& v ); //------- Plane ---------- class Plane { public: float3 normal; float dist; // distance below origin - the D from plane equasion Ax+By+Cz+D=0 Plane(const float3 &n,float d):normal(n),dist(d){} Plane():normal(),dist(0){} void Transform(const float3 &position, const Quaternion &orientation); }; inline Plane PlaneFlip(const Plane &plane){return Plane(-plane.normal,-plane.dist);} inline int operator==( const Plane &a, const Plane &b ) { return (a.normal==b.normal && a.dist==b.dist); } inline int coplanar( const Plane &a, const Plane &b ) { return (a==b || a==PlaneFlip(b)); } //--------- Utility Functions ------ float3 PlaneLineIntersection(const Plane &plane, const float3 &p0, const float3 &p1); float3 PlaneProject(const Plane &plane, const float3 &point); float3 LineProject(const float3 &p0, const float3 &p1, const float3 &a); // projects a onto infinite line p0p1 float LineProjectTime(const float3 &p0, const float3 &p1, const float3 &a); float3 ThreePlaneIntersection(const Plane &p0,const Plane &p1, const Plane &p2); int PolyHit(const float3 *vert,const int n,const float3 &v0, const float3 &v1, float3 *impact=NULL, float3 *normal=NULL); int BoxInside(const float3 &p,const float3 &bmin, const float3 &bmax) ; int BoxIntersect(const float3 &v0, const float3 &v1, const float3 &bmin, const float3 &bmax, float3 *impact); float DistanceBetweenLines(const float3 &ustart, const float3 &udir, const float3 &vstart, const float3 &vdir, float3 *upoint=NULL, float3 *vpoint=NULL); float3 TriNormal(const float3 &v0, const float3 &v1, const float3 &v2); float3 NormalOf(const float3 *vert, const int n); Quaternion VirtualTrackBall(const float3 &cop, const float3 &cor, const float3 &dir0, const float3 &dir1); //***************************************************** // ** VECMATH.CPP //***************************************************** float sqr(float a) {return a*a;} float clampf(float a) {return Min(1.0f,Max(0.0f,a));} float Round(float a,float precision) { return floorf(0.5f+a/precision)*precision; } float Interpolate(const float &f0,const float &f1,float alpha) { return f0*(1-alpha) + f1*alpha; } int argmin(float a[],int n) { int r=0; for(int i=1;i
=1.0) { return a; } float theta = acosf(d); if(theta==0.0f) { return(a);} return a*(sinf(theta-interp*theta)/sinf(theta)) + b*(sinf(interp*theta)/sinf(theta)); } Quaternion Interpolate(const Quaternion &q0,const Quaternion &q1,float alpha) { return slerp(q0,q1,alpha); } Quaternion YawPitchRoll( float yaw, float pitch, float roll ) { roll *= DEG2RAD; yaw *= DEG2RAD; pitch *= DEG2RAD; return Quaternion(float3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f),yaw)*Quaternion(float3(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f),pitch)*Quaternion(float3(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f),roll); } float Yaw( const Quaternion& q ) { static float3 v; v=q.ydir(); return (v.y==0.0&&v.x==0.0) ? 0.0f: atan2f(-v.x,v.y)*RAD2DEG; } float Pitch( const Quaternion& q ) { static float3 v; v=q.ydir(); return atan2f(v.z,sqrtf(sqr(v.x)+sqr(v.y)))*RAD2DEG; } float Roll( Quaternion q ) { q = Quaternion(float3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f),-Yaw(q)*DEG2RAD) *q; q = Quaternion(float3(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f),-Pitch(q)*DEG2RAD) *q; return atan2f(-q.xdir().z,q.xdir().x)*RAD2DEG; } float Yaw( const float3& v ) { return (v.y==0.0&&v.x==0.0) ? 0.0f: atan2f(-v.x,v.y)*RAD2DEG; } float Pitch( const float3& v ) { return atan2f(v.z,sqrtf(sqr(v.x)+sqr(v.y)))*RAD2DEG; } //------------- Plane -------------- void Plane::Transform(const float3 &position, const Quaternion &orientation) { // Transforms the plane to the space defined by the // given position/orientation. static float3 newnormal; static float3 origin; newnormal = Inverse(orientation)*normal; origin = Inverse(orientation)*(-normal*dist - position); normal = newnormal; dist = -dot(newnormal, origin); } //--------- utility functions ------------- // RotationArc() // Given two vectors v0 and v1 this function // returns quaternion q where q*v0==v1. // Routine taken from game programming gems. Quaternion RotationArc(float3 v0,float3 v1){ static Quaternion q; v0 = normalize(v0); // Comment these two lines out if you know its not needed. v1 = normalize(v1); // If vector is already unit length then why do it again? float3 c = cross(v0,v1); float d = dot(v0,v1); if(d<=-1.0f) { return Quaternion(1,0,0,0);} // 180 about x axis float s = sqrtf((1+d)*2); q.x = c.x / s; q.y = c.y / s; q.z = c.z / s; q.w = s /2.0f; return q; } float4x4 MatrixFromQuatVec(const Quaternion &q, const float3 &v) { // builds a 4x4 transformation matrix based on orientation q and translation v float qx2 = q.x*q.x; float qy2 = q.y*q.y; float qz2 = q.z*q.z; float qxqy = q.x*q.y; float qxqz = q.x*q.z; float qxqw = q.x*q.w; float qyqz = q.y*q.z; float qyqw = q.y*q.w; float qzqw = q.z*q.w; return float4x4( 1-2*(qy2+qz2), 2*(qxqy+qzqw), 2*(qxqz-qyqw), 0 , 2*(qxqy-qzqw), 1-2*(qx2+qz2), 2*(qyqz+qxqw), 0 , 2*(qxqz+qyqw), 2*(qyqz-qxqw), 1-2*(qx2+qy2), 0 , v.x , v.y , v.z , 1.0f ); } float3 PlaneLineIntersection(const Plane &plane, const float3 &p0, const float3 &p1) { // returns the point where the line p0-p1 intersects the plane n&d static float3 dif; dif = p1-p0; float dn= dot(plane.normal,dif); float