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// // win_iocp_socket_service.hpp // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com) // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // #ifndef BOOST_ASIO_DETAIL_WIN_IOCP_SOCKET_SERVICE_HPP #define BOOST_ASIO_DETAIL_WIN_IOCP_SOCKET_SERVICE_HPP #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200) # pragma once #endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200) #include
#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP) #include
namespace boost { namespace asio { namespace detail { template
class win_iocp_socket_service : public boost::asio::detail::service_base
> { public: // The protocol type. typedef Protocol protocol_type; // The endpoint type. typedef typename Protocol::endpoint endpoint_type; // Base class for all operations. typedef win_iocp_io_service::operation operation; struct noop_deleter { void operator()(void*) {} }; typedef boost::shared_ptr
shared_cancel_token_type; typedef boost::weak_ptr
weak_cancel_token_type; // The native type of a socket. class native_type { public: native_type(socket_type s) : socket_(s), have_remote_endpoint_(false) { } native_type(socket_type s, const endpoint_type& ep) : socket_(s), have_remote_endpoint_(true), remote_endpoint_(ep) { } void operator=(socket_type s) { socket_ = s; have_remote_endpoint_ = false; remote_endpoint_ = endpoint_type(); } operator socket_type() const { return socket_; } HANDLE as_handle() const { return reinterpret_cast
(socket_); } bool have_remote_endpoint() const { return have_remote_endpoint_; } endpoint_type remote_endpoint() const { return remote_endpoint_; } private: socket_type socket_; bool have_remote_endpoint_; endpoint_type remote_endpoint_; }; // The implementation type of the socket. class implementation_type { public: // Default constructor. implementation_type() : socket_(invalid_socket), flags_(0), cancel_token_(), protocol_(endpoint_type().protocol()), next_(0), prev_(0) { } private: // Only this service will have access to the internal values. friend class win_iocp_socket_service; // The native socket representation. native_type socket_; enum { enable_connection_aborted = 1, // User wants connection_aborted errors. close_might_block = 2, // User set linger option for blocking close. user_set_non_blocking = 4 // The user wants a non-blocking socket. }; // Flags indicating the current state of the socket. unsigned char flags_; // We use a shared pointer as a cancellation token here to work around the // broken Windows support for cancellation. MSDN says that when you call // closesocket any outstanding WSARecv or WSASend operations will complete // with the error ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED. In practice they complete with // ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED, which means you can't tell the difference between // a local cancellation and the socket being hard-closed by the peer. shared_cancel_token_type cancel_token_; // The protocol associated with the socket. protocol_type protocol_; #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // The ID of the thread from which it is safe to cancel asynchronous // operations. 0 means no asynchronous operations have been started yet. // ~0 means asynchronous operations have been started from more than one // thread, and cancellation is not supported for the socket. DWORD safe_cancellation_thread_id_; #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Pointers to adjacent socket implementations in linked list. implementation_type* next_; implementation_type* prev_; }; // The type of the reactor used for connect operations. typedef detail::select_reactor
reactor_type; // The maximum number of buffers to support in a single operation. enum { max_buffers = 64 < max_iov_len ? 64 : max_iov_len }; // Constructor. win_iocp_socket_service(boost::asio::io_service& io_service) : boost::asio::detail::service_base< win_iocp_socket_service
>(io_service), iocp_service_(boost::asio::use_service
(io_service)), reactor_(0), mutex_(), impl_list_(0) { } // Destroy all user-defined handler objects owned by the service. void shutdown_service() { // Close all implementations, causing all operations to complete. boost::asio::detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); implementation_type* impl = impl_list_; while (impl) { boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; close_for_destruction(*impl); impl = impl->next_; } } // Construct a new socket implementation. void construct(implementation_type& impl) { impl.socket_ = invalid_socket; impl.flags_ = 0; impl.cancel_token_.reset(); #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = 0; #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Insert implementation into linked list of all implementations. boost::asio::detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); impl.next_ = impl_list_; impl.prev_ = 0; if (impl_list_) impl_list_->prev_ = &impl; impl_list_ = &impl; } // Destroy a socket implementation. void destroy(implementation_type& impl) { close_for_destruction(impl); // Remove implementation from linked list of all implementations. boost::asio::detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); if (impl_list_ == &impl) impl_list_ = impl.next_; if (impl.prev_) impl.prev_->next_ = impl.next_; if (impl.next_) impl.next_->prev_= impl.prev_; impl.next_ = 0; impl.prev_ = 0; } // Open a new socket implementation. boost::system::error_code open(implementation_type& impl, const protocol_type& protocol, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::already_open; return ec; } socket_holder sock(socket_ops::socket(, protocol.type(), protocol.protocol(), ec)); if (sock.get() == invalid_socket) return ec; HANDLE sock_as_handle = reinterpret_cast
(sock.get()); iocp_service_.register_handle(sock_as_handle); impl.socket_ = sock.release(); impl.flags_ = 0; impl.cancel_token_.reset(static_cast
(0), noop_deleter()); impl.protocol_ = protocol; ec = boost::system::error_code(); return ec; } // Assign a native socket to a socket implementation. boost::system::error_code assign(implementation_type& impl, const protocol_type& protocol, const native_type& native_socket, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::already_open; return ec; } iocp_service_.register_handle(native_socket.as_handle()); impl.socket_ = native_socket; impl.flags_ = 0; impl.cancel_token_.reset(static_cast
(0), noop_deleter()); impl.protocol_ = protocol; ec = boost::system::error_code(); return ec; } // Determine whether the socket is open. bool is_open(const implementation_type& impl) const { return impl.socket_ != invalid_socket; } // Destroy a socket implementation. boost::system::error_code close(implementation_type& impl, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (is_open(impl)) { // Check if the reactor was created, in which case we need to close the // socket on the reactor as well to cancel any operations that might be // running there. reactor_type* reactor = static_cast
( interlocked_compare_exchange_pointer( reinterpret_cast
