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#include "NXU_ColladaImport.h" #include "NXU_tinyxml.h" #include "NXU_Asc2Bin.h" #include "NXU_string.h" #include "NXU_helper.h" #include "NXU_schema.h" #include "NXU_SchemaStream.h" #include "NXU_hull.h" namespace NXU { const float DEG_TO_RAD = ((2.0f *3.14152654f) / 360.0f); const float RAD_TO_DEG = (360.0f / (2.0f *3.141592654f)); static bool getTF(const char *str) { bool ret = false; if (str) { if (_stricmp(str, "true") == 0 || _stricmp(str, "1") == 0) { ret = true; } } return ret; } #define NODE_STACK 64 // list of collada elements we even care about. enum CELEMENT { CE_LIBRARY_GEOMETRIES, CE_GEOMETRY, // attribute 'id' CE_MESH, CE_CONVEX_MESH, CE_SOURCE, // attribute 'id' CE_FLOAT_ARRAY, // attribute 'count' attribute 'id' CE_INT_ARRAY, CE_BOOL_ARRAY, CE_NAME_ARRAY, CE_IDREF_ARRAY, CE_TECHNIQUE_COMMON, // CE_ACCESSOR, // attribute 'count' attribute 'source' attribute 'stride' CE_PARAM, // parameter in the accessor attribute 'name' and 'type' CE_VERTICES, // attribute 'id' CE_INPUT, // attribute 'semantic' attribute 'source' CE_POLYGONS, // attribute 'material' attribute 'count' CE_TRIANGLES, CE_POLYLIST, CE_VCOUNT, CE_P, // individual polygon. CE_LIBRARY_VISUAL_SCENES, // CE_VISUAL_SCENE, // attribute 'id' CE_NODE, // attribute 'id' attribute 'type' CE_MATRIX, // attribute 'sid' CE_INSTANCE_GEOMETRY, // attribute 'url' CE_TRANSLATE, CE_ROTATE, CE_LIBRARY_PHYSICS_MATERIALS, // CE_PHYSICS_MATERIAL, // attribute 'id' CE_DYNAMIC_FRICTION, CE_RESTITUTION, CE_STATIC_FRICTION, CE_LIBRARY_PHYSICS_MODELS, CE_PHYSICS_MODEL, // attribute 'id' CE_RIGID_BODY, // attribute 'sid' CE_INSTANCE_PHYSICS_MATERIAL, // attribute 'url' CE_SHAPE, CE_BOX, CE_HALF_EXTENTS, CE_DYNAMIC, CE_MASS, CE_MASS_FRAME, CE_INERTIA, CE_LIBRARY_PHYSICS_SCENES, CE_PHYSICS_SCENE, // attribute 'id' CE_INSTANCE_PHYSICS_MODEL, // attribute 'url' CE_INSTANCE_RIGID_BODY, // attribute 'target' attribute 'body' CE_VELOCITY, CE_ANGULAR_VELOCITY, CE_GRAVITY, CE_TIME_STEP, CE_SCENE, CE_INSTANCE_VISUAL_SCENE, // attribute 'url' CE_INSTANCE_PHYSICS_SCENE, // attribute 'url' CE_DENSITY, CE_EQUATION, CE_RADIUS, CE_HEIGHT, CE_CAPSULE, CE_PLANE, CE_SPHERE, CE_CYLINDER, CE_FORCE_FIELD, CE_INSTANCE_FORCE_FIELD, CE_LIBRARY_FORCE_FIELDS, CE_RIGID_CONSTRAINT, CE_INSTANCE_RIGID_CONSTRAINT, CE_TAPERED_CAPSULE, CE_TAPERED_CYLINDER, CE_RADIUS1, CE_RADIUS2, CE_DISABLE_COLLISION, CE_MIN, CE_MAX, CE_STIFFNESS, CE_DAMPING, CE_TARGET_VALUE, CE_ENABLED, CE_INTERPENETRATE, CE_REF_ATTACHMENT, CE_ATTACHMENT, CE_LINEAR, CE_SWING_CONE_AND_TWIST, CE_ANGULAR, CE_GROUP, CE_SKIN_WIDTH, CE_WAKEUP_COUNTER, CE_LINEAR_DAMPING, CE_ANGULAR_DAMPING, CE_MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY, CE_SLEEP_LINEAR_VELOCITY, CE_SLEEP_ANGULAR_VELOCITY, CE_SOLVER_ITERATION_COUNT, CE_DISABLE_GRAVITY, CE_KINEMATIC, CE_POSE_SLEEP_TEST, CE_FILTER_SLEEP_VELOCITY, CE_DISABLE_RESPONSE, CE_LOCK_COM, CE_PROJECTION_MODE, CE_PROJECTION_DISTANCE, CE_PROJECTION_ANGLE, // CE_NX_JOINT_DRIVE_DESC, CE_DRIVE_TYPE, CE_SPRING, CE_FORCE_LIMIT, CE_DRIVE_POSITION, CE_DRIVE_ORIENTATION, CE_DRIVE_LINEAR_VELOCITY, CE_DRIVE_ANGULAR_VELOCITY, CE_GEAR_RATIO, // CE_IGNORE, CE_LAST }; static const char *CE_NAMES[CE_LAST] = { "library_geometries", "geometry", "mesh", "convex_mesh", "source", "float_array", "int_array", "bool_array", "Name_array", "IDREF_array", "technique_common", "accessor", "param", "vertices", "input", "polygons", "triangles", "polylist", "vcount", "p", "library_visual_scenes", "visual_scene", "node", "matrix", "instance_geometry", "translate", "rotate", "library_physics_materials", "physics_material", "dynamic_friction", "restitution", "static_friction", "library_physics_models", "physics_model", "rigid_body", "instance_physics_material", "shape", "box", "half_extents", "dynamic", "mass", "mass_frame", "inertia", "library_physics_scenes", "physics_scene", "instance_physics_model", "instance_rigid_body", "velocity", "angular_velocity", "gravity", "time_step", "scene", "instance_visual_scene", "instance_physics_scene", "density", "equation", "radius", "height", "capsule", "plane", "sphere", "cylinder", "force_field", "instance_force_field", "library_force_fields", "rigid_constraint", "instance_rigid_constraint", "tapered_capsule", "tapered_cylinder", "radius