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// (C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2005-2007. // Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // See for the library home page. // // File : $RCSfile$ // // Version : $Revision: 43798 $ // // Description : flexible configuration file iterator implementation // *************************************************************************** // Boost.Runtime.Parameter #include
// Boost #include
// Boost.Test #include
// STL #include
namespace boost { namespace BOOST_RT_PARAM_NAMESPACE { namespace file { // ************************************************************************** // // ************** symbol_to_value_map ************** // // ************************************************************************** // template
struct symbol_to_value_map : std::map
{ template
void add( cstring name, ParamType const& value ) { using namespace unit_test; m_name_store.push_back( dstring() ); assign_op( m_name_store.back(), name, 0 ); assign_op( (*this)[m_name_store.back()], value, 0 ); } void remove( cstring name ) { std::list
::iterator it = std::find( m_name_store.begin(), m_name_store.end(), name ); m_name_store.erase( it ); erase( name ); } private: std::list
m_name_store; }; // ************************************************************************** // // ************** symbol_table_t ************** // // ************************************************************************** // typedef symbol_to_value_map
symbol_table_t; // ************************************************************************** // // ************** command_handler_map ************** // // ************************************************************************** // typedef symbol_to_value_map
command_handler_map; // ************************************************************************** // // ************** is_valid_identifier ************** // // ************************************************************************** // static bool is_valid_identifier( cstring const& source ) { if( source.is_empty() ) return false; cstring::const_iterator it = source.begin(); if( !std::isalpha( *it ) ) return false; while( ++it < source.end() ) { if( !std::isalnum( *it ) && *it != BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( '_' ) && *it != BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( '-' ) ) return false; } return true; } // ************************************************************************** // // ************** include_level ************** // // ************************************************************************** // struct include_level; typedef std::auto_ptr
include_level_ptr; struct include_level : noncopyable { // Constructor explicit include_level( cstring file_name, cstring path_separators, include_level* parent = 0 ); // Data members std::ifstream m_stream; location m_curr_location; include_level_ptr m_parent; }; //____________________________________________________________________________// include_level::include_level( cstring file_name, cstring path_separators, include_level* parent_ ) : m_parent( parent_ ) { if( file_name.is_empty() ) return; assign_op( m_curr_location.first, file_name, 0 ); m_curr_location.second = 0; m_curr_location.first.c_str() ); if( !m_stream.is_open() && !!m_parent.get() ) { cstring parent_path = m_parent->m_curr_location.first; cstring::iterator it = unit_test::find_last_of( parent_path.begin(), parent_path.end(), path_separators.begin(), path_separators.end() ); if( it != parent_path.end() ) { assign_op( m_curr_location.first, cstring( parent_path.begin(), it+1 ), 0 ); m_curr_location.first.append( file_name.begin(), file_name.end() ); m_stream.clear(); m_curr_location.first.c_str() ); } } BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( m_stream.is_open(), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "couldn't open file " ) << file_name ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// // ************************************************************************** // // ************** config_file_iterator::Impl ************** // // ************************************************************************** // struct config_file_iterator::Impl : noncopyable { // Constructor Impl(); bool get_next_line( cstring& next_line ); void process_command_line( cstring line ); void process_include( cstring line ); void process_define( cstring line ); void process_undef( cstring line ); void process_ifdef( cstring line ); void process_ifndef( cstring line ); void process_else( cstring line ); void process_endif( cstring line ); boost::optional
