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// // Copyright (c) 2000-2002 // Joerg Walter, Mathias Koch // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // // // The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of // GeNeSys mbH & Co. KG in producing this work. // #ifndef _BOOST_UBLAS_ITERATOR_ #define _BOOST_UBLAS_ITERATOR_ #include
namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace ublas { /** \brief Base class of all proxy classes that contain * a (redirectable) reference to an immutable object. * * \param C the type of the container referred to */ template
class container_const_reference: private nonassignable { public: typedef C container_type; BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE container_const_reference (): c_ (0) {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE container_const_reference (const container_type &c): c_ (&c) {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE const container_type &operator () () const { return *c_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE container_const_reference &assign (const container_type *c) { c_ = c; return *this; } // Closure comparison BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool same_closure (const container_const_reference &cr) const { return c_ == cr.c_; } private: const container_type *c_; }; /** \brief Base class of all proxy classes that contain * a (redirectable) reference to a mutable object. * * \param C the type of the container referred to */ template
class container_reference: private nonassignable { public: typedef C container_type; BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE container_reference (): c_ (0) {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE container_reference (container_type &c): c_ (&c) {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE container_type &operator () () const { return *c_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE container_reference &assign (container_type *c) { c_ = c; return *this; } // Closure comparison BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool same_closure (const container_reference &cr) const { return c_ == cr.c_; } private: container_type *c_; }; /** \brief Base class of all forward iterators. * * \param IC the iterator category * \param I the derived iterator type * \param T the value type * * The forward iterator can only proceed in one direction * via the post increment operator. */ template
struct forward_iterator_base: public std::iterator
{ typedef I derived_iterator_type; typedef T derived_value_type; // Arithmetic BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE derived_iterator_type operator ++ (int) { derived_iterator_type &d (*static_cast
(this)); derived_iterator_type tmp (d); ++ d; return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend derived_iterator_type operator ++ (derived_iterator_type &d, int) { derived_iterator_type tmp (d); ++ d; return tmp; } // Comparison BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator != (const derived_iterator_type &it) const { const derived_iterator_type *d = static_cast
(this); return ! (*d == it); } }; /** \brief Base class of all bidirectional iterators. * * \param IC the iterator category * \param I the derived iterator type * \param T the value type * * The bidirectional iterator can proceed in both directions * via the post increment and post decrement operator. */ template
struct bidirectional_iterator_base: public std::iterator
{ typedef I derived_iterator_type; typedef T derived_value_type; // Arithmetic BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE derived_iterator_type operator ++ (int) { derived_iterator_type &d (*static_cast
(this)); derived_iterator_type tmp (d); ++ d; return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend derived_iterator_type operator ++ (derived_iterator_type &d, int) { derived_iterator_type tmp (d); ++ d; return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE derived_iterator_type operator -- (int) { derived_iterator_type &d (*static_cast
(this)); derived_iterator_type tmp (d); -- d; return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend derived_iterator_type operator -- (derived_iterator_type &d, int) { derived_iterator_type tmp (d); -- d; return tmp; } // Comparison BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator != (const derived_iterator_type &it) const { const derived_iterator_type *d = static_cast
(this); return ! (*d == it); } }; /** \brief Base class of all random access iterators. * * \param IC the iterator category * \param I the derived iterator type * \param T the value type * \param D the difference type, default: std::ptrdiff_t * * The random access iterator can proceed in both directions * via the post increment/decrement operator or in larger steps * via the +, - and +=, -= operators. The random access iterator * is LessThan Comparable. */ template
// ISSUE the default for D seems rather dangerous as it can easily be (silently) incorrect struct random_access_iterator_base: public std::iterator
{ typedef I derived_iterator_type; typedef T derived_value_type; typedef D derived_difference_type; /* FIXME Need to explicitly pass derived_reference_type as otherwise I undefined type or forward declared typedef typename derived_iterator_type::reference derived_reference_type; // Indexed element BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE derived_reference_type operator [] (derived_difference_type n) { return *(*this + n); } */ // Arithmetic BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE derived_iterator_type operator ++ (int) { derived_iterator_type &d (*static_cast
(this)); derived_iterator_type tmp (d); ++ d; return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend derived_iterator_type operator ++ (derived_iterator_type &d, int) { derived_iterator_type tmp (d); ++ d; return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE derived_iterator_type operator -- (int) { derived_iterator_type &d (*static_cast
