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/*********************************************************************** filename: CEGUIFont.h created: 21/2/2004 author: Paul D Turner purpose: Defines interface for the Font class *************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2006 Paul D Turner & The CEGUI Development Team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CEGUIFont_h_ #define _CEGUIFont_h_ #include "CEGUIBase.h" #include "CEGUIPropertySet.h" #include "CEGUIString.h" #include "CEGUIRect.h" #include "CEGUIVector.h" #include "CEGUIColourRect.h" #include "CEGUIXMLSerializer.h" #include "CEGUIImage.h" #include
#if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4251) #endif // Start of CEGUI namespace section namespace CEGUI { // Forward declarations for font properties namespace FontProperties { class NativeRes; class Name; class FileName; class ResourceGroup; class AutoScaled; } /*! \brief Enumerated type that contains valid formatting types that can be specified when rendering text into a Rect area (the formatting Rect). */ enum TextFormatting { /// All text is printed on a single line. The left-most character is aligned with the left edge of the formatting Rect. LeftAligned, /// All text is printed on a single line. The right-most character is aligned with the right edge of the formatting Rect. RightAligned, /// All text is printed on a single line. The text is centred horizontally in the formatting Rect. Centred, /// All text is printed on a single line. The left-most and right-most characters are aligned with the edges of the formatting Rect. Justified, /// Text is broken into multiple lines no wider than the formatting Rect. The left-most character of each line is aligned with the left edge of the formatting Rect. WordWrapLeftAligned, /// Text is broken into multiple lines no wider than the formatting Rect. The right-most character of each line is aligned with the right edge of the formatting Rect. WordWrapRightAligned, /// Text is broken into multiple lines no wider than the formatting Rect. Each line is centred horizontally in the formatting Rect. WordWrapCentred, /// Text is broken into multiple lines no wider than the formatting Rect. The left-most and right-most characters of each line are aligned with the edges of the formatting Rect. WordWrapJustified }; /*! \brief internal class representing a single font glyph. For TrueType fonts initially all FontGlyph's are empty (getImage() will return NULL), but they are filled by demand. */ class FontGlyph { private: /// The image which will be rendered. const Image* d_image; /// Amount to advance the pen after rendering this glyph float d_advance; public: /*! \brief construct an empty uninitialized FontGlyph */ FontGlyph () { } /*! \brief FontGlyph constructor. */ FontGlyph (float advance) : d_image (0), d_advance (advance) { } /*! \brief A better :-) FontGlyph constructor. */ FontGlyph (float advance, const Image *image) : d_image (image), d_advance (advance) { } /*! \brief Return the CEGUI::Image object rendered for this glyph. */ const Image* getImage () const { return d_image; } /*! \brief Return the parent CEGUI::Imageset object for this glyph. */ const Imageset* getImageset () const { return d_image->getImageset (); } /*! \brief Return the scaled pixel size of the glyph. */ Size getSize (float x_scale, float y_scale) const { return Size (getWidth (x_scale), getHeight (y_scale)); } /*! \brief Return the scaled widht of the glyph. */ float getWidth (float x_scale) const { return d_image->getWidth () * x_scale; } /*! \brief Return the scaled height of the glyph. */ float getHeight (float y_scale) const { return d_image->getHeight () * y_scale; } /*! \brief Return the rendered advance value for this glyph. The rendered advance value is the total number of pixels from the current pen position that will be occupied by this glyph when rendered. */ float getRenderedAdvance (float x_scale) const { return (d_image->getWidth () + d_image->getOffsetX ()) * x_scale; } /*! \brief Return the horizontal advance value for the glyph. The returned value is the number of pixels the pen should move horizontally to position itself ready to render the next glyph. This is not always the same as the glyph image width or rendererd advance, since it allows for horizontal overhangs. */ float getAdvance (float x_scale = 1.0) const { return d_advance * x_scale; } /*! \brief Set the horizontal advance value for the glyph. */ void setAdvance (float advance) { d_advance = advance; } /*! \brief Set the CEGUI::Image object rendered for this glyph. */ void setImage (const Image* image) { d_image = image; } }; /*! \brief Class that encapsulates text rendering functionality for a typeface A Font object is created for each unique typeface required. The Font class provides methods for loading typefaces from various sources, and then for outputting text via the Renderer object. This class is not specific to any font renderer, it just provides the basic interfaces needed to manage fonts. */ class CEGUIEXPORT Font : public PropertySet { protected: /************************************************************************* Friends so that only FontManager can create and destroy font objects *************************************************************************/ friend class FontManager; friend class Font_xmlHandler; friend class FontProperties::NativeRes; friend class FontProperties::Name; friend class FontProperties::FileName; friend class FontProperties::ResourceGroup; friend class FontProperties::AutoScaled; /************************************************************************* Implementation Data *************************************************************************/ typedef std::map
