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/*********************************************************************** filename: CEGUISystem.h created: 20/2/2004 author: Paul D Turner purpose: Defines interface for main GUI system class *************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2006 Paul D Turner & The CEGUI Development Team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CEGUISystem_h_ #define _CEGUISystem_h_ #include "CEGUIBase.h" #include "CEGUIString.h" #include "CEGUISingleton.h" #include "CEGUIRenderer.h" #include "CEGUIMouseCursor.h" #include "CEGUIInputEvent.h" #include "CEGUIResourceProvider.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4275) # pragma warning(disable : 4251) #endif // Start of CEGUI namespace section namespace CEGUI { //! Implementation struct that tracks and controls multiclick for mouse buttons. struct MouseClickTrackerImpl; /*! \brief The System class is the CEGUI class that provides access to all other elements in this system. This object must be created by the client application. The System object requires that you pass it an initialised Renderer object which it can use to interface to whatever rendering system will be used to display the GUI imagery. */ class CEGUIEXPORT System : public Singleton
, public EventSet { public: static const String EventNamespace; //!< Namespace for global events /************************************************************************* Constants *************************************************************************/ static const double DefaultSingleClickTimeout; //!< Default timeout for generation of single click events. static const double DefaultMultiClickTimeout; //!< Default timeout for generation of multi-click events. static const Size DefaultMultiClickAreaSize; //!< Default allowable mouse movement for multi-click event generation. // event names static const String EventGUISheetChanged; //!< Name of event fired whenever the GUI sheet is changed. static const String EventSingleClickTimeoutChanged; //!< Name of event fired when the single-click timeout is changed. static const String EventMultiClickTimeoutChanged; //!< Name of event fired when the multi-click timeout is changed. static const String EventMultiClickAreaSizeChanged; //!< Name of event fired when the size of the multi-click tolerance area is changed. static const String EventDefaultFontChanged; //!< Name of event fired when the default font changes. static const String EventDefaultMouseCursorChanged; //!< Name of event fired when the default mouse cursor changes. static const String EventMouseMoveScalingChanged; //!< Name of event fired when the mouse move scaling factor changes. /************************************************************************* Construction and Destruction *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Construct a new System object \param renderer Pointer to the valid Renderer object that will be used to render GUI imagery. \param resourceProvider Pointer to a ResourceProvider object, or NULL to use whichever default the Renderer provides. \param xmlParser Pointer to a valid XMLParser object to be used when parsing XML files, or NULL to use a default parser. \param scriptModule Pointer to a ScriptModule object. may be NULL for none. \param configFile String object containing the name of a configuration file to use. \param logFile String object containing the name to use for the log file. */ System(Renderer* renderer, ResourceProvider* resourceProvider = 0, XMLParser* xmlParser = 0, ScriptModule* scriptModule = 0, const String& configFile = "", const String& logFile = "CEGUI.log"); /*! \brief Destructor for System objects. */ ~System(void); /*! \brief Return a pointer to the Renderer object being used by the system \return Pointer to the Renderer object used by the system. */ Renderer* getRenderer(void) const {return d_renderer;} /*! \brief Return singleton System object \return Singleton System object */ static System& getSingleton(void); /*! \brief Return pointer to singleton System object \return Pointer to singleton System object */ static System* getSingletonPtr(void); /*! \brief Set the default font to be used by the system \param name String object containing the name of the font to be used as the system default. \return Nothing. */ void setDefaultFont(const String& name); /*! \brief Set the default font to be used by the system \param font Pointer to the font to be used as the system default. \return Nothing. */ void setDefaultFont(Font* font); /*! \brief Return a pointer to the default Font for the GUI system \return Pointer to a Font object that is the default font in the system. */ Font* getDefaultFont(void) const {return d_defaultFont;} /*! \brief Causes a full re-draw next time renderGUI() is called \return Nothing */ void signalRedraw() {d_gui_redraw = true;} /*! \brief Return a boolean value to indicate whether a full re-draw is requested next time renderGUI() is called. \return true if a re-draw has been requested */ bool isRedrawRequested() const {return d_gui_redraw;} /*! \brief Render the GUI Depending upon the internal