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DriveHQ celebrates a decade of cloud service with over 2 million registered users

Oct. 8, 2013, San Ramon, California - Drive Headquarters (https://www.drivehq.com), the first cloud IT solution provider, celebrates a decade of cloud service with over 2 million registered users.

DriveHQ was started in 2003 by a small group of Internet software engineers in San Jose, California. Amid a major recession after the dotcom bust and Sep. 11 attack, the company took a route quite different from most other Silicon Valley based start-ups. Instead of seeking VC funding, the company believed that it could grow through innovative technologies and high quality products.

Other popular cloud service providers such as Dropbox and Box both were started some years after DriveHQ. With massive VC funding, both Dropbox and Box were able to leap ahead of DriveHQ in popularity, however, with over a decade of high quality service, DriveHQ’s business has proven to be extremely resilient and competitive. Competitors were never able to catch up with our technology advancements. When DriveHQ started, competitors were non-exist and few people had even heard about the “Cloud”; and when competitors started offering Cloud Storage service, DriveHQ had already been offering a broad range of cloud services. When competitors burned through VC money to grow their consumer user base, DriveHQ was already focused more on the business service. Now as competitors are changing direction to offer business cloud storage service, DriveHQ is providing a full suite of Cloud IT solution at a fraction of our competitor’s price.

Despite the hype and valuation bubble surrounding other VC-funded cloud storage start-ups, DriveHQ continues to out-innovate Dropbox, Box or any other cloud storage providers.

In late 2012, DriveHQ launched the revolutionary Cloud-based Security and Monitoring service CameraFTP.com. CameraFTP.com offers an easy and low-cost security and monitoring service. It is not tied with any proprietary security camera system and does not have contract lock-up. Average consumers can pay just $1.50/month/camera for this cloud-based security and monitoring service. They can use any off-the-shelf IP camera, webcam, smart phone or tablet.

A decade of service is not very long for some industries, but for cloud IT service, this is a lifetime. Throughout the years, DriveHQ has stuck to its core values: “leading the technology innovation, offering the best quality service at a lower price for business customers.” DriveHQ’s team does not believe in quick and easy VC money, but would rather be rewarded through working hard and innovatively. After all, this is how businesses have grown for hundreds of years.

As DriveHQ celebrates a decade of service to the cloud IT industry, it is well positioned to gain markets from competitors. While a few competitors are much larger, they are burdened by the low-profit or money-losing consumer business that requires continuous funding to maintain. Not to mention they need to gouge their business customers to offset the loss in their consumer business. In contrast, DriveHQ is solid on its feet, having achieved profitability for many years, we are able to offer business cloud IT service at only $6/user/year plus storage charge.

"In Silicon Valley, there are a huge number of innovative entrepreneurs that want to start their own ventures. However, most of them thought they must get VC-funding to operate a start-up business.” Says Julie Harris, DriveHQ’s VP of Sales and Marketing, “DriveHQ has proven that traditional way of growing a business is still viable – you just need to have creative ideas and are willing to work hard. In the long term, it will be more competitive than relying on VC money and marketing hype.”

About Drive Headquarters, Inc.

Drive Headquarters is the world’s first cloud IT solution provider. Their focus is to help SMBs by providing a better and more cost effective alternative to traditional IT systems. Founded in 2003, DriveHQ has become a leading provider of Cloud IT service with over 2 million customers. What differentiates DriveHQ from other companies is that it is a one-stop shop for all core IT services, including cloud based file, FTP and email servers, as well as automatic online backup, remote sharing and collaboration services. DriveHQ’s services not only lower IT costs, but also are more flexible and reliable than your in-house IT system. Complementing its advanced and easy to use products with its personable and highly skilled support staff, DriveHQ is the right choice for meeting the IT needs of growing businesses

Drive Headquarters is based in San Ramon, California. More information about Drive Headquarters can be found at https://www.drivehq.com/.
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