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//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: DXUTEnum.h // // Enumerates D3D adapters, devices, modes, etc. // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #ifndef DXUT_ENUM_H #define DXUT_ENUM_H //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Finding valid device settings //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum DXUT_MATCH_TYPE { DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT = 0, // Use the closest valid value to a default DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT, // Use input without change, but may cause no valid device to be found DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT // Use the closest valid value to the input }; struct DXUTMatchOptions { DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eAPIVersion; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eAdapterOrdinal; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eOutput; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eDeviceType; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eWindowed; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eAdapterFormat; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eVertexProcessing; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eResolution; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eBackBufferFormat; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eBackBufferCount; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eMultiSample; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eSwapEffect; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eDepthFormat; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eStencilFormat; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE ePresentFlags; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE eRefreshRate; DXUT_MATCH_TYPE ePresentInterval; }; HRESULT WINAPI DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pOut, DXUTDeviceSettings* pIn = NULL, DXUTMatchOptions* pMatchOptions = NULL ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions to get bit depth from formats //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI DXUTGetD3D10AdapterDisplayMode( UINT AdapterOrdinal, UINT Output, DXGI_MODE_DESC *pModeDesc ); // TODO: refactor? UINT WINAPI DXUTGetD3D9ColorChannelBits( D3DFORMAT fmt ); UINT WINAPI DXUTGetAlphaChannelBits( D3DFORMAT fmt ); UINT WINAPI DXUTGetStencilBits( D3DFORMAT fmt ); UINT WINAPI DXUTGetDepthBits( D3DFORMAT fmt ); UINT WINAPI DXUTGetDXGIColorChannelBits( DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forward declarations //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo; class CD3D9EnumDeviceInfo; struct CD3D9EnumDeviceSettingsCombo; struct CD3D9EnumDSMSConflict; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Optional memory create/destory functions. If not call, these will be called automatically //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI DXUTCreateD3D9Enumeration(); HRESULT WINAPI DXUTCreateD3D10Enumeration(); void WINAPI DXUTDestroyD3D9Enumeration(); void WINAPI DXUTDestroyD3D10Enumeration(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enumerates available Direct3D9 adapters, devices, modes, etc. // Use DXUTGetD3D9Enumeration() to access global instance //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CD3D9Enumeration { public: // These should be called before Enumerate(). // // Use these calls and the IsDeviceAcceptable to control the contents of // the enumeration object, which affects the device selection and the device settings dialog. void SetRequirePostPixelShaderBlending( bool bRequire ) { m_bRequirePostPixelShaderBlending = bRequire; } void SetResolutionMinMax( UINT nMinWidth, UINT nMinHeight, UINT nMaxWidth, UINT nMaxHeight ); void SetRefreshMinMax( UINT nMin, UINT nMax ); void SetMultisampleQualityMax( UINT nMax ); void GetPossibleVertexProcessingList( bool* pbSoftwareVP, bool* pbHardwareVP, bool* pbPureHarewareVP, bool* pbMixedVP ); void SetPossibleVertexProcessingList( bool bSoftwareVP, bool bHardwareVP, bool bPureHarewareVP, bool bMixedVP ); CGrowableArray
* GetPossibleDepthStencilFormatList(); CGrowableArray
* GetPossibleMultisampleTypeList(); CGrowableArray
* GetPossiblePresentIntervalList(); void ResetPossibleDepthStencilFormats(); void ResetPossibleMultisampleTypeList(); void ResetPossiblePresentIntervalList(); // Call Enumerate() to enumerate available D3D adapters, devices, modes, etc. bool HasEnumerated() { return m_bHasEnumerated; } HRESULT Enumerate( LPDXUTCALLBACKISD3D9DEVICEACCEPTABLE IsD3D9DeviceAcceptableFunc = NULL, void* pIsD3D9DeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext = NULL ); // These should be called after Enumerate() is called CGrowableArray
