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/* Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Erwin Coumans This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #ifndef COLLISION_OBJECT_H #define COLLISION_OBJECT_H #include "LinearMath/btTransform.h" //island management, m_activationState1 #define ACTIVE_TAG 1 #define ISLAND_SLEEPING 2 #define WANTS_DEACTIVATION 3 #define DISABLE_DEACTIVATION 4 #define DISABLE_SIMULATION 5 struct btBroadphaseProxy; class btCollisionShape; class btTypedUserInfo; #include "LinearMath/btMotionState.h" #include "LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h" /// btCollisionObject can be used to manage collision detection objects. /// btCollisionObject maintains all information that is needed for a collision detection: Shape, Transform and AABB proxy. /// They can be added to the btCollisionWorld. ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(class) btCollisionObject { protected: btTransform m_worldTransform; ///m_interpolationWorldTransform is used for CCD and interpolation ///it can be either previous or future (predicted) transform btTransform m_interpolationWorldTransform; //those two are experimental: just added for bullet time effect, so you can still apply impulses (directly modifying velocities) //without destroying the continuous interpolated motion (which uses this interpolation velocities) btVector3 m_interpolationLinearVelocity; btVector3 m_interpolationAngularVelocity; btBroadphaseProxy* m_broadphaseHandle; btCollisionShape* m_collisionShape; int m_collisionFlags; int m_islandTag1; int m_companionId; int m_activationState1; btScalar m_deactivationTime; btScalar m_friction; btScalar m_restitution; ///users can point to their objects, m_userPointer is not used by Bullet, see setUserPointer/getUserPointer void* m_userObjectPointer; ///m_internalOwner is reserved to point to Bullet's btRigidBody. Don't use this, use m_userObjectPointer instead. void* m_internalOwner; btTypedUserInfo* m_typedUserInfo; ///time of impact calculation btScalar m_hitFraction; ///Swept sphere radius (0.0 by default), see btConvexConvexAlgorithm:: btScalar m_ccdSweptSphereRadius; /// Don't do continuous collision detection if square motion (in one step) is less then m_ccdSquareMotionThreshold btScalar m_ccdSquareMotionThreshold; /// If some object should have elaborate collision filtering by sub-classes bool m_checkCollideWith; char m_pad[7]; virtual bool checkCollideWithOverride(btCollisionObject* co) { return true; } public: BT_DECLARE_ALIGNED_ALLOCATOR(); enum CollisionFlags { CF_STATIC_OBJECT= 1, CF_KINEMATIC_OBJECT= 2, CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE = 4, CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK = 8//this allows per-triangle material (friction/restitution) }; SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool mergesSimulationIslands() const { ///static objects, kinematic and object without contact response don't merge islands return ((m_collisionFlags & (CF_STATIC_OBJECT | CF_KINEMATIC_OBJECT | CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE) )==0); } SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool isStaticObject() const { return (m_collisionFlags & CF_STATIC_OBJECT) != 0; } SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool isKinematicObject() const { return (m_collisionFlags & CF_KINEMATIC_OBJECT) != 0; } SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool isStaticOrKinematicObject() const { return (m_collisionFlags & (CF_KINEMATIC_OBJECT | CF_STATIC_OBJECT)) != 0 ; } SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool hasContactResponse() const { return (m_collisionFlags & CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE)==0; } btCollisionObject(); virtual ~btCollisionObject(); void setCollisionShape(btCollisionShape* collisionShape) { m_collisionShape = collisionShape; } SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const btCollisionShape* getCollisionShape() const { return m_collisionShape; } SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btCollisionShape* getCollisionShape() { return m_collisionShape; } int getActivationState() const { return m_activationState1;} void setActivationState(int newState); void setDeactivationTime(btScalar time) { m_deactivationTime = time; } btScalar getDeactivationTime() const { return m_deactivationTime; } void forceActivationState(int newState); void activate(bool forceActivation = false); inline bool isActive() const { return ((getActivationState() != ISLAND_SLEEPING) && (getActivationState() != DISABLE_SIMULATION)); } void setRestitution(btScalar rest) { m_restitution = rest; } btScalar getRestitution() const { return m_restitution; } void setFriction(btScalar frict) { m_friction = frict; } btScalar getFriction() const { return m_friction; } ///reserved for Bullet internal usage void* getInternalOwner() { return m_internalOwner; } const void* getInternalOwner() const { return m_internalOwner; } btTransform& getWorldTransform() { return m_worldTransform; } const btTransform& getWorldTransform() const { return m_worldTransform; } void setWorldTransform(const btTransform& worldTrans) { m_worldTransform = worldTrans; } btBroadphaseProxy* getBroadphaseHandle() { return m_broadphaseHandle; } const btBroadphaseProxy* getBroadphaseHandle() const { return m_broadphaseHandle; } void setBroadphaseHandle(btBroadphaseProxy* handle) { m_broadphaseHandle = handle; } const btTransform& getInterpolationWorldTransform() const { return m_interpolationWorldTransform; } btTransform& getInterpolationWorldTransform() { return m_interpolationWorldTransform; } void setInterpolationWorldTransform(const btTransform& trans) { m_interpolationWorldTransform = trans; } const btVector3& getInterpolationLinearVelocity() const { return m_interpolationLinearVelocity; } const btVector3& getInterpolationAngularVelocity() const { return m_interpolationAngularVelocity; } const int getIslandTag() const { return m_islandTag1; } void setIslandTag(int tag) { m_islandTag1 = tag; } const int getCompanionId() const { return m_companionId; } void setCompanionId(int id) { m_companionId = id; } const btScalar getHitFraction() const { return m_hitFraction; } void setHitFraction(btScalar hitFraction) { m_hitFraction = hitFraction; } const int getCollisionFlags() const { return m_collisionFlags; } void setCollisionFlags(int flags) { m_collisionFlags = flags; } ///Swept sphere radius (0.0 by default), see btConvexConvexAlgorithm:: btScalar getCcdSweptSphereRadius() const { return m_ccdSweptSphereRadius; } ///Swept sphere radius (0.0 by default), see btConvexConvexAlgorithm:: void setCcdSweptSphereRadius(btScalar radius) { m_ccdSweptSphereRadius = radius; } btScalar getCcdSquareMotionThreshold() const { return m_ccdSquareMotionThreshold; } /// Don't do continuous collision detection if square motion (in one step) is less then m_ccdSquareMotionThreshold void setCcdSquareMotionThreshold(btScalar ccdSquareMotionThreshold) { m_ccdSquareMotionThreshold = ccdSquareMotionThreshold; } ///users can point to their objects, userPointer is not used by Bullet void* getUserPointer() const { return m_userObjectPointer; } ///users can point to their objects, userPointer is not used by Bullet void setUserPointer(void* userPointer) { m_userObjectPointer = userPointer; } btTypedUserInfo* getTypedUserInfo () const { return m_typedUserInfo; } void setTypedUserInfo (btTypedUserInfo* typedUserInfo) { m_typedUserInfo = typedUserInfo; } inline bool checkCollideWith(btCollisionObject* co) { if (m_checkCollideWith) return checkCollideWithOverride(co); return true; } }; #endif //COLLISION_OBJECT_H
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