t = -(plane.dist+dot(plane.normal,p0) )/dn; return p0 + (dif*t); } float3 PlaneProject(const Plane &plane, const float3 &point) { return point - plane.normal * (dot(point,plane.normal)+plane.dist); } float3 LineProject(const float3 &p0, const float3 &p1, const float3 &a) { float3 w; w = p1-p0; float t= dot(w,(a-p0)) / (sqr(w.x)+sqr(w.y)+sqr(w.z)); return p0+ w*t; } float LineProjectTime(const float3 &p0, const float3 &p1, const float3 &a) { float3 w; w = p1-p0; float t= dot(w,(a-p0)) / (sqr(w.x)+sqr(w.y)+sqr(w.z)); return t; } float3 TriNormal(const float3 &v0, const float3 &v1, const float3 &v2) { // return the normal of the triangle // inscribed by v0, v1, and v2 float3 cp=cross(v1-v0,v2-v1); float m=magnitude(cp); if(m==0) return float3(1,0,0); return cp*(1.0f/m); } int BoxInside(const float3 &p, const float3 &bmin, const float3 &bmax) { return (p.x >= bmin.x && p.x <=bmax.x && p.y >= bmin.y && p.y <=bmax.y && p.z >= bmin.z && p.z <=bmax.z ); } int BoxIntersect(const float3 &v0, const float3 &v1, const float3 &bmin, const float3 &bmax,float3 *impact) { if(BoxInside(v0,bmin,bmax)) { *impact=v0; return 1; } if(v0.x<=bmin.x && v1.x>=bmin.x) { float a = (bmin.x-v0.x)/(v1.x-v0.x); //v.x = bmin.x; float vy = (1-a) *v0.y + a*v1.y; float vz = (1-a) *v0.z + a*v1.z; if(vy>=bmin.y && vy<=bmax.y && vz>=bmin.z && vz<=bmax.z) { impact->x = bmin.x; impact->y = vy; impact->z = vz; return 1; } } else if(v0.x >= bmax.x && v1.x <= bmax.x) { float a = (bmax.x-v0.x)/(v1.x-v0.x); //v.x = bmax.x; float vy = (1-a) *v0.y + a*v1.y; float vz = (1-a) *v0.z + a*v1.z; if(vy>=bmin.y && vy<=bmax.y && vz>=bmin.z && vz<=bmax.z) { impact->x = bmax.x; impact->y = vy; impact->z = vz; return 1; } } if(v0.y<=bmin.y && v1.y>=bmin.y) { float a = (bmin.y-v0.y)/(v1.y-v0.y); float vx = (1-a) *v0.x + a*v1.x; //v.y = bmin.y; float vz = (1-a) *v0.z + a*v1.z; if(vx>=bmin.x && vx<=bmax.x && vz>=bmin.z && vz<=bmax.z) { impact->x = vx; impact->y = bmin.y; impact->z = vz; return 1; } } else if(v0.y >= bmax.y && v1.y <= bmax.y) { float a = (bmax.y-v0.y)/(v1.y-v0.y); float vx = (1-a) *v0.x + a*v1.x; // vy = bmax.y; float vz = (1-a) *v0.z + a*v1.z; if(vx>=bmin.x && vx<=bmax.x && vz>=bmin.z && vz<=bmax.z) { impact->x = vx; impact->y = bmax.y; impact->z = vz; return 1; } } if(v0.z<=bmin.z && v1.z>=bmin.z) { float a = (bmin.z-v0.z)/(v1.z-v0.z); float vx = (1-a) *v0.x + a*v1.x; float vy = (1-a) *v0.y + a*v1.y; // v.z = bmin.z; if(vy>=bmin.y && vy<=bmax.y && vx>=bmin.x && vx<=bmax.x) { impact->x = vx; impact->y = vy; impact->z = bmin.z; return 1; } } else if(v0.z >= bmax.z && v1.z <= bmax.z) { float a = (bmax.z-v0.z)/(v1.z-v0.z); float vx = (1-a) *v0.x + a*v1.x; float vy = (1-a) *v0.y + a*v1.y; // v.z = bmax.z; if(vy>=bmin.y && vy<=bmax.y && vx>=bmin.x && vx<=bmax.x) { impact->x = vx; impact->y = vy; impact->z = bmax.z; return 1; } } return 0; } float DistanceBetweenLines(const float3 &ustart, const float3 &udir, const float3 &vstart, const float3 &vdir, float3 *upoint, float3 *vpoint) { static float3 cp; cp = normalize(cross(udir,vdir)); float distu = -dot(cp,ustart); float distv = -dot(cp,vstart); float dist = (float)fabs(distu-distv); if(upoint) { Plane plane; plane.normal = normalize(cross(vdir,cp)); plane.dist = -dot(plane.normal,vstart); *upoint = PlaneLineIntersection(plane,ustart,ustart+udir); } if(vpoint) { Plane plane; plane.normal = normalize(cross(udir,cp)); plane.dist = -dot(plane.normal,ustart); *vpoint = PlaneLineIntersection(plane,vstart,vstart+vdir); } return dist; } Quaternion VirtualTrackBall(const float3 &cop, const float3 &cor, const float3 &dir1, const float3 &dir2) { // routine taken from game programming gems. // Implement track ball functionality to spin stuf on the screen // cop center of projection // cor center of rotation // dir1 old mouse direction // dir2 new mouse direction // pretend there is a sphere around cor. Then find the points // where dir1 and dir2 intersect that sphere. Find the // rotation that takes the first point to the second. float m; // compute plane float3 nrml = cor - cop; float fudgefactor = 1.0f/(magnitude(nrml) * 0.25f); // since trackball proportional to distance from cop nrml = normalize(nrml); float dist = -dot(nrml,cor); float3 u= PlaneLineIntersection(Plane(nrml,dist),cop,cop+dir1); u=u-cor; u=u*fudgefactor; m= magnitude(u); if(m>1) { u/=m; } else { u=u - (nrml * sqrtf(1-m*m)); } float3 v= PlaneLineIntersection(Plane(nrml,dist),cop,cop+dir2); v=v-cor; v=v*fudgefactor; m= magnitude(v); if(m>1) { v/=m; } else { v=v - (nrml * sqrtf(1-m*m)); } return RotationArc(u,v); } int countpolyhit=0; int PolyHit(const float3 *vert, const int n, const float3 &v0, const float3 &v1, float3 *impact, float3 *normal) { countpolyhit++; int i; float3 nrml(0,0,0); for(i=0;i
0) { return 0; } static float3 the_point; // By using the cached plane distances d0 and d1 // we can optimize the following: // the_point = planelineintersection(nrml,dist,v0,v1); float a = d0/(d0-d1); the_point = v0*(1-a) + v1*a; int inside=1; for(int j=0;inside && j
