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/* * Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. * * Licensed under the SCEA Shared Source License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the * License. */ #include
#ifdef _WIN32 #include
// for getcwd (windows) #else #include
// for getcwd (linux) #endif daeString safeCreate(daeString src); void safeDelete(daeString src); daeString findCharacterReverse(daeString string, daeChar stopChar); //Contributed by Nus - Wed, 08 Nov 2006 static daeURIResolverPtrArray *pKR = NULL; //--------------------------- daeURIResolverPtrArray &daeURIResolver::_KnownResolvers() { //Contributed by Nus - Wed, 08 Nov 2006 // static daeURIResolverPtrArray *kr = new daeURIResolverPtrArray(); // return *kr; return *pKR; //-------------------------------- } //Contributed by Nus - Wed, 08 Nov 2006 static daeURI* pAppURI = NULL; // static daeURI ApplicationURI(1); extern "C" void initializeURI(void) { if(!pAppURI) { pAppURI = new daeURI(1); } if(!pKR) { pKR = new daeURIResolverPtrArray(); } } extern "C" void terminateURI(void) { delete pAppURI; pAppURI = NULL; delete pKR; pKR = NULL; } //-------------------------------------- void daeURI::setBaseURI(daeURI& uri) { //Contributed by Nus - Wed, 08 Nov 2006 // ApplicationURI.reset(); // ApplicationURI.setURI(uri.getURI()); pAppURI->reset(); pAppURI->setURI(uri.getURI()); //------------------------ } daeURI* daeURI::getBaseURI() { //Contributed by Nus - Wed, 08 Nov 2006 return pAppURI; //-------------------------------------- } void daeURI::initialize() { // Initialize a URI to it's empty state, same as daeURI::reset but also clears out "container" uriString = NULL; originalURIString = NULL; protocol = NULL; authority = NULL; filepath = NULL; file = NULL; id = NULL; extension = NULL; state = uri_empty; element = NULL; container = NULL; external = false; } daeURI::~daeURI() { reset(); } daeURI::daeURI() { initialize(); // reset(); // No need to call reset in the constructor, initialize does the same thing. } daeURI::daeURI(int dummy) { (void)dummy; // This constructor builds a base URI from the current working directory // This should work for windows or linux // !!!GAC the buffers should probably be bigger char buffer[1024], *b1; strcpy(buffer, "file:///"); #ifdef NO_GETCWD // The platform has no getcwd call, so leave the value as file:/// #else #ifdef _WIN32 // Windows getcwd always returns a path beginning with a drive letter, so we add file:/// to the beginning getcwd(&buffer[8],1024-8); #else // Linux getcwd always returns a path beginning with a slash, so we add file:// to the beginning getcwd(&buffer[7],1024-7); #endif #endif // If the path contains windows backslashes, flip them to forward slashes for(b1 = buffer;*b1 != 0;b1++) { if(*b1 == '\\') { *b1 = '/'; } } // The path must end in a slash or the last part of it will be taken as a filename if(*(b1-1) != '/') { *(b1++) = '/'; } *b1 = '\0'; initialize(); setURI(buffer); validate(); } daeURI::daeURI(daeString uriString, daeBool nofrag) { initialize(); // !!!GAC this is inefficient as hell, but was the best way to isolate this functionality till the // !!!GAC daeURI class can be written to support modifying URIs better (should be possible to make a URI, // !!!GAC change any member and have getURI return the proper const string URI) if(nofrag) { // Strip off the fragment part before constructing the URI daeString temp = safeCreate(uriString); daeChar* fragment = (daeChar*)findCharacterReverse(temp, '#'); if(fragment) { *fragment = 0; } setURI(temp); safeDelete(temp); } else { // Generate the URI without changing the string setURI(uriString); } if(nofrag) validate(); } daeURI::daeURI(daeURI& baseURI, daeString uriString) { initialize(); setURI(uriString); validate(&baseURI); } daeURI::daeURI(daeURI& copyFrom) { initialize(); setURI(copyFrom.getOriginalURI()); element = copyFrom.element; // !!!GAC SetURI immediately clears element so we must do this after state = copyFrom.state; } void