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#ifndef BOOST_STATECHART_SIMPLE_STATE_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_STATECHART_SIMPLE_STATE_HPP_INCLUDED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright 2002-2006 Andreas Huber Doenni // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompany- // ing file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include
// boost::polymorphic_downcast #include
// std::size_t namespace boost { namespace statechart { namespace detail { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template< class T > struct make_list : public mpl::eval_if< mpl::is_sequence< T >, mpl::identity< T >, mpl::identity< mpl::list< T > > > {}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template< class MostDerived, class Context, class InnerInitial > struct simple_state_base_type { private: typedef typename Context::outermost_context_base_type::allocator_type allocator_type; typedef typename Context::outermost_context_base_type::rtti_policy_type rtti_policy_type; typedef typename detail::make_list< InnerInitial >::type inner_initial_list; typedef typename mpl::size< inner_initial_list >::type inner_initial_list_size; public: typedef typename mpl::eval_if< mpl::empty< inner_initial_list >, mpl::identity< typename rtti_policy_type:: template rtti_derived_type< MostDerived, leaf_state< allocator_type, rtti_policy_type > > >, mpl::identity< typename rtti_policy_type:: template rtti_derived_type< MostDerived, node_state< inner_initial_list_size, allocator_type, rtti_policy_type > > > >::type type; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct no_transition_function { template< class CommonContext > void operator()( CommonContext & ) const {} }; template< class TransitionContext, class Event > class transition_function { public: transition_function( void ( TransitionContext::*pTransitionAction )( const Event & ), const Event & evt ) : pTransitionAction_( pTransitionAction ), evt_( evt ) { } template< class CommonContext > void operator()( CommonContext & commonContext ) const { ( commonContext.template context< TransitionContext >() .*pTransitionAction_ )( evt_ ); } private: void ( TransitionContext::*pTransitionAction_ )( const Event & ); const Event & evt_; }; template< bool contextHasInheritedDeepHistory, bool contextHasDeepHistory > struct deep_history_storer { template< class HistorizedState, class LeafState, class Context > static void store_deep_history( Context & ) {} }; template<> struct deep_history_storer< true, false > { template< class HistorizedState, class LeafState, class Context > static void store_deep_history( Context & ctx ) { ctx.template store_deep_history_impl< LeafState >(); } }; template<> struct deep_history_storer< true, true > { template< class HistorizedState, class LeafState, class Context > static void store_deep_history( Context & ctx ) { ctx.outermost_context_base().template store_deep_history< HistorizedState, LeafState >(); ctx.template store_deep_history_impl< LeafState >(); } }; } // namespace detail ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// enum history_mode { has_no_history, has_shallow_history, has_deep_history, has_full_history // shallow & deep }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template< class MostDerived, class Context, class InnerInitial = mpl::list<>, history_mode historyMode = has_no_history > class simple_state : public detail::simple_state_base_type< MostDerived, typename Context::inner_context_type, InnerInitial >::type { typedef typename detail::simple_state_base_type< MostDerived, typename Context::inner_context_type, InnerInitial >::type base_type; public: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef mpl::list<> reactions; typedef typename Context::inner_context_type context_type; template< detail::orthogonal_position_type innerOrthogonalPosition > struct orthogonal { typedef mpl::integral_c< detail::orthogonal_position_type, innerOrthogonalPosition > inner_orthogonal_position; typedef MostDerived inner_context_type; }; typedef typename context_type::outermost_context_type outermost_context_type; outermost_context_type & outermost_context() { // This assert fails when an attempt is made to access the state machine // from a constructor of a state that is *not* a subtype of state<>. // To correct this, derive from state<> instead of simple_state<>. BOOST_ASSERT( get_pointer( pContext_ ) != 0 ); return pContext_->outermost_context(); } const outermost_context_type & outermost_context() const { // This assert fails when an attempt is made to access the state machine // from a constructor of a state that is *not* a subtype of state<>. // To correct this, derive from state<> instead of simple_state<>. BOOST_ASSERT( get_pointer( pContext_ ) != 0 ); return pContext_->outermost_context(); } template< class OtherContext > OtherContext & context() { typedef typename mpl::if_< is_same< OtherContext, MostDerived >, context_impl_this_context, context_impl_other_context >::type impl; return impl::template context_impl< OtherContext >( *this ); } template< class OtherContext > const OtherContext & context() const { typedef typename mpl::if_< is_same< OtherContext, MostDerived >, context_impl_this_context, context_impl_other_context >::type impl; return impl::template context_impl< OtherContext >( *this ); } template< class Target > Target state_cast() const { return outermost_context_base().template state_cast< Target >(); } template< class Target > Target state_downcast() const { return outermost_context_base().template state_downcast< Target >(); } typedef typename context_type::state_base_type state_base_type; typedef typename context_type::state_iterator state_iterator; state_iterator state_begin() const { return outermost_context_base().state_begin(); } state_iterator state_end() const { return outermost_context_base().state_end(); } typedef typename context_type::event_base_ptr_type event_base_ptr_type; void post_event( const event_base_ptr_type & pEvent ) { outermost_context_base().post_event( pEvent ); } void post_event( const event_base & evt ) { outermost_context_base().post_event( evt ); } result discard_event() { return detail::result_utility::make_result( detail::do_discard_event ); } result forward_event() { return detail::result_utility::make_result( detail::do_forward_event ); } result defer_event() { this->state_base_type::defer_event(); return detail::result_utility::make_result( detail::do_defer_event ); } template< class DestinationState > result transit() { return transit_impl< DestinationState, outermost_context_type >( detail::no_transition_function() ); } template< class DestinationState, class TransitionContext, class Event > result transit( void ( TransitionContext::*pTransitionAction )( const Event & ), const Event & evt ) { return transit_impl< DestinationState, TransitionContext >( detail::transition_function< TransitionContext, Event >( pTransitionAction, evt ) ); } result terminate() { outermost_context_base().terminate_as_reaction( *this ); return detail::result_utility::make_result( detail::do_discard_event ); } template< class HistoryContext, detail::orthogonal_position_type orthogonalPosition > void clear_shallow_history() { outermost_context_base().template clear_shallow_history< HistoryContext, orthogonalPosition >(); } template< class HistoryContext, detail::orthogonal_position_type orthogonalPosition > void clear_deep_history() { outermost_context_base().template clear_deep_history< HistoryContext, orthogonalPosition >(); } protected: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// simple_state() : pContext_( 0 ) {} ~simple_state() { // As a result of a throwing derived class constructor, this destructor // can be called before the context is set. if ( get_pointer( pContext_ ) != 0 ) { if ( this->deferred_events() ) { outermost_context_base().release_events( this ); } pContext_->remove_inner_state( orthogonal_position::value ); } } public: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following declarations should be private. // They are only public because many compilers lack template friends. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef typename Context::inner_orthogonal_position orthogonal_position; // If you receive a // "use of undefined type 'boost::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE
'" or similar // compiler error here then either this state resides in a non-existent // orthogonal region of the outer state or the outer state does not have // inner states. BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( ( mpl::less< orthogonal_position, typename context_type::no_of_orthogonal_regions >::value ) ); typedef MostDerived inner_context_type; typedef mpl::integral_c< detail::orthogonal_position_type, 0 > inner_orthogonal_position; typedef typename context_type::event_base_type event_base_type; typedef typename context_type::rtti_policy_type rtti_policy_type; typedef typename context_type::outermost_context_base_type outermost_context_base_type; typedef typename context_type::inner_context_ptr_type context_ptr_type; typedef typename context_type::state_list_type state_list_type; typedef intrusive_ptr< inner_context_type > inner_context_ptr_type; typedef typename detail::make_list< InnerInitial >::type inner_initial_list; typedef typename mpl::size< inner_initial_list >::type inner_initial_list_size; typedef mpl::integral_c< detail::orthogonal_position_type, inner_initial_list_size::value > no_of_orthogonal_regions; typedef typename mpl::push_front< typename context_type::context_type_list, context_type >::type context_type_list; // If you receive a // "use of undefined type 'boost::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE
'" or similar // compiler error here then the direct or indirect context of this state // has deep history _and_ this state has two or more orthogonal regions. // Boost.Statechart does not currently support deep history in a state whose // direct or indirect inner states have two or more orthogonal regions. // Please consult the documentation on how to work around this limitation. BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( ( mpl::or_< mpl::less< no_of_orthogonal_regions, mpl::integral_c< detail::orthogonal_position_type, 2 > >, mpl::not_< typename context_type::inherited_deep_history > >::value ) ); typedef mpl::bool_< ( historyMode & has_shallow_history ) != 0 > shallow_history; typedef typename context_type::shallow_history stores_shallow_history; typedef mpl::bool_< ( historyMode & has_deep_history ) != 0 > deep_history; typedef typename mpl::or_< deep_history, typename context_type::inherited_deep_history >::type inherited_deep_history; typedef typename mpl::and_< inherited_deep_history, mpl::empty< inner_initial_list > >::type stores_deep_history; void * operator new( std::size_t size ) { return detail::allocate< MostDerived, typename outermost_context_type::allocator_type >( size ); } void operator delete( void * pState ) { detail::deallocate< MostDerived, typename outermost_context_type::allocator_type >( pState ); } outermost_context_base_type & outermost_context_base() { // This assert fails when an attempt is made to access the state machine // from a constructor of a state that is *not* a subtype of state<>. // To correct this, derive from state<> instead of simple_state<>. BOOST_ASSERT( get_pointer( pContext_ ) != 0 ); return pContext_->outermost_context_base(); } const outermost_context_base_type & outermost_context_base() const { // This assert fails when an attempt is made to access the state machine // from a constructor of a state that is *not* a subtype of state<>. // To correct this, derive from state<> instead of simple_state<>. BOOST_ASSERT( get_pointer( pContext_ ) != 0 ); return pContext_->outermost_context_base(); } virtual const state_base_type * outer_state_ptr() const { typedef typename mpl::if_< is_same< outermost_context_type, context_type >, outer_state_ptr_impl_outermost, outer_state_ptr_impl_non_outermost >::type impl; return impl::outer_state_ptr_impl( *this ); } virtual detail::reaction_result react_impl( const event_base_type & evt, typename rtti_policy_type::id_type eventType ) { typedef typename detail::make_list< typename MostDerived::reactions >::type reaction_list; detail::reaction_result reactionResult = local_react< reaction_list >( evt, eventType ); // At this point we can only safely access pContext_ if the handler did // not return do_discard_event! switch ( reactionResult ) { case detail::do_forward_event: // TODO: The following call to react_impl of our outer state should // be made with a context_type:: prefix to call directly instead of // virtually. For some reason the compiler complains... reactionResult = pContext_->react_impl( evt, eventType ); break; case detail::do_defer_event: outermost_context_base().defer_event( evt, this ); break; default: break; } return reactionResult; } virtual void exit_impl( typename base_type::direct_state_base_ptr_type & pSelf, typename state_base_type::node_state_base_ptr_type & pOutermostUnstableState, bool performFullExit ) { inner_context_ptr_type pMostDerivedSelf = polymorphic_downcast< MostDerived * >( this ); pSelf = 