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// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file Editor.h ** Defines the main editor class. **/ // Copyright 1998-2003 by Neil Hodgson
// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #ifndef EDITOR_H #define EDITOR_H #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE namespace Scintilla { #endif /** */ class Caret { public: bool active; bool on; int period; Caret(); }; /** */ class Timer { public: bool ticking; int ticksToWait; enum {tickSize = 100}; TickerID tickerID; Timer(); }; /** */ class Idler { public: bool state; IdlerID idlerID; Idler(); }; /** * Hold a piece of text selected for copying or dragging. * The text is expected to hold a terminating '\0' and this is counted in len. */ class SelectionText { public: char *s; int len; bool rectangular; bool lineCopy; int codePage; int characterSet; SelectionText() : s(0), len(0), rectangular(false), lineCopy(false), codePage(0), characterSet(0) {} ~SelectionText() { Free(); } void Free() { Set(0, 0, 0, 0, false, false); } void Set(char *s_, int len_, int codePage_, int characterSet_, bool rectangular_, bool lineCopy_) { delete []s; s = s_; if (s) len = len_; else len = 0; codePage = codePage_; characterSet = characterSet_; rectangular = rectangular_; lineCopy = lineCopy_; } void Copy(const char *s_, int len_, int codePage_, int characterSet_, bool rectangular_, bool lineCopy_) { delete []s; s = new char[len_]; if (s) { len = len_; for (int i = 0; i < len_; i++) { s[i] = s_[i]; } } else { len = 0; } codePage = codePage_; characterSet = characterSet_; rectangular = rectangular_; lineCopy = lineCopy_; } void Copy(const SelectionText &other) { Copy(other.s, other.len, other.codePage, other.characterSet, other.rectangular, other.lineCopy); } }; /** */ class Editor : public DocWatcher { // Private so Editor objects can not be copied Editor(const Editor &) : DocWatcher() {} Editor &operator=(const Editor &) { return *this; } protected: // ScintillaBase subclass needs access to much of Editor /** On GTK+, Scintilla is a container widget holding two scroll bars * whereas on Windows there is just one window with both scroll bars turned on. */ Window wMain; ///< The Scintilla parent window /** Style resources may be expensive to allocate so are cached between uses. * When a style attribute is changed, this cache is flushed. */ bool stylesValid; ViewStyle vs; Palette palette; int printMagnification; int printColourMode; int printWrapState; int cursorMode; int controlCharSymbol; bool hasFocus; bool hideSelection; bool inOverstrike; int errorStatus; bool mouseDownCaptures; /** In bufferedDraw mode, graphics operations are drawn to a pixmap and then copied to * the screen. This avoids flashing but is about 30% slower. */ bool bufferedDraw; /** In twoPhaseDraw mode, drawing is performed in two phases, first the background * and then the foreground. This avoids chopping off characters that overlap the next run. */ bool twoPhaseDraw; int xOffset; ///< Horizontal scrolled amount in pixels int xCaretMargin; ///< Ensure this many pixels visible on both sides of caret bool horizontalScrollBarVisible; int scrollWidth; bool trackLineWidth; int lineWidthMaxSeen; bool verticalScrollBarVisible; bool endAtLastLine; bool caretSticky; Surface *pixmapLine; Surface *pixmapSelMargin; Surface *pixmapSelPattern; Surface *pixmapIndentGuide; Surface *pixmapIndentGuideHighlight; LineLayoutCache llc; PositionCache posCache; KeyMap kmap; Caret caret; Timer timer; Timer autoScrollTimer; enum { autoScrollDelay = 200 }; Idler idler; Point lastClick; unsigned int lastClickTime; int dwellDelay; int ticksToDwell; bool dwelling; enum { selChar, selWord, selLine } selectionType; Point ptMouseLast; enum { ddNone, ddInitial, ddDragging } inDragDrop; bool dropWentOutside; int posDrag; int posDrop; int lastXChosen; int