daeURI::copyFrom(daeURI& copyFrom) { setURI(copyFrom.getOriginalURI()); element = copyFrom.element; // !!!GAC SetURI immediately clears element so we must do this after state = copyFrom.state; // !!!GAC Should there be a call to validate in here? } void daeURI::reset() { // Free up any allocated memory if (uriString != NULL) safeDelete(uriString); if (originalURIString != NULL) safeDelete(originalURIString); if (protocol != NULL) safeDelete(protocol); if (authority != NULL) safeDelete(authority); if (filepath != NULL) safeDelete(filepath); if (file != NULL) safeDelete(file); if (id != NULL) safeDelete(id); if (extension != NULL) safeDelete(extension); // Set everything to the empty string uriString = NULL; originalURIString = NULL; protocol = NULL; authority = NULL; filepath = NULL; file = NULL; id = NULL; extension = NULL; state = uri_empty; element = NULL; // container = NULL; // !!!GAC don't want to clear this, our container doesn't change once it's set } daeString findCharacterReverse(daeString string, daeChar stopChar) { if (string == NULL) return NULL; daeString cur = string + strlen(string)-1; while((cur >= string) && (*cur != stopChar)) cur--; if ((cur >= string) && (*cur == stopChar)) return cur; return NULL; } daeString findCharacter(daeString string, daeChar stopChar) { if (string == NULL) return NULL; daeString end = string + strlen(string); daeString cur = string; while((*cur != stopChar) && (cur < end)) cur++; if (*cur == stopChar) return cur; return NULL; } daeString safeCreate(daeString src) { if (src == NULL) return NULL; daeChar* ret = (daeChar*)daeMemorySystem::malloc("uri",strlen(src)+1); if (ret == NULL) return NULL; strcpy(ret,src); return ret; } void safeDelete(daeString src) { if(src != NULL) { daeMemorySystem::free("uri",(void*)src); src = NULL; } } void daeURI::setURI(daeString _URIString) { //Contributed by Nus - Wed, 08 Nov 2006 // Nus: Checking for existing string. if(originalURIString && _URIString) { if(strcmp(originalURIString, _URIString) == 0) return; } // Nus: If the string exist, delete it first. if(originalURIString) { safeDelete(originalURIString); originalURIString = NULL; } //--------------------------- originalURIString = safeCreate(_URIString); internalSetURI(_URIString); } daeChar *validScheme(daeString uri_string) { // attempt to find a valid scheme in a string // Failure to find a scheme returns a NULL, success returns the position of the terminating : // First character must be alpha, fail if it's not if(!isalpha(*uri_string)) return(NULL); // Advance to the next character uri_string++; // Scheme must be at least two (valid) characters long, so go through this loop at least once do { // If the character is NOT alpha, digit, +, - or . then this isn't a valid scheme // Note this also fails if we encounter a null terminator before hitting the first : if(!(isalpha(*uri_string) || isdigit(*uri_string) || *uri_string == '.' || *uri_string == '+' || *uri_string == '-')) return(NULL); uri_string++; } while(*uri_string != ':' ); return((daeChar *)uri_string); } void daeURI::internalSetURI(daeString _URIString) { daeChar* tmp; // Store the originalURI so you can fix it post Reset daeString oURI = originalURIString; originalURIString = NULL; // Reset everything reset(); // Fix original URI String originalURIString = oURI; uriString = safeCreate(_URIString); tmp = (daeChar*)daeMemorySystem::malloc("tmp",strlen(_URIString)+1); if ((uriString == NULL)||(tmp == NULL)) return; strcpy(tmp,uriString); daeChar* curSrc = tmp; #if 1 // Check for a scheme, two or more characters followed by a : // daeChar* colon = (daeChar*)findCharacter(curSrc,':'); daeChar* colon = validScheme(curSrc); // if(colon && (colon-tmp >= 2 )) if(colon) { // Found a scheme, remember it (protocol should be named scheme) *colon = '\0'; protocol = safeCreate(curSrc); // Advance the current pointer past the colon curSrc = colon+1; } // Check for a net path containing an authority, this would begin with // if(curSrc[0] == '/' && curSrc[1] == '/') { // Advance past the double slash to