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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __PatchSurface_H__ #define __PatchSurface_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreVector3.h" #include "OgreString.h" #include "OgreRenderOperation.h" #include "OgreAxisAlignedBox.h" namespace Ogre { /** A surface which is defined by curves of some kind to form a patch, e.g. a Bezier patch. @remarks This object will take a list of control points with various assorted data, and will subdivide it into a patch mesh. Currently only Bezier curves are supported for defining the surface, but other techniques such as NURBS would follow the same basic approach. */ class _OgreExport PatchSurface { public: PatchSurface(); ~PatchSurface(); enum PatchSurfaceType { /// A patch defined by a set of bezier curves PST_BEZIER }; /// Constant for indicating automatic determination of subdivision level for patches enum { AUTO_LEVEL = -1 }; enum VisibleSide { /// The side from which u goes right and v goes up (as in texture coords) VS_FRONT, /// The side from which u goes right and v goes down (reverse of texture coords) VS_BACK, /// Both sides are visible - warning this creates 2x the number of triangles and adds extra overhead for calculating normals VS_BOTH }; /** Sets up the surface by defining it's control points, type and initial subdivision level. @remarks This method initialises the surface by passing it a set of control points. The type of curves to be used are also defined here, although the only supported option currently is a bezier patch. You can also specify a global subdivision level here if you like, although it is recommended that the parameter is left as AUTO_LEVEL, which means the system decides how much subdivision is required (based on the curvature of the surface) @param controlPointBuffer A pointer to a buffer containing the vertex data which defines control points of the curves rather than actual vertices. Note that you are expected to provide not just position information, but potentially normals and texture coordinates too. The format of the buffer is defined in the VertexDeclaration parameter @param decaration VertexDeclaration describing the contents of the buffer. Note this declaration must _only_ draw on buffer source 0! @param width Specifies the width of the patch in control points. @param height Specifies the height of the patch in control points. @param pType The type of surface - currently only PST_BEZIER is supported @param uMaxSubdivisionLevel,vMaxSubdivisionLevel If you want to manually set the top level of subdivision, do it here, otherwise let the system decide. @param visibleSide Determines which side of the patch (or both) triangles are generated for. */ void defineSurface(void* controlPointBuffer, VertexDeclaration *declaration, size_t width, size_t height, PatchSurfaceType pType = PST_BEZIER, size_t uMaxSubdivisionLevel = AUTO_LEVEL, size_t vMaxSubdivisionLevel = AUTO_LEVEL, VisibleSide visibleSide = VS_FRONT); /** Based on a previous call to defineSurface, establishes the number of vertices required to hold this patch at the maximum detail level. @remarks This is useful when you wish to build the patch into external vertex / index buffers. */ size_t getRequiredVertexCount(void) const; /** Based on a previous call to defineSurface, establishes the number of indexes required to hold this patch at the maximum detail level. @remarks This is useful when you wish to build the patch into external vertex / index buffers. */ size_t getRequiredIndexCount(void) const; /** Gets the current index count based on the current subdivision level. */ size_t getCurrentIndexCount(void) const; /// Returns the index offset used by this buffer to write data into the buffer size_t getIndexOffset(void) const { return mIndexOffset; } /// Returns the vertex offset used by this buffer to write data into the buffer size_t getVertexOffset(void) const { return mVertexOffset; } /** Gets the bounds of this patch, only valid after calling defineSurface. */ const AxisAlignedBox& getBounds(void) const; /** Gets the radius of the bounding sphere for this patch, only valid after defineSurface has been called. */ Real getBoundingSphereRadius(void) const; /** Tells the system to build the mesh relating to the surface into externally created buffers. @remarks The VertexDeclaration of the vertex buffer must be identical to the one passed into defineSurface. In addition, there must be enough space in the buffer to accommodate the patch at full detail level; you should call getRequiredVertexCount and getRequiredIndexCount to determine this. This method does not create an internal mesh for this patch and so getMesh will return null if you call it after building the patch this way. @param destVertexBuffer The destination vertex buffer in which to build the patch. @param vertexStart The offset at which to start writing vertices for this patch @param destIndexBuffer The destination index buffer in which to build the patch. @param vertexStart The offset at which to start writing indexes for this patch */ void build(HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr destVertexBuffer, size_t vertexStart, HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr destIndexBuffer, size_t indexStart); /** Alters the level of subdivision for this surface. @remarks This method changes the proportionate detail level of the patch; since the U and V directions can have different subdivision levels, this method takes a single Real value where 0 is the minimum detail (the control points) and 1 is the maximum detail level as supplied to the original call to defineSurface. */ void setSubdivisionFactor(Real factor); /** Gets the current level of subdivision. */ Real getSubdivisionFactor(void) const; void* getControlPointBuffer(void) const { return mControlPointBuffer; } /** Convenience method for telling the patch that the control points have been deleted, since once the patch has been built they are not required. */ void notifyControlPointBufferDeallocated(void) { mControlPointBuffer = 0; } protected: /// Vertex declaration describing the control point buffer VertexDeclaration* mDeclaration; /// Buffer containing the system-memory control points void* mControlPointBuffer; /// Type of surface PatchSurfaceType mType; /// Width in control points size_t mCtlWidth; /// Height in control points size_t mCtlHeight; /// TotalNumber of control points size_t mCtlCount; /// U-direction subdivision level size_t mULevel; /// V-direction subdivision level size_t mVLevel; /// Max subdivision level size_t mMaxULevel; size_t mMaxVLevel; /// Width of the subdivided mesh (big enough for max level) size_t mMeshWidth; /// Height of the subdivided mesh (big enough for max level) size_t mMeshHeight; /// Which side is visible VisibleSide mVSide; Real mSubdivisionFactor; std::vector
mVecCtlPoints; /** Internal method for finding the subdivision level given 3 control points. */ size_t findLevel( Vector3& a, Vector3& b, Vector3& c); void distributeControlPoints(void* lockedBuffer); void subdivideCurve(void* lockedBuffer, size_t startIdx, size_t stepSize, size_t numSteps, size_t iterations); void interpolateVertexData(void* lockedBuffer, size_t leftIndex, size_t rightIndex, size_t destIndex); void makeTriangles(void); size_t getAutoULevel(bool forMax = false); size_t getAutoVLevel(bool forMax = false); HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr mVertexBuffer; HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr mIndexBuffer; size_t mVertexOffset; size_t mIndexOffset; size_t mRequiredVertexCount; size_t mRequiredIndexCount; size_t mCurrIndexCount; AxisAlignedBox mAABB; Real mBoundingSphere; }; } // namespace #endif
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