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#pragma once //#include "DXUT.h" #include "DarkPuzzle.h" #include "Game3DObject.h" #include "GameLevel.h" #include "GameEngine.h" namespace DarkBattle{ //extern GameLevel* theGameLevel; hash_map
> meshPool;//values are of Game3DObject* type hash_map
> texturePool;//values are of IDirect3DTexture9* type struct SHADOWVERT { D3DXVECTOR3 Position; D3DXVECTOR3 Normal; const static D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 Decl[3]; }; const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 SHADOWVERT::Decl[3] = { { 0, 0, D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3, D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT, D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION, 0 }, { 0, 12, D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3, D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT, D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL, 0 }, D3DDECL_END() }; int Game3DObject::FindEdgeInMappingTable( int nV1, int nV2, CEdgeMapping *pMapping, int nCount ) { for( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { // If both vertex indexes of the old edge in mapping entry are -1, then // we have searched every valid entry without finding a match. Return // this index as a newly created entry. if( ( pMapping[i].m_anOldEdge[0] == -1 && pMapping[i].m_anOldEdge[1] == -1 ) || // Or if we find a match, return the index. ( pMapping[i].m_anOldEdge[1] == nV1 && pMapping[i].m_anOldEdge[0] == nV2 ) ) { return i; } } return -1; // We should never reach this line } IDirect3DTexture9* Game3DObject::loadTextureFromFile(IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice,const char* fileName){ IDirect3DTexture9* ret; string fullFileName = string("resources//textures//"); fullFileName.append(fileName); if (FAILED(D3DXCreateTextureFromFileA(pd3dDevice, fullFileName.c_str(), &ret))){ ret = NULL; } return ret; } char* Game3DObject::trimNumericChars(const char* source){ char* dest; CLONE_STR(dest,source); char* ch = dest; int pos = 0; bool found = false; while (*ch!=0){//find the first nummeric character if (((*ch)>='0') && ((*ch)<='9')) { found = true; break; } ch++; pos++; } if (found){//trim the string to contain only alphabet character string str = dest; str = str.substr(0,pos); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(dest); CLONE_STR(dest,str.c_str()); return dest; }else{ return dest; } } Game3DObject::~Game3DObject(void){ SAFE_RELEASE(pMesh); SAFE_RELEASE(pShadowMesh);//this is also released on Lost Device //TODO: figure out what to release here SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(name); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pMaterials); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(ppTextures); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(ppTexturesBump); //delete the texture names for (int i=0;i
name = NULL; this->numMaterials = 0; this->pMaterials = NULL; this->pMesh = NULL; this->ppTextures = NULL; this->ppTexturesBump = NULL; this->pTextureNames = NULL; this->hasShadowMesh = hasShadow; this->pShadowMesh = NULL; CLONE_STR(name,fileName); {//load the mesh, if load to system mem, move to OnResetDevice string fileNameFull= string("resources\\"); fileNameFull.append(this->name); fileNameFull.append(".x"); ID3DXBuffer* pBuffer; HRESULT hr = D3DXLoadMeshFromXA(fileNameFull.c_str(),D3DXMESH_MANAGED,pd3dDevice,NULL,&pBuffer,NULL,&numMaterials,&pMesh); assert(SUCCEEDED(hr)); assert(numMaterials>=1); assert(pMesh!=NULL); D3DXMATERIAL* pXMats = (D3DXMATERIAL*)pBuffer->GetBufferPointer(); pMaterials = new D3DMATERIAL9[numMaterials]; ppTextures = NULL; ppTexturesBump = NULL; pTextureNames = new char*[numMaterials]; for (int i=0;i
Release(); } }; void Game3DObject::OnRender(IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice){ if (GameLevel::GetInstance()->currentPass==EPASS_RenderAmbient){ for (int i=0;i
