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//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: SDKMesh.h // // Disclaimer: // The SDK Mesh format (.sdkmesh) is not a recommended file format for shipping titles. // It was designed to meet the specific needs of the SDK samples. Any real-world // applications should avoid this file format in favor of a destination format that // meets the specific needs of the application. // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #ifndef _SDKMESH_ #define _SDKMESH_ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hard Defines for the various structures //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SDKMESH_FILE_VERSION 101 #define MAX_VERTEX_ELEMENTS 32 #define MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS 16 #define MAX_FRAME_NAME 100 #define MAX_MESH_NAME 100 #define MAX_SUBSET_NAME 100 #define MAX_MATERIAL_NAME 100 #define MAX_TEXTURE_NAME MAX_PATH #define MAX_MATERIAL_PATH MAX_PATH #define INVALID_FRAME ((UINT)-1) #define INVALID_MESH ((UINT)-1) #define INVALID_MATERIAL ((UINT)-1) #define INVALID_SUBSET ((UINT)-1) #define INVALID_ANIMATION_DATA ((UINT)-1) #define ERROR_RESOURCE_VALUE 1 template< typename TYPE > BOOL IsErrorResource( TYPE data ) { if( (TYPE)ERROR_RESOURCE_VALUE == data ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enumerated Types. These will have mirrors in both D3D9 and D3D10 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum SDKMESH_PRIMITIVE_TYPE { PT_TRIANGLE_LIST = 0, PT_TRIANGLE_STRIP, PT_LINE_LIST, PT_LINE_STRIP, PT_POINT_LIST, PT_TRIANGLE_LIST_ADJ, PT_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJ, PT_LINE_LIST_ADJ, PT_LINE_STRIP_ADJ, }; enum SDKMESH_INDEX_TYPE { IT_16BIT = 0, IT_32BIT, }; enum FRAME_TRANSFORM_TYPE { FTT_RELATIVE = 0, FTT_ABSOLUTE, //This is not currently used but is here to support absolute transformations in the future }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Structures. Unions with pointers are forced to 64bit. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SDKMESH_HEADER { //Basic Info and sizes UINT Version; BYTE IsBigEndian; UINT64 HeaderSize; UINT64 NonBufferDataSize; UINT64 BufferDataSize; //Stats UINT NumVertexBuffers; UINT NumIndexBuffers; UINT NumMeshes; UINT NumTotalSubsets; UINT NumFrames; UINT NumMaterials; //Offsets to Data UINT64 VertexStreamHeadersOffset; UINT64 IndexStreamHeadersOffset; UINT64 MeshDataOffset; UINT64 SubsetDataOffset; UINT64 FrameDataOffset; UINT64 MaterialDataOffset; }; struct SDKMESH_VERTEX_BUFFER_HEADER { UINT64 NumVertices; UINT64 SizeBytes; UINT64 StrideBytes; D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 Decl[MAX_VERTEX_ELEMENTS]; union { UINT64 DataOffset; //(This also forces the union to 64bits) IDirect3DVertexBuffer9* pVB9; #ifdef D3D10_SDK_VERSION ID3D10Buffer* pVB10; #endif }; }; struct SDKMESH_INDEX_BUFFER_HEADER { UINT64 NumIndices; UINT64 SizeBytes; UINT IndexType; union { UINT64 DataOffset; //(This also forces the union to 64bits) IDirect3DIndexBuffer9* pIB9; #ifdef D3D10_SDK_VERSION ID3D10Buffer* pIB10; #endif }; }; struct SDKMESH_MESH { char Name[MAX_MESH_NAME]; BYTE NumVertexBuffers; UINT VertexBuffers[MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS]; UINT IndexBuffer; UINT NumSubsets; UINT NumFrameInfluences; //aka bones D3DXVECTOR3 BoundingBoxCenter; D3DXVECTOR3 BoundingBoxExtents; union { UINT64 SubsetOffset; //Offset to list of subsets (This also forces the union to 64bits) UINT* pSubsets; //Pointer to list of subsets }; union { UINT64 FrameInfluenceOffset; //Offset to list of frame influences (This also forces the union to 64bits) UINT* pFrameInfluences; //Pointer