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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef _SceneNode_H__ #define _SceneNode_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreNode.h" #include "OgreIteratorWrappers.h" #include "OgreAxisAlignedBox.h" namespace Ogre { // forward decl struct VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo; /** Class representing a node in the scene graph. @remarks A SceneNode is a type of Node which is used to organise objects in a scene. It has the same hierarchical transformation properties of the generic Node class, but also adds the ability to attach world objects to the node, and stores hierarchical bounding volumes of the nodes in the tree. Child nodes are contained within the bounds of the parent, and so on down the tree, allowing for fast culling. */ class _OgreExport SceneNode : public Node { public: typedef HashMap
ObjectMap; typedef MapIterator
ObjectIterator; typedef ConstMapIterator
ConstObjectIterator; protected: ObjectMap mObjectsByName; /// Pointer to a Wire Bounding Box for this Node WireBoundingBox *mWireBoundingBox; /// Flag that determines if the bounding box of the node should be displayed bool mShowBoundingBox; /// SceneManager which created this node SceneManager* mCreator; /// World-Axis aligned bounding box, updated only through _update AxisAlignedBox mWorldAABB; /** @copydoc Node::updateFromParentImpl. */ void updateFromParentImpl(void) const; /** See Node. */ Node* createChildImpl(void); /** See Node. */ Node* createChildImpl(const String& name); /** See Node */ void setParent(Node* parent); /** Internal method for setting whether the node is in the scene graph. */ virtual void setInSceneGraph(bool inGraph); /// Whether to yaw around a fixed axis. bool mYawFixed; /// Fixed axis to yaw around Vector3 mYawFixedAxis; /// Auto tracking target SceneNode* mAutoTrackTarget; /// Tracking offset for fine tuning Vector3 mAutoTrackOffset; /// Local 'normal' direction vector Vector3 mAutoTrackLocalDirection; /// Is this node a current part of the scene graph? bool mIsInSceneGraph; public: /** Constructor, only to be called by the creator SceneManager. @remarks Creates a node with a generated name. */ SceneNode(SceneManager* creator); /** Constructor, only to be called by the creator SceneManager. @remarks Creates a node with a specified name. */ SceneNode(SceneManager* creator, const String& name); ~SceneNode(); /** Adds an instance of a scene object to this node. @remarks Scene objects can include Entity objects, Camera objects, Light objects, ParticleSystem objects etc. Anything that subclasses from MovableObject. */ virtual void attachObject(MovableObject* obj); /** Reports the number of objects attached to this node. */ virtual unsigned short numAttachedObjects(void) const; /** Retrieves a pointer to an attached object. @remarks Retrieves by index, see alternate version to retrieve by name. The index of an object may change as other objects are added / removed. */ virtual MovableObject* getAttachedObject(unsigned short index); /** Retrieves a pointer to an attached object. @remarks Retrieves by object name, see alternate version to retrieve by index. */ virtual MovableObject* getAttachedObject(const String& name); /** Detaches the indexed object from this scene node. @remarks Detaches by index, see the alternate version to detach by name. Object indexes may change as other objects are added / removed. */ virtual MovableObject* detachObject(unsigned short index); /** Detaches an object by pointer. */ virtual void detachObject(MovableObject* obj); /** Detaches the named object from this node and returns a pointer to it. */ virtual MovableObject* detachObject(const String& name); /** Detaches all objects attached to this node. */ virtual void detachAllObjects(void); /** Determines whether this node is in the scene graph, ie whether it's ulitimate ancestor is the root scene node. */ virtual bool isInSceneGraph(void) const { return mIsInSceneGraph; } /** Notifies this SceneNode that it is the root scene node. @remarks Only SceneManager should call this! */ virtual void _notifyRootNode(void) { mIsInSceneGraph = true; } /** Internal method to update the Node. @note Updates this scene node and any relevant children to incorporate transforms etc. Don't call this yourself unless you are writing a SceneManager implementation. @param updateChildren If true, the update cascades down to all children. Specify false if you wish to update children separately, e.g. because of a more selective SceneManager implementation. @param parentHasChanged This flag indicates that the parent xform has changed, so the child should retrieve the parent's xform and combine it with its own even if it hasn't changed itself. */ virtual void _update(bool updateChildren, bool parentHasChanged); /** Tells the SceneNode to update the world bound info it stores. */ virtual void _updateBounds(void); /** Internal method which locates any visible objects attached to this node and adds them to the passed in queue. @remarks Should only be called by a SceneManager implementation, and only after the _updat method has been called to ensure transforms and world bounds are up to date. SceneManager implementations can choose to let the search cascade automatically, or choose to prevent this and select nodes themselves based on some other criteria. @param cam The active camera @param queue The SceneManager's rendering queue @param visibleBounds bounding information created on the fly containing all visible objects by the camera @param includeChildren If true, the call is cascaded down to all child nodes automatically. @param displayNodes If true, the nodes themselves are rendered as a set of 3 axes as well as the objects being rendered. For debugging purposes. */ virtual void _findVisibleObjects(Camera* cam, RenderQueue* queue, VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo* visibleBounds, bool includeChildren = true, bool displayNodes = false, bool onlyShadowCasters = false); /** Gets the axis-aligned bounding box of this node (and hence all subnodes). @remarks Recommended only if you are extending a SceneManager, because the bounding box returned from this method is only up to date after the SceneManager has called _update. */ virtual const AxisAlignedBox& _getWorldAABB(void) const; /** Retrieves an iterator which can be used to efficiently step through the objects attached to this node. @remarks This is a much faster way to go through