* GetAdapterInfoList(); CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo* GetAdapterInfo( UINT AdapterOrdinal ); CD3D9EnumDeviceInfo* GetDeviceInfo( UINT AdapterOrdinal, D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType ); CD3D9EnumDeviceSettingsCombo* GetDeviceSettingsCombo( DXUTD3D9DeviceSettings* pD3D9DeviceSettings ) { return GetDeviceSettingsCombo( pD3D9DeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal, pD3D9DeviceSettings->DeviceType, pD3D9DeviceSettings->AdapterFormat, pD3D9DeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferFormat, pD3D9DeviceSettings->pp.Windowed ); } CD3D9EnumDeviceSettingsCombo* GetDeviceSettingsCombo( UINT AdapterOrdinal, D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType, D3DFORMAT AdapterFormat, D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat, BOOL Windowed ); ~CD3D9Enumeration(); private: friend HRESULT WINAPI DXUTCreateD3D9Enumeration(); // Use DXUTGetD3D9Enumeration() to access global instance CD3D9Enumeration(); bool m_bHasEnumerated; IDirect3D9* m_pD3D; LPDXUTCALLBACKISD3D9DEVICEACCEPTABLE m_IsD3D9DeviceAcceptableFunc; void* m_pIsD3D9DeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext; bool m_bRequirePostPixelShaderBlending; CGrowableArray
m_DepthStencilPossibleList; CGrowableArray
m_MultiSampleTypeList; CGrowableArray
m_PresentIntervalList; bool m_bSoftwareVP; bool m_bHardwareVP; bool m_bPureHarewareVP; bool m_bMixedVP; UINT m_nMinWidth; UINT m_nMaxWidth; UINT m_nMinHeight; UINT m_nMaxHeight; UINT m_nRefreshMin; UINT m_nRefreshMax; UINT m_nMultisampleQualityMax; // Array of CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo* with unique AdapterOrdinals CGrowableArray
m_AdapterInfoList; HRESULT EnumerateDevices( CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo, CGrowableArray
* pAdapterFormatList ); HRESULT EnumerateDeviceCombos( CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo, CD3D9EnumDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo, CGrowableArray
* pAdapterFormatList ); void BuildDepthStencilFormatList( CD3D9EnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pDeviceCombo ); void BuildMultiSampleTypeList( CD3D9EnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pDeviceCombo ); void BuildDSMSConflictList( CD3D9EnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pDeviceCombo ); void BuildPresentIntervalList( CD3D9EnumDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo, CD3D9EnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pDeviceCombo ); void ClearAdapterInfoList(); }; CD3D9Enumeration* WINAPI DXUTGetD3D9Enumeration( bool bForceEnumerate = false ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A class describing an adapter which contains a unique adapter ordinal // that is installed on the system //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo { public: ~CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo(); UINT AdapterOrdinal; D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER9 AdapterIdentifier; WCHAR szUniqueDescription[256]; CGrowableArray
displayModeList; // Array of supported D3DDISPLAYMODEs CGrowableArray
deviceInfoList; // Array of CD3D9EnumDeviceInfo* with unique supported DeviceTypes }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A class describing a Direct3D device that contains a // unique supported device type //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CD3D9EnumDeviceInfo { public: ~CD3D9EnumDeviceInfo(); UINT AdapterOrdinal; D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType; D3DCAPS9 Caps; // List of CD3D9EnumDeviceSettingsCombo* with a unique set // of AdapterFormat, BackBufferFormat, and Windowed CGrowableArray
deviceSettingsComboList; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A struct describing device settings that contains a unique combination of // adapter format, back buffer format, and windowed that is compatible with a // particular Direct3D device and the app. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct CD3D9EnumDeviceSettingsCombo { UINT AdapterOrdinal; D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType; D3DFORMAT AdapterFormat; D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat; BOOL Windowed; CGrowableArray
depthStencilFormatList; // List of D3DFORMATs CGrowableArray
multiSampleTypeList; // List of D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPEs CGrowableArray
multiSampleQualityList; // List of number of quality levels for each multisample type CGrowableArray
presentIntervalList; // List of D3DPRESENT flags CGrowableArray
DSMSConflictList; // List of CD3D9EnumDSMSConflict CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo; CD3D9EnumDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A depth/stencil buffer format that is incompatible with a // multisample type. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct CD3D9EnumDSMSConflict { D3DFORMAT DSFormat; D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE MSType; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forward declarations //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CD3D10EnumAdapterInfo; class CD3D10EnumDeviceInfo; class CD3D10EnumOutputInfo; struct CD3D10EnumDeviceSettingsCombo; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enumerates available Direct3D10 adapters, devices, modes, etc. // Use DXUTGetD3D9Enumeration() to access global instance //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CD3D10Enumeration { public: // These should be called before Enumerate(). // // Use these calls and the IsDeviceAcceptable to control the contents of // the enumeration object, which affects the device selection and the device settings dialog. void SetResolutionMinMax( UINT nMinWidth, UINT nMinHeight, UINT nMaxWidth, UINT nMaxHeight ); void SetRefreshMinMax( UINT nMin, UINT nMax ); void SetMultisampleQualityMax( UINT nMax ); CGrowableArray
