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/* * Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. * * Licensed under the SCEA Shared Source License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the * License. */ #include
daeAtomicTypeArray* daeAtomicType::_Types = NULL; daeBool daeAtomicType::_TypesInitialized = false; void daeAtomicType::initializeKnownTypes() { _Types = new daeAtomicTypeArray; initializeKnownBaseTypes(); //mandatory to set here, because the array types are querying the atomic types _TypesInitialized = true; } void daeAtomicType::uninitializeKnownTypes() { if ( _TypesInitialized ) { _TypesInitialized = false; unsigned int i; for (i=0;i<_Types->getCount();i++) { daeAtomicType* type = _Types->get(i); delete type; } delete _Types; } } void daeAtomicType::initializeKnownBaseTypes() { _Types->append(new daeUIntType); _Types->append(new daeIntType); _Types->append(new daeLongType); _Types->append(new daeShortType); _Types->append(new daeUIntType); _Types->append(new daeULongType); _Types->append(new daeFloatType); _Types->append(new daeDoubleType); _Types->append(new daeStringRefType); _Types->append(new daeElementRefType); _Types->append(new daeEnumType); _Types->append(new daeRawRefType); _Types->append(new daeResolverType); _Types->append(new daeIDResolverType); _Types->append(new daeBoolType); _Types->append(new daeTokenType); } daeAtomicType* daeAtomicType::get(daeStringRef typeString) { if (!_TypesInitialized) daeAtomicType::initializeKnownTypes(); int tCount = (int)_Types->getCount(); int i; for(i=0; i
get(i); daeStringRefArray& nameBindings = type->getNameBindings(); int count = (int)nameBindings.getCount(); int j; for(j=0;j
getCount(); int i; for(i=0; i
get(i); if (type->getTypeEnum() == typeEnum) return type; } return NULL; } daeBool daeAtomicType::stringToMemory(daeChar *src, daeChar* dstMemory) { sscanf(src, _scanFormat, dstMemory); return true; } daeBool daeAtomicType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { // just to remove the warnings (void)src; if (dstSize > 32) sprintf(dst,"unknown type string conversion\n"); return true; } daeInt daeAtomicType::append(daeAtomicType* t) { if (!_TypesInitialized) daeAtomicType::initializeKnownTypes(); return (daeInt)_Types->append(t); } const daeAtomicType* daeAtomicType::getByIndex(daeInt index) { return _Types->get(index); } daeInt daeAtomicType::getCount() { return (daeInt)_Types->getCount(); } daeEnumType::daeEnumType() { _size = sizeof(daeEnum); _alignment = sizeof(daeEnum); _typeEnum = EnumType; _nameBindings.append("enum"); _printFormat = "%s";//"%%.%ds"; _scanFormat = "%s"; _strings = NULL; _values = NULL; _typeString = "enum"; } daeEnumType::~daeEnumType() { if ( _strings ) { delete _strings; _strings = NULL; } if ( _values ) { delete _values; _values = NULL; } } daeBoolType::daeBoolType() { _size = sizeof(daeBool); _alignment = sizeof(daeBool); _typeEnum = BoolType; _printFormat = "%d"; _scanFormat = "%d"; _typeString = "bool"; _maxStringLength = (daeInt)strlen("false")+1; _nameBindings.append("bool"); //_nameBindings.append("xsBool"); _nameBindings.append("xsBoolean"); } daeIntType::daeIntType() { _size = sizeof(daeInt); _alignment = sizeof(daeInt); _typeEnum = IntType; _maxStringLength = 16; _nameBindings.append("int"); _nameBindings.append("xsInteger"); _nameBindings.append("xsHexBinary"); _nameBindings.append("xsIntegerArray"); _nameBindings.append("xsHexBinaryArray"); _nameBindings.append("xsByte"); _nameBindings.append("xsInt"); _printFormat = "%d"; _scanFormat = "%d"; _typeString = "int"; } daeLongType::daeLongType() { _size = sizeof(daeLong); _alignment = sizeof(daeLong); _typeEnum = LongType; _maxStringLength = 32; _nameBindings.append("xsLong"); _nameBindings.append("xsLongArray"); _printFormat = "%lld"; _scanFormat = "%lld"; _typeString = "long"; } daeShortType::daeShortType() { _maxStringLength = 8; _size = sizeof(daeShort); _alignment = sizeof(daeShort); _typeEnum = ShortType; _nameBindings.append("short"); _nameBindings.append("xsShort"); _printFormat = "%hd"; _scanFormat = "%hd"; _typeString = "short"; } daeUIntType::daeUIntType() { _maxStringLength = 16; _size = sizeof(daeUInt); _alignment = sizeof(daeUInt); _typeEnum = UIntType; _nameBindings.append("uint"); _nameBindings.append("xsNonNegativeInteger"); _nameBindings.append("xsUnsignedByte"); _nameBindings.append("xsUnsignedInt"); _nameBindings.append("xsPositiveInteger"); _printFormat = "%u"; _scanFormat = "%u"; _typeString = "uint"; } daeULongType::daeULongType() { _size = sizeof(daeULong); _alignment = sizeof(daeULong); _typeEnum = ULongType; _maxStringLength = 32; _nameBindings.append("ulong"); _nameBindings.append("xsUnsignedLong"); _printFormat = "%llu"; _scanFormat = "%llu"; _typeString = "ulong"; } daeFloatType::daeFloatType() { _maxStringLength = 64; _size = sizeof(daeFloat); _alignment = sizeof(daeFloat); _typeEnum = FloatType; _nameBindings.append("float"); _nameBindings.append("xsFloat"); _printFormat = "%g"; _scanFormat = "%g"; _typeString = "float"; } daeDoubleType::daeDoubleType() { _size = sizeof(daeDouble); _alignment = sizeof(daeDouble); _typeEnum = DoubleType; _nameBindings.append("double"); _nameBindings.append("xsDouble"); _nameBindings.append("xsDecimal"); _printFormat = "%lg"; _scanFormat = "%lg"; _typeString = "double"; _maxStringLength = 64; } daeStringRefType::daeStringRefType() { _size = sizeof(daeStringRef); _alignment = sizeof(daeStringRef); _typeEnum = StringRefType; _nameBindings.append("string"); _nameBindings.append("xsString"); _nameBindings.append("xsDateTime"); _printFormat = "%s"; _scanFormat = "%s"; _typeString = "string"; } daeTokenType::daeTokenType() { _size = sizeof(daeStringRef); _alignment = sizeof(daeStringRef); _typeEnum = TokenType; _nameBindings.append("token"); _nameBindings.append("xsID"); _nameBindings.append("xsNCName"); _nameBindings.append("xsNMTOKEN"); _nameBindings.append("xsName"); _nameBindings.append("xsToken"); _nameBindings.append("xsNameArray"); _nameBindings.append("xsTokenArray"); _nameBindings.append("xsNCNameArray"); _printFormat = "%s"; _scanFormat = "%s"; _typeString = "token"; } daeElementRefType::daeElementRefType() { _size = sizeof(daeElementRef); _alignment = sizeof(daeElementRef); _typeEnum = ElementRefType; _nameBindings.append("element"); _nameBindings.append("Element"); _nameBindings.append("TrackedElement"); _printFormat = "%p"; _scanFormat = "%p"; _typeString = "element"; _maxStringLength = 64; } daeRawRefType::daeRawRefType() { _size = sizeof(daeRawRef); _alignment = sizeof(daeRawRef); _typeEnum = RawRefType; _nameBindings.append("raw"); _printFormat = "%p"; _scanFormat = "%p"; _typeString = "raw"; _maxStringLength = 64; } daeResolverType::daeResolverType() { _size = sizeof(daeURI); _alignment = sizeof(daeURI); _typeEnum = ResolverType; _nameBindings.append("resolver"); _nameBindings.append("xsAnyURI"); _printFormat = "%s"; _scanFormat = "%s"; _typeString = "resolver"; } daeIDResolverType::daeIDResolverType() { _size = sizeof(daeIDRef); _alignment = sizeof(daeIDRef); _typeEnum = IDResolverType; _nameBindings.append("xsIDREF"); _nameBindings.append("xsIDREFS"); _printFormat = "%s"; _scanFormat = "%s"; _typeString = "idref_resolver"; } daeBool daeIntType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { if (_maxStringLength > dstSize) return false; sprintf(dst,_printFormat,*((daeInt*)src)); return true; } daeBool daeLongType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { if (_maxStringLength > dstSize) return false; sprintf(dst,_printFormat,*((daeLong*)src)); return true; } daeBool daeShortType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { if (_maxStringLength > dstSize) return false; sprintf(dst,_printFormat,*((daeShort*)src)); return true; } daeBool daeUIntType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { if (_maxStringLength > dstSize) return false; sprintf(dst,_printFormat,*((daeUInt*)src)); return true; } daeBool daeULongType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { if (_maxStringLength > dstSize) return