(this)); derived_iterator_type tmp (d); -- d; return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend derived_iterator_type operator -- (derived_iterator_type &d, int) { derived_iterator_type tmp (d); -- d; return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE derived_iterator_type operator + (derived_difference_type n) const { derived_iterator_type tmp (*static_cast
(this)); return tmp += n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend derived_iterator_type operator + (const derived_iterator_type &d, derived_difference_type n) { derived_iterator_type tmp (d); return tmp += n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend derived_iterator_type operator + (derived_difference_type n, const derived_iterator_type &d) { derived_iterator_type tmp (d); return tmp += n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE derived_iterator_type operator - (derived_difference_type n) const { derived_iterator_type tmp (*static_cast
(this)); return tmp -= n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend derived_iterator_type operator - (const derived_iterator_type &d, derived_difference_type n) { derived_iterator_type tmp (d); return tmp -= n; } // Comparison BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator != (const derived_iterator_type &it) const { const derived_iterator_type *d = static_cast
(this); return ! (*d == it); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator <= (const derived_iterator_type &it) const { const derived_iterator_type *d = static_cast
(this); return ! (it < *d); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator >= (const derived_iterator_type &it) const { const derived_iterator_type *d = static_cast
(this); return ! (*d < it); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator > (const derived_iterator_type &it) const { const derived_iterator_type *d = static_cast
(this); return it < *d; } }; /** \brief Base class of all reverse iterators. (non-MSVC version) * * \param I the derived iterator type * \param T the value type * \param R the reference type * * The reverse iterator implements a bidirectional iterator * reversing the elements of the underlying iterator. It * implements most operators of a random access iterator. * * uBLAS extension: it.index() */ // Renamed this class from reverse_iterator to get // typedef reverse_iterator<...> reverse_iterator // working. Thanks to Gabriel Dos Reis for explaining this. template
class reverse_iterator_base: public std::reverse_iterator
{ public: typedef typename I::container_type container_type; typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type; typedef typename I::difference_type difference_type; typedef I iterator_type; // Construction and destruction BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base (): std::reverse_iterator
() {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base (const iterator_type &it): std::reverse_iterator
(it) {} // Arithmetic BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base &operator ++ () { return *this = -- this->base (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base operator ++ (int) { reverse_iterator_base tmp (*this); *this = -- this->base (); return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base &operator -- () { return *this = ++ this->base (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base operator -- (int) { reverse_iterator_base tmp (*this); *this = ++ this->base (); return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base &operator += (difference_type n) { return *this = this->base () - n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base &operator -= (difference_type n) { return *this = this->base () + n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend reverse_iterator_base operator + (const reverse_iterator_base &it, difference_type n) { reverse_iterator_base tmp (it); return tmp += n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend reverse_iterator_base operator + (difference_type n, const reverse_iterator_base &it) { reverse_iterator_base tmp (it); return tmp += n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend reverse_iterator_base operator - (const reverse_iterator_base &it, difference_type n) { reverse_iterator_base tmp (it); return tmp -= n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend difference_type operator - (const reverse_iterator_base &it1, const reverse_iterator_base &it2) { return it2.base () - it1.base (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE const container_type &operator () () const { return this->base () (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index () const { iterator_type tmp (this->base ()); return (-- tmp).index (); } }; /** \brief 1st base class of all matrix reverse iterators. (non-MSVC version) * * \param I the derived iterator type * * The reverse iterator implements a bidirectional iterator * reversing the elements of the underlying iterator. It * implements most operators of a random access iterator. * * uBLAS extension: it.index1(), it.index2() and access to * the dual iterator via begin(), end(), rbegin(), rend() */ // Renamed this class from reverse_iterator1 to get // typedef reverse_iterator1<...> reverse_iterator1 // working. Thanks to Gabriel Dos Reis for explaining this. template
class reverse_iterator_base1: public std::reverse_iterator
{ public: typedef typename I::container_type container_type; typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type; typedef typename I::difference_type difference_type; typedef I iterator_type; typedef typename I::dual_iterator_type dual_iterator_type; typedef typename I::dual_reverse_iterator_type dual_reverse_iterator_type; // Construction and destruction BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base1 (): std::reverse_iterator
