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// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file Scintilla.h ** Interface to the edit control. **/ // Copyright 1998-2003 by Neil Hodgson
// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. // Most of this file is automatically generated from the Scintilla.iface interface definition // file which contains any comments about the definitions. does the generation. #ifndef SCINTILLA_H #define SCINTILLA_H #if LCCWIN typedef BOOL bool; #endif #if PLAT_WIN // Return false on failure: bool Scintilla_RegisterClasses(void *hInstance); bool Scintilla_ReleaseResources(); #endif int Scintilla_LinkLexers(); // Here should be placed typedefs for uptr_t, an unsigned integer type large enough to // hold a pointer and sptr_t, a signed integer large enough to hold a pointer. // May need to be changed for 64 bit platforms. #if _MSC_VER >= 1300 #include
#endif #ifdef MAXULONG_PTR typedef ULONG_PTR uptr_t; typedef LONG_PTR sptr_t; #else typedef unsigned long uptr_t; typedef long sptr_t; #endif typedef sptr_t (*SciFnDirect)(sptr_t ptr, unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam); //++Autogenerated -- start of section automatically generated from Scintilla.iface #define INVALID_POSITION -1 #define SCI_START 2000 #define SCI_OPTIONAL_START 3000 #define SCI_LEXER_START 4000 #define SCI_ADDTEXT 2001 #define SCI_ADDSTYLEDTEXT 2002 #define SCI_INSERTTEXT 2003 #define SCI_CLEARALL 2004 #define SCI_CLEARDOCUMENTSTYLE 2005 #define SCI_GETLENGTH 2006 #define SCI_GETCHARAT 2007 #define SCI_GETCURRENTPOS 2008 #define SCI_GETANCHOR 2009 #define SCI_GETSTYLEAT 2010 #define SCI_REDO 2011 #define SCI_SETUNDOCOLLECTION 2012 #define SCI_SELECTALL 2013 #define SCI_SETSAVEPOINT 2014 #define SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT 2015 #define SCI_CANREDO 2016 #define SCI_MARKERLINEFROMHANDLE 2017 #define SCI_MARKERDELETEHANDLE 2018 #define SCI_GETUNDOCOLLECTION 2019 #define SCWS_INVISIBLE 0 #define SCWS_VISIBLEALWAYS 1 #define SCWS_VISIBLEAFTERINDENT 2 #define SCI_GETVIEWWS 2020 #define SCI_SETVIEWWS 2021 #define SCI_POSITIONFROMPOINT 2022 #define SCI_POSITIONFROMPOINTCLOSE 2023 #define SCI_GOTOLINE 2024 #define SCI_GOTOPOS 2025 #define SCI_SETANCHOR 2026 #define SCI_GETCURLINE 2027 #define SCI_GETENDSTYLED 2028 #define SC_EOL_CRLF 0 #define SC_EOL_CR 1 #define SC_EOL_LF 2 #define SCI_CONVERTEOLS 2029 #define SCI_GETEOLMODE 2030 #define SCI_SETEOLMODE 2031 #define SCI_STARTSTYLING 2032 #define SCI_SETSTYLING 2033 #define SCI_GETBUFFEREDDRAW 2034 #define SCI_SETBUFFEREDDRAW 2035 #define SCI_SETTABWIDTH 2036 #define SCI_GETTABWIDTH 2121 #define SC_CP_UTF8 65001 #define SC_CP_DBCS 1 #define SCI_SETCODEPAGE 2037 #define SCI_SETUSEPALETTE 2039 #define MARKER_MAX 31 #define SC_MARK_CIRCLE 0 #define SC_MARK_ROUNDRECT 1 #define SC_MARK_ARROW 2 #define SC_MARK_SMALLRECT 3 #define SC_MARK_SHORTARROW 4 #define SC_MARK_EMPTY 5 #define SC_MARK_ARROWDOWN 6 #define SC_MARK_MINUS 7 #define SC_MARK_PLUS 8 #define SC_MARK_VLINE 9 #define SC_MARK_LCORNER 10 #define SC_MARK_TCORNER 11 #define SC_MARK_BOXPLUS 12 #define SC_MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED 13 #define SC_MARK_BOXMINUS 14 #define SC_MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED 15 #define SC_MARK_LCORNERCURVE 16 #define