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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __MaterialSerializer_H__ #define __MaterialSerializer_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreMaterial.h" #include "OgreBlendMode.h" #include "OgreTextureUnitState.h" #include "OgreGpuProgram.h" #include "OgreStringVector.h" namespace Ogre { /** Enum to identify material sections. */ enum MaterialScriptSection { MSS_NONE, MSS_MATERIAL, MSS_TECHNIQUE, MSS_PASS, MSS_TEXTUREUNIT, MSS_PROGRAM_REF, MSS_PROGRAM, MSS_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS, MSS_TEXTURESOURCE }; /** Struct for holding a program definition which is in progress. */ struct MaterialScriptProgramDefinition { String name; GpuProgramType progType; String language; String source; String syntax; bool supportsSkeletalAnimation; bool supportsMorphAnimation; ushort supportsPoseAnimation; // number of simultaneous poses supported bool usesVertexTextureFetch; std::vector
> customParameters; }; /** Struct for holding the script context while parsing. */ struct MaterialScriptContext { MaterialScriptSection section; String groupName; MaterialPtr material; Technique* technique; Pass* pass; TextureUnitState* textureUnit; GpuProgramPtr program; // used when referencing a program, not when defining it bool isProgramShadowCaster; // when referencing, are we in context of shadow caster bool isVertexProgramShadowReceiver; // when referencing, are we in context of shadow caster bool isFragmentProgramShadowReceiver; // when referencing, are we in context of shadow caster GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr programParams; ushort numAnimationParametrics; MaterialScriptProgramDefinition* programDef; // this is used while defining a program int techLev, //Keep track of what tech, pass, and state level we are in passLev, stateLev; StringVector defaultParamLines; // Error reporting state size_t lineNo; String filename; AliasTextureNamePairList textureAliases; }; /// Function def for material attribute parser; return value determines if the next line should be { typedef bool (*ATTRIBUTE_PARSER)(String& params, MaterialScriptContext& context); /** Class for serializing Materials to / from a .material script.*/ class _OgreExport MaterialSerializer { protected: /// Keyword-mapped attribute parsers. typedef std::map
AttribParserList; MaterialScriptContext mScriptContext; /** internal method for parsing a material @returns true if it expects the next line to be a { */ bool parseScriptLine(String& line); /** internal method for finding & invoking an attribute parser. */ bool invokeParser(String& line, AttribParserList& parsers); /** Internal method for saving a program definition which has been built up. */ void finishProgramDefinition(void); /// Parsers for the root of the material script AttribParserList mRootAttribParsers; /// Parsers for the material section of a script AttribParserList mMaterialAttribParsers; /// Parsers for the technique section of a script AttribParserList mTechniqueAttribParsers; /// Parsers for the pass section of a script AttribParserList mPassAttribParsers; /// Parsers for the texture unit section of a script AttribParserList mTextureUnitAttribParsers; /// Parsers for the program reference section of a script AttribParserList mProgramRefAttribParsers; /// Parsers for the program definition section of a script AttribParserList mProgramAttribParsers; /// Parsers for the program definition section of a script AttribParserList mProgramDefaultParamAttribParsers; void writeMaterial(const MaterialPtr& pMat); void writeTechnique(const Technique* pTech); void writePass(const Pass* pPass); void writeVertexProgramRef(const Pass* pPass); void writeShadowCasterVertexProgramRef(const Pass* pPass); void writeShadowReceiverVertexProgramRef(const Pass* pPass); void writeShadowReceiverFragmentProgramRef(const Pass* pPass); void writeFragmentProgramRef(const Pass* pPass); void writeGpuProgramRef(const String& attrib, const GpuProgramPtr& program, const GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr& params); void writeGpuPrograms(void); void writeGPUProgramParameters(const GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr& params, GpuProgramParameters* defaultParams, const int level = 4, const bool useMainBuffer = true); void writeNamedGpuProgramParameters(const GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr& params, GpuProgramParameters* defaultParams, const int level = 4, const bool useMainBuffer = true); void writeLowLevelGpuProgramParameters(const GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr& params, GpuProgramParameters* defaultParams, const int level = 4, const bool useMainBuffer = true); void writeGpuProgramParameter( const String& commandName, const String& identifier, const GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry* autoEntry, const GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry* defaultAutoEntry, bool isFloat, size_t physicalIndex, size_t physicalSize, const GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr& params, GpuProgramParameters* defaultParams, const int level, const bool useMainBuffer); void writeTextureUnit(const TextureUnitState *pTex); void writeSceneBlendFactor(const SceneBlendFactor sbf_src, const SceneBlendFactor sbf_dest); void writeSceneBlendFactor(const SceneBlendFactor sbf); void writeCompareFunction(const CompareFunction cf); void writeColourValue(const ColourValue &colour, bool writeAlpha = false); void writeLayerBlendOperationEx(const LayerBlendOperationEx op); void writeLayerBlendSource(const LayerBlendSource lbs); typedef std::multimap
EffectMap; void writeRotationEffect(const TextureUnitState::TextureEffect& effect, const TextureUnitState *pTex); void writeTransformEffect(const TextureUnitState::TextureEffect& effect, const TextureUnitState *pTex); void writeScrollEffect(const TextureUnitState::TextureEffect& effect, const TextureUnitState *pTex); void writeEnvironmentMapEffect(const TextureUnitState::TextureEffect& effect, const TextureUnitState *pTex); String convertFiltering(FilterOptions fo); public: /** default constructor*/ MaterialSerializer(); /** default destructor*/ virtual ~MaterialSerializer() {}; /** Queue an in-memory Material to the internal buffer for export. @param pMat Material pointer @param clearQueued If true, any materials already queued will be removed @param exportDefaults If true, attributes which are defaulted will be included in the script exported, otherwise they will be omitted */ void queueForExport(const MaterialPtr& pMat, bool clearQueued = false, bool exportDefaults = false); /** Exports queued material(s) to a named material script file. @param filename the file name of the material script to be exported @param includeProgDef If true, vertex program and fragment program definitions will be written at the top of the material script @param programFilename the file name of the vertex / fragment program script to be exported. This is only used if there are program definitions to be exported and includeProgDef is false when calling queueForExport. */ void exportQueued(const String& filename, const bool includeProgDef = false, const String& programFilename = ""); /** Exports a single in-memory Material to the named material script file. @param exportDefaults if true then exports all values including defaults @param includeProgDef if true includes Gpu shader program definitions in the export material script otherwise if false then program definitions will be exported to a seperate file with name programFilename if programFilename is not empty @param programFilename the file name of the vertex / fragment program script to be exported. This is only used if includeProgDef is false. */ void exportMaterial(const MaterialPtr& pMat, const String& filename, bool exportDefaults = false, const bool includeProgDef = false, const String& programFilename = ""); /** Returns a string representing the parsed material(s) */ const String &getQueuedAsString() const; /** Clears the internal buffer */ void clearQueue(); /** Parses a Material script file passed as a stream. */ void parseScript(DataStreamPtr& stream, const String& groupName); private: String mBuffer; String mGpuProgramBuffer; typedef std::set
GpuProgramDefinitionContainer; typedef GpuProgramDefinitionContainer::iterator GpuProgramDefIterator; GpuProgramDefinitionContainer mGpuProgramDefinitionContainer; bool mDefaults; void beginSection(unsigned short level, const bool useMainBuffer = true) { String& buffer = (useMainBuffer ? mBuffer : mGpuProgramBuffer); buffer += "\n"; for (unsigned short i = 0; i < level; ++i) { buffer += "\t"; } buffer += "{"; } void endSection(unsigned short level, const bool useMainBuffer = true) { String& buffer = (useMainBuffer ? mBuffer : mGpuProgramBuffer); buffer += "\n"; for (unsigned short i = 0; i < level; ++i) { buffer += "\t"; } buffer += "}"; } void writeAttribute(unsigned short level, const String& att, const bool useMainBuffer = true) { String& buffer = (useMainBuffer ? mBuffer : mGpuProgramBuffer); buffer += "\n"; for (unsigned short i = 0; i < level; ++i) { buffer += "\t"; } buffer += att; } void writeValue(const String& val, const bool useMainBuffer = true) { String& buffer = (useMainBuffer ? mBuffer : mGpuProgramBuffer); buffer += (" " + val); } void writeComment(unsigned short level, const String& comment, const bool useMainBuffer = true) { String& buffer = (useMainBuffer ? mBuffer : mGpuProgramBuffer); buffer += "\n"; for (unsigned short i = 0; i < level; ++i) { buffer += "\t"; } buffer += "// " + comment; } }; } #endif
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