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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef _LIGHT_H__ #define _LIGHT_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreColourValue.h" #include "OgreVector3.h" #include "OgreVector4.h" #include "OgreString.h" #include "OgreMovableObject.h" #include "OgrePlaneBoundedVolume.h" #include "OgreShadowCameraSetup.h" namespace Ogre { /** Representation of a dynamic light source in the scene. @remarks Lights are added to the scene like any other object. They contain various parameters like type, position, attenuation (how light intensity fades with distance), colour etc. @par The defaults when a light is created is pure white diffues light, with no attenuation (does not decrease with distance) and a range of 1000 world units. @par Lights are created by using the SceneManager::createLight method. They can subsequently be added to a SceneNode if required to allow them to move relative to a node in the scene. A light attached to a SceneNode is assumed to havea base position of (0,0,0) and a direction of (0,0,1) before modification by the SceneNode's own orientation. If not attached to a SceneNode, the light's position and direction is as set using setPosition and setDirection. @par Remember also that dynamic lights rely on modifying the colour of vertices based on the position of the light compared to an object's vertex normals. Dynamic lighting will only look good if the object being lit has a fair level of tesselation and the normals are properly set. This is particularly true for the spotlight which will only look right on highly tesselated models. In the future OGRE may be extended for certain scene types so an alternative to the standard dynamic lighting may be used, such as dynamic lightmaps. */ class _OgreExport Light : public MovableObject { public: /// Temp tag used for sorting Real tempSquareDist; /// internal method for calculating current squared distance from some world position void _calcTempSquareDist(const Vector3& worldPos); /// Defines the type of light enum LightTypes { /// Point light sources give off light equally in all directions, so require only position not direction LT_POINT, /// Directional lights simulate parallel light beams from a distant source, hence have direction but no position LT_DIRECTIONAL, /// Spotlights simulate a cone of light from a source so require position and direction, plus extra values for falloff LT_SPOTLIGHT }; /** Default constructor (for Python mainly). */ Light(); /** Normal constructor. Should not be called directly, but rather the SceneManager::createLight method should be used. */ Light(const String& name); /** Standard destructor. */ ~Light(); /** Sets the type of light - see LightTypes for more info. */ void setType(LightTypes type); /** Returns the light type. */ LightTypes getType(void) const; /** Sets the colour of the diffuse light given off by this source. @remarks Material objects have ambient, diffuse and specular values which indicate how much of each type of light an object reflects. This value denotes the amount and colour of this type of light the light exudes into the scene. The actual appearance of objects is a combination of the two. @par Diffuse light simulates the typical light emenating from light sources and affects the base colour of objects together with ambient light. */ void setDiffuseColour(Real red, Real green, Real blue); /** Sets the colour of the diffuse light given off by this source. @remarks Material objects have ambient, diffuse and specular values which indicate how much of each type of light an object reflects. This value denotes the amount and colour of this type of light the light exudes into the scene. The actual appearance of objects is a combination of the two. @par Diffuse light simulates the typical light emenating from light sources and affects the base colour of objects together with ambient light. */ void setDiffuseColour(const ColourValue& colour); /** Returns the colour of the diffuse light given off by this light source (see setDiffuseColour for more info). */ const ColourValue& getDiffuseColour(void) const; /** Sets the colour of the specular light given off by this source. @remarks Material objects have ambient, diffuse and specular values which indicate how much of each type of light an object reflects. This value denotes the amount and colour of this type of light the light exudes into the scene. The actual appearance of objects is a combination of the two. @par Specular light affects the appearance of shiny highlights on objects, and is also dependent on the 'shininess' Material value. */ void setSpecularColour(Real red, Real green, Real blue); /** Sets the colour of the specular light given off by this source. @remarks Material objects have