SC_MARK_TCORNERCURVE 17 #define SC_MARK_CIRCLEPLUS 18 #define SC_MARK_CIRCLEPLUSCONNECTED 19 #define SC_MARK_CIRCLEMINUS 20 #define SC_MARK_CIRCLEMINUSCONNECTED 21 #define SC_MARK_BACKGROUND 22 #define SC_MARK_DOTDOTDOT 23 #define SC_MARK_ARROWS 24 #define SC_MARK_PIXMAP 25 #define SC_MARK_FULLRECT 26 #define SC_MARK_LEFTRECT 27 #define SC_MARK_CHARACTER 10000 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND 25 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID 26 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL 27 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL 28 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB 29 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER 30 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN 31 #define SC_MASK_FOLDERS 0xFE000000 #define SCI_MARKERDEFINE 2040 #define SCI_MARKERSETFORE 2041 #define SCI_MARKERSETBACK 2042 #define SCI_MARKERADD 2043 #define SCI_MARKERDELETE 2044 #define SCI_MARKERDELETEALL 2045 #define SCI_MARKERGET 2046 #define SCI_MARKERNEXT 2047 #define SCI_MARKERPREVIOUS 2048 #define SCI_MARKERDEFINEPIXMAP 2049 #define SCI_MARKERADDSET 2466 #define SCI_MARKERSETALPHA 2476 #define SC_MARGIN_SYMBOL 0 #define SC_MARGIN_NUMBER 1 #define SC_MARGIN_BACK 2 #define SC_MARGIN_FORE 3 #define SCI_SETMARGINTYPEN 2240 #define SCI_GETMARGINTYPEN 2241 #define SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN 2242 #define SCI_GETMARGINWIDTHN 2243 #define SCI_SETMARGINMASKN 2244 #define SCI_GETMARGINMASKN 2245 #define SCI_SETMARGINSENSITIVEN 2246 #define SCI_GETMARGINSENSITIVEN 2247 #define STYLE_DEFAULT 32 #define STYLE_LINENUMBER 33 #define STYLE_BRACELIGHT 34 #define STYLE_BRACEBAD 35 #define STYLE_CONTROLCHAR 36 #define STYLE_INDENTGUIDE 37 #define STYLE_CALLTIP 38 #define STYLE_LASTPREDEFINED 39 #define STYLE_MAX 255 #define SC_CHARSET_ANSI 0 #define SC_CHARSET_DEFAULT 1 #define SC_CHARSET_BALTIC 186 #define SC_CHARSET_CHINESEBIG5 136 #define SC_CHARSET_EASTEUROPE 238 #define SC_CHARSET_GB2312 134 #define SC_CHARSET_GREEK 161 #define SC_CHARSET_HANGUL 129 #define SC_CHARSET_MAC 77 #define SC_CHARSET_OEM 255 #define SC_CHARSET_RUSSIAN 204 #define SC_CHARSET_CYRILLIC 1251 #define SC_CHARSET_SHIFTJIS 128 #define SC_CHARSET_SYMBOL 2 #define SC_CHARSET_TURKISH 162 #define SC_CHARSET_JOHAB 130 #define SC_CHARSET_HEBREW 177 #define SC_CHARSET_ARABIC 178 #define SC_CHARSET_VIETNAMESE 163 #define SC_CHARSET_THAI 222 #define SC_CHARSET_8859_15 1000 #define SCI_STYLECLEARALL 2050 #define SCI_STYLESETFORE 2051 #define SCI_STYLESETBACK 2052 #define SCI_STYLESETBOLD 2053 #define SCI_STYLESETITALIC 2054 #define SCI_STYLESETSIZE 2055 #define SCI_STYLESETFONT 2056 #define SCI_STYLESETEOLFILLED 2057 #define SCI_STYLERESETDEFAULT 2058 #define SCI_STYLESETUNDERLINE 2059 #define SC_CASE_MIXED 0 #define SC_CASE_UPPER 1 #define SC_CASE_LOWER 2 #define SCI_STYLEGETFORE 2481 #define SCI_STYLEGETBACK 2482 #define SCI_STYLEGETBOLD 2483 #define SCI_STYLEGETITALIC 2484 #define SCI_STYLEGETSIZE 2485 #define SCI_STYLEGETFONT 2486 #define SCI_STYLEGETEOLFILLED 2487 #define SCI_STYLEGETUNDERLINE 2488 #define SCI_STYLEGETCASE 2489 #define SCI_STYLEGETCHARACTERSET 2490 #define SCI_STYLEGETVISIBLE 2491 #define SCI_STYLEGETCHANGEABLE 2492 #define SCI_STYLEGETHOTSPOT 2493 #define SCI_STYLESETCASE 2060 #define