pEffect->SetTexture(GameLevel::GetEffectParamConst(GameLevel::EffectParamConst::BaseTexture),ppTextures[i])); assert_succ(GameLevel::GetInstance()->pEffect->CommitChanges()); pMesh->DrawSubset(i); } }else if (GameLevel::GetInstance()->currentPass==EPASS_RenderShadowMesh){//render shadow mesh here pShadowMesh->DrawSubset(0); }else{ assert(GameLevel::GetInstance()->currentPass==EPASS_RenderLight); for (int i=0;i
pEffect->SetTexture(GameLevel::GetEffectParamConst(GameLevel::EffectParamConst::BumpTexture),ppTexturesBump[i])); assert_succ(GameLevel::GetInstance()->pEffect->CommitChanges()); pMesh->DrawSubset(i); //assert(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } } }; HRESULT Game3DObject::GenerateShadowMesh( IDirect3DDevice9 *pd3dDevice, ID3DXMesh *pMesh, ID3DXMesh **ppOutMesh ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ID3DXMesh *pInputMesh; if( !ppOutMesh ) return E_INVALIDARG; *ppOutMesh = NULL; // Convert the input mesh to a format same as the output mesh using 32-bit index. hr = pMesh->CloneMesh( D3DXMESH_32BIT, SHADOWVERT::Decl, pd3dDevice, &pInputMesh ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr; DXUTTRACE( L"Input mesh has %u vertices, %u faces\n", pInputMesh->GetNumVertices(), pInputMesh->GetNumFaces() ); // Generate adjacency information DWORD *pdwAdj = new DWORD[3 * pInputMesh->GetNumFaces()]; DWORD *pdwPtRep = new DWORD[pInputMesh->GetNumVertices()]; if( !pdwAdj || !pdwPtRep ) { delete[] pdwAdj; delete[] pdwPtRep; pInputMesh->Release(); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } hr = pInputMesh->GenerateAdjacency( ADJACENCY_EPSILON, pdwAdj ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { delete[] pdwAdj; delete[] pdwPtRep; pInputMesh->Release(); return hr; } pInputMesh->ConvertAdjacencyToPointReps( pdwAdj, pdwPtRep ); delete[] pdwAdj; SHADOWVERT *pVBData = NULL; DWORD *pdwIBData = NULL; pInputMesh->LockVertexBuffer( 0, (LPVOID*)&pVBData ); pInputMesh->LockIndexBuffer( 0, (LPVOID*)&pdwIBData ); if( pVBData && pdwIBData ) { // Maximum number of unique edges = Number of faces * 3 DWORD dwNumEdges = pInputMesh->GetNumFaces() * 3; CEdgeMapping *pMapping = new CEdgeMapping[dwNumEdges]; if( pMapping ) { int nNumMaps = 0; // Number of entries that exist in pMapping // Create a new mesh ID3DXMesh *pNewMesh; hr = D3DXCreateMesh( pInputMesh->GetNumFaces() + dwNumEdges * 2, pInputMesh->GetNumFaces() * 3, D3DXMESH_32BIT/*|D3DXMESH_SYSTEMMEM*/,//added systemmem by INNO SHADOWVERT::Decl, pd3dDevice, &pNewMesh ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { SHADOWVERT *pNewVBData = NULL; DWORD *pdwNewIBData = NULL; pNewMesh->LockVertexBuffer( 0, (LPVOID*)&pNewVBData ); pNewMesh->LockIndexBuffer( 0, (LPVOID*)&pdwNewIBData ); // nNextIndex is the array index in IB that the next vertex index value // will be store at. int nNextIndex = 0; if( pNewVBData && pdwNewIBData ) { ZeroMemory( pNewVBData, pNewMesh->GetNumVertices() * pNewMesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex() ); ZeroMemory( pdwNewIBData, sizeof(DWORD) * pNewMesh->GetNumFaces() * 3 ); // pNextOutVertex is the location to write the next // vertex to. SHADOWVERT *pNextOutVertex = pNewVBData; // Iterate through the faces. For each face, output new // vertices and face in the new mesh, and write its edges // to the mapping table. for( UINT f = 0; f < pInputMesh->GetNumFaces(); ++f ) { // Copy the vertex data for all 3 vertices CopyMemory( pNextOutVertex, pVBData + pdwIBData[f * 3], sizeof(SHADOWVERT) ); CopyMemory( pNextOutVertex + 1, pVBData + pdwIBData[f * 3 + 1], sizeof(SHADOWVERT) ); CopyMemory( pNextOutVertex + 2, pVBData + pdwIBData[f * 3 + 2], sizeof(SHADOWVERT) ); // Write out the face pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = f * 3; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = f * 3 + 1; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = f * 3 + 2; // Compute the face normal and assign it to // the normals