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/*********************************************************************** filename: CEGUIRenderer.h created: 20/2/2004 author: Paul D Turner purpose: Defines interface for abstract Renderer class *************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2006 Paul D Turner & The CEGUI Development Team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CEGUIRenderer_h_ #define _CEGUIRenderer_h_ #include "CEGUIBase.h" #include "CEGUIString.h" #include "CEGUIRect.h" #include "CEGUIColourRect.h" #include "CEGUIEventSet.h" // Start of CEGUI namespace section namespace CEGUI { /*! \brief Enumerated type that contains the valid flags that can be to use when rendering image */ enum OrientationFlags { FlipHorizontal = 1, //!< Horizontal flip the image FlipVertical = 2, //!< Vertical flip the image RotateRightAngle = 4 //!< Rotate the image anticlockwise 90 degree }; /*! \brief Enumerated type that contains the valid diagonal-mode that specify how a quad is split into triangles when rendered with fx. a 3D API */ enum QuadSplitMode { TopLeftToBottomRight, //!< Diagonal goes from top-left to bottom-right BottomLeftToTopRight //!< Diagonal goes from bottom-left to top-right }; /*! \brief Abstract class defining the interface for Renderer objects. Objects derived from Renderer are the means by which the GUI system interfaces with specific rendering technologies. To use a rendering system or API to draw CEGUI imagery requires that an appropriate Renderer object be available. */ class CEGUIEXPORT Renderer : public EventSet { public: static const String EventNamespace; //!< Namespace for global events /************************************************************************* Event name constants *************************************************************************/ /*! event that fires when the underlying display size had changed. It is important that all Renderer implementers fire this properly as the system itself subscribes to this event. */ static const String EventDisplaySizeChanged; /************************************************************************* Abstract interface methods *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Add a quad to the rendering queue. All clipping and other adjustments should have been made prior to calling this. \param dest_rect Rect object describing the destination area (values are in pixels) \param z float value specifying the z co-ordinate / z order of the quad \param tex pointer to the Texture object that holds the imagery to be rendered \param texture_rect Rect object holding the area of \a tex that is to be rendered (values are in texture co-ordinates). \param colours ColourRect object describing the colour values that are to be applied when rendering. \param quad_split_mode One of the QuadSplitMode values specifying the way quads are split into triangles \return Nothing */ virtual void addQuad(const Rect& dest_rect, float z, const Texture* tex, const Rect& texture_rect, const ColourRect& colours, QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode) = 0; /*! \brief Perform final rendering for all quads that have been queued for rendering The contents of the rendering queue is retained and can be rendered again as required. If the contents is not required call clearRenderList(). \return Nothing */ virtual void doRender(void) = 0; /*! \brief Clears all queued quads from the render queue. \return Nothing */ virtual void clearRenderList(void) = 0; /*! \brief Enable or disable the queueing of quads from this point on. This only affects queueing. If queueing is turned off, any calls to addQuad will cause the quad to be rendered directly. Note that disabling queueing will not cause currently queued quads to be rendered, nor is the queue cleared - at any time the queue can still be drawn by calling doRender, and the list can be cleared by calling clearRenderList. Re-enabling the queue causes subsequent quads to be added as if queueing had never been disabled. \param setting true to enable queueing, or false to disable queueing (see notes above). \return Nothing */ virtual void setQueueingEnabled(bool setting) = 0; /*! \brief Creates a 'null' Texture object. \return a newly created Texture object. The returned Texture object has no size or imagery associated with it, and is generally of little or no use. */ virtual Texture* createTexture(void) = 0; /*! \brief Create a Texture object using the given image file. \param filename String object that specifies the path and filename of the image file to use when creating the texture. \param resourceGroup Resource group identifier to be passed to the resource provider when loading the texture file. \return a newly created Texture object. The initial contents of the texture memory is the requested image file. \note Textures are always created with a size that is a power of 2. If the file you specify is of a size that is not a power of two, the final size will be rounded up. Additionally, textures are always square, so the ultimate size is governed by the larger of the width and height of the specified file. You can check the ultimate sizes by querying the texture after creation. */ virtual Texture* createTexture(const String& filename, const String& resourceGroup) = 