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//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: DXUT.h // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #ifndef DXUT_H #define DXUT_H #ifndef UNICODE #error "DXUT requires a Unicode build. See the nearby comments for details" // // If you are using Microsoft Visual C++ .NET, under the General tab of the project // properties change the Character Set to 'Use Unicode Character Set'. // // Windows XP and later are native Unicode so Unicode applications will perform better. // For Windows 98 and Windows Me support, consider using the Microsoft Layer for Unicode (MSLU). // // To use MSLU, link against a set of libraries similar to this // /nod:kernel32.lib /nod:advapi32.lib /nod:user32.lib /nod:gdi32.lib /nod:shell32.lib /nod:comdlg32.lib /nod:version.lib /nod:mpr.lib /nod:rasapi32.lib /nod:winmm.lib /nod:winspool.lib /nod:vfw32.lib /nod:secur32.lib /nod:oleacc.lib /nod:oledlg.lib /nod:sensapi.lib UnicoWS.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib shell32.lib comdlg32.lib version.lib mpr.lib rasapi32.lib winmm.lib winspool.lib vfw32.lib secur32.lib oleacc.lib oledlg.lib sensapi.lib dxerr.lib dxguid.lib d3dx9d.lib d3d9.lib comctl32.lib // and put the unicows.dll (available for download from in the exe's folder. // // For more details see the MSDN article titled: // "MSLU: Develop Unicode Applications for Windows 9x Platforms with the Microsoft Layer for Unicode" // at // #endif #ifndef STRICT #define STRICT #endif // If app hasn't choosen, set to work with Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP and beyond #ifndef WINVER #define WINVER 0x0500 #endif #ifndef _WIN32_WINDOWS #define _WIN32_WINDOWS 0x0500 #endif #ifndef _WIN32_WINNT #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600 #endif // #define DXUT_AUTOLIB to automatically include the libs needed for DXUT #ifdef DXUT_AUTOLIB #pragma comment( lib, "dxerr.lib" ) #pragma comment( lib, "dxguid.lib" ) #pragma comment( lib, "d3d9.lib" ) #pragma comment( lib, "d3d10.lib" ) #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) #pragma comment( lib, "d3dx9d.lib" ) #pragma comment( lib, "d3dx10d.lib" ) #else #pragma comment( lib, "d3dx9.lib" ) #pragma comment( lib, "d3dx10.lib" ) #endif #pragma comment( lib, "winmm.lib" ) #pragma comment( lib, "comctl32.lib" ) #endif #pragma warning( disable : 4100 ) // disable unreference formal parameter warnings for /W4 builds // Enable extra D3D debugging in debug builds if using the debug DirectX runtime. // This makes D3D objects work well in the debugger watch window, but slows down // performance slightly. #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) #ifndef D3D_DEBUG_INFO #define D3D_DEBUG_INFO #endif #endif // Standard Windows includes #include
// for InitCommonControls() #include
// for ExtractIcon() #include
// for placement new #include
// CRT's memory leak detection #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) #include
#endif // Direct3D9 includes #include
// Direct3D10 includes #include
// XInput includes #include
// HRESULT translation for Direct3D10 and other APIs #include
// strsafe.h deprecates old unsecure string functions. If you // really do not want to it to (not recommended), then uncomment the next line //#define STRSAFE_NO_DEPRECATE #ifndef STRSAFE_NO_DEPRECATE #pragma deprecated("strncpy") #pragma deprecated("wcsncpy") #pragma deprecated("_tcsncpy") #pragma deprecated("wcsncat") #pragma deprecated("strncat") #pragma deprecated("_tcsncat") #endif #pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) // disable deprecated warning #include
#pragma warning( default : 4996 ) #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) #ifndef V #define V(x) { hr = (x); if( FAILED(hr) ) { DXUTTrace( __FILE__, (DWORD)__LINE__, hr, L#x, true ); } } #endif #ifndef V_RETURN #define V_RETURN(x) { hr = (x); if( FAILED(hr) ) { return DXUTTrace( __FILE__, (DWORD)__LINE__, hr, L#x, true ); } } #endif #else #ifndef V #define V(x) { hr = (x); } #endif #ifndef V_RETURN #define V_RETURN(x) { hr = (x); if( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } } #endif #endif #ifndef SAFE_DELETE #define SAFE_DELETE(p) { if (p) { delete (p); (p)=NULL; } } #endif #ifndef SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY #define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(p) { if (p) { delete[] (p); (p)=NULL; } } #endif #ifndef SAFE_RELEASE #define SAFE_RELEASE(p) { if (p) { (p)->Release(); (p)=NULL; } } #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Structs //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct DXUTD3D9DeviceSettings { UINT