= 0.0); } if(inside) { if(normal){*normal=nrml;} if(impact){*impact=the_point;} } return inside; } //**************************************************** // HULL.H source code goes here //**************************************************** class PHullResult { public: PHullResult(void) { mVcount = 0; mIndexCount = 0; mFaceCount = 0; mVertices = 0; mIndices = 0; } unsigned int mVcount; unsigned int mIndexCount; unsigned int mFaceCount; float *mVertices; unsigned int *mIndices; }; bool ComputeHull(unsigned int vcount,const float *vertices,PHullResult &result,unsigned int maxverts,float inflate); void ReleaseHull(PHullResult &result); //***************************************************** // HULL.cpp source code goes here //***************************************************** #define REAL3 float3 #define REAL float #define COPLANAR (0) #define UNDER (1) #define OVER (2) #define SPLIT (OVER|UNDER) #define PAPERWIDTH (0.001f) #define VOLUME_EPSILON (1e-20f) float planetestepsilon = PAPERWIDTH; #if STANDALONE class ConvexH #else class ConvexH : public NxFoundation::NxAllocateable #endif { public: class HalfEdge { public: short ea; // the other half of the edge (index into edges list) unsigned char v; // the vertex at the start of this edge (index into vertices list) unsigned char p; // the facet on which this edge lies (index into facets list) HalfEdge(){} HalfEdge(short _ea,unsigned char _v, unsigned char _p):ea(_ea),v(_v),p(_p){} }; Array
vertices; Array
edges; Array
facets; ConvexH(int vertices_size,int edges_size,int facets_size); }; typedef ConvexH::HalfEdge HalfEdge; ConvexH::ConvexH(int vertices_size,int edges_size,int facets_size) :vertices(vertices_size) ,edges(edges_size) ,facets(facets_size) { vertices.count=vertices_size; edges.count = edges_size; facets.count = facets_size; } ConvexH *ConvexHDup(ConvexH *src) { #if STANDALONE ConvexH *dst = new ConvexH(src->vertices.count,src->edges.count,src->facets.count); #else ConvexH *dst = NX_NEW_MEM(ConvexH(src->vertices.count,src->edges.count,src->facets.count), CONVEX_TEMP); #endif memcpy(dst->vertices.element,src->vertices.element,sizeof(float3)*src->vertices.count); memcpy(dst->edges.element,src->edges.element,sizeof(HalfEdge)*src->edges.count); memcpy(dst->facets.element,src->facets.element,sizeof(Plane)*src->facets.count); return dst; } int PlaneTest(const Plane &p, const REAL3 &v) { REAL a = dot(v,p.normal)+p.dist; int flag = (a>planetestepsilon)?OVER:((a<-planetestepsilon)?UNDER:COPLANAR); return flag; } int SplitTest(ConvexH &convex,const Plane &plane) { int flag=0; for(int i=0;i
= convex.edges.count || convex.edges[inext].p != convex.edges[i].p) { inext = estart; } assert(convex.edges[inext].p == convex.edges[i].p); //HalfEdge &edge = convex.edges[i]; int nb = convex.edges[i].ea; assert(nb!=255); if(nb==255 || nb==-1) return 0; assert(nb!=-1); assert(i== convex.edges[nb].ea); } for(i=0;i
= convex.edges.count || convex.edges[i1].p != convex.edges[i].p) { i1 = estart; } int i2 = i1+1; if(i2>= convex.edges.count || convex.edges[i2].p != convex.edges[i].p) { i2 = estart; } if(i==i2) continue; // i sliced tangent to an edge and created 2 meaningless edges REAL3 localnormal = TriNormal(convex.vertices[convex.edges[i ].v], convex.vertices[convex.edges[i1].v], convex.vertices[convex.edges[i2].v]); //assert(dot(localnormal,convex.facets[convex.edges[i].p].normal)>0);//Commented out on Stan Melax' advice if(dot(localnormal,convex.facets[convex.edges[i].p].normal)<=0)return 0; } return 1; } // back to back quads ConvexH *test_btbq() { #if STANDALONE ConvexH *convex = new ConvexH(4,8,2); #else ConvexH *convex = NX_NEW_MEM(ConvexH(4,8,2), CONVEX_TEMP); #endif convex->vertices[0] = REAL3(0,0,0); convex->vertices[1] = REAL3(1,0,0); convex->vertices[2] = REAL3(1,1,0); convex->vertices[3] = REAL3(0,1,0); convex->facets[0] = Plane(REAL3(0,0,1),0); convex->facets[1] = Plane(REAL3(0,0,-1),0); convex->edges[0] = HalfEdge(7,0,0); convex->edges[1] = HalfEdge(6,1,0); convex->edges[2] = HalfEdge(5,2,0); convex->edges[3] = HalfEdge(4,3,0); convex->edges[4] = HalfEdge(3,0,1); convex->edges[5] = HalfEdge(2,3,1); convex->edges[6] = HalfEdge(1,2,1); convex->edges[7] = HalfEdge(0,1,1); AssertIntact(*convex); return convex; } ConvexH *test_cube() { #if STANDALONE ConvexH *convex = new ConvexH(8,24,6); #else ConvexH *convex = NX_NEW_MEM(ConvexH(8,24,6), CONVEX_TEMP); #endif convex->vertices[0] = REAL3(0,0,0); convex->vertices[1] = REAL3(0,0,1); convex->vertices[2] = REAL3(0,1,0); convex->vertices[3] = REAL3(0,1,1); convex->vertices[4] = REAL3(1,0,0); convex->vertices[5] = REAL3(1,0,1); convex->vertices[6] = REAL3(1,1,0); convex->vertices[7] = REAL3(1,1,1); convex->facets[0] = Plane(REAL3(-1,0,0),0); convex->facets[1] = Plane(REAL3(1,0,0),-1); convex->facets[2] = Plane(REAL3(0,-1,0),0); convex->facets[3] = Plane(REAL3(0,1,0),-1); convex->facets[4] = Plane(REAL3(0,0,-1),0); convex->facets[5] = Plane(REAL3(0,0,1),-1); convex->edges[0 ] = HalfEdge(11,0,0); convex->edges[1 ] = HalfEdge(23,1,0); convex->edges[2 ] = HalfEdge(15,3,0); convex->edges[3 ] = HalfEdge(16,2,0); convex->edges[4 ] = HalfEdge(13,6,1); convex->edges[5 ] = HalfEdge(21,7,1); convex->edges[6 ] = HalfEdge( 9,5,1); convex->edges[7 ] = HalfEdge(18,4,1); convex->edges[8 ] = HalfEdge(19,0,2); convex->edges[9 ] = HalfEdge( 6,4,2); convex->edges[10] = HalfEdge(20,5,2); convex->edges[11] = HalfEdge( 0,1,2); convex->edges[12] = HalfEdge(22,3,3); convex->edges[13] = HalfEdge( 4,7,3); convex->edges[14] = HalfEdge(17,6,3); convex->edges[15] = HalfEdge( 2,2,3); convex->edges[16] = HalfEdge( 