1", "radius2", "disable_collision", "min", "max", "stiffness", "damping", "target_value", "enabled", "interpenetrate", "ref_attachment", "attachment", "linear", "swing_cone_and_twist", "angular", "group", "skinWidth", "wakeupCounter", "linearDamping", "angularDamping", "maxAngularVelocity", "sleepLinearVelocity", "sleepAngularVelocity", "solverIterationCount", "disable_gravity", "kinematic", "pose_sleep_test", "filter_sleep_velocity", "disable_response", "lock_com", "projectionMode", "projectionDistance", "projectionAngle", "NxJointDriveDesc", "driveType", "spring", "forceLimit", "drivePosition", "driveOrientation", "driveLinearVelocity", "driveAngularVelocity", "gearRatio", "ignore" }; class C_InstancePhysicsModel; class C_Geometry; class C_Mesh; class C_Source; class C_FloatArray; class C_Accessor; class C_Param; class C_Vertices; class C_Input; class C_Polygons; class C_Polygon; class C_Scene; class C_VisualScene; class C_Node; class C_PhysicsMaterial; class C_PhysicsModel; class C_RigidBody; class C_PhysicsScene; class C_Shape; class C_LibraryPhysicsScenes; class C_LibraryPhysicsModels; class C_LibraryPhysicsMaterials; class C_LibraryVisualScenes; class C_LibraryGeometries; class C_RigidConstraint; class C_InstanceRigidConstraint; static float getFloat(const char *s) { float ret = 0; if (s) { if (_stricmp(s, "FLT_MIN") == 0 || _stricmp(s, "-INF") == 0) { ret = FLT_MIN; } else if (_stricmp(s, "FLT_MAX") == 0 || _stricmp(s, "INF") == 0) { ret = FLT_MAX; } else { ret = (float)atof(s); } } return ret; } static const char *getAttribute(TiXmlElement *element, const char *v) { const char *ret = 0; TiXmlAttribute *atr = element->FirstAttribute(); while (atr) { const char *aname = atr->Name(); const char *avalue = atr->Value(); if (strcmp(v, aname) == 0) { ret = avalue; break; } atr = atr->Next(); } return ret; } class C_Base { public: C_Base(TiXmlElement *element) { mId = getAttribute(element, "id"); mSid = getAttribute(element, "sid"); mName = getAttribute(element, "name"); mUrl = getAttribute(element, "url"); mCount = 0; const char *c = getAttribute(element, "count"); if (c) { mCount = atoi(c); } } virtual ~C_Base() {} virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_IGNORE; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; const char *mId; const char *mSid; const char *mName; const char *mUrl; int mCount; }; /* static const char *TF(bool s) { if (s) { return "true"; } return "false"; } */ /* static const char *fstring(NxF32 v) { static char data[64 *16]; static int index = 0; char *ret = &data[index *64]; index++; if (index == 16) { index = 0; } if (v == 1) { strcpy(ret, "1"); } else if (v == 0) { strcpy(ret, "0"); } else if (v == - 1) { strcpy(ret, "-1"); } else { sprintf(ret, "%.9f", v); const char *dot = strstr(ret, "."); if (dot) { int len = (int)strlen(ret); char *foo = &ret[len - 1]; while (*foo == '0') { foo--; } if (*foo == '.') { *foo = 0; } else { foo[1] = 0; } } } return ret; } */ #define WARN(x) reportWarning(x) static bool colladaMatrix(const char *m, NxMat34 &mat) { bool ret = false;; float matrix[16]; void *mem = Asc2Bin(m, 16, "f", matrix); if (mem) { float m[9]; m[0] = matrix[0]; m[1] = matrix[1]; m[2] = matrix[2]; mat.t.x = matrix[3]; m[3] = matrix[4]; m[4] = matrix[5]; m[5] = matrix[6]; mat.t.y = matrix[7]; m[6] = matrix[8]; m[7] = matrix[9]; m[8] = matrix[10]; mat.t.z = matrix[11]; mat.M.setRowMajor(m); ret = true; } return ret; } class C_Query { public: virtual ~C_Query() {} virtual C_VisualScene *locateVisualScene(const char *str) = 0; virtual C_PhysicsScene *locatePhysicsScene(const char *str) = 0; virtual C_PhysicsModel *locatePhysicsModel(const char *str) = 0; virtual C_Node *locateNode(const char *str) = 0; virtual C_Geometry *locateGeometry(const char *str) = 0; virtual int getMaterialIndex(const char *mat) = 0; virtual NxConvexMeshDesc *locateConvexMeshDesc(const char *str) = 0; virtual NxTriangleMeshDesc *locateTriangleMeshDesc(const char *str) = 0; }; /* static TiXmlNode *getElement(const char *name, TiXmlNode *root) { TiXmlNode *ret = 0; TiXmlNode *node = root->NextSibling(); while (node) { if (node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT) { if (strcmp(node->Value(), name) == 0) { ret = node; break; } } if (node->NoChildren()) { assert(node); while (node->NextSibling() == NULL && node != root) { node = node->Parent(); } if (node == root) { break; } assert(node); node = node->NextSibling(); } else { assert(node); node = node->FirstChild(); } } return ret; } */ /* static const char *getElementText(TiXmlElement *element, const char *name) { const char *ret = 0; TiXmlNode *node = getElement(name, element); if (node) { TiXmlNode *child = node->FirstChild(); if (child && child->Type() == TiXmlNode::TEXT) { ret = child->Value(); } } return ret; } */ class C_TriangleMesh { public: unsigned int vlookup(const NxVec3 &v) { const float EPSILON = 0.0001f; unsigned int ret; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mVertices.size(); i++) { const NxVec3 &c = mVertices[i]; float dx = fabsf(c.x - v.x); if (dx < EPSILON) { float dy = fabsf(c.y - v.y); if (dy < EPSILON) { float dz = fabsf(c.z - v.z); if (dz < EPSILON) { float d = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz; if (d < (EPSILON *EPSILON)) { return i; } } } } } ret = mVertices.size(); mVertices.push_back(v); return ret; } void addTri(const NxVec3 &v1, const NxVec3 &v2, const NxVec3 &v3) { unsigned int i1 = vlookup(v1); unsigned int i2 = vlookup(v2); unsigned int i3 = vlookup(v3); mIndices.push_back(i1); mIndices.push_back(i2); mIndices.push_back(i3); } NxArray < NxVec3 > mVertices; NxArray < unsigned int > mIndices; }; class C_Spring { public: C_Spring(void) { mStiffness = 1; mDamping = 0; mTargetValue = 0; } float mStiffness; float mDamping; float mTargetValue; }; enum JointDriveType { JDT_POSITION, JDT_VELOCITY, JDT_POSITION_VELOCITY, }; class C_JointDrive { public: C_JointDrive(void) { driveType = JDT_POSITION; spring = 0; damping = 0; forceLimit = FLT_MAX; } void get(NxJointDriveDesc &d)const { switch (driveType) { case JDT_POSITION: d.driveType = NX_D6JOINT_DRIVE_POSITION; break; case JDT_VELOCITY: d.driveType = NX_D6JOINT_DRIVE_VELOCITY; break; case JDT_POSITION_VELOCITY: d.driveType = (NxD6JointDriveType) (NX_D6JOINT_DRIVE_POSITION | NX_D6JOINT_DRIVE_VELOCITY); break; } d.spring = spring; d.damping = damping; d.forceLimit = forceLimit; } JointDriveType driveType; float spring; float damping; float forceLimit; }; class C_RigidConstraint: C_Base { public: C_RigidConstraint(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mRef = true; mLinear = true; mBody1 = 0; mBody2 = 0; mNode1 = 0; mNode2 = 0; mName1 = 0; mName2 = 0;;; mProjectionMode = 0; mProjectionDistance = 0; mProjectionAngle = 0; mDrive = 0; drivePosition.set(0, 0, 0); driveOrientation.setXYZW(0, 0, 0, 1); driveLinearVelocity.set(0, 0, 0); driveAngularVelocity.set(0, 0, 0); gearRatio = 1; } virtual ~C_RigidConstraint() {} void setJointDriveDesc(TiXmlElement *element) { const char *id = getAttribute(element, "id"); if (id) { if (_stricmp(id, "xDrive") == 0) { mDrive = &xDrive; } else if (_stricmp(id, "yDrive") == 0) { mDrive = &yDrive; } else if (_stricmp(id, "zDrive") == 0) { mDrive = &zDrive; } else if (_stricmp(id, "swingDrive") == 0) { mDrive = &swingDrive; } else if (_stricmp(id, "twistDrive") == 0) { mDrive = &twistDrive; } else if (_stricmp(id, "slerpDrive") == 0) { mDrive = &slerpDrive; } } else { mDrive = 0; } } virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *data) { switch (operation) { case CE_DRIVE_TYPE: if (mDrive) { if (_stricmp(data, "NX_D6JOINT_DRIVE_POSITION") == 0) { mDrive->driveType = JDT_POSITION; } else if (_stricmp(data, "NX_D6JOINT_DRIVE_VELOCITY") == 0) { mDrive->driveType = JDT_VELOCITY; } else if (_stricmp(data, "NX_D6JOINT_DRIVE_POSITION+NX_D6JONT_DRIVE_VELOCITY") == 0) { mDrive->driveType = JDT_POSITION_VELOCITY; } } break; case CE_SPRING: if (mDrive) { mDrive->spring = getFloat(data); } break; case CE_FORCE_LIMIT: if (mDrive) { mDrive->forceLimit = getFloat(data); } break; case CE_DRIVE_POSITION: Asc2Bin(data, 3, "f", &drivePosition.x); break; case CE_DRIVE_ORIENTATION: if (1) { float quat[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 } ; Asc2Bin(data, 4, "f", quat); driveOrientation.setXYZW(quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]); } break; case CE_DRIVE_LINEAR_VELOCITY: Asc2Bin(data, 3, "f", &driveLinearVelocity.x); break; case CE_DRIVE_ANGULAR_VELOCITY: Asc2Bin(data, 3, "f", &driveAngularVelocity.x); break; case CE_GEAR_RATIO: gearRatio = getFloat(data); break; case CE_PROJECTION_MODE: mProjectionMode = data; break; case CE_PROJECTION_DISTANCE: mProjectionDistance = getFloat(data); break; case CE_PROJECTION_ANGLE: mProjectionAngle = getFloat(data); break; case CE_ENABLED: mEnabled = getTF(data); break; case CE_INTERPENETRATE: mInterpenetrate = getTF(data); break; case CE_TRANSLATE: if (1) { NxVec3 t(0, 0, 0); Asc2Bin(data, 3, "f", &t.x); if (mRef) { mMatrix1.t += t; } else { mMatrix2.t += t; } } break; case CE_ROTATE: if (1) { float aa[4] = {1, 0, 0, 0}; Asc2Bin(data, 4, "f", aa); NxVec3 axis(aa[0], aa[1], aa[2]); NxReal angle = aa[3]; NxQuat q; q.fromAngleAxis(angle, axis); NxMat33 m(q); if (mRef) { mMatrix1.M *= m; } else { mMatrix2.M *= m; } } break; case CE_MATRIX: if (mRef) { colladaMatrix(data, mMatrix1); } else { colladaMatrix(data, mMatrix2); } break; case CE_MIN: if (mLinear) { Asc2Bin(data, 3, "f", &mLinearMin.x); } else { Asc2Bin(data, 3, "f", &mAngularMin.x); } break; case CE_MAX: if (mLinear) { Asc2Bin(data, 3, "f", &mLinearMax.x); } else { Asc2Bin(data, 3, "f", &mAngularMax.x); } break; case CE_STIFFNESS: if (mLinear) { mLinearSpring.mStiffness = getFloat(data); } else { mAngularSpring.mStiffness = getFloat(data); } break; case CE_DAMPING: if (mDrive) { mDrive->damping = getFloat(data); } else { if (mLinear) { mLinearSpring.mDamping = getFloat(data); } else { mAngularSpring.mDamping = getFloat(data); } } break; case CE_TARGET_VALUE: if (mLinear) { mLinearSpring.mTargetValue = getFloat(data); } else { mAngularSpring.mTargetValue = getFloat(data); } break; default: break; } } void setRefAttachment(TiXmlElement *element) { mBody1 = getAttribute(element, "rigid_body"); mNode1 = getAttribute(element, "node"); mName1 = getAttribute(element, "name"); mRef = true; } void setAttachment(TiXmlElement *element) { mBody2 = getAttribute(element, "rigid_body"); mNode2 = getAttribute(element, "node"); mName2 = getAttribute(element, "name"); mRef = false; } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_RIGID_CONSTRAINT; }; NxD6JointMotion getMotion(float a, float b) { NxD6JointMotion ret; if (a == 0 && b == 0) { ret = NX_D6JOINT_MOTION_LOCKED; } else if (a == FLT_MIN && b == FLT_MAX) { ret = NX_D6JOINT_MOTION_FREE; } else { ret = NX_D6JOINT_MOTION_LIMITED; } return ret; } float getMeanRad(float a, float b)const { a = fabsf(a); b = fabsf(b); if (b > a) { a = b; } return a *DEG_TO_RAD; } void getJoint(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *q, C_PhysicsModel *pmodel); bool match(const char *str)const { bool ret = false; if (mSid && str) { if (*str == '#') { str++; } if (strcmp(mSid, str) == 0) { ret = true; } } return ret; } bool mRef; bool mLinear; const char *mBody1; const char *mBody2; const char *mNode1; const char *mNode2; const char *mName1; const char *mName2; bool mEnabled; bool mInterpenetrate; NxMat34 mMatrix1; NxMat34 mMatrix2; NxVec3 mLinearMin; NxVec3 mLinearMax; NxVec3 mAngularMin; NxVec3 mAngularMax; C_Spring mLinearSpring; C_Spring mAngularSpring; const char *mProjectionMode; float mProjectionDistance; float mProjectionAngle; C_JointDrive *mDrive; // current drive.. C_JointDrive xDrive; C_JointDrive yDrive; C_JointDrive zDrive; C_JointDrive swingDrive; C_JointDrive twistDrive; C_JointDrive slerpDrive; NxVec3 drivePosition; NxQuat driveOrientation; NxVec3 driveLinearVelocity; NxVec3 driveAngularVelocity; float gearRatio; }; class C_InstanceRigidConstraint: C_Base { public: C_InstanceRigidConstraint(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mConstraint = getAttribute(element, "constraint"); } virtual ~C_InstanceRigidConstraint() {} virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *data){} void getJoints(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *q, C_PhysicsModel *pmodel); virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_INSTANCE_RIGID_CONSTRAINT; }; const char *mConstraint; }; enum ArrayType { AT_BOOL, AT_INT, AT_FLOAT, AT_NAME, AT_IDREF, AT_LAST }; class C_Array: public C_Base { public: C_Array(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element){} virtual ~C_Array() {} virtual ArrayType getArrayType(void)const = 0; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *data) = 0; }; // attributes: // count : required // id : optional // name : optional class C_BoolArray: C_Array { public: C_BoolArray(TiXmlElement *element): C_Array(element){} virtual ~C_BoolArray() { } virtual ArrayType getArrayType(void)const { return AT_BOOL; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *data){} virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_BOOL_ARRAY; }; }; // Attributes: // count (required) // id (optional) // name (optional) // minInclusive (optional) // maxInclusive (optional) class C_IntArray: public C_Array { public: C_IntArray(TiXmlElement *element): C_Array(element) { mData = 0; mMinInclusive = getAttribute(element, "minInclusive"); mMaxInclusive = getAttribute(element, "maxInclusive"); } virtual ~C_IntArray(void) { delete mData; } virtual ArrayType getArrayType(void)const { return AT_INT; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *data) { if (mCount && !mData) { mData = (int*)Asc2Bin(data, mCount, "d", 0); } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_INT_ARRAY; }; const char *mMinInclusive; const char *mMaxInclusive; int *mData; }; // Attributes: // count (required) // name (optional) // id (optional) // digits (optional) // magnitude (optional) // class C_FloatArray: public C_Array { public: C_FloatArray(TiXmlElement *element): C_Array(element) { mDigits = getAttribute(element, "digits"); mMagnitude = getAttribute(element, "magnitude"); mData = 0; } virtual ~C_FloatArray(void) { delete mData; } virtual ArrayType getArrayType(void)const { return AT_FLOAT; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *data) { if (mCount && !mData) { mData = (float*)Asc2Bin(data, mCount, "f", 0); } } void getV(NxVec3 &v, unsigned int i) { v.set(0, 0, 0); assert(i < (unsigned int)(mCount / 3)); if (i < (unsigned int)(mCount / 3)) { v.x = mData[i *3+0]; v.y = mData[i *3+1]; v.z = mData[i *3+2]; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_FLOAT_ARRAY; }; const char *mDigits; const char *mMagnitude; float *mData; }; class C_NameArray: public C_Array { public: C_NameArray(TiXmlElement *element): C_Array(element){} virtual ~C_NameArray() { } virtual ArrayType getArrayType(void)const { return AT_NAME; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *data){} virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_NAME_ARRAY; }; }; class C_IDREFArray: public C_Array { public: C_IDREFArray(TiXmlElement *element): C_Array(element){} virtual ~C_IDREFArray() { } virtual ArrayType getArrayType(void)const { return AT_IDREF; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *data){} virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_IDREF_ARRAY; }; }; // attributes: // name : optional // sid : optional but if present must be unique // type : required // sematnic : optional // class C_Param: public C_Base { public: C_Param(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mType = getAttribute(element, "type"); mSemantic = getAttribute(element, "semantic"); } virtual ~C_Param() { } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_PARAM; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; const char *mType; const char *mSemantic; }; // attributes: // count : required // offset : optional (default is 0) // source : required // stride : optional (default is 1) class C_Accessor: public C_Base { public: C_Accessor(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mOffset = 0; const char *o = getAttribute(element, "offset"); if (o) { mOffset = atoi(o); } mSource = getAttribute(element, "source"); mStride = 1; const char *s = getAttribute(element, "stride"); if (s) { mStride = atoi(s); } } virtual ~C_Accessor(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mParams.size(); i++) { C_Param *p = mParams[i]; delete p; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_ACCESSOR; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; NxArray < C_Param * > mParams; unsigned int mOffset; const char *mSource; unsigned int mStride; }; // attributes: // id : required // name : optional class C_Source: public C_Base { public: C_Source(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mAccessor = 0; mArray = 0; } virtual ~C_Source() { } bool match(const char *str) { bool ret = false; if (str && mId) { if (*str == '#') { str++; } if (strcmp(str, mId) == 0) { ret = true; } } return ret; } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_SOURCE; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; C_Accessor *mAccessor; C_Array *mArray; // the source array. }; class C_Input: public C_Base { public: C_Input(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mOffset = 0; mSet = 0; const char *o = getAttribute(element, "offset"); if (o) { mOffset = atoi(o); } mSemantic = getAttribute(element, "semantic"); mSource = getAttribute(element, "source"); const char *s = getAttribute(element, "set"); if (s) { mSet = atoi(s); } } virtual ~C_Input() { } bool match(const char *str) { bool ret = false; if (str && mSemantic) { if (*str == '#') { str++; } if (strcmp(str, mSemantic) == 0) { ret = true; } } return ret; } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_INPUT; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; int mOffset; const char *mSemantic; const char *mSource; int mSet; }; // id // name class C_Vertices: public C_Base { public: C_Vertices(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element){} virtual ~C_Vertices(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInputs.size(); i++) { C_Input *ip = mInputs[i]; delete ip; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_VERTICES; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; C_Input *locateInput(const char *semantic) { C_Input *ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInputs.size(); i++) { C_Input *ip = mInputs[i]; if (ip->match(semantic)) { ret = ip; break; } } return ret; } bool match(const char *str) { bool ret = false; if (mId && str) { if (*str == '#') { str++; } if (strcmp(mId, str) == 0) { ret = true; } } return ret; } NxArray < C_Input * > mInputs; }; enum InputType { IT_TRIANGLES, IT_POLYGONS, IT_POLYLIST, IT_LAST }; // count, material, name class C_Triangles: public C_Base { public: C_Triangles(TiXmlElement *element, InputType type): C_Base(element) { mInputType = type; mMaterial = getAttribute(element, "material"); } virtual ~C_Triangles(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInputs.size(); i++) { C_Input *ip = mInputs[i]; delete ip; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_TRIANGLES; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; void addVcount(const char *c) { int count; unsigned int *points = (unsigned int*)Asc2Bin(c, count, "d"); if (points) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { mVcount.push_back(points[i]); } delete points; } } void addPoints(const char *c) { int count; unsigned int *points = (unsigned int*)Asc2Bin(c, count, "d"); if (points) { if (mInputType == IT_POLYGONS) { assert(count >= 3); mVcount.push_back(count); // number of points int he polygon. } else { assert((count % 3) == 0); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { mIndices.push_back(points[i]); } delete points; } } unsigned int getIndex(unsigned int index, const unsigned int *indices, unsigned int offset, unsigned int stride) { unsigned int base = stride * index; return indices[base + offset]; } void addTri(unsigned int i1, unsigned int i2, unsigned int i3, C_TriangleMesh &t, C_Source *vertices) { // hurrah! C_Accessor *accessor = vertices->mAccessor; C_Array *array = vertices->mArray; if (array && array->getArrayType() == AT_FLOAT && accessor && accessor->mParams.size() == 3 && accessor->mStride == 3) { unsigned int vcount = accessor->mCount; i1 += accessor->mOffset; i2 += accessor->mOffset; i3 += accessor->mOffset; assert(i1 < vcount); assert(i2 < vcount); assert(i3 < vcount); if (i1 < vcount && i2 < vcount && i3 < vcount) { C_FloatArray *farray = (C_FloatArray*)array; unsigned int fcount = farray->mCount / 3; assert(fcount == vcount); if (fcount == vcount) { NxVec3 v1, v2, v3; farray->getV(v1, i1); farray->getV(v2, i2); farray->getV(v3, i3); t.addTri(v1, v2, v3); } } } } // we have already computed the 'position' source. // now we iterate through the indices void getTriangleMesh(C_TriangleMesh &t, C_Source *psource, C_Vertices *vertices) { int offset = 0; bool found = false; // things get really wacky here! for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInputs.size(); i++) { C_Input *ip = mInputs[i]; if (ip->mSemantic && strcmp(ip->mSemantic, "VERTEX") == 0) { if (vertices->match(ip->mSource)) { offset = ip->mOffset; found = true; break; } else { // what the hell!?? } } } if (found) // ok.. we found a mapping beetween the { unsigned int icount = 0; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < mInputs.size(); j++) { C_Input *cp = mInputs[j]; if ((unsigned int)cp->mOffset > icount) { icount = cp->mOffset; } } icount++; unsigned int *istart = &mIndices[0]; unsigned int *indices = istart; if (mInputType == IT_POLYGONS || mInputType == IT_POLYLIST) { assert((unsigned int)mCount == mVcount.size()); if ((unsigned int)mCount > mVcount.size()) { mCount = mVcount.size(); } } for (int i = 0; i < mCount; i++) { if (mInputType == IT_POLYGONS || mInputType == IT_POLYLIST) { unsigned int pcount = mVcount[i]; if (mInputType == IT_POLYGONS) { pcount = pcount / icount; } assert(pcount >= 3); if (pcount < 3) { return ; } // something is really screwed up! unsigned int i1 = getIndex(0, indices, offset, icount); unsigned int i2 = getIndex(1, indices, offset, icount); unsigned int i3 = getIndex(2, indices, offset, icount); addTri(i1, i2, i3, t, psource); for (unsigned int i = 3; i < pcount; i++) { i2 = i3; i3 = getIndex(i, indices, offset, icount); addTri(i1, i2, i3, t, psource); } indices += pcount * icount; } else { unsigned int i1 = getIndex(0, indices, offset, icount); unsigned int i2 = getIndex(1, indices, offset, icount); unsigned int i3 = getIndex(2, indices, offset, icount); addTri(i1, i2, i3, t, psource); indices += 3 * icount; } unsigned int dist = (unsigned int)(indices - istart); assert(dist <= mIndices.size()); if (dist > mIndices.size()) { break; } } } } InputType mInputType; NxArray < C_Input * > mInputs; const char *mMaterial; NxArray < unsigned int > mIndices; NxArray < unsigned int > mVcount; }; class C_Mesh: public C_Base { public: C_Mesh(TiXmlElement *element, bool isConvex): C_Base(element) { mConvex = isConvex; mVertices = 0; mConvexHullOf = getAttribute(element, "convex_hull_of"); } virtual ~C_Mesh(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mSources.size(); i++) { C_Source *s = mSources[i]; delete s; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mTriangles.size(); i++) { C_Triangles *t = mTriangles[i]; delete t; } delete mVertices; } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_MESH; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; C_Source *locateSource(const char *str) { C_Source *ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mSources.size(); i++) { C_Source *c = mSources[i]; if (c->match(str)) { ret = c; break; } } return ret; } void getTriangleMesh(C_TriangleMesh &t, C_Query *q); bool isConvex(void)const { return mConvex; }; const char *mConvexHullOf; bool mConvex; // true if this is a 'convex' mesh. NxArray < C_Source * > mSources; C_Vertices *mVertices; NxArray < C_Triangles * > mTriangles; }; class C_Geometry: public C_Base { public: C_Geometry(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mIndex = 0; // 'array' index. }; virtual ~C_Geometry(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMeshes.size(); i++) { C_Mesh *m = mMeshes[i]; delete m; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_GEOMETRY; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; bool match(const char *str) { bool ret = false; if (str && mId) { if (*str == '#') { str++; } if (strcmp(str, mId) == 0) { ret = true; } } return ret; } bool isConvex(void) { bool ret = true; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMeshes.size(); i++) { C_Mesh *m = mMeshes[i]; if (!m->isConvex()) { ret = false; break; } } return ret; } int getIndex(void)const { return mIndex; }; void getMesh(NxuPhysicsCollection *c, C_Query *q) { C_TriangleMesh t; getTriangleMesh(t, q); if (isConvex()) { HullDesc desc(QF_TRIANGLES, t.mVertices.size(), &t.mVertices[0].x, sizeof(NxVec3)); desc.mMaxVertices = 32; HullLibrary hl; HullResult result; HullError ok = hl.CreateConvexHull(desc, result); if (ok == QE_OK) { const char *name = getGlobalString(mId); // convert it into a persistent string! NxConvexMeshDesc *convex = new NxConvexMeshDesc; convex->mId = name; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mPoints.push_back(v); } for (NxU32 i=0; i