lineAnchor; int originalAnchorPos; int currentPos; int anchor; int targetStart; int targetEnd; int searchFlags; int topLine; int posTopLine; int lengthForEncode; bool needUpdateUI; Position braces[2]; int bracesMatchStyle; int highlightGuideColumn; int theEdge; enum { notPainting, painting, paintAbandoned } paintState; PRectangle rcPaint; bool paintingAllText; int modEventMask; SelectionText drag; enum selTypes { noSel, selStream, selRectangle, selLines }; selTypes selType; bool moveExtendsSelection; int xStartSelect; ///< x position of start of rectangular selection int xEndSelect; ///< x position of end of rectangular selection bool primarySelection; int caretXPolicy; int caretXSlop; ///< Ensure this many pixels visible on both sides of caret int caretYPolicy; int caretYSlop; ///< Ensure this many lines visible on both sides of caret int visiblePolicy; int visibleSlop; int searchAnchor; bool recordingMacro; int foldFlags; ContractionState cs; // Hotspot support int hsStart; int hsEnd; // Wrapping support enum { eWrapNone, eWrapWord, eWrapChar } wrapState; enum { wrapLineLarge = 0x7ffffff }; int wrapWidth; int wrapStart; int wrapEnd; int wrapVisualFlags; int wrapVisualFlagsLocation; int wrapVisualStartIndent; int actualWrapVisualStartIndent; bool convertPastes; Document *pdoc; Editor(); virtual ~Editor(); virtual void Initialise() = 0; virtual void Finalise(); void InvalidateStyleData(); void InvalidateStyleRedraw(); virtual void RefreshColourPalette(Palette &pal, bool want); void RefreshStyleData(); void DropGraphics(); virtual PRectangle GetClientRectangle(); PRectangle GetTextRectangle(); int LinesOnScreen(); int LinesToScroll(); int MaxScrollPos(); Point LocationFromPosition(int pos); int XFromPosition(int pos); int PositionFromLocation(Point pt); int PositionFromLocationClose(Point pt); int PositionFromLineX(int line, int x); int LineFromLocation(Point pt); void SetTopLine(int topLineNew); bool AbandonPaint(); void RedrawRect(PRectangle rc); void Redraw(); void RedrawSelMargin(int line=-1); PRectangle RectangleFromRange(int start, int end); void InvalidateRange(int start, int end); int CurrentPosition(); bool SelectionEmpty(); int SelectionStart(); int SelectionEnd(); void SetRectangularRange(); void InvalidateSelection(int currentPos_, int anchor_, bool invalidateWholeSelection); void SetSelection(int currentPos_, int anchor_); void SetSelection(int currentPos_); void SetEmptySelection(int currentPos_); bool RangeContainsProtected(int start, int end) const; bool SelectionContainsProtected(); int MovePositionOutsideChar(int pos, int moveDir, bool checkLineEnd=true); int MovePositionTo(int newPos, selTypes sel=noSel, bool ensureVisible=true); int MovePositionSoVisible(int pos, int moveDir); void SetLastXChosen(); void ScrollTo(int line, bool moveThumb=true); virtual void ScrollText(int linesToMove); void HorizontalScrollTo(int xPos); void MoveCaretInsideView(bool ensureVisible=true); int DisplayFromPosition(int pos); void EnsureCaretVisible(bool useMargin=true, bool vert=true, bool horiz=true); void ShowCaretAtCurrentPosition(); void DropCaret(); void InvalidateCaret(); virtual void UpdateSystemCaret(); void NeedWrapping(int docLineStart = 0, int docLineEnd = wrapLineLarge); bool WrapOneLine(Surface *surface, int lineToWrap); bool WrapLines(bool fullWrap, int priorityWrapLineStart); void LinesJoin(); void LinesSplit(int pixelWidth); int SubstituteMarkerIfEmpty(int markerCheck, int markerDefault); void PaintSelMargin(Surface *surface, PRectangle &rc); LineLayout *RetrieveLineLayout(int lineNumber); void LayoutLine(int line, Surface *surface, ViewStyle &vstyle, LineLayout *ll, int width=LineLayout::wrapWidthInfinite); ColourAllocated SelectionBackground(ViewStyle &vsDraw); ColourAllocated TextBackground(ViewStyle &vsDraw, bool overrideBackground, ColourAllocated background, bool inSelection, bool