(&reactor_), 0, 0)); if (reactor) reactor->close_descriptor(impl.socket_); if (socket_ops::close(impl.socket_, ec) == socket_error_retval) return ec; impl.socket_ = invalid_socket; impl.flags_ = 0; impl.cancel_token_.reset(); #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = 0; #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) } ec = boost::system::error_code(); return ec; } // Get the native socket representation. native_type native(implementation_type& impl) { return impl.socket_; } // Cancel all operations associated with the socket. boost::system::error_code cancel(implementation_type& impl, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; } else if (FARPROC cancel_io_ex_ptr = ::GetProcAddress( ::GetModuleHandleA("KERNEL32"), "CancelIoEx")) { // The version of Windows supports cancellation from any thread. typedef BOOL (WINAPI* cancel_io_ex_t)(HANDLE, LPOVERLAPPED); cancel_io_ex_t cancel_io_ex = (cancel_io_ex_t)cancel_io_ex_ptr; socket_type sock = impl.socket_; HANDLE sock_as_handle = reinterpret_cast
(sock); if (!cancel_io_ex(sock_as_handle, 0)) { DWORD last_error = ::GetLastError(); if (last_error == ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { // ERROR_NOT_FOUND means that there were no operations to be // cancelled. We swallow this error to match the behaviour on other // platforms. ec = boost::system::error_code(); } else { ec = boost::system::error_code(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category()); } } else { ec = boost::system::error_code(); } } #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) else if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ == 0) { // No operations have been started, so there's nothing to cancel. ec = boost::system::error_code(); } else if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ == ::GetCurrentThreadId()) { // Asynchronous operations have been started from the current thread only, // so it is safe to try to cancel them using CancelIo. socket_type sock = impl.socket_; HANDLE sock_as_handle = reinterpret_cast
(sock); if (!::CancelIo(sock_as_handle)) { DWORD last_error = ::GetLastError(); ec = boost::system::error_code(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category()); } else { ec = boost::system::error_code(); } } else { // Asynchronous operations have been started from more than one thread, // so cancellation is not safe. ec = boost::asio::error::operation_not_supported; } #else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) else { // Cancellation is not supported as CancelIo may not be used. ec = boost::asio::error::operation_not_supported; } #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) return ec; } // Determine whether the socket is at the out-of-band data mark. bool at_mark(const implementation_type& impl, boost::system::error_code& ec) const { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return false; } boost::asio::detail::ioctl_arg_type value = 0; socket_ops::ioctl(impl.socket_, SIOCATMARK, &value, ec); return ec ? false : value != 0; } // Determine the number of bytes available for reading. std::size_t available(const implementation_type& impl, boost::system::error_code& ec) const { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return 0; } boost::asio::detail::ioctl_arg_type value = 0; socket_ops::ioctl(impl.socket_, FIONREAD, &value, ec); return ec ? static_cast
(0) : static_cast
(value); } // Bind the socket to the specified local endpoint. boost::system::error_code bind(implementation_type& impl, const endpoint_type& endpoint, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return ec; } socket_ops::bind(impl.socket_,, endpoint.size(), ec); return ec; } // Place the socket into the state where it will listen for new connections. boost::system::error_code listen(implementation_type& impl, int backlog, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return ec; } socket_ops::listen(impl.socket_, backlog, ec); return ec; } // Set a socket option. template
boost::system::error_code set_option(implementation_type& impl, const Option& option, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return ec; } if (option.level(impl.protocol_) == custom_socket_option_level && == enable_connection_aborted_option) { if (option.size(impl.protocol_) != sizeof(int)) { ec = boost::asio::error::invalid_argument; } else { if (*reinterpret_cast
( impl.flags_ |= implementation_type::enable_connection_aborted; else impl.flags_ &= ~implementation_type::enable_connection_aborted; ec = boost::system::error_code(); } return ec; } else { if (option.level(impl.protocol_) == SOL_SOCKET && == SO_LINGER) { const ::linger* linger_option = reinterpret_cast
(; if (linger_option->l_onoff != 0 && linger_option->l_linger != 0) impl.flags_ |= implementation_type::close_might_block; else impl.flags_ &= ~implementation_type::close_might_block; } socket_ops::setsockopt(impl.socket_, option.level(impl.protocol_),,, option.size(impl.protocol_), ec); return ec; } } // Set a socket option. template
boost::system::error_code get_option(const implementation_type& impl, Option& option, boost::system::error_code& ec) const { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return ec; } if (option.level(impl.protocol_) == custom_socket_option_level && == enable_connection_aborted_option) { if (option.size(impl.protocol_) != sizeof(int)) { ec = boost::asio::error::invalid_argument; } else { int* target = reinterpret_cast
(; if (impl.flags_ & implementation_type::enable_connection_aborted) *target = 1; else *target = 0; option.resize(impl.protocol_, sizeof(int)); ec = boost::system::error_code(); } return ec; } else { size_t size = option.size(impl.protocol_); socket_ops::getsockopt(impl.socket_, option.level(impl.protocol_),,, &size, ec); if (!ec) option.resize(impl.protocol_, size); return ec; } } // Perform an IO control command on the socket. template
boost::system::error_code io_control(implementation_type& impl, IO_Control_Command& command, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return ec; } socket_ops::ioctl(impl.socket_,, static_cast
(, ec); if (!ec && == static_cast
(FIONBIO)) { if (command.get()) impl.flags_ |= implementation_type::user_set_non_blocking; else impl.flags_ &= ~implementation_type::user_set_non_blocking; } return ec; } // Get the local endpoint. endpoint_type local_endpoint(const implementation_type& impl, boost::system::error_code& ec) const { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return endpoint_type(); } endpoint_type endpoint; std::size_t addr_len = endpoint.capacity(); if (socket_ops::getsockname(impl.socket_,, &addr_len, ec)) return endpoint_type(); endpoint.resize(addr_len); return endpoint; } // Get the remote endpoint. endpoint_type remote_endpoint(const implementation_type& impl, boost::system::error_code& ec) const { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return endpoint_type(); } if (impl.socket_.have_remote_endpoint()) { // Check if socket is still connected. DWORD connect_time = 0; size_t connect_time_len = sizeof(connect_time); if (socket_ops::getsockopt(impl.socket_, SOL_SOCKET, SO_CONNECT_TIME, &connect_time, &connect_time_len, ec) == socket_error_retval) { return endpoint_type(); } if (connect_time == 0xFFFFFFFF) { ec = boost::asio::error::not_connected; return endpoint_type(); } ec = boost::system::error_code(); return impl.socket_.remote_endpoint(); } else { endpoint_type endpoint; std::size_t addr_len = endpoint.capacity(); if (socket_ops::getpeername(impl.socket_,, &addr_len, ec)) return endpoint_type(); endpoint.resize(addr_len); return endpoint; } } /// Disable sends or receives on the socket. boost::system::error_code shutdown(implementation_type& impl, socket_base::shutdown_type what, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return ec; } socket_ops::shutdown(impl.socket_, what, ec); return ec; } // Send the given data to the peer. Returns the number of bytes sent. template