get_macro_value( cstring macro_name, bool ignore_missing = true ); void substitute_macros( cstring& where ); bool is_active_line() { return m_inactive_ifdef_level == 0; } static bool match_front( cstring str, cstring pattern ) { return str.size() >= pattern.size() && str.substr( 0, pattern.size() ) == pattern; } static bool match_back( cstring str, cstring pattern ) { return str.size() >= pattern.size() && str.substr( str.size() - pattern.size() ) == pattern; } // Configurable parameters dstring m_path_separators; char_type m_line_delimeter; dstring m_sl_comment_delimeter; dstring m_command_delimeter; dstring m_line_beak; dstring m_macro_ref_begin; dstring m_macro_ref_end; dstring m_include_kw; dstring m_define_kw; dstring m_undef_kw; dstring m_ifdef_kw; dstring m_ifndef_kw; dstring m_else_kw; dstring m_endif_kw; std::size_t m_buffer_size; bool m_trim_trailing_spaces; bool m_trim_leading_spaces; bool m_skip_empty_lines; bool m_detect_missing_macro; // Data members dstring m_post_subst_line; scoped_array
m_buffer; include_level_ptr m_curr_level; symbol_table_t m_symbols_table; std::vector
m_conditional_states; std::size_t m_inactive_ifdef_level; command_handler_map m_command_handler_map; }; //____________________________________________________________________________// config_file_iterator::Impl::Impl() : m_path_separators( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "/\\" ) ) , m_line_delimeter( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( '\n' ) ) , m_sl_comment_delimeter( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "#" ) ) , m_command_delimeter( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "$" ) ) , m_line_beak( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "\\" ) ) , m_macro_ref_begin( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "$" ) ) , m_macro_ref_end( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "$" ) ) , m_include_kw( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "include" ) ) , m_define_kw( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "define" ) ) , m_undef_kw( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "undef" ) ) , m_ifdef_kw( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "ifdef" ) ) , m_ifndef_kw( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "ifndef" ) ) , m_else_kw( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "else" ) ) , m_endif_kw( BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "endif" ) ) , m_buffer_size( 8192 ) , m_trim_trailing_spaces( true ) , m_trim_leading_spaces( false ) , m_skip_empty_lines( true ) , m_detect_missing_macro( true ) , m_inactive_ifdef_level( 0 ) {} //____________________________________________________________________________// bool config_file_iterator::Impl::get_next_line( cstring& line ) { bool broken_line = false; line.clear(); while( !m_curr_level->m_stream.eof() || !!m_curr_level->m_parent.get() ) { // 10. Switch to upper include level if current one is finished // 20. Read/append next file line // 30. Increment line number // 40. Remove comments // 50. Remove trailing and leading spaces // 60. Skip empty string // 70. Concatenate broken lines if needed. Put the result into line // 80. If line is not completed, try to finish it by reading the next line // 90. Process command line // 100. Substitute macros references with their definitions // 110. Next line found. if( m_curr_level->m_stream.eof() ) { // 10 // m_curr_level = m_curr_level->m_parent; continue; } std::ifstream& input = m_curr_level->m_stream; char_type* buffer_insert_pos = broken_line ? m_buffer.get() + line.size() : m_buffer.get(); input.getline( buffer_insert_pos, (std::streamsize)(m_buffer_size - line.size()), // 20 // m_line_delimeter ); cstring next_line( buffer_insert_pos, input.gcount() > 0 ? buffer_insert_pos + (input.eof() ? input.gcount() : (input.gcount()-1)) : buffer_insert_pos ); m_curr_level->m_curr_location.second++; // 30 // cstring::size_type comment_pos = next_line.find( m_sl_comment_delimeter ); if( comment_pos != cstring::npos ) next_line.trim_right( next_line.begin()+comment_pos ); // 40 // if( m_trim_trailing_spaces ) // 50 // next_line.trim_right(); if( m_trim_leading_spaces && !broken_line ) next_line.trim_left(); if( next_line.is_empty() ) { // 60 // if( m_skip_empty_lines ) continue; else next_line.assign( buffer_insert_pos, buffer_insert_pos ); } line = broken_line ? cstring( line.begin(), next_line.end() ) : next_line; // 70 // broken_line = match_back( line, m_line_beak ); if( broken_line ) { // 80 // line.trim_right( 1 ); continue; } if( match_front( line, m_command_delimeter ) ) { // 90 // process_command_line( line ); continue; } if( !is_active_line() ) continue; substitute_macros( line ); // 100 // return true; // 110 // } BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( !broken_line, BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "broken line is not completed" ) ); BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( m_conditional_states.size() == 0, BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "matching endif command is missing" ) ); return false; } //____________________________________________________________________________// boost::optional
config_file_iterator::Impl::get_macro_value( cstring macro_name, bool ignore_missing ) { symbol_table_t::const_iterator it = m_symbols_table.find( macro_name ); if( it == m_symbols_table.end() ) { boost::optional
