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Drive Headquarters adds enterprise file versioning feature to the cloud storage service

Drive Headquarters (https://www.drivehq.com) has added a new enterprise file versioning feature to the cloud-based storage, sharing and collaboration services.

May 12, 2010, Drive Headquarters, Inc. (https://www.drivehq.com), the leading Online File Storage & Sharing, Online Backup, Folder Synchronization and FTP Server Hosting service provider has launched a new enterprise file versioning feature for the cloud based file storage, sharing and collaboration services.

DriveHQ has a very powerful folder-sharing feature. By using DriveHQ group account service, multiple users or groups can access the same shared folder(s) with different levels of access rights. To prevent different users from accidentally overwrite a file, File Versioning feature offers an ideal solution. "File versioning" keeps old file history, making it very easy to restore an old version file.

The new feature is available to paid members only. For paid members, there is no extra cost to use the service; users just need to logon www.drivehq.com website, go to Account Options page, then check "Enable Keep File Version" checkbox and set the maximum versions to keep.

Also included in this update are the following options:

- Enable SSL For the Whole Website. This feature protects all files using HTTPS/SSL. By default, only logon pages, account pages and transaction pages use HTTPS/SSL.

- Enable Delete Files to "Recycle Bin". This feature does not delete files / folders immediately. Instead, deleted files / folders are kept in the "Recycle Bin" folder for up to 14 days. This gives the user plenty of time to recover accidentally deleted files / folders.

- Show hidden folders (e.g. old version history folders.) DriveHQ has added a new folder type "hidden folder". Such a folder is almost the same as a regular folder, except it can be hidden. Users can turn on the "Show hidden folders" feature to display the hidden folders in both the DriveHQ.com website and DriveHQ FileManager.

DriveHQ premium users can start using the new feature immediately. To turn on the new feature, please logon www.drivehq.com and go to Account Options page. When a file is replaced, it will keep the old version file(s) in a hidden folder. Users can access the old version files from the regular ShowFile page, then click on the History button.

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About Drive Headquarters, Inc.

Drive Headquarters is the world’s first cloud IT solution provider. Their focus is to help SMBs by providing a better and more cost effective alternative to traditional IT systems. Founded in 2003, DriveHQ has become a leading provider of Cloud IT service with over 2 million customers. What differentiates DriveHQ from other companies is that it is a one-stop shop for all core IT services, including cloud based file, FTP and email servers, as well as automatic online backup, remote sharing and collaboration services. DriveHQ’s services not only lower IT costs, but also are more flexible and reliable than your in-house IT system. Complementing its advanced and easy to use products with its personable and highly skilled support staff, DriveHQ is the right choice for meeting the IT needs of growing businesses

Drive Headquarters is based in San Ramon, California. More information about Drive Headquarters can be found at https://www.drivehq.com/.
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