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// (C) Copyright John Maddock 2006. // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at #ifndef BOOST_MATH_TOOLS_REMEZ_HPP #define BOOST_MATH_TOOLS_REMEZ_HPP #include
namespace boost{ namespace math{ namespace tools{ namespace detail{ // // The error function: the difference between F(x) and // the current approximation. This is the function // for which we must find the extema. // template
struct remez_error_function { typedef boost::function1
function_type; public: remez_error_function( function_type f_, const polynomial
& n, const polynomial
& d, bool rel_err) : f(f_), numerator(n), denominator(d), rel_error(rel_err) {} T operator()(const T& z)const { T y = f(z); T abs = y - (numerator.evaluate(z) / denominator.evaluate(z)); T err; if(rel_error) { if(y != 0) err = abs / fabs(y); else if(0 == abs) { // we must be at a root, or it's not recoverable: BOOST_ASSERT(0 == abs); err = 0; } else { // We have a divide by zero! // Lets assume that f(x) is zero as a result of // internal cancellation error that occurs as a result // of shifting a root at point z to the origin so that // the approximation can be "pinned" to pass through // the origin: in that case it really // won't matter what our approximation calculates here // as long as it's a small number, return the absolute error: err = abs; } } else err = abs; return err; } private: function_type f; polynomial
numerator; polynomial
denominator; bool rel_error; }; // // This function adapts the error function so that it's minima // are the extema of the error function. We can find the minima // with standard techniques. // template
struct remez_max_error_function { remez_max_error_function(const remez_error_function
& f) : func(f) {} T operator()(const T& x) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING return -fabs(func(x)); } private: remez_error_function
func; }; } // detail template
class remez_minimax { public: typedef boost::function1
function_type; typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector
vector_type; typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix
matrix_type; remez_minimax(function_type f, unsigned oN, unsigned oD, T a, T b, bool pin = true, bool rel_err = false, int sk = 0, int bits = 0); remez_minimax(function_type f, unsigned oN, unsigned oD, T a, T b, bool pin, bool rel_err, int sk, int bits, const vector_type& points); void reset(unsigned oN, unsigned oD, T a, T b, bool pin = true, bool rel_err = false, int sk = 0, int bits = 0); void reset(unsigned oN, unsigned oD, T a, T b, bool pin, bool rel_err, int sk, int bits, const vector_type& points); void set_brake(int b) { BOOST_ASSERT(b < 100); BOOST_ASSERT(b >= 0); m_brake = b; } T iterate(); polynomial
denominator()const; polynomial
numerator()const; vector_type const& chebyshev_points()const { return control_points; } vector_type const& zero_points()const { return zeros; } T error_term()const { return solution[solution.size() - 1]; } T max_error()const { return m_max_error; } T max_change()const { return m_max_change; } void rotate() { --orderN; ++orderD; } void rescale(T a, T b) { T scale = (b - a) / (max - min); for(unsigned i = 0; i < control_points.size(); ++i) { control_points[i] = (control_points[i] - min) * scale + a; } min = a; max = b; } private: void init_chebyshev(); function_type func; // The function to approximate. vector_type control_points; // Current control points to be used for the next iteration. vector_type solution; // Solution from the last iteration contains all unknowns including the error term. vector_type zeros; // Location of points of zero error from last iteration, plus the two end points. vector_type maxima; // Location of maxima of the error function, actually contains the control points used for the last iteration. T m_max_error; // Maximum error found in last approximation. T m_max_change; // Maximum change in location of control points after last iteration. unsigned orderN; // Order of the numerator polynomial. unsigned orderD; // Order of the