of the vertices. D3DXVECTOR3 v1, v2; // v1 and v2 are the edge vectors of the face D3DXVECTOR3 vNormal; v1 = *(D3DXVECTOR3*)(pNextOutVertex + 1) - *(D3DXVECTOR3*)pNextOutVertex; v2 = *(D3DXVECTOR3*)(pNextOutVertex + 2) - *(D3DXVECTOR3*)(pNextOutVertex + 1); D3DXVec3Cross( &vNormal, &v1, &v2 ); D3DXVec3Normalize( &vNormal, &vNormal ); pNextOutVertex->Normal = vNormal; (pNextOutVertex + 1)->Normal = vNormal; (pNextOutVertex + 2)->Normal = vNormal; pNextOutVertex += 3; // Add the face's edges to the edge mapping table // Edge 1 int nIndex; int nVertIndex[3] = { pdwPtRep[pdwIBData[f * 3]], pdwPtRep[pdwIBData[f * 3 + 1]], pdwPtRep[pdwIBData[f * 3 + 2]] }; nIndex = FindEdgeInMappingTable( nVertIndex[0], nVertIndex[1], pMapping, dwNumEdges ); // If error, we are not able to proceed, so abort. if( -1 == nIndex ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto cleanup; } if( pMapping[nIndex].m_anOldEdge[0] == -1 && pMapping[nIndex].m_anOldEdge[1] == -1 ) { // No entry for this edge yet. Initialize one. pMapping[nIndex].m_anOldEdge[0] = nVertIndex[0]; pMapping[nIndex].m_anOldEdge[1] = nVertIndex[1]; pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][0] = f * 3; pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][1] = f * 3 + 1; ++nNumMaps; } else { // An entry is found for this edge. Create // a quad and output it. assert( nNumMaps > 0 ); pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][0] = f * 3; // For clarity pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][1] = f * 3 + 1; // First triangle pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][1]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][0]; // Second triangle pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][1]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][0]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]; // pMapping[nIndex] is no longer needed. Copy the last map entry // over and decrement the map count. pMapping[nIndex] = pMapping[nNumMaps-1]; FillMemory( &pMapping[nNumMaps-1], sizeof( pMapping[nNumMaps-1] ), 0xFF ); --nNumMaps; } // Edge 2 nIndex = FindEdgeInMappingTable( nVertIndex[1], nVertIndex[2], pMapping, dwNumEdges ); // If error, we are not able to proceed, so abort. if( -1 == nIndex ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto cleanup; } if( pMapping[nIndex].m_anOldEdge[0] == -1 && pMapping[nIndex].m_anOldEdge[1] == -1 ) { pMapping[nIndex].m_anOldEdge[0] = nVertIndex[1]; pMapping[nIndex].m_anOldEdge[1] = nVertIndex[2]; pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][0] = f * 3 + 1; pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][1] = f * 3 + 2; ++nNumMaps; } else { // An entry is found for this edge. Create // a quad and output it. assert( nNumMaps > 0 ); pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][0] = f * 3 + 1; pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][1] = f * 3 + 2; // First triangle pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][1]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][0]; // Second triangle pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][1]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][0]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]; // pMapping[nIndex] is no longer needed. Copy the last map entry // over and decrement the map count. pMapping[nIndex] = pMapping[nNumMaps-1]; FillMemory( &pMapping[nNumMaps-1], sizeof( pMapping[nNumMaps-1] ), 0xFF ); --nNumMaps; } // Edge 3 nIndex = FindEdgeInMappingTable( nVertIndex[2], nVertIndex[0], pMapping, dwNumEdges ); // If error, we are not able to proceed, so abort. if( -1 == nIndex ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto cleanup; } if( pMapping[nIndex].m_anOldEdge[0] == -1 && pMapping[nIndex].m_anOldEdge[1] == -1 ) { pMapping[nIndex].m_anOldEdge[0] = nVertIndex[2]; pMapping[nIndex].m_anOldEdge[1] = nVertIndex[0]; pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][0] = f * 3 + 2; pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][1] = f * 3; ++nNumMaps; } else { // An entry is found for this edge. Create // a quad and output it. assert( nNumMaps > 0 ); pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][0] = f * 3 + 2; pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][1] = f * 3; // First triangle pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][1]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][0]; // Second triangle pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][1]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[1][0]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[nIndex].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]; // pMapping[nIndex] is no longer needed. Copy the last map entry // over and decrement the map count. pMapping[nIndex] = pMapping[nNumMaps-1]; FillMemory( &pMapping[nNumMaps-1], sizeof( pMapping[nNumMaps-1] ), 0xFF ); --nNumMaps; } } // Now the entries in the edge mapping table represent // non-shared edges. What they mean is that the original // mesh has openings (holes), so we attempt to patch them. // First we need to recreate our mesh with a larger vertex // and index buffers so the patching geometry could fit. DXUTTRACE( L"Faces to patch: %d\n", nNumMaps ); // Create a mesh with large enough vertex and // index buffers. SHADOWVERT *pPatchVBData = NULL; DWORD *pdwPatchIBData = NULL; ID3DXMesh *pPatchMesh = NULL; // Make enough room in IB for the face and up to 3 quads for each patching face hr = D3DXCreateMesh( nNextIndex / 3 + nNumMaps * 7, ( pInputMesh->GetNumFaces() + nNumMaps ) * 3, D3DXMESH_32BIT, SHADOWVERT::Decl, pd3dDevice, &pPatchMesh ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) goto cleanup; hr = pPatchMesh->LockVertexBuffer( 0, (LPVOID*)&pPatchVBData ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) hr = pPatchMesh->LockIndexBuffer( 0, (LPVOID*)&pdwPatchIBData ); if( pPatchVBData && pdwPatchIBData ) { ZeroMemory( pPatchVBData, sizeof(SHADOWVERT) * ( pInputMesh->GetNumFaces() + nNumMaps ) * 3 ); ZeroMemory( pdwPatchIBData, sizeof(DWORD) * ( nNextIndex + 3 * nNumMaps * 7 ) ); // Copy the data from one mesh to the other CopyMemory( pPatchVBData, pNewVBData, sizeof(SHADOWVERT) * pInputMesh->GetNumFaces() * 3 ); CopyMemory( pdwPatchIBData, pdwNewIBData, sizeof(DWORD) * nNextIndex ); } else { // Some serious error is preventing us from locking. // Abort and return error. pPatchMesh->Release(); goto cleanup; } // Replace pNewMesh with the updated one. Then the code // can continue working with the pNewMesh pointer. pNewMesh->UnlockVertexBuffer(); pNewMesh->UnlockIndexBuffer(); pNewVBData = pPatchVBData; pdwNewIBData = pdwPatchIBData; pNewMesh->Release(); pNewMesh = pPatchMesh; // Now, we iterate through the edge mapping table and // for each shared edge, we generate a quad. // For each non-shared edge, we patch the opening // with new faces. // nNextVertex is the index of the next vertex. int nNextVertex = pInputMesh->GetNumFaces() * 3; for( int i = 0; i < nNumMaps; ++i ) { if( pMapping[i].m_anOldEdge[0] != -1 && pMapping[i].m_anOldEdge[1] != -1 ) { // If the 2nd new edge indexes is -1, // this edge is a non-shared one. // We patch the opening by creating new // faces. if( pMapping[i].m_aanNewEdge[1][0] == -1 || // must have only one new edge pMapping[i].m_aanNewEdge[1][1] == -1 ) { // Find another non-shared edge that // shares a vertex with the current edge. for( int i2 = i + 1; i2 < nNumMaps; ++i2 ) { if( pMapping[i2].m_anOldEdge[0] != -1 && // must have a valid old edge pMapping[i2].m_anOldEdge[1] != -1 && ( pMapping[i2].m_aanNewEdge[1][0] == -1 || // must have only one new edge pMapping[i2].m_aanNewEdge[1][1] == -1 ) ) { int nVertShared = 0; if( pMapping[i2].m_anOldEdge[0] == pMapping[i].m_anOldEdge[1] ) ++nVertShared; if( pMapping[i2].m_anOldEdge[1] == pMapping[i].m_anOldEdge[0] ) ++nVertShared; if( 2 == nVertShared ) { // These are the last two edges of this particular // opening. Mark this edge as shared so that a degenerate // quad can be created for it. pMapping[i2].m_aanNewEdge[1][0] = pMapping[i].