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/*********************************************************************** filename: CEGUICombobox.h created: 13/4/2004 author: Paul D Turner purpose: Interface to base class for Combobox widget *************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2006 Paul D Turner & The CEGUI Development Team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CEGUICombobox_h_ #define _CEGUICombobox_h_ #include "CEGUIBase.h" #include "CEGUIWindow.h" #include "elements/CEGUIComboboxProperties.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4251) #endif // Start of CEGUI namespace section namespace CEGUI { /*! \brief Base class for the Combobox widget */ class CEGUIEXPORT Combobox : public Window { public: static const String EventNamespace; //!< Namespace for global events static const String WidgetTypeName; //!< Window factory name /************************************************************************* Constants *************************************************************************/ // event names from edit box static const String EventReadOnlyModeChanged; //!< The read-only mode for the edit box has been changed. static const String EventValidationStringChanged; //!< The validation string has been changed. static const String EventMaximumTextLengthChanged; //!< The maximum allowable string length has been changed. static const String EventTextInvalidated; //!< Some operation has made the current text invalid with regards to the validation string. static const String EventInvalidEntryAttempted; //!< The user attempted to modify the text in a way that would have made it invalid. static const String EventCaratMoved; //!< The text carat (insert point) has changed. static const String EventTextSelectionChanged; //!< The current text selection has changed. static const String EventEditboxFull; //!< The number of characters in the edit box has reached the current maximum. static const String EventTextAccepted; //!< The user has accepted the current text by pressing Return, Enter, or Tab. // event names from list box static const String EventListContentsChanged; //!< Event triggered when the contents of the list is changed. static const String EventListSelectionChanged; //!< Event triggered when there is a change to the currently selected item(s). static const String EventSortModeChanged; //!< Event triggered when the sort mode setting changes. static const String EventVertScrollbarModeChanged; //!< Event triggered when the vertical scroll bar 'force' setting changes. static const String EventHorzScrollbarModeChanged; //!< Event triggered when the horizontal scroll bar 'force' setting changes. // events we produce / generate ourselves static const String EventDropListDisplayed; //!< Event triggered when the drop-down list is displayed static const String EventDropListRemoved; //!< Event triggered when the drop-down list is removed / hidden. static const String EventListSelectionAccepted; //!< Event triggered when the user accepts a selection from the drop-down list /************************************************************************* Child Widget name suffix constants *************************************************************************/ static const String EditboxNameSuffix; //!< Widget name suffix for the editbox component. static const String DropListNameSuffix; //!< Widget name suffix for the drop list component. static const String ButtonNameSuffix; //!< Widget name suffix for the button component. /*! \brief check if the given position would hit this window. \param position Point object describing the position to check in screen pixels \return true if \a position 'hits' this Window, else false. */ virtual bool isHit(const Point& position) const {return false;} /*! \brief returns the mode of operation for the combo box. \return - true if the user can show the list and select an item with a single mouse click. - false if the user must click to show the list and then click again to select an item. */ bool getSingleClickEnabled(void) const; /*! \brief returns true if the drop down list is visible. \return true if the drop down list is visible, false otherwise. */ bool isDropDownListVisible(void) const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the Editbox component widget for this Combobox. \return Pointer to an Editbox object. \exception UnknownObjectException Thrown if the Editbox component does not exist. */ Editbox* getEditbox() const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the PushButton component widget for this Combobox. \return Pointer to a PushButton object. \exception UnknownObjectException Thrown if the PushButton component does not exist. */ PushButton* getPushButton() const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the ComboDropList component widget for this Combobox. \return Pointer to an ComboDropList object. \exception UnknownObjectException Thrown if the ComboDropList component does not exist. */ ComboDropList* getDropList() const; /************************************************************************* Editbox Accessors *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief return true if the Editbox has input focus. \return true if the Editbox has keyboard input focus, false if the Editbox does not have keyboard input focus. */ bool hasInputFocus(void) const; /*! \brief return true if the Editbox is read-only. \return true if the Editbox is read only and can't be edited by the user, false if the Editbox is not read only and may be edited by the user. */ bool isReadOnly(void) const; /*! \brief return true if the Editbox text is valid given the currently set validation string. \note It is possible to programmatically set 'invalid' text for the Editbox by calling setText. This has certain implications since if invalid text is set, whatever the user types into the box will be rejected when the input is validated. \note Validation is performed by means of a regular expression. If the text matches the regex, the text is said to have passed validation. If the text does not match with the regex then the text fails validation. \return true if the current Editbox text passes validation, false if the text does not pass validation. */ bool isTextValid(void) const; /*! \brief return the currently set validation string \note Validation is performed by means of a regular