denominator polynomial. T min, max; // End points of the range to optimise over. bool rel_error; // If true optimise for relative not absolute error. bool pinned; // If true the approximation is "pinned" to go through the origin. unsigned unknowns; // Total number of unknowns. int m_precision; // Number of bits precision to which the zeros and maxima are found. T m_max_change_history[2]; // Past history of changes to control points. int m_brake; // amount to break by in percentage points. int m_skew; // amount to skew starting points by in percentage points: -100-100 }; #ifndef BRAKE #define BRAKE 0 #endif #ifndef SKEW #define SKEW 0 #endif template
void remez_minimax
::init_chebyshev() { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // // Fill in the zeros: // unsigned terms = pinned ? orderD + orderN : orderD + orderN + 1; for(unsigned i = 0; i < terms; ++i) { T cheb = cos((2 * terms - 1 - 2 * i) * constants::pi
() / (2 * terms)); cheb += 1; cheb /= 2; if(m_skew != 0) { T p = static_cast
(200 + m_skew) / 200; cheb = pow(cheb, p); } cheb *= (max - min); cheb += min; zeros[i+1] = cheb; } zeros[0] = min; zeros[unknowns] = max; // perform a regular interpolation fit: matrix_type A(terms, terms); vector_type b(terms); // fill in the y values: for(unsigned i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) { b[i] = func(zeros[i+1]); } // fill in powers of x evaluated at each of the control points: unsigned offsetN = pinned ? 0 : 1; unsigned offsetD = offsetN + orderN; unsigned maxorder = (std::max)(orderN, orderD); for(unsigned i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) { T x0 = zeros[i+1]; T x = x0; if(!pinned) A(i, 0) = 1; for(unsigned j = 0; j < maxorder; ++j) { if(j < orderN) A(i, j + offsetN) = x; if(j < orderD) { A(i, j + offsetD) = -x * b[i]; } x *= x0; } } // // Now go ahead and solve the expression to get our solution: // vector_type l_solution = boost::math::tools::solve(A, b); // need to add a "fake" error term: l_solution.resize(unknowns); l_solution[unknowns-1] = 0; solution = l_solution; // // Now find all the extrema of the error function: // detail::remez_error_function
Err(func, this->numerator(), this->denominator(), rel_error); detail::remez_max_error_function
Ex(Err); m_max_error = 0; int max_err_location = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < unknowns; ++i) { std::pair
r = brent_find_minima(Ex, zeros[i], zeros[i+1], m_precision); maxima[i] = r.first; T rel_err = fabs(r.second); if(rel_err > m_max_error) { m_max_error = fabs(r.second); max_err_location = i; } } control_points = maxima; } template
void remez_minimax
::reset( unsigned oN, unsigned oD, T a, T b, bool pin, bool rel_err, int sk, int bits) { control_points = vector_type(oN + oD + (pin ? 1 : 2)); solution = control_points; zeros = vector_type(oN + oD + (pin ? 2 : 3)); maxima = control_points; orderN = oN; orderD = oD; rel_error = rel_err; pinned = pin; m_skew = sk; min = a; max = b; m_max_error = 0; unknowns = orderN + orderD + (pinned ? 1 : 2); // guess our initial control points: control_points[0] = min; control_points[unknowns - 1] = max; T interval = (max - min) / (unknowns - 1); T spot = min + interval; for(unsigned i = 1; i < control_points.size(); ++i) { control_points[i] = spot; spot += interval; } solution[unknowns - 1] = 0; m_max_error = 0; if(bits == 0) { // don't bother about more than float precision: m_precision = (std::min)(24, (boost::math::policies::digits
>() / 2) - 2); } else { // can't be more accurate than half the bits of T: m_precision = (std::min)(bits, (boost::math::policies::digits
>() / 2) - 2); } m_max_change_history[0] = m_max_change_history[1] = 1; init_chebyshev(); // do one iteration whatever: //iterate(); } template
inline remez_minimax
::remez_minimax( typename remez_minimax
::function_type f, unsigned oN, unsigned oD, T a, T b, bool pin, bool rel_err, int sk, int bits) : func(f) { m_brake = 0; reset(oN, oD, a, b, pin, rel_err, sk, bits); } template
void remez_minimax