size_t send(implementation_type& impl, const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return 0; } // Copy buffers into WSABUF array. ::WSABUF bufs[max_buffers]; typename ConstBufferSequence::const_iterator iter = buffers.begin(); typename ConstBufferSequence::const_iterator end = buffers.end(); DWORD i = 0; size_t total_buffer_size = 0; for (; iter != end && i < max_buffers; ++iter, ++i) { boost::asio::const_buffer buffer(*iter); bufs[i].len = static_cast
(boost::asio::buffer_size(buffer)); bufs[i].buf = const_cast
( boost::asio::buffer_cast
(buffer)); total_buffer_size += boost::asio::buffer_size(buffer); } // A request to receive 0 bytes on a stream socket is a no-op. if (impl.protocol_.type() == SOCK_STREAM && total_buffer_size == 0) { ec = boost::system::error_code(); return 0; } // Send the data. DWORD bytes_transferred = 0; int result = ::WSASend(impl.socket_, bufs, i, &bytes_transferred, flags, 0, 0); if (result != 0) { DWORD last_error = ::WSAGetLastError(); if (last_error == ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED) last_error = WSAECONNRESET; else if (last_error == ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE) last_error = WSAECONNREFUSED; ec = boost::system::error_code(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category()); return 0; } ec = boost::system::error_code(); return bytes_transferred; } template
class send_operation : public operation { public: send_operation(win_iocp_io_service& io_service, weak_cancel_token_type cancel_token, const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, Handler handler) : operation(io_service, &send_operation
::do_completion_impl, &send_operation
::destroy_impl), work_(io_service.get_io_service()), cancel_token_(cancel_token), buffers_(buffers), handler_(handler) { } private: static void do_completion_impl(operation* op, DWORD last_error, size_t bytes_transferred) { // Take ownership of the operation object. typedef send_operation
op_type; op_type* handler_op(static_cast
(op)); typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; handler_ptr
ptr(handler_op->handler_, handler_op); #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_BUFFER_DEBUGGING) // Check whether buffers are still valid. typename ConstBufferSequence::const_iterator iter = handler_op->buffers_.begin(); typename ConstBufferSequence::const_iterator end = handler_op->buffers_.end(); while (iter != end) { boost::asio::const_buffer buffer(*iter); boost::asio::buffer_cast
(buffer); ++iter; } #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_BUFFER_DEBUGGING) // Map non-portable errors to their portable counterparts. boost::system::error_code ec(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category()); if (ec.value() == ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED) { if (handler_op->cancel_token_.expired()) ec = boost::asio::error::operation_aborted; else ec = boost::asio::error::connection_reset; } else if (ec.value() == ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE) { ec = boost::asio::error::connection_refused; } // Make a copy of the handler so that the memory can be deallocated before // the upcall is made. Handler handler(handler_op->handler_); // Free the memory associated with the handler. ptr.reset(); // Call the handler. boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke( detail::bind_handler(handler, ec, bytes_transferred), &handler); } static void destroy_impl(operation* op) { // Take ownership of the operation object. typedef send_operation
op_type; op_type* handler_op(static_cast
(op)); typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; handler_ptr
ptr(handler_op->handler_, handler_op); } boost::asio::io_service::work work_; weak_cancel_token_type cancel_token_; ConstBufferSequence buffers_; Handler handler_; }; // Start an asynchronous send. The data being sent must be valid for the // lifetime of the asynchronous operation. template
void async_send(implementation_type& impl, const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, socket_base::message_flags flags, Handler handler) { if (!is_open(impl)) { this->get_io_service().post(bind_handler(handler, boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor, 0)); return; } #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Update the ID of the thread from which cancellation is safe. if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ == 0) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); else if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ != ::GetCurrentThreadId()) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ~DWORD(0); #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Allocate and construct an operation to wrap the handler. typedef send_operation
value_type; typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; raw_handler_ptr
raw_ptr(handler); handler_ptr
ptr(raw_ptr, iocp_service_, impl.cancel_token_, buffers, handler); // Copy buffers into WSABUF array. ::WSABUF bufs[max_buffers]; typename ConstBufferSequence::const_iterator iter = buffers.begin(); typename ConstBufferSequence::const_iterator end = buffers.end(); DWORD i = 0; size_t total_buffer_size = 0; for (; iter != end && i < max_buffers; ++iter, ++i) { boost::asio::const_buffer buffer(*iter); bufs[i].len = static_cast
(boost::asio::buffer_size(buffer)); bufs[i].buf = const_cast
( boost::asio::buffer_cast
(buffer)); total_buffer_size += boost::asio::buffer_size(buffer); } // A request to receive 0 bytes on a stream socket is a no-op. if (impl.protocol_.type() == SOCK_STREAM && total_buffer_size == 0) { boost::asio::io_service::work work(this->get_io_service()); ptr.reset(); boost::system::error_code error;, error, 0)); return; } // Send the data. DWORD bytes_transferred = 0; int result = ::WSASend(impl.socket_, bufs, i, &bytes_transferred, flags, ptr.get(), 0); DWORD last_error = ::WSAGetLastError(); // Check if the operation completed immediately. if (result != 0 && last_error != WSA_IO_PENDING) { boost::asio::io_service::work work(this->get_io_service()); ptr.reset(); boost::system::error_code ec(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category());, ec, bytes_transferred)); } else { ptr.release(); } } // Send a datagram to the specified endpoint. Returns the number of bytes // sent. template