CodepointMap; /// Contains mappings from code points to Image objects CodepointMap d_cp_map; /// Name of this font. String d_name; /// Holds the name of the file used to create this font (either font file or imagset) String d_fileName; /// Holds the name of the font file's resource group String d_resourceGroup; /// hold default resource group for font loading. static String d_defaultResourceGroup; /// maximal font ascender (pixels above the baseline) float d_ascender; /// maximal font descender (negative pixels below the baseline) float d_descender; /// (ascender - descender) + linegap float d_height; /// true when auto-scaling is enabled. bool d_autoScale; /// current horizontal scaling factor. float d_horzScaling; /// current vertical scaling factor. float d_vertScaling; /// native horizontal resolution for this Imageset. float d_nativeHorzRes; /// native vertical resolution for this Imageset. float d_nativeVertRes; /// Maximal codepoint for font glyphs utf32 d_maxCodepoint; /*! \brief This bitmap holds information about loaded 'pages' of glyphs. A glyph page is a set of 256 codepoints, starting at 256-multiples. For example, the 1st glyph page is 0-255, fourth is 1024-1279 etc. When a specific glyph is required for painting, the corresponding bit is checked to see if the respective page has been rasterized. If not, the rasterize() method is invoked, which prepares the glyphs from the respective glyph page for being painted. This array is big enough to hold at least max_codepoint bits. If this member is NULL, all glyphs are considered pre-rasterized. */ uint *d_glyphPageLoaded; /************************************************************************* Construction & Destruction *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Constructs a new semi-complete Font object. It is the responsability of the user to set up all remaining font parameters after constructing the Font object, and finally calling the load() method which will make font available for use. All font parameters that are not initialized are set to sensible default values. \param name The unique name that will be used to identify this Font. \param fontname The filename of the font file, which contains the font data. This can be a TrueType, PostScript, bitmap font etc file. \param resourceGroup Resource group identifier to be passed to the resource provider to load the font definition file. */ Font (const String& name, const String& fontname, const String& resourceGroup = ""); /*! \brief Constructs a new Font object and instantly loads it. The font is ready for use right after creation, there is no need to load() it. All data required by this font is loaded from the provided XMLAttributes object. \param attributes The XML attributes attached to this Font. \exception FileIOException thrown if there was some problem accessing or parsing the file \a filename \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if an invalid filename was provided. \exception AlreadyExistsException thrown if a Font Imageset clashes with one already defined in the system. \exception GenericException thrown if something goes wrong while accessing a true-type font referenced in file \a filename. \exception RendererException thrown if the Renderer can't support a texture large enough to hold the requested glyph imagery. \exception MemoryException thrown if allocation of imagery construction buffer fails. */ Font (const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Destroys a Font object */ virtual ~Font (); /*! \brief Define a glyph mapping (handle a
XML element) */ virtual void defineMapping (const XMLAttributes& attributes); /*! \brief Update the font as required according to the current parameters */ virtual void updateFont () = 0; /*! \brief draws wrapped text. returns number of lines output. */ size_t drawWrappedText (const String& text, const Rect& draw_area, float z, const Rect& clip_rect, TextFormatting fmt, const ColourRect& colours, float x_scale = 1.0f, float y_scale = 1.0f); /*! \brief helper function for renderWrappedText to get next word of a string */ size_t getNextWord (const String& in_string, size_t start_idx, String& out_string) const; /*! \brief Draw a line of text. No formatting is applied. */ void drawTextLine (const String& text, const Vector3& position, const Rect& clip_rect, const ColourRect& colours, float x_scale = 1.0f, float y_scale = 1.0f); /*! \brief Draw a justified line of text. */ void drawTextLineJustified (const String& text, const Rect& draw_area, const Vector3& position, const Rect& clip_rect, const ColourRect& colours, float x_scale = 1.0f, float y_scale = 1.0f); /*! \brief returns extent of widest line of wrapped text. */ float getWrappedTextExtent (const String& text, float wrapWidth, float x_scale = 1.0f); /*! \brief Return a pointer to the glyphDat struct for the given codepoint, or 0 if the codepoint does not have a glyph defined. \param codepoint utf32 codepoint to return the glyphDat structure for. \return Pointer to the glyphDat struct for \a codepoint, or 0 if no glyph is defined for \a codepoint. */ const FontGlyph* getGlyphData (utf32 codepoint); /*! \brief Set the maximal glyph index. This reserves the respective number of bits in the d_glyphPageLoaded array. */ void setMaxCodepoint (utf32 codepoint); /*! \brief This function prepares a certain range of glyphs to be ready for displaying. This means that after returning from this function glyphs from d_cp_map[start_codepoint] to d_cp_map[end_codepoint] should have their d_image member set. If there is an error during rasterization of some glyph, it's okay to leave the d_image field set to NULL, in which case such glyphs will be skipped from display. \param start_codepoint The lowest codepoint that should be rasterized \param end_codepoint The highest codepoint that should be rasterized */ virtual void rasterize (utf32 start_codepoint, utf32 end_codepoint); /*! \brief Writes an xml representation of this Font to \a out_stream. \param xml_stream Stream where xml data should be output. \return