3,0,4); convex->edges[17] = HalfEdge(14,2,4); convex->edges[18] = HalfEdge( 7,6,4); convex->edges[19] = HalfEdge( 8,4,4); convex->edges[20] = HalfEdge(10,1,5); convex->edges[21] = HalfEdge( 5,5,5); convex->edges[22] = HalfEdge(12,7,5); convex->edges[23] = HalfEdge( 1,3,5); return convex; } ConvexH *ConvexHMakeCube(const REAL3 &bmin, const REAL3 &bmax) { ConvexH *convex = test_cube(); convex->vertices[0] = REAL3(bmin.x,bmin.y,bmin.z); convex->vertices[1] = REAL3(bmin.x,bmin.y,bmax.z); convex->vertices[2] = REAL3(bmin.x,bmax.y,bmin.z); convex->vertices[3] = REAL3(bmin.x,bmax.y,bmax.z); convex->vertices[4] = REAL3(bmax.x,bmin.y,bmin.z); convex->vertices[5] = REAL3(bmax.x,bmin.y,bmax.z); convex->vertices[6] = REAL3(bmax.x,bmax.y,bmin.z); convex->vertices[7] = REAL3(bmax.x,bmax.y,bmax.z); convex->facets[0] = Plane(REAL3(-1,0,0), bmin.x); convex->facets[1] = Plane(REAL3(1,0,0), -bmax.x); convex->facets[2] = Plane(REAL3(0,-1,0), bmin.y); convex->facets[3] = Plane(REAL3(0,1,0), -bmax.y); convex->facets[4] = Plane(REAL3(0,0,-1), bmin.z); convex->facets[5] = Plane(REAL3(0,0,1), -bmax.z); return convex; } ConvexH *ConvexHCrop(ConvexH &convex,const Plane &slice) { int i; int vertcountunder=0; int vertcountover =0; //int edgecountunder=0; //int edgecountover =0; //int planecountunder=0; //int planecountover =0; static Array
vertscoplanar; // existing vertex members of convex that are coplanar vertscoplanar.count=0; static Array
edgesplit; // existing edges that members of convex that cross the splitplane edgesplit.count=0; assert(convex.edges.count<480); EdgeFlag edgeflag[512]; VertFlag vertflag[256]; PlaneFlag planeflag[128]; HalfEdge tmpunderedges[512]; Plane tmpunderplanes[128]; Coplanar coplanaredges[512]; int coplanaredges_num=0; Array
createdverts; // do the side-of-plane tests for(i=0;i
= convex.edges.count || convex.edges[e1].p!=currentplane) { enextface = e1; e1=estart; } HalfEdge &edge0 = convex.edges[e0]; HalfEdge &edge1 = convex.edges[e1]; HalfEdge &edgea = convex.edges[edge0.ea]; planeside |= vertflag[edge0.v].planetest; //if((vertflag[edge0.v].planetest & vertflag[edge1.v].planetest) == COPLANAR) { // assert(ecop==-1); // ecop=e; //} if(vertflag[edge0.v].planetest == OVER && vertflag[edge1.v].planetest == OVER){ // both endpoints over plane edgeflag[e0].undermap = -1; } else if((vertflag[edge0.v].planetest | vertflag[edge1.v].planetest) == UNDER) { // at least one endpoint under, the other coplanar or under edgeflag[e0].undermap = under_edge_count; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].v = vertflag[edge0.v].undermap; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].p = underplanescount; if(edge0.ea < e0) { // connect the neighbors assert(edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap !=-1); tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].ea = edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap; tmpunderedges[edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap].ea = under_edge_count; } under_edge_count++; } else if((vertflag[edge0.v].planetest | vertflag[edge1.v].planetest) == COPLANAR) { // both endpoints coplanar // must check a 3rd point to see if UNDER int e2 = e1+1; if(e2>=convex.edges.count || convex.edges[e2].p!=currentplane) { e2 = estart; } assert(convex.edges[e2].p==currentplane); HalfEdge &edge2 = convex.edges[e2]; if(vertflag[edge2.v].planetest==UNDER) { edgeflag[e0].undermap = under_edge_count; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].v = vertflag[edge0.v].undermap; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].p = underplanescount; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].ea = -1; // make sure this edge is added to the "coplanar" list coplanaredge = under_edge_count; vout = vertflag[edge0.v].undermap; vin = vertflag[edge1.v].undermap; under_edge_count++; } else { edgeflag[e0].undermap = -1; } } else if(vertflag[edge0.v].planetest == UNDER && vertflag[edge1.v].planetest == OVER) { // first is under 2nd is over edgeflag[e0].undermap = under_edge_count; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].v = vertflag[edge0.v].undermap; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].p = underplanescount; if(edge0.ea < e0) { assert(edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap !=-1); // connect the neighbors tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].ea = edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap; tmpunderedges[edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap].ea = under_edge_count; vout = tmpunderedges[edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap].v; } else { Plane &p0 = convex.facets[edge0.p]; Plane &pa = convex.facets[edgea.p]; createdverts.Add(ThreePlaneIntersection(p0,pa,slice)); //createdverts.Add(PlaneProject(slice,PlaneLineIntersection(slice,convex.vertices[edge0.v],convex.vertices[edgea.v]))); //createdverts.Add(PlaneLineIntersection(slice,convex.vertices[edge0.v],convex.vertices[edgea.v])); vout = vertcountunder++; } under_edge_count++; /// hmmm something to think about: i might be able to output this edge regarless of // wheter or not we know v-in yet. ok i;ll try this now: tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].v = vout; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].p = underplanescount; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].ea = -1; coplanaredge = under_edge_count; under_edge_count++; if(vin!=-1) { // we previously processed an edge where we came under // now we know about vout as well // ADD THIS EDGE TO THE LIST OF EDGES THAT NEED NEIGHBOR ON PARTITION PLANE!! } } else if(vertflag[edge0.v].planetest == COPLANAR && vertflag[edge1.v].planetest == OVER) { // first is coplanar 2nd is over edgeflag[e0].undermap = -1; vout = vertflag[edge0.v].undermap; // I hate this but i have to make sure part of this face is UNDER before ouputting this vert int k=estart; assert(edge0.p == currentplane); while(!(planeside&UNDER) && k
