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/*********************************************************************** filename: CEGUIFalagard_xmlHandler.h created: Fri Jun 17 2005 author: Paul D Turner
*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2006 Paul D Turner & The CEGUI Development Team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CEGUIFalagard_xmlHandler_h_ #define _CEGUIFalagard_xmlHandler_h_ #include "CEGUIXMLHandler.h" #include "CEGUIcolour.h" #include "falagard/CEGUIFalDimensions.h" #include "CEGUIWindow.h" #include
// Start of CEGUI namespace section namespace CEGUI { // forward refs class WidgetLookManager; class WidgetLookFeel; class WidgetComponent; class ImagerySection; class StateImagery; class LayerSpecification; class SectionSpecification; class ImageryComponent; class ComponentArea; class Dimension; class TextComponent; class NamedArea; class FrameComponent; /*! \brief Handler class used to parse look & feel XML files used by the Falagard system. */ class Falagard_xmlHandler : public XMLHandler { public: /*! \brief Constructor for Falagard_xmlHandler objects */ Falagard_xmlHandler(WidgetLookManager* mgr); /*! \brief Destructor for Falagard_xmlHandler objects */ ~Falagard_xmlHandler(); /************************************************************************* XMLHandler base class overrides *************************************************************************/ void elementStart(const String& element, const XMLAttributes& attributes); void elementEnd(const String& element); private: /************************************************************************* Typedefs *************************************************************************/ //! Type for handlers of an opening xml element. typedef void (Falagard_xmlHandler::*ElementStartHandler)(const XMLAttributes& attributes); //! Type for handlers of a closing xml element. typedef void (Falagard_xmlHandler::*ElementEndHandler)(); //! Map of handlers for opening xml elements. typedef std::map
ElementStartHandlerMap; //! Map of handlers for closing xml elements. typedef std::map
ElementEndHandlerMap; /************************************************************************* Implementation Constants *************************************************************************/ // element names static const String FalagardElement; //!< Tag name for root Falagard elements. static const String WidgetLookElement; //!< Tag name for WidgetLook elements. static const String ChildElement; //!< Tag name for Child elements. static const String ImagerySectionElement; //!< Tag name for ImagerySection elements. static const String StateImageryElement; //!< Tag name for StateImagery elements. static const String LayerElement; //!< Tag name for Layer elements. static const String SectionElement; //!< Tag name for Section elements. static const String ImageryComponentElement; //!< Tag name for ImageryComponent elements. static const String TextComponentElement; //!< Tag name for TextComponent elements. static const String FrameComponentElement; //!< Tag name for FrameComponent elements. static const String AreaElement; //!< Tag name for Area elements. static const String ImageElement; //!< Tag name for Image elements. static const String ColoursElement; //!< Tag name for Colours elements. static const String VertFormatElement; //!< Tag name for VertFormat elements. static const String HorzFormatElement; //!< Tag name for HorzFormat elements. static const String VertAlignmentElement; //!< Tag name for VertAlignment elements. static const String HorzAlignmentElement; //!< Tag name for HorzAlignment elements. static const String PropertyElement; //!< Tag name for Property elements. static const String DimElement; //!< Tag name for dimension container elements. static const String UnifiedDimElement; //!< Tag name for unified dimension elements. static const String AbsoluteDimElement; //!< Tag name for absolute dimension elements. static const String ImageDimElement; //!< Tag name for image dimension elements. static const String WidgetDimElement; //!< Tag name for widget dimension elements. static const String FontDimElement; //!< Tag name for font dimension elements. static const String PropertyDimElement; //!< Tag name for property dimension elements. static const String TextElement; //!< Tag name for text component text elements static const String ColourPropertyElement; //!< Tag name for property colour elements (fetches cols from a colour property) static const String ColourRectPropertyElement; //!< Tag name for property colour elements (fetches cols from a ColourRect property) static const String NamedAreaElement; //!< Tag name for named area elements. static const String PropertyDefinitionElement; //!< Tag name for property definition elements. static const String PropertyLinkDefinitionElement; //!< Tag name for property link elements. static const String DimOperatorElement; //!< Tag name for dimension operator elements. static const String VertFormatPropertyElement; //!< Tag name for element that specifies a vertical formatting property. static const String HorzFormatPropertyElement; //!< Tag name for element that specifies a horizontal formatting property.. static const String AreaPropertyElement; //!< Tag name for element that specifies a URect property.. static const String ImagePropertyElement; //!< Tag name for element that specifies an Image property.. static const String TextPropertyElement; //!< Tag name for element that specifies an Text property. static const String FontPropertyElement; //!< Tag name for element that specifies an Font property. static const String ColourElement; //!< Tag name for Colour elements. // attribute names static const String TopLeftAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores colour for top-left corner. static const String TopRightAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores colour for top-right corner. static const String BottomLeftAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores colour for bottom-left corner. static const String BottomRightAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores colour for bottom-right corner. static const String ImagesetAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores name of an imageset. static const String ImageAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores name of an image. static const String TypeAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores a type string. static const String NameAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores name string static const String PriorityAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores an integer priority. static const String SectionNameAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores an imagery section name. static const String NameSuffixAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores a widget name suffix. static const String RendererAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores the name of a window renderer factory. static const String LookAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores the name of a widget look. static const String ScaleAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores a UDim scale value. static const String OffsetAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores a UDim offset value. static const String ValueAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores a property value string. static const String DimensionAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores a dimension type. static const String WidgetAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores the name of a widget (suffix). static const String StringAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores a string of text. static const String FontAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores the name of a font. static const String InitialValueAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores the initial default value for a property definition. static const String ClippedAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores whether some component will be clipped. static const String OperatorAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores the name of an operator. static const String PaddingAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores some padding value.. static const String LayoutOnWriteAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores whether to layout on write of a property. static const String RedrawOnWriteAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores whether to redraw on write of a property. static const String TargetPropertyAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores a name of a target property. static const String ControlPropertyAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores a name of a property to control rendering of a section. static const String ColourAttribute; //!