size_t send_to(implementation_type& impl, const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, const endpoint_type& destination, socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return 0; } // Copy buffers into WSABUF array. ::WSABUF bufs[max_buffers]; typename ConstBufferSequence::const_iterator iter = buffers.begin(); typename ConstBufferSequence::const_iterator end = buffers.end(); DWORD i = 0; for (; iter != end && i < max_buffers; ++iter, ++i) { boost::asio::const_buffer buffer(*iter); bufs[i].len = static_cast
(boost::asio::buffer_size(buffer)); bufs[i].buf = const_cast
( boost::asio::buffer_cast
(buffer)); } // Send the data. DWORD bytes_transferred = 0; int result = ::WSASendTo(impl.socket_, bufs, i, &bytes_transferred, flags,, static_cast
(destination.size()), 0, 0); if (result != 0) { DWORD last_error = ::WSAGetLastError(); if (last_error == ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE) last_error = WSAECONNREFUSED; ec = boost::system::error_code(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category()); return 0; } ec = boost::system::error_code(); return bytes_transferred; } template
class send_to_operation : public operation { public: send_to_operation(win_iocp_io_service& io_service, const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, Handler handler) : operation(io_service, &send_to_operation
::do_completion_impl, &send_to_operation
::destroy_impl), work_(io_service.get_io_service()), buffers_(buffers), handler_(handler) { } private: static void do_completion_impl(operation* op, DWORD last_error, size_t bytes_transferred) { // Take ownership of the operation object. typedef send_to_operation
op_type; op_type* handler_op(static_cast
(op)); typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; handler_ptr
ptr(handler_op->handler_, handler_op); #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_BUFFER_DEBUGGING) // Check whether buffers are still valid. typename ConstBufferSequence::const_iterator iter = handler_op->buffers_.begin(); typename ConstBufferSequence::const_iterator end = handler_op->buffers_.end(); while (iter != end) { boost::asio::const_buffer buffer(*iter); boost::asio::buffer_cast
(buffer); ++iter; } #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_BUFFER_DEBUGGING) // Map non-portable errors to their portable counterparts. boost::system::error_code ec(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category()); if (ec.value() == ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE) { ec = boost::asio::error::connection_refused; } // Make a copy of the handler so that the memory can be deallocated before // the upcall is made. Handler handler(handler_op->handler_); // Free the memory associated with the handler. ptr.reset(); // Call the handler. boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke( detail::bind_handler(handler, ec, bytes_transferred), &handler); } static void destroy_impl(operation* op) { // Take ownership of the operation object. typedef send_to_operation
op_type; op_type* handler_op(static_cast
(op)); typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; handler_ptr
ptr(handler_op->handler_, handler_op); } boost::asio::io_service::work work_; ConstBufferSequence buffers_; Handler handler_; }; // Start an asynchronous send. The data being sent must be valid for the // lifetime of the asynchronous operation. template
void async_send_to(implementation_type& impl, const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, const endpoint_type& destination, socket_base::message_flags flags, Handler handler) { if (!is_open(impl)) { this->get_io_service().post(bind_handler(handler, boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor, 0)); return; } #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Update the ID of the thread from which cancellation is safe. if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ == 0) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); else if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ != ::GetCurrentThreadId()) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ~DWORD(0); #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Allocate and construct an operation to wrap the handler. typedef send_to_operation
value_type; typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; raw_handler_ptr
raw_ptr(handler); handler_ptr
ptr(raw_ptr, iocp_service_, buffers, handler); // Copy buffers into WSABUF array. ::WSABUF bufs[max_buffers]; typename ConstBufferSequence::const_iterator iter = buffers.begin(); typename ConstBufferSequence::const_iterator end = buffers.end(); DWORD i = 0; for (; iter != end && i < max_buffers; ++iter, ++i) { boost::asio::const_buffer buffer(*iter); bufs[i].len = static_cast
(boost::asio::buffer_size(buffer)); bufs[i].buf = const_cast
( boost::asio::buffer_cast
(buffer)); } // Send the data. DWORD bytes_transferred = 0; int result = ::WSASendTo(impl.socket_, bufs, i, &bytes_transferred, flags,, static_cast
(destination.size()), ptr.get(), 0); DWORD last_error = ::WSAGetLastError(); // Check if the operation completed immediately. if (result != 0 && last_error != WSA_IO_PENDING) { boost::asio::io_service::work work(this->get_io_service()); ptr.reset(); boost::system::error_code ec(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category());, ec, bytes_transferred)); } else { ptr.release(); } } // Receive some data from the peer. Returns the number of bytes received. template
size_t receive(implementation_type& impl, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return 0; } // Copy buffers into WSABUF array. ::WSABUF bufs[max_buffers]; typename MutableBufferSequence::const_iterator iter = buffers.begin(); typename MutableBufferSequence::const_iterator end = buffers.end(); DWORD i = 0; size_t total_buffer_size = 0; for (; iter != end && i < max_buffers; ++iter, ++i) { boost::asio::mutable_buffer buffer(*iter); bufs[i].len = static_cast
(boost::asio::buffer_size(buffer)); bufs[i].buf = boost::asio::buffer_cast
(buffer); total_buffer_size += boost::asio::buffer_size(buffer); } // A request to receive 0 bytes on a stream socket is a no-op. if (impl.protocol_.type() == SOCK_STREAM && total_buffer_size == 0) { ec = boost::system::error_code(); return 0; } // Receive some data. DWORD bytes_transferred = 0; DWORD recv_flags = flags; int result = ::WSARecv(impl.socket_, bufs, i, &bytes_transferred, &recv_flags, 0, 0); if (result != 0) { DWORD last_error = ::WSAGetLastError(); if (last_error == ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED) last_error = WSAECONNRESET; else if (last_error == ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE) last_error = WSAECONNREFUSED; ec = boost::system::error_code(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category()); return 0; } if (bytes_transferred == 0) { ec = boost::asio::error::eof; return 0; } ec = boost::system::error_code(); return bytes_transferred; } template