state, this may either re-use rendering from last time, or trigger a full re-draw from all elements. \return Nothing */ void renderGUI(void); /*! \brief Set the active GUI sheet (root) window. \param sheet Pointer to a Window object that will become the new GUI 'root' \return Pointer to the window that was previously set as the GUI root. */ Window* setGUISheet(Window* sheet); /*! \brief Return a pointer to the active GUI sheet (root) window. \return Pointer to the window object that has been set as the GUI root element. */ Window* getGUISheet(void) const {return d_activeSheet;} /*! \brief Return the current timeout for generation of single-click events. A single-click is defined here as a button being pressed and then released. \return double value equal to the current single-click timeout value. */ double getSingleClickTimeout(void) const {return d_click_timeout;} /*! \brief Return the current timeout for generation of multi-click events. A multi-click event is a double-click, or a triple-click. The value returned here is the maximum allowable time between mouse button down events for which a multi-click event will be generated. \return double value equal to the current multi-click timeout value. */ double getMultiClickTimeout(void) const {return d_dblclick_timeout;} /*! \brief Return the size of the allowable mouse movement tolerance used when generating multi-click events. This size defines an area with the mouse at the centre. The mouse must stay within the tolerance defined for a multi-click (double click, or triple click) event to be generated. \return Size object describing the current multi-click tolerance area size. */ const Size& getMultiClickToleranceAreaSize(void) const {return d_dblclick_size;} /*! \brief Set the timeout used for generation of single-click events. A single-click is defined here as a button being pressed and then released. \param timeout double value equal to the single-click timeout value to be used from now onwards. \return Nothing. */ void setSingleClickTimeout(double timeout); /*! \brief Set the timeout to be used for the generation of multi-click events. A multi-click event is a double-click, or a triple-click. The value returned here is the maximum allowable time between mouse button down events for which a multi-click event will be generated. \param timeout double value equal to the multi-click timeout value to be used from now onwards. \return Nothing. */ void setMultiClickTimeout(double timeout); /*! \brief Set the size of the allowable mouse movement tolerance used when generating multi-click events. This size defines an area with the mouse at the centre. The mouse must stay within the tolerance defined for a multi-click (double click, or triple click) event to be generated. \param sz Size object describing the multi-click tolerance area size to be used. \return Nothing. */ void setMultiClickToleranceAreaSize(const Size& sz); /*! \brief Return the currently set default mouse cursor image \return Pointer to the current default image used for the mouse cursor. May return NULL if default cursor has not been set, or has intentionally been set to NULL - which results in a blank default cursor. */ const Image* getDefaultMouseCursor(void) const {return d_defaultMouseCursor;} /*! \brief Set the image to be used as the default mouse cursor. \param image Pointer to an image object that is to be used as the default mouse cursor. To have no cursor rendered by default, you can specify NULL here. \return Nothing. */ void setDefaultMouseCursor(const Image* image); /*! \brief Set the image to be used as the default mouse cursor. \param image One of the MouseCursorImage enumerated values. \return Nothing. */ void setDefaultMouseCursor(MouseCursorImage image) {setDefaultMouseCursor((const Image*)image);} /*! \brief Set the image to be used as the default mouse cursor. \param imageset String object that contains the name of the Imageset that contains the image to be used. \param image_name String object that contains the name of the Image on \a imageset that is to be used. \return Nothing. \exception UnknownObjectException thrown if \a imageset is not known, or if \a imageset contains no Image named \a image_name. */ void setDefaultMouseCursor(const String& imageset, const String& image_name); /*! \brief Return the Window object that the mouse is presently within \return Pointer to the Window object that currently contains the mouse cursor, or NULL if none. */ Window* getWindowContainingMouse(void) const {return d_wndWithMouse;} /*! \brief Return a pointer to the ScriptModule being used for scripting within the GUI system. \return Pointer to a ScriptModule based object. */ ScriptModule* getScriptingModule(void) const; /*! \brief Set the ScriptModule to be used for scripting within the GUI system. \param scriptModule Pointer to a ScriptModule based object, or 0 for none (be careful!) \return Nothing */ void setScriptingModule(ScriptModule* scriptModule); /*! \brief Return a pointer to the ResourceProvider being used within the GUI system. \return Pointer to a ResourceProvider based object. */ ResourceProvider* getResourceProvider(void) const; /*! \brief