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// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file Document.h ** Text document that handles notifications, DBCS, styling, words and end of line. **/ // Copyright 1998-2003 by Neil Hodgson
// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #ifndef DOCUMENT_H #define DOCUMENT_H #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE namespace Scintilla { #endif /** * A Position is a position within a document between two characters or at the beginning or end. * Sometimes used as a character index where it identifies the character after the position. */ typedef int Position; const Position invalidPosition = -1; /** * The range class represents a range of text in a document. * The two values are not sorted as one end may be more significant than the other * as is the case for the selection where the end position is the position of the caret. * If either position is invalidPosition then the range is invalid and most operations will fail. */ class Range { public: Position start; Position end; Range(Position pos=0) : start(pos), end(pos) { }; Range(Position start_, Position end_) : start(start_), end(end_) { }; bool Valid() const { return (start != invalidPosition) && (end != invalidPosition); } // Is the position within the range? bool Contains(Position pos) const { if (start < end) { return (pos >= start && pos <= end); } else { return (pos <= start && pos >= end); } } // Is the character after pos within the range? bool ContainsCharacter(Position pos) const { if (start < end) { return (pos >= start && pos < end); } else { return (pos < start && pos >= end); } } bool Contains(Range other) const { return Contains(other.start) && Contains(other.end); } bool Overlaps(Range other) const { return Contains(other.start) || Contains(other.end) || other.Contains(start) || other.Contains(end); } }; class DocWatcher; class DocModification; class RESearch; /** */ class Document { public: /** Used to pair watcher pointer with user data. */ class WatcherWithUserData { public: DocWatcher *watcher; void *userData; WatcherWithUserData() { watcher = 0; userData = 0; } }; enum charClassification { ccSpace, ccNewLine, ccWord, ccPunctuation }; private: int refCount; CellBuffer cb; CharClassify charClass; char stylingMask; int endStyled; int styleClock; int enteredModification; int enteredStyling; int enteredReadOnlyCount; WatcherWithUserData *watchers; int lenWatchers; bool matchesValid; RESearch *pre; char *substituted; public: int stylingBits; int stylingBitsMask; int eolMode; /// Can also be SC_CP_UTF8 to enable UTF-8 mode int dbcsCodePage; int tabInChars; int indentInChars; int actualIndentInChars; bool useTabs; bool tabIndents; bool backspaceUnindents; DecorationList decorations; Document(); virtual ~Document(); int AddRef(); int Release(); int LineFromPosition(int pos); int ClampPositionIntoDocument(int pos); bool IsCrLf(int pos); int LenChar(int pos); bool InGoodUTF8(int pos, int &start, int &end); int MovePositionOutsideChar(int pos, int moveDir, bool checkLineEnd=true); // Gateways to modifying document void ModifiedAt(int pos); void CheckReadOnly(); bool DeleteChars(int pos, int len); bool InsertString(int position, const char *s, int insertLength); int Undo(); int Redo(); bool CanUndo() { return cb.CanUndo(); } bool CanRedo() { return cb.CanRedo(); } void DeleteUndoHistory() { cb.DeleteUndoHistory(); } bool SetUndoCollection(bool collectUndo) { return cb.SetUndoCollection(collectUndo); } bool IsCollectingUndo() { return cb.IsCollectingUndo(); } void BeginUndoAction() { cb.BeginUndoAction(); } void EndUndoAction() { cb.EndUndoAction(); } void SetSavePoint(); bool IsSavePoint() { return cb.IsSavePoint(); } int GetLineIndentation(int line); void SetLineIndentation(int line, int indent); int GetLineIndentPosition(int line) const; int GetColumn(int position); int FindColumn(int line, int column); void Indent(bool forwards, int lineBottom, int lineTop); static char *TransformLineEnds(int *pLenOut, const char *s, size_t len, int eolMode); void ConvertLineEnds(int eolModeSet); void SetReadOnly(bool set) { cb.SetReadOnly(set); } bool IsReadOnly() { return cb.IsReadOnly(); } bool InsertChar(int pos, char ch); bool InsertCString(int position, const char *s); void ChangeChar(int pos, char ch); void DelChar(int pos); void DelCharBack(int pos); char CharAt(int position) { return cb.CharAt(position); } void GetCharRange(char *buffer, int position, int lengthRetrieve) { cb.GetCharRange(buffer, position, lengthRetrieve); } char StyleAt(int