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/* * Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. * * Licensed under the SCEA Shared Source License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the * License. */ #include
#else //This plugin is not provided with the public release. If you don't know about it then you don't need //to worry about it. #include
#endif #endif // Don't include domConstants.h because it varies depending on the dom version, // just extern the one thing we need (COLLADA_VERSION) which all versions of // domConstants.h/.cpp are required to define. extern daeString COLLADA_VERSION; daeInt DAEInstanceCount = 0; daeMetaElement *DAE::topMeta = NULL; void DAE::cleanup() { if (topMeta != NULL) { daeMetaElement::releaseMetas(); daeAtomicType::uninitializeKnownTypes(); topMeta = NULL; //Contributed by Nus - Wed, 08 Nov 2006 terminateURI(); terminateResolveArray(); daeStringRef::releaseStringTable(); daeIDRefResolver::terminateIDRefSolver(); //---------------------- } } // constructor DAE::DAE() : database(NULL), plugin(NULL), resolver(NULL), idResolver(NULL), defaultDatabase(false), defaultPlugin(false), registerFunc(NULL) { //Contributed by Nus - Wed, 08 Nov 2006 initializeURI(); initializeResolveArray(); daeIDRefResolver::initializeIDRefSolver(); //------------------------ if ( DAEInstanceCount == 0 ) { topMeta = initializeDomMeta(); } DAEInstanceCount++; } DAE::~DAE() { if (defaultDatabase) delete database; if (defaultPlugin) { delete plugin; delete resolver; delete idResolver; } daeElement::clearResolveArray(); --DAEInstanceCount; if ( DAEInstanceCount <= 0 ) { cleanup(); } } // Database setup daeDatabase* DAE::getDatabase() { return database; } daeInt DAE::setDatabase(daeDatabase* _database) { if (defaultDatabase) delete database; if (_database) database = _database; else { //create default database database = new daeSTLDatabase; defaultDatabase = true; } // !!!GAC Not sure what good the error return is, current implementations never fail, what would we do if they did? int res = database->setMeta(topMeta); (void)res; return DAE_OK; } // IO Plugin setup daeIOPlugin* DAE::getIOPlugin() { return plugin; } daeInt DAE::setIOPlugin(daeIOPlugin* _plugin) { if (defaultPlugin) delete plugin; if (_plugin) plugin = _plugin; else { //create default plugin #ifndef NO_DEFAULT_PLUGIN #ifndef DEFAULT_BXCEPLUGIN plugin = new daeLIBXMLPlugin; defaultPlugin = true; resolver = new daeLIBXMLResolver(database,plugin); #else plugin = new daebXCePlugin(); defaultPlugin = true; resolver = new daebXCeResolver(database, plugin); #endif #else daeErrorHandler::get()->handleWarning( "No IOPlugin Set! NO_DEFAULT_PLUGIN is defined." ); plugin = NULL; return DAE_ERR_BACKEND_IO; #endif // Setup the IDRef resolver idResolver = new daeDefaultIDRefResolver(database); } int res = plugin->setMeta(topMeta); if (res != DAE_OK) { if (defaultPlugin) { defaultPlugin = false; delete plugin; } plugin = NULL; return res; } return DAE_OK; } // Integration Library Setup daeIntegrationLibraryFunc DAE::getIntegrationLibrary() { return registerFunc; } daeInt DAE::setIntegrationLibrary(daeIntegrationLibraryFunc _registerFunc) { registerFunc = _registerFunc; return DAE_OK; } // batch file operations daeInt DAE::load(daeString name, daeString docBuffer) { if (!database) setDatabase(NULL); if (!plugin) setIOPlugin(NULL); if (registerFunc) registerFunc(); if ( !plugin || !database ) { //printf( "no plugin or database\n" ); daeErrorHandler::get()->handleError("no plugin or database\n"); return DAE_ERR_BACKEND_IO; } plugin->setDatabase(database); if (!name || name[0] == '\0') return DAE_ERR_INVALID_CALL; daeURI tempURI(name); return plugin->read(tempURI, docBuffer); } daeInt DAE::save(daeString documentName, daeBool