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/* * Copyright 1993-2002 Christopher Seiwald and Perforce Software, Inc. * * This file is part of Jam - see jam.c for Copyright information. */ /* * filevms.c - scan directories and libaries on VMS * * External routines: * * file_dirscan() - scan a directory for files * file_time() - get timestamp of file, if not done by file_dirscan() * file_archscan() - scan an archive for files * * File_dirscan() and file_archscan() call back a caller provided function * for each file found. A flag to this callback function lets file_dirscan() * and file_archscan() indicate that a timestamp is being provided with the * file. If file_dirscan() or file_archscan() do not provide the file's * timestamp, interested parties may later call file_time(). * * 02/09/95 (seiwald) - bungled R=[xxx] - was using directory length! * 05/03/96 (seiwald) - split into pathvms.c * 01/08/01 (seiwald) - closure param for file_dirscan/file_archscan * 03/23/01 (seiwald) - VMS C++ changes. * 11/04/02 (seiwald) - const-ing for string literals */ # include "jam.h" # include "filesys.h" # include "pathsys.h" # ifdef OS_VMS # include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
/* Supply missing prototypes for lbr$-routines*/ extern "C" { int lbr$set_module( void **, unsigned long *, struct dsc$descriptor_s *, unsigned short *, void * ); int lbr$open( void **, struct dsc$descriptor_s *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void * ); int lbr$ini_control( void **, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, void * ); int lbr$get_index( void **, unsigned long *, int (*func)( struct dsc$descriptor_s *, unsigned long *), void * ); int lbr$close( void ** ); } static void file_cvttime( unsigned int *curtime, time_t *unixtime ) { static const size_t divisor = 10000000; static unsigned int bastim[2] = { 0x4BEB4000, 0x007C9567 }; /* 1/1/1970 */ int delta[2], remainder; lib$subx( curtime, bastim, delta ); lib$ediv( &divisor, delta, unixtime, &remainder ); } # define DEFAULT_FILE_SPECIFICATION "[]*.*;0" # define min( a,b ) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) void file_dirscan( const char *dir, scanback func, void *closure ) { struct FAB xfab; struct NAM xnam; struct XABDAT xab; char esa[256]; char filename[256]; char filename2[256]; char dirname[256]; register int status; PATHNAME f; memset( (char *)&f, '\0', sizeof( f ) ); f.f_root.ptr = dir; f.f_root.len = strlen( dir ); /* get the input file specification */ xnam = cc$rms_nam; xnam.nam$l_esa = esa; xnam.nam$b_ess = sizeof( esa ) - 1; xnam.nam$l_rsa = filename; xnam.nam$b_rss = min( sizeof( filename ) - 1, NAM$C_MAXRSS ); xab = cc$rms_xabdat; /* initialize extended attributes */ xab.xab$b_cod = XAB$C_DAT; /* ask for date */ xab.xab$l_nxt = NULL; /* terminate XAB chain */ xfab = cc$rms_fab; xfab.fab$l_dna = DEFAULT_FILE_SPECIFICATION; xfab.fab$b_dns = sizeof( DEFAULT_FILE_SPECIFICATION ) - 1; xfab.fab$l_fop = FAB$M_NAM; xfab.fab$l_fna = (char *)dir; /* address of file name */ xfab.fab$b_fns = strlen( dir ); /* length of file name */ xfab.fab$l_nam = &xnam; /* address of NAB block */ xfab.fab$l_xab = (char *)&xab; /* address of XAB block */ status = sys$parse( &xfab ); if( DEBUG_BINDSCAN ) printf( "scan directory %s\n", dir ); if ( !( status & 1 ) ) return; /* Add bogus directory for [000000] */ if( !strcmp( dir, "[000000]" ) ) { (*func)( closure, "[000000]", 1 /* time valid */, 1 /* old but true */ ); } /* Add bogus directory for [] */ if( !strcmp( dir, "[]" ) ) { (*func)( closure, "[]", 1 /* time valid */, 1 /* old but true */ ); (*func)( closure, "[-]", 1 /* time valid */, 1 /* old but true */ ); } while ( (status = sys$search( &xfab )) & 1 ) { char *s; time_t time; /* "I think that might work" - eml */ sys$open( &xfab ); sys$close( &xfab ); file_cvttime( (unsigned int *)&xab.xab$q_rdt, &time ); filename[xnam.nam$b_rsl] = '\0'; /* What we do with the name depends on the suffix: */ /* .dir is a directory */ /* .xxx is a file with a suffix */ /* . is no suffix at all */ if( xnam.nam$b_type == 4 && !strncmp( xnam.nam$l_type, ".DIR", 4 ) ) { /* directory */ sprintf( dirname, "[.%.*s]", xnam.nam$b_name, xnam.nam$l_name ); f.f_dir.ptr = dirname; f.f_dir.len = strlen( dirname ); f.f_base.ptr = 0; f.f_base.len = 0; f.f_suffix.ptr = 0; f.f_suffix.len = 0; } else { /* normal file with a suffix */ f.f_dir.ptr = 0; f.f_dir.len = 0; f.f_base.ptr = xnam.nam$l_name; f.f_base.len = xnam.nam$b_name; f.f_suffix.ptr = xnam.nam$l_type; f.f_suffix.len = xnam.nam$b_type; } path_build( &f, filename2, 0 ); /* if( DEBUG_SEARCH ) printf("root '%s' base %.*s suf %.*s = %s\n", dir, xnam.nam$b_name, xnam.nam$l_name, xnam.nam$b_type, xnam.nam$l_type, filename2); */ (*func)( closure, filename2, 1 /* time valid */, time ); } } int file_time( const char *filename, time_t *time ) { /* This should never be called, as all files are */ /* timestampped in file_dirscan() and file_archscan() */ return -1; } static char *VMS_archive = 0; static scanback VMS_func; static void *VMS_closure; static void *context; static int file_archmember( struct dsc$descriptor_s *module, unsigned long *rfa ) { static struct dsc$descriptor_s bufdsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, NULL}; struct mhddef *mhd; char filename[128]; char buf[ MAXJPATH ]; int status; time_t library_date; register int i; register char *p; bufdsc.dsc$a_pointer = filename; bufdsc.dsc$w_length = sizeof( filename ); status = lbr$set_module( &context, rfa, &bufdsc, &bufdsc.dsc$w_length, NULL ); if ( !(status & 1) ) return ( 1 ); mhd = (struct mhddef *)filename; file_cvttime( &mhd->mhd$l_datim, &library_date ); for ( i = 0, p = module->dsc$a_pointer; i < module->dsc$w_length; i++, p++ ) filename[i] = *p; filename[i] = '\0'; sprintf( buf, "%s(%s.obj)", VMS_archive, filename ); (*VMS_func)( VMS_closure, buf, 1 /* time valid */, (time_t)library_date ); return ( 1 ); } void file_archscan( const char *archive, scanback func, void *closure ) { static struct dsc$descriptor_s library = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, NULL}; unsigned long lfunc = LBR$C_READ; unsigned long typ = LBR$C_TYP_UNK; unsigned long index = 1; register int status; VMS_archive = (char *)archive; VMS_func = func; VMS_closure = closure; status = lbr$ini_control( &context, &lfunc, &typ, NULL ); if ( !( status & 1 ) ) return; library.dsc$a_pointer = (char *)archive; library.dsc$w_length = strlen( archive ); status = lbr$open( &context, &library, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( !( status & 1 ) ) return; (void) lbr$get_index( &context, &index, file_archmember, NULL ); (void) lbr$close( &context ); } # endif /* VMS */
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