class receive_operation : public operation { public: receive_operation(win_iocp_io_service& io_service, weak_cancel_token_type cancel_token, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, Handler handler) : operation(io_service, &receive_operation< MutableBufferSequence, Handler>::do_completion_impl, &receive_operation< MutableBufferSequence, Handler>::destroy_impl), work_(io_service.get_io_service()), cancel_token_(cancel_token), buffers_(buffers), handler_(handler) { } private: static void do_completion_impl(operation* op, DWORD last_error, size_t bytes_transferred) { // Take ownership of the operation object. typedef receive_operation
op_type; op_type* handler_op(static_cast
(op)); typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; handler_ptr
ptr(handler_op->handler_, handler_op); #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_BUFFER_DEBUGGING) // Check whether buffers are still valid. typename MutableBufferSequence::const_iterator iter = handler_op->buffers_.begin(); typename MutableBufferSequence::const_iterator end = handler_op->buffers_.end(); while (iter != end) { boost::asio::mutable_buffer buffer(*iter); boost::asio::buffer_cast
(buffer); ++iter; } #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_BUFFER_DEBUGGING) // Map non-portable errors to their portable counterparts. boost::system::error_code ec(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category()); if (ec.value() == ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED) { if (handler_op->cancel_token_.expired()) ec = boost::asio::error::operation_aborted; else ec = boost::asio::error::connection_reset; } else if (ec.value() == ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE) { ec = boost::asio::error::connection_refused; } // Check for connection closed. else if (!ec && bytes_transferred == 0) { ec = boost::asio::error::eof; } // Make a copy of the handler so that the memory can be deallocated before // the upcall is made. Handler handler(handler_op->handler_); // Free the memory associated with the handler. ptr.reset(); // Call the handler. boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke( detail::bind_handler(handler, ec, bytes_transferred), &handler); } static void destroy_impl(operation* op) { // Take ownership of the operation object. typedef receive_operation
op_type; op_type* handler_op(static_cast
(op)); typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; handler_ptr
ptr(handler_op->handler_, handler_op); } boost::asio::io_service::work work_; weak_cancel_token_type cancel_token_; MutableBufferSequence buffers_; Handler handler_; }; // Start an asynchronous receive. The buffer for the data being received // must be valid for the lifetime of the asynchronous operation. template
void async_receive(implementation_type& impl, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, socket_base::message_flags flags, Handler handler) { if (!is_open(impl)) { this->get_io_service().post(bind_handler(handler, boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor, 0)); return; } #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Update the ID of the thread from which cancellation is safe. if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ == 0) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); else if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ != ::GetCurrentThreadId()) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ~DWORD(0); #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Allocate and construct an operation to wrap the handler. typedef receive_operation
value_type; typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; raw_handler_ptr
raw_ptr(handler); handler_ptr
ptr(raw_ptr, iocp_service_, impl.cancel_token_, buffers, handler); // Copy buffers into WSABUF array. ::WSABUF bufs[max_buffers]; typename MutableBufferSequence::const_iterator iter = buffers.begin(); typename MutableBufferSequence::const_iterator end = buffers.end(); DWORD i = 0; size_t total_buffer_size = 0; for (; iter != end && i < max_buffers; ++iter, ++i) { boost::asio::mutable_buffer buffer(*iter); bufs[i].len = static_cast
(boost::asio::buffer_size(buffer)); bufs[i].buf = boost::asio::buffer_cast
(buffer); total_buffer_size += boost::asio::buffer_size(buffer); } // A request to receive 0 bytes on a stream socket is a no-op. if (impl.protocol_.type() == SOCK_STREAM && total_buffer_size == 0) { boost::asio::io_service::work work(this->get_io_service()); ptr.reset(); boost::system::error_code error;, error, 0)); return; } // Receive some data. DWORD bytes_transferred = 0; DWORD recv_flags = flags; int result = ::WSARecv(impl.socket_, bufs, i, &bytes_transferred, &recv_flags, ptr.get(), 0); DWORD last_error = ::WSAGetLastError(); if (result != 0 && last_error != WSA_IO_PENDING) { boost::asio::io_service::work work(this->get_io_service()); ptr.reset(); boost::system::error_code ec(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category());, ec, bytes_transferred)); } else { ptr.release(); } } // Receive a datagram with the endpoint of the sender. Returns the number of // bytes received. template
size_t receive_from(implementation_type& impl, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, endpoint_type& sender_endpoint, socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return 0; } // Copy buffers into WSABUF array. ::WSABUF bufs[max_buffers]; typename MutableBufferSequence::const_iterator iter = buffers.begin(); typename MutableBufferSequence::const_iterator end = buffers.end(); DWORD i = 0; for (; iter != end && i < max_buffers; ++iter, ++i) { boost::asio::mutable_buffer buffer(*iter); bufs[i].len = static_cast
(boost::asio::buffer_size(buffer)); bufs[i].buf = boost::asio::buffer_cast
(buffer); } // Receive some data. DWORD bytes_transferred = 0; DWORD recv_flags = flags; int endpoint_size = static_cast
(sender_endpoint.capacity()); int result = ::WSARecvFrom(impl.socket_, bufs, i, &bytes_transferred, &recv_flags,, &endpoint_size, 0, 0); if (result != 0) { DWORD last_error = ::WSAGetLastError(); if (last_error == ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE) last_error = WSAECONNREFUSED; ec = boost::system::error_code(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category()); return 0; } if (bytes_transferred == 0) { ec = boost::asio::error::eof; return 0; } sender_endpoint.resize(static_cast
(endpoint_size)); ec = boost::system::error_code(); return bytes_transferred; } template
class receive_from_operation : public operation { public: receive_from_operation(win_iocp_io_service& io_service, endpoint_type& endpoint, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, Handler handler) : operation(io_service, &receive_from_operation< MutableBufferSequence, Handler>::do_completion_impl, &receive_from_operation< MutableBufferSequence, Handler>::destroy_impl), endpoint_(endpoint), endpoint_size_(static_cast