ambient, diffuse and specular values which indicate how much of each type of light an object reflects. This value denotes the amount and colour of this type of light the light exudes into the scene. The actual appearance of objects is a combination of the two. @par Specular light affects the appearance of shiny highlights on objects, and is also dependent on the 'shininess' Material value. */ void setSpecularColour(const ColourValue& colour); /** Returns the colour of specular light given off by this light source. */ const ColourValue& getSpecularColour(void) const; /** Sets the attenuation parameters of the light source ie how it diminishes with distance. @remarks Lights normally get fainter the further they are away. Also, each light is given a maximum range beyond which it cannot affect any objects. @par Light attentuation is not applicable to directional lights since they have an infinite range and constant intensity. @par This follows a standard attenuation approach - see any good 3D text for the details of what they mean since i don't have room here! @param range The absolute upper range of the light in world units @param constant The constant factor in the attenuation formula: 1.0 means never attenuate, 0.0 is complete attenuation @param linear The linear factor in the attenuation formula: 1 means attenuate evenly over the distance @param quadratic The quadratic factor in the attenuation formula: adds a curvature to the attenuation formula. */ void setAttenuation(Real range, Real constant, Real linear, Real quadratic); /** Returns the absolute upper range of the light. */ Real getAttenuationRange(void) const; /** Returns the constant factor in the attenuation formula. */ Real getAttenuationConstant(void) const; /** Returns the linear factor in the attenuation formula. */ Real getAttenuationLinear(void) const; /** Returns the quadric factor in the attenuation formula. */ Real getAttenuationQuadric(void) const; /** Sets the position of the light. @remarks Applicable to point lights and spotlights only. @note This will be overridden if the light is attached to a SceneNode. */ void setPosition(Real x, Real y, Real z); /** Sets the position of the light. @remarks Applicable to point lights and spotlights only. @note This will be overridden if the light is attached to a SceneNode. */ void setPosition(const Vector3& vec); /** Returns the position of the light. @note Applicable to point lights and spotlights only. */ const Vector3& getPosition(void) const; /** Sets the direction in which a light points. @remarks Applicable only to the spotlight and directional light types. @note This will be overridden if the light is attached to a SceneNode. */ void setDirection(Real x, Real y, Real z); /** Sets the direction in which a light points. @remarks Applicable only to the spotlight and directional light types. @note This will be overridden if the light is attached to a SceneNode. */ void setDirection(const Vector3& vec); /** Returns the light's direction. @remarks Applicable only to the spotlight and directional light types. */ const Vector3& getDirection(void) const; /** Sets the range of a spotlight, i.e. the angle of the inner and outer cones and the rate of falloff between them. @param innerAngle Angle covered by the bright inner cone @node The inner cone applicable only to Direct3D, it'll always treat as zero in OpenGL. @param outerAngle Angle covered by the outer cone @param falloff The rate of falloff between the inner and outer cones. 1.0 means a linear falloff, less means slower falloff, higher means faster falloff. */ void setSpotlightRange(const Radian& innerAngle, const Radian& outerAngle, Real falloff = 1.0); #ifndef OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES inline void setSpotlightRange(Real innerAngle, Real outerAngle, Real falloff = 1.0) { setSpotlightRange ( Angle(innerAngle), Angle(outerAngle), falloff ); } #endif//OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES /** Returns the angle covered by the spotlights inner cone. */ const Radian& getSpotlightInnerAngle(void) const; /** Returns the angle covered by the spotlights outer cone. */ const Radian& getSpotlightOuterAngle(void) const; /** Returns the falloff between the inner and outer cones of the spotlight. */ Real getSpotlightFalloff(void) const; /** Sets the angle covered by the spotlights inner cone. */ void setSpotlightInnerAngle(const Radian& val); /** Sets the angle covered by the spotlights outer cone. */ void setSpotlightOuterAngle(const Radian& val); /** Sets the falloff between the inner and outer cones of the spotlight. */ void setSpotlightFalloff(Real val); /** Set a scaling factor to indicate the relative power of a light. @remarks This factor is only useful in High Dynamic Range (HDR) rendering. You can bind it to a