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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see Copyright (c) 2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Copyright (c) 2006 Matthias Fink, netAllied GmbH
Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __ShadowCameraSetupFocused_H__ #define __ShadowCameraSetupFocused_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreShadowCameraSetup.h" #include "OgrePolygon.h" #include "OgreConvexBody.h" namespace Ogre { class ConvexBody; /** Implements the uniform shadow mapping algorithm in focused mode. @remarks Differs from the default shadow mapping projection in that it focuses the shadow map on the visible areas of the scene. This results in better shadow map texel usage, at the expense of some 'swimming' of the shadow texture on receivers as the basis is constantly being reevaluated. @note Original implementation by Matthias Fink
, 2006. */ class _OgreExport FocusedShadowCameraSetup : public ShadowCameraSetup { protected: /** Transform to or from light space as defined by Wimmer et al. @remarks Point and spot lights need to be converted to directional lights to enable a 1:1 light mapping. Otherwise a directional light may become a point light or a point sink (opposite of a light source) or point/spot lights may become directional lights or light sinks. The light direction is always -y. */ static const Matrix4 msNormalToLightSpace; static const Matrix4 msLightSpaceToNormal; /** Temporary preallocated frustum to set up a projection matrix in ::calculateShadowMappingMatrix() */ Frustum* mTempFrustum; /** Temporary preallocated camera to set up a light frustum for clipping in ::calculateB. */ Camera* mLightFrustumCamera; mutable bool mLightFrustumCameraCalculated; /// Use tighter focus region? bool mUseAggressiveRegion; /** Internal class holding a point list representation of a convex body. */ class _OgreExport PointListBody { Polygon::VertexList mBodyPoints; AxisAlignedBox mAAB; public: PointListBody(); PointListBody(const ConvexBody& body); ~PointListBody(); /** Merges a second PointListBody into this one. */ void merge(const PointListBody& plb); /** Builds a point list body from a 'real' body. @remarks Inserts all vertices from a body into the point list with or without adding duplicate vertices. */ void build(const ConvexBody& body, bool filterDuplicates = true); /** Builds a PointListBody from a Body and includes all the space in a given direction. @remarks Intersects the bounding box with a ray from each available point of the body with the given direction. Base and intersection points are stored in a PointListBody structure. @note Duplicate vertices are not filtered. @note Body is not checked for correctness. */ void buildAndIncludeDirection(const ConvexBody& body, const AxisAlignedBox& aabMax, const Vector3& dir); /** Returns the bounding box representation. */ const AxisAlignedBox& getAAB(void) const; /** Adds a specific point to the body list. */ void addPoint(const Vector3& point); /** Adds all points of an AAB. */ void addAAB(const AxisAlignedBox& aab); /** Returns a point. */ const Vector3& getPoint(size_t cnt) const; /** Returns the point count. */ size_t getPointCount(void) const; /** Resets the body. */ void reset(void); }; // Persistent calculations to prevent reallocation mutable ConvexBody mBodyB; mutable PointListBody mPointListBodyB; mutable PointListBody mPointListBodyLVS; protected: /** Calculates the standard shadow mapping matrix. @remarks Provides the view and projection matrix for standard shadow mapping. @note You can choose which things you want to have: view matrix and/or projection matrix and/or shadow camera. Passing a NULL value as parameter ignores the generation of this specific value. @param sm: scene manager @param cam: currently active camera @param light: currently active light @param out_view: calculated uniform view shadow mapping matrix (may be NULL) @param out_proj: calculated uniform projection shadow mapping matrix (may be NULL) @param out_cam: calculated uniform shadow camera (may be NULL) */ void calculateShadowMappingMatrix(const SceneManager& sm, const Camera& cam, const Light& light, Matrix4 *out_view, Matrix4 *out_proj, Camera *out_cam) const; /** Calculates the intersection bodyB. @remarks The intersection bodyB consists of the concatenation the cam frustum clipped by the scene bounding box followed by a convex hullification with the light's position and the clipping with the scene bounding box and the light frustum: ((V \cap S) + l) \cap S \cap L (\cap: convex intersection, +: convex hull operation). For directional lights the bodyB is assembled out of