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/*********************************************************************** filename: CEGUIMultiColumnList.h created: 13/4/2004 author: Paul D Turner purpose: Interface to base class for MultiColumnList widget *************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2006 Paul D Turner & The CEGUI Development Team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CEGUIMultiColumnList_h_ #define _CEGUIMultiColumnList_h_ #include "CEGUIBase.h" #include "CEGUIWindow.h" #include "CEGUIListHeader.h" #include "elements/CEGUIMultiColumnListProperties.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4251) #endif // Start of CEGUI namespace section namespace CEGUI { /*! \brief Simple grid index structure. */ struct CEGUIEXPORT MCLGridRef { MCLGridRef(uint r, uint c) : row(r), column(c) {} uint row; //!< Zero based row index. uint column; //!< Zero based column index. // operators MCLGridRef& operator=(const MCLGridRef& rhs); bool operator<(const MCLGridRef& rhs) const; bool operator<=(const MCLGridRef& rhs) const; bool operator>(const MCLGridRef& rhs) const; bool operator>=(const MCLGridRef& rhs) const; bool operator==(const MCLGridRef& rhs) const; bool operator!=(const MCLGridRef& rhs) const; }; /*! \brief Base class for the multi column list window renderer. */ class CEGUIEXPORT MultiColumnListWindowRenderer : public WindowRenderer { public: /*! \brief Constructor */ MultiColumnListWindowRenderer(const String& name); /*! \brief Return a Rect object describing, in un-clipped pixels, the window relative area that is to be used for rendering list items. \return Rect object describing the area of the Window to be used for rendering list box items. */ virtual Rect getListRenderArea(void) const = 0; }; /*! \brief Base class for the multi column list widget. */ class CEGUIEXPORT MultiColumnList : public Window { public: static const String EventNamespace; //!< Namespace for global events static const String WidgetTypeName; //!< Window factory name /************************************************************************* Constants *************************************************************************/ // Event names static const String EventSelectionModeChanged; //!< Event fired when the selection mode for the list box changes. static const String EventNominatedSelectColumnChanged;//!< Event fired when the nominated select column changes. static const String EventNominatedSelectRowChanged; //!< Event fired when the nominated select row changes. static const String EventVertScrollbarModeChanged; //!< Event fired when the vertical scroll bar 'force' setting changes. static const String EventHorzScrollbarModeChanged; //!< Event fired when the horizontal scroll bar 'force' setting changes. static const String EventSelectionChanged; //!< Event fired when the current selection(s) within the list box changes. static const String EventListContentsChanged; //!< Event fired when the contents of the list box changes. static const String EventSortColumnChanged; //!< Event fired when the sort column changes. static const String EventSortDirectionChanged; //!< Event fired when the sort direction changes. static const String EventListColumnSized; //!< Event fired when the width of a column in the list changes. static const String EventListColumnMoved; //!< Event fired when the column order changes. /************************************************************************* Child Widget name suffix constants *************************************************************************/ static const String VertScrollbarNameSuffix; //!< Widget name suffix for the vertical scrollbar component. static const String HorzScrollbarNameSuffix; //!< Widget name suffix for the horizontal scrollbar component. static const String ListHeaderNameSuffix; //!< Widget name suffix for the list header component. /************************************************************************* Enumerations *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Enumerated values for the selection modes possible with a Multi-column list */ enum SelectionMode { RowSingle, // Any single row may be selected. All items in the row are selected. RowMultiple, // Multiple rows may be selected. All items in the row are selected. CellSingle, // Any single cell may be selected. CellMultiple, // Multiple cells bay be selected. NominatedColumnSingle, // Any single item in a nominated column may be selected. NominatedColumnMultiple, // Multiple items in a nominated column may be selected. ColumnSingle, // Any single column may be selected. All items in the column are selected. ColumnMultiple, // Multiple columns may be selected. All items in the column are selected. NominatedRowSingle, // Any single item in a nominated row may be selected. NominatedRowMultiple // Multiple items in a nominated row may be selected. }; /************************************************************************* Accessor Methods *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Return whether user manipulation of the sort column