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// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file Platform.h ** Interface to platform facilities. Also includes some basic utilities. ** Implemented in PlatGTK.cxx for GTK+/Linux, PlatWin.cxx for Windows, and PlatWX.cxx for wxWindows. **/ // Copyright 1998-2003 by Neil Hodgson
// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #ifndef PLATFORM_H #define PLATFORM_H // PLAT_GTK = GTK+ on Linux or Win32 // PLAT_GTK_WIN32 is defined additionally when running PLAT_GTK under Win32 // PLAT_WIN = Win32 API on Win32 OS // PLAT_WX is wxWindows on any supported platform #define PLAT_GTK 0 #define PLAT_GTK_WIN32 0 #define PLAT_MACOSX 0 #define PLAT_WIN 0 #define PLAT_WX 0 #define PLAT_FOX 0 #if defined(FOX) #undef PLAT_FOX #define PLAT_FOX 1 #elif defined(__WX__) #undef PLAT_WX #define PLAT_WX 1 #elif defined(GTK) #undef PLAT_GTK #define PLAT_GTK 1 #if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_MSC_VER) #undef PLAT_GTK_WIN32 #define PLAT_GTK_WIN32 1 #endif #elif defined(MACOSX) #undef PLAT_MACOSX #define PLAT_MACOSX 1 #else #undef PLAT_WIN #define PLAT_WIN 1 #endif #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE namespace Scintilla { #endif // Underlying the implementation of the platform classes are platform specific types. // Sometimes these need to be passed around by client code so they are defined here typedef void *FontID; typedef void *SurfaceID; typedef void *WindowID; typedef void *MenuID; typedef void *TickerID; typedef void *Function; typedef void *IdlerID; /** * A geometric point class. * Point is exactly the same as the Win32 POINT and GTK+ GdkPoint so can be used interchangeably. */ class Point { public: int x; int y; explicit Point(int x_=0, int y_=0) : x(x_), y(y_) { } // Other automatically defined methods (assignment, copy constructor, destructor) are fine static Point FromLong(long lpoint); }; /** * A geometric rectangle class. * PRectangle is exactly the same as the Win32 RECT so can be used interchangeably. * PRectangles contain their top and left sides, but not their right and bottom sides. */ class PRectangle { public: int left; int top; int right; int bottom; PRectangle(int left_=0, int top_=0, int right_=0, int bottom_ = 0) : left(left_), top(top_), right(right_), bottom(bottom_) { } // Other automatically defined methods (assignment, copy constructor, destructor) are fine bool operator==(PRectangle &rc) { return (rc.left == left) && (rc.right == right) && ( == top) && (rc.bottom == bottom); } bool Contains(Point pt) { return (pt.x >= left) && (pt.x <= right) && (pt.y >= top) && (pt.y <= bottom); } bool Contains(PRectangle rc) { return (rc.left >= left) && (rc.right <= right) && ( >= top) && (rc.bottom <= bottom); } bool Intersects(PRectangle other) { return (right > other.left) && (left < other.right) && (bottom > && (top < other.bottom); } void Move(int xDelta, int yDelta) { left += xDelta; top += yDelta; right += xDelta; bottom += yDelta; } int Width() { return right - left; } int Height() { return bottom - top; } bool Empty() { return (Height() <= 0) || (Width() <= 0); } }; /** * In some circumstances, including Win32 in paletted mode and GTK+, each colour * must be allocated before use. The desired colours are held in the ColourDesired class, * and after allocation the allocation entry is stored in the ColourAllocated class. In other * circumstances, such as Win32 in true colour mode, the allocation process just copies * the RGB values from the desired to the allocated class. * As each desired colour requires allocation before it can be used, the ColourPair class * holds both a ColourDesired and a ColourAllocated * The Palette class is responsible for managing the palette of colours which contains a * list of ColourPair objects and performs the allocation. */ /** * Holds a desired RGB colour. */ class ColourDesired { long co; public: ColourDesired(long lcol=0) { co = lcol; } ColourDesired(unsigned int red, unsigned int green, unsigned int blue) { Set(red, green, blue); } bool operator==(const ColourDesired &other) const { return co ==; } void Set(long lcol) { co = lcol; } void Set(unsigned int red, unsigned int green, unsigned int blue) { co = red | (green << 8) | (blue << 16); } static inline unsigned int ValueOfHex(const char ch) { if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return ch - '0'; else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') return ch - 'A' + 10; else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') return ch - 'a' + 10; else return 0; } void Set(const char *val) { if (*val == '#') { val++; } unsigned int r = ValueOfHex(val[0]) * 16 + ValueOfHex(val[1]); unsigned int g = ValueOfHex(val[2]) * 16 + ValueOfHex(val[3]); unsigned int b = ValueOfHex(val[4]) * 16 + ValueOfHex(val[5]); Set(r, g, b); } long AsLong() const { return co; } unsigned int GetRed() { return co & 0xff; } unsigned int