0; exit_impl( pMostDerivedSelf, pOutermostUnstableState, performFullExit ); } void exit_impl( inner_context_ptr_type & pSelf, typename state_base_type::node_state_base_ptr_type & pOutermostUnstableState, bool performFullExit ) { switch ( this->ref_count() ) { case 2: if ( get_pointer( pOutermostUnstableState ) == static_cast< state_base_type * >( this ) ) { pContext_->set_outermost_unstable_state( pOutermostUnstableState ); // fall through to next case intended } else { break; } case 1: { if ( get_pointer( pOutermostUnstableState ) == 0 ) { pContext_->set_outermost_unstable_state( pOutermostUnstableState ); } if ( performFullExit ) { pSelf->exit(); check_store_shallow_history< stores_shallow_history >(); check_store_deep_history< stores_deep_history >(); } context_ptr_type pContext = pContext_; pSelf = 0; pContext->exit_impl( pContext, pOutermostUnstableState, performFullExit ); break; } default: break; } } void set_outermost_unstable_state( typename state_base_type::node_state_base_ptr_type & pOutermostUnstableState ) { pOutermostUnstableState = this; } template< class OtherContext > const typename OtherContext::inner_context_ptr_type & context_ptr() const { typedef typename mpl::if_< is_same< OtherContext, context_type >, context_ptr_impl_my_context, context_ptr_impl_other_context >::type impl; return impl::template context_ptr_impl< OtherContext >( *this ); } static void initial_deep_construct( outermost_context_base_type & outermostContextBase ) { deep_construct( &outermostContextBase, outermostContextBase ); } static void deep_construct( const context_ptr_type & pContext, outermost_context_base_type & outermostContextBase ) { const inner_context_ptr_type pInnerContext( shallow_construct( pContext, outermostContextBase ) ); deep_construct_inner< inner_initial_list >( pInnerContext, outermostContextBase ); } static inner_context_ptr_type shallow_construct( const context_ptr_type & pContext, outermost_context_base_type & outermostContextBase ) { const inner_context_ptr_type pInnerContext( new MostDerived ); pInnerContext->set_context( pContext ); outermostContextBase.add( pInnerContext ); return pInnerContext; } void set_context( const context_ptr_type & pContext ) { BOOST_ASSERT( get_pointer( pContext ) != 0 ); pContext_ = pContext; base_type::set_context( orthogonal_position::value, get_pointer( pContext ) ); } template< class InnerList > static void deep_construct_inner( const inner_context_ptr_type & pInnerContext, outermost_context_base_type & outermostContextBase ) { typedef typename mpl::if_< mpl::empty< InnerList >, deep_construct_inner_impl_empty, deep_construct_inner_impl_non_empty >::type impl; impl::template deep_construct_inner_impl< InnerList >( pInnerContext, outermostContextBase ); } template< class LeafState > void store_deep_history_impl() { detail::deep_history_storer< context_type::inherited_deep_history::value, context_type::deep_history::value >::template store_deep_history< MostDerived, LeafState >( *pContext_ ); } private: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct context_ptr_impl_other_context { template< class OtherContext, class State > static const typename OtherContext::inner_context_ptr_type & context_ptr_impl( const State & stt ) { // This assert fails when an attempt is made to access an outer // context from a constructor of a state that is *not* a subtype of // state<>. To correct this, derive from state<> instead of // simple_state<>. BOOST_ASSERT( get_pointer( stt.pContext_ ) != 0 ); return stt.pContext_->template context_ptr< OtherContext >(); } }; friend struct context_ptr_impl_other_context; struct context_ptr_impl_my_context { template< class OtherContext, class State > static const typename OtherContext::inner_context_ptr_type & context_ptr_impl( const State & stt ) { // This assert fails when an attempt is made to access an outer // context from a constructor of a state that is *not* a subtype of // state<>. To correct this, derive from state<> instead of // simple_state<>. BOOST_ASSERT( get_pointer( stt.pContext_ ) != 0 ); return stt.pContext_; } }; friend struct context_ptr_impl_my_context; struct context_impl_other_context { template< class OtherContext, class State > static OtherContext & context_impl( State & stt ) { // This assert fails when an attempt is made to access an outer // context from a constructor of a state that is *not* a subtype of // state<>. To correct this, derive from