and direction are enabled. \return true if the user may interactively modify the sort column and direction. false if the user may not modify the sort column and direction (these can still be set programmatically). */ bool isUserSortControlEnabled(void) const; /*! \brief Return whether the user may size column segments. \return true if the user may interactively modify the width of columns, false if they may not. */ bool isUserColumnSizingEnabled(void) const; /*! \brief Return whether the user may modify the order of the columns. \return true if the user may interactively modify the order of the columns, false if they may not. */ bool isUserColumnDraggingEnabled(void) const; /*! \brief Return the number of columns in the multi-column list \return uint value equal to the number of columns in the list. */ uint getColumnCount(void) const; /*! \brief Return the number of rows in the multi-column list. \return uint value equal to the number of rows currently in the list. */ uint getRowCount(void) const; /*! \brief Return the zero based index of the current sort column. There must be at least one column to successfully call this method. \return Zero based column index that is the current sort column. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if there are no columns in this multi column list. */ uint getSortColumn(void) const; /*! \brief Return the zero based column index of the column with the specified ID. \param col_id ID code of the column whos index is to be returned. \return Zero based column index of the first column whos ID matches \a col_id. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if no attached column has the requested ID. */ uint getColumnWithID(uint col_id) const; /*! \brief Return the zero based index of the column whos header text matches the specified text. \param text String object containing the text to be searched for. \return Zero based column index of the column whos header has the specified text. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if no columns header has the requested text. */ uint getColumnWithHeaderText(const String& text) const; /*! \brief Return the total width of all column headers. \return Sum total of all the column header widths as a UDim. */ UDim getTotalColumnHeadersWidth(void) const; /*! \brief Return the width of the specified column header (and therefore the column itself). \param col_idx Zero based column index of the column whos width is to be returned. \return Width of the column header at the zero based column index specified by \a col_idx, as a UDim \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a column is out of range. */ UDim getColumnHeaderWidth(uint col_idx) const; /*! \brief Return the currently set sort direction. \return One of the ListHeaderSegment::SortDirection enumerated values specifying the current sort direction. */ ListHeaderSegment::SortDirection getSortDirection(void) const; /*! \brief Return the ListHeaderSegment object for the specified column \param col_idx zero based index of the column whos ListHeaderSegment is to be returned. \return ListHeaderSegment object for the column at the requested index. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a col_idx is out of range. */ ListHeaderSegment& getHeaderSegmentForColumn(uint col_idx) const; /*! \brief Return the zero based index of the Row that contains \a item. \param item Pointer to the ListboxItem that the row index is to returned for. \return Zero based index of the row that contains ListboxItem \a item. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a item is not attached to the list box. */ uint getItemRowIndex(const ListboxItem* item) const; /*! \brief Return the current zero based index of the column that contains \a item. \param item Pointer to the ListboxItem that the column index is to returned for. \return Zero based index of the column that contains ListboxItem \a item. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a item is not attached to the list box. */ uint getItemColumnIndex(const ListboxItem* item) const; /*! \brief Return the grid reference for \a item. \param item Pointer to the ListboxItem whos current grid reference is to be returned. \return MCLGridRef object describing the current grid reference of ListboxItem \a item. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a item is not attached to the list box. */ MCLGridRef getItemGridReference(const ListboxItem* item) const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the ListboxItem at the specified grid reference. \param grid_ref MCLGridRef object that describes the position of the ListboxItem to be returned. \return Pointer to the ListboxItem at grid reference \a grid_ref. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a grid_ref is invalid for this list box. */ ListboxItem* getItemAtGridReference(const MCLGridRef& grid_ref) const; /*! \brief return whether ListboxItem \a item is attached to the column at index \a col_idx. \param item Pointer to the ListboxItem to look for. \param col_idx Zero based index of the column that is to be searched. \return - true if \a item is attached to list box column \a col_idx. - false if \a item is not attached to list box column \a col_idx. