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/* * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.(See accompanying * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * * See for documentation. * File: boost/iostreams/detail/restrict_impl.hpp * Date: Sun Jan 06 12:57:30 MST 2008 * Copyright: 2007-2008 CodeRage, LLC * Author: Jonathan Turkanis * Contact: turkanis at coderage dot com * * If included with the macro BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT undefined, defines the * class template boost::iostreams::restriction. If included with the macro * BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT defined as an identifier, defines the overloaded * function template boost::iostreams::BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT, and object * generator for boost::iostreams::restriction. * * This design allows
and *
to share an implementation. */ #if !defined(BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT_IMPL_HPP_INCLUDED) && \ !defined(BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT) # define BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT_IMPL_HPP_INCLUDED //------------------Implementation of restriction-----------------------------// # include
// min. # include
// pair. # include
// intmax_t. # include
// DEDUCED_TYPENAME. # include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
// failure. # include
# include
# include
# include
// mode_of, is_direct. # include
# include
# include
# include
namespace boost { namespace iostreams { namespace detail { // // Template name: restricted_indirect_device. // Description: Provides an restricted view of an indirect Device. // Template paramters: // Device - An indirect model of Device that models either Source or // SeekableDevice. // template
class restricted_indirect_device : public device_adapter
{ private: typedef typename detail::param_type
::type param_type; public: typedef typename char_type_of
::type char_type; typedef typename mode_of
::type mode; BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(!(is_convertible
::value)); struct category : mode, device_tag, closable_tag, flushable_tag, localizable_tag, optimally_buffered_tag { }; restricted_indirect_device( param_type dev, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1 ); std::streamsize read(char_type* s, std::streamsize n); std::streamsize write(const char_type* s, std::streamsize n); std::streampos seek(stream_offset off, BOOST_IOS::seekdir way); private: stream_offset beg_, pos_, end_; }; // // Template name: restricted_direct_device. // Description: Provides an restricted view of a Direct Device. // Template paramters: // Device - A model of Direct and Device. // template
class restricted_direct_device : public device_adapter
{ public: typedef typename char_type_of
::type char_type; typedef std::pair
pair_type; typedef typename mode_of
::type mode; BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(!(is_convertible
::value)); struct category : mode_of
::type, device_tag, direct_tag, closable_tag, localizable_tag { }; restricted_direct_device( const Device& dev, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1 ); pair_type input_sequence(); pair_type output_sequence(); private: pair_type sequence(mpl::true_); pair_type sequence(mpl::false_); char_type *beg_, *end_; }; // // Template name: restricted_filter. // Description: Provides an restricted view of a Filter. // Template paramters: // Filter - An indirect model of Filter. // template
class restricted_filter : public filter_adapter
{ public: typedef typename char_type_of
::type char_type; typedef typename mode_of
::type mode; BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(!(is_convertible
::value)); struct category : mode, filter_tag, multichar_tag, closable_tag, localizable_tag, optimally_buffered_tag { }; restricted_filter( const Filter& flt, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1 ); template
std::streamsize read(Source& src, char_type* s, std::streamsize n) { using namespace std; if (!open_) open(src, BOOST_IOS::in); std::streamsize amt = end_ != -1 ? (std::min) (n, static_cast
(end_ - pos_)) : n; std::streamsize result = iostreams::read(this->component(), src, s, amt); if (result != -1) pos_ += result; return result; } template
std::streamsize write(Sink& snk, const char_type* s, std::streamsize n) { if (!open_) open(snk, BOOST_IOS::out); if (end_ != -1 && pos_ + n >= end_) bad_write(); std::streamsize result = iostreams::write(this->component(), snk, s, n); pos_ += result; return result; } template
std::streampos seek(Device& dev, stream_offset off, BOOST_IOS::seekdir way) { stream_offset next; if (way == BOOST_IOS::beg) { next = beg_ + off; } else if (way == BOOST_IOS::cur) { next = pos_ + off; } else if (end_ != -1) { next = end_ + off; } else { // Restriction is half-open; seek relative to the actual end. pos_ = this->component().seek(dev, off, BOOST_IOS::end); if (pos_ < beg_) bad_seek(); return offset_to_position(pos_ - beg_); } if (next < beg_ || end_ != -1 && next >= end_) bad_seek(); pos_ = this->component().seek(dev, next, BOOST_IOS::cur); return offset_to_position(pos_ - beg_); } template
void close(Device& dev) { open_ = false; detail::close_all(this->component(), dev); } template
void close(Device& dev, BOOST_IOS::openmode which) { open_ = false; iostreams::close(this->component(), dev, which); } private: template
void open(Device& dev, BOOST_IOS::openmode which) { typedef typename is_convertible
::type is_dual_use; open_ = true; which = is_dual_use() ? which : (BOOST_IOS::in | BOOST_IOS::out); iostreams::skip(this->component(), dev, beg_, which); } stream_offset beg_, pos_, end_; bool open_; }; template
struct restriction_traits : iostreams::select< // Disambiguation for Tru64. is_filter
, restricted_filter
, is_direct
, restricted_direct_device
, else_, restricted_indirect_device
> { }; } // End namespace detail. template
struct restriction : public detail::restriction_traits
::type { typedef typename detail::param_type
::type param_type; typedef typename detail::restriction_traits
::type base_type; restriction(param_type t, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1) : base_type(t, off, len) { } }; namespace detail { //--------------Implementation of restricted_indirect_device------------------// template
::restricted_indirect_device (param_type dev, stream_offset off, stream_offset len) : device_adapter
(dev), beg_(off), pos_(off), end_(len != -1 ? off + len : -1) { if (len < -1 || off < 0) throw BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FAILURE("bad offset"); iostreams::skip(this->component(), off); } template
inline std::streamsize restricted_indirect_device
::read (char_type* s, std::streamsize n) { using namespace std; std::streamsize amt = end_ != -1 ? (std::min) (n, static_cast
