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#include "NXU_helper.h" #include "NXU_PhysicsExport.h" #include "NXU_schema.h" #include "NXU_PhysicsInstantiator.h" #include "NXU_string.h" #include "NXU_File.h" #include "NXU_SchemaStream.h" #include "NXU_ColladaExport.h" #include "NXU_ColladaImport.h" #include "NXU_Geometry.h" #include "NXU_customcopy.h" #include
#ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(disable:4996) // Disabling stupid .NET deprecated warning. #endif #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 240 #include
#endif extern NXU_errorReport *gErrorReport; //************************************************************************* //************************************************************************* // ** Demonstrates how to save any portion of the SDK one object at a time. //************************************************************************* //************************************************************************* #define NXU_SAVE_PARAMETERS 1 #define NXU_SAVE_GROUP_FLAGS 1 #define NXU_SAVE_MESHES 1 #define NXU_SAVE_SCENE_DESC 1 #define NXU_SAVE_COMPARTMENTS 1 #define NXU_SAVE_ACTORS 1 #define NXU_SAVE_JOINTS 1 // if you have save joints on, but save actors off, then the jointed actors will get added to the collection #define NXU_SAVE_PAIR_FLAGS 1 #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 272 #define NXU_SAVE_DOMINANCE_PAIRS 1 #endif #define NXU_SAVE_FLUIDS 1 #define NXU_SAVE_CLOTHES 1 #define NXU_SAVE_SOFTBODIES 1 #define NXU_SAVE_EFFECTORS 1 #define NXU_SAVE_MATERIALS 1 #define NXU_SAVE_FORCE_FIELDS 1 static void saveGroupFlags(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { for (NxU32 i = 0; i < 32; ++i ) { for ( NxU32 j = i; j <32; ++j ) { bool on = scene->getGroupCollisionFlag( i, j ); if ( !on ) NXU::addGroupCollisionFlag(*c,i,j,on); } } #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 NxU32 gcount = scene->getNbActorGroupPairs(); if ( gcount ) { NxActorGroupPair *agp = new NxActorGroupPair[gcount]; NxU32 userIterator=0; NxU32 count = scene->getActorGroupPairArray(agp, gcount, userIterator ); assert( count == gcount ); for (NxU32 i=0; i
getFilterBool(); ::NxFilterOp op0,op1,op2; scene->getFilterOps(op0,op1,op2); ::NxGroupsMask m1 = scene->getFilterConstant0(); ::NxGroupsMask m2 = scene->getFilterConstant1(); NXU::setFilterOps(*c,filter,op0,op1,op2,m1,m2); #endif } static void saveParameters(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxPhysicsSDK *sdk) { NXU::addPhysicsSDK(*c,*sdk); for (int i = NX_PENALTY_FORCE; i < NX_PARAMS_NUM_VALUES; i++) { NxParameter p = (NxParameter)i; NxReal v = sdk->getParameter(p); NXU::addParameter(*c,p,v); } } static void addShapeMesh(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxShape *shape) { switch ( shape->getType() ) { case NX_SHAPE_CONVEX: if ( 1 ) { NxConvexShape *s = (NxConvexShape *) shape; NxConvexMesh &mesh = s->getConvexMesh(); NXU::addConvexMesh(*c,mesh); } break; case NX_SHAPE_MESH: if ( 1 ) { NxTriangleMeshShape *s = (NxTriangleMeshShape *) shape; NxTriangleMesh &mesh = s->getTriangleMesh(); NXU::addTriangleMesh(*c,mesh); } break; case NX_SHAPE_HEIGHTFIELD: if ( 1 ) { NxHeightFieldShape *s = (NxHeightFieldShape *) shape; NxHeightField &mesh = s->getHeightField(); NXU::addHeightField(*c,mesh); } break; default: /*nothing*/ break; } NxCCDSkeleton *skeleton = shape->getCCDSkeleton(); if ( skeleton ) { NXU::addCCDSkeleton(*c,*skeleton,0); } } static void saveMeshes(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { NxU32 nbActors = scene->getNbActors(); NxActor **alist = scene->getActors(); for (NxU32 i=0; i
getNbShapes(); if ( nbShapes ) { NxShape ** slist = (NxShape **)a->getShapes(); for (NxU32 j=0; j
getPhysicsSDK(); #if NX_USE_CLOTH_API NxU32 nbClothMeshes = sdk.getNbClothMeshes(); if ( nbClothMeshes ) { NxClothMesh **clist = sdk.getClothMeshes(); for (NxU32 i=0; i
getNbActors(); if ( nbActors ) { NxActor **alist = scene->getActors(); for (NxU32 i=0; i
NXU_notifySaveActor(alist[i], &pUserProperties); NXU::addActor(*c,*alist[i], pUserProperties); } } } static void saveJoints(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { NxU32 jointCount = scene->getNbJoints(); if (jointCount) { NxArray< NxJoint * > joints; scene->resetJointIterator(); for (NxU32 i = 0; i < jointCount; ++i) { NxJoint *j = scene->getNextJoint(); joints.push_back(j); } for (NxU32 i=0; i