the camera frustum clipped by the scene bounding box followed by the extrusion of all available bodyB points towards the negative light direction. The rays are intersected by a maximum bounding box and added to the bodyB points to form the final intersection bodyB point list. @param sm: scene manager @param cam: currently active camera @param light: currently active light @param sceneBB: scene bounding box for clipping operations @param out_bodyB: final intersection bodyB point list */ void calculateB(const SceneManager& sm, const Camera& cam, const Light& light, const AxisAlignedBox& sceneBB, PointListBody *out_bodyB) const; /** Calculates the bodyLVS. @remarks Calculates the bodyLVS which consists of the convex intersection operation affecting the light frustum, the view frustum, and the current scene bounding box is used to find suitable positions in the viewer's frustum to build the rotation matrix L_r. This matrix is applied after the projection matrix L_p to avoid an accidental flip of the frustum orientation for views tilted with respect to the shadow map. @param scene: holds all potential occluders / receivers as one single bounding box of the currently active scene node @param cam: current viewer camera @param light: current light @param out_LVS: intersection body LVS (world coordinates) */ void calculateLVS(const SceneManager& sm, const Camera& cam, const Light& light, const AxisAlignedBox& sceneBB, PointListBody *out_LVS) const; /** Returns the projection view direction. @remarks After the matrix L_p is applied the orientation of the light space may tilt for non-identity projections. To prevent a false shadow cast the real view direction is evaluated and applied to the light matrix L. @param lightSpace: matrix of the light space transformation @param cam: current viewer camera @param bodyLVS: intersection body LVS (relevant space in front of the camera) */ Vector3 getLSProjViewDir(const Matrix4& lightSpace, const Camera& cam, const PointListBody& bodyLVS) const; /** Returns a valid near-point seen by the camera. @remarks Returns a point that is situated near the camera by analyzing the bodyLVS that contains all the relevant scene space in front of the light and the camera in a point list array. The view matrix is relevant because the nearest point in front of the camera should be determined. @param viewMatrix: view matrix of the current camera @param bodyLVS: intersection body LVS (relevant space in front of the camera) */ Vector3 getNearCameraPoint_ws(const Matrix4& viewMatrix, const PointListBody& bodyLVS) const; /** Transforms a given body to the unit cube (-1,-1,-1) / (+1,+1,+1) with a specific shadow matrix enabled. @remarks Transforms a given point list body object with the matrix m and then maps its extends to a (-1,-1,-1) / (+1,+1,+1) unit cube @param m: transformation matrix applied on the point list body @param body: contains the points of the extends of all valid scene elements which are mapped to the unit cube */ Matrix4 transformToUnitCube(const Matrix4& m, const PointListBody& body) const; /** Builds a view matrix. @remarks Builds a standard view matrix out of a given position, direction and up vector. */ Matrix4 buildViewMatrix(const Vector3& pos, const Vector3& dir, const Vector3& up) const; public: /** Default constructor. @remarks Temporary frustum and camera set up here. */ FocusedShadowCameraSetup(void); /** Default destructor. @remarks Temporary frustum and camera destroyed here. */ virtual ~FocusedShadowCameraSetup(void); /** Returns a uniform shadow camera with a focused view. */ virtual void getShadowCamera(const SceneManager *sm, const Camera *cam, const Viewport *vp, const Light *light, Camera *texCam) const; /** Sets whether or not to use the more agressive approach to deciding on the focus region or not. @note There are 2 approaches that can be used to define the focus region, the more aggressive way introduced by Wimmer et al, or the original way as described in Stamminger et al. Wimmer et al's way tends to come up with a tighter focus region but in rare cases (mostly highly glancing angles) can cause some shadow casters to be clipped incorrectly. By default the more aggressive approach is used since it leads to significantly better results in most cases, but if you experience clipping issues, you can use the less agressive version. @param aggressive True to use the more agressive approach, false otherwise. */ void setUseAggressiveFocusRegion(bool aggressive) { mUseAggressiveRegion = aggressive; } bool getUseAggressiveFocusRegion() const { return mUseAggressiveRegion; } }; } #endif
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