Nothing. */ void writeXMLToStream (XMLSerializer& xml_stream) const; /*! \brief Same as writeXMLToStream() but called from inside writeXMLToStream() so that derived classes may add their own attributes to stream. \param xml_stream Stream where xml data should be output. */ virtual void writeXMLToStream_impl (XMLSerializer& xml_stream) const = 0; /*! \brief Register all properties of this class. */ void addFontProperties (); public: /// Colour value used whenever a colour is not specified. static const argb_t DefaultColour; /*! \brief Complete font loading. If you create the font from an XML file, this method is invoked automatically after reading all the required data from the XMLAttributes object. If you create the font manually, it is your responsability to call this function as soon as you set up all the appropiate fields of the Font object. */ virtual void load () = 0; /*! \brief Return whether this Font can draw the specified code-point \param cp utf32 code point that is the subject of the query. \return true if the font contains a mapping for code point \a cp, false if it does not contain a mapping for \a cp. */ bool isCodepointAvailable (utf32 cp) const { return (d_cp_map.find(cp) != d_cp_map.end()); } /************************************************************************* Text drawing methods *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Draw text into a specified area of the display. \param text String object containing the text to be drawn. \param draw_area Rect object describing the area of the display where the text is to be rendered. The text is not clipped to this Rect, but is formatted using this Rect depending upon the option specified in \a fmt. \param z flat value specifying the z co-ordinate for the drawn text. \param clip_rect Rect object describing the clipping area for the drawing. No drawing will occur outside this Rect. \param fmt One of the TextFormatting values specifying the text formatting required. \param colours ColourRect object describing the colours to be applied when drawing the text. NB: The colours specified in here are applied to each glyph, rather than the text as a whole. \param x_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's x axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \param y_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's y axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return The number of lines output. NB: This does not consider clipping, so if all text was clipped, this would still return >=1. */ size_t drawText (const String& text, const Rect& draw_area, float z, const Rect& clip_rect, TextFormatting fmt, const ColourRect& colours, float x_scale = 1.0f, float y_scale = 1.0f); /*! \brief Draw text into a specified area of the display using default colours. \param text String object containing the text to be drawn. \param draw_area Rect object describing the area of the display where the text is to be rendered. The text is not clipped to this Rect, but is formatted using this Rect depending upon the option specified in \a fmt. \param z flat value specifying the z co-ordinate for the drawn text. \param clip_rect Rect object describing the clipping area for the drawing. No drawing will occur outside this Rect. \param fmt One of the TextFormatting values specifying the text formatting required. \param x_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's x axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \param y_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's y axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return The number of lines output. NB: This does not consider clipping, so if all text was clipped, this would still return >=1. */ size_t drawText (const String& text, const Rect& draw_area, float z, const Rect& clip_rect, TextFormatting fmt, float x_scale = 1.0f, float y_scale = 1.0f) { return drawText (text, draw_area, z, clip_rect, fmt, ColourRect (DefaultColour, DefaultColour, DefaultColour, DefaultColour), x_scale, y_scale); } /*! \brief Draw text into a specified area of the display with default colours and default formatting (LeftAligned). \param text String object containing the text to be drawn. \param draw_area Rect object describing the area of the display where the text is to be rendered. The text is not clipped to this Rect, but is formatted using this Rect depending upon the option specified in \a fmt. \param z flat value specifying the z co-ordinate for the drawn text. \param clip_rect Rect object describing the clipping area for the drawing. No drawing will occur outside this Rect. \param x_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's x axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \param y_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's y axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return Nothing. */ void drawText (const String& text, const Rect& draw_area, float z, const Rect& clip_rect, float x_scale = 1.0f, float y_scale = 1.0f) { drawText (text, draw_area, z, clip_rect, LeftAligned, ColourRect (DefaultColour, DefaultColour, DefaultColour, DefaultColour), x_scale, y_scale); } /*! \brief Draw text into a specified area of the display. \param text String object containing the text to be drawn. \param draw_area Rect object describing the area of the display where the text is to be rendered. The text is formatted using this Rect depending upon the option specified in \a fmt. Additionally, the drawn text is clipped to be within this Rect (applies to non-word wrapped formatting where the text may otherwise have fallen outside this Rect). \param z flat value specifying the z co-ordinate for the drawn text. \param fmt One of the TextFormatting values specifying the text formatting required. \param colours ColourRect object describing the colours to be applied when drawing the text. NB: The colours specified in here