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]; pMapping[i2].m_aanNewEdge[1][1] = pMapping[i].m_aanNewEdge[0][1]; break; } else if( 1 == nVertShared ) { // nBefore and nAfter tell us which edge comes before the other. int nBefore, nAfter; if( pMapping[i2].m_anOldEdge[0] == pMapping[i].m_anOldEdge[1] ) { nBefore = i; nAfter = i2; } else { nBefore = i2; nAfter = i; } // Found such an edge. Now create a face along with two // degenerate quads from these two edges. pNewVBData[nNextVertex] = pNewVBData[pMapping[nAfter].m_aanNewEdge[0][1]]; pNewVBData[nNextVertex+1] = pNewVBData[pMapping[nBefore].m_aanNewEdge[0][1]]; pNewVBData[nNextVertex+2] = pNewVBData[pMapping[nBefore].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]]; // Recompute the normal D3DXVECTOR3 v1 = pNewVBData[nNextVertex+1].Position - pNewVBData[nNextVertex].Position; D3DXVECTOR3 v2 = pNewVBData[nNextVertex+2].Position - pNewVBData[nNextVertex+1].Position; D3DXVec3Normalize( &v1, &v1 ); D3DXVec3Normalize( &v2, &v2 ); D3DXVec3Cross( &pNewVBData[nNextVertex].Normal, &v1, &v2 ); pNewVBData[nNextVertex+1].Normal = pNewVBData[nNextVertex+2].Normal = pNewVBData[nNextVertex].Normal; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex] = nNextVertex; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+1] = nNextVertex + 1; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+2] = nNextVertex + 2; // 1st quad pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+3] = pMapping[nBefore].m_aanNewEdge[0][1]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+4] = pMapping[nBefore].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+5] = nNextVertex + 1; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+6] = nNextVertex + 2; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+7] = nNextVertex + 1; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+8] = pMapping[nBefore].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]; // 2nd quad pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+9] = pMapping[nAfter].m_aanNewEdge[0][1]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+10] = pMapping[nAfter].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+11] = nNextVertex; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+12] = nNextVertex + 1; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+13] = nNextVertex; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex+14] = pMapping[nAfter].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]; // Modify mapping entry i2 to reflect the third edge // of the newly added face. if( pMapping[i2].m_anOldEdge[0] == pMapping[i].m_anOldEdge[1] ) { pMapping[i2].m_anOldEdge[0] = pMapping[i].m_anOldEdge[0]; } else { pMapping[i2].m_anOldEdge[1] = pMapping[i].m_anOldEdge[1]; } pMapping[i2].m_aanNewEdge[0][0] = nNextVertex + 2; pMapping[i2].m_aanNewEdge[0][1] = nNextVertex; // Update next vertex/index positions nNextVertex += 3; nNextIndex += 15; break; } } } } else { // This is a shared edge. Create the degenerate quad. // First triangle pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[i].m_aanNewEdge[0][1]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[i].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[i].m_aanNewEdge[1][0]; // Second triangle pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[i].m_aanNewEdge[1][1]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[i].m_aanNewEdge[1][0]; pdwNewIBData[nNextIndex++] = pMapping[i].m_aanNewEdge[0][0]; } } } } cleanup:; if( pNewVBData ) { pNewMesh->UnlockVertexBuffer(); pNewVBData = NULL; } if( pdwNewIBData ) { pNewMesh->UnlockIndexBuffer(); pdwNewIBData = NULL; } if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // At this time, the output mesh may have an index buffer // bigger than what is actually needed, so we create yet // another mesh with the exact IB size that we need and // output it. This mesh also uses 16-bit index if // 32-bit is not necessary. DXUTTRACE( L"Shadow volume has %u vertices, %u faces.