getNbPairs(); if (pairCount) { NxPairFlag *array = new NxPairFlag[pairCount]; memset(array, 0, pairCount *sizeof(NxPairFlag)); scene->getPairFlagArray(array, pairCount); for (NxU32 i = 0; i < pairCount; ++i) { addPairFlag(*c,array[i]); } delete array; } } #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 272 static void saveDominancePairs(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { for (NxU16 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (NxU16 j = 0; j <= i; j++) { NxConstraintDominance dominance = scene->getDominanceGroupPair(i, j); //NxU32 temp = (i << 16) | j; addDominancePair(*c, i, j, dominance); } } } #endif #if NX_USE_FLUID_API static void saveFluids(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { NxU32 fluidCount = scene->getNbFluids(); if (fluidCount) { NxFluid **fluidList = scene->getFluids(); for (NxU32 i = 0; i < fluidCount; ++i) { addFluid(*c,*fluidList[i]); } } } #endif #if NX_USE_CLOTH_API static void saveClothes(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { NxU32 clothCount = scene->getNbCloths(); NxCloth **clothList = scene->getCloths(); for (NxU32 i = 0; i < clothCount; i++) { addCloth(*c,*clothList[i]); } } #endif #if NX_USE_SOFTBODY_API static void saveSoftBodies(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { NxU32 softBodyCount = scene->getNbSoftBodies(); NxSoftBody **softBodyList = scene->getSoftBodies(); for (NxU32 i = 0; i < softBodyCount; i++) { addSoftBody(*c,*softBodyList[i]); } } #endif static void saveEffectors(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { // now write effectors NxU32 effectorCount = scene->getNbEffectors(); if (effectorCount) { NxArray< NxEffector * > effectors; scene->resetEffectorIterator(); for (NxU32 i = 0; i < effectorCount; ++i) { NxEffector *e = scene->getNextEffector(); effectors.push_back(e); } for (NxU32 i=0; i
= 280 static void saveForceFieldScaleTable(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { // find max table entries NxForceFieldVariety maxVar = scene->getHighestForceFieldVariety(); NxForceFieldMaterial maxMat = scene->getHighestForceFieldMaterial(); for(NxU16 var = 0; var <= maxVar; var++) { for(NxU16 mat = 0; mat <= maxMat ; mat++) { NxReal scale = scene->getForceFieldScale(var,mat); if(scale != 1.0f) NXU::addForceFieldScale(*c, var, mat, scale); } } } #endif #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 280 static void saveForceFieldShapeGroups(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { NxU32 groupsCount = scene->getNbForceFieldShapeGroups(); scene->resetForceFieldShapeGroupsIterator(); while(groupsCount--) { NxForceFieldShapeGroup* group = scene->getNextForceFieldShapeGroup(); NXU::addForceFieldShapeGroup(*c, *group); } } #endif #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 280 static void saveForceFieldLinearKernels(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { NxU32 kernelCount = scene->getNbForceFieldLinearKernels(); scene->resetForceFieldLinearKernelsIterator(); while(kernelCount--) { NxForceFieldLinearKernel* kernel = scene->getNextForceFieldLinearKernel(); NXU::addForceFieldLinearKernel(*c, *kernel); } } #endif #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 272 static void saveForceFields(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 280 // save the scaling table saveForceFieldScaleTable(c, scene); // save all groups saveForceFieldShapeGroups(c, scene); // save all linear kernels saveForceFieldLinearKernels(c, scene); #endif // now write force fields NxU32 fieldCount = scene->getNbForceFields(); if (fieldCount) { NxForceField** fields = scene->getForceFields(); for (NxU32 i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i) { NXU::addForceField(*c,*(fields[i])); } } } #endif static void saveMaterials(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { NxU32 mcount = scene->getNbMaterials(); if (mcount) { NxMaterial **materials = new NxMaterial *[mcount]; memset(materials, 0, sizeof(NxMaterial*) * mcount); NxU32 iterator = 0; scene->getMaterialArray(&materials[0], mcount, iterator); for (NxU32 i=0; i
= 260 static void saveCompartments(NXU::NxuPhysicsCollection *c,NxScene *scene) { NxU32 nb = scene->getNbCompartments(); if ( nb ) { NxCompartment **compartments = new NxCompartment *[nb]; memset(compartments, 0, sizeof(NxCompartment*) * nb); NxU32 iterator = 0; scene->getCompartmentArray(&compartments[0], nb, iterator); for (NxU32 i=0; i