() {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base1 (const iterator_type &it): std::reverse_iterator
(it) {} // Arithmetic BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base1 &operator ++ () { return *this = -- this->base (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base1 operator ++ (int) { reverse_iterator_base1 tmp (*this); *this = -- this->base (); return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base1 &operator -- () { return *this = ++ this->base (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base1 operator -- (int) { reverse_iterator_base1 tmp (*this); *this = ++ this->base (); return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base1 &operator += (difference_type n) { return *this = this->base () - n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base1 &operator -= (difference_type n) { return *this = this->base () + n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend reverse_iterator_base1 operator + (const reverse_iterator_base1 &it, difference_type n) { reverse_iterator_base1 tmp (it); return tmp += n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend reverse_iterator_base1 operator + (difference_type n, const reverse_iterator_base1 &it) { reverse_iterator_base1 tmp (it); return tmp += n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend reverse_iterator_base1 operator - (const reverse_iterator_base1 &it, difference_type n) { reverse_iterator_base1 tmp (it); return tmp -= n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend difference_type operator - (const reverse_iterator_base1 &it1, const reverse_iterator_base1 &it2) { return it2.base () - it1.base (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE const container_type &operator () () const { return this->base () (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index1 () const { iterator_type tmp (this->base ()); return (-- tmp).index1 (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index2 () const { iterator_type tmp (this->base ()); return (-- tmp).index2 (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_iterator_type begin () const { iterator_type tmp (this->base ()); return (-- tmp).begin (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_iterator_type end () const { iterator_type tmp (this->base ()); return (-- tmp).end (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_reverse_iterator_type rbegin () const { return dual_reverse_iterator_type (end ()); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_reverse_iterator_type rend () const { return dual_reverse_iterator_type (begin ()); } }; /** \brief 2nd base class of all matrix reverse iterators. (non-MSVC version) * * \param I the derived iterator type * * The reverse iterator implements a bidirectional iterator * reversing the elements of the underlying iterator. It * implements most operators of a random access iterator. * * uBLAS extension: it.index1(), it.index2() and access to * the dual iterator via begin(), end(), rbegin(), rend() * * Note: this type is _identical_ to reverse_iterator_base1 */ // Renamed this class from reverse_iterator2 to get // typedef reverse_iterator2<...> reverse_iterator2 // working. Thanks to Gabriel Dos Reis for explaining this. template
class reverse_iterator_base2: public std::reverse_iterator
{ public: typedef typename I::container_type container_type; typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type; typedef typename I::difference_type difference_type; typedef I iterator_type; typedef typename I::dual_iterator_type dual_iterator_type; typedef typename I::dual_reverse_iterator_type dual_reverse_iterator_type; // Construction and destruction BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base2 (): std::reverse_iterator
() {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base2 (const iterator_type &it): std::reverse_iterator
(it) {} // Arithmetic BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base2 &operator ++ () { return *this = -- this->base (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base2 operator ++ (int) { reverse_iterator_base2 tmp (*this); *this = -- this->base (); return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base2 &operator -- () { return *this = ++ this->base (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base2 operator -- (int) { reverse_iterator_base2 tmp (*this); *this = ++ this->base (); return tmp; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base2 &operator += (difference_type n) { return *this = this->base () - n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reverse_iterator_base2 &operator -= (difference_type n) { return *this = this->base () + n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend reverse_iterator_base2 operator + (const reverse_iterator_base2 &it, difference_type n) { reverse_iterator_base2 tmp (it); return tmp += n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend reverse_iterator_base2 operator + (difference_type n, const reverse_iterator_base2 &it) { reverse_iterator_base2 tmp (it); return tmp += n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend reverse_iterator_base2 operator - (const reverse_iterator_base2 &it, difference_type n) { reverse_iterator_base2 tmp (it); return tmp -= n; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE friend difference_type operator - (const reverse_iterator_base2 &it1, const reverse_iterator_base2 &it2) { return it2.base () - it1.base (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE const container_type &operator () () const { return this->base () (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index1 () const { iterator_type tmp (this->base ()); return (-- tmp).index1 (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index2 () const { iterator_type tmp (this->base ()); return (-- tmp).index2 (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_iterator_type begin () const { iterator_type tmp (this->base ()); return (-- tmp).begin (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_iterator_type end () const { iterator_type tmp (this->base ()); return (-- tmp).end (); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_reverse_iterator_type rbegin () const { return dual_reverse_iterator_type (end ()); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_reverse_iterator_type rend () const { return dual_reverse_iterator_type (begin ()); } }; /** \brief A class implementing an indexed random access iterator. * * \param C the (mutable) container type * \param IC the iterator category * * This class implements a random access iterator. The current * position is stored as the unsigned integer it_ and the * values are accessed via operator()(it_) of the container. * * uBLAS extension: index() */ template
class indexed_iterator: public container_reference
, public random_access_iterator_base
, typename C::value_type, typename C::difference_type> { public: typedef C container_type; typedef IC iterator_category; typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type; typedef typename container_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename container_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename container_type::reference reference; // Construction and destruction BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator (): container_reference
(), it_ () {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator (container_type &c, size_type it): container_reference
(c), it_ (it) {} // Arithmetic BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator &operator ++ () { ++ it_; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator &operator -- () { -- it_; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator &operator += (difference_type n) { it_ += n; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator &operator -= (difference_type n) { it_ -= n; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE difference_type operator - (const indexed_iterator &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); return it_ - it.it_; } // Dereference BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reference operator * () const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (index () < (*this) ().size (), bad_index ()); return (*this) () (it_); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reference operator [] (difference_type n) const { return *((*this) + n); } // Index BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index () const { return it_; } // Assignment BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator &operator = (const indexed_iterator &it) { // FIX: ICC needs full qualification?! // assign (&it ()); container_reference
::assign (&it ()); it_ = it.it_; return *this; } // Comparison BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator == (const indexed_iterator &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); return it_ == it.it_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator < (const indexed_iterator &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); return it_ < it.it_; } private: size_type it_; }; /** \brief A class implementing an indexed random access iterator. * * \param C the (immutable) container type * \param IC the iterator category * * This class implements a random access iterator. The current * position is stored as the unsigned integer \c it_ and the * values are accessed via \c operator()(it_) of the container. * * uBLAS extension: \c index() * * Note: there is an automatic conversion from * \c indexed_iterator to \c indexed_const_iterator */ template
class indexed_const_iterator: public container_const_reference
, public random_access_iterator_base
, typename C::value_type, typename C::difference_type> { public: typedef C container_type; typedef IC iterator_category; typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type; typedef typename container_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename container_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename container_type::const_reference reference; typedef indexed_iterator
iterator_type; // Construction and destruction BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator (): container_const_reference
(), it_ () {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator (const container_type &c, size_type it): container_const_reference
(c), it_ (it) {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator (const iterator_type &it): container_const_reference
(it ()), it_ (it.index ()) {} // Arithmetic BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator &operator ++ () { ++ it_; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator &operator -- () { -- it_; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator &operator += (difference_type n) { it_ += n; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator &operator -= (difference_type n) { it_ -= n; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE difference_type operator - (const indexed_const_iterator &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); return it_ - it.it_; } // Dereference BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reference operator * () const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (index () < (*this) ().size (), bad_index ()); return (*this) () (it_); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reference operator [] (difference_type n) const { return *((*this) + n); } // Index BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index () const { return it_; } // Assignment BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator &operator = (const indexed_const_iterator &it) { // FIX: ICC needs full qualification?! // assign (&it ()); container_const_reference