expression. If the text matches the regex, the text is said to have passed validation. If the text does not match with the regex then the text fails validation. \return String object containing the current validation regex data */ const String& getValidationString(void) const; /*! \brief return the current position of the carat. \return Index of the insert carat relative to the start of the text. */ size_t getCaratIndex(void) const; /*! \brief return the current selection start point. \return Index of the selection start point relative to the start of the text. If no selection is defined this function returns the position of the carat. */ size_t getSelectionStartIndex(void) const; /*! \brief return the current selection end point. \return Index of the selection end point relative to the start of the text. If no selection is defined this function returns the position of the carat. */ size_t getSelectionEndIndex(void) const; /*! \brief return the length of the current selection (in code points / characters). \return Number of code points (or characters) contained within the currently defined selection. */ size_t getSelectionLength(void) const; /*! \brief return the maximum text length set for this Editbox. \return The maximum number of code points (characters) that can be entered into this Editbox. \note Depending on the validation string set, the actual length of text that can be entered may be less than the value returned here (it will never be more). */ size_t getMaxTextLength(void) const; /************************************************************************* List Accessors *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Return number of items attached to the list box \return the number of items currently attached to this list box. */ size_t getItemCount(void) const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the currently selected item. \return Pointer to a ListboxItem based object that is the selected item in the list. will return NULL if no item is selected. */ ListboxItem* getSelectedItem(void) const; /*! \brief Return the item at index position \a index. \param index Zero based index of the item to be returned. \return Pointer to the ListboxItem at index position \a index in the list box. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a index is out of range. */ ListboxItem* getListboxItemFromIndex(size_t index) const; /*! \brief Return the index of ListboxItem \a item \param item Pointer to a ListboxItem whos zero based index is to be returned. \return Zero based index indicating the position of ListboxItem \a item in the list box. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a item is not attached to this list box. */ size_t getItemIndex(const ListboxItem* item) const; /*! \brief return whether list sorting is enabled \return true if the list is sorted, false if the list is not sorted */ bool isSortEnabled(void) const; /*! \brief return whether the string at index position \a index is selected \param index Zero based index of the item to be examined. \return true if the item at \a index is selected, false if the item at \a index is not selected. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a index is out of range. */ bool isItemSelected(size_t index) const; /*! \brief Search the list for an item with the specified text \param text String object containing the text to be searched for. \param start_item ListboxItem where the search is to begin, the search will not include \a item. If \a item is NULL, the search will begin from the first item in the list. \return Pointer to the first ListboxItem in the list after \a item that has text matching \a text. If no item matches the criteria NULL is returned. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a item is not attached to this list box. */ ListboxItem* findItemWithText(const String& text, const ListboxItem* start_item); /*! \brief Return whether the specified ListboxItem is in the List \return true if ListboxItem \a item is in the list, false if ListboxItem \a item is not in the list. */ bool isListboxItemInList(const ListboxItem* item) const; /*! \brief Return whether the vertical scroll bar is always shown. \return - true if the scroll bar will always be shown even if it is not required. - false if the scroll bar will only be shown when it is required. */ bool isVertScrollbarAlwaysShown(void) const; /*! \brief Return whether the horizontal scroll bar is always shown. \return - true if the scroll bar will always be shown even if it is not required. - false if the scroll bar will only be shown when it is required. */ bool isHorzScrollbarAlwaysShown(void) const; /************************************************************************* Combobox Manipulators *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Initialise the Window based object ready for use. \note This must be called for every window created. Normally this is handled automatically by the WindowFactory for each Window type. \return Nothing */ virtual void initialiseComponents(void); /*! \brief Show the drop-down list \return Nothing */ void showDropList(void); /*! \brief Hide the drop-down list \return Nothing. */ void hideDropList(void); /*! \brief Set the mode of operation for the combo box. \param setting - true if the user should be able to show the list and select an item with a single mouse click. - false if the user must click to show the list and then click again to select an item. \return Nothing. */ void setSingleClickEnabled(bool setting); /************************************************************************* Editbox Manipulators *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Specify whether the Editbox is read-only. \param setting true if the Editbox is read only and can't be edited by the user, false if the Editbox is not read only and may be edited by the user. \return Nothing. */ void setReadOnly(bool setting); /*! \brief Set the text validation string. \note Validation is performed by means of a regular expression. If the text matches the regex, the text is said to have passed validation. If the text does not match with the regex then the text fails validation. \param validation_string String object containing the validation regex data to be used. \return Nothing. */ void setValidationString(const String& validation_string); /*! \brief Set the current position of the carat. \param carat_pos New