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// Copyright David Abrahams 2001. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // #ifndef MAKE_CONSTRUCTOR_DWA20011221_HPP # define MAKE_CONSTRUCTOR_DWA20011221_HPP # include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
namespace boost { namespace python { namespace detail { template
struct install_holder : converter::context_result_converter { install_holder(PyObject* args_) : m_self(PyTuple_GetItem(args_, 0)) {} PyObject* operator()(T x) const { dispatch(x, is_pointer
()); return none(); } private: template
void dispatch(U* x, mpl::true_) const { std::auto_ptr
owner(x); dispatch(owner, mpl::false_()); } template
void dispatch(Ptr x, mpl::false_) const { typedef typename pointee
::type value_type; typedef objects::pointer_holder
holder; typedef objects::instance
instance_t; void* memory = holder::allocate(this->m_self, offsetof(instance_t, storage), sizeof(holder)); try { (new (memory) holder(x))->install(this->m_self); } catch(...) { holder::deallocate(this->m_self, memory); throw; } } PyObject* m_self; }; struct constructor_result_converter { template
struct apply { typedef install_holder
type; }; }; template
struct offset_args { offset_args(BaseArgs base_) : base(base_) {} BaseArgs base; }; template
inline PyObject* get(mpl::int_
, offset_args
const& args_) { return get(mpl::int_<(N+Offset::value)>(), args_.base); } template
inline unsigned arity(offset_args
const& args_) { return arity(args_.base) - Offset::value; } template
struct constructor_policy : BasePolicy_ { constructor_policy(BasePolicy_ base) : BasePolicy_(base) {} // If the BasePolicy_ supplied a result converter it would be // ignored; issue an error if it's not the default. #if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER < 1300 typedef is_same< typename BasePolicy_::result_converter , default_result_converter > same_result_converter; //see above for explanation BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(same_result_converter::value) ; #else BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_MSG( (is_same< typename BasePolicy_::result_converter , default_result_converter >::value) , MAKE_CONSTRUCTOR_SUPPLIES_ITS_OWN_RESULT_CONVERTER_THAT_WOULD_OVERRIDE_YOURS , (typename BasePolicy_::result_converter) ); #endif typedef constructor_result_converter result_converter; typedef offset_args
> argument_package; }; template
struct outer_constructor_signature { typedef typename mpl::pop_front
::type inner_args; typedef typename mpl::push_front
::type outer_args; typedef typename mpl::push_front
::type type; }; // ETI workaround template <> struct outer_constructor_signature
{ typedef int type; }; // // These helper functions for make_constructor (below) do the raw work // of constructing a Python object from some invokable entity. See //
for more information about how // the Sig arguments is used. // // @group make_constructor_aux { template
object make_constructor_aux( F f // An object that can be invoked by detail::invoke() , CallPolicies const& p // CallPolicies to use in the invocation , Sig const& // An MPL sequence of argument types expected by F ) { typedef typename outer_constructor_signature
::type outer_signature; typedef constructor_policy
inner_policy; return objects::function_object( objects::py_function( detail::caller
(f, inner_policy(p)) , outer_signature() ) ); } // As above, except that it accepts argument keywords. NumKeywords // is used only for a compile-time assertion to make sure the user // doesn't pass more keywords than the function can accept. To // disable all checking, pass mpl::int_<0> for NumKeywords. template
object make_constructor_aux( F f , CallPolicies const& p , Sig const& , detail::keyword_range const& kw // a [begin,end) pair of iterators over keyword names , NumKeywords // An MPL integral type wrapper: the size of kw ) { enum { arity = mpl::size
::value - 1 }; typedef typename detail::error::more_keywords_than_function_arguments< NumKeywords::value, arity >::too_many_keywords assertion; typedef typename outer_constructor_signature
::type outer_signature; typedef constructor_policy
inner_policy; return objects::function_object( objects::py_function( detail::caller
(f, inner_policy(p)) , outer_signature() ) , kw ); } // } // // These dispatch functions are used to discriminate between the // cases when the 3rd argument is keywords or when it is a // signature. // // @group Helpers for make_constructor when called with 3 arguments. { // template
object make_constructor_dispatch(F f, CallPolicies const& policies, Keywords const& kw, mpl::true_) { return detail::make_constructor_aux( f , policies , detail::get_signature(f) , kw.range() , mpl::int_
() ); } template
object make_constructor_dispatch(F f, CallPolicies const& policies, Signature const& sig, mpl::false_) { return detail::make_constructor_aux( f , policies , sig ); } // } } // These overloaded functions wrap a function or member function // pointer as a Python object, using optional CallPolicies, // Keywords, and/or Signature. @group { // template
object make_constructor(F f) { return detail::make_constructor_aux( f,default_call_policies(), detail::get_signature(f)); } template
object make_constructor(F f, CallPolicies const& policies) { return detail::make_constructor_aux( f, policies, detail::get_signature(f)); } template
object make_constructor( F f , CallPolicies const& policies , KeywordsOrSignature const& keywords_or_signature) { typedef typename detail::is_reference_to_keywords
::type is_kw; return detail::make_constructor_dispatch( f , policies , keywords_or_signature , is_kw() ); } template
object make_constructor( F f , CallPolicies const& policies , Keywords const& kw , Signature const& sig ) { return detail::make_constructor_aux( f , policies , sig , kw.range() , mpl::int_
() ); } // } }} #endif // MAKE_CONSTRUCTOR_DWA20011221_HPP
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