::reset( unsigned oN, unsigned oD, T a, T b, bool pin, bool rel_err, int sk, int bits, const vector_type& points) { control_points = vector_type(oN + oD + (pin ? 1 : 2)); solution = control_points; zeros = vector_type(oN + oD + (pin ? 2 : 3)); maxima = control_points; orderN = oN; orderD = oD; rel_error = rel_err; pinned = pin; m_skew = sk; min = a; max = b; m_max_error = 0; unknowns = orderN + orderD + (pinned ? 1 : 2); control_points = points; solution[unknowns - 1] = 0; m_max_error = 0; if(bits == 0) { // don't bother about more than float precision: m_precision = (std::min)(24, (boost::math::policies::digits
>() / 2) - 2); } else { // can't be more accurate than half the bits of T: m_precision = (std::min)(bits, (boost::math::policies::digits
>() / 2) - 2); } m_max_change_history[0] = m_max_change_history[1] = 1; // do one iteration whatever: //iterate(); } template
inline remez_minimax
::remez_minimax( typename remez_minimax
::function_type f, unsigned oN, unsigned oD, T a, T b, bool pin, bool rel_err, int sk, int bits, const vector_type& points) : func(f) { m_brake = 0; reset(oN, oD, a, b, pin, rel_err, sk, bits, points); } template
T remez_minimax
::iterate() { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING matrix_type A(unknowns, unknowns); vector_type b(unknowns); // fill in evaluation of f(x) at each of the control points: for(unsigned i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) { // take care that none of our control points are at the origin: if(pinned && (control_points[i] == 0)) { if(i) control_points[i] = control_points[i-1] / 3; else control_points[i] = control_points[i+1] / 3; } b[i] = func(control_points[i]); } T err_err; unsigned convergence_count = 0; do{ // fill in powers of x evaluated at each of the control points: int sign = 1; unsigned offsetN = pinned ? 0 : 1; unsigned offsetD = offsetN + orderN; unsigned maxorder = (std::max)(orderN, orderD); T Elast = solution[unknowns - 1]; for(unsigned i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) { T x0 = control_points[i]; T x = x0; if(!pinned) A(i, 0) = 1; for(unsigned j = 0; j < maxorder; ++j) { if(j < orderN) A(i, j + offsetN) = x; if(j < orderD) { T mult = rel_error ? (b[i] - sign * fabs(b[i]) * Elast): (b[i] - sign * Elast); A(i, j + offsetD) = -x * mult; } x *= x0; } // The last variable to be solved for is the error term, // sign changes with each control point: T E = rel_error ? sign * fabs(b[i]) : sign; A(i, unknowns - 1) = E; sign = -sign; } #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT for(unsigned i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) std::cout << b[i] << " "; std::cout << "\n\n"; for(unsigned i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) { for(unsigned j = 0; j < b.size(); ++ j) std::cout << A(i, j) << " "; std::cout << "\n"; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif // // Now go ahead and solve the expression to get our solution: // solution = boost::math::tools::solve(A, b); err_err = (Elast != 0) ? fabs((fabs(solution[unknowns-1]) - fabs(Elast)) / fabs(Elast)) : 1; }while(orderD && (convergence_count++ < 80) && (err_err > 0.001)); // // Perform a sanity check to verify that the solution to the equations // is not so much in error as to be useless. The matrix inversion can // be very close to singular, so this can be a real problem. // vector_type sanity = prod(A, solution); for(unsigned i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) { T err = fabs((b[i] - sanity[i]) / fabs(b[i])); if(err > sqrt(epsilon
())) { std::cerr << "Sanity check failed: more than half the digits in the found solution are in error." << std::endl; } } // // Next comes another sanity check, we want to verify that all the control // points do actually alternate in sign, in practice we may have // additional roots in the error function that cause this to fail. // Failure here is always fatal: even though this code attempts to correct // the problem it usually only postpones the inevitable. // polynomial