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a col_idx is out of range. */ bool isListboxItemInColumn(const ListboxItem* item, uint col_idx) const; /*! \brief return whether ListboxItem \a item is attached to the row at index \a row_idx. \param item Pointer to the ListboxItem to look for. \param row_idx Zero based index of the row that is to be searched. \return - true if \a item is attached to list box row \a row_idx. - false if \a item is not attached to list box row \a row_idx. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a row_idx is out of range. */ bool isListboxItemInRow(const ListboxItem* item, uint row_idx) const; /*! \brief return whether ListboxItem \a item is attached to the list box. \param item Pointer to the ListboxItem to look for. \return - true if \a item is attached to list box. - false if \a item is not attached to list box. */ bool isListboxItemInList(const ListboxItem* item) const; /*! \brief Return the ListboxItem in column \a col_idx that has the text string \a text. \param text String object containing the text to be searched for. \param col_idx Zero based index of the column to be searched. \param start_item Pointer to the ListboxItem where the exclusive search is to start, or NULL to search from the top of the column. \return Pointer to the first ListboxItem in column \a col_idx, after \a start_item, that has the string \a text. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a start_item is not attached to the list box, or if \a col_idx is out of range. */ ListboxItem* findColumnItemWithText(const String& text, uint col_idx, const ListboxItem* start_item) const; /*! \brief Return the ListboxItem in row \a row_idx that has the text string \a text. \param text String object containing the text to be searched for. \param row_idx Zero based index of the row to be searched. \param start_item Pointer to the ListboxItem where the exclusive search is to start, or NULL to search from the start of the row. \return Pointer to the first ListboxItem in row \a row_idx, after \a start_item, that has the string \a text. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a start_item is not attached to the list box, or if \a row_idx is out of range. */ ListboxItem* findRowItemWithText(const String& text, uint row_idx, const ListboxItem* start_item) const; /*! \brief Return the ListboxItem that has the text string \a text. \note List box searching progresses across the columns in each row. \param text String object containing the text to be searched for. \param start_item Pointer to the ListboxItem where the exclusive search is to start, or NULL to search the whole list box. \return Pointer to the first ListboxItem, after \a start_item, that has the string \a text. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a start_item is not attached to the list box. */ ListboxItem* findListItemWithText(const String& text, const ListboxItem* start_item) const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the first selected ListboxItem attached to this list box. \note List box searching progresses across the columns in each row. \return Pointer to the first ListboxItem attached to this list box that is selected, or NULL if no item is selected. */ ListboxItem* getFirstSelectedItem(void) const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the next selected ListboxItem after \a start_item. \note List box searching progresses across the columns in each row. \param start_item Pointer to the ListboxItem where the exclusive search is to start, or NULL to search the whole list box. \return Pointer to the first selected ListboxItem attached to this list box, after \a start_item, or NULL if no item is selected. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a start_item is not attached to the list box. */ ListboxItem* getNextSelected(const ListboxItem* start_item) const; /*! \brief Return the number of selected ListboxItems attached to this list box. return uint value equal to the number of ListboxItems attached to this list box that are currently selected. */ uint getSelectedCount(void) const; /*! \brief Return whether the ListboxItem at \a grid_ref is selected. \param grid_ref MCLGridRef object describing the grid reference that is to be examined. \return - true if there is a ListboxItem at \a grid_ref and it is selected. - false if there is no ListboxItem at \a grid_ref, or if the item is not selected. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a grid_ref contains an invalid grid position. */ bool isItemSelected(const MCLGridRef& grid_ref) const; /*! \brief Return the ID of the currently set nominated selection column to be used when in one of the NominatedColumn* selection modes. \note You should only ever call this when getColumnCount() returns > 0. \return ID code of the nominated selection column. */ uint getNominatedSelectionColumnID(void) const; /*! \brief Return the index of the currently set nominated selection column to be used when in one of the NominatedColumn* selection modes. \return Zero based index of the nominated selection column. */ uint getNominatedSelectionColumn(void) const; /*! \brief Return the index of the currently set nominated selection row to be used when in one of the NominatedRow* selection modes. \return Zero based index of the nominated selection column. */ uint getNominatedSelectionRow(void) const; /*! \brief Return the currently set selection mode. \return One of the MultiColumnList::SelectionMode enumerated values specifying the current selection mode. */ MultiColumnList::SelectionMode getSelectionMode(void) const; /*! \brief Return whether the vertical scroll bar is always shown. \return - true if the scroll bar will always be shown even if it is not required. - false if the scroll bar will only be shown when it is required. */ bool isVertScrollbarAlwaysShown(void) const; /*! \brief Return whether the horizontal scroll bar is always shown. \return - true if the scroll bar will always be shown even if it is not required. - false if the scroll bar will only be shown when it is required. */ bool isHorzScrollbarAlwaysShown(void) const; /*! \brief Return the ID code assigned to the requested column. \param col_idx Zero based index of the column whos ID code is to be returned. \return Current ID code assigned to the column at the requested index. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a col_idx is out of range */ uint getColumnID(uint col_idx) const; /*! \brief Return the ID code assigned to the requested row. \param row_idx Zero based index of the row who's ID code is to be returned. \return Current ID code assigned to the row at the requested index. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a row_idx is out of range */ uint getRowID(uint row_idx) const; /*! \brief Return the zero based row index of the row with the specified ID. \param row_id ID code of the row who's index is to be returned. \return Zero based row index of the first row who's ID matches \a row_id. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if no row has the requested ID. */ uint getRowWithID(uint row_id) const; /*! \brief Return a Rect object describing, in un-clipped pixels, the window relative area that is to be used for rendering list items. \return Rect object describing the area of the Window to be used for rendering list box items. */ Rect getListRenderArea(void) const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the vertical scrollbar component widget for this MultiColumnList. \return Pointer to a Scrollbar object. \exception UnknownObjectException Thrown if the vertical Scrollbar component does not exist. */ Scrollbar* getVertScrollbar() const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the horizontal scrollbar component widget for this MultiColumnList. \return Pointer to a Scrollbar object. \exception UnknownObjectException Thrown if the horizontal Scrollbar component does not exist. */ Scrollbar* getHorzScrollbar() const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the list header component widget for this MultiColumnList. \return Pointer to a ListHeader object. \exception UnknownObjectException Thrown if the list header component does not exist. */ ListHeader* getListHeader() const; /*! \brief Return the sum of all row heights in pixels. */ float getTotalRowsHeight(void) const; /*! \brief Return the pixel width of the widest item in the given column */ float getWidestColumnItemWidth(uint col_idx) const; /*! \brief Return, in pixels, the height of the highest item in the given row. */ float getHighestRowItemHeight(uint row_idx) const; /************************************************************************* Manipulator Methods *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Initialise the Window based object ready for use. \note This must be called for every window created. Normally this is handled automatically by the WindowFactory for each Window type. \return Nothing */ virtual void initialiseComponents(void); /*! \brief Remove all items from the list. Note that this will cause 'AutoDelete' items to be deleted. */ void resetList(void); /*! \brief Add a column to the list box. \param text String object containing the text label for the column header. \param col_id ID code to be assigned to the column header. \param width UDim describing the initial width to be set for the column. \return Nothing. */ void addColumn(const String& text, uint col_id, const UDim& width); /*! \brief Insert a new column in the list. \param text String object containing the text label for the column header. \param col_id ID code to be assigned to the column header. \param width UDim describing the initial width to be set for the column. \param position Zero based index where the column is to be inserted. If this is greater than the current number of columns, the new column is inserted at the end. \return Nothing. */ void insertColumn(const String& text, uint col_id, const UDim& width, uint position); /*! \brief Removes a column from the list box. This will cause any ListboxItem using the autoDelete option in the column to be deleted. \param col_idx Zero based index of the column to be removed. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a col_idx is invalid. */ void removeColumn(uint col_idx); /*! \brief Removes a column from the list box. This will cause any ListboxItem using the autoDelete option in the column to be deleted. \param col_id ID code of the column to be deleted. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if no column with \a col_id is available on this list box. */ void removeColumnWithID(uint col_id); /*! \brief Move the column at index \a col_idx so it is at index \a position. \param col_idx Zero based index of the column to be moved. \param position Zero based index of the new position for the column. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a col_idx is invalid. */ void moveColumn(uint col_idx, uint position); /*! \brief Move the column with ID \a col_id so it is at index \a position. \param col_id ID code of the column to be moved. \param position Zero based index of the new position for the column. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if no column with \a col_id is available on this list box. */ void moveColumnWithID(uint col_id, uint position); /*! \brief Add an empty row to the list box. \param row_id ID code to be assigned to the new row. \note If the list is being sorted, the new row will appear at an appropriate position according to the sorting being applied. If no sorting is being done, the new row will appear at the bottom of the list. \return Initial zero based index of the new row. */ uint addRow(uint row_id = 0); /*! \brief Add a row to the list box, and set the item in the column with ID \a col_id to \a item. \note If the list is being sorted, the new row will appear at an appropriate position according to the sorting being applied. If no sorting is being done, the new row will appear at the bottom of the list. \param item Pointer to a ListboxItem to be used as the initial contents for the column with ID \a col_id. \param col_id ID code of the column whos initial item is to be set to \a item. \param row_id ID code to be assigned to the new row. \return Initial zero based index of the new row. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if no column with the specified ID is attached to the list box. */ uint addRow(ListboxItem* item, uint col_id, uint row_id = 0); /*! \brief Insert an empty row into the list box. \note If the list is being sorted, the new row will appear at an appropriate position according to the sorting being applied. If no sorting is being done, the new row will appear at the specified index. \param row_idx Zero based index where the row should be inserted. If this is greater than the current number of rows, the row is appended to the list. \param row_id ID code to be assigned to the new row. \return Zero based index where the row was actually inserted. */ uint insertRow(uint row_idx, uint row_id = 0); /*! \brief Insert a row into the list box, and set the item in the column with ID \a col_id to \a item. \note If the list is being sorted, the new row will appear at an appropriate position according to the sorting being applied. If no sorting is being done, the new row will appear at the specified index. \param item Pointer to a ListboxItem to be used as the initial contents for the column with ID \a col_id. \param col_id ID code of the column whos initial item is to be set to \a item. \param row_idx Zero based index where the row should be inserted. If this is greater than the current number of rows, the row is appended to the list. \param row_id ID code to be assigned to the new row. \return Zero based index where the row was actually inserted. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if no column with the specified ID is attached to the list box. */ uint insertRow(ListboxItem* item, uint col_id, uint row_idx, uint row_id = 0); /*! \brief Remove the list box row with index \a row_idx. Any ListboxItem in row \a row_idx using autoDelete mode will be deleted. \param row_idx Zero based index of the row to be removed. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a row_idx is invalid. */ void removeRow(uint row_idx); /*! \brief Set the ListboxItem for grid reference \a position. \param item Pointer to the ListboxItem to be set at \a position. \param position MCLGridRef describing the grid reference of the item to be set. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a position contains an invalid grid reference. */ void setItem(ListboxItem* item, const MCLGridRef& position); /*! \brief Set the ListboxItem for the column with ID \a col_id in row \a row_idx. \param item Pointer to the ListboxItem to be set into the list. \param col_id ID code of the column to receive \a item. \param row_idx Zero based index of the row to receive \a item. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if no column with ID \a col_id exists, or of \a row_idx is out of range. */ void setItem(ListboxItem* item, uint col_id, uint row_idx); /*! \brief Set the selection mode for the list box. \param sel_mode One of the MultiColumnList::SelectionMode enumerated values specifying the selection mode to be used. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if the value specified for \a sel_mode is invalid. */ void setSelectionMode(MultiColumnList::SelectionMode sel_mode); /*! \brief Set the column to be used for the NominatedColumn* selection modes. \param col_id ID code of the column to be used in NominatedColumn* selection modes. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if no column has ID code \a col_id. */ void setNominatedSelectionColumnID(uint col_id); /*! \brief Set the column to be used for the NominatedColumn* selection modes. \param col_idx zero based index of the column to be used in NominatedColumn* selection modes. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a col_idx is out of range. */ void setNominatedSelectionColumn(uint col_idx); /*! \brief Set the row to be used for the NominatedRow* selection modes. \param row_idx zero based index of the row to be used in NominatedRow* selection modes. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a row_idx is out of range. */ void setNominatedSelectionRow(uint row_idx); /*! \brief Set the sort direction to be used. \param direction One of the ListHeaderSegment::SortDirection enumerated values specifying the sort direction to be used. \return Nothing. */ void setSortDirection(ListHeaderSegment::SortDirection direction); /*! \brief Set the column to be used as the sort key. \param col_idx Zero based index of the column to use as the key when sorting the list items. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if col_idx is out of range. */ void setSortColumn(uint col_idx); /*! \brief Set the column to be used as the sort key. \param col_id ID code of the column to use as the key when sorting the list items. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if col_id is invalid for this list box. */ void setSortColumnByID(uint col_id); /*! \brief Set whether the vertical scroll bar should always be shown, or just when needed. \param setting - true to have the vertical scroll bar shown at all times. - false to have the vertical scroll bar appear only when needed. \return Nothing. */ void setShowVertScrollbar(bool setting); /*! \brief Set whether the horizontal scroll bar should always be shown, or just when needed. \param setting - true to have the horizontal scroll bar shown at all times. - false to have the horizontal scroll bar appear only when needed. \return Nothing. */ void setShowHorzScrollbar(bool setting); /*! \brief Removed the selected state from any currently selected ListboxItem attached to the list. \return Nothing. */ void clearAllSelections(void); /*! \brief Sets or clears the selected state of the given ListboxItem which must be attached to the list. \note Depending upon the current selection mode, this may cause other items to be selected, other items to be deselected, or for nothing to actually happen at all. \param item Pointer to the attached ListboxItem to be affected. \param state - true to put the ListboxItem into the selected state. - false to put the ListboxItem into the de-selected state. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a item is not attached to the list box. */ void setItemSelectState(ListboxItem* item, bool state); /*! \brief Sets or clears the selected state of the ListboxItem at the given grid reference. \note Depending upon the current selection mode, this may cause other items to be selected, other items to be deselected, or for nothing to actually happen at all. \param grid_ref MCLGridRef object describing the position of the item to be affected. \param state - true to put the ListboxItem into the selected state. - false to put the ListboxItem into the de-selected state. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a grid_ref is invalid for this list box. */ void setItemSelectState(const MCLGridRef& grid_ref, bool state); /*! \brief Inform the list box that one or more attached ListboxItems have been externally modified, and the list should re-sync its internal state and refresh the display as needed. \return Nothing. */ void handleUpdatedItemData(void); /*! \brief Set the width of the specified column header (and therefore the column itself). \param col_idx Zero based column index of the column whos width is to be set. \param width UDim value specifying the new width for the column. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a column is out of range. */ void setColumnHeaderWidth(uint col_idx, const UDim& width); /*! \brief Set whether user manipulation of the sort column and direction are enabled. \param setting - true if the user may interactively modify the sort column and direction. - false if the user may not modify the sort column and direction (these can still be set programmatically). \return Nothing. */ void setUserSortControlEnabled(bool setting); /*! \brief Set whether the user may size column segments. \param setting - true if the user may interactively modify the width of columns. - false if the user may not change the width of the columns. \return Nothing. */ void setUserColumnSizingEnabled(bool setting); /*! \brief Set whether the user may modify the order of the columns. \param setting - true if the user may interactively modify the order of the columns. - false if the user may not modify the order of the columns. */ void setUserColumnDraggingEnabled(bool setting); /*! \brief Automatically determines the "best fit" size for the specified column and sets the column width to the same. \param col_idx Zero based index of the column to be sized. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a col_idx is out of range. */ void autoSizeColumnHeader(uint col_idx); /*! \brief Set the ID code assigned to a given row. \param row_idx Zero based index of the row who's ID code is to be set. \param row_id ID code to be assigned to the row at the requested index. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a row_idx is out of range */ void setRowID(uint row_idx, uint row_id); /************************************************************************* Construction and Destruction *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Constructor for the Multi-column list base class */ MultiColumnList(const String& type, const String& name); /*! \brief Destructor for the multi-column list base class. */ virtual ~MultiColumnList(void); protected: /************************************************************************* Implementation Functions (abstract interface) *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Return a Rect object describing, in un-clipped pixels, the window relative area that is to be used for rendering list items. \return Rect object describing the area of the Window to be used for rendering list box items. */ //virtual Rect getListRenderArea_impl(void) const = 0; /************************************************************************* Implementation Functions *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief display required integrated scroll bars according to current state of the list box and update their values. */ void configureScrollbars(void); /*! \brief select all strings between positions \a start and \a end. (inclusive). Returns true if something was modified. */ bool selectRange(const MCLGridRef& start, const MCLGridRef& end); /*! \brief Clear the selected state for all items (implementation) \return true if some selections were cleared, false nothing was changed. */ bool clearAllSelections_impl(void); /*! \brief Return the ListboxItem under the given window local pixel co-ordinate. \return ListboxItem that is under window pixel co-ordinate \a pt, or NULL if no item is under that position. */ ListboxItem* getItemAtPoint(const Point& pt) const; /*! \brief Set select state for the given item. This appropriately selects other items depending upon the select mode. Returns true if something is changed, else false. */ bool setItemSelectState_impl(const MCLGridRef grid_ref, bool state); /*! \brief Set select state for all items in the given row */ void setSelectForItemsInRow(uint row_idx, bool state); /*! \brief Set select state for all items in the given column */ void setSelectForItemsInColumn(uint col_idx, bool state); /*! \brief Move the column at index \a col_idx so it is at index \a position. Implementation version which does not move the header segment (since that may have already happened). \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a col_idx is invalid. */ void moveColumn_impl(uint col_idx, uint position); /*! \brief Remove all items from the list. \note Note that this will cause 'AutoDelete' items to be deleted. \return - true if the list contents were changed. - false if the list contents were not changed (list already empty). */ bool resetList_impl(void); /*! \brief Return whether this window was inherited from the given class name at some point in the inheritance hierarchy. \param class_name The class name that is to be checked. \return true if this window was inherited from \a class_name. false if not. */ virtual bool testClassName_impl(const String& class_name) const { if (class_name=="MultiColumnList") return true; return Window::testClassName_impl(class_name); } // overrides function in base class. virtual bool validateWindowRenderer(const String& name) const { return (name == "MultiColumnList"); } // overrides function in base class. int writePropertiesXML(XMLSerializer& xml_stream) const; /************************************************************************* New event handlers for multi column list *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Handler called when the selection mode of the list box changes */ virtual void onSelectionModeChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the nominated selection column changes */ virtual void onNominatedSelectColumnChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the nominated selection row changes. */ virtual void onNominatedSelectRowChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the vertical scroll bar 'force' mode is changed. */ virtual void onVertScrollbarModeChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the horizontal scroll bar 'force' mode is changed. */ virtual void onHorzScrollbarModeChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the current selection changes. */ virtual void onSelectionChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the list contents is changed. */ virtual void onListContentsChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the sort column changes. */ virtual void onSortColumnChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the sort direction changes. */ virtual void onSortDirectionChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a column is sized. */ virtual void onListColumnSized(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the column order is changed. */ virtual void onListColumnMoved(WindowEventArgs& e); /************************************************************************* Overridden Event handlers *************************************************************************/ virtual void onSized(WindowEventArgs& e); virtual void onMouseButtonDown(MouseEventArgs& e); virtual void onMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs& e); /************************************************************************* Handlers for subscribed events *************************************************************************/ bool handleHeaderScroll(const EventArgs& e); bool handleHeaderSegMove(const EventArgs& e); bool handleColumnSizeChange(const EventArgs& e); bool handleHorzScrollbar(const EventArgs& e); bool handleVertScrollbar(const EventArgs& e); bool handleSortColumnChange(const EventArgs& e); bool handleSortDirectionChange(const EventArgs& e); bool handleHeaderSegDblClick(const EventArgs& e); /*! \brief Struct used internally to represent a row in the list and also to ease sorting of the rows. */ struct ListRow { typedef std::vector
RowItems; RowItems d_items; uint d_sortColumn; uint d_rowID; // operators ListboxItem* const& operator[](uint idx) const {return d_items[idx];} ListboxItem*& operator[](uint idx) {return d_items[idx];} bool operator<(const ListRow& rhs) const; bool operator>(const ListRow& rhs) const; }; /*! \brief std algorithm predicate used for sorting in descending order */ static bool pred_descend(const ListRow& a, const ListRow& b); /************************************************************************* Implementation Data *************************************************************************/ // scrollbar settings. bool d_forceVertScroll; //!< true if vertical scrollbar should always be displayed bool d_forceHorzScroll; //!< true if horizontal scrollbar should always be displayed // selection abilities. SelectionMode d_selectMode; //!< Holds selection mode (represented by settings below). uint d_nominatedSelectCol; //!< Nominated column for single column selection. uint d_nominatedSelectRow; //!< Nominated row for single row selection. bool d_multiSelect; //!< Allow multiple selections. bool d_fullRowSelect; //!< All items in a row are selected. bool d_fullColSelect; //!< All items in a column are selected. bool d_useNominatedRow; //!< true if we use a nominated row to select. bool d_useNominatedCol; //!< true if we use a nominated col to select. ListboxItem* d_lastSelected; //!< holds pointer to the last selected item (used in range selections) uint d_columnCount; //!< keeps track of the number of columns. // storage of items in the list box. typedef std::vector
ListItemGrid; ListItemGrid d_grid; //!< Holds the list box data. friend class MultiColumnListWindowRenderer; private: /************************************************************************* Static Properties for this class *************************************************************************/ static MultiColumnListProperties::ColumnsMovable d_columnsMovableProperty; static MultiColumnListProperties::ColumnsSizable d_columnsSizableProperty; static MultiColumnListProperties::ForceHorzScrollbar d_forceHorzScrollProperty; static MultiColumnListProperties::ForceVertScrollbar d_forceVertScrollProperty; static MultiColumnListProperties::NominatedSelectionColumnID d_nominatedSelectColProperty; static MultiColumnListProperties::NominatedSelectionRow d_nominatedSelectRowProperty; static MultiColumnListProperties::SelectionMode d_selectModeProperty; static MultiColumnListProperties::SortColumnID d_sortColumnIDProperty; static MultiColumnListProperties::SortDirection d_sortDirectionProperty; static MultiColumnListProperties::SortSettingEnabled d_sortSettingProperty; static MultiColumnListProperties::ColumnHeader d_columnHeaderProperty; static MultiColumnListProperties::RowCount d_rowCountProperty; /************************************************************************* Private methods *************************************************************************/ void addMultiColumnListProperties(void); }; } // End of CEGUI namespace section #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif // end of guard _CEGUIMultiColumnList_h_
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