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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Copyright (c) 2006 Matthias Fink, netAllied GmbH
Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __ConvexBody_H__ #define __ConvexBody_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgrePolygon.h" namespace Ogre { /** Holds a solid representation of a convex body. @remarks Administers a convex body. All polygons of the body are convex and planar. Several operations may be applied, ranging from intersection to join where each result it itself a convex body. */ class _OgreExport ConvexBody { public: typedef std::vector< Polygon* > PolygonList; protected: PolygonList mPolygons; // Static 'free list' of polygons to save reallocation, shared between all bodies static PolygonList msFreePolygons; #if OGRE_THREAD_SUPPORT static boost::recursive_mutex msFreePolygonsMutex; #endif public: ConvexBody(); ~ConvexBody(); ConvexBody( const ConvexBody& cpy ); /** Build a new polygon representation from a frustum. */ void define(const Frustum& frustum); /** Build a new polygon representation from an AAB. */ void define(const AxisAlignedBox& aab); /** Clips the body with a frustum. The resulting holes are filled with new polygons. */ void clip( const Frustum& frustum ); /** Clips the body with an AAB. The resulting holes are filled with new polygons. */ void clip( const AxisAlignedBox& aab ); /** Clips the body with another body. */ void clip(const ConvexBody& body); /** Clips the object by the positive half space of a plane */ void clip(const Plane& pl, bool keepNegative = true); /** Extends the existing body to incorporate the passed in point as a convex hull. @remarks You must already have constructed a basic body using a 'construct' method. */ void extend(const Vector3& pt); /** Resets the object. */ void reset( void ); /** Returns the current number of polygons. */ size_t getPolygonCount( void ) const; /** Returns the number of vertices for a polygon */ size_t getVertexCount( size_t poly ) const; /** Returns a polygon. */ const Polygon& getPolygon( size_t poly ) const; /** Returns a specific vertex of a polygon. */ const Vector3& getVertex( size_t poly, size_t vertex ) const; /** Returns the normal of a specified polygon. */ const Vector3& getNormal( size_t poly ); /** Returns an AABB representation. */ AxisAlignedBox getAABB( void ) const; /** Checks if the body has a closed hull. */ bool hasClosedHull( void ) const; /** Merges all neighboring polygons into one single polygon if they are lay in the same plane. */ void mergePolygons( void ); /** Determines if the current object is equal to the compared one. */ bool operator == ( const ConvexBody& rhs ) const; /** Determines if the current object is not equal to the compared one. */ bool operator != ( const ConvexBody& rhs ) const { return !( *this == rhs ); } /** Prints out the body with all its polygons. */ _OgreExport friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& strm, const ConvexBody& body ); /** Log details of this body */ void logInfo() const; /// Initialise the internal polygon pool used to minimise allocations static void _initialisePool(); /// Tear down the internal polygon pool used to minimise allocations static void _destroyPool(); protected: /** Get a new polygon from the pool. */ static Polygon* allocatePolygon(); /** Release a polygon back tot he pool. */ static void freePolygon(Polygon* poly); /** Inserts a polygon at a partcular point in the body. @note After this method is called, the ConvexBody 'owns' this Polygon and will be responsible for deleting it. */ void insertPolygon(Polygon* pdata, size_t poly); /** Inserts a polygon at the end. @note After this method is called, the ConvexBody 'owns' this Polygon and will be responsible for deleting it. */ void insertPolygon(Polygon* pdata); /** Inserts a vertex for a polygon at a particular point. @note No checks are done whether the assembled polygon is (still) planar, the caller must ensure that this is the case. */ void insertVertex(size_t poly, const Vector3& vdata, size_t vertex); /** Inserts a vertex for a polygon at the end. @note No checks are done whether the assembled polygon is (still) planar, the caller must ensure that this is the case. */ void insertVertex(size_t poly, const Vector3& vdata); /** Deletes a specific polygon. */ void deletePolygon(size_t poly); /** Removes a specific polygon from the body without deleting it. @note The retrieved polygon needs to be deleted later by the caller. */ Polygon* unlinkPolygon(size_t poly); /** Moves all polygons from the parameter body to this instance. @note Both the passed in object and this instance are modified */ void moveDataFromBody(ConvexBody& body); /** Deletes a specific vertex of a specific polygon. */ void deleteVertex(size_t poly, size_t vertex); /** Replace a polygon at a particular index. @note Again, the passed in polygon is owned by this object after this call returns, and this object is resonsible for deleting it. */ void setPolygon(Polygon* pdata, size_t poly ); /** Replace a specific vertex of a polygon. @note No checks are done whether the assembled polygon is (still) planar, the caller must ensure that this is the case. */ void setVertex( size_t poly, const Vector3& vdata, size_t vertex ); /** Returns the single edges in an EdgeMap (= edges where one side is a vertex and the other is empty space (a hole in the body)). */ Polygon::EdgeMap getSingleEdges() const; /** Stores the edges of a specific polygon in a passed in structure. */ void storeEdgesOfPolygon(size_t poly, Polygon::EdgeMap *edgeMap) const; /** Allocates space for an specified amount of polygons with each of them having a specified number of vertices. @note Old data (if available) will be erased. */ void allocateSpace(size_t numPolygons, size_t numVertices); /** Searches for a pair (an edge) in the intersectionList with an entry that equals vec, and removes it from the passed in list. @param vec The vertex to search for in intersectionEdges @param intersectionEdges A list of edges, which is updated if a match is found @param vNext A reference to a vector which will be filled with the other vertex at the matching edge, if found. @returns True if a match was found */ bool findAndEraseEdgePair(const Vector3& vec, Polygon::EdgeMap& intersectionEdges, Vector3& vNext ) const; }; } #endif
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