Execute a script file if possible. \param filename String object holding the filename of the script file that is to be executed \param resourceGroup Resource group identifier to be passed to the ResourceProvider when loading the script file. */ void executeScriptFile(const String& filename, const String& resourceGroup = "") const; /*! \brief Execute a scripted global function if possible. The function should not take any parameters and should return an integer. \param function_name String object holding the name of the function, in the global script environment, that is to be executed. \return The integer value returned from the script function. */ int executeScriptGlobal(const String& function_name) const; /*! \brief If possible, execute script code contained in the given CEGUI::String object. \param str String object holding the valid script code that should be executed. \return Nothing. */ void executeScriptString(const String& str) const; /*! \brief return the current mouse movement scaling factor. \return float value that is equal to the currently set mouse movement scaling factor. Defaults to 1.0f. */ float getMouseMoveScaling(void) const; /*! \brief Set the current mouse movement scaling factor \param scaling float value specifying the scaling to be applied to mouse movement inputs. \return nothing. */ void setMouseMoveScaling(float scaling); /*! \brief Internal method used to inform the System object whenever a window is destroyed, so that System can perform any required housekeeping. \note This method is not intended for client code usage. If you use this method anything can, and probably will, go wrong! */ void notifyWindowDestroyed(const Window* window); /*! \brief Return the current system keys value. \return uint value representing a combination of the SystemKey bits. */ uint getSystemKeys(void) const { return d_sysKeys; } /*! \brief Return the XMLParser object. */ XMLParser* getXMLParser(void) const { return d_xmlParser; } /*! \brief Set the system default Tooltip object. This value may be NULL to indicate that no default Tooltip will be available. \param tooltip Pointer to a valid Tooltip based object which should be used as the default tooltip for the system, or NULL to indicate that no system default tooltip is required. Note that when passing a pointer to a Tooltip object, ownership of the Tooltip does not pass to System. \return Nothing. */ void setDefaultTooltip(Tooltip* tooltip); /*! \brief Set the system default Tooltip to be used by specifying a Window type. System will internally attempt to create an instance of the specified window type (which must be derived from the base Tooltip class). If the Tooltip creation fails, the error is logged and no system default Tooltip will be available. \param tooltipType String object holding the name of the Tooltip based Window type which should be used as the Tooltip for the system default. \return Nothing. */ void setDefaultTooltip(const String& tooltipType); /*! \brief return a poiter to the system default tooltip. May return 0. \return Pointer to the current system default tooltip. May return 0 if no system default tooltip is available. */ Tooltip* getDefaultTooltip(void) const { return d_defaultTooltip; } /*! \brief Internal method to directly set the current modal target. \note This method is called internally by Window, and must be used by client code. Doing so will most likely not have the expected results. */ void setModalTarget(Window* target) {d_modalTarget = target;} /*! \brief Return a pointer to the Window that is currently the modal target. \return Pointer to the current modal target. NULL if there is no modal target. */ Window* getModalTarget(void) const {return d_modalTarget;} /*! \brief Static member to set the name of the default XML parser module that should be used. If you want to modify the default parser from the one compiled in, you need to call this static member prior to instantiating the main CEGUI::System object. Note that calling this member to change the name of the default module after CEGUI::System, and therefore the default xml parser, has been created will have no real effect - the default parser name will be updated, though no actual changes to the xml parser module will occur. The built-in options for this are: - XercesParser - ExpatParser - LibxmlParser - TinyXMLParser Whether these are actually available, depends upon how you built the system. If you have some custom parser, you can provide the name of that here to have it used as the default, though note that the final filename of the parser module should be of the form: [prefix]CEGUI[parserName][suffix] where: - [prefix] is some optional prefix; like 'lib' on linux. - CEGUI is a required prefix. - [parserName] is the name of the parser, as supplied to this function. - [suffix] is the filename suffix, like .dll or .so Final module filenames are, thus, of the form: - CEGUIXercesParser.dll - \param parserName String describing the name of the xml parser module to be used as the default. \return Nothing. */ static void setDefaultXMLParserName(const String& parserName); /*! \brief