to list of frame influences }; }; struct SDKMESH_SUBSET { char Name[MAX_SUBSET_NAME]; UINT MaterialID; UINT PrimitiveType; UINT64 IndexStart; UINT64 IndexCount; UINT64 VertexStart; UINT64 VertexCount; }; struct SDKMESH_FRAME { char Name[MAX_FRAME_NAME]; UINT Mesh; UINT ParentFrame; UINT ChildFrame; UINT SiblingFrame; D3DXMATRIX Matrix; UINT AnimationDataIndex; //Used to index which set of keyframes transforms this frame }; struct SDKMESH_MATERIAL { char Name[MAX_MATERIAL_NAME]; // Use MaterialInstancePath char MaterialInstancePath[MAX_MATERIAL_PATH]; // Or fall back to d3d8-type materials char DiffuseTexture[MAX_TEXTURE_NAME]; char NormalTexture[MAX_TEXTURE_NAME]; char SpecularTexture[MAX_TEXTURE_NAME]; D3DXVECTOR4 Diffuse; D3DXVECTOR4 Ambient; D3DXVECTOR4 Specular; D3DXVECTOR4 Emissive; FLOAT Power; union { UINT64 Force64_1; //Force the union to 64bits IDirect3DTexture9* pDiffuseTexture9; #ifdef D3D10_SDK_VERSION ID3D10Texture2D* pDiffuseTexture10; #endif }; union { UINT64 Force64_2; //Force the union to 64bits IDirect3DTexture9* pNormalTexture9; #ifdef D3D10_SDK_VERSION ID3D10Texture2D* pNormalTexture10; #endif }; union { UINT64 Force64_3; //Force the union to 64bits IDirect3DTexture9* pSpecularTexture9; #ifdef D3D10_SDK_VERSION ID3D10Texture2D* pSpecularTexture10; #endif }; union { UINT64 Force64_4; //Force the union to 64bits #ifdef D3D10_SDK_VERSION ID3D10ShaderResourceView* pDiffuseRV10; #endif }; union { UINT64 Force64_5; //Force the union to 64bits #ifdef D3D10_SDK_VERSION ID3D10ShaderResourceView* pNormalRV10; #endif }; union { UINT64 Force64_6; //Force the union to 64bits #ifdef D3D10_SDK_VERSION ID3D10ShaderResourceView* pSpecularRV10; #endif }; }; struct SDKANIMATION_FILE_HEADER { UINT Version; BYTE IsBigEndian; UINT FrameTransformType; UINT NumFrames; UINT NumAnimationKeys; UINT AnimationFPS; UINT64 AnimationDataSize; UINT64 AnimationDataOffset; }; struct SDKANIMATION_DATA { D3DXVECTOR3 Translation; D3DXVECTOR4 Orientation; D3DXVECTOR3 Scaling; }; struct SDKANIMATION_FRAME_DATA { char FrameName[MAX_FRAME_NAME]; union { UINT64 DataOffset; SDKANIMATION_DATA* pAnimationData; }; }; #ifndef _CONVERTER_APP_ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AsyncLoading callbacks //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef void (CALLBACK *LPCREATETEXTUREFROMFILE9)( IDirect3DDevice9* pDev, char* szFileName, IDirect3DTexture9** ppTexture, void* pContext ); typedef void (CALLBACK *LPCREATEVERTEXBUFFER9)( IDirect3DDevice9* pDev, IDirect3DVertexBuffer9** ppBuffer, UINT iSizeBytes, DWORD Usage, DWORD FVF, D3DPOOL Pool, void* pData, void* pContext ); typedef void (CALLBACK *LPCREATEINDEXBUFFER9)( IDirect3DDevice9* pDev, IDirect3DIndexBuffer9** ppBuffer, UINT iSizeBytes, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT ibFormat, D3DPOOL Pool, void* pData, void* pContext ); struct SDKMESH_CALLBACKS9 { LPCREATETEXTUREFROMFILE9 pCreateTextureFromFile; LPCREATEVERTEXBUFFER9 pCreateVertexBuffer; LPCREATEINDEXBUFFER9 pCreateIndexBuffer; void* pContext; }; typedef void (CALLBACK *LPCREATETEXTUREFROMFILE10)( ID3D10Device* pDev, char* szFileName, ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppRV, void* pContext ); typedef void (CALLBACK *LPCREATEVERTEXBUFFER10)( ID3D10Device* pDev, ID3D10Buffer** ppBuffer, D3D10_BUFFER_DESC BufferDesc, void* pData, void* pContext ); typedef void (CALLBACK *LPCREATEINDEXBUFFER10)( ID3D10Device* pDev, ID3D10Buffer** ppBuffer, D3D10_BUFFER_DESC BufferDesc, void* pData, void* pContext ); struct SDKMESH_CALLBACKS10 { LPCREATETEXTUREFROMFILE10 pCreateTextureFromFile; LPCREATEVERTEXBUFFER10 pCreateVertexBuffer; LPCREATEINDEXBUFFER10 pCreateIndexBuffer; void* pContext; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CDXUTSDKMesh class. This class reads the sdkmesh file format for use by the samples //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CDXUTSDKMesh { private: UINT m_NumOutstandingResources; bool m_bLoading; //BYTE* m_pBufferData; HANDLE m_hFile; HANDLE m_hFileMappingObject; CGrowableArray