= vertcountunderold); // for debugging only #endif } if(vout!=-1) { // we previously processed an edge where we went over // now we know vin too // ADD THIS EDGE TO THE LIST OF EDGES THAT NEED NEIGHBOR ON PARTITION PLANE!! } // output edge tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].v = vin; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].p = underplanescount; edgeflag[e0].undermap = under_edge_count; if(e0>edge0.ea) { assert(edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap !=-1); // connect the neighbors tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].ea = edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap; tmpunderedges[edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap].ea = under_edge_count; } assert(edgeflag[e0].undermap == under_edge_count); under_edge_count++; } else if(vertflag[edge0.v].planetest == OVER && vertflag[edge1.v].planetest == COPLANAR) { // first is over next is coplanar edgeflag[e0].undermap = -1; vin = vertflag[edge1.v].undermap; if (vin==-1) return NULL; if(vout!=-1) { // we previously processed an edge where we came under // now we know both endpoints // ADD THIS EDGE TO THE LIST OF EDGES THAT NEED NEIGHBOR ON PARTITION PLANE!! } } else { assert(0); } e0=e1; e1++; // do the modulo at the beginning of the loop } while(e0!=estart) ; e0 = enextface; if(planeside&UNDER) { planeflag[currentplane].undermap = underplanescount; tmpunderplanes[underplanescount] = convex.facets[currentplane]; underplanescount++; } else { planeflag[currentplane].undermap = 0; } if(vout>=0 && (planeside&UNDER)) { assert(vin>=0); assert(coplanaredge>=0); assert(coplanaredge!=511); coplanaredges[coplanaredges_num].ea = coplanaredge; coplanaredges[coplanaredges_num].v0 = vin; coplanaredges[coplanaredges_num].v1 = vout; coplanaredges_num++; } } // add the new plane to the mix: if(coplanaredges_num>0) { tmpunderplanes[underplanescount++]=slice; } for(i=0;i
=coplanaredges_num) { // assert(j
vertices.count;j++) { dmax = Max(dmax,dot(convex->vertices[j],planes[i].normal)+planes[i].dist); dmin = Min(dmin,dot(convex->vertices[j],planes[i].normal)+planes[i].dist); } float dr = dmax-dmin; if(dr
facets.count;j++) { if(planes[i]==convex->facets[j]) { d=0;continue; } if(dot(planes[i].normal,convex->facets[j].normal)>maxdot_minang) { for(int k=0;k
edges.count;k++) { if(convex->edges[k].p!=j) continue; if(dot(convex->vertices[convex->edges[k].v],planes[i].normal)+planes[i].dist<0) { d=0; // so this plane wont get selected. break; } } } } if(d>md) { p=i; md=d; } } return (md>epsilon)?p:-1; } template
inline int maxdir(const T *p,int count,const T &dir) { assert(count); int m=0; for(int i=1;i
dot(p[m],dir)) m=i; } return m; } template
int maxdirfiltered(const T *p,int count,const T &dir,Array
&allow) { assert(count); int m=-1; for(int i=0;i
dot(p[m],dir)) m=i; } assert(m!=-1); return m; } float3 orth(const float3 &v) { float3 a=cross(v,float3(0,0,1)); float3 b=cross(v,float3(0,1,0)); return normalize((magnitude(a)>magnitude(b))?a:b); } template
int maxdirsterid(const T *p,int count,const T &dir,Array
&allow) { int m=-1; while(m==-1) { m = maxdirfiltered(p,count,dir,allow); if(allow[m]==3) return m; T u = orth(dir); T v = cross(u,dir); int ma=-1; for(float x = 0.0f ; x<= 360.0f ; x+= 45.0f) { float s = sinf(DEG2RAD*(x)); float c = cosf(DEG2RAD*(x)); int mb = maxdirfiltered(p,count,dir+(u*s+v*c)*0.025f,allow); if(ma==m && mb==m) { allow[m]=3; return m; } if(ma!=-1 && ma!=mb) // Yuck - this is really ugly { int mc = ma; for(float xx = x-40.0f ; xx <= x ; xx+= 5.0f) { float s = sinf(DEG2RAD*(xx)); float c = cosf(DEG2RAD*(xx)); int md = maxdirfiltered(p,count,dir+(u*s+v*c)*0.025f,allow); if(mc==m && md==m) { allow[m]=3; return m; } mc=md; } } ma=mb; } allow[m]=0; m=-1; } assert(0); return m; } int operator ==(const int3 &a,const int3 &b) { for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { if(a[i]!=b[i]) return 0; } return 1; } int3 roll3(int3 a) { int tmp=a[0]; a[0]=a[1]; a[1]=a[2]; a[2]=tmp; return a; } int isa(const int3 &a,const int3 &b) { return ( a==b || roll3(a)==b || a==roll3(b) ); } int b2b(const int3 &a,const int3 &b) { return isa(a,int3(b[2],b[1],b[0])); } int above(float3* vertices,const int3& t, const float3 &p, float epsilon) { float3 n=TriNormal(vertices[t[0]],vertices[t[1]],vertices[t[2]]); return (dot(n,p-vertices[t[0]]) > epsilon); // EPSILON??? } int hasedge(const int3 &t, int a,int b) { for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { int i1= (i+1)%3; if(t[i]==a && t[i1]==b) return 1; } return 0; } int hasvert(const int3 &t, int v) { return (t[0]==v || t[1]==v || t[2]==v) ; } int shareedge(const int3 &a,const int3 &b) { int i; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { int i1= (i+1)%3; if(hasedge(a,b[i1],b[i])) return 1; } return 0; } class Tri; static Array