SCI_STYLESETCHARACTERSET 2066 #define SCI_STYLESETHOTSPOT 2409 #define SCI_SETSELFORE 2067 #define SCI_SETSELBACK 2068 #define SCI_GETSELALPHA 2477 #define SCI_SETSELALPHA 2478 #define SCI_GETSELEOLFILLED 2479 #define SCI_SETSELEOLFILLED 2480 #define SCI_SETCARETFORE 2069 #define SCI_ASSIGNCMDKEY 2070 #define SCI_CLEARCMDKEY 2071 #define SCI_CLEARALLCMDKEYS 2072 #define SCI_SETSTYLINGEX 2073 #define SCI_STYLESETVISIBLE 2074 #define SCI_GETCARETPERIOD 2075 #define SCI_SETCARETPERIOD 2076 #define SCI_SETWORDCHARS 2077 #define SCI_BEGINUNDOACTION 2078 #define SCI_ENDUNDOACTION 2079 #define INDIC_PLAIN 0 #define INDIC_SQUIGGLE 1 #define INDIC_TT 2 #define INDIC_DIAGONAL 3 #define INDIC_STRIKE 4 #define INDIC_HIDDEN 5 #define INDIC_BOX 6 #define INDIC_ROUNDBOX 7 #define INDIC_MAX 31 #define INDIC_CONTAINER 8 #define INDIC0_MASK 0x20 #define INDIC1_MASK 0x40 #define INDIC2_MASK 0x80 #define INDICS_MASK 0xE0 #define SCI_INDICSETSTYLE 2080 #define SCI_INDICGETSTYLE 2081 #define SCI_INDICSETFORE 2082 #define SCI_INDICGETFORE 2083 #define SCI_INDICSETUNDER 2510 #define SCI_INDICGETUNDER 2511 #define SCI_SETWHITESPACEFORE 2084 #define SCI_SETWHITESPACEBACK 2085 #define SCI_SETSTYLEBITS 2090 #define SCI_GETSTYLEBITS 2091 #define SCI_SETLINESTATE 2092 #define SCI_GETLINESTATE 2093 #define SCI_GETMAXLINESTATE 2094 #define SCI_GETCARETLINEVISIBLE 2095 #define SCI_SETCARETLINEVISIBLE 2096 #define SCI_GETCARETLINEBACK 2097 #define SCI_SETCARETLINEBACK 2098 #define SCI_STYLESETCHANGEABLE 2099 #define SCI_AUTOCSHOW 2100 #define SCI_AUTOCCANCEL 2101 #define SCI_AUTOCACTIVE 2102 #define SCI_AUTOCPOSSTART 2103 #define SCI_AUTOCCOMPLETE 2104 #define SCI_AUTOCSTOPS 2105 #define SCI_AUTOCSETSEPARATOR 2106 #define SCI_AUTOCGETSEPARATOR 2107 #define SCI_AUTOCSELECT 2108 #define SCI_AUTOCSETCANCELATSTART 2110 #define SCI_AUTOCGETCANCELATSTART 2111 #define SCI_AUTOCSETFILLUPS 2112 #define SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE 2113 #define SCI_AUTOCGETCHOOSESINGLE 2114 #define SCI_AUTOCSETIGNORECASE 2115 #define SCI_AUTOCGETIGNORECASE 2116 #define SCI_USERLISTSHOW 2117 #define SCI_AUTOCSETAUTOHIDE 2118 #define SCI_AUTOCGETAUTOHIDE 2119 #define SCI_AUTOCSETDROPRESTOFWORD 2270 #define SCI_AUTOCGETDROPRESTOFWORD 2271 #define SCI_REGISTERIMAGE 2405 #define SCI_CLEARREGISTEREDIMAGES 2408 #define SCI_AUTOCGETTYPESEPARATOR 2285 #define SCI_AUTOCSETTYPESEPARATOR 2286 #define SCI_AUTOCSETMAXWIDTH 2208 #define SCI_AUTOCGETMAXWIDTH 2209 #define SCI_AUTOCSETMAXHEIGHT 2210 #define SCI_AUTOCGETMAXHEIGHT 2211 #define SCI_SETINDENT 2122 #define SCI_GETINDENT 2123 #define SCI_SETUSETABS 2124 #define SCI_GETUSETABS 2125 #define SCI_SETLINEINDENTATION 2126 #define SCI_GETLINEINDENTATION 2127 #define SCI_GETLINEINDENTPOSITION 2128 #define SCI_GETCOLUMN 2129 #define SCI_SETHSCROLLBAR 2130 #define SCI_GETHSCROLLBAR 2131 #define SC_IV_NONE 0 #define SC_IV_REAL 1 #define SC_IV_LOOKFORWARD 2 #define SC_IV_LOOKBOTH 3 #define SCI_SETINDENTATIONGUIDES 2132 #define SCI_GETINDENTATIONGUIDES 2133 #define SCI_SETHIGHLIGHTGUIDE 2134 #define SCI_GETHIGHLIGHTGUIDE 2135 #define SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION 2136 #define SCI_GETCODEPAGE 2137 #define SCI_GETCARETFORE 2138 #define SCI_GETUSEPALETTE 2139 #define SCI_GETREADONLY 2140 #define SCI_SETCURRENTPOS 2141 #define