::assign (&it ()); it_ = it.it_; return *this; } // Comparison BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator == (const indexed_const_iterator &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); return it_ == it.it_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator < (const indexed_const_iterator &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); return it_ < it.it_; } private: size_type it_; friend class indexed_iterator
; }; template
class indexed_iterator2; /** \brief A class implementing an indexed random access iterator * of a matrix. * * \param C the (mutable) container type * \param IC the iterator category * * This class implements a random access iterator. The current * position is stored as two unsigned integers \c it1_ and \c it2_ * and the values are accessed via \c operator()(it1_, it2_) of the * container. The iterator changes the first index. * * uBLAS extension: \c index1(), \c index2() and access to the * dual iterator via \c begin(), \c end(), \c rbegin() and \c rend() * * Note: The container has to support the \code find2(rank, i, j) \endcode * method */ template
class indexed_iterator1: public container_reference
, public random_access_iterator_base
, typename C::value_type, typename C::difference_type> { public: typedef C container_type; typedef IC iterator_category; typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type; typedef typename container_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename container_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename container_type::reference reference; typedef indexed_iterator2
dual_iterator_type; typedef reverse_iterator_base2
dual_reverse_iterator_type; // Construction and destruction BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator1 (): container_reference
(), it1_ (), it2_ () {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator1 (container_type &c, size_type it1, size_type it2): container_reference
(c), it1_ (it1), it2_ (it2) {} // Arithmetic BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator1 &operator ++ () { ++ it1_; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator1 &operator -- () { -- it1_; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator1 &operator += (difference_type n) { it1_ += n; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator1 &operator -= (difference_type n) { it1_ -= n; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE difference_type operator - (const indexed_iterator1 &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it2_ == it.it2_, external_logic ()); return it1_ - it.it1_; } // Dereference BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reference operator * () const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (index1 () < (*this) ().size1 (), bad_index ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (index2 () < (*this) ().size2 (), bad_index ()); return (*this) () (it1_, it2_); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reference operator [] (difference_type n) const { return *((*this) + n); } // Index BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index1 () const { return it1_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index2 () const { return it2_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_iterator_type begin () const { return (*this) ().find2 (1, index1 (), 0); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_iterator_type end () const { return (*this) ().find2 (1, index1 (), (*this) ().size2 ()); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_reverse_iterator_type rbegin () const { return dual_reverse_iterator_type (end ()); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_reverse_iterator_type rend () const { return dual_reverse_iterator_type (begin ()); } // Assignment BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator1 &operator = (const indexed_iterator1 &it) { // FIX: ICC needs full qualification?! // assign (&it ()); container_reference
::assign (&it ()); it1_ = it.it1_; it2_ = it.it2_; return *this; } // Comparison BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator == (const indexed_iterator1 &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it2_ == it.it2_, external_logic ()); return it1_ == it.it1_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator < (const indexed_iterator1 &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it2_ == it.it2_, external_logic ()); return it1_ < it.it1_; } private: size_type it1_; size_type it2_; }; template
class indexed_const_iterator2; /** \brief A class implementing an indexed random access iterator * of a matrix. * * \param C the (immutable) container type * \param IC the iterator category * * This class implements a random access iterator. The current * position is stored as two unsigned integers \c it1_ and \c it2_ * and the values are accessed via \c operator()(it1_, it2_) of the * container. The iterator changes the first index. * * uBLAS extension: \c index1(), \c index2() and access to the * dual iterator via \c begin(), \c end(), \c rbegin() and \c rend() * * Note 1: The container has to support the find2(rank, i, j) method * * Note 2: there is an automatic conversion from * \c indexed_iterator1 to \c indexed_const_iterator1 */ template
class indexed_const_iterator1: public container_const_reference
, public random_access_iterator_base
, typename C::value_type, typename C::difference_type> { public: typedef C container_type; typedef IC iterator_category; typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type; typedef typename container_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename container_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename container_type::const_reference reference; typedef indexed_iterator1
iterator_type; typedef indexed_const_iterator2