the objects attached to the node than using getAttachedObject. But the iterator returned is only valid until a change is made to the collection (ie an addition or removal) so treat the returned iterator as transient, and don't add / remove items as you go through the iterator, save changes until the end, or retrieve a new iterator after making the change. Making changes to the object returned through the iterator is OK though. */ virtual ObjectIterator getAttachedObjectIterator(void); /** Retrieves an iterator which can be used to efficiently step through the objects attached to this node. @remarks This is a much faster way to go through
the objects attached to the node than using getAttachedObject. But the iterator returned is only valid until a change is made to the collection (ie an addition or removal) so treat the returned iterator as transient, and don't add / remove items as you go through the iterator, save changes until the end, or retrieve a new iterator after making the change. Making changes to the object returned through the iterator is OK though. */ virtual ConstObjectIterator getAttachedObjectIterator(void) const; /** Gets the creator of this scene node. @remarks This method returns the SceneManager which created this node. This can be useful for destroying this node. */ SceneManager* getCreator(void) const { return mCreator; } /** This method removes and destroys the named child and all of its children. @remarks Unlike removeChild, which removes a single named child from this node but does not destroy it, this method destroys the child and all of it's children. @par Use this if you wish to recursively destroy a node as well as detaching it from it's parent. Note that any objects attached to the nodes will be detached but will not themselves be destroyed. */ virtual void removeAndDestroyChild(const String& name); /** This method removes and destroys the child and all of its children. @remarks Unlike removeChild, which removes a single named child from this node but does not destroy it, this method destroys the child and all of it's children. @par Use this if you wish to recursively destroy a node as well as detaching it from it's parent. Note that any objects attached to the nodes will be detached but will not themselves be destroyed. */ virtual void removeAndDestroyChild(unsigned short index); /** Removes and destroys all children of this node. @remarks Use this to destroy all child nodes of this node and remove them from the scene graph. Note that all objects attached to this node will be detached but will not be destroyed. */ virtual void removeAndDestroyAllChildren(void); /** Allows the showing of the node's bounding box. @remarks Use this to show or hide the bounding box of the node. */ virtual void showBoundingBox(bool bShow); /** Add the bounding box to the rendering queue. */ virtual void _addBoundingBoxToQueue(RenderQueue* queue); /** This allows scene managers to determine if the node's bounding box should be added to the rendering queue. @remarks Scene Managers that implement their own _findVisibleObjects will have to check this flag and then use _addBoundingBoxToQueue to add the bounding box wireframe. */ virtual bool getShowBoundingBox() const; /** Creates an unnamed new SceneNode as a child of this node. @param translate Initial translation offset of child relative to parent @param rotate Initial rotation relative to parent */ virtual SceneNode* createChildSceneNode( const Vector3& translate = Vector3::ZERO, const Quaternion& rotate = Quaternion::IDENTITY ); /** Creates a new named SceneNode as a child of this node. @remarks This creates a child node with a given name, which allows you to look the node up from the parent which holds this collection of nodes. @param translate Initial translation offset of child relative to parent @param rotate Initial rotation relative to parent */ virtual SceneNode* createChildSceneNode(const String& name, const Vector3& translate = Vector3::ZERO, const Quaternion& rotate = Quaternion::IDENTITY); /** Allows retrieval of the nearest lights to the centre of this SceneNode. @remarks This method allows a list of lights, ordered by proximity to the centre of this SceneNode, to be retrieved. Can be useful when implementing MovableObject::queryLights and Renderable::getLights. @par Note that only lights could be affecting the frustum will take into account, which cached in scene manager. @see SceneManager::_getLightsAffectingFrustum @see SceneManager::_populateLightList @param destList List to be populated with ordered set of lights; will be cleared by this method before population. @param radius Parameter to specify lights intersecting a given radius of this SceneNode's centre. */ virtual void findLights(LightList& destList, Real radius) const; /** Tells the node whether to yaw around it's own local Y axis or a fixed axis of choice. @remarks This method allows