macro_value; // !! variable actually may have different type env::get( macro_name, macro_value ); BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( macro_value || ignore_missing || !m_detect_missing_macro, BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "Unknown macro \"" ) << macro_name << BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "\"" ) ); if( !macro_value ) { if( !ignore_missing ) macro_value = cstring(); } else m_symbols_table.add( macro_name, *macro_value ); return macro_value; } return boost::optional
( cstring( it->second ) ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::Impl::process_command_line( cstring line ) { line.trim_left( m_command_delimeter.size() ); unit_test::string_token_iterator tit( line, unit_test::max_tokens = 2 ); command_handler_map::const_iterator it = m_command_handler_map.find( *tit ); BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( it != m_command_handler_map.end(), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "Invalid command " ) << *tit ); ++tit; (it->second)( *tit ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::Impl::process_include( cstring line ) { using namespace unit_test; if( !is_active_line() ) return; string_token_iterator tit( line, kept_delimeters = dt_none ); BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( tit != string_token_iterator(), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "include file name missing" ) ); cstring include_file_name = *tit; BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( ++tit == string_token_iterator(), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "unexpected tokens at the end of include command" ) ); substitute_macros( include_file_name ); m_curr_level.reset( new include_level( include_file_name, m_path_separators, m_curr_level.release() ) ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::Impl::process_define( cstring line ) { using namespace unit_test; if( !is_active_line() ) return; string_token_iterator tit( line, (kept_delimeters = dt_none, max_tokens = 2 )); cstring macro_name = *tit; BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( is_valid_identifier( macro_name ), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "invalid macro name" ) ); cstring macro_value = *(++tit); substitute_macros( macro_value ); m_symbols_table.add( macro_name, macro_value ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::Impl::process_undef( cstring line ) { if( !is_active_line() ) return; cstring macro_name = line; BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( is_valid_identifier( macro_name ), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "invalid macro name" ) ); m_symbols_table.remove( macro_name ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::Impl::process_ifdef( cstring line ) { m_conditional_states.push_back( true ); if( !is_active_line() ) return; cstring macro_name = line; BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( is_valid_identifier( macro_name ), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "invalid macro name" ) ); if( !get_macro_value( macro_name ) ) m_inactive_ifdef_level = m_conditional_states.size(); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::Impl::process_ifndef( cstring line ) { m_conditional_states.push_back( true ); if( !is_active_line() ) return; cstring macro_name = line; BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( is_valid_identifier( macro_name ), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "invalid macro name" ) ); if( get_macro_value( macro_name ) ) m_inactive_ifdef_level = m_conditional_states.size(); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::Impl::process_else( cstring line ) { BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( m_conditional_states.size() > 0 && m_conditional_states.back(), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "else without matching if" ) ); m_inactive_ifdef_level = m_conditional_states.size() == m_inactive_ifdef_level ? 0 : m_conditional_states.size(); BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( line.is_empty(), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "unexpected tokens at the end of else command" ) ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::Impl::process_endif( cstring line ) { BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( m_conditional_states.size() > 0, BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "endif without matching if" ) ); if( m_conditional_states.size() == m_inactive_ifdef_level ) m_inactive_ifdef_level = 0; m_conditional_states.pop_back(); BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( line.is_empty(), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "unexpected tokens at the end of endif command" ) ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::Impl::substitute_macros( cstring& where ) { m_post_subst_line.clear(); cstring::size_type pos; while( (pos = where.find( m_macro_ref_begin )) != cstring::npos ) { m_post_subst_line.append( where.begin(), pos ); where.trim_left( where.begin() + pos + m_macro_ref_begin.size() ); pos = where.find( m_macro_ref_end ); BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( pos != cstring::npos, BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "incomplete macro reference" ) ); cstring value = *get_macro_value( where.substr( 