shader variable to take it into account, @see GpuProgramParameters @param power The power rating of this light, default is 1.0. */ void setPowerScale(Real power); /** Set the scaling factor which indicates the relative power of a light. */ Real getPowerScale(void) const; /** Overridden from MovableObject */ void _notifyAttached(Node* parent, bool isTagPoint = false); /** Overridden from MovableObject */ void _notifyMoved(void); /** Overridden from MovableObject */ const AxisAlignedBox& getBoundingBox(void) const; /** Overridden from MovableObject */ void _updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue); /** Overridden from MovableObject */ const String& getMovableType(void) const; /** Retrieves the position of the light including any transform from nodes it is attached to. */ const Vector3& getDerivedPosition(void) const; /** Retrieves the direction of the light including any transform from nodes it is attached to. */ const Vector3& getDerivedDirection(void) const; /** Overridden from MovableObject. @remarks Although lights themselves are not 'visible', setting a light to invisible means it no longer affects the scene. */ void setVisible(bool visible); /** Overridden from MovableObject */ Real getBoundingRadius(void) const { return 0; /* not visible */ } /** Gets the details of this light as a 4D vector. @remarks Getting details of a light as a 4D vector can be useful for doing general calculations between different light types; for example the vector can represent both position lights (w=1.0f) and directional lights (w=0.0f) and be used in the same calculations. */ Vector4 getAs4DVector(void) const; /** Internal method for calculating the 'near clip volume', which is the volume formed between the near clip rectangle of the camera and the light. @remarks This volume is a pyramid for a point/spot light and a cuboid for a directional light. It can used to detect whether an object could be casting a shadow on the viewport. Note that the reference returned is to a shared volume which will be reused across calls to this method. */ virtual const PlaneBoundedVolume& _getNearClipVolume(const Camera* const cam) const; /** Internal method for calculating the clip volumes outside of the frustum which can be used to determine which objects are casting shadow on the frustum as a whole. @remarks Each of the volumes is a pyramid for a point/spot light and a cuboid for a directional light. */ virtual const PlaneBoundedVolumeList& _getFrustumClipVolumes(const Camera* const cam) const; /// Override to return specific type flag uint32 getTypeFlags(void) const; /// @copydoc AnimableObject::createAnimableValue AnimableValuePtr createAnimableValue(const String& valueName); /** Set this light to use a custom shadow camera when rendering texture shadows. @remarks This changes the shadow camera setup for just this light, you can set the shadow camera setup globally using SceneManager::setShadowCameraSetup @see ShadowCameraSetup */ void setCustomShadowCameraSetup(const ShadowCameraSetupPtr& customShadowSetup); /** Reset the shadow camera setup to the default. @see ShadowCameraSetup */ void resetCustomShadowCameraSetup(void); /** return a pointer to the custom shadow camera setup (null means use SceneManager global version). */ const ShadowCameraSetupPtr& getCustomShadowCameraSetup(void) const; protected: /// internal method for synchronising with parent node (if any) virtual void update(void) const; /// @copydoc AnimableObject::getAnimableDictionaryName const String& getAnimableDictionaryName(void) const; /// @copydoc AnimableObject::initialiseAnimableDictionary void initialiseAnimableDictionary(StringVector& vec) const; LightTypes mLightType; Vector3 mPosition; ColourValue mDiffuse; ColourValue mSpecular; Vector3 mDirection; Radian mSpotOuter; Radian mSpotInner; Real mSpotFalloff; Real mRange; Real mAttenuationConst; Real mAttenuationLinear; Real mAttenuationQuad; Real mPowerScale; mutable Vector3 mDerivedPosition; mutable Vector3 mDerivedDirection; /// Shared class-level name for Movable type static String msMovableType; mutable PlaneBoundedVolume mNearClipVolume; mutable PlaneBoundedVolumeList mFrustumClipVolumes; /// Is the derived transform dirty? mutable bool mDerivedTransformDirty; /// Pointer to a custom shadow camera setup mutable ShadowCameraSetupPtr mCustomShadowCameraSetup; }; /** Factory object for creating Light instances */ class _OgreExport LightFactory : public MovableObjectFactory { protected: MovableObject* createInstanceImpl( const String& name, const NameValuePairList* params); public: LightFactory() {} ~LightFactory() {} static String FACTORY_TYPE_NAME; const String& getType(void) const; void destroyInstance( MovableObject* obj); }; } // Namespace #endif
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