state<> instead of // simple_state<>. BOOST_ASSERT( get_pointer( stt.pContext_ ) != 0 ); return stt.pContext_->template context< OtherContext >(); } }; friend struct context_impl_other_context; struct context_impl_this_context { template< class OtherContext, class State > static OtherContext & context_impl( State & stt ) { return *polymorphic_downcast< MostDerived * >( &stt ); } }; friend struct context_impl_this_context; template< class DestinationState, class TransitionContext, class TransitionAction > result transit_impl( const TransitionAction & transitionAction ) { typedef typename mpl::find_if< context_type_list, mpl::contains< typename DestinationState::context_type_list, mpl::placeholders::_ > >::type common_context_iter; typedef typename mpl::deref< common_context_iter >::type common_context_type; typedef typename mpl::distance< typename mpl::begin< context_type_list >::type, common_context_iter >::type termination_state_position; typedef typename mpl::push_front< context_type_list, MostDerived >::type possible_transition_contexts; typedef typename mpl::at< possible_transition_contexts, termination_state_position >::type termination_state_type; termination_state_type & terminationState( context< termination_state_type >() ); const typename common_context_type::inner_context_ptr_type pCommonContext( terminationState.context_ptr< common_context_type >() ); outermost_context_base_type & outermostContextBase( pCommonContext->outermost_context_base() ); #ifdef BOOST_STATECHART_RELAX_TRANSITION_CONTEXT typedef typename mpl::distance< typename mpl::begin< possible_transition_contexts >::type, typename mpl::find< possible_transition_contexts, TransitionContext >::type >::type proposed_transition_context_position; typedef typename mpl::plus< termination_state_position, mpl::long_< 1 > >::type uml_transition_context_position; typedef typename mpl::deref< typename mpl::max_element< mpl::list< proposed_transition_context_position, uml_transition_context_position >, mpl::greater< mpl::placeholders::_, mpl::placeholders::_ > >::type >::type real_transition_context_position; typedef typename mpl::at< possible_transition_contexts, real_transition_context_position >::type real_transition_context_type; #ifdef BOOST_MSVC # pragma warning( push ) # pragma warning( disable: 4127 ) // conditional expression is constant #endif if ( ( proposed_transition_context_position::value == 0 ) && ( inner_initial_list_size::value == 0 ) ) { transitionAction( *polymorphic_downcast< MostDerived * >( this ) ); outermostContextBase.terminate_as_part_of_transit( terminationState ); } else if ( proposed_transition_context_position::value >= uml_transition_context_position::value ) { real_transition_context_type & transitionContext = context< real_transition_context_type >(); outermostContextBase.terminate_as_part_of_transit( terminationState ); transitionAction( transitionContext ); } else { typename real_transition_context_type::inner_context_ptr_type pTransitionContext = context_ptr< real_transition_context_type >(); outermostContextBase.terminate_as_part_of_transit( *pTransitionContext ); transitionAction( *pTransitionContext ); pTransitionContext = 0; outermostContextBase.terminate_as_part_of_transit( terminationState ); } #ifdef BOOST_MSVC # pragma warning( pop ) #endif #else outermostContextBase.terminate_as_part_of_transit( terminationState ); transitionAction( *pCommonContext ); #endif typedef typename detail::make_context_list< common_context_type, DestinationState >::type context_list_type; // If you receive a // "use of undefined type 'boost::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE
'" or // similar compiler error here then you tried to make an invalid // transition between different orthogonal regions. BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( ( mpl::equal_to< typename termination_state_type::orthogonal_position, typename mpl::front< context_list_type >::type::orthogonal_position >::value ) ); detail::constructor< context_list_type, outermost_context_base_type >::construct( pCommonContext, outermostContextBase ); return detail::result_utility::make_result( detail::do_discard_event ); } struct local_react_impl_non_empty { template< class ReactionList, class State > static detail::reaction_result local_react_impl( State & stt, const event_base_type & evt, typename rtti_policy_type::id_type eventType ) { detail::reaction_result