m_MappedPointers; IDirect3DDevice9* m_pDev9; ID3D10Device* m_pDev10; protected: //These are the pointers to the two chunks of data loaded in from the mesh file BYTE* m_pStaticMeshData; BYTE* m_pHeapData; BYTE* m_pAnimationData; //Keep track of the path WCHAR m_strPathW[MAX_PATH]; char m_strPath[MAX_PATH]; //General mesh info SDKMESH_HEADER* m_pMeshHeader; SDKMESH_VERTEX_BUFFER_HEADER* m_pVertexBufferArray; SDKMESH_INDEX_BUFFER_HEADER* m_pIndexBufferArray; SDKMESH_MESH* m_pMeshArray; SDKMESH_SUBSET* m_pSubsetArray; SDKMESH_FRAME* m_pFrameArray; SDKMESH_MATERIAL* m_pMaterialArray; // Adjacency information (not part of the m_pStaticMeshData, so it must be created and destroyed separately ) SDKMESH_INDEX_BUFFER_HEADER* m_pAdjacencyIndexBufferArray; //Animation (TODO: Add ability to load/track multiple animation sets) SDKANIMATION_FILE_HEADER* m_pAnimationHeader; SDKANIMATION_FRAME_DATA* m_pAnimationFrameData; D3DXMATRIX* m_pBindPoseFrameMatrices; D3DXMATRIX* m_pTransformedFrameMatrices; protected: void LoadMaterials( ID3D10Device* pd3dDevice, SDKMESH_MATERIAL* pMaterials, UINT NumMaterials, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS10* pLoaderCallbacks=NULL ); void LoadMaterials( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, SDKMESH_MATERIAL* pMaterials, UINT NumMaterials, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS9* pLoaderCallbacks=NULL ); HRESULT CreateVertexBuffer( ID3D10Device* pd3dDevice, SDKMESH_VERTEX_BUFFER_HEADER* pHeader, void* pVertices, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS10* pLoaderCallbacks=NULL ); HRESULT CreateVertexBuffer( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, SDKMESH_VERTEX_BUFFER_HEADER* pHeader, void* pVertices, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS9* pLoaderCallbacks=NULL ); HRESULT CreateIndexBuffer( ID3D10Device* pd3dDevice, SDKMESH_INDEX_BUFFER_HEADER* pHeader, void* pIndices, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS10* pLoaderCallbacks=NULL ); HRESULT CreateIndexBuffer( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, SDKMESH_INDEX_BUFFER_HEADER* pHeader, void* pIndices, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS9* pLoaderCallbacks=NULL ); virtual HRESULT CreateFromFile( ID3D10Device *pDev10, IDirect3DDevice9* pDev9, LPCTSTR szFileName, bool bOptimize, bool bCreateAdjacencyIndices, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS10* pLoaderCallbacks10=NULL, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS9* pLoaderCallbacks9=NULL ); virtual HRESULT CreateFromMemory( ID3D10Device *pDev10, IDirect3DDevice9* pDev9, BYTE* pData, UINT DataBytes, bool bOptimize, bool bCreateAdjacencyIndices, bool bCopyStatic, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS10* pLoaderCallbacks10=NULL, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS9* pLoaderCallbacks9=NULL ); //frame manipulation void TransformBindPoseFrame( UINT iFrame, D3DXMATRIX* pParentWorld ); void TransformFrame( UINT iFrame, D3DXMATRIX* pParentWorld, double fTime ); void TransformFrameAbsolute( UINT iFrame, double fTime ); //Direct3D 10 rendering helpers void RenderMesh( UINT iMesh, bool bAdjacent, ID3D10Device* pd3dDevice, ID3D10EffectTechnique* pTechnique, ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ptxDiffuse, ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ptxNormal, ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ptxSpecular, ID3D10EffectVectorVariable* pvDiffuse, ID3D10EffectVectorVariable* pvSpecular ); void RenderFrame( UINT iFrame, bool bAdjacent, ID3D10Device* pd3dDevice, ID3D10EffectTechnique* pTechnique, ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ptxDiffuse, ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ptxNormal, ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ptxSpecular, ID3D10EffectVectorVariable* pvDiffuse, ID3D10EffectVectorVariable* pvSpecular ); //Direct3D 9 rendering helpers void RenderMesh( UINT iMesh, LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, LPD3DXEFFECT pEffect, D3DXHANDLE hTechnique, D3DXHANDLE htxDiffuse, D3DXHANDLE htxNormal, D3DXHANDLE htxSpecular ); void RenderFrame( UINT iFrame, LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, LPD3DXEFFECT pEffect, D3DXHANDLE hTechnique, D3DXHANDLE htxDiffuse, D3DXHANDLE htxNormal, D3DXHANDLE htxSpecular ); public: CDXUTSDKMesh(); virtual ~CDXUTSDKMesh(); virtual HRESULT Create( ID3D10Device *pDev10, LPCTSTR szFileName, bool bOptimize=true, bool bCreateAdjacencyIndices=false, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS10* pLoaderCallbacks=NULL ); virtual HRESULT Create( IDirect3DDevice9* pDev9, LPCTSTR szFileName, bool bOptimize=true, bool bCreateAdjacencyIndices=false, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS9* pLoaderCallbacks=NULL ); virtual HRESULT Create( ID3D10Device *pDev10, BYTE* pData, UINT DataBytes, bool bOptimize=true, bool bCreateAdjacencyIndices=false, bool bCopyStatic=false, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS10* pLoaderCallbacks=NULL ); virtual HRESULT Create( IDirect3DDevice9* pDev9, BYTE* pData, UINT DataBytes, bool bOptimize=true, bool bCreateAdjacencyIndices=false, bool bCopyStatic=false, SDKMESH_CALLBACKS9* pLoaderCallbacks=NULL ); virtual HRESULT LoadAnimation( WCHAR* szFileName ); virtual void Destroy(); //Frame manipulation void TransformBindPose( D3DXMATRIX* pWorld ); void TransformMesh( D3DXMATRIX* pWorld, double fTime ); //Adjacency HRESULT CreateAdjacencyIndices( ID3D10Device *pd3dDevice, float fEpsilon, BYTE* pBufferData ); //Direct3D 10 Rendering virtual void Render( ID3D10Device *pd3dDevice, ID3D10EffectTechnique* pTechnique, ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ptxDiffuse = NULL, ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ptxNormal = NULL, ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ptxSpecular = NULL, ID3D10EffectVectorVariable* pvDiffuse = NULL, ID3D10EffectVectorVariable* pvSpecular = NULL ); virtual void RenderAdjacent( ID3D10Device *pd3dDevice, ID3D10EffectTechnique* pTechnique, ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ptxDiffuse = NULL, ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ptxNormal = NULL, ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ptxSpecular = NULL, ID3D10EffectVectorVariable* pvDiffuse = NULL, ID3D10EffectVectorVariable* pvSpecular = NULL ); //Direct3D 9 Rendering virtual void Render( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, LPD3DXEFFECT pEffect, D3DXHANDLE hTechnique, D3DXHANDLE htxDiffuse = 0, D3DXHANDLE htxNormal = 0, D3DXHANDLE htxSpecular = 0 ); //Helpers (D3D10 specific) static D3D10_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY GetPrimitiveType10( SDKMESH_PRIMITIVE_TYPE PrimType ); DXGI_FORMAT GetIBFormat10( UINT iMesh ); ID3D10Buffer* GetVB10( UINT iMesh, UINT iVB ); ID3D10Buffer* GetIB10( UINT iMesh ); ID3D10Buffer* GetAdjIB10( UINT iMesh ); //Helpers (D3D9 