SCI_SETSELECTIONSTART 2142 #define SCI_GETSELECTIONSTART 2143 #define SCI_SETSELECTIONEND 2144 #define SCI_GETSELECTIONEND 2145 #define SCI_SETPRINTMAGNIFICATION 2146 #define SCI_GETPRINTMAGNIFICATION 2147 #define SC_PRINT_NORMAL 0 #define SC_PRINT_INVERTLIGHT 1 #define SC_PRINT_BLACKONWHITE 2 #define SC_PRINT_COLOURONWHITE 3 #define SC_PRINT_COLOURONWHITEDEFAULTBG 4 #define SCI_SETPRINTCOLOURMODE 2148 #define SCI_GETPRINTCOLOURMODE 2149 #define SCFIND_WHOLEWORD 2 #define SCFIND_MATCHCASE 4 #define SCFIND_WORDSTART 0x00100000 #define SCFIND_REGEXP 0x00200000 #define SCFIND_POSIX 0x00400000 #define SCI_FINDTEXT 2150 #define SCI_FORMATRANGE 2151 #define SCI_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE 2152 #define SCI_GETLINE 2153 #define SCI_GETLINECOUNT 2154 #define SCI_SETMARGINLEFT 2155 #define SCI_GETMARGINLEFT 2156 #define SCI_SETMARGINRIGHT 2157 #define SCI_GETMARGINRIGHT 2158 #define SCI_GETMODIFY 2159 #define SCI_SETSEL 2160 #define SCI_GETSELTEXT 2161 #define SCI_GETTEXTRANGE 2162 #define SCI_HIDESELECTION 2163 #define SCI_POINTXFROMPOSITION 2164 #define SCI_POINTYFROMPOSITION 2165 #define SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION 2166 #define SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE 2167 #define SCI_LINESCROLL 2168 #define SCI_SCROLLCARET 2169 #define SCI_REPLACESEL 2170 #define SCI_SETREADONLY 2171 #define SCI_NULL 2172 #define SCI_CANPASTE 2173 #define SCI_CANUNDO 2174 #define SCI_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER 2175 #define SCI_UNDO 2176 #define SCI_CUT 2177 #define SCI_COPY 2178 #define SCI_PASTE 2179 #define SCI_CLEAR 2180 #define SCI_SETTEXT 2181 #define SCI_GETTEXT 2182 #define SCI_GETTEXTLENGTH 2183 #define SCI_GETDIRECTFUNCTION 2184 #define SCI_GETDIRECTPOINTER 2185 #define SCI_SETOVERTYPE 2186 #define SCI_GETOVERTYPE 2187 #define SCI_SETCARETWIDTH 2188 #define SCI_GETCARETWIDTH 2189 #define SCI_SETTARGETSTART 2190 #define SCI_GETTARGETSTART 2191 #define SCI_SETTARGETEND 2192 #define SCI_GETTARGETEND 2193 #define SCI_REPLACETARGET 2194 #define SCI_REPLACETARGETRE 2195 #define SCI_SEARCHINTARGET 2197 #define SCI_SETSEARCHFLAGS 2198 #define SCI_GETSEARCHFLAGS 2199 #define SCI_CALLTIPSHOW 2200 #define SCI_CALLTIPCANCEL 2201 #define SCI_CALLTIPACTIVE 2202 #define SCI_CALLTIPPOSSTART 2203 #define SCI_CALLTIPSETHLT 2204 #define SCI_CALLTIPSETBACK 2205 #define SCI_CALLTIPSETFORE 2206 #define SCI_CALLTIPSETFOREHLT 2207 #define SCI_CALLTIPUSESTYLE 2212 #define SCI_VISIBLEFROMDOCLINE 2220 #define SCI_DOCLINEFROMVISIBLE 2221 #define SCI_WRAPCOUNT 2235 #define SC_FOLDLEVELBASE 0x400 #define SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG 0x1000 #define SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG 0x2000 #define SC_FOLDLEVELBOXHEADERFLAG 0x4000 #define SC_FOLDLEVELBOXFOOTERFLAG 0x8000 #define SC_FOLDLEVELCONTRACTED 0x10000 #define SC_FOLDLEVELUNINDENT 0x20000 #define SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK 0x0FFF #define SCI_SETFOLDLEVEL 2222 #define SCI_GETFOLDLEVEL 2223 #define SCI_GETLASTCHILD 2224 #define SCI_GETFOLDPARENT 2225 #define SCI_SHOWLINES 2226 #define SCI_HIDELINES 2227 #define SCI_GETLINEVISIBLE 2228 #define SCI_SETFOLDEXPANDED 2229 #define SCI_GETFOLDEXPANDED 2230 #define SCI_TOGGLEFOLD 2231 #define SCI_ENSUREVISIBLE 2232 #define