tris; // djs: For heaven's sake!!!! #if STANDALONE class Tri : public int3 #else class Tri : public int3, public NxFoundation::NxAllocateable #endif { public: int3 n; int id; int vmax; float rise; Tri(int a,int b,int c):int3(a,b,c),n(-1,-1,-1) { id = tris.count; tris.Add(this); vmax=-1; rise = 0.0f; } ~Tri() { assert(tris[id]==this); tris[id]=NULL; } int &neib(int a,int b); }; int &Tri::neib(int a,int b) { static int er=-1; int i; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { int i1=(i+1)%3; int i2=(i+2)%3; if((*this)[i]==a && (*this)[i1]==b) return n[i2]; if((*this)[i]==b && (*this)[i1]==a) return n[i2]; } assert(0); return er; } void b2bfix(Tri* s,Tri*t) { int i; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { int i1=(i+1)%3; int i2=(i+2)%3; int a = (*s)[i1]; int b = (*s)[i2]; assert(tris[s->neib(a,b)]->neib(b,a) == s->id); assert(tris[t->neib(a,b)]->neib(b,a) == t->id); tris[s->neib(a,b)]->neib(b,a) = t->neib(b,a); tris[t->neib(b,a)]->neib(a,b) = s->neib(a,b); } } void removeb2b(Tri* s,Tri*t) { b2bfix(s,t); delete s; delete t; } void checkit(Tri *t) { int i; assert(tris[t->id]==t); for(i=0;i<3;i++) { #ifdef _DEBUG int i1=(i+1)%3; int i2=(i+2)%3; int a = (*t)[i1]; int b = (*t)[i2]; assert(a!=b); assert( tris[t->n[i]]->neib(b,a) == t->id); #endif } } void extrude(Tri *t0,int v) { int3 t= *t0; int n = tris.count; #if STANDALONE Tri* ta = new Tri(v,t[1],t[2]); #else Tri* ta = NX_NEW_MEM(Tri(v,t[1],t[2]), CONVEX_TEMP); #endif ta->n = int3(t0->n[0],n+1,n+2); tris[t0->n[0]]->neib(t[1],t[2]) = n+0; #if STANDALONE Tri* tb = new Tri(v,t[2],t[0]); #else Tri* tb = NX_NEW_MEM(Tri(v,t[2],t[0]), CONVEX_TEMP); #endif tb->n = int3(t0->n[1],n+2,n+0); tris[t0->n[1]]->neib(t[2],t[0]) = n+1; #if STANDALONE Tri* tc = new Tri(v,t[0],t[1]); #else Tri* tc = NX_NEW_MEM(Tri(v,t[0],t[1]), CONVEX_TEMP); #endif tc->n = int3(t0->n[2],n+0,n+1); tris[t0->n[2]]->neib(t[0],t[1]) = n+2; checkit(ta); checkit(tb); checkit(tc); if(hasvert(*tris[ta->n[0]],v)) removeb2b(ta,tris[ta->n[0]]); if(hasvert(*tris[tb->n[0]],v)) removeb2b(tb,tris[tb->n[0]]); if(hasvert(*tris[tc->n[0]],v)) removeb2b(tc,tris[tc->n[0]]); delete t0; } Tri *extrudable(float epsilon) { int i; Tri *t=NULL; for(i=0;i
rise)) { t = tris[i]; } } return (t->rise >epsilon)?t:NULL ; } class int4 { public: int x,y,z,w; int4(){}; int4(int _x,int _y, int _z,int _w){x=_x;y=_y;z=_z;w=_w;} const int& operator[](int i) const {return (&x)[i];} int& operator[](int i) {return (&x)[i];} }; bool hasVolume(float3 *verts, int p0, int p1, int p2, int p3) { float3 result3 = cross(verts[p1]-verts[p0], verts[p2]-verts[p0]); if (magnitude(result3) < VOLUME_EPSILON && magnitude(result3) > -VOLUME_EPSILON) // Almost collinear or otherwise very close to each other return false; float result = dot(normalize(result3), verts[p3]-verts[p0]); return (result > VOLUME_EPSILON || result < -VOLUME_EPSILON); // Returns true iff volume is significantly non-zero } int4 FindSimplex(float3 *verts,int verts_count,Array
&allow) { float3 basis[3]; basis[0] = float3( 0.01f, 0.02f, 1.0f ); int p0 = maxdirsterid(verts,verts_count, basis[0],allow); int p1 = maxdirsterid(verts,verts_count,-basis[0],allow); basis[0] = verts[p0]-verts[p1]; if(p0==p1 || basis[0]==float3(0,0,0)) return int4(-1,-1,-1,-1); basis[1] = cross(float3( 1, 0.02f, 0),basis[0]); basis[2] = cross(float3(-0.02f, 1, 0),basis[0]); basis[1] = normalize( (magnitude(basis[1])>magnitude(basis[2])) ? basis[1]:basis[2]); int p2 = maxdirsterid(verts,verts_count,basis[1],allow); if(p2 == p0 || p2 == p1) { p2 = maxdirsterid(verts,verts_count,-basis[1],allow); } if(p2 == p0 || p2 == p1) return int4(-1,-1,-1,-1); basis[1] = verts[p2] - verts[p0]; basis[2] = normalize(cross(basis[1],basis[0])); int p3 = maxdirsterid(verts,verts_count,basis[2],allow); if(p3==p0||p3==p1||p3==p2||!hasVolume(verts, p0, p1, p2, p3)) p3 = maxdirsterid(verts,verts_count,-basis[2],allow); if(p3==p0||p3==p1||p3==p2) return int4(-1,-1,-1,-1); assert(!(p0==p1||p0==p2||p0==p3||p1==p2||p1==p3||p2==p3)); if(dot(verts[p3]-verts[p0],cross(verts[p1]-verts[p0],verts[p2]-verts[p0])) <0) {Swap(p2,p3);} return int4(p0,p1,p2,p3); } int calchullgen(float3 *verts,int verts_count, int vlimit) { if(verts_count <4) return 0; if(vlimit==0) vlimit=1000000000; int j; float3 bmin(*verts),bmax(*verts); Array
isextreme(verts_count); Array
allow(verts_count); for(j=0;j
n=int3(2,3,1); Tri *t1 = new Tri(p[3],p[2],p[0]); t1->n=int3(3,2,0); Tri *t2 = new Tri(p[0],p[1],p[3]); t2->n=int3(0,1,3); Tri *t3 = new Tri(p[1],p[0],p[2]); t3->n=int3(1,0,2); #else Tri *t0 = NX_NEW_MEM(Tri(p[2],p[3],p[1]); t0->n=int3(2,3,1), CONVEX_TEMP); Tri *t1 = NX_NEW_MEM(Tri(p[3],p[2],p[0]); t1->n=int3(3,2,0), CONVEX_TEMP); Tri *t2 = NX_NEW_MEM(Tri(p[0],p[1],p[3]); t2->n=int3(0,1,3), CONVEX_TEMP); Tri *t3 = NX_NEW_MEM(Tri(p[1],p[0],p[2]); t3->n=int3(1,0,2), CONVEX_TEMP); #endif isextreme[p[0]]=isextreme[p[1]]=isextreme[p[2]]=isextreme[p[3]]=1; checkit(t0);checkit(t1);checkit(t2);checkit(t3); for(j=0;j
