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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __MovableObject_H__ #define __MovableObject_H__ // Precompiler options #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreRenderQueue.h" #include "OgreAxisAlignedBox.h" #include "OgreSphere.h" #include "OgreShadowCaster.h" #include "OgreFactoryObj.h" #include "OgreAnimable.h" #include "OgreAny.h" #include "OgreUserDefinedObject.h" namespace Ogre { // Forward declaration class MovableObjectFactory; /** Abstract class definining a movable object in a scene. @remarks Instances of this class are discrete, relatively small, movable objects which are attached to SceneNode objects to define their position. */ class _OgreExport MovableObject : public ShadowCaster, public AnimableObject { public: /** Listener which gets called back on MovableObject events. */ class _OgreExport Listener { public: Listener(void) {} virtual ~Listener() {} /** MovableObject is being destroyed */ virtual void objectDestroyed(MovableObject*) {} /** MovableObject has been attached to a node */ virtual void objectAttached(MovableObject*) {} /** MovableObject has been detached from a node */ virtual void objectDetached(MovableObject*) {} /** MovableObject has been moved */ virtual void objectMoved(MovableObject*) {} /** Called when the movable object of the camera to be used for rendering. @returns true if allows queue for rendering, false otherwise. */ virtual bool objectRendering(const MovableObject*, const Camera*) { return true; } /** Called when the movable object needs to query a light list. @remarks If you want to customize light finding for this object, you should override this method and hook into MovableObject via MovableObject::setListener. Be aware that the default method caches results within a frame to prevent unnecessary recalculation, so if you override this you should provide your own cacheing to maintain performance. @note If you use texture shadows, there is an additional restriction - since the lights which should have shadow textures rendered for them are determined based on the entire frustum, and not per-object, it is important that the lights returned at the start of this list (up to the number of shadow textures available) are the same lights that were used to generate the shadow textures, and they are in the same order (particularly for additive effects). @returns A pointer to a light list if you populated the light list yourself, or NULL to fall back on the default finding process. */ virtual const LightList* objectQueryLights(const MovableObject*) { return 0; } }; protected: /// Name of this object String mName; /// Creator of this object (if created by a factory) MovableObjectFactory* mCreator; /// SceneManager holding this object (if applicable) SceneManager* mManager; /// node to which this object is attached Node* mParentNode; bool mParentIsTagPoint; /// Is this object visible? bool mVisible; /// Upper distance to still render Real mUpperDistance; Real mSquaredUpperDistance; /// Hidden because of distance? bool mBeyondFarDistance; /// User defined link to another object / value / whatever Any mUserAny; /// The render queue to use when rendering this object uint8 mRenderQueueID; /// Flags whether the RenderQueue's default should be used. bool mRenderQueueIDSet; /// Flags determining whether this object is included / excluded from scene queries uint32 mQueryFlags; /// Flags determining whether this object is visible (compared to SceneManager mask) uint32 mVisibilityFlags; /// Cached world AABB of this object mutable AxisAlignedBox mWorldAABB; // Cached world bounding sphere mutable Sphere mWorldBoundingSphere; /// World space AABB of this object's dark cap mutable AxisAlignedBox mWorldDarkCapBounds; /// Does this object cast shadows? bool mCastShadows; /// Does rendering this object disabled by listener? bool mRenderingDisabled; /// MovableObject listener - only one allowed (no list) for size & performance reasons. */ Listener* mListener; /// List of lights for this object mutable LightList mLightList; /// The last frame that this light list was updated in mutable ulong mLightListUpdated; // Static members /// Default query flags static uint32 msDefaultQueryFlags; /// Default visibility flags static uint32 msDefaultVisibilityFlags; public: /// Constructor MovableObject(); /// Named constructor MovableObject(const String& name); /** Virtual destructor - read Scott Meyers if you don't know why this is needed. */ virtual ~MovableObject(); /** Notify the object of it's creator (internal use only) */ virtual void _notifyCreator(MovableObjectFactory* fact) { mCreator = fact; } /** Get the creator of this object, if any (internal use only) */ virtual MovableObjectFactory* _getCreator(void) const { return mCreator; } /** Notify the object of it's manager (internal use only) */ virtual void _notifyManager(SceneManager* man) { mManager = man; } /** Get the manager of this object, if any (internal use only) */ virtual SceneManager* _getManager(void) const { return mManager; } /** Returns the name of this object. */ virtual const String& getName(void) const { return mName; } /** Returns the type name of this object. */ virtual const String& getMovableType(void) const = 0; /** Returns the node to which this object is attached. @remarks A MovableObject may be attached to either a SceneNode or to a TagPoint, the latter case if it's attached to a bone on an animated entity. Both are Node subclasses so this method will return either. */ virtual Node* getParentNode(void) const; /** Returns the scene node to which this object is attached. @remarks A MovableObject may be attached to either a SceneNode or to a TagPoint, the latter case if it's attached to a bone on an animated entity. This method will return the scene node of the parent entity if the latter is true. */ virtual SceneNode* getParentSceneNode(void) const; /** Internal method called to notify the object that it has been attached to a node. */ virtual void _notifyAttached(Node* parent, bool isTagPoint = false); /** Returns true if this object is attached to a SceneNode or TagPoint. */ virtual bool isAttached(void) const; /** Returns true if this object is attached to a SceneNode or TagPoint, and this SceneNode / TagPoint is currently in an active part of the scene graph. */ virtual bool isInScene(void) const; /** Internal method called to notify the object that it has been moved. */ virtual void _notifyMoved(void); /** Internal method to notify the object of the camera to be used for the next rendering operation. @remarks Certain objects may want to do specific processing based on the camera position. This method notifies them incase they wish to do this. */ virtual void _notifyCurrentCamera(Camera* cam); /** Retrieves the local axis-aligned bounding box for this object. @remarks This bounding box is in local coordinates. */ virtual const AxisAlignedBox& getBoundingBox(void) const = 0; /** Retrieves the radius of the origin-centered bounding sphere for this object. */ virtual Real getBoundingRadius(void) const = 0; /** Retrieves the axis-aligned bounding box for this object in world coordinates. */ virtual const AxisAlignedBox& getWorldBoundingBox(bool derive = false) const; /** Retrieves the worldspace bounding sphere for this object. */ virtual const Sphere& getWorldBoundingSphere(bool derive = false) const; /** Internal method by which the movable object must add Renderable subclass instances to the rendering queue. @remarks The engine will call this method when this object is to be rendered. The object must then create one or more Renderable subclass instances which it places on the passed in Queue for rendering. */ virtual void _updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue) = 0; /** Tells this object whether to be visible or not, if it has a renderable component. @note An alternative approach of making an object invisible is to detach it from it's SceneNode, or to remove the SceneNode entirely. Detaching a node means that structurally the scene graph changes. Once this change has taken place, the objects / nodes that have been removed have less overhead to the visbility detection pass than simply making the object invisible, so if you do this and leave the objects out of the tree for a long time, it's faster. However, the act of detaching / reattaching nodes is in itself more expensive than setting an object visibility flag, since in the latter case structural changes are not made. Therefore, small or frequent visbility changes are best done using this method; large or more longer term changes are best done by detaching. */ virtual void setVisible(bool visible); /** Gets this object whether to be visible or not, if it has a renderable component. @remarks Returns the value set by MovableObject::setVisible only. */ virtual bool getVisible(void) const; /** Returns whether or not this object is supposed to be visible or not. @remarks Takes into account both upper rendering distance and visible flag. */ virtual bool isVisible(void) const; /** Sets the distance at which the object is no longer rendered. @param dist Distance beyond which the object will not be rendered (the default is 0, which means objects are always rendered). */ virtual void setRenderingDistance(Real dist) { mUpperDistance = dist; mSquaredUpperDistance = mUpperDistance * mUpperDistance; } /** Gets the distance at which batches are no longer rendered. */ virtual Real getRenderingDistance(void) const { return mUpperDistance; } /** Call this to associate your own custom user object instance with this MovableObject. @remarks By simply making your game / application object a subclass of UserDefinedObject, you can establish a link between an OGRE instance of MovableObject and your own application classes. Call this method to establish the link. */ virtual void setUserObject(UserDefinedObject* obj) { mUserAny = Any(obj); } /** Retrieves a pointer to a custom application object associated with this movable by an earlier call to setUserObject. */ virtual UserDefinedObject* getUserObject(void) { return mUserAny.isEmpty() ? 0 : any_cast
