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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __RibbonTrail_H__ #define __RibbonTrail_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreBillboardChain.h" #include "OgreNode.h" #include "OgreIteratorWrappers.h" #include "OgreFrameListener.h" #include "OgreControllerManager.h" namespace Ogre { /** Subclass of BillboardChain which automatically leaves a trail behind one or more Node instances. @remarks An instance of this class will watch one or more Node instances, and automatically generate a trail behind them as they move. Because this class can monitor multiple modes, it generates its own geometry in world space and thus, even though it has to be attached to a SceneNode to be visible, changing the position of the scene node it is attached to makes no difference to the geometry rendered. @par The 'head' element grows smoothly in size until it reaches the required size, then a new element is added. If the segment is full, the tail element shrinks by the same proportion as the head grows before disappearing. @par Elements can be faded out on a time basis, either by altering their colour or altering their alpha. The width can also alter over time. @par 'v' texture coordinates are fixed at 0.0 if used, meaning that you can use a 1D texture to 'smear' a colour pattern along the ribbon if you wish. The 'u' coordinates are by default (0.0, 1.0), but you can alter this using setOtherTexCoordRange if you wish. */ class _OgreExport RibbonTrail : public BillboardChain, public Node::Listener { public: /** Constructor (don't use directly, use factory) @param name The name to give this object @param maxElements The maximum number of elements per chain @param numberOfChains The number of separate chain segments contained in this object, ie the maximum number of nodes that can have trails attached @param useTextureCoords If true, use texture coordinates from the chain elements @param useVertexColours If true, use vertex colours from the chain elements (must be true if you intend to use fading) */ RibbonTrail(const String& name, size_t maxElements = 20, size_t numberOfChains = 1, bool useTextureCoords = true, bool useColours = true); /// destructor virtual ~RibbonTrail(); typedef std::vector
NodeList; typedef ConstVectorIterator
NodeIterator; /** Add a node to be tracked. @param n The node that will be tracked. */ virtual void addNode(Node* n); /** Remove tracking on a given node. */ virtual void removeNode(Node* n); /** Get an iterator over the nodes which are being tracked. */ virtual NodeIterator getNodeIterator(void) const; /** Get the chain index for a given Node being tracked. */ virtual size_t getChainIndexForNode(const Node* n); /** Set the length of the trail. @remarks This sets the length of the trail, in world units. It also sets how far apart each segment will be, ie length / max_elements. @param len The length of the trail in world units */ virtual void setTrailLength(Real len); /** Get the length of the trail. */ virtual Real getTrailLength(void) const { return mTrailLength; } /** @copydoc BillboardChain::setMaxChainElements */ void setMaxChainElements(size_t maxElements); /** @copydoc BillboardChain::setNumberOfChains */ void setNumberOfChains(size_t numChains); /** @copydoc BillboardChain::clearChain */ void clearChain(size_t chainIndex); /** Set the starting ribbon colour for a given segment. @param chainIndex The index of the chain @param col The initial colour @note Only used if this instance is using vertex colours. */ virtual void setInitialColour(size_t chainIndex, const ColourValue& col); /** Set the starting ribbon colour. @param chainIndex The index of the chain @param r,b,g,a The initial colour @note Only used if this instance is using vertex colours. */ virtual void setInitialColour(size_t chainIndex, Real r, Real g, Real b, Real a = 1.0); /** Get the starting ribbon colour. */ virtual const ColourValue& getInitialColour(size_t chainIndex) const; /** Enables / disables fading the trail using colour. @param chainIndex The index of the chain @param valuePerSecond The amount to subtract from colour each second */ virtual void setColourChange(size_t chainIndex, const ColourValue& valuePerSecond); /** Set the starting ribbon width in world units. @param chainIndex The index of the chain @param width The initial width of the ribbon */ virtual void setInitialWidth(size_t chainIndex, Real width); /** Get the starting ribbon width in world units. */ virtual Real getInitialWidth(size_t chainIndex) const; /** Set the change in ribbon width per second. @param chainIndex The index of the chain @param widthDeltaPerSecond The amount the width will reduce by per second */ virtual void setWidthChange(size_t chainIndex, Real widthDeltaPerSecond); /** Get the change in ribbon width per second. */ virtual Real getWidthChange(size_t chainIndex) const; /** Enables / disables fading the trail using colour. @param chainIndex The index of the chain @param r,g,b,a The amount to subtract from each colour channel per second */ virtual void setColourChange(size_t chainIndex, Real r, Real g, Real b, Real a); /** Get the per-second fading amount */ virtual const ColourValue& getColourChange(size_t chainIndex) const; /// @see Node::Listener::nodeUpdated void nodeUpdated(const Node* node); /// @see Node::Listener::nodeDestroyed void nodeDestroyed(const Node* node); /// Perform any fading / width delta required; internal method virtual void _timeUpdate(Real time); /** Overridden from MovableObject */ const String& getMovableType(void) const; protected: /// List of nodes being trailed NodeList mNodeList; /// Mapping of nodes to chain segments typedef std::vector
IndexVector; /// Ordered like mNodeList, contains chain index IndexVector mNodeToChainSegment; // chains not in use IndexVector mFreeChains; // fast lookup node->chain index // we use positional map too because that can be useful typedef std::map
NodeToChainSegmentMap; NodeToChainSegmentMap mNodeToSegMap; /// Total length of trail in world units Real mTrailLength; /// length of each element Real mElemLength; /// Squared length of each element Real mSquaredElemLength; typedef std::vector
ColourValueList; typedef std::vector
RealList; /// Initial colour of the ribbon ColourValueList mInitialColour; /// fade amount per second ColourValueList mDeltaColour; /// Initial width of the ribbon RealList mInitialWidth; /// Delta width of the ribbon RealList mDeltaWidth; /// controller used to hook up frame time to fader Controller
* mFadeController; /// controller value for hooking up frame time to fader ControllerValueRealPtr mTimeControllerValue; /// Manage updates to the time controller virtual void manageController(void); /// Node has changed position, update virtual void updateTrail(size_t index, const Node* node); /// Reset the tracked chain to initial state virtual void resetTrail(size_t index, const Node* node); /// Reset all tracked chains to initial state virtual void resetAllTrails(void); }; /** Factory object for creating RibbonTrail instances */ class _OgreExport RibbonTrailFactory : public MovableObjectFactory { protected: MovableObject* createInstanceImpl( const String& name, const NameValuePairList* params); public: RibbonTrailFactory() {} ~RibbonTrailFactory() {} static String FACTORY_TYPE_NAME; const String& getType(void) const; void destroyInstance( MovableObject* obj); }; } #endif
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