(end_ - pos_)) : n; std::streamsize result = iostreams::read(this->component(), s, amt); if (result != -1) pos_ += result; return result; } template
inline std::streamsize restricted_indirect_device
::write (const char_type* s, std::streamsize n) { if (end_ != -1 && pos_ + n >= end_) bad_write(); std::streamsize result = iostreams::write(this->component(), s, n); pos_ += result; return result; } template
std::streampos restricted_indirect_device
::seek (stream_offset off, BOOST_IOS::seekdir way) { stream_offset next; if (way == BOOST_IOS::beg) { next = beg_ + off; } else if (way == BOOST_IOS::cur) { next = pos_ + off; } else if (end_ != -1) { next = end_ + off; } else { // Restriction is half-open; seek relative to the actual end. pos_ = iostreams::seek(this->component(), off, BOOST_IOS::end); if (pos_ < beg_) bad_seek(); return offset_to_position(pos_ - beg_); } if (next < beg_ || end_ != -1 && next >= end_) bad_seek(); pos_ = iostreams::seek(this->component(), next - pos_, BOOST_IOS::cur); return offset_to_position(pos_ - beg_); } //--------------Implementation of restricted_direct_device--------------------// template
::restricted_direct_device (const Device& dev, stream_offset off, stream_offset len) : device_adapter
(dev), beg_(0), end_(0) { std::pair
seq = sequence(is_convertible
()); if ( off < 0 || len < -1 || len != -1 && off + len > seq.second - seq.first ) { throw BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FAILURE("bad offset"); } beg_ = seq.first + off; end_ = len != -1 ? seq.first + off + len : seq.second; } template
typename restricted_direct_device
::pair_type restricted_direct_device
::input_sequence() { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_convertible
::value)); return std::make_pair(beg_, end_); } template
typename restricted_direct_device
::pair_type restricted_direct_device
::output_sequence() { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_convertible
::value)); return std::make_pair(beg_, end_); } template
typename restricted_direct_device
::pair_type restricted_direct_device
::sequence(mpl::true_) { return iostreams::input_sequence(this->component()); } template
typename restricted_direct_device
::pair_type restricted_direct_device
::sequence(mpl::false_) { return iostreams::output_sequence(this->component()); } //--------------Implementation of restricted_filter---------------------------// template
::restricted_filter (const Filter& flt, stream_offset off, stream_offset len) : filter_adapter
(flt), beg_(off), pos_(off), end_(len != -1 ? off + len : -1), open_(false) { if (len < -1 || off < 0) throw BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FAILURE("bad offset"); } } // End namespace detail. } } // End namespaces iostreams, boost. #elif defined(BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT) namespace boost { namespace iostreams { //--------------Implementation of restrict/slice------------------------------// // Note: The following workarounds are patterned after resolve.hpp. It has not // yet been confirmed that they are necessary. # ifndef BOOST_IOSTREAMS_BROKEN_OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION //------------------------// # ifndef BOOST_IOSTREAMS_NO_STREAM_TEMPLATES //------------------------------// template
BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT( const T& t, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1 BOOST_IOSTREAMS_DISABLE_IF_STREAM(T) ) { return restriction
(t, off, len); } template
restriction< std::basic_streambuf
> BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT( std::basic_streambuf
& sb, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1 ) { return restriction< std::basic_streambuf
>(sb, off, len); } template
restriction< std::basic_istream
> BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT (std::basic_istream
& is, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1) { return restriction< std::basic_istream
>(is, off, len); } template
restriction< std::basic_ostream
> BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT (std::basic_ostream
& os, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1) { return restriction< std::basic_ostream
>(os, off, len); } template
restriction< std::basic_iostream
> BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT (std::basic_iostream
& io, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1) { return restriction< std::basic_iostream
>(io, off, len); } # else // # ifndef BOOST_IOSTREAMS_NO_STREAM_TEMPLATES //--------------------// template
BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT( const T& t, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1 BOOST_IOSTREAMS_DISABLE_IF_STREAM(T) ) { return restriction
(t, off, len); } restriction
BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT (std::streambuf& sb, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1) { return restriction
(sb, off, len); } restriction
& is, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1) { return restriction
(is, off, len); } restriction
& os, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1) { return restriction
(os, off, len); } restriction
& io, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1) { return restriction
(io, off, len); } # endif // # ifndef BOOST_IOSTREAMS_NO_STREAM_TEMPLATES //-------------------// # else // #ifndef BOOST_IOSTREAMS_BROKEN_OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION //---------------// template
BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT (const T& t, stream_offset off, stream_offset len, mpl::true_) { // Bad overload resolution. return restriction
(t, off, len)); } template
BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT (const T& t, stream_offset off, stream_offset len, mpl::false_) { return restriction
(t, off, len); } template
BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT( const T& t, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1 BOOST_IOSTREAMS_DISABLE_IF_STREAM(T) ) { return BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT(t, off, len, is_std_io
()); } # if !BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, < 0x600) && \ !BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, <= 1300) && \ !defined(__GNUC__) // ---------------------------------------------------// template
BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT(T& t, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1) { return restriction
(t, off, len); } # endif // Borland 5.x, VC6-7.0 or GCC 2.9x //-------------------------------// # endif // #ifndef BOOST_IOSTREAMS_BROKEN_OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION //--------------// } } // End namespaces iostreams, boost. #endif // #if !defined(BOOST_IOSTREAMS_RESTRICT_IMPL_HPP_INCLUDED) ...
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