index for the insert carat relative to the start of the text. If the value specified is greater than the number of characters in the Editbox, the carat is positioned at the end of the text. \return Nothing. */ void setCaratIndex(size_t carat_pos); /*! \brief Define the current selection for the Editbox \param start_pos Index of the starting point for the selection. If this value is greater than the number of characters in the Editbox, the selection start will be set to the end of the text. \param end_pos Index of the ending point for the selection. If this value is greater than the number of characters in the Editbox, the selection start will be set to the end of the text. \return Nothing. */ void setSelection(size_t start_pos, size_t end_pos); /*! \brief set the maximum text length for this Editbox. \param max_len The maximum number of code points (characters) that can be entered into this Editbox. \note Depending on the validation string set, the actual length of text that can be entered may be less than the value set here (it will never be more). \return Nothing. */ void setMaxTextLength(size_t max_len); /*! \brief Activate the edit box component of the Combobox. \return Nothing. */ void activateEditbox(void); /************************************************************************* List Manipulators *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Remove all items from the list. Note that this will cause 'AutoDelete' items to be deleted. */ void resetList(void); /*! \brief Add the given ListboxItem to the list. \param item Pointer to the ListboxItem to be added to the list. Note that it is the passed object that is added to the list, a copy is not made. If this parameter is NULL, nothing happens. \return Nothing. */ void addItem(ListboxItem* item); /*! \brief Insert an item into the list box after a specified item already in the list. Note that if the list is sorted, the item may not end up in the requested position. \param item Pointer to the ListboxItem to be inserted. Note that it is the passed object that is added to the list, a copy is not made. If this parameter is NULL, nothing happens. \param position Pointer to a ListboxItem that \a item is to be inserted after. If this parameter is NULL, the item is inserted at the start of the list. \return Nothing. */ void insertItem(ListboxItem* item, const ListboxItem* position); /*! \brief Removes the given item from the list box. \param item Pointer to the ListboxItem that is to be removed. If \a item is not attached to this list box then nothing will happen. \return Nothing. */ void removeItem(const ListboxItem* item); /*! \brief Clear the selected state for all items. \return Nothing. */ void clearAllSelections(void); /*! \brief Set whether the list should be sorted. \param setting true if the list should be sorted, false if the list should not be sorted. \return Nothing. */ void setSortingEnabled(bool setting); /*! \brief Set whether the vertical scroll bar should always be shown. \param setting true if the vertical scroll bar should be shown even when it is not required. false if the vertical scroll bar should only be shown when it is required. \return Nothing. */ void setShowVertScrollbar(bool setting); /*! \brief Set whether the horizontal scroll bar should always be shown. \param setting true if the horizontal scroll bar should be shown even when it is not required. false if the horizontal scroll bar should only be shown when it is required. \return Nothing. */ void setShowHorzScrollbar(bool setting); /*! \brief Set the select state of an attached ListboxItem. This is the recommended way of selecting and deselecting items attached to a list box as it respects the multi-select mode setting. It is possible to modify the setting on ListboxItems directly, but that approach does not respect the settings of the list box. \param item The ListboxItem to be affected. This item must be attached to the list box. \param state true to select the item, false to de-select the item. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a item is not attached to this list box. */ void setItemSelectState(ListboxItem* item, bool state); /*! \brief Set the select state of an attached ListboxItem. This is the recommended way of selecting and deselecting items attached to a list box as it respects the multi-select mode setting. It is possible to modify the setting on ListboxItems directly, but that approach does not respect the settings of the list box. \param item_index The zero based index of the ListboxItem to be affected. This must be a valid index (0 <= index < getItemCount()) \param state true to select the item, false to de-select the item. \return Nothing. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a item_index is out of range for the list box */ void setItemSelectState(size_t item_index, bool state); /*! \brief Causes the list box to update it's internal state after changes have been made to one or more attached ListboxItem objects. Client code must call this whenever it has made any changes to ListboxItem objects already attached to the list box. If you are just adding items, or removed items to update them prior to re-adding them, there is no need to call this method. \return Nothing. */ void handleUpdatedListItemData(void); /************************************************************************* Construction and Destruction *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Constructor for Combobox base class */ Combobox(const String& type, const String& name); /*! \brief Destructor for Combobox base class */ virtual ~Combobox(void); protected: /************************************************************************* Implementation Methods *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Handler function for button clicks. */ bool button_PressHandler(const EventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler for selections made in the drop-list */ bool droplist_SelectionAcceptedHandler(const EventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler for when drop-list hides itself */ bool droplist_HiddenHandler(const EventArgs& e); /*! \brief Mouse button down handler attached to edit box */ bool editbox_MouseDownHandler(const EventArgs& e); /*! \brief Return whether this window was inherited from the given class name at some point in the inheritance hierarchy. \param class_name The class name that