false; sprintf(dst,_printFormat,*((daeULong*)src)); return true; } daeBool daeFloatType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { if (_maxStringLength > dstSize) return false; if ( *(daeFloat*)src != *(daeFloat*)src ) //NAN { strcpy( dst, "NaN" ); } else if ( *(daeUInt*)src == 0x7f800000 ) //+INF { strcpy( dst, "INF" ); } else if ( *(daeUInt*)src == 0xff800000 ) //-INF { strcpy( dst, "-INF" ); } else { sprintf(dst,_printFormat,*((daeFloat*)src)); } return true; } daeBool daeFloatType::stringToMemory(daeChar *src, daeChar* dstMemory) { if ( strcmp(src, "NaN") == 0 ) { daeErrorHandler::get()->handleWarning("NaN encountered while setting an attribute or value\n"); *(daeInt*)(dstMemory) = 0x7f800002; } else if ( strcmp(src, "INF") == 0 ) { daeErrorHandler::get()->handleWarning( "INF encountered while setting an attribute or value\n" ); *(daeInt*)(dstMemory) = 0x7f800000; } else if ( strcmp(src, "-INF") == 0 ) { daeErrorHandler::get()->handleWarning( "-INF encountered while setting an attribute or value\n" ); *(daeInt*)(dstMemory) = 0xff800000; } else { sscanf(src, _scanFormat, dstMemory); } return true; } daeBool daeDoubleType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { if (_maxStringLength > dstSize) return false; if ( *(daeDouble*)src != *(daeDouble*)src ) //NAN { strcpy( dst, "NaN" ); } else if ( *(daeULong*)src == 0x7ff0000000000000LL ) //+INF { strcpy( dst, "INF" ); } else if ( *(daeULong*)src == 0xfff0000000000000LL ) //-INF { strcpy( dst, "-INF" ); } else { sprintf(dst,_printFormat,*((daeDouble*)src)); } return true; } daeBool daeDoubleType::stringToMemory(daeChar *src, daeChar* dstMemory) { if ( strcmp(src, "NaN") == 0 ) { daeErrorHandler::get()->handleWarning( "NaN encountered while setting an attribute or value\n" ); *(daeLong*)(dstMemory) = 0x7ff0000000000002LL; } else if ( strcmp(src, "INF") == 0 ) { daeErrorHandler::get()->handleWarning( "INF encountered while setting an attribute or value\n" ); *(daeLong*)(dstMemory) = 0x7ff0000000000000LL; } else if ( strcmp(src, "-INF") == 0 ) { daeErrorHandler::get()->handleWarning( "-INF encountered while setting an attribute or value\n" ); *(daeLong*)(dstMemory) = 0xfff0000000000000LL; } else { sscanf(src, _scanFormat, dstMemory); } return true; } daeBool daeRawRefType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { if (_maxStringLength > dstSize) return false; sprintf(dst,"%p",(void *)(*((daeRawRef*)src))); return true; } daeBool daeStringRefType::getUsesStrings() { return true; } daeBool daeTokenType::getUsesStrings() { return false; } daeBool daeStringRefType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { daeString s = *((daeStringRef *)src); if (!s || strlen(s) == 0) dst[0] = '\0'; else { char tmp[64]; sprintf(tmp,"%%.%ds",dstSize-1); sprintf(dst,tmp,(const char*)s); if ((daeInt)(strlen(s)+1) > dstSize) return false; } return true; } daeBool daeResolverType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { #if 1 // Get the URI we are trying to write daeURI *thisURI = ((daeURI *)src); daeString s; // !!!GAC We may want to re-resolve the URI before writing, if so call thisURI->resolveURI() here // !!!GAC if you're willing to trust that everything is properly resolved, this isn't needed // Was this URI successfully resolved ? (if element or collection is null, we can't write the URI correctly) if(thisURI->getState() != daeURI::uri_success || !(thisURI->getElement()) || !(thisURI->getContainer())) { // This URI was never successfully resolved, so write out it's original value s = thisURI->getOriginalURI(); if ( s == NULL ) s = ""; } else { // This URI was successfully resolved, we need to determine if it is referencing this document (the one being written) // or some other document so we know what URI to write out. // !!!GAC this approach should be safe, if the collection pointer of our document matches the collection pointer // !!!GAC of the element our URI is pointing at, we are pointing at our own doc. if(thisURI->getElement()->getDocument() == thisURI->getContainer()->getDocument()) { // we