(endpoint.capacity())), work_(io_service.get_io_service()), buffers_(buffers), handler_(handler) { } int& endpoint_size() { return endpoint_size_; } private: static void do_completion_impl(operation* op, DWORD last_error, size_t bytes_transferred) { // Take ownership of the operation object. typedef receive_from_operation
op_type; op_type* handler_op(static_cast
(op)); typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; handler_ptr
ptr(handler_op->handler_, handler_op); #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_BUFFER_DEBUGGING) // Check whether buffers are still valid. typename MutableBufferSequence::const_iterator iter = handler_op->buffers_.begin(); typename MutableBufferSequence::const_iterator end = handler_op->buffers_.end(); while (iter != end) { boost::asio::mutable_buffer buffer(*iter); boost::asio::buffer_cast
(buffer); ++iter; } #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_BUFFER_DEBUGGING) // Map non-portable errors to their portable counterparts. boost::system::error_code ec(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category()); if (ec.value() == ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE) { ec = boost::asio::error::connection_refused; } // Check for connection closed. if (!ec && bytes_transferred == 0) { ec = boost::asio::error::eof; } // Record the size of the endpoint returned by the operation. handler_op->endpoint_.resize(handler_op->endpoint_size_); // Make a copy of the handler so that the memory can be deallocated before // the upcall is made. Handler handler(handler_op->handler_); // Free the memory associated with the handler. ptr.reset(); // Call the handler. boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke( detail::bind_handler(handler, ec, bytes_transferred), &handler); } static void destroy_impl(operation* op) { // Take ownership of the operation object. typedef receive_from_operation
op_type; op_type* handler_op(static_cast
(op)); typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; handler_ptr
ptr(handler_op->handler_, handler_op); } endpoint_type& endpoint_; int endpoint_size_; boost::asio::io_service::work work_; MutableBufferSequence buffers_; Handler handler_; }; // Start an asynchronous receive. The buffer for the data being received and // the sender_endpoint object must both be valid for the lifetime of the // asynchronous operation. template
void async_receive_from(implementation_type& impl, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, endpoint_type& sender_endp, socket_base::message_flags flags, Handler handler) { if (!is_open(impl)) { this->get_io_service().post(bind_handler(handler, boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor, 0)); return; } #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Update the ID of the thread from which cancellation is safe. if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ == 0) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); else if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ != ::GetCurrentThreadId()) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ~DWORD(0); #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Allocate and construct an operation to wrap the handler. typedef receive_from_operation
value_type; typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; raw_handler_ptr
raw_ptr(handler); handler_ptr
ptr(raw_ptr, iocp_service_, sender_endp, buffers, handler); // Copy buffers into WSABUF array. ::WSABUF bufs[max_buffers]; typename MutableBufferSequence::const_iterator iter = buffers.begin(); typename MutableBufferSequence::const_iterator end = buffers.end(); DWORD i = 0; for (; iter != end && i < max_buffers; ++iter, ++i) { boost::asio::mutable_buffer buffer(*iter); bufs[i].len = static_cast
(boost::asio::buffer_size(buffer)); bufs[i].buf = boost::asio::buffer_cast
(buffer); } // Receive some data. DWORD bytes_transferred = 0; DWORD recv_flags = flags; int result = ::WSARecvFrom(impl.socket_, bufs, i, &bytes_transferred, &recv_flags,, &ptr.get()->endpoint_size(), ptr.get(), 0); DWORD last_error = ::WSAGetLastError(); if (result != 0 && last_error != WSA_IO_PENDING) { boost::asio::io_service::work work(this->get_io_service()); ptr.reset(); boost::system::error_code ec(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category());, ec, bytes_transferred)); } else { ptr.release(); } } // Accept a new connection. template
boost::system::error_code accept(implementation_type& impl, Socket& peer, endpoint_type* peer_endpoint, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return ec; } // We cannot accept a socket that is already open. if (peer.is_open()) { ec = boost::asio::error::already_open; return ec; } for (;;) { boost::system::error_code ec; socket_holder new_socket; std::size_t addr_len = 0; if (peer_endpoint) { addr_len = peer_endpoint->capacity(); new_socket.reset(socket_ops::accept(impl.socket_, peer_endpoint->data(), &addr_len, ec)); } else { new_socket.reset(socket_ops::accept(impl.socket_, 0, 0, ec)); } if (ec) { if (ec == boost::asio::error::connection_aborted && !(impl.flags_ & implementation_type::enable_connection_aborted)) { // Retry accept operation. continue; } else { return ec; } } if (peer_endpoint) peer_endpoint->resize(addr_len); peer.assign(impl.protocol_, new_socket.get(), ec); if (!ec) new_socket.release(); return ec; } } template
class accept_operation : public operation { public: accept_operation(win_iocp_io_service& io_service, socket_type socket, socket_type new_socket, Socket& peer, const protocol_type& protocol, endpoint_type* peer_endpoint, bool enable_connection_aborted, Handler handler) : operation(io_service, &accept_operation
::do_completion_impl, &accept_operation
::destroy_impl), io_service_(io_service), socket_(socket), new_socket_(new_socket), peer_(peer), protocol_(protocol), peer_endpoint_(peer_endpoint), work_(io_service.get_io_service()), enable_connection_aborted_(enable_connection_aborted), handler_(handler) { } socket_type new_socket() { return new_socket_.get(); } void* output_buffer() { return output_buffer_; } DWORD address_length() { return sizeof(sockaddr_storage_type) + 16; } private: static void do_completion_impl(operation* op, DWORD last_error, size_t bytes_transferred) { // Take ownership of the operation object. typedef accept_operation
op_type; op_type* handler_op(static_cast
(op)); typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; handler_ptr