inHotspot, int styleMain, int i, LineLayout *ll); void DrawIndentGuide(Surface *surface, int lineVisible, int lineHeight, int start, PRectangle rcSegment, bool highlight); void DrawWrapMarker(Surface *surface, PRectangle rcPlace, bool isEndMarker, ColourAllocated wrapColour); void DrawEOL(Surface *surface, ViewStyle &vsDraw, PRectangle rcLine, LineLayout *ll, int line, int lineEnd, int xStart, int subLine, int subLineStart, bool overrideBackground, ColourAllocated background, bool drawWrapMark, ColourAllocated wrapColour); void DrawIndicators(Surface *surface, ViewStyle &vsDraw, int line, int xStart, PRectangle rcLine, LineLayout *ll, int subLine, int lineEnd, bool under); void DrawLine(Surface *surface, ViewStyle &vsDraw, int line, int lineVisible, int xStart, PRectangle rcLine, LineLayout *ll, int subLine=0); void DrawBlockCaret(Surface *surface, ViewStyle &vsDraw, LineLayout *ll, int subLine, int xStart, int offset, int posCaret, PRectangle rcCaret); void RefreshPixMaps(Surface *surfaceWindow); void Paint(Surface *surfaceWindow, PRectangle rcArea); long FormatRange(bool draw, RangeToFormat *pfr); int TextWidth(int style, const char *text); virtual void SetVerticalScrollPos() = 0; virtual void SetHorizontalScrollPos() = 0; virtual bool ModifyScrollBars(int nMax, int nPage) = 0; virtual void ReconfigureScrollBars(); void SetScrollBars(); void ChangeSize(); void AddChar(char ch); virtual void AddCharUTF(char *s, unsigned int len, bool treatAsDBCS=false); void ClearSelection(); void ClearAll(); void ClearDocumentStyle(); void Cut(); void PasteRectangular(int pos, const char *ptr, int len); virtual void Copy() = 0; virtual void CopyAllowLine(); virtual bool CanPaste(); virtual void Paste() = 0; void Clear(); void SelectAll(); void Undo(); void Redo(); void DelChar(); void DelCharBack(bool allowLineStartDeletion); virtual void ClaimSelection() = 0; virtual void NotifyChange() = 0; virtual void NotifyFocus(bool focus); virtual int GetCtrlID() { return ctrlID; } virtual void NotifyParent(SCNotification scn) = 0; virtual void NotifyStyleToNeeded(int endStyleNeeded); void NotifyChar(int ch); void NotifyMove(int position); void NotifySavePoint(bool isSavePoint); void NotifyModifyAttempt(); virtual void NotifyDoubleClick(Point pt, bool shift, bool ctrl, bool alt); void NotifyHotSpotClicked(int position, bool shift, bool ctrl, bool alt); void NotifyHotSpotDoubleClicked(int position, bool shift, bool ctrl, bool alt); void NotifyUpdateUI(); void NotifyPainted(); void NotifyIndicatorClick(bool click, int position, bool shift, bool ctrl, bool alt); bool NotifyMarginClick(Point pt, bool shift, bool ctrl, bool alt); void NotifyNeedShown(int pos, int len); void NotifyDwelling(Point pt, bool state); void NotifyZoom(); void NotifyModifyAttempt(Document *document, void *userData); void NotifySavePoint(Document *document, void *userData, bool atSavePoint); void CheckModificationForWrap(DocModification mh); void NotifyModified(Document *document, DocModification mh, void *userData); void NotifyDeleted(Document *document, void *userData); void NotifyStyleNeeded(Document *doc, void *userData, int endPos); void NotifyMacroRecord(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam); void PageMove(int direction, selTypes sel=noSel, bool stuttered = false); void ChangeCaseOfSelection(bool makeUpperCase); void LineTranspose(); void Duplicate(bool forLine); virtual void CancelModes(); void NewLine(); void CursorUpOrDown(int direction, selTypes sel=noSel); void ParaUpOrDown(int direction, selTypes sel=noSel); int StartEndDisplayLine(int pos, bool start); virtual int KeyCommand(unsigned int iMessage); virtual int KeyDefault(int /* key */, int /*modifiers*/); int KeyDown(int key, bool shift, bool ctrl, bool alt, bool *consumed=0); int GetWhitespaceVisible(); void SetWhitespaceVisible(int view); void Indent(bool forwards); long