0; /*! \brief Create a Texture object with the given pixel dimensions as specified by \a size. NB: Textures are always square. \param size float value that specifies the size to use for the width and height when creating the new texture. \return a newly created Texture object. The initial contents of the texture memory is undefined / random. \note Textures are always created with a size that is a power of 2. If you specify a size that is not a power of two, the final size will be rounded up. So if you specify a size of 1024, the texture will be (1024 x 1024), however, if you specify a size of 1025, the texture will be (2048 x 2048). You can check the ultimate size by querying the texture after creation. */ virtual Texture* createTexture(float size) = 0; /*! \brief Destroy the given Texture object. \param texture pointer to the Texture object to be destroyed \return Nothing */ virtual void destroyTexture(Texture* texture) = 0; /*! \brief Destroy all Texture objects. \return Nothing */ virtual void destroyAllTextures(void) = 0; /*! \brief Return whether queueing is enabled. \return true if queueing is enabled, false if queueing is disabled. */ virtual bool isQueueingEnabled(void) const = 0; /*! \brief Return the current width of the display in pixels \return float value equal to the current width of the display in pixels. */ virtual float getWidth(void) const = 0; /*! \brief Return the current height of the display in pixels \return float value equal to the current height of the display in pixels. */ virtual float getHeight(void) const = 0; /*! \brief Return the size of the display in pixels \return Size object describing the dimensions of the current display. */ virtual Size getSize(void) const = 0; /*! \brief Return a Rect describing the screen \return A Rect object that describes the screen area. Typically, the top-left values are always 0, and the size of the area described is equal to the screen resolution. */ virtual Rect getRect(void) const = 0; /*! \brief Return the maximum texture size available \return Size of the maximum supported texture in pixels (textures are always assumed to be square) */ virtual uint getMaxTextureSize(void) const = 0; /*! \brief Return the horizontal display resolution dpi \return horizontal resolution of the display in dpi. */ virtual uint getHorzScreenDPI(void) const = 0; /*! \brief Return the vertical display resolution dpi \return vertical resolution of the display in dpi. */ virtual uint getVertScreenDPI(void) const = 0; /************************************************************************* Basic stuff we provide in base class *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Reset the z co-ordinate for rendering. \return Nothing */ void resetZValue(void) {d_current_z = GuiZInitialValue;} /*! \brief Update the z co-ordinate for the next major UI element (window). \return Nothing */ void advanceZValue(void) {d_current_z -= GuiZElementStep;} /*! \brief return the current Z value to use (equates to layer 0 for this UI element). \return float value that specifies the z co-ordinate to be used for layer 0 on the current GUI element. */ float getCurrentZ(void) const {return d_current_z;} /*! \brief return the z co-ordinate to use for the requested layer on the current GUI element. \param layer Specifies the layer to return the Z co-ordinate for. Each GUI element can use up to 10 layers, so valid inputs are 0 to 9 inclusive. If you specify an invalid value for \a layer, results are undefined. \return float value that specifies the Z co-ordinate for layer \a layer on the current GUI element. */ float getZLayer(uint layer) const {return d_current_z - ((float)layer * GuiZLayerStep);} /*! \brief Return identification string for the renderer module. If the internal id string has not been set by the Renderer module creator, a generic string of "Unknown renderer" will be returned. \return String object holding a string that identifies the Renderer in use. */ const String& getIdentifierString() const; virtual ResourceProvider* createResourceProvider(void); protected: /************************************************************************* Construction and Destruction *************************************************************************/ Renderer(void); public: // for luabind support virtual ~Renderer(void); private: /************************************************************************* Implementation constants *************************************************************************/ static const float GuiZInitialValue; //!< Initial value to use for 'z' each frame. static const float GuiZElementStep; //!< Value to step 'z' for each GUI element. static const float GuiZLayerStep; //!< Value to step 'z' for each GUI layer. /************************************************************************* Implementation Data *************************************************************************/ float d_current_z; //!< The current z co-ordinate value. protected: ResourceProvider* d_resourceProvider; //!< Holds the pointer to the ResourceProvider object. String d_identifierString; //!< String that holds some id information about the renderer. }; } // End of CEGUI namespace section #endif // end of guard _CEGUIRenderer_h_
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