ptr(handler_op->handler_, handler_op); // Map Windows error ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED to connection_aborted. if (last_error == ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED) { last_error = WSAECONNABORTED; } // Restart the accept operation if we got the connection_aborted error // and the enable_connection_aborted socket option is not set. if (last_error == WSAECONNABORTED && !ptr.get()->enable_connection_aborted_) { // Reset OVERLAPPED structure. ptr.get()->Internal = 0; ptr.get()->InternalHigh = 0; ptr.get()->Offset = 0; ptr.get()->OffsetHigh = 0; ptr.get()->hEvent = 0; // Create a new socket for the next connection, since the AcceptEx call // fails with WSAEINVAL if we try to reuse the same socket. boost::system::error_code ec; ptr.get()->new_socket_.reset(); ptr.get()->new_socket_.reset(socket_ops::socket( ptr.get()->, ptr.get()->protocol_.type(), ptr.get()->protocol_.protocol(), ec)); if (ptr.get()->new_socket() != invalid_socket) { // Accept a connection. DWORD bytes_read = 0; BOOL result = ::AcceptEx(ptr.get()->socket_, ptr.get()->new_socket(), ptr.get()->output_buffer(), 0, ptr.get()->address_length(), ptr.get()->address_length(), &bytes_read, ptr.get()); last_error = ::WSAGetLastError(); // Check if the operation completed immediately. if (!result && last_error != WSA_IO_PENDING) { if (last_error == ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED || last_error == WSAECONNABORTED) { // Post this handler so that operation will be restarted again. ptr.get()->io_service_.post_completion(ptr.get(), last_error, 0); ptr.release(); return; } else { // Operation already complete. Continue with rest of this handler. } } else { // Asynchronous operation has been successfully restarted. ptr.release(); return; } } } // Get the address of the peer. endpoint_type peer_endpoint; if (last_error == 0) { LPSOCKADDR local_addr = 0; int local_addr_length = 0; LPSOCKADDR remote_addr = 0; int remote_addr_length = 0; GetAcceptExSockaddrs(handler_op->output_buffer(), 0, handler_op->address_length(), handler_op->address_length(), &local_addr, &local_addr_length, &remote_addr, &remote_addr_length); if (static_cast
(remote_addr_length) > peer_endpoint.capacity()) { last_error = WSAEINVAL; } else { using namespace std; // For memcpy. memcpy(, remote_addr, remote_addr_length); peer_endpoint.resize(static_cast
(remote_addr_length)); } } // Need to set the SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT option so that getsockname // and getpeername will work on the accepted socket. if (last_error == 0) { SOCKET update_ctx_param = handler_op->socket_; boost::system::error_code ec; if (socket_ops::setsockopt(handler_op->new_socket_.get(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT, &update_ctx_param, sizeof(SOCKET), ec) != 0) { last_error = ec.value(); } } // If the socket was successfully accepted, transfer ownership of the // socket to the peer object. if (last_error == 0) { boost::system::error_code ec; handler_op->peer_.assign(handler_op->protocol_, native_type(handler_op->new_socket_.get(), peer_endpoint), ec); if (ec) last_error = ec.value(); else handler_op->new_socket_.release(); } // Pass endpoint back to caller. if (handler_op->peer_endpoint_) *handler_op->peer_endpoint_ = peer_endpoint; // Make a copy of the handler so that the memory can be deallocated before // the upcall is made. Handler handler(handler_op->handler_); // Free the memory associated with the handler. ptr.reset(); // Call the handler. boost::system::error_code ec(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category()); boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke( detail::bind_handler(handler, ec), &handler); } static void destroy_impl(operation* op) { // Take ownership of the operation object. typedef accept_operation
op_type; op_type* handler_op(static_cast
(op)); typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; handler_ptr
ptr(handler_op->handler_, handler_op); } win_iocp_io_service& io_service_; socket_type socket_; socket_holder new_socket_; Socket& peer_; protocol_type protocol_; endpoint_type* peer_endpoint_; boost::asio::io_service::work work_; unsigned char output_buffer_[(sizeof(sockaddr_storage_type) + 16) * 2]; bool enable_connection_aborted_; Handler handler_; }; // Start an asynchronous accept. The peer and peer_endpoint objects // must be valid until the accept's handler is invoked. template
void async_accept(implementation_type& impl, Socket& peer, endpoint_type* peer_endpoint, Handler handler) { // Check whether acceptor has been initialised. if (!is_open(impl)) { this->get_io_service().post(bind_handler(handler, boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor)); return; } // Check that peer socket has not already been opened. if (peer.is_open()) { this->get_io_service().post(bind_handler(handler, boost::asio::error::already_open)); return; } #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Update the ID of the thread from which cancellation is safe. if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ == 0) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); else if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ != ::GetCurrentThreadId()) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ~DWORD(0); #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Create a new socket for the connection. boost::system::error_code ec; socket_holder sock(socket_ops::socket(, impl.protocol_.type(), impl.protocol_.protocol(), ec)); if (sock.get() == invalid_socket) { this->get_io_service().post(bind_handler(handler, ec)); return; } // Allocate and construct an operation to wrap the handler. typedef accept_operation
value_type; typedef handler_alloc_traits
alloc_traits; raw_handler_ptr
raw_ptr(handler); socket_type new_socket = sock.get(); bool enable_connection_aborted = (impl.flags_ & implementation_type::enable_connection_aborted); handler_ptr
ptr(raw_ptr, iocp_service_, impl.socket_, new_socket, peer, impl.protocol_, peer_endpoint, enable_connection_aborted, handler); sock.release(); // Accept a connection. DWORD bytes_read = 0; BOOL result = ::AcceptEx(impl.socket_, ptr.get()->new_socket(), ptr.get()->output_buffer(), 0, ptr.get()->address_length(), ptr.get()->address_length(), &bytes_read, ptr.get()); DWORD last_error = ::WSAGetLastError(); // Check if the operation completed immediately. if (!result && last_error != WSA_IO_PENDING) { if (!enable_connection_aborted && (last_error == ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED || last_error == WSAECONNABORTED)) { // Post handler so that operation will be restarted again. We do not // perform the AcceptEx again here to avoid the possibility of starving // other handlers. iocp_service_.post_completion(ptr.get(), last_error, 0); ptr.release(); } else { boost::asio::io_service::work work(this->get_io_service()); ptr.reset(); boost::system::error_code ec(last_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category());, ec)); } } else { ptr.release(); } } // Connect the socket to the specified endpoint. boost::system::error_code connect(implementation_type& impl, const endpoint_type& peer_endpoint, boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (!is_open(impl)) { ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor; return ec; } // Perform the connect operation. socket_ops::connect(impl.socket_,, peer_endpoint.size(), ec); return ec; } template
class connect_handler { public: connect_handler(socket_type socket, bool user_set_non_blocking, boost::shared_ptr