GetGreen() { return (co >> 8) & 0xff; } unsigned int GetBlue() { return (co >> 16) & 0xff; } }; /** * Holds an allocated RGB colour which may be an approximation to the desired colour. */ class ColourAllocated { long coAllocated; public: ColourAllocated(long lcol=0) { coAllocated = lcol; } void Set(long lcol) { coAllocated = lcol; } long AsLong() const { return coAllocated; } }; /** * Colour pairs hold a desired colour and an allocated colour. */ struct ColourPair { ColourDesired desired; ColourAllocated allocated; ColourPair(ColourDesired desired_=ColourDesired(0,0,0)) { desired = desired_; allocated.Set(desired.AsLong()); } void Copy() { allocated.Set(desired.AsLong()); } }; class Window; // Forward declaration for Palette /** * Colour palette management. */ class Palette { int used; int size; ColourPair *entries; #if PLAT_GTK void *allocatedPalette; // GdkColor * int allocatedLen; #endif // Private so Palette objects can not be copied Palette(const Palette &) {} Palette &operator=(const Palette &) { return *this; } public: #if PLAT_WIN void *hpal; #endif bool allowRealization; Palette(); ~Palette(); void Release(); /** * This method either adds a colour to the list of wanted colours (want==true) * or retrieves the allocated colour back to the ColourPair. * This is one method to make it easier to keep the code for wanting and retrieving in sync. */ void WantFind(ColourPair &cp, bool want); void Allocate(Window &w); }; /** * Font management. */ class Font { protected: FontID id; #if PLAT_WX int ascent; #endif // Private so Font objects can not be copied Font(const Font &) {} Font &operator=(const Font &) { id=0; return *this; } public: Font(); virtual ~Font(); virtual void Create(const char *faceName, int characterSet, int size, bool bold, bool italic, bool extraFontFlag=false); virtual void Release(); FontID GetID() { return id; } // Alias another font - caller guarantees not to Release void SetID(FontID id_) { id = id_; } friend class Surface; friend class SurfaceImpl; }; /** * A surface abstracts a place to draw. */ class Surface { private: // Private so Surface objects can not be copied Surface(const Surface &) {} Surface &operator=(const Surface &) { return *this; } public: Surface() {}; virtual ~Surface() {}; static Surface *Allocate(); virtual void Init(WindowID wid)=0; virtual void Init(SurfaceID sid, WindowID wid)=0; virtual void InitPixMap(int width, int height, Surface *surface_, WindowID wid)=0; virtual void Release()=0; virtual bool Initialised()=0; virtual void PenColour(ColourAllocated fore)=0; virtual int LogPixelsY()=0; virtual int DeviceHeightFont(int points)=0; virtual void MoveTo(int x_, int y_)=0; virtual void LineTo(int x_, int y_)=0; virtual void Polygon(Point *pts, int npts, ColourAllocated fore, ColourAllocated back)=0; virtual void RectangleDraw(PRectangle rc, ColourAllocated fore, ColourAllocated back)=0; virtual void FillRectangle(PRectangle rc, ColourAllocated back)=0; virtual void FillRectangle(PRectangle rc, Surface &surfacePattern)=0; virtual void RoundedRectangle(PRectangle rc, ColourAllocated fore, ColourAllocated back)=0; virtual void AlphaRectangle(PRectangle rc, int cornerSize, ColourAllocated fill, int alphaFill, ColourAllocated outline, int alphaOutline, int flags)=0; virtual void Ellipse(PRectangle rc, ColourAllocated fore, ColourAllocated back)=0; virtual void Copy(PRectangle rc, Point from, Surface &surfaceSource)=0; virtual void DrawTextNoClip(PRectangle rc, Font &font_, int ybase, const char *s, int len, ColourAllocated fore, ColourAllocated back)=0; virtual void DrawTextClipped(PRectangle rc, Font &font_, int ybase, const char *s, int len, ColourAllocated fore, ColourAllocated back)=0; virtual void DrawTextTransparent(PRectangle rc, Font &font_, int ybase, const char *s, int len, ColourAllocated fore)=0; virtual void MeasureWidths(Font &font_, const char *s, int len, int *positions)=0; virtual int WidthText(Font &font_, const char *s, int len)=0; virtual int WidthChar(Font &font_, char ch)=0; virtual int Ascent(Font &font_)=0; virtual int Descent(Font &font_)=0; virtual int InternalLeading(Font &font_)=0; virtual int ExternalLeading(Font &font_)=0; virtual int Height(Font &font_)=0; virtual int AverageCharWidth(Font &font_)=0; virtual int SetPalette(Palette *pal, bool inBackGround)=0; virtual void SetClip(PRectangle rc)=0; virtual void FlushCachedState()=0; virtual void SetUnicodeMode(bool unicodeMode_)=0; virtual void SetDBCSMode(int codePage)=0; }; /** * A simple callback action passing one piece of untyped user data. */ typedef void (*CallBackAction)(void*); /** * Class to hide the details of window manipulation. * Does not own the window which will normally have a longer life than this object. */ class Window { protected: WindowID id; #if PLAT_MACOSX void *windowRef; void *control; #endif public: Window() : id(0), cursorLast(cursorInvalid) { #if PLAT_MACOSX windowRef = 0; control = 0; #endif } Window(const Window &source) : id(, cursorLast(cursorInvalid) { #if PLAT_MACOSX windowRef = 0; control = 0; #endif } virtual ~Window(); Window &operator=(WindowID id_) { id = id_; return *this; } WindowID GetID() const { return id; } bool Created() const { return id != 0; } void Destroy(); bool HasFocus(); PRectangle GetPosition(); void SetPosition(PRectangle rc); void SetPositionRelative(PRectangle rc, Window relativeTo); PRectangle GetClientPosition(); void Show(bool show=true); void InvalidateAll(); void InvalidateRectangle(PRectangle rc); virtual void SetFont(Font &font); enum Cursor { cursorInvalid, cursorText, cursorArrow, cursorUp, cursorWait, cursorHoriz, cursorVert, cursorReverseArrow, cursorHand }; void SetCursor(Cursor curs); void SetTitle(const char *s); PRectangle GetMonitorRect(Point pt); #if PLAT_MACOSX void SetWindow(void *ref) { windowRef = ref; }; void SetControl(void *_control) { control = _control; }; #endif private: Cursor cursorLast; }; /** * Listbox management. */ class ListBox : public Window { public: ListBox(); virtual ~ListBox(); static ListBox *Allocate(); virtual void SetFont(Font &font)=0; virtual void Create(Window &parent, int ctrlID, Point location, int lineHeight_, bool unicodeMode_)=0; virtual void SetAverageCharWidth(int width)=0; virtual void SetVisibleRows(int rows)=0; virtual int GetVisibleRows() const=0; virtual PRectangle GetDesiredRect()=0; virtual int CaretFromEdge()=0; virtual void Clear()=0; virtual void Append(char *s, int type = -1)=0; virtual int Length()=0; virtual void Select(int n)=0; virtual int GetSelection()=0; virtual int Find(const char *prefix)=0; virtual void GetValue(int n, char *value, int len)=0; virtual void RegisterImage(int type, const char *xpm_data)=0; virtual void ClearRegisteredImages()=0; virtual void SetDoubleClickAction(CallBackAction, void *)=0; virtual void SetList(const char* list, char separator, char typesep)=0; }; /** * Menu management. */ class Menu { MenuID id; public: Menu(); MenuID GetID() { return id; } void CreatePopUp(); void Destroy(); void Show(Point pt, Window &w); }; class ElapsedTime { long bigBit; long littleBit; public: ElapsedTime(); double Duration(bool reset=false); }; /** * Dynamic Library (DLL/SO/...) loading */ class DynamicLibrary { public: virtual ~DynamicLibrary() {}; /// @return Pointer to function "name", or NULL on failure. virtual Function FindFunction(const char *name) = 0; /// @return true if the library was loaded successfully. virtual bool IsValid() = 0; /// @return An instance of a DynamicLibrary subclass with "modulePath" loaded. static DynamicLibrary *Load(const char *modulePath); }; /** * Platform class used to retrieve system wide parameters such as double click speed * and chrome colour. Not a creatable object, more of a module with several functions. */ class Platform { // Private so Platform objects can not be copied Platform(const Platform &) {} Platform &operator=(const Platform &) { return *this; } public: // Should be private because no new Platforms are ever created // but gcc warns about this Platform() {} ~Platform() {} static ColourDesired Chrome(); static ColourDesired ChromeHighlight(); static const char *DefaultFont(); static int DefaultFontSize(); static unsigned int DoubleClickTime(); static bool MouseButtonBounce(); static void DebugDisplay(const char *s); static bool IsKeyDown(int key); static long SendScintilla( WindowID w, unsigned int msg, unsigned long wParam=0, long lParam=0); static long SendScintillaPointer( WindowID w, unsigned int msg, unsigned long wParam=0, void *lParam=0); static bool IsDBCSLeadByte(int codePage, char ch); static int DBCSCharLength(int codePage, const char *s); static int DBCSCharMaxLength(); // These are utility functions not really tied to a platform static int Minimum(int a, int b); static int Maximum(int a, int b); // Next three assume 16 bit shorts and 32 bit longs static long LongFromTwoShorts(short a,short b) { return (a) | ((b) << 16); } static short HighShortFromLong(long x) { return static_cast
(x >> 16); } static short LowShortFromLong(long x) { return static_cast
(x & 0xffff); } static void DebugPrintf(const char *format, ...); static bool ShowAssertionPopUps(bool assertionPopUps_); static void Assert(const char *c, const char *file, int line); static int Clamp(int val, int minVal, int maxVal); }; #ifdef NDEBUG #define PLATFORM_ASSERT(c) ((void)0) #else #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE #define PLATFORM_ASSERT(c) ((c) ? (void)(0) : Scintilla::Platform::Assert(#c, __FILE__, __LINE__)) #else #define PLATFORM_ASSERT(c) ((c) ? (void)(0) : Platform::Assert(#c, __FILE__, __LINE__)) #endif #endif #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE } #endif // Shut up annoying Visual C++ warnings: #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable: 4244 4309 4514 4710) #endif #endif
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