will send back the original URI if we're pointing at ourselves s = thisURI->getOriginalURI(); if ( s == NULL ) s = ""; } else { // !!!GAC change this to test outputting of relative URIs, NOT FULLY TESTED!!! #if 1 // we will send back the full resolved URI s = thisURI->getURI(); if ( s == NULL ) s = ""; #else // Makes the URI relative to the document being written, EXPERIMENTAL, not fully tested!!! thisURI->makeRelativeTo(thisURI->getDocument()->getCollection()->getDocumentURI()); s = thisURI->getOriginalURI(); if ( s == NULL ) s = ""; #endif } } // Copy at most dstSize-1 characters, null terminate and return error if the string was too long daeChar *d; int i; for(d = dst, i = 1; *s != 0 && i
resolveURI(); // Get the URI String as set, not the composited one from the base // as per SCEA request daeString s = ((daeURI *)src)->getOriginalURI(); char tmp[64]; sprintf(tmp,"%%.%ds",dstSize-1); sprintf(dst,tmp,s); if ((daeInt)(strlen(s)+1) > dstSize) return false; return true; #endif } daeBool daeIDResolverType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { ((daeIDRef*)src)->resolveID(); daeString s = ((daeIDRef *)src)->getID(); char tmp[64]; sprintf(tmp,"%%.%ds",dstSize-1); sprintf(dst,tmp,s); if ((daeInt)(strlen(s)+1) > dstSize) return false; return true; } void daeAtomicType::resolve(daeElementRef element, daeChar* src) { // just to remove the warnings (void)element; (void)src; } void daeResolverType::resolve(daeElementRef element, daeChar* src) { daeURI* resolver = (daeURI*)src; resolver->setContainer(element); resolver->resolveElement(); } daeBool daeResolverType::stringToMemory(daeChar* src, daeChar* dstMemory) { #define MAX_PATH 1024 daeChar tempstr[MAX_PATH]; memset(tempstr,0,MAX_PATH); daeChar* s; daeChar* t; for(s=src, t=tempstr; *s!=0; s++,t++) { if (*s == '%') { if ((*(s+1) == '2') && (*(s+2) == '0')) { (*t)=' '; s+=2; continue; } } else if (*s == ' ') { char err[512]; memset( err, 0, 512 ); sprintf(err,"uri contains white space, dom will convert them to %%20 in output files!\n uri=%s", src); daeErrorHandler::get()->handleWarning( err ); } *t=*s; } ((daeURI*)dstMemory)->setURI(tempstr); return true; } void daeIDResolverType::resolve(daeElementRef element, daeChar* src) { daeIDRef* resolver = (daeIDRef*)src; resolver->setContainer( element ); resolver->resolveElement(); } daeBool daeIDResolverType::stringToMemory(daeChar* src, daeChar* dstMemory) { ((daeIDRef*)dstMemory)->setID(src); return true; } daeBool daeStringRefType::stringToMemory(daeChar* srcChars, daeChar* dstMemory) { *((daeStringRef*)dstMemory) = srcChars; return true; } daeBool daeEnumType::stringToMemory(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst ) { size_t index(0); if ( _strings->find(src,index) == DAE_ERR_QUERY_NO_MATCH ) return false; daeEnum val = _values->get( index ); *((daeEnum*)dst) = val; return true; } daeBool daeEnumType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { daeStringRef s = "unknown"; if (_strings != NULL) { size_t index; if (_values->find(*((daeEnum*)src), index) == DAE_OK) s = _strings->get(index); } sprintf(dst,_printFormat,(const char*)s); (void)dstSize; return true; } daeBool daeBoolType::stringToMemory(daeChar* srcChars, daeChar* dstMemory) { if (strncmp(srcChars,"true",4)==0 || strncmp(srcChars,"1",1)==0) *((daeBool*)dstMemory) = true; else *((daeBool*)dstMemory) = false; return true; } daeBool daeBoolType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { if (*((daeBool*)src)) { if (dstSize < 5) return false; else sprintf(dst,"true"); } else { if (dstSize < 6) return false; else sprintf(dst,"false"); } return true; } //!!!ACL added for 1.4 complex types and groups //unImplemented daeBool daeElementRefType::memoryToString(daeChar* src, daeChar* dst, daeInt dstSize) { /*if (*((daeBool*)src)) { if (dstSize < 5) return false; else sprintf(dst,"true"); } else { if (dstSize < 6) return false; else sprintf(dst,"false"); }*/ (void)src; (void)dst; (void)dstSize; return false; }
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