where the authority would start, then find the next slash curSrc = curSrc + 2; daeChar* slash = (daeChar*)findCharacter(curSrc,'/'); // Temporarily remove that slash (avoids some branches) if ( slash != NULL ) { *slash = '\0'; } // Save the text between the slashes as the authority authority = safeCreate(curSrc); // Put the slash back and advance the current pointer to it, this puts us at the start of the path if (slash != NULL ) { *slash = '/'; curSrc = slash; } } // Search backwards from the end of the URI for the # which denotes the fragment (called ID here) daeChar* idSymbol = (daeChar*)findCharacterReverse(curSrc,'#'); if (idSymbol != NULL) { // There was a fragment, isolate it by changing the # to a null *idSymbol = '\0'; idSymbol++; } id = safeCreate(idSymbol); // Search backwards for the last / in the path, everything after is the filename daeChar* fname = (daeChar*)findCharacterReverse(curSrc,'/'); daeChar* dir; if (fname == NULL) { // No / found, so the whole thing is the file name and there is no path fname = curSrc; dir = NULL; } else { // Found a slash, so the filename starts after it and dir starts at curSrc fname++; dir = curSrc; } file = safeCreate(fname); // Pull the extension (if any) off of the filepath daeString extStr = findCharacterReverse(fname,'.'); if (extStr != NULL) extension = safeCreate(extStr+1); // Now pull off the directory path if it exists by putting a zero at the beginning of fname, this insures filepath will end in a slash if(fname != NULL) *fname = 0; filepath = safeCreate(dir); state = uri_loaded; daeMemorySystem::free("tmp",tmp); #else daeBool isAbsolute; daeChar* colon = (daeChar*)findCharacter(curSrc,':'); // IS ABSOLUTE REFERENCE if (colon && (strlen(colon) > 2) && (colon[1] == '/') && (colon[2] == '/')) { *colon = '\0'; protocol = safeCreate(curSrc); curSrc = colon+3; daeString hosttmp = curSrc; daeChar* slash = (daeChar*)findCharacter(curSrc,'/'); if (slash != NULL) { *slash = '\0'; authority = safeCreate(hosttmp); curSrc = slash+1; } isAbsolute = true; } else { protocol = NULL; isAbsolute = false; } // Look for the # which denotes the fragment (called ID here) daeChar* idSymbol = (daeChar*)findCharacterReverse(curSrc,'#'); if (idSymbol != NULL) { // There was a fragment, isolate it by changing the # to a null *idSymbol = '\0'; idSymbol++; } daeChar* dir = NULL; daeChar* fname = (daeChar*)findCharacterReverse(curSrc,'/'); if (fname == NULL) fname = curSrc; else { *fname = '\0'; fname++; dir = curSrc; } filepath = safeCreate(dir); int dirLen = (int)strlen(filepath); // append a '/' if ((filepath != NULL) && (dirLen > 0) && (filepath[dirLen-1] != '/')) { daeMemorySystem::free("uri",(void*)filepath); filepath = (daeString)daeMemorySystem::malloc("uri", dirLen+2); strcpy((daeChar*)filepath,dir); *((daeChar*)filepath+dirLen) = '/'; *((daeChar*)filepath+dirLen+1) = '\0'; } file = safeCreate(fname); id = safeCreate(idSymbol); daeString extStr = findCharacterReverse(fname,'.'); if (extStr != NULL) extension = safeCreate(extStr+1); state = uri_loaded; daeMemorySystem::free("tmp",tmp); #endif } void daeURI::print() { fprintf(stderr,"URI(%s)\n",uriString); fprintf(stderr,"protocol = %s\n",protocol); fprintf(stderr,"authority = %s\n",authority); fprintf(stderr,"path = %s\n",filepath); fprintf(stderr,"file = %s\n",file); fprintf(stderr,"id = %s\n",id); fprintf(stderr,"URI without base = %s\n",originalURIString); fflush(stderr); } const char* protoString = "://"; const char* hostString = "/"; const char* queryString = "#"; const char* filepathString = "/"; daeString daeURI::getURI() const { return uriString; } daeString daeURI::getOriginalURI() const { return originalURIString; } void daeURI::validate(daeURI* baseURI) { // If no base URI was supplied, get the application base and use it if (baseURI == NULL) { if ( container == NULL || (baseURI = container->getDocumentURI()) == NULL ) { baseURI = getBaseURI(); } if (this == baseURI ) { return; } } #if 1 // This is rewritten according to the updated rfc 3986 if((protocol != NULL) && (strlen(protocol)>0)) // if defined(R.scheme) then { // Everything stays the same except path which we normalize // T.scheme = R.scheme; // T.authority = R.authority; // T.path = remove_dot_segments(R.path); // T.query = R.query; normalizeURIPath((char *)filepath); if ( (file == NULL) || (strlen(file)==0) ) { //safeDelete(file); //safeDelete(extension); //file = safeCreate(baseURI->file); //extension = safeCreate(baseURI->extension); } } else { if((authority != NULL) && (strlen(authority)>0)) // if defined(R.authority) then { // Authority and query stay the same, path is normalized // T.authority = R.authority; // T.path = remove_dot_segments(R.path); // T.query = R.query; normalizeURIPath((char *)filepath); if ( (file == NULL) || (strlen(file)==0) ) { //safeDelete(file); //safeDelete(extension); //file = safeCreate(baseURI->file); //extension = safeCreate(baseURI->extension); } } else { if(((filepath == NULL) || (strlen(filepath)==0)) && ((file == NULL) || (strlen(file)==0))) // if (R.path == "") then { // T.path = Base.path; safeDelete(filepath); safeDelete(file); safeDelete(extension); filepath = safeCreate(baseURI->filepath); file = safeCreate(baseURI->file); extension = safeCreate(baseURI->extension); // We don't handle querys, but if we did //if defined(R.query) then // T.query = R.query; //else // T.query = Base.query; //endif; } else { if((filepath != NULL) && (*filepath == '/')) //if (R.path starts-with "/") then { // T.path = remove_dot_segments(R.path); normalizeURIPath((char *)filepath); } else { //T.path = merge(Base.path, R.path); daeChar* newPath; if((strlen(baseURI->authority) != 0) && (strlen(baseURI->filepath)==0) && (strlen(baseURI->file) == 0)) //authority defined, path empty { newPath = (daeChar*)daeMemorySystem::malloc("uri", strlen(filepath) + 2); *newPath = '/'; *(newPath+1) = 0; strcat(newPath,filepath); } else { size_t l = 0; if ( filepath != NULL ) { l = strlen(filepath); } newPath = (daeChar*)daeMemorySystem::malloc("uri", strlen(baseURI->filepath) + l + 1); *newPath = 0; strcat(newPath,baseURI->filepath); if ( filepath != NULL ) { strcat(newPath,filepath); } else { strcat(newPath,""); } } //T.path = remove_dot_segments(T.path); normalizeURIPath(newPath); safeDelete(filepath); filepath = newPath; } // T.query = R.query; } // T.authority = Base.authority; safeDelete(authority); authority = safeCreate(baseURI->authority); } // T.scheme = Base.scheme; safeDelete(protocol); protocol = safeCreate(baseURI->protocol); } // T.fragment = R.fragment; // Now for the purpose of maintaining the class members, we reassemble all this into a string version of the URI size_t len = 0; if ( protocol != NULL ) { len += strlen(protocol); } if ( authority != NULL ) { len += strlen(authority); } if ( filepath != NULL ) { len += strlen(filepath); } if ( file != NULL ) { len += strlen(file); } if ( queryString != NULL ) { len += strlen(queryString); } if ( id != NULL ) { len += strlen(id); } daeChar* newURI = (daeChar*) daeMemorySystem::malloc("uri", len + 4 ); *newURI = 0; if(protocol != NULL && *protocol != 0) { strcat(newURI, protocol); strcat(newURI, ":"); } strcat(newURI, "//"); if(authority != NULL && *authority != 0) { strcat(newURI, authority); } if(filepath != NULL) strcat(newURI, filepath); if(file != NULL) strcat(newURI, file); if(id != NULL && *id != 0) { strcat(newURI,"#"); strcat(newURI,id); } // This becomes the new uriString, no need to call internalSetUri because all the class members are up to date safeDelete(uriString); uriString = newURI; state = uri_pending; if ( container != NULL && container->getDocumentURI() != NULL ) { daeString fp = container->getDocumentURI()->getFilepath(); daeString f = container->getDocumentURI()->getFile(); if ( strcmp( fp, filepath ) != 0 || strcmp( f, file ) != 0 ) { //external reference container->getDocument()->addExternalReference( *this ); external = true; } else if ( external ) { //was external but now isn't container->getDocument()->removeExternalReference( *this ); external = false; } } #else // RFC 2396 part 5.2 step 3, if the scheme (protocol here) is defined we are done, otherwise inherit the base URI's protocol if ((protocol == NULL)||(strlen(protocol)==0)) { // Make a copy of the base's protocol, not a reference to it safeDelete(protocol); protocol = safeCreate(baseURI->protocol); // part 5.2 step 4, if the authority is defined we skip to step 7, otherwise inherit the base URI's authority if((authority == NULL) || (strlen(authority)== 0)) { // Make a copy of the base's authority, not a reference to it safeDelete(authority); authority = safeCreate(baseURI->authority); // part 5.2 step 5 if the path part (filepath here) begins with a slash we skip to step 7, otherwise resolve the relative path against the base if((filepath == NULL) || (*filepath != '/')) { // part 5.2 step 2, if scheme, authority and path are all empty, this is a reference to the current doc // COLLADA DOM wants this to resolve to the URI of the document + the fragment // To make this happen we have the URI inherit the file part of the base (if present) and the path if( ((filepath == NULL) || (strlen(filepath)==0)) && // filepath empty ((file == NULL) || (strlen(file)==0)) && // file empty ((baseURI->file != NULL) && (strlen(baseURI->file) > 0))) // baseURI file NOT empty { // inherit the base's filename safeDelete(file); file = safeCreate(baseURI->file); } // part 5.2 step 6, resolving a relative path reference // note that in this implementation the filepath does not contain the last segment (the filename.ext) // Allocate enough memory to hold the merged path daeChar* newPath = (daeChar*)daeMemorySystem::malloc( "uri", strlen(baseURI->filepath) + strlen(filepath) + 1); *newPath = 0; // part 5.2 step 6(a) copy the baseURI filepath to the buffer strcat(newPath,baseURI->filepath); // part 5.2 step 6(b) copy this URI's filepath to the buffer if(*filepath != 0) { strcat(newPath,filepath); } // part 5.2 step 6(c-g) normalize the new path normalizeURIPath(newPath); // part 5.2 step 6(h) replace the old filepath with the new path safeDelete(filepath); filepath = newPath; } } // part 5.2 step 7 assemble the final complete URI // Allocate memory to hold the assembled version of the URI daeChar* newURI = (daeChar*) daeMemorySystem::malloc( "uri", strlen(protocol) + // really scheme 1 + // space for ":" strlen(authority) + // really authority 2 + // space for "//" strlen(filepath) + // path without the filename strlen(file) + // filename part of the path strlen(queryString) + // "#" strlen(id) + // really fragment 1); // terminating zero *newURI = 0; if(protocol != NULL && *protocol != 0) { strcat(newURI, protocol); strcat(newURI, ":"); } if(authority != NULL && *authority != 0) { strcat(newURI, authority); } strcat(newURI, "//"); if(filepath != NULL) strcat(newURI, filepath); if(file != NULL) strcat(newURI, file); if(id != NULL && *id != 0) { strcat(newURI,"#"); strcat(newURI,id); } // Reset the URI to the new one // Just setting the uriString would probably be enough internalSetURI(newURI); daeMemorySystem::free("uri",newURI); } state = uri_pending; #endif #if 0 // If there is no protocol, assume this is a relative URI that needs to be resolved against the base if ((protocol == NULL)||(strlen(protocol)==0)) { // !!!GAC if the base URI contains a file and this uri does not, copy it over (why??) if (((baseURI->file != NULL) && (strlen(baseURI->file)>0)) && ((file == NULL)||(strlen(file)==0))) { if (file != NULL) safeDelete(file); file = safeCreate(baseURI->file); } // !!!GAC this is a quick and dirty attempt to get the relative URIs properly resolved and the internal // !!!GAC paths normalized. This code should be rewritten when there's time, I wanted to get this up quick // !!!GAC so we could test the rest of the system to make sure handing it "correct" URIs doesn't break things. // Start by allocating memory and putting together just the path component daeChar* newPath = (daeChar*) daeMemorySystem::malloc( "tmp", strlen(baseURI->filepath) + strlen(filepathString) + strlen(filepath) + strlen(filepathString) + strlen(file)+1); *newPath = 0; strcat(newPath,baseURI->filepath); strcat(newPath,filepathString); // !!!GAC this may put in an extra / but if it does the normalization will fix it if(*filepath != 0) { strcat(newPath,filepath); // !!!GAC only do this if filepath is not empty strcat(newPath,filepathString); // !!!GAC only do this if filepath is not empty } strcat(newPath,file); // Normalize the path according to RFC 2396 (removes extra /, .., . and so on) normalizeURIPath(newPath); // !!!GAC Allocate memory for the complete URI and assemble it daeChar* newURI = (daeChar*) daeMemorySystem::malloc( "tmp", strlen(baseURI->protocol) + strlen(protoString) + strlen(authority) + strlen(hostString) + strlen(newPath) + strlen(queryString) + strlen(id)+1); *newURI = 0; strcat(newURI,baseURI->protocol); // Should be called "scheme" from RFC 2396 strcat(newURI,protoString); strcat(newURI,authority); // Should be called "authority" // strcat(newURI,hostString); // !!!GAC not necessary, path always begins with a / strcat(newURI,newPath); if(strlen(id) != 0) { // !!!GAC don't append the #id unless it's needed (bug 297) strcat(newURI,queryString); strcat(newURI,id); } internalSetURI(newURI); daeMemorySystem::free("tmp",newPath); daeMemorySystem::free("tmp",newURI); } state = uri_pending; #endif } void daeURI::resolveElement(daeString typeNameHint) { if (state == uri_empty) return; if (state == uri_loaded) { if (container != NULL) validate(container->getDocumentURI()); else validate(); } daeURIResolver::attemptResolveElement(*((daeURI*)this), typeNameHint ); } void daeURI::resolveURI() { // !!!GAC bug 486, there used to be code here that just returned if state was uri_empty or uri_resolve_local this has been removed. if (element != NULL) { // !!!GAC bug 388 and 421, need to add a fragment (#) before the ID (was setURI(element->getID())) if(element->getID() == NULL || element->getID()[0] == 0) { // We can't resolve to an element that has no ID, so if the ID is blank, fail and return state = uri_failed_invalid_reference; return; } daeChar* newID = (daeChar*)daeMemorySystem::malloc("tmp",strlen(element->getID())+2); strcpy(newID,"#"); strcat(newID,element->getID()); // !!!GAC We have to save element and container because setURI clears them for some reason daeElementRef elementSave = element; setURI(newID); // !!!GAC Hopefully, calling validate like below is the right thing to do to get the full URI resolution element = elementSave; validate(element->getDocumentURI()); element = elementSave; daeMemorySystem::free("tmp",newID); state = uri_success; // !!!GAC The element pointer and the URI should agree now, so set success } else { state = uri_failed_invalid_reference; } } daeBool daeURI::getPath(daeChar *dest, daeInt size) { if( file == NULL ) { //printf("****** %s : %s\n", uriString, originalURIString); return false; } *dest = 0; int lenPath = 0; if ( filepath != NULL ) lenPath = (int)strlen(filepath); int lenFile = (int)strlen(file); int len = lenPath + lenFile; if (len < size) { if ( filepath != NULL ) { strcpy(dest,filepath); } strcat(dest,file); return true; } else return false; } void daeURIResolver::attemptResolveElement(daeURI& uri, daeString typeNameHint) { int i; int cnt =(int) _KnownResolvers().getCount(); for(i=0;i
isProtocolSupported(uri.getProtocol()))&& ((uri.getFile() == NULL) || (uri.getFile()[0] == '\0') || (_KnownResolvers()[i]->isExtensionSupported(uri.getExtension()))) && (_KnownResolvers()[i]->resolveElement(uri, typeNameHint))) return; } void daeURIResolver::attemptResolveURI(daeURI& uri) { int i,cnt = (int)_KnownResolvers().getCount(); daeBool foundProtocol = false; for(i=0;i