mId) ) { c->mId = getGlobalString(id); } } if ( userProperties ) { if ( replaceId || isEmptyString(c->mUserProperties) ) { c->mUserProperties = getGlobalString(userProperties); } } c->mSdkVersion = NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER; c->mNxuVersion = NXUSTREAM_VERSION; } bool saveCOLLADA(NxuPhysicsCollection *c, NXU_FILE *fph,const char *asset_name) // save the contents of this collection in the COLLADA format. { bool ret = false; assert(c); if (c) { ret = saveColladaFile(c, fph, asset_name); } return ret; } bool saveCOLLADA(NxuPhysicsCollection *c, const char *fname) // save the contents of this collection in the COLLADA format. { bool ret = false; NXU_FILE *fph = nxu_fopen(fname, "wb"); if (fph) { ret = saveCOLLADA(c, fph, fname); nxu_fclose(fph); } else { reportError("Failed to open file '%s' for write access. COLLADA file not written.", fname); } return ret; } NxuPhysicsCollection *loadCollection(const char *fname, NXU_FileType type,void *mem,int len) { NxuPhysicsCollection *ret = 0; NXU_FILE *fph = nxu_fopen(fname,"rb",mem,len); if ( fph ) { nxu_fclose(fph); if (type == FT_COLLADA) { ret = colladaImport(fname,mem,len); } else { // insert load code here bool binary = type == FT_BINARY; SchemaStream ss(fname,binary,"rb",mem,len); if ( ss.isValid() ) { ret = new NxuPhysicsCollection; ret->load(ss); if ( !ss.isValid() ) { reportError("Failed to load collection '%s'", fname ); delete ret; ret = 0; } else { if ( gAutoGenerateSkeletons ) { createCCDSkeletons(*ret,gShrinkRatio,gMaxSkeletonVertices); } } } } } else { reportError("Failed to open physics data file '%s' for read access", fname ); } #if 0 if ( ret ) { NXU::saveCollection(ret,"debug.xml",FT_XML); } #endif return ret; } bool saveCollection(NxuPhysicsCollection *c, const char *fname, NXU_FileType type, bool save_defaults, bool cook) { bool ret = false; if ( c ) { setId(c,fname,0,false); if ( gAutoGenerateSkeletons ) { createCCDSkeletons(*c,gShrinkRatio,gMaxSkeletonVertices); } gSaveDefaults= save_defaults; gSaveCooked = cook; if (type == FT_COLLADA) { ret = saveCOLLADA(c, fname); } else { if (type == FT_BINARY) { gSaveDefaults = true; SchemaStream ss(fname,true,"wb",0,0); if ( ss.isValid() ) { c->store(ss); ret = true; } } else { SchemaStream ss(fname,false,"wb",0,0); if ( ss.isValid() ) { c->store(ss); ret = true; } } } } return ret; } bool instantiateCollection(NxuPhysicsCollection *c, NxPhysicsSDK &sdk, NxScene *scene,const NxMat34 *rootNode, NXU_userNotify *ur) { bool ret = false; if ( c ) { NxuPhysicsInstantiator Instantiator(c); Instantiator.instantiate(sdk, ur, scene, rootNode); ret = true; } return ret; } bool instantiateScene(NxuPhysicsCollection *c,const char *sceneName,NxPhysicsSDK &sdk, NxScene *scene, NxMat34 *rootNode, NXU_userNotify *un) { bool ret = false; if ( c ) { NxuPhysicsInstantiator Instantiator(c); NxSceneInstanceDesc nsi; nsi.mSceneName = getGlobalString(sceneName); #if 0 // todo todo todo NxU32 index; NxSceneDesc *sdesc = c->locateSceneDesc(nsi.sceneName, index); NxSceneInstance *si = c->locateSceneInstance(nsi.sceneName,index); if ( sdesc || si ) { Instantiator.setInstanceScene(scene); Instantiator.instantiateSceneInstance(&nsi,sdk, un, rootNode, 1 ); ret = true; } #endif } return ret; } void releaseCollection(NxuPhysicsCollection *c) { delete c; } bool coreDump(NxPhysicsSDK *sdk, const char *fname, NXU_FileType type, bool save_default, bool cook, NXU_userNotify *un) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsCollection *c = extractCollectionSDK(sdk, 0, un); if (c) { ret = saveCollection(c, fname, type, save_default, cook); releaseCollection(c); } return ret; } void releasePersistentMemory(void) // do this when you exit the application or do a reset of the Physics SDK { NX_DELETE_SINGLE(gSkeletons); NXU::releaseGlobalStrings(); NXU::releaseGlobalInstances(); } NxuPhysicsCollection *extractCollectionSDK(NxPhysicsSDK *sdk,const char *collectionId, NXU_userNotify *un)// extract the contents of the SDK into this collection. { NxuPhysicsCollection *c = createCollection(collectionId); #if NXU_SAVE_PARAMETERS saveParameters(c,sdk); #endif NxU32 scount = sdk->getNbScenes(); for (NxU32 i = 0; i < scount; i++) { NxScene *scene = sdk->getScene(i); addEntireScene(*c,*scene, 0, 0, un); } #if 0 // debugging code NxMat34 root;; addToCurrentSceneInstance(*c,"SceneInstances", "", root, false, true, "UserData" ); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { root.t.x+=10.0f; char scratch[512]; sprintf(scratch,"SceneInstance%d", i+1); bool ignorePlane = true; if ( i== 0 ) ignorePlane = false; addSceneInstance(*c,scratch, "Scene_0", root, false, true, "More User Data" ); } closeCurrentSceneInstance(*c); addSceneInstance(*c,"SceneInstances2", "SceneInstances", root, false, true, "UserData" ); #endif return c; } NxuPhysicsCollection *extractCollectionScene(NxScene *scene,const char *collectionId,const char *sceneId) // extract the contents a single scene into this collection. { NxuPhysicsCollection *c = createCollection(collectionId); if ( c && scene ) { addEntireScene(*c,*scene,sceneId); } return c; } NxuPhysicsCollection *createCollection(const char *collectionId,const char *userProperties) // create an empty physics collection. { NxuPhysicsCollection *ret = new NxuPhysicsCollection; setId(ret,collectionId,userProperties,true); return ret; } bool