< Attribute name that stores colour for all corners. /************************************************************************* helper methods **************************************************************************/ static argb_t hexStringToARGB(const String& str); /************************************************************************* implementation methods **************************************************************************/ void assignAreaDimension(Dimension& dim); void assignColours(const ColourRect& colours); /*! \brief Method that performs common handling for all *Dim elements. */ void doBaseDimStart(const BaseDim* dim); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening Falagard XML element. */ void elementFalagardStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening WidgetLook XML element. */ void elementWidgetLookStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening Child XML element. */ void elementChildStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening ImagerySection XML element. */ void elementImagerySectionStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening StateImagery XML element. */ void elementStateImageryStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening Layer XML element. */ void elementLayerStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening Section XML element. */ void elementSectionStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening ImageryComponent XML element. */ void elementImageryComponentStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening TextComponent XML element. */ void elementTextComponentStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening FrameComponent XML element. */ void elementFrameComponentStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening Area XML element. */ void elementAreaStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening Image XML element. */ void elementImageStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening Colours XML element. */ void elementColoursStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening VertFormat XML element. */ void elementVertFormatStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening HorzFormat XML element. */ void elementHorzFormatStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening VertAlignment XML element. */ void elementVertAlignmentStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening HorzAlignment XML element. */ void elementHorzAlignmentStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening Property XML element. */ void elementPropertyStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening Dim XML element. */ void elementDimStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening UnifiedDim XML element. */ void elementUnifiedDimStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening AbsoluteDim XML element. */ void elementAbsoluteDimStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening ImageDim XML element. */ void elementImageDimStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening WidgetDim XML element. */ void elementWidgetDimStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening FontDim XML element. */ void elementFontDimStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening PropertyDim XML element. */ void elementPropertyDimStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening Text XML element. */ void elementTextStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening ColourProperty XML element. */ void elementColourPropertyStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening ColourRectProperty XML element. */ void elementColourRectPropertyStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening NamedArea XML element. */ void elementNamedAreaStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening PropertyDefinition XML element. */ void elementPropertyDefinitionStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening PropertyLinkDefinition XML element. */ void elementPropertyLinkDefinitionStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening DimOperator XML element. */ void elementDimOperatorStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening VertFormatProperty XML element. */ void elementVertFormatPropertyStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening HorzFormatProperty XML element. */ void elementHorzFormatPropertyStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening AreaProperty XML element. */ void elementAreaPropertyStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening ImageProperty XML element. */ void elementImagePropertyStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening TextProperty XML element. */ void elementTextPropertyStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening FontProperty XML element. */ void elementFontPropertyStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the opening Colour XML element. */ void elementColourStart(const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Method that handles the closing Falagard XML element. */ void elementFalagardEnd(); /*! \brief Method that handles the closing WidgetLook XML element. */ void elementWidgetLookEnd(); /*! \brief Method that handles the closing Child XML element. */ void elementChildEnd(); /*! \brief Method that handles the closing ImagerySection XML element. */ void elementImagerySectionEnd(); /*! \brief Method that handles the closing StateImagery XML element. */ void elementStateImageryEnd(); /*! \brief Method that handles the closing Layer XML element. */ void elementLayerEnd(); /*! \brief Method that handles the closing Section XML element. */ void elementSectionEnd(); /*! \brief Method that handles the closing ImageryComponent XML element. */ void elementImageryComponentEnd(); /*! \brief Method that handles the closing TextComponent XML element. */ void elementTextComponentEnd(); /*! \brief Method that handles the closing FrameComponent XML element. */ void elementFrameComponentEnd(); /*! \brief Method that handles the closing Area XML element. */ void elementAreaEnd(); /*! \brief Method that handles the closing NamedArea XML element. */ void elementNamedAreaEnd(); /*! \brief Method that handles the closing XML for all *Dim elements. */ void elementAnyDimEnd(); /*! \brief Register a handler for the opening tag of an XML element */ void registerElementStartHandler(const String& element, ElementStartHandler handler); /*! \brief Register a handler for the closing tag of an XML element */ void registerElementEndHandler(const String& element, ElementEndHandler handler); /************************************************************************* Implementation Data *************************************************************************/ WidgetLookManager* d_manager; // these are used to implement the handler without using a huge // if / else if /else construct, we just register the element name, and // handler member function, and everything else is done using those // mappings. ElementStartHandlerMap d_startHandlersMap; ElementEndHandlerMap d_endHandlersMap; // these hold pointers to various objects under construction. WidgetLookFeel* d_widgetlook; WidgetComponent* d_childcomponent; ImagerySection* d_imagerysection; StateImagery* d_stateimagery; LayerSpecification* d_layer; SectionSpecification* d_section; ImageryComponent* d_imagerycomponent; ComponentArea* d_area; Dimension d_dimension; TextComponent* d_textcomponent; NamedArea* d_namedArea; FrameComponent* d_framecomponent; std::vector
d_dimStack; }; } // End of CEGUI namespace section #endif // end of guard _CEGUIFalagard_xmlHandler_h_
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