isProtocolSupported(uri.getProtocol())) { foundProtocol = true; if (_KnownResolvers()[i]->resolveURI(uri)) return; } #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(WIN32) char msg[256]; sprintf(msg,"daeURIResolver::attemptResolveURI(%s) - failed\n", uri.getURI()); daeErrorHandler::get()->handleWarning( msg ); #endif if (!foundProtocol) { uri.setState(daeURI::uri_failed_unsupported_protocol); #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(WIN32) char msg[128]; sprintf(msg,"**protocol '%s' is not supported**\n",uri.getProtocol()); daeErrorHandler::get()->handleWarning( msg ); #endif } else { #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(WIN32) char msg[256]; sprintf(msg,"**file(%s/%s) or id(%s) failed to resolve\n", uri.getFilepath(),uri.getFile(),uri.getID()); daeErrorHandler::get()->handleWarning( msg ); #endif } } daeBool daeURIResolver::_loadExternalDocuments = true; daeURIResolver::daeURIResolver() { _KnownResolvers().append((daeURIResolver*)this); } daeURIResolver::~daeURIResolver() { _KnownResolvers().remove((daeURIResolver*)this); } // This code is loosely based on the RFC 2396 normalization code from // libXML. Specifically it does the RFC steps 6.c->6.g from section 5.2 // The path is modified in place, there is no error return. void daeURI::normalizeURIPath(char *path) { char *cur, // location we are currently processing *out; // Everything from this back we are done with // Return if the path pointer is null if (path == NULL) return; // Skip any initial / characters to get us to the start of the first segment for(cur=path; *cur == '/'; cur++); // Return if we hit the end of the string if (*cur == 0) return; // Keep everything we've seen so far. out = cur; // Analyze each segment in sequence for cases (c) and (d). while (*cur != 0) { // (c) All occurrences of "./", where "." is a complete path segment, are removed from the buffer string. if ((*cur == '.') && (*(cur+1) == '/')) { cur += 2; // If there were multiple slashes, skip them too while (*cur == '/') cur++; continue; } // (d) If the buffer string ends with "." as a complete path segment, that "." is removed. if ((*cur == '.') && (*(cur+1) == 0)) break; // If we passed the above tests copy the segment to the output side while (*cur != '/' && *cur != 0) { *(out++) = *(cur++); } if(*cur != 0) { // Skip any occurrances of // at the end of the segment while ((*cur == '/') && (*(cur+1) == '/')) cur++; // Bring the last character in the segment (/ or a null terminator) into the output *(out++) = *(cur++); } } *out = 0; // Restart at the beginning of the first segment for the next part for(cur=path; *cur == '/'; cur++); if (*cur == 0) return; // Analyze each segment in sequence for cases (e) and (f). // // e) All occurrences of "
/../", where
is a // complete path segment not equal to "..", are removed from the // buffer string. Removal of these path segments is performed // iteratively, removing the leftmost matching pattern on each // iteration, until no matching pattern remains. // // f) If the buffer string ends with "
/..", where
// is a complete path segment not equal to "..", that // "
/.." is removed. // // To satisfy the "iterative" clause in (e), we need to collapse the // string every time we find something that needs to be removed. Thus, // we don't need to keep two pointers into the string: we only need a // "current position" pointer. // bool trew = true; while (trew) { char *segp, *tmp; // At the beginning of each iteration of this loop, "cur" points to // the first character of the segment we want to examine. // Find the end of the current segment. for(segp = cur;(*segp != '/') && (*segp != 0); ++segp); // If this is the last segment, we're done (we need at least two // segments to meet the criteria for the (e) and (f) cases). if (*segp == 0) break; // If the first segment is "..", or if the next segment _isn't_ "..", // keep this segment and try the next one. ++segp; if (((*cur == '.') && (cur[1] == '.') && (segp == cur+3)) || ((*segp != '.') || (segp[1] != '.') || ((segp[2] != '/') && (segp[2] != 0)))) { cur = segp; continue; } // If we get here, remove this segment and the next one and back up // to the previous segment (if there is one), to implement the // "iteratively" clause. It's pretty much impossible to back up // while maintaining two pointers into the buffer, so just compact // the whole buffer now. // If