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//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: SDKMisc.h // // Various helper functionality that is shared between SDK samples // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #ifndef SDKMISC_H #define SDKMISC_H //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Resource cache for textures, fonts, meshs, and effects. // Use DXUTGetGlobalResourceCache() to access the global cache //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum DXUTCACHE_SOURCELOCATION { DXUTCACHE_LOCATION_FILE, DXUTCACHE_LOCATION_RESOURCE }; struct DXUTCache_Texture { DXUTCACHE_SOURCELOCATION Location; WCHAR wszSource[MAX_PATH]; HMODULE hSrcModule; UINT Width; UINT Height; UINT Depth; UINT MipLevels; UINT MiscFlags; union { DWORD Usage9; D3D10_USAGE Usage10; }; union { D3DFORMAT Format9; DXGI_FORMAT Format10; }; union { D3DPOOL Pool9; UINT CpuAccessFlags; }; union { D3DRESOURCETYPE Type9; UINT BindFlags; }; IDirect3DBaseTexture9 *pTexture9; ID3D10ShaderResourceView* pSRV10; DXUTCache_Texture() { pTexture9 = NULL; pSRV10 = NULL; } }; struct DXUTCache_Font : public D3DXFONT_DESC { ID3DXFont *pFont; }; struct DXUTCache_Effect { DXUTCACHE_SOURCELOCATION Location; WCHAR wszSource[MAX_PATH]; HMODULE hSrcModule; DWORD dwFlags; ID3DXEffect *pEffect; }; class CDXUTResourceCache { public: ~CDXUTResourceCache(); HRESULT CreateTextureFromFile( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, LPCTSTR pSrcFile, LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 *ppTexture ); HRESULT CreateTextureFromFile( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, LPCSTR pSrcFile, LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 *ppTexture ); HRESULT CreateTextureFromFile( ID3D10Device* pDevice, LPCTSTR pSrcFile, ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppOutputRV ); HRESULT CreateTextureFromFile( ID3D10Device* pDevice, LPCSTR pSrcFile, ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppOutputRV ); HRESULT CreateTextureFromFileEx( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, LPCTSTR pSrcFile, UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT MipLevels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, DWORD Filter, DWORD MipFilter, D3DCOLOR ColorKey, D3DXIMAGE_INFO *pSrcInfo, PALETTEENTRY *pPalette, LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 *ppTexture ); HRESULT CreateTextureFromFileEx( ID3D10Device* pDevice, LPCTSTR pSrcFile, D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppOutputRV ); HRESULT CreateTextureFromResource( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCTSTR pSrcResource, LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 *ppTexture ); HRESULT CreateTextureFromResourceEx( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCTSTR pSrcResource, UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT MipLevels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, DWORD Filter, DWORD MipFilter, D3DCOLOR ColorKey, D3DXIMAGE_INFO *pSrcInfo, PALETTEENTRY *pPalette, LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 *ppTexture ); HRESULT CreateCubeTextureFromFile( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, LPCTSTR pSrcFile, LPDIRECT3DCUBETEXTURE9 *ppCubeTexture ); HRESULT CreateCubeTextureFromFileEx( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, LPCTSTR pSrcFile, UINT Size, UINT MipLevels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, DWORD Filter, DWORD MipFilter, D3DCOLOR ColorKey, D3DXIMAGE_INFO *pSrcInfo, PALETTEENTRY *pPalette, LPDIRECT3DCUBETEXTURE9 *ppCubeTexture ); HRESULT CreateCubeTextureFromResource( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCTSTR pSrcResource, LPDIRECT3DCUBETEXTURE9 *ppCubeTexture ); HRESULT