addParameter(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, unsigned int param,float value) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write( (NxParameter) param, (NxReal) value ); return ret; } bool addScene(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxScene &s,const char *userProperties,const char *sceneId) { bool ret = false; ::NxSceneDesc desc; s.saveToDesc(desc); desc.groundPlane = false; // to avoid duplicate planes on load. NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&desc, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(sceneId) ); return ret; } bool addEntireScene(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxScene &scene,const char *userProperties,const char *sceneId, NXU_userNotify *un) { bool ret = false; #if NXU_SAVE_MESHES saveMeshes(&c,&scene); #endif #if NXU_SAVE_SCENE_DESC saveSceneDesc(&c,&scene); // save the scene descriptor #endif #if NXU_SAVE_GROUP_FLAGS saveGroupFlags(&c,&scene); #endif #if NXU_SAVE_MATERIALS saveMaterials(&c,&scene); // save the materials #endif #if NXU_SAVE_COMPARTMENTS && NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 saveCompartments(&c,&scene); #endif #if NXU_SAVE_ACTORS saveActors(&c,&scene); // save the actors #endif #if NXU_SAVE_JOINTS saveJoints(&c,&scene); // save the joints #endif #if NXU_SAVE_PAIR_FLAGS // save body pair flags, collision filters, etc. etc. savePairFlags(&c,&scene); #endif #if NXU_SAVE_DOMINANCE_PAIRS saveDominancePairs(&c,&scene); #endif #if NXU_SAVE_FLUIDS && NX_USE_FLUID_API saveFluids(&c,&scene); // save the fluids #endif #if NXU_SAVE_CLOTHES && NX_USE_CLOTH_API saveClothes(&c,&scene); // save the clothes #endif #if NXU_SAVE_SOFTBODIES && NX_USE_SOFTBODY_API saveSoftBodies(&c,&scene); #endif #if NXU_SAVE_EFFECTORS saveEffectors(&c,&scene); // save the effectors. #endif #if NXU_SAVE_FORCE_FIELDS && NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 272 saveForceFields(&c,&scene); #endif return ret; } bool addActor(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxActor &a,const char *userProperties,const char *actorId) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&a, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(actorId) ); return ret; } bool addJoint(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxJoint &j,const char *userProperties,const char *jointId) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&j, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(jointId) ); return ret; } bool addCloth(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxCloth &cloth,const char *userProperties,const char *clothId) { bool ret = false; #if NX_USE_CLOTH_API NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&cloth, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(clothId) ); #endif return ret; } bool addFluid(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxFluid &f,const char *userProperties,const char *fluidId) { bool ret = false; #if NX_USE_FLUID_API NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&f, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(fluidId) ); #endif return ret; } bool addMaterial(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxMaterial &m,const char *userProperties,const char *materialId) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&m, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(materialId) ); return ret; } bool addConvexMesh(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxConvexMesh &mesh,const char *userProperties,const char *convexId) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&mesh, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(convexId) ); return ret; } bool addTriangleMesh(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxTriangleMesh &mesh,const char *userProperties,const char *meshId) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&mesh, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(meshId) ); return ret; } bool addHeightField(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxHeightField &mesh,const char *userProperties,const char *heightFieldId) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&mesh, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(heightFieldId) ); return ret; } bool addCCDSkeleton(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxCCDSkeleton &skel,const char *userProperties,const char *skeletonId) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); const char *name = exporter.Write(&skel, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(skeletonId) ); if ( name ) ret = true; return ret; } bool addEffector(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxEffector &e,const char *userProperties,const char *effectorId) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&e, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(effectorId)); return ret; } #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 270 bool addForceField(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxForceField &f,const char *userProperties,const char *forceFieldId) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&f, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(forceFieldId)); return ret; } #endif #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 280 bool addForceFieldScale(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxForceFieldVariety v, NxForceFieldMaterial mat, NxReal scale) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.addForFieldScaleTableEntry(v, mat, scale); return ret; } #endif #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 280 bool addForceFieldShapeGroup(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxForceFieldShapeGroup &g,const char *userProperties,const char *forceFieldId) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&g, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(forceFieldId)); return ret; } #endif #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 280 bool addForceFieldLinearKernel(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxForceFieldLinearKernel &k,const char *userProperties,const char *forceFieldId) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&k, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(forceFieldId)); return ret; } #endif bool addPairFlag(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxPairFlag &f,const char *userProperties,const char *pairFlagId) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&f, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(pairFlagId) ); return ret; } #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 272 bool addDominancePair(NxuPhysicsCollection &c, NxU16 group0, NxU16 group1, NxConstraintDominance &f) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.addDominancePair(group0,group1,f); return ret; } #endif void setErrorReport(NXU_errorReport *er) { gErrorReport = er; } void * saveCollectionToMemory(NxuPhysicsCollection *c,const char *collectionId,NXU_FileType type, bool save_defaults, bool cook,void *mem,int len,int &outputLength) { void * ret = 0; if ( c ) { setId(c,collectionId,0,true); if ( gAutoGenerateSkeletons ) { createCCDSkeletons(*c,gShrinkRatio,gMaxSkeletonVertices); } gSaveDefaults = save_defaults; gSaveCooked = cook; if (type == FT_COLLADA) { NXU_FILE *fph = nxu_fopen(collectionId, "wmem", mem, len ); if (fph) { saveColladaFile(c, fph, collectionId); ret = nxu_getMemBuffer( fph, outputLength ); nxu_fclose(fph); } } else { if (type == FT_BINARY) { gSaveDefaults = true; SchemaStream ss(collectionId,true,"wmem",mem,len); if ( ss.isValid() ) { c->store(ss); if ( ss.isValid() ) ret = ss.getMemBuffer(outputLength ); } } else { SchemaStream ss(collectionId,false,"wmem",mem,len); if ( ss.isValid() ) { c->store(ss); if ( ss.isValid() ) { ret = ss.getMemBuffer(outputLength ); } } } } } return ret; } void releaseCollectionMemory(void *mem) { delete (char *) mem; } bool addGroupCollisionFlag(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxU32 group1,NxU32 group2,bool enable) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.addGroupCollisionFlag(group1,group2,enable); return ret; } bool addActorGroupFlag(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxU32 group1,NxU32 group2,NxU32 flags) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.addActorGroupFlag(group1,group2,flags); return ret; } bool setFilterOps(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,bool active,::NxFilterOp op0,::NxFilterOp op1,::NxFilterOp op2,const ::NxGroupsMask &filterConstant0,const ::NxGroupsMask &filterConstant1) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.setFilterOps(active,op0,op1,op2,filterConstant0,filterConstant1); return ret; } bool addSceneInstance(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,const char *sceneId,const char *sceneName,const NxMat34 &rootNode,bool ignorePlane,const char *userProperties) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.addSceneInstance(sceneId,sceneName,rootNode,ignorePlane,userProperties); return ret; } bool addToCurrentSceneInstance(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,const char *instanceId,const char *sceneName,const NxMat34 &rootNode,bool ignorePlane,const char *userProperties) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.addToCurrentSceneInstance(instanceId,sceneName,rootNode,ignorePlane,userProperties); return ret; } bool closeCurrentSceneInstance(NxuPhysicsCollection &c) { if ( c.mCurrentSceneInstance ) { c.mCurrentSceneInstance = c.mCurrentSceneInstance->mParent; } return