(mUserAny); } /** Sets any kind of user value on this object. @remarks This method allows you to associate any user value you like with this MovableObject. This can be a pointer back to one of your own classes for instance. @note This value is shared with setUserObject so don't use both! */ virtual void setUserAny(const Any& anything) { mUserAny = anything; } /** Retrieves the custom user value associated with this object. */ virtual const Any& getUserAny(void) const { return mUserAny; } /** Sets the render queue group this entity will be rendered through. @remarks Render queues are grouped to allow you to more tightly control the ordering of rendered objects. If you do not call this method, all Entity objects default to the default queue (RenderQueue::getDefaultQueueGroup), which is fine for most objects. You may want to alter this if you want this entity to always appear in front of other objects, e.g. for a 3D menu system or such. @par See RenderQueue for more details. @param queueID Enumerated value of the queue group to use. */ virtual void setRenderQueueGroup(uint8 queueID); /** Gets the queue group for this entity, see setRenderQueueGroup for full details. */ virtual uint8 getRenderQueueGroup(void) const; /// return the full transformation of the parent sceneNode or the attachingPoint node virtual const Matrix4& _getParentNodeFullTransform(void) const; /** Sets the query flags for this object. @remarks When performing a scene query, this object will be included or excluded according to flags on the object and flags on the query. This is a bitwise value, so only when a bit on these flags is set, will it be included in a query asking for that flag. The meaning of the bits is application-specific. */ virtual void setQueryFlags(uint32 flags) { mQueryFlags = flags; } /** As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object. */ virtual void addQueryFlags(uint32 flags) { mQueryFlags |= flags; } /** As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object. */ virtual void removeQueryFlags(unsigned long flags) { mQueryFlags &= ~flags; } /// Returns the query flags relevant for this object virtual uint32 getQueryFlags(void) const { return mQueryFlags; } /** Set the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances. */ static void setDefaultQueryFlags(uint32 flags) { msDefaultQueryFlags = flags; } /** Get the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances. */ static uint32 getDefaultQueryFlags() { return msDefaultQueryFlags; } /** Sets the visiblity flags for this object. @remarks As well as a simple true/false value for visibility (as seen in setVisible), you can also set visiblity flags which when 'and'ed with the SceneManager's visibility mask can also make an object invisible. */ virtual void setVisibilityFlags(uint32 flags) { mVisibilityFlags = flags; } /** As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object. */ virtual void addVisibilityFlags(uint32 flags) { mVisibilityFlags |= flags; } /** As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object. */ virtual void removeVisibilityFlags(uint32 flags) { mVisibilityFlags &= ~flags; } /// Returns the visibility flags relevant for this object virtual uint32 getVisibilityFlags(void) const { return mVisibilityFlags; } /** Set the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances. */ static void setDefaultVisibilityFlags(uint32 flags) { msDefaultVisibilityFlags = flags; } /** Get the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances. */ static uint32 getDefaultVisibilityFlags() { return msDefaultVisibilityFlags; } /** Sets a listener for this object. @remarks Note for size and performance reasons only one listener per object is allowed. */ virtual void setListener(Listener* listener) { mListener = listener; } /** Gets the current listener for this object. */ virtual Listener* getListener(void) const { return mListener; } /** Gets a list of lights, ordered relative to how close they are to this movable object. @remarks By default, this method gives the listener a chance to populate light list first, if there is no listener or Listener::objectQueryLights returns NULL, it'll query the light list from parent entity if it is present, or returns SceneNode::findLights if it has parent scene node, otherwise it just returns an empty list. @par The object internally caches the light list, so it will recalculate it only when object is moved, or lights that affect the frustum have been changed (@see SceneManager::_getLightsDirtyCounter), but if listener exists, it will be called each time, so the listener should implement their own cache mechanism to optimise performance. @par This method can be useful when implementing Renderable::getLights in case the renderable is a part of the movable. @returns The list of lights use to lighting this object. */ virtual const LightList& queryLights(void) const; /// Define a default implementation of method from