SC_FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_EXPANDED 0x0002 #define SC_FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_CONTRACTED 0x0004 #define SC_FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_EXPANDED 0x0008 #define SC_FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_CONTRACTED 0x0010 #define SC_FOLDFLAG_LEVELNUMBERS 0x0040 #define SC_FOLDFLAG_BOX 0x0001 #define SCI_SETFOLDFLAGS 2233 #define SCI_ENSUREVISIBLEENFORCEPOLICY 2234 #define SCI_SETTABINDENTS 2260 #define SCI_GETTABINDENTS 2261 #define SCI_SETBACKSPACEUNINDENTS 2262 #define SCI_GETBACKSPACEUNINDENTS 2263 #define SC_TIME_FOREVER 10000000 #define SCI_SETMOUSEDWELLTIME 2264 #define SCI_GETMOUSEDWELLTIME 2265 #define SCI_WORDSTARTPOSITION 2266 #define SCI_WORDENDPOSITION 2267 #define SC_WRAP_NONE 0 #define SC_WRAP_WORD 1 #define SC_WRAP_CHAR 2 #define SCI_SETWRAPMODE 2268 #define SCI_GETWRAPMODE 2269 #define SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_NONE 0x0000 #define SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_END 0x0001 #define SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_START 0x0002 #define SCI_SETWRAPVISUALFLAGS 2460 #define SCI_GETWRAPVISUALFLAGS 2461 #define SC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_DEFAULT 0x0000 #define SC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_END_BY_TEXT 0x0001 #define SC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_START_BY_TEXT 0x0002 #define SCI_SETWRAPVISUALFLAGSLOCATION 2462 #define SCI_GETWRAPVISUALFLAGSLOCATION 2463 #define SCI_SETWRAPSTARTINDENT 2464 #define SCI_GETWRAPSTARTINDENT 2465 #define SC_CACHE_NONE 0 #define SC_CACHE_CARET 1 #define SC_CACHE_PAGE 2 #define SC_CACHE_DOCUMENT 3 #define SCI_SETLAYOUTCACHE 2272 #define SCI_GETLAYOUTCACHE 2273 #define SCI_SETSCROLLWIDTH 2274 #define SCI_GETSCROLLWIDTH 2275 #define SCI_SETSCROLLWIDTHTRACKING 2516 #define SCI_GETSCROLLWIDTHTRACKING 2517 #define SCI_TEXTWIDTH 2276 #define SCI_SETENDATLASTLINE 2277 #define SCI_GETENDATLASTLINE 2278 #define SCI_TEXTHEIGHT 2279 #define SCI_SETVSCROLLBAR 2280 #define SCI_GETVSCROLLBAR 2281 #define SCI_APPENDTEXT 2282 #define SCI_GETTWOPHASEDRAW 2283 #define SCI_SETTWOPHASEDRAW 2284 #define SCI_TARGETFROMSELECTION 2287 #define SCI_LINESJOIN 2288 #define SCI_LINESSPLIT 2289 #define SCI_SETFOLDMARGINCOLOUR 2290 #define SCI_SETFOLDMARGINHICOLOUR 2291 #define SCI_LINEDOWN 2300 #define SCI_LINEDOWNEXTEND 2301 #define SCI_LINEUP 2302 #define SCI_LINEUPEXTEND 2303 #define SCI_CHARLEFT 2304 #define SCI_CHARLEFTEXTEND 2305 #define SCI_CHARRIGHT 2306 #define SCI_CHARRIGHTEXTEND 2307 #define SCI_WORDLEFT 2308 #define SCI_WORDLEFTEXTEND 2309 #define SCI_WORDRIGHT 2310 #define SCI_WORDRIGHTEXTEND 2311 #define SCI_HOME 2312 #define SCI_HOMEEXTEND 2313 #define SCI_LINEEND 2314 #define SCI_LINEENDEXTEND 2315 #define SCI_DOCUMENTSTART 2316 #define SCI_DOCUMENTSTARTEXTEND 2317 #define SCI_DOCUMENTEND 2318 #define SCI_DOCUMENTENDEXTEND 2319 #define SCI_PAGEUP 2320 #define SCI_PAGEUPEXTEND 2321 #define SCI_PAGEDOWN 2322 #define SCI_PAGEDOWNEXTEND 2323 #define SCI_EDITTOGGLEOVERTYPE 2324 #define SCI_CANCEL 2325 #define SCI_DELETEBACK 2326 #define SCI_TAB 2327 #define SCI_BACKTAB 2328 #define SCI_NEWLINE 2329 #define SCI_FORMFEED 2330 #define SCI_VCHOME 2331 #define SCI_VCHOMEEXTEND 2332 #define SCI_ZOOMIN 