0, pos ), false ); m_post_subst_line.append( value.begin(), value.size() ); where.trim_left( where.begin() + pos + m_macro_ref_end.size() ); } if( !m_post_subst_line.empty() ) { m_post_subst_line.append( where.begin(), where.size() ); where = m_post_subst_line; } } //____________________________________________________________________________// // ************************************************************************** // // ************** runtime::file::config_file_iterator ************** // // ************************************************************************** // void config_file_iterator::construct() { m_pimpl.reset( new Impl ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::load( cstring file_name ) { m_pimpl->m_curr_level.reset( new include_level( file_name, m_pimpl->m_path_separators ) ); m_pimpl->m_buffer.reset( new char[m_pimpl->m_buffer_size] ); register_command_handler( m_pimpl->m_include_kw, bind( &Impl::process_include, m_pimpl.get(), _1 ) ); register_command_handler( m_pimpl->m_define_kw, bind( &Impl::process_define, m_pimpl.get(), _1 ) ); register_command_handler( m_pimpl->m_undef_kw, bind( &Impl::process_undef, m_pimpl.get(), _1 ) ); register_command_handler( m_pimpl->m_ifdef_kw, bind( &Impl::process_ifdef, m_pimpl.get(), _1 ) ); register_command_handler( m_pimpl->m_ifndef_kw, bind( &Impl::process_ifndef, m_pimpl.get(), _1 ) ); register_command_handler( m_pimpl->m_else_kw, bind( &Impl::process_else, m_pimpl.get(), _1 ) ); register_command_handler( m_pimpl->m_endif_kw, bind( &Impl::process_endif, m_pimpl.get(), _1 ) ); init(); } //____________________________________________________________________________// location const& config_file_iterator::curr_location() { return m_pimpl->m_curr_level->m_curr_location; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::register_command_handler( cstring command_kw, command_handler const& ch ) { m_pimpl->m_command_handler_map.add( command_kw, ch ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// bool config_file_iterator::get() { return m_pimpl->get_next_line( m_value ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::set_parameter( rtti::id_t id, cstring value ) { BOOST_RTTI_SWITCH( id ) { BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::path_separators_t ) assign_op( m_pimpl->m_path_separators , value, 0 ); BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::sl_comment_delimeter_t ) assign_op( m_pimpl->m_sl_comment_delimeter , value, 0 ); BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::command_delimeter_t ) assign_op( m_pimpl->m_command_delimeter , value, 0 ); BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::line_beak_t ) assign_op( m_pimpl->m_line_beak , value, 0 ); BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::macro_ref_begin_t ) assign_op( m_pimpl->m_macro_ref_begin , value, 0 ); BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::macro_ref_end_t ) assign_op( m_pimpl->m_macro_ref_end , value, 0 ); BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::include_kw_t ) assign_op( m_pimpl->m_include_kw , value, 0 ); BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::define_kw_t ) assign_op( m_pimpl->m_define_kw , value, 0 ); BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::undef_kw_t ) assign_op( m_pimpl->m_undef_kw , value, 0 ); BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::ifdef_kw_t ) assign_op( m_pimpl->m_ifdef_kw , value, 0 ); BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::ifndef_kw_t ) assign_op( m_pimpl->m_ifndef_kw , value, 0 ); BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::else_kw_t ) assign_op( m_pimpl->m_else_kw , value, 0 ); BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::endif_kw_t ) assign_op( m_pimpl->m_endif_kw , value, 0 ); } } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::set_parameter( rtti::id_t id, bool value ) { BOOST_RTTI_SWITCH( id ) { BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::trim_leading_spaces_t ) m_pimpl->m_trim_leading_spaces = value; BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::trim_trailing_spaces_t ) m_pimpl->m_trim_trailing_spaces = value; BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::skip_empty_lines_t ) m_pimpl->m_skip_empty_lines = value; BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::detect_missing_macro_t ) m_pimpl->m_detect_missing_macro = value; } } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::set_parameter( rtti::id_t id, char_type value ) { BOOST_RTTI_SWITCH( id ) { BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::line_delimeter_t ) m_pimpl->m_line_delimeter = value; } } //____________________________________________________________________________// void config_file_iterator::set_parameter( rtti::id_t id, std::size_t value ) { BOOST_RTTI_SWITCH( id ) { BOOST_RTTI_CASE( cfg_detail::buffer_size_t ) m_pimpl->m_buffer_size = value; } } //____________________________________________________________________________// } // namespace file } // namespace BOOST_RT_PARAM_NAMESPACE } // namespace boost // EOF
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