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/* Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Erwin Coumans This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ /* Draft high-level generic physics C-API. For low-level access, use the physics SDK native API's. Work in progress, functionality will be added on demand. If possible, use the richer Bullet C++ API, by including "btBulletDynamicsCommon.h" */ #ifndef BULLET_C_API_H #define BULLET_C_API_H #define PL_DECLARE_HANDLE(name) typedef struct name##__ { int unused; } *name #ifdef BT_USE_DOUBLE_PRECISION typedef double plReal; #else typedef float plReal; #endif typedef plReal plVector3[3]; typedef plReal plQuaternion[4]; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Particular physics SDK */ PL_DECLARE_HANDLE(plPhysicsSdkHandle); /* Dynamics world, belonging to some physics SDK */ PL_DECLARE_HANDLE(plDynamicsWorldHandle); /* Rigid Body that can be part of a Dynamics World */ PL_DECLARE_HANDLE(plRigidBodyHandle); /* Collision Shape/Geometry, property of a Rigid Body */ PL_DECLARE_HANDLE(plCollisionShapeHandle); /* Constraint for Rigid Bodies */ PL_DECLARE_HANDLE(plConstraintHandle); /* Triangle Mesh interface */ PL_DECLARE_HANDLE(plMeshInterfaceHandle); /* Broadphase Scene/Proxy Handles */ PL_DECLARE_HANDLE(plCollisionBroadphaseHandle); PL_DECLARE_HANDLE(plBroadphaseProxyHandle); PL_DECLARE_HANDLE(plCollisionWorldHandle); /* Create and Delete a Physics SDK */ extern plPhysicsSdkHandle plNewBulletSdk(); //this could be also another sdk, like ODE, PhysX etc. extern void plDeletePhysicsSdk(plPhysicsSdkHandle physicsSdk); /* Collision World, not strictly necessary, you can also just create a Dynamics World with Rigid Bodies which internally manages the Collision World with Collision Objects */ typedef void(*btBroadphaseCallback)(void* clientData, void* object1,void* object2); extern plCollisionBroadphaseHandle plCreateSapBroadphase(btBroadphaseCallback beginCallback,btBroadphaseCallback endCallback); extern void plDestroyBroadphase(plCollisionBroadphaseHandle bp); extern plBroadphaseProxyHandle plCreateProxy(plCollisionBroadphaseHandle bp, void* clientData, plReal minX,plReal minY,plReal minZ, plReal maxX,plReal maxY, plReal maxZ); extern void plDestroyProxy(plCollisionBroadphaseHandle bp, plBroadphaseProxyHandle proxyHandle); extern void plSetBoundingBox(plBroadphaseProxyHandle proxyHandle, plReal minX,plReal minY,plReal minZ, plReal maxX,plReal maxY, plReal maxZ); /* todo: add pair cache support with queries like add/remove/find pair */ extern plCollisionWorldHandle plCreateCollisionWorld(plPhysicsSdkHandle physicsSdk); /* todo: add/remove objects */ /* Dynamics World */ extern plDynamicsWorldHandle plCreateDynamicsWorld(plPhysicsSdkHandle physicsSdk); extern void plDeleteDynamicsWorld(plDynamicsWorldHandle world); extern void plStepSimulation(plDynamicsWorldHandle, plReal timeStep); extern void plAddRigidBody(plDynamicsWorldHandle world, plRigidBodyHandle object); extern void plRemoveRigidBody(plDynamicsWorldHandle world, plRigidBodyHandle object); /* Rigid Body */ extern plRigidBodyHandle plCreateRigidBody( void* user_data, float mass, plCollisionShapeHandle cshape ); extern void plDeleteRigidBody(plRigidBodyHandle body); /* Collision Shape definition */ extern plCollisionShapeHandle plNewSphereShape(plReal radius); extern plCollisionShapeHandle plNewBoxShape(plReal x, plReal y, plReal z); extern plCollisionShapeHandle plNewCapsuleShape(plReal radius, plReal height); extern plCollisionShapeHandle plNewConeShape(plReal radius, plReal height); extern plCollisionShapeHandle plNewCylinderShape(plReal radius, plReal height); extern plCollisionShapeHandle plNewCompoundShape(); extern void plAddChildShape(plCollisionShapeHandle compoundShape,plCollisionShapeHandle childShape, plVector3 childPos,plQuaternion childOrn); extern void plDeleteShape(plCollisionShapeHandle shape); /* Convex Meshes */ extern plCollisionShapeHandle plNewConvexHullShape(); extern void plAddVertex(plCollisionShapeHandle convexHull, plReal x,plReal y,plReal z); /* Concave static triangle meshes */ extern plMeshInterfaceHandle plNewMeshInterface(); extern void plAddTriangle(plMeshInterfaceHandle meshHandle, plVector3 v0,plVector3 v1,plVector3 v2); extern plCollisionShapeHandle plNewStaticTriangleMeshShape(plMeshInterfaceHandle); extern void plSetScaling(plCollisionShapeHandle shape, plVector3 scaling); /* SOLID has Response Callback/Table/Management */ /* PhysX has Triggers, User Callbacks and filtering */ /* ODE has the typedef void dNearCallback (void *data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2); */ /* typedef void plUpdatedPositionCallback(void* userData, plRigidBodyHandle rbHandle, plVector3 pos); */ /* typedef void plUpdatedOrientationCallback(void* userData, plRigidBodyHandle rbHandle, plQuaternion orientation); */ /* get world transform */ extern void plGetOpenGLMatrix(plRigidBodyHandle object, plReal* matrix); extern void plGetPosition(plRigidBodyHandle object,plVector3 position); extern void plGetOrientation(plRigidBodyHandle object,plQuaternion orientation); /* set world transform (position/orientation) */ extern void plSetPosition(plRigidBodyHandle object, const plVector3 position); extern void plSetOrientation(plRigidBodyHandle object, const plQuaternion orientation); extern void plSetEuler(plReal yaw,plReal pitch,plReal roll, plQuaternion orient); typedef struct plRayCastResult { plRigidBodyHandle m_body; plCollisionShapeHandle m_shape; plVector3 m_positionWorld; plVector3 m_normalWorld; } plRayCastResult; extern int plRayCast(plDynamicsWorldHandle world, const plVector3 rayStart, const plVector3 rayEnd, plRayCastResult res); /* Sweep API */ /* extern plRigidBodyHandle plObjectCast(plDynamicsWorldHandle world, const plVector3 rayStart, const plVector3 rayEnd, plVector3 hitpoint, plVector3 normal); */ /* Continuous Collision Detection API */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif //BULLET_C_API_H
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