num, denom; num = this->numerator(); denom = this->denominator(); T e1 = b[0] - num.evaluate(control_points[0]) / denom.evaluate(control_points[0]); #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT std::cout << e1; #endif for(unsigned i = 1; i < b.size(); ++i) { T e2 = b[i] - num.evaluate(control_points[i]) / denom.evaluate(control_points[i]); #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT std::cout << " " << e2; #endif if(e2 * e1 > 0) { std::cerr << std::flush << "Basic sanity check failed: Error term does not alternate in sign, non-recoverable error may follow..." << std::endl; T perturbation = 0.05; do{ T point = control_points[i] * (1 - perturbation) + control_points[i-1] * perturbation; e2 = func(point) - num.evaluate(point) / denom.evaluate(point); if(e2 * e1 < 0) { control_points[i] = point; break; } perturbation += 0.05; }while(perturbation < 0.8); if((e2 * e1 > 0) && (i + 1 < b.size())) { perturbation = 0.05; do{ T point = control_points[i] * (1 - perturbation) + control_points[i+1] * perturbation; e2 = func(point) - num.evaluate(point) / denom.evaluate(point); if(e2 * e1 < 0) { control_points[i] = point; break; } perturbation += 0.05; }while(perturbation < 0.8); } } e1 = e2; } #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT for(unsigned i = 0; i < solution.size(); ++i) std::cout << solution[i] << " "; std::cout << std::endl << this->numerator() << std::endl; std::cout << this->denominator() << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; #endif // // The next step is to find all the intervals in which our maxima // lie: // detail::remez_error_function
Err(func, this->numerator(), this->denominator(), rel_error); zeros[0] = min; zeros[unknowns] = max; for(unsigned i = 1; i < control_points.size(); ++i) { eps_tolerance
tol(m_precision); boost::uintmax_t max_iter = 1000; std::pair
p = toms748_solve( Err, control_points[i-1], control_points[i], tol, max_iter); zeros[i] = (p.first + p.second) / 2; //zeros[i] = bisect(Err, control_points[i-1], control_points[i], m_precision); } // // Now find all the extrema of the error function: // detail::remez_max_error_function
Ex(Err); m_max_error = 0; int max_err_location = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < unknowns; ++i) { std::pair
r = brent_find_minima(Ex, zeros[i], zeros[i+1], m_precision); maxima[i] = r.first; T rel_err = fabs(r.second); if(rel_err > m_max_error) { m_max_error = fabs(r.second); max_err_location = i; } } // // Almost done now! we just need to set our control points // to the extrema, and calculate how much each point has changed // (this will be our termination condition): // swap(control_points, maxima); m_max_change = 0; int max_change_location = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < unknowns; ++i) { control_points[i] = (control_points[i] * (100 - m_brake) + maxima[i] * m_brake) / 100; T change = fabs((control_points[i] - maxima[i]) / control_points[i]); #if 0 if(change > m_max_change_history[1]) { // divergence!!! try capping the change: std::cerr << "Possible divergent step, change will be capped!!" << std::endl; change = m_max_change_history[1]; if(control_points[i] < maxima[i]) control_points[i] = maxima[i] - change * maxima[i]; else control_points[i] = maxima[i] + change * maxima[i]; } #endif if(change > m_max_change) { m_max_change = change; max_change_location = i; } } // // store max change information: // m_max_change_history[0] = m_max_change_history[1]; m_max_change_history[1] = fabs(m_max_change); return m_max_change; } template
::numerator()const { boost::scoped_array
a(new T[orderN + 1]); if(pinned) a[0] = 0; unsigned terms = pinned ? orderN : orderN + 1; for(unsigned i = 0; i < terms; ++i) a[pinned ? i+1 : i] = solution[i]; return boost::math::tools::polynomial
(&a[0], orderN); } template
::denominator()const { unsigned terms = orderD + 1; unsigned offsetD = pinned ? orderN : (orderN + 1); boost::scoped_array
a(new T[terms]); a[0] = 1; for(unsigned i = 0; i < orderD; ++i) a[i+1] = solution[i + offsetD]; return boost::math::tools::polynomial
(&a[0], orderD); } }}} // namespaces #endif // BOOST_MATH_TOOLS_REMEZ_HPP
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