AdapterOrdinal; D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType; D3DFORMAT AdapterFormat; DWORD BehaviorFlags; D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS pp; }; struct DXUTD3D10DeviceSettings { UINT AdapterOrdinal; D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType; UINT Output; DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC sd; UINT32 CreateFlags; UINT32 SyncInterval; DWORD PresentFlags; bool AutoCreateDepthStencil; // DXUT will create the a depth stencil resource and view if true DXGI_FORMAT AutoDepthStencilFormat; }; enum DXUTDeviceVersion { DXUT_D3D9_DEVICE, DXUT_D3D10_DEVICE }; struct DXUTDeviceSettings { DXUTDeviceVersion ver; union { DXUTD3D9DeviceSettings d3d9; // only valid if ver == DXUT_D3D9_DEVICE DXUTD3D10DeviceSettings d3d10; // only valid if ver == DXUT_D3D10_DEVICE }; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Error codes //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define DXUTERR_NODIRECT3D MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_ITF, 0x0901) #define DXUTERR_NOCOMPATIBLEDEVICES MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_ITF, 0x0902) #define DXUTERR_MEDIANOTFOUND MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_ITF, 0x0903) #define DXUTERR_NONZEROREFCOUNT MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_ITF, 0x0904) #define DXUTERR_CREATINGDEVICE MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_ITF, 0x0905) #define DXUTERR_RESETTINGDEVICE MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_ITF, 0x0906) #define DXUTERR_CREATINGDEVICEOBJECTS MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_ITF, 0x0907) #define DXUTERR_RESETTINGDEVICEOBJECTS MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_ITF, 0x0908) #define DXUTERR_DEVICEREMOVED MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_ITF, 0x090A) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Callback registration //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // General callbacks typedef void (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKFRAMEMOVE)( double fTime, float fElapsedTime, void* pUserContext ); typedef void (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKKEYBOARD)( UINT nChar, bool bKeyDown, bool bAltDown, void* pUserContext ); typedef void (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKMOUSE)( bool bLeftButtonDown, bool bRightButtonDown, bool bMiddleButtonDown, bool bSideButton1Down, bool bSideButton2Down, int nMouseWheelDelta, int xPos, int yPos, void* pUserContext ); typedef LRESULT (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKMSGPROC)( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, bool* pbNoFurtherProcessing, void* pUserContext ); typedef void (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKTIMER)( UINT idEvent, void* pUserContext ); typedef bool (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKMODIFYDEVICESETTINGS)( DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings, void* pUserContext ); typedef bool (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICEREMOVED)( void* pUserContext ); // Direct3D 9 callbacks typedef bool (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKISD3D9DEVICEACCEPTABLE)( D3DCAPS9* pCaps, D3DFORMAT AdapterFormat, D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat, bool bWindowed, void* pUserContext ); typedef HRESULT (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D9DEVICECREATED)( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc, void* pUserContext ); typedef HRESULT (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D9DEVICERESET)( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc, void* pUserContext ); typedef void (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D9FRAMERENDER)( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, double fTime, float fElapsedTime, void* pUserContext ); typedef void (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D9DEVICELOST)( void* pUserContext ); typedef void (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D9DEVICEDESTROYED)( void* pUserContext ); // Direct3D 10 callbacks typedef bool (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKISD3D10DEVICEACCEPTABLE)( UINT Adapter, UINT Output, D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DeviceType, DXGI_FORMAT BackBufferFormat, bool bWindowed, void* pUserContext ); typedef HRESULT (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D10DEVICECREATED)( ID3D10Device* pd3dDevice, const DXGI_SURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc, void* pUserContext ); typedef HRESULT (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D10SWAPCHAINRESIZED)( ID3D10Device* pd3dDevice, IDXGISwapChain *pSwapChain, const DXGI_SURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc, void* pUserContext ); typedef void (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D10FRAMERENDER)( ID3D10Device* pd3dDevice, double fTime, float fElapsedTime, void* pUserContext ); typedef void (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D10SWAPCHAINRELEASING)( void* pUserContext ); typedef void (CALLBACK *LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D10DEVICEDESTROYED)( void* pUserContext ); // General callbacks void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackFrameMove( LPDXUTCALLBACKFRAMEMOVE pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackKeyboard( LPDXUTCALLBACKKEYBOARD pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackMouse( LPDXUTCALLBACKMOUSE pCallback, bool bIncludeMouseMove = false, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackMsgProc( LPDXUTCALLBACKMSGPROC pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackDeviceChanging( LPDXUTCALLBACKMODIFYDEVICESETTINGS pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackDeviceRemoved( LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICEREMOVED pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); // Direct3D 9 callbacks void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceAcceptable( LPDXUTCALLBACKISD3D9DEVICEACCEPTABLE pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceCreated( LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D9DEVICECREATED pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceReset( LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D9DEVICERESET pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackD3D9FrameRender( LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D9FRAMERENDER pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceLost( LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D9DEVICELOST pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceDestroyed( LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D9DEVICEDESTROYED pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); // Direct3D 10 callbacks void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackD3D10DeviceAcceptable( LPDXUTCALLBACKISD3D10DEVICEACCEPTABLE pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackD3D10DeviceCreated( LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D10DEVICECREATED pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackD3D10SwapChainResized( LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D10SWAPCHAINRESIZED pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackD3D10FrameRender( LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D10FRAMERENDER pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackD3D10SwapChainReleasing( LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D10SWAPCHAINRELEASING pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCallbackD3D10DeviceDestroyed( LPDXUTCALLBACKD3D10DEVICEDESTROYED pCallback, void* pUserContext = NULL ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI DXUTInit( bool bParseCommandLine = true, bool bShowMsgBoxOnError = true, WCHAR* strExtraCommandLineParams = NULL, bool bThreadSafeDXUT = false ); // Choose either DXUTCreateWindow or DXUTSetWindow. If using DXUTSetWindow, consider using DXUTStaticWndProc HRESULT WINAPI DXUTCreateWindow( const WCHAR* strWindowTitle = L"Direct3D Window", HINSTANCE hInstance = NULL, HICON hIcon = NULL, HMENU hMenu = NULL, int x = CW_USEDEFAULT, int y = CW_USEDEFAULT ); HRESULT WINAPI DXUTSetWindow( HWND hWndFocus, HWND hWndDeviceFullScreen, HWND hWndDeviceWindowed, bool bHandleMessages = true ); LRESULT CALLBACK DXUTStaticWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); // Choose either DXUTCreateDevice or DXUTSetD3D*Device or DXUTCreateD3DDeviceFromSettings HRESULT WINAPI DXUTCreateDevice( bool bWindowed = true, int nSuggestedWidth = 0, int nSuggestedHeight = 0 ); HRESULT WINAPI DXUTCreateDeviceFromSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings, bool bPreserveInput = false, bool bClipWindowToSingleAdapter = true ); HRESULT WINAPI DXUTSetD3D9Device( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice ); HRESULT WINAPI DXUTSetD3D10Device( ID3D10Device* pd3dDevice, IDXGISwapChain* pSwapChain ); // Choose either DXUTMainLoop or implement your own main loop HRESULT WINAPI DXUTMainLoop( HACCEL hAccel = NULL ); // If not using DXUTMainLoop consider using DXUTRender3DEnvironment void WINAPI DXUTRender3DEnvironment(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Common Tasks //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI DXUTToggleFullScreen(); HRESULT WINAPI DXUTToggleREF(); void WINAPI