is to be checked. \return true if this window was inherited from \a class_name. false if not. */ virtual bool testClassName_impl(const String& class_name) const { if (class_name=="Combobox") return true; return Window::testClassName_impl(class_name); } /************************************************************************* Handlers to relay child widget events so they appear to come from us *************************************************************************/ bool editbox_ReadOnlyChangedHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool editbox_ValidationStringChangedHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool editbox_MaximumTextLengthChangedHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool editbox_TextInvalidatedEventHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool editbox_InvalidEntryAttemptedHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool editbox_CaratMovedHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool editbox_TextSelectionChangedHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool editbox_EditboxFullEventHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool editbox_TextAcceptedEventHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool editbox_TextChangedEventHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool listbox_ListContentsChangedHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool listbox_ListSelectionChangedHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool listbox_SortModeChangedHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool listbox_VertScrollModeChangedHandler(const EventArgs& e); bool listbox_HorzScrollModeChangedHandler(const EventArgs& e); /************************************************************************* New Events for Combobox *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Handler called internally when the read only state of the Combobox's Editbox has been changed. */ virtual void onReadOnlyChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the Combobox's Editbox validation string has been changed. */ virtual void onValidationStringChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the Combobox's Editbox maximum text length is changed. */ virtual void onMaximumTextLengthChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the Combobox's Editbox text has been invalidated. */ virtual void onTextInvalidatedEvent(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when an invalid entry was attempted in the Combobox's Editbox. */ virtual void onInvalidEntryAttempted(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the carat in the Comboxbox's Editbox moves. */ virtual void onCaratMoved(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the selection within the Combobox's Editbox changes. */ virtual void onTextSelectionChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the maximum length is reached for text in the Combobox's Editbox. */ virtual void onEditboxFullEvent(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the text in the Combobox's Editbox is accepted (by various means). */ virtual void onTextAcceptedEvent(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the Combobox's Drop-down list contents are changed. */ virtual void onListContentsChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the selection within the Combobox's drop-down list changes (this is not the 'final' accepted selection, just the currently highlighted item). */ virtual void onListSelectionChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called fired internally when the sort mode for the Combobox's drop-down list is changed. */ virtual void onSortModeChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the 'force' setting for the vertical scrollbar within the Combobox's drop-down list is changed. */ virtual void onVertScrollbarModeChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the 'force' setting for the horizontal scrollbar within the Combobox's drop-down list is changed. */ virtual void onHorzScrollbarModeChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the Combobox's drop-down list has been displayed. */ virtual void onDropListDisplayed(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the Combobox's drop-down list has been hidden. */ virtual void onDroplistRemoved(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called internally when the user has confirmed a selection within the Combobox's drop-down list. */ virtual void onListSelectionAccepted(WindowEventArgs& e); /************************************************************************* Overridden Event handlers *************************************************************************/ virtual void onFontChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); virtual void onTextChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); virtual void onActivated(ActivationEventArgs& e); /************************************************************************* Implementation Data *************************************************************************/ bool d_singleClickOperation; //!< true if user can show and select from list in a single click. private: /************************************************************************* Static Properties for this class *************************************************************************/ static ComboboxProperties::ReadOnly d_readOnlyProperty; static ComboboxProperties::ValidationString d_validationStringProperty; static ComboboxProperties::CaratIndex d_caratIndexProperty; static ComboboxProperties::EditSelectionStart d_selStartProperty; static ComboboxProperties::EditSelectionLength d_selLengthProperty; static ComboboxProperties::MaxEditTextLength d_maxTextLengthProperty; static ComboboxProperties::SortList d_sortProperty; static ComboboxProperties::ForceVertScrollbar d_forceVertProperty; static ComboboxProperties::ForceHorzScrollbar d_forceHorzProperty; static ComboboxProperties::SingleClickMode d_singleClickOperationProperty; /************************************************************************* Private methods *************************************************************************/ void addComboboxProperties(void); }; } // End of CEGUI namespace section #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif // end of guard _CEGUICombobox_h_
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