true; } NxU32 getSceneCount(NxuPhysicsCollection &c) { return c.mScenes.size(); } const char * getSceneName(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxU32 sceneNo) { const char * ret = 0; NxU32 scount = getSceneCount(c); if ( sceneNo >= 0 && sceneNo < scount ) { ret = c.mScenes[sceneNo]->mId; } return ret; } NxU32 getSceneInstanceCount(NxuPhysicsCollection &c) { return c.mSceneInstances.size(); } const char * getSceneInstanceName(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxU32 sceneNo) { const char * ret = 0; NxU32 scount = getSceneInstanceCount(c); if ( sceneNo >= 0 && sceneNo < scount ) { ret = c.mSceneInstances[sceneNo]->mId; } return ret; } const char * getSceneInstanceSceneName(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxU32 sceneNo) { const char * ret = 0; NxU32 scount = getSceneInstanceCount(c); if ( sceneNo >= 0 && sceneNo < scount ) { ret = c.mSceneInstances[sceneNo]->mSceneName; } return ret; } const char * getCollectionName(NxuPhysicsCollection &c) { const char * ret = 0; ret = c.mId; return ret; } void setUseClothActiveState(bool state) { #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 gUseClothActiveState = state; #endif } void setUseSoftBodyActiveState(bool state) { #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 270 gUseSoftBodyActiveState = state; #endif } bool addPhysicsSDK(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxPhysicsSDK &sdk) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&sdk); return ret; } #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 /** \brief Adds a compartment to the physics collection \param c The NxuPhysicsCollection to add data to. \param cmp A reference to the compartment to be added to the current scene in this collection. \return true if successful. */ bool addCompartment(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxCompartment &cmp,const char *compartmentId) { bool ret = false; NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); const char *name = exporter.Write(&cmp,compartmentId); if ( name ) ret = true; return ret; } #endif NxU32 createCCDSkeletons(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxReal shrink,NxU32 maxv) { NxU32 ret = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mActors.size(); j++) { NxActorDesc *ad = sd->mActors[j]; if ( ad->mHasBody ) // only for dynamic actors { for (NxU32 k=0; k
mShapes.size(); k++) { NxShapeDesc *shape = ad->mShapes[k]; // if it already has a CCD skeleton we leave it alone.. if ( shape->mCCDSkeleton && strlen(shape->mCCDSkeleton) ) { // skeleton already defined... } else { NxuGeometry g; NxVec3 dimensions(0,0,0); NxReal radius=0; NxReal height=0; NxConvexMeshDesc *cmesh=0; bool found = false; switch ( shape->mType ) { case SC_NxBoxShapeDesc: if ( 1 ) { bool found = false; NxBoxShapeDesc *b = (NxBoxShapeDesc *) shape; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mPrimitive == SC_NxBoxShapeDesc && sd->mDimensions == b->dimensions ) { shape->mCCDSkeleton = sd->mId; found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) { createBox(b->dimensions,g,0,shrink,maxv); dimensions = b->dimensions; } } break; case SC_NxSphereShapeDesc: if ( 1 ) { bool found = false; NxSphereShapeDesc *b = (NxSphereShapeDesc *) shape; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mPrimitive == SC_NxSphereShapeDesc && sd->mRadius == b->radius ) { shape->mCCDSkeleton = sd->mId; found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) { createSphere(b->radius,g,0,16,shrink,maxv); radius = b->radius; } } break; case SC_NxCapsuleShapeDesc: if ( 1 ) { bool found = false; NxCapsuleShapeDesc *b = (NxCapsuleShapeDesc *) shape; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mPrimitive == SC_NxCapsuleShapeDesc && sd->mRadius == b->radius && sd->mHeight == b->height ) { shape->mCCDSkeleton = sd->mId; found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) { createCapsule(b->radius,b->height,g,0,1,16,shrink,maxv); radius = b->radius; height = b->height; } } break; case SC_NxConvexShapeDesc: if ( 1 ) { NxConvexShapeDesc *cv = (NxConvexShapeDesc *) shape; CustomCopy cc(&c,0); cmesh = cc.getConvexMeshDescFromName(cv->mMeshData); if ( cmesh && cmesh->mPoints.size() ) { if ( cmesh->mCCDSkeleton ) { shape->mCCDSkeleton = cmesh->mCCDSkeleton->mId; found = true; } else { createHull( cmesh->mPoints.size(), &cmesh->mPoints[0].x, g, 0,shrink, maxv); } } } break; default: /*nothing*/ break; } if ( !found && g.mVcount ) // if not found already and we have a geometry. { ::NxSimpleTriangleMesh stm; stm.numVertices = g.mVcount; stm.numTriangles = g.mTcount; stm.points = g.mVertices; stm.triangles = g.mIndices; stm.