\n", ( pInputMesh->GetNumFaces() + nNumMaps ) * 3, nNextIndex / 3 ); bool bNeed32Bit = ( pInputMesh->GetNumFaces() + nNumMaps ) * 3 > 65535; ID3DXMesh *pFinalMesh; hr = D3DXCreateMesh( nNextIndex / 3, // Exact number of faces ( pInputMesh->GetNumFaces() + nNumMaps ) * 3, /*D3DXMESH_WRITEONLY | */( bNeed32Bit ? D3DXMESH_32BIT : 0 ), SHADOWVERT::Decl, pd3dDevice, &pFinalMesh ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { pNewMesh->LockVertexBuffer( 0, (LPVOID*)&pNewVBData ); pNewMesh->LockIndexBuffer( 0, (LPVOID*)&pdwNewIBData ); SHADOWVERT *pFinalVBData = NULL; WORD *pwFinalIBData = NULL; pFinalMesh->LockVertexBuffer( 0, (LPVOID*)&pFinalVBData ); pFinalMesh->LockIndexBuffer( 0, (LPVOID*)&pwFinalIBData ); if( pNewVBData && pdwNewIBData && pFinalVBData && pwFinalIBData ) { CopyMemory( pFinalVBData, pNewVBData, sizeof(SHADOWVERT) * ( pInputMesh->GetNumFaces() + nNumMaps ) * 3 ); if( bNeed32Bit ) CopyMemory( pwFinalIBData, pdwNewIBData, sizeof(DWORD) * nNextIndex ); else { for( int i = 0; i < nNextIndex; ++i ) pwFinalIBData[i] = (WORD)pdwNewIBData[i]; } } if( pNewVBData ) pNewMesh->UnlockVertexBuffer(); if( pdwNewIBData ) pNewMesh->UnlockIndexBuffer(); if( pFinalVBData ) pFinalMesh->UnlockVertexBuffer(); if( pwFinalIBData ) pFinalMesh->UnlockIndexBuffer(); // Release the old pNewMesh->Release(); pNewMesh = pFinalMesh; } *ppOutMesh = pNewMesh; } else pNewMesh->Release(); } delete[] pMapping; } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else hr = E_FAIL; if( pVBData ) pInputMesh->UnlockVertexBuffer(); if( pdwIBData ) pInputMesh->UnlockIndexBuffer(); delete[] pdwPtRep; pInputMesh->Release(); return hr; } IDirect3DTexture9* Game3DObject::createTexture(IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice,const char* fileName){ if (fileName==NULL) return NULL; char* name; CLONE_STR(name,fileName); if (texturePool.find(name)==texturePool.end()){//not found IDirect3DTexture9* pTexture = NULL; pTexture = loadTextureFromFile(pd3dDevice,fileName); assert(pTexture!=NULL); texturePool.insert(pair
(name,(void*)pTexture)); //don't delete name, cause it is used in the texturePool return pTexture; }else{ IDirect3DTexture9* ret = NULL; ret = (IDirect3DTexture9*)texturePool.find(name)->second; assert(ret!=NULL); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(name); return ret; } } void Game3DObject::destroyAllTextures(){ #ifdef _DEBUG int count = texturePool.size(); #endif // _DEBUG while (texturePool.size()>0){ #ifdef _DEBUG count--; #endif // _DEBUG IDirect3DTexture9* tex = NULL; tex = (IDirect3DTexture9*)texturePool.begin()->second; assert(tex!=NULL); SAFE_RELEASE(tex); texturePool.erase(texturePool.begin()); } assert(count==0); texturePool.clear(); } void Game3DObject::ReleaseAll3DObjects(){ //rrelease all textures #ifdef _DEBUG int count=0; #endif // _DEBUG for (hash_map
::iterator iter = texturePool.begin();iter!=texturePool.end(); ++iter){ #ifdef _DEBUG count++; #endif // _DEBUG IDirect3DTexture9* pTex = NULL; pTex = (IDirect3DTexture9*)iter->second; assert(pTex!=NULL); SAFE_RELEASE(pTex); } assert(count == texturePool.size()); texturePool.clear(); #ifdef _DEBUG count =0; #endif // _DEBUG for (hash_map
::iterator iter = meshPool.begin();iter!=meshPool.end(); ++iter){ #ifdef _DEBUG count++; #endif // _DEBUG Game3DObject* obj = NULL; obj = (Game3DObject*)iter->second; assert(obj!=NULL); SAFE_RELEASE(obj->pShadowMesh); } assert(count==meshPool.size()); } void Game3DObject::ResetAll3DObjects(IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice){ //reset all textures, and shadow mesh #ifdef _DEBUG int count = 0; #endif // _DEBUG for (hash_map