replace) { if (!database) setDatabase(NULL); if (!plugin) setIOPlugin(NULL); if (registerFunc) registerFunc(); if ( !plugin || !database ) { return DAE_ERR_BACKEND_IO; } plugin->setDatabase(database); // Find the document we want by name daeDocument* document = database->getDocument(documentName); if(document == NULL) return DAE_ERR_COLLECTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST; // Save it out to the URI it was loaded from return plugin->write(document->getDocumentURI(), document, replace); } daeInt DAE::save(daeUInt documentIndex, daeBool replace) { if (!database) setDatabase(NULL); if (!plugin) setIOPlugin(NULL); if (registerFunc) registerFunc(); if ( !plugin || !database ) { return DAE_ERR_BACKEND_IO; } plugin->setDatabase(database); if(documentIndex >= database->getDocumentCount()) return DAE_ERR_COLLECTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST; daeDocument *document = database->getDocument(documentIndex); // Save it out to the URI it was loaded from return plugin->write(document->getDocumentURI(), document, replace); } daeInt DAE::saveAs(daeString name, daeString documentName, daeBool replace) { if (!database) setDatabase(NULL); if (!plugin) setIOPlugin(NULL); if (registerFunc) registerFunc(); if ( !plugin || !database ) { return DAE_ERR_BACKEND_IO; } plugin->setDatabase(database); // Find the document we want by name daeDocument* document = database->getDocument(documentName); if(document == NULL) return DAE_ERR_COLLECTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST; // Make a URI from "name" and save to that daeURI tempURI(name, true); return plugin->write(&tempURI, document, replace); } daeInt DAE::saveAs(daeString name, daeUInt documentIndex, daeBool replace) { if (!database) setDatabase(NULL); if (!plugin) setIOPlugin(NULL); if (registerFunc) registerFunc(); if ( !plugin || !database ) { return DAE_ERR_BACKEND_IO; } plugin->setDatabase(database); if(documentIndex >= database->getDocumentCount()) return DAE_ERR_COLLECTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST; daeDocument *document = database->getDocument(documentIndex); daeURI tempURI(name); return plugin->write(&tempURI, document, replace); } daeInt DAE::unload(daeString name) { daeDocument *col = database->getDocument( name ); if ( col == NULL ) return DAE_ERR_COLLECTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST; return database->removeDocument( col ); } daeInt DAE::clear() { daeElement::clearResolveArray(); if (database) database->clear(); return DAE_OK; } // Load/Save Progress void DAE::getProgress(daeInt* bytesParsed,daeInt* lineNumber,daeInt* totalBytes,daeBool reset) { if (!database || !plugin) { if (bytesParsed) *bytesParsed=0; if (bytesParsed) *lineNumber=0; if (totalBytes) *totalBytes=0; } else plugin->getProgress(bytesParsed,lineNumber,totalBytes,reset); } // Simple Query domCOLLADA* DAE::getDom(daeString name) { if (!database) return NULL; // Find the document by name daeDocument *document = database->getDocument(name); if(document) { // Return the root domCOLLADA element return (domCOLLADA*)(daeElement*)document->getDomRoot(); } else { return(NULL); } } daeInt DAE::setDom(daeString name, domCOLLADA* dom) { if (!database) setDatabase(NULL); // Find the document by name daeDocument *document = database->getDocument(name); if(document) { //replace a DOM on an existing document by the one provided. // Note that the casts are needed because we don't want to include the full definition of domCOLLADA document->setDomRoot((daeElement*)dom); return DAE_OK; } else { // Document doesn't exist, make a new one return database->insertDocument(name,(daeElement*)dom); } } daeString DAE::getDomVersion() { return(COLLADA_VERSION); }
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