dual_iterator_type; typedef reverse_iterator_base2
dual_reverse_iterator_type; // Construction and destruction BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator1 (): container_const_reference
(), it1_ (), it2_ () {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator1 (const container_type &c, size_type it1, size_type it2): container_const_reference
(c), it1_ (it1), it2_ (it2) {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator1 (const iterator_type &it): container_const_reference
(it ()), it1_ (it.index1 ()), it2_ (it.index2 ()) {} // Arithmetic BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator1 &operator ++ () { ++ it1_; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator1 &operator -- () { -- it1_; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator1 &operator += (difference_type n) { it1_ += n; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator1 &operator -= (difference_type n) { it1_ -= n; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE difference_type operator - (const indexed_const_iterator1 &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it2_ == it.it2_, external_logic ()); return it1_ - it.it1_; } // Dereference BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reference operator * () const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (index1 () < (*this) ().size1 (), bad_index ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (index2 () < (*this) ().size2 (), bad_index ()); return (*this) () (it1_, it2_); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reference operator [] (difference_type n) const { return *((*this) + n); } // Index BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index1 () const { return it1_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index2 () const { return it2_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_iterator_type begin () const { return (*this) ().find2 (1, index1 (), 0); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_iterator_type end () const { return (*this) ().find2 (1, index1 (), (*this) ().size2 ()); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_reverse_iterator_type rbegin () const { return dual_reverse_iterator_type (end ()); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_reverse_iterator_type rend () const { return dual_reverse_iterator_type (begin ()); } // Assignment BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator1 &operator = (const indexed_const_iterator1 &it) { // FIX: ICC needs full qualification?! // assign (&it ()); container_const_reference
::assign (&it ()); it1_ = it.it1_; it2_ = it.it2_; return *this; } // Comparison BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator == (const indexed_const_iterator1 &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it2_ == it.it2_, external_logic ()); return it1_ == it.it1_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator < (const indexed_const_iterator1 &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it2_ == it.it2_, external_logic ()); return it1_ < it.it1_; } private: size_type it1_; size_type it2_; friend class indexed_iterator1
; }; /** \brief A class implementing an indexed random access iterator * of a matrix. * * \param C the (mutable) container type * \param IC the iterator category * * This class implements a random access iterator. The current * position is stored as two unsigned integers \c it1_ and \c it2_ * and the values are accessed via \c operator()(it1_, it2_) of the * container. The iterator changes the second index. * * uBLAS extension: \c index1(), \c index2() and access to the * dual iterator via \c begin(), \c end(), \c rbegin() and \c rend() * * Note: The container has to support the find1(rank, i, j) method */ template
class indexed_iterator2: public container_reference
, public random_access_iterator_base
, typename C::value_type, typename C::difference_type> { public: typedef C container_type; typedef IC iterator_category; typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type; typedef typename container_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename container_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename container_type::reference reference; typedef indexed_iterator1
dual_iterator_type; typedef reverse_iterator_base1
dual_reverse_iterator_type; // Construction and destruction BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator2 (): container_reference
(), it1_ (), it2_ () {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator2 (container_type &c, size_type it1, size_type it2): container_reference
(c), it1_ (it1), it2_ (it2) {} // Arithmetic BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator2 &operator ++ () { ++ it2_; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator2 &operator -- () { -- it2_; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator2 &operator += (difference_type n) { it2_ += n; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator2 &operator -= (difference_type n) { it2_ -= n; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE difference_type operator - (const indexed_iterator2 &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it1_ == it.it1_, external_logic ()); return it2_ - it.it2_; } // Dereference BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reference operator * () const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (index1 () < (*this) ().size1 (), bad_index ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (index2 () < (*this) ().size2 (), bad_index ()); return (*this) () (it1_, it2_); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reference operator [] (difference_type n) const { return *((*this) + n); } // Index BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index1 () const { return it1_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index2 () const { return it2_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_iterator_type begin () const { return (*this) ().find1 (1, 0, index2 ()); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_iterator_type end () const { return (*this) ().find1 (1, (*this) ().size1 (), index2 ()); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_reverse_iterator_type rbegin () const { return dual_reverse_iterator_type (end ()); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_reverse_iterator_type rend () const { return dual_reverse_iterator_type (begin ()); } // Assignment BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_iterator2 &operator = (const indexed_iterator2 &it) { // FIX: ICC needs full qualification?! // assign (&it ()); container_reference