completed, boost::asio::io_service& io_service, reactor_type& reactor, Handler handler) : socket_(socket), user_set_non_blocking_(user_set_non_blocking), completed_(completed), io_service_(io_service), reactor_(reactor), work_(io_service), handler_(handler) { } bool operator()(const boost::system::error_code& result) { // Check whether a handler has already been called for the connection. // If it has, then we don't want to do anything in this handler. if (*completed_) return true; // Cancel the other reactor operation for the connection. *completed_ = true; reactor_.enqueue_cancel_ops_unlocked(socket_); // Check whether the operation was successful. if (result) {, result)); return true; } // Get the error code from the connect operation. int connect_error = 0; size_t connect_error_len = sizeof(connect_error); boost::system::error_code ec; if (socket_ops::getsockopt(socket_, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &connect_error, &connect_error_len, ec) == socket_error_retval) {, ec)); return true; } // If connection failed then post the handler with the error code. if (connect_error) { ec = boost::system::error_code(connect_error, boost::asio::error::get_system_category());, ec)); return true; } // Revert socket to blocking mode unless the user requested otherwise. if (!user_set_non_blocking_) { ioctl_arg_type non_blocking = 0; if (socket_ops::ioctl(socket_, FIONBIO, &non_blocking, ec)) {, ec)); return true; } } // Post the result of the successful connection operation. ec = boost::system::error_code();, ec)); return true; } private: socket_type socket_; bool user_set_non_blocking_; boost::shared_ptr
completed_; boost::asio::io_service& io_service_; reactor_type& reactor_; boost::asio::io_service::work work_; Handler handler_; }; // Start an asynchronous connect. template
void async_connect(implementation_type& impl, const endpoint_type& peer_endpoint, Handler handler) { if (!is_open(impl)) { this->get_io_service().post(bind_handler(handler, boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor)); return; } #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Update the ID of the thread from which cancellation is safe. if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ == 0) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); else if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ != ::GetCurrentThreadId()) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ~DWORD(0); #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) // Check if the reactor was already obtained from the io_service. reactor_type* reactor = static_cast
( interlocked_compare_exchange_pointer( reinterpret_cast
(&reactor_), 0, 0)); if (!reactor) { reactor = &(boost::asio::use_service
( this->get_io_service())); interlocked_exchange_pointer( reinterpret_cast
(&reactor_), reactor); } // Mark the socket as non-blocking so that the connection will take place // asynchronously. ioctl_arg_type non_blocking = 1; boost::system::error_code ec; if (socket_ops::ioctl(impl.socket_, FIONBIO, &non_blocking, ec)) { this->get_io_service().post(bind_handler(handler, ec)); return; } // Start the connect operation. if (socket_ops::connect(impl.socket_,, peer_endpoint.size(), ec) == 0) { // Revert socket to blocking mode unless the user requested otherwise. if (!(impl.flags_ & implementation_type::user_set_non_blocking)) { non_blocking = 0; socket_ops::ioctl(impl.socket_, FIONBIO, &non_blocking, ec); } // The connect operation has finished successfully so we need to post the // handler immediately. this->get_io_service().post(bind_handler(handler, ec)); } else if (ec == boost::asio::error::in_progress || ec == boost::asio::error::would_block) { // The connection is happening in the background, and we need to wait // until the socket becomes writeable. boost::shared_ptr
completed(new bool(false)); reactor->start_write_and_except_ops(impl.socket_, connect_handler
( impl.socket_, (impl.flags_ & implementation_type::user_set_non_blocking) != 0, completed, this->get_io_service(), *reactor, handler)); } else { // Revert socket to blocking mode unless the user requested otherwise. if (!(impl.flags_ & implementation_type::user_set_non_blocking)) { non_blocking = 0; boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; socket_ops::ioctl(impl.socket_, FIONBIO, &non_blocking, ignored_ec); } // The connect operation has failed, so post the handler immediately. this->get_io_service().post(bind_handler(handler, ec)); } } private: // Helper function to close a socket when the associated object is being // destroyed. void close_for_destruction(implementation_type& impl) { if (is_open(impl)) { // Check if the reactor was created, in which case we need to close the // socket on the reactor as well to cancel any operations that might be // running there. reactor_type* reactor = static_cast
( interlocked_compare_exchange_pointer( reinterpret_cast
(&reactor_), 0, 0)); if (reactor) reactor->close_descriptor(impl.socket_); // The socket destructor must not block. If the user has changed the // linger option to block in the foreground, we will change it back to the // default so that the closure is performed in the background. if (impl.flags_ & implementation_type::close_might_block) { ::linger opt; opt.l_onoff = 0; opt.l_linger = 0; boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; socket_ops::setsockopt(impl.socket_, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &opt, sizeof(opt), ignored_ec); } boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; socket_ops::close(impl.socket_, ignored_ec); impl.socket_ = invalid_socket; impl.flags_ = 0; impl.cancel_token_.reset(); #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = 0; #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO) } } // Helper function to emulate InterlockedCompareExchangePointer functionality // for: // - very old Platform SDKs; and // - platform SDKs where MSVC's /Wp64 option causes spurious warnings. void* interlocked_compare_exchange_pointer(void** dest, void* exch, void* cmp) { #if defined(_M_IX86) return reinterpret_cast
(InterlockedCompareExchange( reinterpret_cast
(dest), reinterpret_cast
(exch), reinterpret_cast
(cmp))); #else return InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(dest, exch, cmp); #endif } // Helper function to emulate InterlockedExchangePointer functionality for: // - very old Platform SDKs; and // - platform SDKs where MSVC's /Wp64 option causes spurious warnings. void* interlocked_exchange_pointer(void** dest, void* val) { #if defined(_M_IX86) return reinterpret_cast
(InterlockedExchange( reinterpret_cast
(dest), reinterpret_cast
(val))); #else return InterlockedExchangePointer(dest, val); #endif } // The IOCP service used for running asynchronous operations and dispatching // handlers. win_iocp_io_service& iocp_service_; // The reactor used for performing connect operations. This object is created // only if needed. reactor_type* reactor_; // Mutex to protect access to the linked list of implementations. boost::asio::detail::mutex mutex_; // The head of a linked list of all implementations. implementation_type* impl_list_; }; } // namespace detail } // namespace asio } // namespace boost #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP) #include
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