Return the name of the currently set default xml parser module. \return String holding the currently set default xml parser name. Note that if this name has been changed after instantiating the system, the name returned may not actually correspond to the module in use. */ static const String getDefaultXMLParserName(); /************************************************************************* Input injection interface *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Method that injects a mouse movement event into the system \param delta_x amount the mouse moved on the x axis. \param delta_y amount the mouse moved on the y axis. \return - true if the input was processed by the gui system. - false if the input was not processed by the gui system. */ bool injectMouseMove(float delta_x, float delta_y); /*! \brief Method that injects that the mouse has left the application window \return - true if the generated mouse move event was handled. - false if the generated mouse move event was not handled. */ bool injectMouseLeaves(void); /*! \brief Method that injects a mouse button down event into the system. \param button One of the MouseButton values indicating which button was pressed. \return - true if the input was processed by the gui system. - false if the input was not processed by the gui system. */ bool injectMouseButtonDown(MouseButton button); /*! \brief Method that injects a mouse button up event into the system. \param button One of the MouseButton values indicating which button was released. \return - true if the input was processed by the gui system. - false if the input was not processed by the gui system. */ bool injectMouseButtonUp(MouseButton button); /*! \brief Method that injects a key down event into the system. \param key_code uint value indicating which key was pressed. \return - true if the input was processed by the gui system. - false if the input was not processed by the gui system. */ bool injectKeyDown(uint key_code); /*! \brief Method that injects a key up event into the system. \param key_code uint value indicating which key was released. \return - true if the input was processed by the gui system. - false if the input was not processed by the gui system. */ bool injectKeyUp(uint key_code); /*! \brief Method that injects a typed character event into the system. \param code_point Unicode code point of the character that was typed. \return - true if the input was processed by the gui system. - false if the input was not processed by the gui system. */ bool injectChar(utf32 code_point); /*! \brief Method that injects a mouse-wheel / scroll-wheel event into the system. \param delta float value representing the amount the wheel moved. \return - true if the input was processed by the gui system. - false if the input was not processed by the gui system. */ bool injectMouseWheelChange(float delta); /*! \brief Method that injects a new position for the mouse cursor. \param x_pos New absolute pixel position of the mouse cursor on the x axis. \param y_pos New absolute pixel position of the mouse cursoe in the y axis. \return - true if the generated mouse move event was handled. - false if the generated mouse move event was not handled. */ bool injectMousePosition(float x_pos, float y_pos); /*! \brief Method to inject time pulses into the system. \param timeElapsed float value indicating the amount of time passed, in seconds, since the last time this method was called. \return Currently, this method always returns true. */ bool injectTimePulse(float timeElapsed); private: // unimplemented constructors / assignment System(const System& obj); System& operator=(const System& obj); /************************************************************************* Implementation Constants *************************************************************************/ static const char CEGUIConfigSchemaName[]; //!< Filename of the XML schema used for validating Config files. /************************************************************************* Implementation Functions *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Given Point \a pt, return a pointer to the Window that should receive a mouse input if \a pt is the mouse location. \param pt Point object describing a screen location in pixels. \return Pointer to a Window object that should receive mouse input with the system in its current state and the mouse at location \a pt. */ Window* getTargetWindow(const Point& pt) const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the Window that should receive keyboard input considering the current modal target. \return Pointer to a Window object that should receive the keyboard input. */ Window* getKeyboardTargetWindow(void) const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the next window that is to receive the input if the given Window did not use it. \param w Pointer to the Window that just received the input. \return Pointer to the next window to receive the input. */ Window* getNextTargetWindow(Window* w) const; /*! \brief Translate a MouseButton value into the corresponding SystemKey value \param btn MouseButton value describing the