* GetPossibleDepthStencilFormatList(); void ResetPossibleDepthStencilFormats(); void SetEnumerateAllAdapterFormats( bool bEnumerateAllAdapterFormats, bool bEnumerateNow = true ); // Call Enumerate() to enumerate available D3D10 adapters, devices, modes, etc. bool HasEnumerated() { return m_bHasEnumerated; } HRESULT Enumerate( LPDXUTCALLBACKISD3D10DEVICEACCEPTABLE IsD3D10DeviceAcceptableFunc, void* pIsD3D10DeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext ); // These should be called after Enumerate() is called CGrowableArray
* GetAdapterInfoList(); CD3D10EnumAdapterInfo* GetAdapterInfo( UINT AdapterOrdinal ); CD3D10EnumDeviceInfo* GetDeviceInfo( UINT AdapterOrdinal, D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DeviceType ); CD3D10EnumOutputInfo* GetOutputInfo( UINT AdapterOrdinal, UINT Output ); CD3D10EnumDeviceSettingsCombo* GetDeviceSettingsCombo( DXUTD3D10DeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings ) { return GetDeviceSettingsCombo( pDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal, pDeviceSettings->DriverType, pDeviceSettings->Output, pDeviceSettings->sd.BufferDesc.Format, pDeviceSettings->sd.Windowed ); } CD3D10EnumDeviceSettingsCombo* GetDeviceSettingsCombo( UINT AdapterOrdinal, D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DeviceType, UINT Output, DXGI_FORMAT BackBufferFormat, BOOL Windowed ); ~CD3D10Enumeration(); private: friend HRESULT WINAPI DXUTCreateD3D10Enumeration(); // Use DXUTGetD3D10Enumeration() to access global instance CD3D10Enumeration(); bool m_bHasEnumerated; LPDXUTCALLBACKISD3D10DEVICEACCEPTABLE m_IsD3D10DeviceAcceptableFunc; void* m_pIsD3D10DeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext; CGrowableArray
m_DepthStencilPossibleList; UINT m_nMinWidth; UINT m_nMaxWidth; UINT m_nMinHeight; UINT m_nMaxHeight; UINT m_nRefreshMin; UINT m_nRefreshMax; UINT m_nMultisampleQualityMax; bool m_bEnumerateAllAdapterFormats; // Array of CD3D9EnumAdapterInfo* with unique AdapterOrdinals CGrowableArray
m_AdapterInfoList; HRESULT EnumerateOutputs( CD3D10EnumAdapterInfo *pAdapterInfo ); HRESULT EnumerateDevices( CD3D10EnumAdapterInfo *pAdapterInfo ); HRESULT EnumerateDeviceCombos( IDXGIFactory *pFactory, CD3D10EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo ); HRESULT EnumerateDisplayModes( CD3D10EnumOutputInfo *pOutputInfo ); void BuildMultiSampleQualityList( DXGI_FORMAT fmt, CD3D10EnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pDeviceCombo ); void ClearAdapterInfoList(); }; CD3D10Enumeration* WINAPI DXUTGetD3D10Enumeration( bool bForceEnumerate = false, bool EnumerateAllAdapterFormats = false ); #define DXGI_MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING 128 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A class describing an adapter which contains a unique adapter ordinal // that is installed on the system //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CD3D10EnumAdapterInfo { const CD3D10EnumAdapterInfo &operator = ( const CD3D10EnumAdapterInfo &rhs ); public: ~CD3D10EnumAdapterInfo(); UINT AdapterOrdinal; DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC AdapterDesc; WCHAR szUniqueDescription[DXGI_MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING]; IDXGIAdapter *m_pAdapter; CGrowableArray
outputInfoList; // Array of CD3D10EnumOutputInfo* CGrowableArray
deviceInfoList; // Array of CD3D10EnumDeviceInfo* // List of CD3D10EnumDeviceSettingsCombo* with a unique set // of BackBufferFormat, and Windowed CGrowableArray
deviceSettingsComboList; }; class CD3D10EnumOutputInfo { const CD3D10EnumOutputInfo &operator = ( const CD3D10EnumOutputInfo &rhs ); public: ~CD3D10EnumOutputInfo(); UINT AdapterOrdinal; UINT Output; IDXGIOutput *m_pOutput; DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC Desc; CGrowableArray
displayModeList; // Array of supported D3DDISPLAYMODEs }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A class describing a Direct3D10 device that contains a // unique supported driver type //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CD3D10EnumDeviceInfo { const CD3D10EnumDeviceInfo &operator = ( const CD3D10EnumDeviceInfo &rhs ); public: ~CD3D10EnumDeviceInfo(); UINT AdapterOrdinal; D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DeviceType; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A struct describing device settings that contains a unique combination of // adapter format, back buffer format, and windowed that is compatible with a // particular Direct3D device and the app. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct CD3D10EnumDeviceSettingsCombo { UINT AdapterOrdinal; D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DeviceType; DXGI_FORMAT BackBufferFormat; BOOL Windowed; UINT Output; CGrowableArray
multiSampleCountList; // List of valid sampling counts (multisampling) CGrowableArray
multiSampleQualityList; // List of number of quality levels for each multisample count CD3D10EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo; CD3D10EnumDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo; CD3D10EnumOutputInfo* pOutputInfo; }; #endif
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