DXUTPause( bool bPauseTime, bool bPauseRendering ); void WINAPI DXUTSetConstantFrameTime( bool bConstantFrameTime, float fTimePerFrame = 0.0333f ); void WINAPI DXUTSetCursorSettings( bool bShowCursorWhenFullScreen = false, bool bClipCursorWhenFullScreen = false ); void WINAPI DXUTSetD3DVersionSupport( bool bAppCanUseD3D9 = true, bool bAppCanUseD3D10 = true ); void WINAPI DXUTSetHotkeyHandling( bool bAltEnterToToggleFullscreen = true, bool bEscapeToQuit = true, bool bPauseToToggleTimePause = true ); void WINAPI DXUTSetMultimonSettings( bool bAutoChangeAdapter = true ); void WINAPI DXUTSetShortcutKeySettings( bool bAllowWhenFullscreen = false, bool bAllowWhenWindowed = true ); // Controls the Windows key, and accessibility shortcut keys void WINAPI DXUTSetWindowSettings( bool bCallDefWindowProc = true ); HRESULT WINAPI DXUTSetTimer( LPDXUTCALLBACKTIMER pCallbackTimer, float fTimeoutInSecs = 1.0f, UINT* pnIDEvent = NULL, void* pCallbackUserContext = NULL ); HRESULT WINAPI DXUTKillTimer( UINT nIDEvent ); void WINAPI DXUTResetFrameworkState(); void WINAPI DXUTShutdown( int nExitCode = 0 ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // State Retrieval //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Direct3D 9 IDirect3D9* WINAPI DXUTGetD3D9Object(); // Does not addref unlike typical Get* APIs IDirect3DDevice9* WINAPI DXUTGetD3D9Device(); // Does not addref unlike typical Get* APIs D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS WINAPI DXUTGetD3D9PresentParameters(); const D3DSURFACE_DESC* WINAPI DXUTGetD3D9BackBufferSurfaceDesc(); const D3DCAPS9* WINAPI DXUTGetD3D9DeviceCaps(); HRESULT WINAPI DXUTGetD3D9DeviceCaps( DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings, D3DCAPS9* pCaps ); bool WINAPI DXUTDoesAppSupportD3D9(); bool WINAPI DXUTIsAppRenderingWithD3D9(); // Direct3D 10 bool WINAPI DXUTIsD3D10Available(); // If D3D10 APIs are availible IDXGIFactory* WINAPI DXUTGetDXGIFactory(); // Does not addref unlike typical Get* APIs ID3D10Device* WINAPI DXUTGetD3D10Device(); // Does not addref unlike typical Get* APIs ID3D10Device1* WINAPI DXUTGetD3D10Device1(); // Does not addref unlike typical Get* APIs IDXGISwapChain* WINAPI DXUTGetDXGISwapChain(); // Does not addref unlike typical Get* APIs ID3D10RenderTargetView* WINAPI DXUTGetD3D10RenderTargetView(); // Does not addref unlike typical Get* APIs ID3D10DepthStencilView* WINAPI DXUTGetD3D10DepthStencilView(); // Does not addref unlike typical Get* APIs const DXGI_SURFACE_DESC* WINAPI DXUTGetDXGIBackBufferSurfaceDesc(); bool WINAPI DXUTDoesAppSupportD3D10(); bool WINAPI DXUTIsAppRenderingWithD3D10(); // General DXUTDeviceSettings WINAPI DXUTGetDeviceSettings(); HINSTANCE WINAPI DXUTGetHINSTANCE(); HWND WINAPI DXUTGetHWND(); HWND WINAPI DXUTGetHWNDFocus(); HWND WINAPI DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen(); HWND WINAPI DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(); RECT WINAPI DXUTGetWindowClientRect(); RECT WINAPI DXUTGetWindowClientRectAtModeChange(); // Useful for returning to windowed mode with the same resolution as before toggle to full screen mode RECT WINAPI DXUTGetFullsceenClientRectAtModeChange(); // Useful for returning to full screen mode with the same resolution as before toggle to windowed mode double WINAPI DXUTGetTime(); float WINAPI DXUTGetElapsedTime(); bool WINAPI DXUTIsWindowed(); float WINAPI DXUTGetFPS(); LPCWSTR WINAPI DXUTGetWindowTitle(); LPCWSTR WINAPI DXUTGetFrameStats( bool bIncludeFPS = false ); LPCWSTR WINAPI DXUTGetDeviceStats(); LPCWSTR WINAPI DXUTGetD3D10CounterStats(); bool WINAPI DXUTIsVsyncEnabled(); bool WINAPI DXUTIsRenderingPaused(); bool WINAPI DXUTIsTimePaused(); bool WINAPI DXUTIsActive(); int WINAPI DXUTGetExitCode(); bool WINAPI DXUTGetShowMsgBoxOnError(); bool WINAPI DXUTGetAutomation(); // Returns true if -automation parameter is used to launch the app bool WINAPI DXUTIsKeyDown( BYTE vKey ); // Pass a virtual-key code, ex. VK_F1, 'A', VK_RETURN, VK_LSHIFT, etc bool WINAPI DXUTIsMouseButtonDown( BYTE vButton ); // Pass a virtual-key code: VK_LBUTTON, VK_RBUTTON, VK_MBUTTON, VK_XBUTTON1, VK_XBUTTON2 HRESULT WINAPI DXUTCreateState(); // Optional method to create DXUT's memory. If its not called by the application it will be automatically called when needed void WINAPI DXUTDestroyState(); // Optional method to destroy DXUT's memory. If its not called by the application it will be automatically called after the application exits WinMain //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DXUT core layer includes //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "DXUTmisc.h" #include "DXUTenum.h" #endif
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