2333 #define SCI_ZOOMOUT 2334 #define SCI_DELWORDLEFT 2335 #define SCI_DELWORDRIGHT 2336 #define SCI_DELWORDRIGHTEND 2518 #define SCI_LINECUT 2337 #define SCI_LINEDELETE 2338 #define SCI_LINETRANSPOSE 2339 #define SCI_LINEDUPLICATE 2404 #define SCI_LOWERCASE 2340 #define SCI_UPPERCASE 2341 #define SCI_LINESCROLLDOWN 2342 #define SCI_LINESCROLLUP 2343 #define SCI_DELETEBACKNOTLINE 2344 #define SCI_HOMEDISPLAY 2345 #define SCI_HOMEDISPLAYEXTEND 2346 #define SCI_LINEENDDISPLAY 2347 #define SCI_LINEENDDISPLAYEXTEND 2348 #define SCI_HOMEWRAP 2349 #define SCI_HOMEWRAPEXTEND 2450 #define SCI_LINEENDWRAP 2451 #define SCI_LINEENDWRAPEXTEND 2452 #define SCI_VCHOMEWRAP 2453 #define SCI_VCHOMEWRAPEXTEND 2454 #define SCI_LINECOPY 2455 #define SCI_MOVECARETINSIDEVIEW 2401 #define SCI_LINELENGTH 2350 #define SCI_BRACEHIGHLIGHT 2351 #define SCI_BRACEBADLIGHT 2352 #define SCI_BRACEMATCH 2353 #define SCI_GETVIEWEOL 2355 #define SCI_SETVIEWEOL 2356 #define SCI_GETDOCPOINTER 2357 #define SCI_SETDOCPOINTER 2358 #define SCI_SETMODEVENTMASK 2359 #define EDGE_NONE 0 #define EDGE_LINE 1 #define EDGE_BACKGROUND 2 #define SCI_GETEDGECOLUMN 2360 #define SCI_SETEDGECOLUMN 2361 #define SCI_GETEDGEMODE 2362 #define SCI_SETEDGEMODE 2363 #define SCI_GETEDGECOLOUR 2364 #define SCI_SETEDGECOLOUR 2365 #define SCI_SEARCHANCHOR 2366 #define SCI_SEARCHNEXT 2367 #define SCI_SEARCHPREV 2368 #define SCI_LINESONSCREEN 2370 #define SCI_USEPOPUP 2371 #define SCI_SELECTIONISRECTANGLE 2372 #define SCI_SETZOOM 2373 #define SCI_GETZOOM 2374 #define SCI_CREATEDOCUMENT 2375 #define SCI_ADDREFDOCUMENT 2376 #define SCI_RELEASEDOCUMENT 2377 #define SCI_GETMODEVENTMASK 2378 #define SCI_SETFOCUS 2380 #define SCI_GETFOCUS 2381 #define SCI_SETSTATUS 2382 #define SCI_GETSTATUS 2383 #define SCI_SETMOUSEDOWNCAPTURES 2384 #define SCI_GETMOUSEDOWNCAPTURES 2385 #define SC_CURSORNORMAL -1 #define SC_CURSORWAIT 4 #define SCI_SETCURSOR 2386 #define SCI_GETCURSOR 2387 #define SCI_SETCONTROLCHARSYMBOL 2388 #define SCI_GETCONTROLCHARSYMBOL 2389 #define SCI_WORDPARTLEFT 2390 #define SCI_WORDPARTLEFTEXTEND 2391 #define SCI_WORDPARTRIGHT 2392 #define SCI_WORDPARTRIGHTEXTEND 2393 #define VISIBLE_SLOP 0x01 #define VISIBLE_STRICT 0x04 #define SCI_SETVISIBLEPOLICY 2394 #define SCI_DELLINELEFT 2395 #define SCI_DELLINERIGHT 2396 #define SCI_SETXOFFSET 2397 #define SCI_GETXOFFSET 2398 #define SCI_CHOOSECARETX 2399 #define SCI_GRABFOCUS 2400 #define CARET_SLOP 0x01 #define CARET_STRICT 0x04 #define CARET_JUMPS 0x10 #define CARET_EVEN 0x08 #define SCI_SETXCARETPOLICY 2402 #define SCI_SETYCARETPOLICY 2403 #define SCI_SETPRINTWRAPMODE 2406 #define SCI_GETPRINTWRAPMODE 2407 #define SCI_SETHOTSPOTACTIVEFORE 2410 #define SCI_GETHOTSPOTACTIVEFORE 2494 #define SCI_SETHOTSPOTACTIVEBACK 2411 #define SCI_GETHOTSPOTACTIVEBACK 2495 #define SCI_SETHOTSPOTACTIVEUNDERLINE 2412 #define SCI_GETHOTSPOTACTIVEUNDERLINE 2496 #define SCI_SETHOTSPOTSINGLELINE 2421 #define SCI_GETHOTSPOTSINGLELINE 2497 #define SCI_PARADOWN 2413 #define SCI_PARADOWNEXTEND 2414 #define SCI_PARAUP 2415 #define SCI_PARAUPEXTEND 2416 #define SCI_POSITIONBEFORE 2417 #define SCI_POSITIONAFTER 2418 #define SCI_COPYRANGE 2419 #define SCI_COPYTEXT 2420 #define SC_SEL_STREAM 0 #define SC_SEL_RECTANGLE 1 #define SC_SEL_LINES 2 #define SCI_SETSELECTIONMODE 2422 #define SCI_GETSELECTIONMODE 