specific) static D3DPRIMITIVETYPE GetPrimitiveType9( SDKMESH_PRIMITIVE_TYPE PrimType ); D3DFORMAT GetIBFormat9( UINT iMesh ); IDirect3DVertexBuffer9* GetVB9( UINT iMesh, UINT iVB ); IDirect3DIndexBuffer9* GetIB9( UINT iMesh ); //Helpers (general) char* GetMeshPathA(); WCHAR* GetMeshPathW(); UINT GetNumMeshes(); UINT GetNumMaterials(); UINT GetNumVBs(); UINT GetNumIBs(); IDirect3DVertexBuffer9* GetVB9At( UINT iVB ); IDirect3DIndexBuffer9* GetIB9At( UINT iIB ); ID3D10Buffer* GetVB10At( UINT iVB ); ID3D10Buffer* GetIB10At( UINT iIB ); SDKMESH_MATERIAL* GetMaterial( UINT iMaterial ); SDKMESH_MESH* GetMesh( UINT iMesh ); UINT GetNumSubsets( UINT iMesh ); SDKMESH_SUBSET* GetSubset( UINT iMesh, UINT iSubset ); UINT GetVertexStride( UINT iMesh, UINT iVB ); SDKMESH_FRAME* FindFrame( char* pszName ); UINT64 GetNumVertices( UINT iMesh, UINT iVB ); UINT64 GetNumIndices( UINT iMesh ); D3DXVECTOR3 GetMeshBBoxCenter( UINT iMesh ); D3DXVECTOR3 GetMeshBBoxExtents( UINT iMesh ); UINT GetOutstandingResources(); UINT GetOutstandingBufferResources(); bool CheckLoadDone(); bool IsLoaded(); bool IsLoading(); void SetLoading( bool bLoading ); BOOL HadLoadingError(); //Animation UINT GetNumInfluences( UINT iMesh ); D3DXMATRIX* GetMeshInfluenceMatrix( UINT iMesh, UINT iInfluence ); UINT GetAnimationKeyFromTime( double fTime ); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: class CDXUTXFileMesh // Desc: Class for loading and rendering file-based meshes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CDXUTXFileMesh { public: WCHAR m_strName[512]; LPD3DXMESH m_pMesh; // Managed mesh // Cache of data in m_pMesh for easy access IDirect3DVertexBuffer9* m_pVB; IDirect3DIndexBuffer9* m_pIB; IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9* m_pDecl; DWORD m_dwNumVertices; DWORD m_dwNumFaces; DWORD m_dwBytesPerVertex; DWORD m_dwNumMaterials; // Materials for the mesh D3DMATERIAL9* m_pMaterials; CHAR (*m_strMaterials)[MAX_PATH]; IDirect3DBaseTexture9** m_pTextures; bool m_bUseMaterials; public: // Rendering HRESULT Render( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, bool bDrawOpaqueSubsets = true, bool bDrawAlphaSubsets = true ); HRESULT Render( ID3DXEffect *pEffect, D3DXHANDLE hTexture = NULL, D3DXHANDLE hDiffuse = NULL, D3DXHANDLE hAmbient = NULL, D3DXHANDLE hSpecular = NULL, D3DXHANDLE hEmissive = NULL, D3DXHANDLE hPower = NULL, bool bDrawOpaqueSubsets = true, bool bDrawAlphaSubsets = true ); // Mesh access LPD3DXMESH GetMesh() { return m_pMesh; } // Rendering options void UseMeshMaterials( bool bFlag ) { m_bUseMaterials = bFlag; } HRESULT SetFVF( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, DWORD dwFVF ); HRESULT SetVertexDecl( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 *pDecl, bool bAutoComputeNormals = true, bool bAutoComputeTangents = true, bool bSplitVertexForOptimalTangents = false ); // Initializing HRESULT RestoreDeviceObjects( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice ); HRESULT InvalidateDeviceObjects(); // Creation/destruction HRESULT Create( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, LPCWSTR strFilename ); HRESULT Create( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, LPD3DXFILEDATA pFileData ); HRESULT Create( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, ID3DXMesh* pInMesh, D3DXMATERIAL* pd3dxMaterials, DWORD dwMaterials ); HRESULT CreateMaterials( LPCWSTR strPath, IDirect3DDevice9 *pd3dDevice, D3DXMATERIAL* d3dxMtrls, DWORD dwNumMaterials ); HRESULT Destroy(); CDXUTXFileMesh( LPCWSTR strName = L"CDXUTXMeshFile_Mesh" ); virtual ~CDXUTXFileMesh(); }; #endif #endif
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