ShadowCaster which implements no shadows EdgeData* getEdgeList(void) { return NULL; } /// Define a default implementation of method from ShadowCaster which implements no shadows bool hasEdgeList(void) { return false; } /// Define a default implementation of method from ShadowCaster which implements no shadows ShadowRenderableListIterator getShadowVolumeRenderableIterator( ShadowTechnique shadowTechnique, const Light* light, HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr* indexBuffer, bool extrudeVertices, Real extrusionDist, unsigned long flags = 0); /** Overridden member from ShadowCaster. */ const AxisAlignedBox& getLightCapBounds(void) const; /** Overridden member from ShadowCaster. */ const AxisAlignedBox& getDarkCapBounds(const Light& light, Real dirLightExtrusionDist) const; /** Sets whether or not this object will cast shadows. @remarks This setting simply allows you to turn on/off shadows for a given object. An object will not cast shadows unless the scene supports it in any case (see SceneManager::setShadowTechnique), and also the material which is in use must also have shadow casting enabled. By default all entities cast shadows. If, however, for some reason you wish to disable this for a single object then you can do so using this method. @note This method normally refers to objects which block the light, but since Light is also a subclass of MovableObject, in that context it means whether the light causes shadows itself. */ void setCastShadows(bool enabled) { mCastShadows = enabled; } /** Returns whether shadow casting is enabled for this object. */ bool getCastShadows(void) const { return mCastShadows; } /** Get the distance to extrude for a point/spot light */ Real getPointExtrusionDistance(const Light* l) const; /** Get the 'type flags' for this MovableObject. @remarks A type flag identifies the type of the MovableObject as a bitpattern. This is used for categorical inclusion / exclusion in SceneQuery objects. By default, this method returns all ones for objects not created by a MovableObjectFactory (hence always including them); otherwise it returns the value assigned to the MovableObjectFactory. Custom objects which don't use MovableObjectFactory will need to override this if they want to be included in queries. */ virtual uint32 getTypeFlags(void) const; }; /** Interface definition for a factory class which produces a certain kind of MovableObject, and can be registered with Root in order to allow all clients to produce new instances of this object, integrated with the standard Ogre processing. */ class _OgreExport MovableObjectFactory { protected: /// Type flag, allocated if requested unsigned long mTypeFlag; /// Internal implementation of create method - must be overridden virtual MovableObject* createInstanceImpl( const String& name, const NameValuePairList* params = 0) = 0; public: MovableObjectFactory() : mTypeFlag(0xFFFFFFFF) {} virtual ~MovableObjectFactory() {} /// Get the type of the object to be created virtual const String& getType(void) const = 0; /** Create a new instance of the object. @param name The name of the new object @param manager The SceneManager instance that will be holding the instance once created. @param params Name/value pair list of additional parameters required to construct the object (defined per subtype). Optional. */ virtual MovableObject* createInstance( const String& name, SceneManager* manager, const NameValuePairList* params = 0); /** Destroy an instance of the object */ virtual void destroyInstance(MovableObject* obj) = 0; /** Does this factory require the allocation of a 'type flag', used to selectively include / exclude this type from scene queries? @remarks The default implementation here is to return 'false', ie not to request a unique type mask from Root. For objects that never need to be excluded in SceneQuery results, that's fine, since the default implementation of MovableObject::getTypeFlags is to return all ones, hence matching any query type mask. However, if you want the objects created by this factory to be filterable by queries using a broad type, you have to give them a (preferably unique) type mask - and given that you don't know what other MovableObject types are registered, Root will allocate you one. */ virtual bool requestTypeFlags(void) const { return false; } /** Notify this factory of the type mask to apply. @remarks This should normally only be called by Root in response to a 'true' result from requestTypeMask. However, you can actually use it yourself if you're careful; for example to assign the same mask to a number of different types of object, should you always wish them to be treated the same in queries. */ void _notifyTypeFlags(unsigned long flag) { mTypeFlag = flag; } /** Gets the type flag for this factory. @remarks A type flag is like a query flag, except that it applies to all instances of a certain type of object. */ unsigned long getTypeFlags(void) const { return mTypeFlag; } }; } #endif
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