2423 #define SCI_GETLINESELSTARTPOSITION 2424 #define SCI_GETLINESELENDPOSITION 2425 #define SCI_LINEDOWNRECTEXTEND 2426 #define SCI_LINEUPRECTEXTEND 2427 #define SCI_CHARLEFTRECTEXTEND 2428 #define SCI_CHARRIGHTRECTEXTEND 2429 #define SCI_HOMERECTEXTEND 2430 #define SCI_VCHOMERECTEXTEND 2431 #define SCI_LINEENDRECTEXTEND 2432 #define SCI_PAGEUPRECTEXTEND 2433 #define SCI_PAGEDOWNRECTEXTEND 2434 #define SCI_STUTTEREDPAGEUP 2435 #define SCI_STUTTEREDPAGEUPEXTEND 2436 #define SCI_STUTTEREDPAGEDOWN 2437 #define SCI_STUTTEREDPAGEDOWNEXTEND 2438 #define SCI_WORDLEFTEND 2439 #define SCI_WORDLEFTENDEXTEND 2440 #define SCI_WORDRIGHTEND 2441 #define SCI_WORDRIGHTENDEXTEND 2442 #define SCI_SETWHITESPACECHARS 2443 #define SCI_SETCHARSDEFAULT 2444 #define SCI_AUTOCGETCURRENT 2445 #define SCI_ALLOCATE 2446 #define SCI_TARGETASUTF8 2447 #define SCI_SETLENGTHFORENCODE 2448 #define SCI_ENCODEDFROMUTF8 2449 #define SCI_FINDCOLUMN 2456 #define SCI_GETCARETSTICKY 2457 #define SCI_SETCARETSTICKY 2458 #define SCI_TOGGLECARETSTICKY 2459 #define SCI_SETPASTECONVERTENDINGS 2467 #define SCI_GETPASTECONVERTENDINGS 2468 #define SCI_SELECTIONDUPLICATE 2469 #define SC_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT 0 #define SC_ALPHA_OPAQUE 255 #define SC_ALPHA_NOALPHA 256 #define SCI_SETCARETLINEBACKALPHA 2470 #define SCI_GETCARETLINEBACKALPHA 2471 #define CARETSTYLE_INVISIBLE 0 #define CARETSTYLE_LINE 1 #define CARETSTYLE_BLOCK 2 #define SCI_SETCARETSTYLE 2512 #define SCI_GETCARETSTYLE 2513 #define SCI_SETINDICATORCURRENT 2500 #define SCI_GETINDICATORCURRENT 2501 #define SCI_SETINDICATORVALUE 2502 #define SCI_GETINDICATORVALUE 2503 #define SCI_INDICATORFILLRANGE 2504 #define SCI_INDICATORCLEARRANGE 2505 #define SCI_INDICATORALLONFOR 2506 #define SCI_INDICATORVALUEAT 2507 #define SCI_INDICATORSTART 2508 #define SCI_INDICATOREND 2509 #define SCI_SETPOSITIONCACHE 2514 #define SCI_GETPOSITIONCACHE 2515 #define SCI_COPYALLOWLINE 2519 #define SCI_STARTRECORD 3001 #define SCI_STOPRECORD 3002 #define SCI_SETLEXER 4001 #define SCI_GETLEXER 4002 #define SCI_COLOURISE 4003 #define SCI_SETPROPERTY 4004 #define KEYWORDSET_MAX 8 #define SCI_SETKEYWORDS 4005 #define SCI_SETLEXERLANGUAGE 4006 #define SCI_LOADLEXERLIBRARY 4007 #define SCI_GETPROPERTY 4008 #define SCI_GETPROPERTYEXPANDED 4009 #define SCI_GETPROPERTYINT 4010 #define SCI_GETSTYLEBITSNEEDED 4011 #define SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT 0x1 #define SC_MOD_DELETETEXT 0x2 #define SC_MOD_CHANGESTYLE 0x4 #define SC_MOD_CHANGEFOLD 0x8 #define SC_PERFORMED_USER 0x10 #define SC_PERFORMED_UNDO 0x20 #define SC_PERFORMED_REDO 0x40 #define SC_MULTISTEPUNDOREDO 0x80 #define SC_LASTSTEPINUNDOREDO 0x100 #define SC_MOD_CHANGEMARKER 0x200 #define SC_MOD_BEFOREINSERT 0x400 #define SC_MOD_BEFOREDELETE 0x800 #define SC_MULTILINEUNDOREDO 0x1000 #define SC_STARTACTION 0x2000 #define SC_MOD_CHANGEINDICATOR 0x4000 #define SC_MOD_CHANGELINESTATE 0x8000 #define SC_MODEVENTMASKALL 0xFFFF #define SCEN_CHANGE 768 #define SCEN_SETFOCUS 512 #define SCEN_KILLFOCUS 256 #define SCK_DOWN 300 #define SCK_UP 301 #define SCK_LEFT 302 #define SCK_RIGHT 303 #define SCK_HOME 304 #define SCK_END 305 #define SCK_PRIOR 306 #define SCK_NEXT 307 #define SCK_DELETE 308 #define SCK_INSERT 309 #define SCK_ESCAPE 7 #define SCK_BACK 8 #define SCK_TAB 9 #define SCK_RETURN 13 #define SCK_ADD 310 #define SCK_SUBTRACT 311 #define SCK_DIVIDE 312 #define SCK_WIN 313 #define SCK_RWIN 314 #define SCK_MENU 315 #define SCMOD_NORM 0 #define SCMOD_SHIFT 1 #define SCMOD_CTRL 2 #define SCMOD_ALT 4 #define SCN_STYLENEEDED 2000 #define SCN_CHARADDED 2001 #define SCN_SAVEPOINTREACHED 2002 #define SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT 2003 #define SCN_MODIFYATTEMPTRO 2004 #define SCN_KEY 2005 #define SCN_DOUBLECLICK 2006 #define SCN_UPDATEUI 2007 #define SCN_MODIFIED 2008 #define SCN_MACRORECORD 2009 #define SCN_MARGINCLICK 2010 #define SCN_NEEDSHOWN 2011 #define SCN_PAINTED 2013 #define SCN_USERLISTSELECTION 2014 #define SCN_URIDROPPED 2015 #define SCN_DWELLSTART 2016 #define SCN_DWELLEND 2017 #define SCN_ZOOM 2018 #define SCN_HOTSPOTCLICK 2019 #define SCN_HOTSPOTDOUBLECLICK 2020 #define SCN_CALLTIPCLICK 2021 #define SCN_AUTOCSELECTION 2022 #define SCN_INDICATORCLICK 2023 #define SCN_INDICATORRELEASE 2024 //--Autogenerated -- end of section automatically generated from Scintilla.iface // These structures are defined to be exactly the same shape as the Win32 // CHARRANGE, TEXTRANGE, FINDTEXTEX, FORMATRANGE, and NMHDR structs. // So older code that treats Scintilla as a RichEdit will work. #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE namespace Scintilla { #endif struct CharacterRange { long cpMin; long cpMax; }; struct TextRange { struct CharacterRange chrg; char *lpstrText; }; struct TextToFind { struct CharacterRange chrg; char *lpstrText; struct CharacterRange chrgText; }; #ifdef PLATFORM_H // This structure is used in printing and requires some of the graphics types // from Platform.h. Not needed by most client code. struct RangeToFormat { SurfaceID hdc; SurfaceID hdcTarget; PRectangle rc; PRectangle rcPage; CharacterRange chrg; }; #endif struct NotifyHeader { // Compatible with Windows NMHDR. // hwndFrom is really an environment specific window handle or pointer // but most clients of Scintilla.h do not have this type visible. void *hwndFrom; uptr_t idFrom; unsigned int code; }; struct SCNotification { struct NotifyHeader nmhdr; int position; // SCN_STYLENEEDED, SCN_MODIFIED, SCN_DWELLSTART, SCN_DWELLEND int ch; // SCN_CHARADDED, SCN_KEY int modifiers; // SCN_KEY int modificationType; // SCN_MODIFIED const char *text; // SCN_MODIFIED, SCN_USERLISTSELECTION, SCN_AUTOCSELECTION int length; // SCN_MODIFIED int linesAdded; // SCN_MODIFIED int message; // SCN_MACRORECORD uptr_t wParam; // SCN_MACRORECORD sptr_t lParam; // SCN_MACRORECORD int line; // SCN_MODIFIED int foldLevelNow; // SCN_MODIFIED int foldLevelPrev; // SCN_MODIFIED int margin; // SCN_MARGINCLICK int listType; // SCN_USERLISTSELECTION int x; // SCN_DWELLSTART, SCN_DWELLEND int y; // SCN_DWELLSTART, SCN_DWELLEND }; #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE } #endif // Deprecation section listing all API features that are deprecated and will // will be removed completely in a future version. // To enable these features define INCLUDE_DEPRECATED_FEATURES #ifdef INCLUDE_DEPRECATED_FEATURES #define SCI_SETCARETPOLICY 2369 #define CARET_CENTER 0x02 #define CARET_XEVEN 0x08 #define CARET_XJUMPS 0x10 #define SCN_POSCHANGED 2012 #define SCN_CHECKBRACE 2007 #endif #endif
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