::iterator iter = meshPool.begin();iter!=meshPool.end(); ++iter){ #ifdef _DEBUG count++; #endif // _DEBUG Game3DObject* obj = (Game3DObject*)iter->second; assert(obj!=NULL); //reset the textures SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(obj->ppTextures); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(obj->ppTexturesBump); obj->ppTextures = new IDirect3DTexture9*[obj->numMaterials]; obj->ppTexturesBump = new IDirect3DTexture9*[obj->numMaterials]; for (int i=0;i
numMaterials;i++){ //if (strcmp(obj->pTextureNames[i],"wood_bright.jpg")==0){ // int pause=0; //} obj->ppTextures[i] = createTexture(pd3dDevice,obj->pTextureNames[i]); assert(obj->ppTextures[i]!=NULL);//must have texture string bumpName = obj->pTextureNames[i]; size_t dotPos = bumpName.find_last_of('.'); assert(dotPos!=bumpName.npos);//the file name must have '.' string ext = bumpName.substr(dotPos); assert(ext.length()==4);//including the '.' bumpName = bumpName.substr(0,dotPos); assert(bumpName.c_str()[bumpName.length()-1]!='.');//must not have '.' at the end bumpName.append("_norm"); bumpName.append(ext); obj->ppTexturesBump[i] = createTexture(pd3dDevice,bumpName.c_str()); assert(obj->ppTexturesBump[i]!=NULL);//must have bump map } //reset the shadow mesh if (obj->hasShadowMesh){ string fullFileName = string("resources\\"); fullFileName.append(obj->name); //fullFileName.append(".x"); fullFileName.append("_s.x"); if (FAILED(D3DXLoadMeshFromXA(fullFileName.c_str(),D3DXMESH_MANAGED,pd3dDevice, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,&obj->pShadowMesh))){ GenerateShadowMesh(pd3dDevice,obj->pMesh, &(obj->pShadowMesh)); string fullFileName2 = string("resources\\"); fullFileName2.append(obj->name); fullFileName2.append("_s.x"); HRESULT hr; /*ID3DXMesh* cloneMesh = NULL; hr = obj->pShadowMesh->CloneMeshFVF(D3DXMESH_32BIT|D3DXMESH_MANAGED,obj->pShadowMesh->GetFVF(), pd3dDevice,&cloneMesh);*/ if FAILED(hr = D3DXSaveMeshToXA(fullFileName2.c_str(),obj->pShadowMesh, NULL, NULL ,NULL,0,D3DXF_FILEFORMAT_BINARY)){ int pause=0; }; //SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(shadowMeshName); /*SAFE_RELEASE(cloneMesh);*/ } #ifdef _DEBUG else{ int pause=0;//mean that load shadow mesh successfully! } #endif // _DEBUG } } assert(count==meshPool.size()); } Game3DObject* Game3DObject::Create3DObject(IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, const char* fileName, bool hasShadow){ char* newFileName = trimNumericChars(fileName); if (meshPool.find(newFileName)!=meshPool.end()){//found Game3DObject* obj = (Game3DObject*)meshPool.find(newFileName)->second; SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(newFileName); return obj; }else{//not found Game3DObject* ret = new Game3DObject(pd3dDevice, newFileName,hasShadow); meshPool.insert(pair
(newFileName,ret)); //meshPool.Insert(fileName,ret); //SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY newFileName; //don't delete, because it is in the meshPool return ret; } } Game3DObject* Game3DObject::Get3DObject(const char* name){ char* trimedName = trimNumericChars(name); if (meshPool.find(trimedName)!=meshPool.end()){ Game3DObject* obj = (Game3DObject*)meshPool.find(trimedName)->second; SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(trimedName); return obj; }else return NULL; } void Game3DObject::DestroyAll3DObjects(){ //TODO: delete everything here //meshPool.clear(); //for (hash_map
::iterator iter = meshPool.begin(); // iter!=meshPool.end();++iter){ // if (iter->first){ // Game3DObject* obj = (Game3DObject*)iter->second; // if (obj) // //int pause=0; // delete obj; // } //} #ifdef _DEBUG int count=meshPool.size(); #endif // _DEBUG while (meshPool.size()>0){ #ifdef _DEBUG count--; #endif // _DEBUG Game3DObject* obj = NULL; obj= (Game3DObject*)meshPool.begin()->second; assert(obj!=NULL); SAFE_DELETE(obj); meshPool.erase(meshPool.begin()); } assert(count==0); meshPool.clear(); destroyAllTextures(); //iter } }
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