vmax<0); float3 n=TriNormal(verts[(*t)[0]],verts[(*t)[1]],verts[(*t)[2]]); t->vmax = maxdirsterid(verts,verts_count,n,allow); t->rise = dot(n,verts[t->vmax]-verts[(*t)[0]]); } Tri *te; vlimit-=4; while(vlimit >0 && (te=extrudable(epsilon))) { int3 ti=*te; int v=te->vmax; assert(!isextreme[v]); // wtf we've already done this vertex isextreme[v]=1; //if(v==p0 || v==p1 || v==p2 || v==p3) continue; // done these already j=tris.count; //int newstart=j; while(j--) { if(!tris[j]) continue; int3 t=*tris[j]; if(above(verts,t,verts[v],0.01f*epsilon)) { extrude(tris[j],v); } } // now check for those degenerate cases where we have a flipped triangle or a really skinny triangle j=tris.count; while(j--) { if(!tris[j]) continue; if(!hasvert(*tris[j],v)) break; int3 nt=*tris[j]; if(above(verts,nt,center,0.01f*epsilon) || magnitude(cross(verts[nt[1]]-verts[nt[0]],verts[nt[2]]-verts[nt[1]]))< epsilon*epsilon*0.1f ) { Tri *nb = tris[tris[j]->n[0]]; assert(nb);assert(!hasvert(*nb,v));assert(nb->id
vmax>=0) break; float3 n=TriNormal(verts[(*t)[0]],verts[(*t)[1]],verts[(*t)[2]]); t->vmax = maxdirsterid(verts,verts_count,n,allow); if(isextreme[t->vmax]) { t->vmax=-1; // already done that vertex - algorithm needs to be able to terminate. } else { t->rise = dot(n,verts[t->vmax]-verts[(*t)[0]]); } } vlimit --; } return 1; } int calchull(float3 *verts,int verts_count, int *&tris_out, int &tris_count,int vlimit) { int rc=calchullgen(verts,verts_count, vlimit) ; if(!rc) return 0; Array
ts; for(int i=0;i
&planes,float bevangle) { int i,j; Array
bplanes; planes.count=0; int rc = calchullgen(verts,verts_count,vlimit); if(!rc) return 0; extern float minadjangle; // default is 3.0f; // in degrees - result wont have two adjacent facets within this angle of each other. float maxdot_minang = cosf(DEG2RAD*minadjangle); for(i=0;i
id) continue; Tri *s = tris[t->n[j]]; REAL3 snormal = TriNormal(verts[(*s)[0]],verts[(*s)[1]],verts[(*s)[2]]); if(dot(snormal,p.normal)>=cos(bevangle*DEG2RAD)) continue; REAL3 e = verts[(*t)[(j+2)%3]] - verts[(*t)[(j+1)%3]]; REAL3 n = (e!=REAL3(0,0,0))? cross(snormal,e)+cross(e,p.normal) : snormal+p.normal; assert(n!=REAL3(0,0,0)); if(n==REAL3(0,0,0)) return 0; n=normalize(n); bplanes.Add(Plane(n,-dot(n,verts[maxdir(verts,verts_count,n)]))); } } for(i=0;i
maxdot_minang) { // somebody has to die, keep the biggest triangle if( area2(verts[(*ti)[0]],verts[(*ti)[1]],verts[(*ti)[2]]) < area2(verts[(*tj)[0]],verts[(*tj)[1]],verts[(*tj)[2]])) { delete tris[i]; tris[i]=NULL; } else { delete tris[j]; tris[j]=NULL; } } } for(i=0;i
maxdot_minang) break; } if(j==planes.count) { planes.Add(bplanes[i]); } } for(i=0;i
maxdot_minang) { (*((j%2)?&bmax:&bmin)) += n * (diameter*0.5f); break; } } } ConvexH *c = ConvexHMakeCube(REAL3(bmin),REAL3(bmax)); int k; while(maxplanes-- && (k=candidateplane(planes,planes_count,c,epsilon))>=0) { ConvexH *tmp = c; c = ConvexHCrop(*tmp,planes[k]); if(c==NULL) {c=tmp; break;} // might want to debug this case better!!! if(!AssertIntact(*c)) {c=tmp; break;} // might want to debug this case better too!!! delete tmp; } assert(AssertIntact(*c)); //return c; faces_out = (int*)NX_ALLOC(sizeof(int)*(1+c->facets.count+c->edges.count), CONVEX_TEMP); // new int[1+c->facets.count+c->edges.count]; faces_count_out=0; i=0; faces_out[faces_count_out++]=-1; k=0; while(i
edges.count) { j=1; while(j+i
edges.count && c->edges[i].p==c->edges[i+j].p) { j++; } faces_out[faces_count_out++]=j; while(j--) { faces_out[faces_count_out++] = c->edges[i].v; i++; } k++; } faces_out[0]=k; // number of faces. assert(k==c->facets.count); assert(faces_count_out == 1+c->facets.count+c->edges.count); verts_out = c->vertices.element; // new float3[c->vertices.count]; verts_count_out = c->vertices.count; for(i=0;i
vertices.count;i++) { verts_out[i] = float3(c->vertices[i]); } c->vertices.count=c->vertices.array_size=0; c->vertices.element=NULL; delete c; return 1; } static int overhullv(float3 *verts, int verts_count,int maxplanes, float3 *&verts_out, int &verts_count_out, int *&faces_out, int &faces_count_out ,float inflate,float bevangle,int vlimit) { if(!verts_count) return 0; extern int calchullpbev(float3 *verts,int verts_count,int vlimit, Array
&planes,float bevangle) ; Array
planes; int rc=calchullpbev(verts,verts_count,vlimit,planes,bevangle) ; if(!rc) return 0; return overhull(planes.element,planes.count,verts,verts_count,maxplanes,verts_out,verts_count_out,faces_out,faces_count_out,inflate); } //***************************************************** //***************************************************** bool ComputeHull(unsigned int vcount,const float *vertices,PHullResult &result,unsigned int vlimit,float inflate) { int index_count; int *faces; float3 *verts_out; int verts_count_out; if(inflate==0.0f) { int *tris_out; int tris_count; int ret = calchull( (float3 *) vertices, (int) vcount, tris_out, tris_count, vlimit ); if(!ret) return false; result.mIndexCount = (unsigned int) (tris_count*3); result.mFaceCount = (unsigned int) tris_count; result.mVertices = (float*) vertices; result.mVcount = (unsigned int) vcount; result.mIndices = (unsigned int *) tris_out; return true; } int ret = overhullv((float3*)vertices,vcount,35,verts_out,verts_count_out,faces,index_count,inflate,120.0f,vlimit); if(!ret) { tris.SetSize(0); //have to set the size to 0 in order to protect from a "pure virtual function call" problem return false; } Array
tris; int n=faces[0]; int k=1; for(int i=0;i