reactionResult = mpl::front< ReactionList >::type::react( *polymorphic_downcast< MostDerived * >( &stt ), evt, eventType ); if ( reactionResult == detail::no_reaction ) { reactionResult = stt.template local_react< typename mpl::pop_front< ReactionList >::type >( evt, eventType ); } return reactionResult; } }; friend struct local_react_impl_non_empty; struct local_react_impl_empty { template< class ReactionList, class State > static detail::reaction_result local_react_impl( State &, const event_base_type &, typename rtti_policy_type::id_type ) { return detail::do_forward_event; } }; template< class ReactionList > detail::reaction_result local_react( const event_base_type & evt, typename rtti_policy_type::id_type eventType ) { typedef typename mpl::if_< mpl::empty< ReactionList >, local_react_impl_empty, local_react_impl_non_empty >::type impl; return impl::template local_react_impl< ReactionList >( *this, evt, eventType ); } struct outer_state_ptr_impl_non_outermost { template< class State > static const state_base_type * outer_state_ptr_impl( const State & stt ) { return get_pointer( stt.pContext_ ); } }; friend struct outer_state_ptr_impl_non_outermost; struct outer_state_ptr_impl_outermost { template< class State > static const state_base_type * outer_state_ptr_impl( const State & ) { return 0; } }; struct deep_construct_inner_impl_non_empty { template< class InnerList > static void deep_construct_inner_impl( const inner_context_ptr_type & pInnerContext, outermost_context_base_type & outermostContextBase ) { typedef typename mpl::front< InnerList >::type current_inner; // If you receive a // "use of undefined type 'boost::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE
'" or // similar compiler error here then there is a mismatch between the // orthogonal position of a state and its position in the inner // initial list of its outer state. BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( ( is_same< current_inner, typename mpl::at< typename current_inner::context_type::inner_initial_list, typename current_inner::orthogonal_position >::type >::value ) ); current_inner::deep_construct( pInnerContext, outermostContextBase ); deep_construct_inner< typename mpl::pop_front< InnerList >::type >( pInnerContext, outermostContextBase ); } }; struct deep_construct_inner_impl_empty { template< class InnerList > static void deep_construct_inner_impl( const inner_context_ptr_type &, outermost_context_base_type & ) {} }; struct check_store_shallow_history_impl_no { template< class State > static void check_store_shallow_history_impl( State & ) {} }; struct check_store_shallow_history_impl_yes { template< class State > static void check_store_shallow_history_impl( State & stt ) { stt.outermost_context_base().template store_shallow_history< MostDerived >(); } }; friend struct check_store_shallow_history_impl_yes; template< class StoreShallowHistory > void check_store_shallow_history() { typedef typename mpl::if_< StoreShallowHistory, check_store_shallow_history_impl_yes, check_store_shallow_history_impl_no >::type impl; impl::check_store_shallow_history_impl( *this ); } struct check_store_deep_history_impl_no { template< class State > static void check_store_deep_history_impl( State & ) {} }; struct check_store_deep_history_impl_yes { template< class State > static void check_store_deep_history_impl( State & stt ) { stt.store_deep_history_impl< MostDerived >(); } }; friend struct check_store_deep_history_impl_yes; template< class StoreDeepHistory > void check_store_deep_history() { typedef typename mpl::if_< StoreDeepHistory, check_store_deep_history_impl_yes, check_store_deep_history_impl_no >::type impl; impl::check_store_deep_history_impl( *this ); } context_ptr_type pContext_; }; #ifdef BOOST_NO_ARGUMENT_DEPENDENT_LOOKUP } // namespace statechart #endif template< class MostDerived, class Context, class InnerInitial, history_mode historyMode > inline void intrusive_ptr_release( const ::boost::statechart::simple_state< MostDerived, Context, InnerInitial, historyMode > * pBase ) { if ( pBase->release() ) { // The cast is necessary because the simple_state destructor is non- // virtual (and inaccessible from this context) delete polymorphic_downcast< const MostDerived * >( pBase ); } } #ifndef BOOST_NO_ARGUMENT_DEPENDENT_LOOKUP } // namespace statechart #endif } // namespace boost #endif
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