are applied to each glyph, rather than the text as a whole. \param x_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's x axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \param y_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's y axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return The number of lines output. NB: This does not consider clipping, so if all text was clipped, this would still return >=1. */ size_t drawText (const String& text, const Rect& draw_area, float z, TextFormatting fmt, const ColourRect& colours, float x_scale = 1.0f, float y_scale = 1.0f) { return drawText (text, draw_area, z, draw_area, fmt, colours, x_scale, y_scale); } /*! \brief Draw text into a specified area of the display with default colours. \param text String object containing the text to be drawn. \param draw_area Rect object describing the area of the display where the text is to be rendered. The text is formatted using this Rect depending upon the option specified in \a fmt. Additionally, the drawn text is clipped to be within this Rect (applies to non-word wrapped formatting where the text may otherwise have fallen outside this Rect). \param z flat value specifying the z co-ordinate for the drawn text. \param fmt One of the TextFormatting values specifying the text formatting required. \param x_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's x axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \param y_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's y axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return The number of lines output. NB: This does not consider clipping, so if all text was clipped, this would still return >=1. */ size_t drawText (const String& text, const Rect& draw_area, float z, TextFormatting fmt, float x_scale = 1.0f, float y_scale = 1.0f) { return drawText (text, draw_area, z, draw_area, fmt, ColourRect (DefaultColour, DefaultColour, DefaultColour, DefaultColour), x_scale, y_scale); } /*! \brief Draw text into a specified area of the display with default colours and default formatting (LeftAligned). \param text String object containing the text to be drawn. \param draw_area Rect object describing the area of the display where the text is to be rendered. The text is formatted using this Rect depending upon the option specified in \a fmt. Additionally, the drawn text is clipped to be within this Rect (applies to non-word wrapped formatting where the text may otherwise have fallen outside this Rect). \param z flat value specifying the z co-ordinate for the drawn text. \param x_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's x axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \param y_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's y axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return Nothing. */ void drawText (const String& text, const Rect& draw_area, float z, float x_scale = 1.0f, float y_scale = 1.0f) { drawText (text, draw_area, z, draw_area, LeftAligned, ColourRect (DefaultColour, DefaultColour, DefaultColour, DefaultColour), x_scale, y_scale); } /*! \brief Draw text at the specified location. \param text String object containing the text to be drawn. \param position Vector3 object describing the location for the text. NB: The position specified here corresponds to the text baseline and not the top of any glyph. The baseline spacing required can be retrieved by calling getBaseline(). \param clip_rect Rect object describing the clipping area for the drawing. No drawing will occur outside this Rect. \param colours ColourRect object describing the colours to be applied when drawing the text. NB: The colours specified in here are applied to each glyph, rather than the text as a whole. \param x_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's x axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \param y_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's y axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return Nothing. */ void drawText (const String& text, const Vector3& position, const Rect& clip_rect, const ColourRect& colours, float x_scale = 1.0f, float y_scale = 1.0f) { drawText (text, Rect (position.d_x, position.d_y, position.d_x, position.d_y), position.d_z, clip_rect, LeftAligned, colours, x_scale, y_scale); } /*! \brief Draw text at the specified location with default colours. \param text String object containing the text to be drawn. \param position Vector3 object describing the location for the text. NB: The position specified here corresponds to the text baseline and not the top of any glyph. The baseline spacing required can be retrieved by calling getBaseline(). \param clip_rect Rect object describing the clipping area for the drawing. No drawing will occur outside this Rect. \param x_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's x axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \param y_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's y axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return Nothing. */ void drawText (const String& text, const Vector3& position, const Rect& clip_rect, float x_scale = 1.0f, float y_scale = 1.0f) { drawText (text, Rect (position.d_x, position.d_y, position.d_x, position.d_y), position.d_z, clip_rect, LeftAligned, ColourRect(DefaultColour, DefaultColour, DefaultColour, DefaultColour), x_scale, y_scale); } /*! \brief Set the native resolution for this Font \param size Size object describing the new native screen resolution for this Font. \return Nothing */ virtual void setNativeResolution (const Size& size); /*! \brief Notify the Font of the current (usually new) display resolution. \param size Size object describing the display resolution \return Nothing */ virtual void notifyScreenResolution (const Size& size); /************************************************************************* Informational methods *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Return the pixel line spacing value for. \param y_scale Scaling factor to be applied to the line spacing, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return Number of pixels between vertical base lines, i.e. The minimum pixel space between two lines of text. */ float getLineSpacing (float y_scale = 1.0f) const { return d_height * y_scale; } /*! \brief return the exact pixel height of the font. \param y_scale Scaling factor to be applied to the height, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return float value describing the pixel height of the font without any additional padding. */ float getFontHeight (float y_scale = 1.0f) const { return (d_ascender - d_descender) * y_scale; } /*! \brief Return the number of pixels from the top of the highest glyph to the baseline \param y_scale Scaling factor to be applied to the baseline distance, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return pixel spacing from top of front glyphs to baseline */ float getBaseline (float y_scale = 1.0f) const { return d_ascender * y_scale; } /*! \brief Return the pixel width of the specified text if rendered with this Font. \param text String object containing the text to return the rendered pixel width for. \param x_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's x axis when measuring the extent, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return Number of pixels that \a text will occupy when rendered with this Font. */ float getTextExtent (const String& text, float x_scale = 1.0f); /*! \brief Return the index of the closest text character in String \a text that corresponds to pixel location \a pixel if the text were rendered. \param text String object containing the text. \param pixel Specifies the (horizontal) pixel offset to return the character index for. \param x_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's x axis when measuring the text extent, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return Returns a character index into String \a text for the character that would be rendered closest to horizontal pixel offset \a pixel if the text were to be rendered via this Font. Range of the return is from 0 to text.length(), so may actually return an index past the end of the string, which indicates \a pixel was beyond the last character. */ size_t getCharAtPixel (const String& text, float pixel, float x_scale = 1.0f) { return getCharAtPixel(text, 0, pixel, x_scale); } /*! \brief Return the index of the closest text character in String \a text, starting at character index \a start_char, that corresponds to pixel location \a pixel if the text were to be rendered. \param text String object containing the text. \param start_char index of the first character to consider. This is the lowest value that will be returned from the call. \param pixel Specifies the (horizontal) pixel offset to return the character index for. \param x_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's x axis when measuring the text extent, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return Returns a character index into String \a text for the character that would be rendered closest to horizontal pixel offset \a pixel if the text were to be rendered via this Font. Range of the return is from 0 to text.length(), so may actually return an index past the end of the string, which indicates \a pixel was beyond the last character. */ size_t getCharAtPixel (const String& text, size_t start_char, float pixel, float x_scale = 1.0f); /*! \brief Return the number of lines the given text would be formatted to. Since text formatting can result in multiple lines of text being output, it can be useful to know how many lines would be output without actually rendering the text. \param text String object containing the text to be measured. \param format_area Rect object describing the area to be used when formatting the text depending upon the option specified in \a fmt. \param fmt One of the TextFormatting values specifying the text formatting required. \param x_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's x axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return The number of lines produced from the specified formatting */ size_t getFormattedLineCount (const String& text, const Rect& format_area, TextFormatting fmt, float x_scale = 1.0f); /*! \brief Return the horizontal pixel extent given text would be formatted to. The value return by this method is basically the extent of the widest line within the formatted text. \param text String object containing the text to be measured. \param format_area Rect object describing the area to be used when formatting the text depending upon the option specified in \a fmt. \param fmt One of the TextFormatting values specifying the text formatting required. \param x_scale Scaling factor to be applied to each glyph's x axis, where 1.0f is considered to be 'normal'. \return The widest pixel extent of the lines produced from the specified formatting. */ float getFormattedTextExtent (const String& text, const Rect& format_area, TextFormatting fmt, float x_scale = 1.0f); /*! \brief Sets the default resource group to be used when loading font data \param resourceGroup String describing the default resource group identifier to be used. \return Nothing. */ static void setDefaultResourceGroup (const String& resourceGroup) { d_defaultResourceGroup = resourceGroup; } /*! \brief Returns the default resource group currently set for Fonts. \return String describing the default resource group identifier that will be used when loading font data. */ static const String& getDefaultResourceGroup () { return d_defaultResourceGroup; } }; } // End of CEGUI namespace section #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif // end of guard _CEGUIFont_h_
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