bmax[j] ) bmax[j] = p[j]; } } } float dx = bmax[0] - bmin[0]; float dy = bmax[1] - bmin[1]; float dz = bmax[2] - bmin[2]; float center[3]; center[0] = dx*0.5f + bmin[0]; center[1] = dy*0.5f + bmin[1]; center[2] = dz*0.5f + bmin[2]; if ( dx < EPSILON || dy < EPSILON || dz < EPSILON || svcount < 3 ) { float len = FLT_MAX; if ( dx > EPSILON && dx < len ) len = dx; if ( dy > EPSILON && dy < len ) len = dy; if ( dz > EPSILON && dz < len ) len = dz; if ( len == FLT_MAX ) { dx = dy = dz = 0.01f; // one centimeter } else { if ( dx < EPSILON ) dx = len * 0.05f; // 1/5th the shortest non-zero edge. if ( dy < EPSILON ) dy = len * 0.05f; if ( dz < EPSILON ) dz = len * 0.05f; } float x1 = center[0] - dx; float x2 = center[0] + dx; float y1 = center[1] - dy; float y2 = center[1] + dy; float z1 = center[2] - dz; float z2 = center[2] + dz; AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x1,y1,z1); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x2,y1,z1); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x2,y2,z1); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x1,y2,z1); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x1,y1,z2); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x2,y1,z2); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x2,y2,z2); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x1,y2,z2); return true; // return cube } else { if ( scale ) { scale[0] = dx; scale[1] = dy; scale[2] = dz; recip[0] = 1 / dx; recip[1] = 1 / dy; recip[2] = 1 / dz; center[0]*=recip[0]; center[1]*=recip[1]; center[2]*=recip[2]; } } vtx = (const char *) svertices; for (unsigned int i=0; i
dist2 ) { v[0] = px; v[1] = py; v[2] = pz; } break; } } if ( j == vcount ) { float *dest = &vertices[vcount*3]; dest[0] = px; dest[1] = py; dest[2] = pz; vcount++; } } } // make sure we didn't prune so many vertices it is now invalid. if ( 1 ) { float bmin[3] = { FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX }; float bmax[3] = { -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX }; for (unsigned int i=0; i
bmax[j] ) bmax[j] = p[j]; } } float dx = bmax[0] - bmin[0]; float dy = bmax[1] - bmin[1]; float dz = bmax[2] - bmin[2]; if ( dx < EPSILON || dy < EPSILON || dz < EPSILON || vcount < 3) { float cx = dx*0.5f + bmin[0]; float cy = dy*0.5f + bmin[1]; float cz = dz*0.5f + bmin[2]; float len = FLT_MAX; if ( dx >= EPSILON && dx < len ) len = dx; if ( dy >= EPSILON && dy < len ) len = dy; if ( dz >= EPSILON && dz < len ) len = dz; if ( len == FLT_MAX ) { dx = dy = dz = 0.01f; // one centimeter } else { if ( dx < EPSILON ) dx = len * 0.05f; // 1/5th the shortest non-zero edge. if ( dy < EPSILON ) dy = len * 0.05f; if ( dz < EPSILON ) dz = len * 0.05f; } float x1 = cx - dx; float x2 = cx + dx; float y1 = cy - dy; float y2 = cy + dy; float z1 = cz - dz; float z2 = cz + dz; vcount = 0; // add box AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x1,y1,z1); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x2,y1,z1); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x2,y2,z1); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x1,y2,z1); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x1,y1,z2); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x2,y1,z2); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x2,y2,z2); AddPoint(vcount,vertices,x1,y2,z2); return true; } } return true; } void HullLibrary::BringOutYourDead(const float *verts,unsigned int vcount, float *overts,unsigned int &ocount,unsigned int *indices,unsigned indexcount) { unsigned int *used = (unsigned int *)NX_ALLOC(sizeof(unsigned int)*vcount, CONVEX_TEMP ); memset(used,0,sizeof(unsigned int)*vcount); ocount = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i
= 0 && v < vcount ); if ( used[v] ) // if already remapped { indices[i] = used[v]-1; // index to new array } else { indices[i] = ocount; // new index mapping overts[ocount*3+0] = verts[v*3+0]; // copy old vert to new vert array overts[ocount*3+1] = verts[v*3+1]; overts[ocount*3+2] = verts[v*3+2]; ocount++; // increment output vert count assert( ocount >=0 && ocount <= vcount ); used[v] = ocount; // assign new index remapping } } NX_FREE(used); } //================================================================================== HullError HullLibrary::CreateTriangleMesh(HullResult &answer,ConvexHullTriangleInterface *iface) { HullError ret = QE_FAIL; const float *p = answer.mOutputVertices; const unsigned int *idx = answer.mIndices; unsigned int fcount = answer.mNumFaces; if ( p && idx && fcount ) { ret = QE_OK; for (unsigned int i=0; i
ConvexHullTriangle(v3,v2,v1); } //================================================================================== float HullLibrary::ComputeNormal(float *n,const float *A,const float *B,const float *C) { float vx,vy,vz,wx,wy,wz,vw_x,vw_y,vw_z,mag; vx = (B[0] - C[0]); vy = (B[1] - C[1]); vz = (B[2] - C[2]); wx = (A[0] - B[0]); wy = (A[1] - B[1]); wz = (A[2] - B[2]); vw_x = vy * wz - vz * wy; vw_y = vz * wx - vx * wz; vw_z = vx * wy - vy * wx; mag = sqrtf((vw_x * vw_x) + (vw_y * vw_y) + (vw_z * vw_z)); if ( mag < 0.000001f ) { mag = 0; } else { mag = 1.0f/mag; } n[0] = vw_x * mag; n[1] = vw_y * mag; n[2] = vw_z * mag; return mag; } #ifdef HULL_NAMESPACE }; #endif
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