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// Quake 3 data definitions // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // // This file must be identical in the quake and utils directories // contents flags are seperate bits // a given brush can contribute multiple content bits // these definitions also need to be in q_shared.h! #ifndef __Quake3Types_H__ #define __Quake3Types_H__ #define BSP_HEADER_ID (*(int*)"IBSP") #define BSP_HEADER_VER (46) #define BSP_ENTITIES_LUMP (0) #define BSP_SHADERS_LUMP (1) #define BSP_PLANES_LUMP (2) #define BSP_NODES_LUMP (3) #define BSP_LEAVES_LUMP (4) #define BSP_LFACES_LUMP (5) #define BSP_LBRUSHES_LUMP (6) #define BSP_MODELS_LUMP (7) #define BSP_BRUSH_LUMP (8) #define BSP_BRUSHSIDES_LUMP (9) #define BSP_VERTICES_LUMP (10) #define BSP_ELEMENTS_LUMP (11) #define BSP_FOG_LUMP (12) #define BSP_FACES_LUMP (13) #define BSP_LIGHTMAPS_LUMP (14) #define BSP_LIGHTVOLS_LUMP (15) #define BSP_VISIBILITY_LUMP (16) #define BSP_LIGHTMAP_BANKSIZE (128*128*3) #define CONTENTS_SOLID 1 // an eye is never valid in a solid #define CONTENTS_LAVA 8 #define CONTENTS_SLIME 16 #define CONTENTS_WATER 32 #define CONTENTS_FOG 64 #define CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL 0x8000 #define CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP 0x10000 #define CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP 0x20000 //bot specific contents types #define CONTENTS_TELEPORTER 0x40000 #define CONTENTS_JUMPPAD 0x80000 #define CONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL 0x100000 #define CONTENTS_DONOTENTER 0x200000 #define CONTENTS_ORIGIN 0x1000000 // removed before bsping an entity #define CONTENTS_BODY 0x2000000 // should never be on a brush, only in game #define CONTENTS_CORPSE 0x4000000 #define CONTENTS_DETAIL 0x8000000 // brushes not used for the bsp #define CONTENTS_STRUCTURAL 0x10000000 // brushes used for the bsp #define CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT 0x20000000 // don't consume surface fragments inside #define CONTENTS_TRIGGER 0x40000000 #define CONTENTS_NODROP 0x80000000 // don't leave bodies or items (death fog, lava) #define SURF_NODAMAGE 0x1 // never give falling damage #define SURF_SLICK 0x2 // effects game physics #define SURF_SKY 0x4 // lighting from environment map #define SURF_LADDER 0x8 #define SURF_NOIMPACT 0x10 // don't make missile explosions #define SURF_NOMARKS 0x20 // don't leave missile marks #define SURF_FLESH 0x40 // make flesh sounds and effects #define SURF_NODRAW 0x80 // don't generate a drawsurface at all #define SURF_HINT 0x100 // make a primary bsp splitter #define SURF_SKIP 0x200 // completely ignore, allowing non-closed brushes #define SURF_NOLIGHTMAP 0x400 // surface doesn't need a lightmap #define SURF_POINTLIGHT 0x800 // generate lighting info at vertexes #define SURF_METALSTEPS 0x1000 // clanking footsteps #define SURF_NOSTEPS 0x2000 // no footstep sounds #define SURF_NONSOLID 0x4000 // don't collide against curves with this set #define SURF_LIGHTFILTER 0x8000 // act as a light filter during q3map -light #define SURF_ALPHASHADOW 0x10000 // do per-pixel light shadow casting in q3map #define SURF_NODLIGHT 0x20000 // don't dlight even if solid (solid lava, skies) /* Shader flags */ enum { SHADER_NOCULL = 1 << 0, SHADER_TRANSPARENT = 1 << 1, SHADER_DEPTHWRITE = 1 << 2, SHADER_SKY = 1 << 3, SHADER_NOMIPMAPS = 1 << 4, SHADER_NEEDCOLOURS = 1 << 5, SHADER_DEFORMVERTS = 1 << 6 }; /* Shaderpass flags */ enum { SHADER_LIGHTMAP = 1 << 0, SHADER_BLEND = 1 << 1, SHADER_ALPHAFUNC = 1 << 3, SHADER_TCMOD = 1 << 4, SHADER_ANIMMAP = 1 << 5, SHADER_TCGEN_ENV = 1 << 6 }; /* Transform functions */ enum WaveType { SHADER_FUNC_NONE = 0, SHADER_FUNC_SIN = 1, SHADER_FUNC_TRIANGLE = 2, SHADER_FUNC_SQUARE = 3, SHADER_FUNC_SAWTOOTH = 4, SHADER_FUNC_INVERSESAWTOOTH = 5 }; /* *Gen functions */ enum GenFunc { SHADER_GEN_IDENTITY = 0, SHADER_GEN_WAVE = 1, SHADER_GEN_VERTEX = 2 }; enum TexGen { TEXGEN_BASE = 0, // Coord set 0 TEXGEN_LIGHTMAP = 1, // Coord set 1 TEXGEN_ENVIRONMENT = 2 // Neither, generated }; enum DeformFunc { DEFORM_FUNC_NONE = 0, DEFORM_FUNC_BULGE = 1, DEFORM_FUNC_WAVE = 2, DEFORM_FUNC_NORMAL = 3, DEFORM_FUNC_MOVE = 4, DEFORM_FUNC_AUTOSPRITE = 5, DEFORM_FUNC_AUTOSPRITE2 = 6 }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // bsp contents // struct bsp_plane_t { float normal[3]; float dist; }; struct bsp_model_t { float bbox[6]; int face_start; int face_count; int brush_start; int brush_count; }; struct bsp_node_t { int plane; // dividing plane //int children[2]; // left and right nodes, // negative are leaves int front; int back; int bbox[6]; }; struct bsp_leaf_t { int cluster; // visibility cluster number int area; int bbox[6]; int face_start; int face_count; int brush_start; int brush_count; }; #define BSP_FACETYPE_NORMAL (1) #define BSP_FACETYPE_PATCH (2) #define BSP_FACETYPE_MESH (3) #define BSP_FACETYPE_FLARE (4) struct bsp_face_t { int shader; // shader ref int unknown; int type; // face type int vert_start; int vert_count; int elem_start; int elem_count; int lm_texture; // lightmap int lm_offset[2]; int lm_size[2]; float org[3]; // facetype_normal only float bbox[6]; // facetype_patch only float normal[3]; // facetype_normal only int mesh_cp[2]; // patch control point dims }; struct bsp_shader_t { char name[64]; int surface_flags; int content_flags; }; struct bsp_vertex_t { float point[3]; float texture[2]; float lightmap[2]; float normal[3]; int color; }; struct bsp_vis_t { int cluster_count; int row_size; unsigned char data[1]; }; // OGRE additions struct bsp_lump_entry_t { int offset; int size; }; struct bsp_header_t { char magic[4]; int version; bsp_lump_entry_t lumps[17]; }; // // Brushes sides in BSP tree // struct bsp_brushside_t { int planenum; int content; // ??shader?? }; // // Brushes in BSP tree // struct bsp_brush_t { int firstside; int numsides; int shaderIndex; }; #endif
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