_Former Members
AIB (Iowa)
Allen (S.C.)
Antelope Valley
Arizona Christian
Asbury (Ky.)
Ashford (Iowa)
Auburn Montgome...Ala.)
Ave Maria (Fla.)
Avila (Mo.)
Belhaven (Miss.)
Benedictine (Kan.)
Benedictine Mes...riz.)
Berea (Ky.)
Bethany (Kan.)
Bethel (Kan.)
Bethel (Tenn.)
Bluefield (Va.)
Brescia (Ky.)
Brewton-Parker (Ga.)
Briar Cliff (Iowa)
Bryan (Tenn.)
Campbellsville (Ky.)
Cardinal Stritc...Wis.)
Carlow (Pa.)
Carroll (Mont.)
Central Baptist...Ark.)
Central Christi...Kan.)
Cincinnati Chri...Ohio)
College of Idaho
Columbia (Mo.)
Concordia (Ore.)
Corban (Ore.)
Cornerstone (Mich.)
Crowley's Ridge...Ark.)
Cumberlands (Ky.)
Dakota Wesleyan...S.D.)
Dickinson State...N.D.)
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