CreateCubeTextureFromResourceEx( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCTSTR pSrcResource, UINT Size, UINT MipLevels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, DWORD Filter, DWORD MipFilter, D3DCOLOR ColorKey, D3DXIMAGE_INFO *pSrcInfo, PALETTEENTRY *pPalette, LPDIRECT3DCUBETEXTURE9 *ppCubeTexture ); HRESULT CreateVolumeTextureFromFile( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, LPCTSTR pSrcFile, LPDIRECT3DVOLUMETEXTURE9 *ppVolumeTexture ); HRESULT CreateVolumeTextureFromFileEx( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, LPCTSTR pSrcFile, UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Depth, UINT MipLevels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, DWORD Filter, DWORD MipFilter, D3DCOLOR ColorKey, D3DXIMAGE_INFO *pSrcInfo, PALETTEENTRY *pPalette, LPDIRECT3DVOLUMETEXTURE9 *ppTexture ); HRESULT CreateVolumeTextureFromResource( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCTSTR pSrcResource, LPDIRECT3DVOLUMETEXTURE9 *ppVolumeTexture ); HRESULT CreateVolumeTextureFromResourceEx( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCTSTR pSrcResource, UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Depth, UINT MipLevels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, DWORD Filter, DWORD MipFilter, D3DCOLOR ColorKey, D3DXIMAGE_INFO *pSrcInfo, PALETTEENTRY *pPalette, LPDIRECT3DVOLUMETEXTURE9 *ppVolumeTexture ); HRESULT CreateFont( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, UINT Height, UINT Width, UINT Weight, UINT MipLevels, BOOL Italic, DWORD CharSet, DWORD OutputPrecision, DWORD Quality, DWORD PitchAndFamily, LPCTSTR pFacename, LPD3DXFONT *ppFont ); HRESULT CreateFontIndirect( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, CONST D3DXFONT_DESC *pDesc, LPD3DXFONT *ppFont ); HRESULT CreateEffectFromFile( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, LPCTSTR pSrcFile, const D3DXMACRO *pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXEFFECTPOOL pPool, LPD3DXEFFECT *ppEffect, LPD3DXBUFFER *ppCompilationErrors ); HRESULT CreateEffectFromResource( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCTSTR pSrcResource, const D3DXMACRO *pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXEFFECTPOOL pPool, LPD3DXEFFECT *ppEffect, LPD3DXBUFFER *ppCompilationErrors ); public: HRESULT OnCreateDevice( IDirect3DDevice9 *pd3dDevice ); HRESULT OnResetDevice( IDirect3DDevice9 *pd3dDevice ); HRESULT OnLostDevice(); HRESULT OnDestroyDevice(); protected: friend CDXUTResourceCache& WINAPI DXUTGetGlobalResourceCache(); friend HRESULT WINAPI DXUTInitialize3DEnvironment(); friend HRESULT WINAPI DXUTReset3DEnvironment(); friend void WINAPI DXUTCleanup3DEnvironment( bool bReleaseSettings ); CDXUTResourceCache() { } CGrowableArray< DXUTCache_Texture > m_TextureCache; CGrowableArray< DXUTCache_Effect > m_EffectCache; CGrowableArray< DXUTCache_Font > m_FontCache; }; CDXUTResourceCache& WINAPI DXUTGetGlobalResourceCache(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Manages the insertion point when drawing text //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CDXUTTextHelper { public: CDXUTTextHelper( ID3DXFont* pFont9 = NULL, ID3DXSprite* pSprite9 = NULL, ID3DX10Font* pFont10 = NULL, ID3DX10Sprite* pSprite10 = NULL, int nLineHeight = 15 ); CDXUTTextHelper( ID3DXFont* pFont9, ID3DXSprite* pSprite9, int nLineHeight = 15 ); CDXUTTextHelper( ID3DX10Font* pFont10, ID3DX10Sprite* pSprite10, int nLineHeight = 15 ); ~CDXUTTextHelper(); void Init( ID3DXFont* pFont9 = NULL, ID3DXSprite* pSprite9 = NULL, ID3DX10Font* pFont10 = NULL, ID3DX10Sprite* pSprite10 = NULL, int nLineHeight = 15 ); void SetInsertionPos( int x, int y ) { m_pt.x = x; m_pt.y = y; } void SetForegroundColor( D3DXCOLOR clr ) { m_clr = clr; } void Begin(); HRESULT DrawFormattedTextLine( const