you to change the yaw behaviour of the node - by default, it yaws around it's own local Y axis when told to yaw with TS_LOCAL, this makes it yaw around a fixed axis. You only really need this when you're using auto tracking (see setAutoTracking, because when you're manually rotating a node you can specify the TransformSpace in which you wish to work anyway. @param useFixed If true, the axis passed in the second parameter will always be the yaw axis no matter what the node orientation. If false, the node returns to it's default behaviour. @param fixedAxis The axis to use if the first parameter is true. */ virtual void setFixedYawAxis( bool useFixed, const Vector3& fixedAxis = Vector3::UNIT_Y ); /** Rotate the node around the Y-axis. */ virtual void yaw(const Radian& angle, TransformSpace relativeTo = TS_LOCAL); #ifndef OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES inline void yaw(Real degrees, TransformSpace relativeTo = TS_LOCAL) { yaw ( Angle(degrees), relativeTo ); } #endif//OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES /** Sets the node's direction vector ie it's local -z. @remarks Note that the 'up' vector for the orientation will automatically be recalculated based on the current 'up' vector (i.e. the roll will remain the same). If you need more control, use setOrientation. @param x,y,z The components of the direction vector @param relativeTo The space in which this direction vector is expressed @param localDirectionVector The vector which normally describes the natural direction of the node, usually -Z */ virtual void setDirection(Real x, Real y, Real z, TransformSpace relativeTo = TS_LOCAL, const Vector3& localDirectionVector = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z); /** Sets the node's direction vector ie it's local -z. @remarks Note that the 'up' vector for the orientation will automatically be recalculated based on the current 'up' vector (i.e. the roll will remain the same). If you need more control, use setOrientation. @param vec The direction vector @param relativeTo The space in which this direction vector is expressed @param localDirectionVector The vector which normally describes the natural direction of the node, usually -Z */ virtual void setDirection(const Vector3& vec, TransformSpace relativeTo = TS_LOCAL, const Vector3& localDirectionVector = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z); /** Points the local -Z direction of this node at a point in space. @param targetPoint A vector specifying the look at point. @param relativeTo The space in which the point resides @param localDirectionVector The vector which normally describes the natural direction of the node, usually -Z */ virtual void lookAt( const Vector3& targetPoint, TransformSpace relativeTo, const Vector3& localDirectionVector = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z); /** Enables / disables automatic tracking of another SceneNode. @remarks If you enable auto-tracking, this SceneNode will automatically rotate to point it's -Z at the target SceneNode every frame, no matter how it or the other SceneNode move. Note that by default the -Z points at the origin of the target SceneNode, if you want to tweak this, provide a vector in the 'offset' parameter and the target point will be adjusted. @param enabled If true, tracking will be enabled and the next parameter cannot be null. If false tracking will be disabled and the current orientation will be maintained. @param target Pointer to the SceneNode to track. Make sure you don't delete this SceneNode before turning off tracking (e.g. SceneManager::clearScene will delete it so be careful of this). Can be null if and only if the enabled param is false. @param localDirectionVector The local vector considered to be the usual 'direction' of the node; normally the local -Z but can be another direction. @param offset If supplied, this is the target point in local space of the target node instead of the origin of the target node. Good for fine tuning the look at point. */ virtual void setAutoTracking(bool enabled, SceneNode* target = 0, const Vector3& localDirectionVector = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z, const Vector3& offset = Vector3::ZERO); /** Get the auto tracking target for this node, if any. */ virtual SceneNode* getAutoTrackTarget(void) { return mAutoTrackTarget; } /** Get the auto tracking offset for this node, if the node is auto tracking. */ virtual const Vector3& getAutoTrackOffset(void) { return mAutoTrackOffset; } /** Get the auto tracking local direction for this node, if it is auto tracking. */ virtual const Vector3& getAutoTrackLocalDirection(void) { return mAutoTrackLocalDirection; } /** Internal method used by OGRE to update auto-tracking cameras. */ void _autoTrack(void); /** Gets the parent of this SceneNode. */ SceneNode* getParentSceneNode(void) const; /** Makes all objects attached to this node become visible / invisble. @remarks This is a shortcut to calling setVisible() on the objects attached to this node, and optionally to all objects attached to child nodes. @param visible Whether the objects are to be made visible or invisible @param cascade If true, this setting cascades into child nodes too. */ virtual void setVisible(bool visible, bool cascade = true); /** Inverts the visibility of all objects attached to this node. @remarks This is a shortcut to calling setVisible(!isVisible()) on the objects attached to this node, and optionally to all objects attached to child nodes. @param cascade If true, this setting cascades into child nodes too. */ virtual void flipVisibility(bool cascade = true); }; }// namespace #endif
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