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(float)*3; stm.triangleStrideBytes = sizeof(unsigned int)*3; stm.flags = 0; NxCCDSkeletonDesc *skel = new NxCCDSkeletonDesc; char scratch[512]; sprintf(scratch,"AutoCCD_%d", ret ); shape->mCCDSkeleton = skel->mId = getGlobalString(scratch); CustomCopy cc(&c,0); skel->copyFrom(stm,cc); c.mSkeletons.push_back(skel); // add the skeleton skel->mPrimitive = shape->mType; switch ( shape->mType ) { case SC_NxBoxShapeDesc: skel->mDimensions = dimensions; break; case SC_NxSphereShapeDesc: skel->mRadius = radius; break; case SC_NxCapsuleShapeDesc: skel->mRadius = radius; skel->mHeight = height; break; case SC_NxConvexShapeDesc: if ( cmesh ) { cmesh->mCCDSkeleton = skel; } break; default: /*nothing*/ break; } ret++; } } } } } } return ret; } void setAutoGenerateCCDSkeletons(bool state,NxReal shrink,NxU32 maxV) { gAutoGenerateSkeletons = state; gShrinkRatio = shrink; gMaxSkeletonVertices = maxV; } void setCollectionID(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,const char *collectionId) { if ( collectionId ) { c.mId = getGlobalString(collectionId); } } // on the fly auto-generate a CCD skeleton bool autoGenerateCCDSkeletons(NxActor *actor,NxReal shrink,NxU32 maxv) { bool ret = false; if ( gSkeletons == 0 ) { gSkeletons = createCollection("@skeletons",0); } if ( actor->isDynamic() ) { NxU32 scount = actor->getNbShapes(); if ( scount ) { NxShape *const* slist = actor->getShapes(); for (NxU32 i=0; i
getCCDSkeleton() == 0 ) // only if it doesn't already have one! { NxuGeometry g; NxVec3 dimensions(0,0,0); NxReal radius=0; NxReal height=0; NxConvexMesh *cmesh=0; SCHEMA_CLASS sctype = SC_LAST; bool found = false; switch ( shape->getType() ) { case NX_SHAPE_BOX: if ( 1 ) { sctype = SC_NxBoxShapeDesc; bool found = false; NxBoxShape *bs = (NxBoxShape *) shape; ::NxBoxShapeDesc b; bs->saveToDesc(b); for (NxU32 i=0; i
mSkeletons.size(); i++) { NxCCDSkeletonDesc *sd = gSkeletons->mSkeletons[i]; if ( sd->mPrimitive == SC_NxBoxShapeDesc && sd->mDimensions == b.dimensions ) { shape->setCCDSkeleton( (NxCCDSkeleton *)sd->mInstance ); found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) { createBox(b.dimensions,g,0,shrink,maxv); dimensions = b.dimensions; } } break; case NX_SHAPE_SPHERE: if ( 1 ) { sctype = SC_NxSphereShapeDesc; bool found = false; NxSphereShape *bs = (NxSphereShape *) shape; ::NxSphereShapeDesc b; bs->saveToDesc(b); for (NxU32 i=0; i
mSkeletons.size(); i++) { NxCCDSkeletonDesc *sd = gSkeletons->mSkeletons[i]; if ( sd->mPrimitive == SC_NxSphereShapeDesc && sd->mRadius == b.radius ) { shape->setCCDSkeleton( (NxCCDSkeleton *)sd->mInstance ); found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) { createSphere(b.radius,g,0,16,shrink,maxv); radius = b.radius; } } break; case NX_SHAPE_CAPSULE: if ( 1 ) { sctype = SC_NxCapsuleShapeDesc; bool found = false; NxCapsuleShape *bs = (NxCapsuleShape *) shape; ::NxCapsuleShapeDesc b; bs->saveToDesc(b); for (NxU32 i=0; i
mSkeletons.size(); i++) { NxCCDSkeletonDesc *sd = gSkeletons->mSkeletons[i]; if ( sd->mPrimitive == SC_NxCapsuleShapeDesc && sd->mRadius == b.radius && sd->mHeight == b.height ) { shape->setCCDSkeleton( (NxCCDSkeleton *)sd->mInstance ); found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) { createCapsule(b.radius,b.height,g,0,1,16,shrink,maxv); radius = b.radius; height = b.height; } } break; case NX_SHAPE_CONVEX: if ( 1 ) { sctype = SC_NxConvexShapeDesc; NxConvexShape *bs = (NxConvexShape *) shape; ::NxConvexShapeDesc cv; bs->saveToDesc(cv); cmesh = cv.meshData; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mSkeletons.size(); i++) { NxCCDSkeletonDesc *sd = gSkeletons->mSkeletons[i]; if ( sd->mPrimitive == SC_NxConvexShapeDesc && sd->mConvexInstance == cmesh ) { shape->setCCDSkeleton( (NxCCDSkeleton *)sd->mInstance ); found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) { CustomCopy cc(gSkeletons,0); NxConvexMeshDesc temp; ::NxConvexMeshDesc sdkmesh; cmesh->saveToDesc(sdkmesh); temp.copyFrom(sdkmesh,cc); if ( temp.mPoints.size() ) { createHull( temp.mPoints.size(), &temp.mPoints[0].x, g, 0, shrink, maxv); } } } break; default: /*nothing*/ break; } if ( !found && g.mVcount ) // if not found already and we have a geometry. { ::NxSimpleTriangleMesh stm; stm.numVertices = g.mVcount; stm.numTriangles = g.mTcount; stm.points = g.mVertices; stm.triangles = g.mIndices; stm.