::assign (&it ()); it1_ = it.it1_; it2_ = it.it2_; return *this; } // Comparison BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator == (const indexed_iterator2 &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it1_ == it.it1_, external_logic ()); return it2_ == it.it2_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator < (const indexed_iterator2 &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it1_ == it.it1_, external_logic ()); return it2_ < it.it2_; } private: size_type it1_; size_type it2_; }; /** \brief A class implementing an indexed random access iterator * of a matrix. * * \param C the (immutable) container type * \param IC the iterator category * * This class implements a random access iterator. The current * position is stored as two unsigned integers \c it1_ and \c it2_ * and the values are accessed via \c operator()(it1_, it2_) of the * container. The iterator changes the second index. * * uBLAS extension: \c index1(), \c index2() and access to the * dual iterator via \c begin(), \c end(), \c rbegin() and \c rend() * * Note 1: The container has to support the \c find2(rank, i, j) method * * Note 2: there is an automatic conversion from * \c indexed_iterator2 to \c indexed_const_iterator2 */ template
class indexed_const_iterator2: public container_const_reference
, public random_access_iterator_base
, typename C::value_type, typename C::difference_type> { public: typedef C container_type; typedef IC iterator_category; typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type; typedef typename container_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename container_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename container_type::const_reference reference; typedef indexed_iterator2
iterator_type; typedef indexed_const_iterator1
dual_iterator_type; typedef reverse_iterator_base1
dual_reverse_iterator_type; // Construction and destruction BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator2 (): container_const_reference
(), it1_ (), it2_ () {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator2 (const container_type &c, size_type it1, size_type it2): container_const_reference
(c), it1_ (it1), it2_ (it2) {} BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator2 (const iterator_type &it): container_const_reference
(it ()), it1_ (it.index1 ()), it2_ (it.index2 ()) {} // Arithmetic BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator2 &operator ++ () { ++ it2_; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator2 &operator -- () { -- it2_; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator2 &operator += (difference_type n) { it2_ += n; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator2 &operator -= (difference_type n) { it2_ -= n; return *this; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE difference_type operator - (const indexed_const_iterator2 &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it1_ == it.it1_, external_logic ()); return it2_ - it.it2_; } // Dereference BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reference operator * () const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (index1 () < (*this) ().size1 (), bad_index ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (index2 () < (*this) ().size2 (), bad_index ()); return (*this) () (it1_, it2_); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE reference operator [] (difference_type n) const { return *((*this) + n); } // Index BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index1 () const { return it1_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE size_type index2 () const { return it2_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_iterator_type begin () const { return (*this) ().find1 (1, 0, index2 ()); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_iterator_type end () const { return (*this) ().find1 (1, (*this) ().size1 (), index2 ()); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_reverse_iterator_type rbegin () const { return dual_reverse_iterator_type (end ()); } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE dual_reverse_iterator_type rend () const { return dual_reverse_iterator_type (begin ()); } // Assignment BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE indexed_const_iterator2 &operator = (const indexed_const_iterator2 &it) { // FIX: ICC needs full qualification?! // assign (&it ()); container_const_reference
::assign (&it ()); it1_ = it.it1_; it2_ = it.it2_; return *this; } // Comparison BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator == (const indexed_const_iterator2 &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it1_ == it.it1_, external_logic ()); return it2_ == it.it2_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool operator < (const indexed_const_iterator2 &it) const { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (&(*this) () == &it (), external_logic ()); BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it1_ == it.it1_, external_logic ()); return it2_ < it.it2_; } private: size_type it1_; size_type it2_; friend class indexed_iterator2
; }; }}} #endif
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