value to be converted \return SystemKey value that corresponds to the same button as \a btn */ SystemKey mouseButtonToSyskey(MouseButton btn) const; /*! \brief Translate a Key::Scan value into the corresponding SystemKey value. This takes key direction into account, since we map two keys onto one value. \param key Key::Scan value describing the value to be converted \param direction true if the key is being pressed, false if the key is being released. \return SystemKey value that corresponds to the same key as \a key, or 0 if key was not a system key. */ SystemKey keyCodeToSyskey(Key::Scan key, bool direction); /*! \brief Handler method for display size change notifications */ bool handleDisplaySizeChange(const EventArgs& e); //! output the standard log header void outputLogHeader(); //! adds factories for all the basic window types void addStandardWindowFactories(); //! create the other core system singleton objects (except the logger) void createSingletons(); //! cleanup the core system singleton objects void destroySingletons(); //! handle creation and initialisation of the XML parser. void setupXMLParser(); //! handle cleanup of the XML parser void cleanupXMLParser(); /************************************************************************* Handlers for System events *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Handler called when the main system GUI Sheet (or root window) is changed. \a e is a WindowEventArgs with 'window' set to the old root window. */ void onGUISheetChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the single-click timeout value is changed. */ void onSingleClickTimeoutChanged(EventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the multi-click timeout value is changed. */ void onMultiClickTimeoutChanged(EventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the size of the multi-click tolerance area is changed. */ void onMultiClickAreaSizeChanged(EventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the default system font is changed. */ void onDefaultFontChanged(EventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the default system mouse cursor image is changed. */ void onDefaultMouseCursorChanged(EventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the mouse movement scaling factor is changed. */ void onMouseMoveScalingChanged(EventArgs& e); /************************************************************************* Implementation Data *************************************************************************/ Renderer* d_renderer; //!< Holds the pointer to the Renderer object given to us in the constructor ResourceProvider* d_resourceProvider; //!< Holds the pointer to the ResourceProvider object given to us by the renderer or the System constructor. Font* d_defaultFont; //!< Holds a pointer to the default GUI font. bool d_gui_redraw; //!< True if GUI should be re-drawn, false if render should re-use last times queue. Window* d_wndWithMouse; //!< Pointer to the window that currently contains the mouse. Window* d_activeSheet; //!< The active GUI sheet (root window) Window* d_modalTarget; //!< Pointer to the window that is the current modal target. NULL is there is no modal target. String d_strVersion; //!< CEGUI version uint d_sysKeys; //!< Current set of system keys pressed (in mk1 these were passed in, here we track these ourself). bool d_lshift; //!< Tracks state of left shift. bool d_rshift; //!< Tracks state of right shift. bool d_lctrl; //!< Tracks state of left control. bool d_rctrl; //!< Tracks state of right control. bool d_lalt; //!< Tracks state of left alt. bool d_ralt; //!< Tracks state of right alt. double d_click_timeout; //!< Timeout value, in seconds, used to generate a single-click (button down then up) double d_dblclick_timeout; //!< Timeout value, in seconds, used to generate multi-click events (botton down, then up, then down, and so on). Size d_dblclick_size; //!< Size of area the mouse can move and still make multi-clicks. MouseClickTrackerImpl* const d_clickTrackerPimpl; //!< Tracks mouse button click generation. // mouse cursor related const Image* d_defaultMouseCursor; //!< Image to be used as the default mouse cursor. // scripting ScriptModule* d_scriptModule; //!< Points to the scripting support module. String d_termScriptName; //!< Name of the script to run upon system shutdown. float d_mouseScalingFactor; //!< Scaling applied to mouse movement inputs. XMLParser* d_xmlParser; //!< XMLParser object we use to process xml files. bool d_ourXmlParser; //!< true when we created the xml parser. DynamicModule* d_parserModule; //! pointer to parser module. Tooltip* d_defaultTooltip; //!< System default tooltip object. bool d_weOwnTooltip; //!< true if System created the custom Tooltip. //!< Holds the connection to Renderer::EventDisplaySizeChanged so we can unsubscribe before we die. Event::Connection d_rendererCon; static String d_defaultXMLParserName; //!< Holds name of default XMLParser }; } // End of CEGUI namespace section #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif // end of guard _CEGUISystem_h_
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