position) { return cb.StyleAt(position); } int GetMark(int line) { return cb.GetMark(line); } int AddMark(int line, int markerNum); void AddMarkSet(int line, int valueSet); void DeleteMark(int line, int markerNum); void DeleteMarkFromHandle(int markerHandle); void DeleteAllMarks(int markerNum); int LineFromHandle(int markerHandle) { return cb.LineFromHandle(markerHandle); } int LineStart(int line) const; int LineEnd(int line) const; int LineEndPosition(int position); int VCHomePosition(int position); int SetLevel(int line, int level); int GetLevel(int line) { return cb.GetLevel(line); } void ClearLevels() { cb.ClearLevels(); } int GetLastChild(int lineParent, int level=-1); int GetFoldParent(int line); void Indent(bool forwards); int ExtendWordSelect(int pos, int delta, bool onlyWordCharacters=false); int NextWordStart(int pos, int delta); int NextWordEnd(int pos, int delta); int Length() const { return cb.Length(); } void Allocate(int newSize) { cb.Allocate(newSize); } long FindText(int minPos, int maxPos, const char *s, bool caseSensitive, bool word, bool wordStart, bool regExp, bool posix, int *length); long FindText(int iMessage, unsigned long wParam, long lParam); const char *SubstituteByPosition(const char *text, int *length); int LinesTotal() const; void ChangeCase(Range r, bool makeUpperCase); void SetDefaultCharClasses(bool includeWordClass); void SetCharClasses(const unsigned char *chars, CharClassify::cc newCharClass); void SetStylingBits(int bits); void StartStyling(int position, char mask); bool SetStyleFor(int length, char style); bool SetStyles(int length, char *styles); int GetEndStyled() { return endStyled; } void EnsureStyledTo(int pos); int GetStyleClock() { return styleClock; } void IncrementStyleClock(); void DecorationFillRange(int position, int value, int fillLength); int SetLineState(int line, int state); int GetLineState(int line) { return cb.GetLineState(line); } int GetMaxLineState() { return cb.GetMaxLineState(); } bool AddWatcher(DocWatcher *watcher, void *userData); bool RemoveWatcher(DocWatcher *watcher, void *userData); const WatcherWithUserData *GetWatchers() const { return watchers; } int GetLenWatchers() const { return lenWatchers; } bool IsWordPartSeparator(char ch); int WordPartLeft(int pos); int WordPartRight(int pos); int ExtendStyleRange(int pos, int delta, bool singleLine = false); bool IsWhiteLine(int line) const; int ParaUp(int pos); int ParaDown(int pos); int IndentSize() { return actualIndentInChars; } int BraceMatch(int position, int maxReStyle); private: CharClassify::cc WordCharClass(unsigned char ch); bool IsWordStartAt(int pos); bool IsWordEndAt(int pos); bool IsWordAt(int start, int end); void NotifyModifyAttempt(); void NotifySavePoint(bool atSavePoint); void NotifyModified(DocModification mh); }; /** * To optimise processing of document modifications by DocWatchers, a hint is passed indicating the * scope of the change. * If the DocWatcher is a document view then this can be used to optimise screen updating. */ class DocModification { public: int modificationType; int position; int length; int linesAdded; /**< Negative if lines deleted. */ const char *text; /**< Only valid for changes to text, not for changes to style. */ int line; int foldLevelNow; int foldLevelPrev; DocModification(int modificationType_, int position_=0, int length_=0, int linesAdded_=0, const char *text_=0, int line_=0) : modificationType(modificationType_), position(position_), length(length_), linesAdded(linesAdded_), text(text_), line(line_), foldLevelNow(0), foldLevelPrev(0) {} DocModification(int modificationType_, const Action &act, int linesAdded_=0) : modificationType(modificationType_), position(act.position), length(act.lenData), linesAdded(linesAdded_), text(, line(0), foldLevelNow(0), foldLevelPrev(0) {} }; /** * A class that wants to receive notifications from a Document must be derived from DocWatcher * and implement the notification methods. It can then be added to the watcher list with AddWatcher. */ class DocWatcher { public: virtual ~DocWatcher() {} virtual void NotifyModifyAttempt(Document *doc, void *userData) = 0; virtual void NotifySavePoint(Document *doc, void *userData, bool atSavePoint) = 0; virtual void NotifyModified(Document *doc, DocModification mh, void *userData) = 0; virtual void NotifyDeleted(Document *doc, void *userData) = 0; virtual void NotifyStyleNeeded(Document *doc, void *userData, int endPos) = 0; }; #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE } #endif #endif
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