WCHAR* strMsg, ... ); HRESULT DrawTextLine( const WCHAR* strMsg ); HRESULT DrawFormattedTextLine( RECT &rc, DWORD dwFlags, const WCHAR* strMsg, ... ); HRESULT DrawTextLine( RECT &rc, DWORD dwFlags, const WCHAR* strMsg ); void End(); protected: ID3DXFont* m_pFont9; ID3DXSprite* m_pSprite9; ID3DX10Font* m_pFont10; ID3DX10Sprite* m_pSprite10; D3DXCOLOR m_clr; POINT m_pt; int m_nLineHeight; ID3D10BlendState* m_pFontBlendState10; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Manages a persistent list of lines and draws them using ID3DXLine //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CDXUTLineManager { public: CDXUTLineManager(); ~CDXUTLineManager(); HRESULT OnCreatedDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice ); HRESULT OnResetDevice(); HRESULT OnRender(); HRESULT OnLostDevice(); HRESULT OnDeletedDevice(); HRESULT AddLine( int* pnLineID, D3DXVECTOR2* pVertexList, DWORD dwVertexListCount, D3DCOLOR Color, float fWidth, float fScaleRatio, bool bAntiAlias ); HRESULT AddRect( int* pnLineID, RECT rc, D3DCOLOR Color, float fWidth, float fScaleRatio, bool bAntiAlias ); HRESULT RemoveLine( int nLineID ); HRESULT RemoveAllLines(); protected: struct LINE_NODE { int nLineID; D3DCOLOR Color; float fWidth; bool bAntiAlias; float fScaleRatio; D3DXVECTOR2* pVertexList; DWORD dwVertexListCount; }; CGrowableArray
m_LinesList; IDirect3DDevice9* m_pd3dDevice; ID3DXLine* m_pD3DXLine; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Shared code for samples to ask user if they want to use a REF device or quit //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WINAPI DXUTDisplaySwitchingToREFWarning( DXUTDeviceVersion ver ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tries to finds a media file by searching in common locations //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI DXUTFindDXSDKMediaFileCch( WCHAR* strDestPath, int cchDest, LPCWSTR strFilename ); HRESULT WINAPI DXUTSetMediaSearchPath( LPCWSTR strPath ); LPCWSTR WINAPI DXUTGetMediaSearchPath(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns a view matrix for rendering to a face of a cubemap. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D3DXMATRIX WINAPI DXUTGetCubeMapViewMatrix( DWORD dwFace ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Takes a screen shot of a 32bit D3D10 back buffer and saves the images to a BMP file //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT DXUTSnapD3D9Screenshot( LPCTSTR szFileName ); HRESULT DXUTSnapD3D10Screenshot( LPCTSTR szFileName ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Simple helper stack class //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template
class CDXUTStack { private: UINT m_MemorySize; UINT m_NumElements; T* m_pData; bool EnsureStackSize( UINT64 iElements ) { if( m_MemorySize > iElements ) return true; T* pTemp = new T[ (size_t)(iElements*2 + 256) ]; if( !pTemp ) return false; if( m_NumElements ) { CopyMemory( pTemp, m_pData, (size_t)(m_NumElements*sizeof(T)) ); } if( m_pData ) delete []m_pData; m_pData = pTemp; return true; } public: CDXUTStack() { m_pData = NULL; m_NumElements = 0; m_MemorySize = 0; } ~CDXUTStack() { if( m_pData ) delete []m_pData; } UINT GetCount() { return m_NumElements; } T GetAt( UINT i ) { return m_pData[i]; } T GetTop() { if( m_NumElements < 1 ) return NULL; return m_pData[ m_NumElements-1 ]; } T GetRelative( INT i ) { INT64 iVal = m_NumElements-1 + i; if( iVal < 0 ) return NULL; return m_pData[ iVal ]; } bool Push( T pElem ) { if(!EnsureStackSize( m_NumElements+1 ) ) return false; m_pData[m_NumElements] = pElem; m_NumElements++; return true; } T Pop() { if( m_NumElements < 1 ) return NULL; m_NumElements --; return m_pData[m_NumElements]; } }; #endif
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