this is the end of the buffer, we're done. if (segp[2] == 0) { *cur = 0; break; } // Strings overlap during this copy, but not in a bad way, just avoid using strcpy tmp = cur; segp += 3; while ((*(tmp++) = *(segp++)) != 0); // If there are no previous segments, then keep going from here. segp = cur; while ((segp > path) && (*(--segp) == '/')); if (segp == path) continue; // "segp" is pointing to the end of a previous segment; find it's // start. We need to back up to the previous segment and start // over with that to handle things like "foo/bar/../..". If we // don't do this, then on the first pass we'll remove the "bar/..", // but be pointing at the second ".." so we won't realize we can also // remove the "foo/..". for(cur = segp;(cur > path) && (*(cur-1) != '/'); cur--); } *out = 0; // g) If the resulting buffer string still begins with one or more // complete path segments of "..", then the reference is // considered to be in error. Implementations may handle this // error by retaining these components in the resolved path (i.e., // treating them as part of the final URI), by removing them from // the resolved path (i.e., discarding relative levels above the // root), or by avoiding traversal of the reference. // // We discard them from the final path. if (*path == '/') { for(cur=path; (*cur == '/') && (cur[1] == '.') && (cur[2] == '.') && ((cur[3] == '/') || (cur[3] == 0)); cur += 3); if (cur != path) { for(out=path; *cur != 0; *(out++) = *(cur++)); *out = 0; } } return; } // This function will take a resolved URI and create a version of it that is relative to // another existing URI. The new URI is stored in the "originalURI" int daeURI::makeRelativeTo(daeURI* relativeToURI) { if( getState() == uri_empty || relativeToURI->getState() == uri_empty ) return(DAE_ERR_INVALID_CALL); if( getState() == uri_loaded ) { if (container != NULL) validate(container->getDocumentURI()); else validate(); } if( relativeToURI->getState() == uri_loaded ) { if (relativeToURI->getContainer() != NULL) relativeToURI->validate(relativeToURI->getContainer()->getDocumentURI()); else relativeToURI->validate(); } // Can only do this function if both URIs have the same scheme and authority if((strcmp(getProtocol(), relativeToURI->getProtocol()) != 0) || (strcmp(getAuthority(), relativeToURI->getAuthority()) != 0)) return(DAE_ERR_INVALID_CALL); // !!!GAC Need to assign a real error code to this // advance till we find a segment that doesn't match const char *this_filepath = getFilepath(); const char *relativeTo_filepath = relativeToURI->getFilepath(); const char *this_slash = this_filepath; const char *relativeTo_slash = relativeTo_filepath; while(*this_filepath == *relativeTo_filepath) { if(*this_filepath == '/') { this_slash = this_filepath; relativeTo_slash = relativeTo_filepath; } this_filepath++; relativeTo_filepath++; } // Decide how many ../ segments are needed (Filepath should always end in a /) int segment_count = 0; relativeTo_slash++; while(*relativeTo_slash != 0) { if(*relativeTo_slash == '/') segment_count ++; relativeTo_slash++; } this_slash++; // Delete old URI string safeDelete(originalURIString); // Allocate memory for a new "originalURI" and free the old one char *newRelativeURI; if ( getID() == NULL ) { newRelativeURI = (char*) daeMemorySystem::malloc("uri",strlen(this_slash)+ strlen(file)+(segment_count*3)+1); } else { newRelativeURI = (char*) daeMemorySystem::malloc("uri",strlen(this_slash)+ strlen(file)+(segment_count*3)+strlen(id)+2); } char *temp = newRelativeURI; for(int i = 0; i < segment_count; i++) { strcpy(temp,"../"); temp += 3; } strcpy(temp,this_slash); strcat(temp,file); if(id!=NULL && strlen(getID()) != 0) { strcat(temp,"#"); strcat(temp,getID()); } originalURIString = newRelativeURI; return(DAE_OK); } void daeURIResolver::setAutoLoadExternalDocuments( daeBool load ) { _loadExternalDocuments = load; } daeBool daeURIResolver::getAutoLoadExternalDocuments() { return _loadExternalDocuments; }
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