FindText(uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam); void SearchAnchor(); long SearchText(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam); long SearchInTarget(const char *text, int length); void GoToLine(int lineNo); virtual void CopyToClipboard(const SelectionText &selectedText) = 0; char *CopyRange(int start, int end); void CopySelectionFromRange(SelectionText *ss, bool allowLineCopy, int start, int end); void CopySelectionRange(SelectionText *ss, bool allowLineCopy=false); void CopyRangeToClipboard(int start, int end); void CopyText(int length, const char *text); void SetDragPosition(int newPos); virtual void DisplayCursor(Window::Cursor c); virtual bool DragThreshold(Point ptStart, Point ptNow); virtual void StartDrag(); void DropAt(int position, const char *value, bool moving, bool rectangular); /** PositionInSelection returns 0 if position in selection, -1 if position before selection, and 1 if after. * Before means either before any line of selection or before selection on its line, with a similar meaning to after. */ int PositionInSelection(int pos); bool PointInSelection(Point pt); bool PointInSelMargin(Point pt); void LineSelection(int lineCurrent_, int lineAnchor_); void DwellEnd(bool mouseMoved); virtual void ButtonDown(Point pt, unsigned int curTime, bool shift, bool ctrl, bool alt); void ButtonMove(Point pt); void ButtonUp(Point pt, unsigned int curTime, bool ctrl); void Tick(); bool Idle(); virtual void SetTicking(bool on) = 0; virtual bool SetIdle(bool) { return false; } virtual void SetMouseCapture(bool on) = 0; virtual bool HaveMouseCapture() = 0; void SetFocusState(bool focusState); virtual bool PaintContains(PRectangle rc); bool PaintContainsMargin(); void CheckForChangeOutsidePaint(Range r); void SetBraceHighlight(Position pos0, Position pos1, int matchStyle); void SetDocPointer(Document *document); void Expand(int &line, bool doExpand); void ToggleContraction(int line); void EnsureLineVisible(int lineDoc, bool enforcePolicy); int ReplaceTarget(bool replacePatterns, const char *text, int length=-1); bool PositionIsHotspot(int position); bool PointIsHotspot(Point pt); void SetHotSpotRange(Point *pt); void GetHotSpotRange(int& hsStart, int& hsEnd); int CodePage() const; virtual bool ValidCodePage(int /* codePage */) const { return true; } int WrapCount(int line); void AddStyledText(char *buffer, int appendLength); virtual sptr_t DefWndProc(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) = 0; void StyleSetMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam); sptr_t StyleGetMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam); static const char *StringFromEOLMode(int eolMode); public: // Public so the COM thunks can access it. bool IsUnicodeMode() const; // Public so scintilla_send_message can use it. virtual sptr_t WndProc(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam); // Public so scintilla_set_id can use it. int ctrlID; friend class AutoSurface; friend class SelectionLineIterator; }; /** * A smart pointer class to ensure Surfaces are set up and deleted correctly. */ class AutoSurface { private: Surface *surf; public: AutoSurface(Editor *ed) : surf(0) { if (ed->wMain.GetID()) { surf = Surface::Allocate(); if (surf) { surf->Init(ed->wMain.GetID()); surf->SetUnicodeMode(SC_CP_UTF8 == ed->CodePage()); surf->SetDBCSMode(ed->CodePage()); } } } AutoSurface(SurfaceID sid, Editor *ed) : surf(0) { if (ed->wMain.GetID()) { surf = Surface::Allocate(); if (surf) { surf->Init(sid, ed->wMain.GetID()); surf->SetUnicodeMode(SC_CP_UTF8 == ed->CodePage()); surf->SetDBCSMode(ed->CodePage()); } } } ~AutoSurface() { delete surf; } Surface *operator->() const { return surf; } operator Surface *() const { return surf; } }; #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE } #endif #endif
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