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(float)*3; stm.triangleStrideBytes = sizeof(unsigned int)*3; stm.flags = 0; NxCCDSkeletonDesc *skel = new NxCCDSkeletonDesc; char scratch[512]; sprintf(scratch,"AutoCCD_%d", ret ); skel->mId = getGlobalString(scratch); CustomCopy cc(gSkeletons,0); skel->copyFrom(stm,cc); // let's actually create it on the SDK. NxScene &scene = actor->getScene(); NxPhysicsSDK &sdk = scene.getPhysicsSDK(); NxCCDSkeleton *ccdskel = sdk.createCCDSkeleton(stm); skel->mInstance = ccdskel; shape->setCCDSkeleton(ccdskel); gSkeletons->mSkeletons.push_back(skel); // add the skeleton skel->mPrimitive = sctype; switch ( sctype ) { case SC_NxBoxShapeDesc: skel->mDimensions = dimensions; break; case SC_NxSphereShapeDesc: skel->mRadius = radius; break; case SC_NxCapsuleShapeDesc: skel->mRadius = radius; skel->mHeight = height; break; case SC_NxConvexShapeDesc: skel->mConvexInstance = cmesh; break; default: /*nothing*/ break; } ret = true; } } } } } return ret; } bool addSoftBody(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxSoftBody &softBody,const char *userProperties,const char *softBodyId) { bool ret = false; #if NX_USE_SOFTBODY_API NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); ret = exporter.Write(&softBody, getGlobalString(userProperties), getGlobalString(softBodyId) ); #endif return ret; } /** \brief Adds a single cloth mesh to the collection \param c The NxuPhysicsCollection to add data to. \param cmp A reference to the NxClothMesh \param clothMeshIdThe optional unique Id. If null, one will be provided. \return true if successful. */ bool addClothMesh(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxClothMesh &cmp,const char *clothMeshId) { bool ret = false; #if NX_USE_CLOTH_API NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); exporter.Write(&cmp, getGlobalString(clothMeshId)); #endif return ret; } /** \brief Adds a single soft body mesh to the collection \param c The NxuPhysicsCollection to add data to. \param cmp A reference to the NxSoftBodyMesh \param softBodyhMeshIdThe optional unique Id. If null, one will be provided. \return true if successful. */ bool addSoftBodyMesh(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,NxSoftBodyMesh &cmp,const char *softBodyMeshId) { bool ret = false; #if NX_USE_SOFTBODY_API NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); exporter.Write(&cmp,softBodyMeshId); #endif return ret; } bool addSoftBody(NxuPhysicsCollection &c,const ::NxSoftBodyDesc &softBody,const ::NxSoftBodyMeshDesc &softMesh,const char *userProperties,const char *softBodyId) { bool ret = false; #if NX_USE_SOFTBODY_API NxuPhysicsExport exporter(&c); exporter.Write(softBody,softMesh,getGlobalString(userProperties),getGlobalString(softBodyId)); #endif return ret; } #define MAXKEYVALUE 256 #define MAXBUFFER 2048 static char *keyValue[MAXKEYVALUE*2]; static char keyBuffer[MAXBUFFER]; static char *skipSoft(char *scan,bool "e) { quote = false; while ( *scan ) { if ( *scan == 34 ) { quote = true; scan++; break; } else if ( *scan > 32 && *scan < 127 ) // a valid character to process { break; } scan++; } return scan; } const char ** parseUserProperties(const char *userProperties,unsigned int &count) { const char **ret = 0; count = 0; if ( userProperties && strlen(userProperties) < MAXBUFFER ) { strcpy(keyBuffer,userProperties); char *scan = keyBuffer; bool quote; while ( *scan ) // while there are characters to process.. { scan = skipSoft(scan,quote); // skip leading spaces if any, note if it begins with a quote if ( *scan ) // if still data to process, copy the key pointer and search for the termination character. { keyValue[count++] = scan; // store the key pointer and advance the counter. while ( *scan ) // search until we hit an 'equal' sign. { if ( *scan == 34 ) // if we hit a quote mark, treat that as an end of string termination, but still look for the equal sign. { *scan = 0; } else if ( *scan == '=' ) // if we hit the equal sign, terminate the key string by stomping on the equal and continue to value processing { *scan = 0; // stomp and EOS marker. scan++; // advance to the next location. break; // break out of the loop } scan++; } if ( *scan ) // if there is still data to process. { scan = skipSoft(scan,quote); // skip leading spaces, etc. note if there is a key. keyValue[count++] = scan; // assign the value. while ( *scan ) { if ( quote ) // if we began with a quote, then only a quote can terminate { if ( *scan == 34 ) // if it is a quote, then terminate the string and continue to the next key { *scan = 0; scan++; break; } } else { // acceptable seperators are a space, a comma, or a semi-colon if ( *scan == ';' || *scan == ',' || *scan == '=' || *scan == 32 ) { *scan = 0; scan++; break; } } scan++; } } } } } count = count/2; if ( count ) ret = (const char **)keyValue; return ret; } const char * getKeyValue(const char *userProperties,const char *_key) // { const char *ret = 0; unsigned int count=0; const char **slist = parseUserProperties(userProperties,count); if ( count ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
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