mTriangles.push_back(tri); } c->mConvexMeshes.push_back(convex); hl.ReleaseResult(result); } } else { const char *name = getGlobalString(mId); // convert it into a persistent string! NxTriangleMeshDesc *tmesh = new NxTriangleMeshDesc; tmesh->mId = name; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mPoints.push_back(v); } NxU32 tcount = t.mIndices.size()/3; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mTriangles.push_back(tri); } c->mTriangleMeshes.push_back(tmesh); } } void getTriangleMesh(C_TriangleMesh &t, C_Query *q) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMeshes.size(); i++) { C_Mesh *m = mMeshes[i]; m->getTriangleMesh(t, q); } } int mIndex; NxArray < C_Mesh * > mMeshes; }; enum C_ShapeType { CST_PLANE, CST_BOX, CST_SPHERE, CST_CYLINDER, CST_TAPERED_CYLINDER, CST_CAPSULE, CST_TAPERED_CAPSULE, CST_MESH, CST_CONVEX_MESH, CST_UNKNOWN }; class C_Shape: public C_Base { public: C_Shape(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mHollow = false; mMass = 1; mDensity = 0;; mInstancePhysicsMaterial = 0; mShapeType = CST_UNKNOWN; mGeometry = 0; mHalfExtents.set(1, 1, 1); mRadius1 = 1; mRadius2 = 1; mHeight = 1; mPlane.normal.set(0, 1, 0); mPlane.d = 0; // mGroup = 0; mSkinWidth = 0.005f; // default mDisableCollision = false; } virtual ~C_Shape(void){} virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_SHAPE; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *svalue) { switch (operation) { case CE_GROUP: if (svalue) { mGroup = atoi(svalue); } break; case CE_SKIN_WIDTH: mSkinWidth = getFloat(svalue); break; case CE_DISABLE_COLLISION: mDisableCollision = getTF(svalue); break; case CE_RADIUS: setRadius(svalue); break; case CE_HEIGHT: setHeight(svalue); break; case CE_MASS: setMass(svalue); break; case CE_DENSITY: setDensity(svalue); break; case CE_EQUATION: setEquation(svalue); break; case CE_TRANSLATE: if (1) { NxVec3 t(0, 0, 0); Asc2Bin(svalue, 3, "f", &t.x); mTransform.t += t; } break; case CE_ROTATE: if (1) { float aa[4] = { 1, 0, 0, 0 } ; Asc2Bin(svalue, 4, "f", aa); NxVec3 axis(aa[0], aa[1], aa[2]); NxReal angle = aa[3]; NxQuat q; q.fromAngleAxis(angle, axis); NxMat33 m(q); mTransform.M *= m; } break; case CE_MATRIX: setMatrix(svalue); break; case CE_HALF_EXTENTS: setHalfExtents(svalue); break; default: break; } } void setHalfExtents(const char *v) { Asc2Bin(v, 3, "f", &mHalfExtents.x); } void setEquation(const char *v) { float p[4]; void *ok = Asc2Bin(v, 4, "f", p); if (ok) { mPlane.normal.set(p[0], p[1], p[2]); mPlane.d = p[3]; } } void setMatrix(const char *m) { colladaMatrix(m, mTransform); } void getShape(NxActorDesc *a, C_Query *query) { int gindex = 0; if (mGeometry) { C_Geometry *g = query->locateGeometry(mGeometry); gindex = g->getIndex(); if (g && g->isConvex()) { mShapeType = CST_CONVEX_MESH; } else { mShapeType = CST_MESH; } } NxShapeDesc *s = 0; switch (mShapeType) { case CST_PLANE: if (1) { NxPlaneShapeDesc *ps = new NxPlaneShapeDesc; ps->normal = mPlane.normal; ps->d = mPlane.d; s = (NxShapeDesc*)ps; } break; case CST_BOX: if (1) { NxBoxShapeDesc *bs = new NxBoxShapeDesc; bs->dimensions = mHalfExtents; s = (NxShapeDesc*)bs; } break; case CST_SPHERE: if (1) { NxSphereShapeDesc *sd = new NxSphereShapeDesc; sd->radius = mRadius1; s = (NxShapeDesc*)sd; } break; case CST_CYLINDER: case CST_TAPERED_CYLINDER: case CST_CAPSULE: case CST_TAPERED_CAPSULE: if (1) { NxCapsuleShapeDesc *cd = new NxCapsuleShapeDesc; cd->radius = mRadius1; cd->height = mHeight; s = (NxShapeDesc*)cd; } break; case CST_MESH: if (1) { NxTriangleMeshDesc *tmesh = query->locateTriangleMeshDesc(mGeometry); if (tmesh) { NxTriangleMeshShapeDesc *desc = new NxTriangleMeshShapeDesc; desc->mMeshData = tmesh->mId; s = (NxShapeDesc*)desc; } } break; case CST_CONVEX_MESH: if (1) { NxConvexMeshDesc *convex = query->locateConvexMeshDesc(mGeometry); if (convex) { NxConvexShapeDesc *desc = new NxConvexShapeDesc; desc->mMeshData = convex->mId; s = (NxShapeDesc*)desc; } } break; default: break; } if (s) { s->group = mGroup; s->skinWidth = mSkinWidth; if (mDisableCollision) { s->shapeFlags = (NxShapeFlag) (s->shapeFlags | NX_SF_DISABLE_COLLISION); } s->localPose = mTransform; s->mShapeMass = mMass; s->mShapeDensity = mDensity; s->materialIndex = query->getMaterialIndex(mInstancePhysicsMaterial); a->mShapes.push_back(s); } } void setRadius(const char *r) { float rd[2]; if (Asc2Bin(r, 2, "f", rd)) { mRadius1 = rd[0]; mRadius2 = rd[1]; } else { mRadius1 = mRadius2 = getFloat(r); } } void setHeight(const char *h) { mHeight = getFloat(h); } void setMass(const char *m) { mMass = getFloat(m); } void setDensity(const char *d) { mDensity = getFloat(d); } void setInstancedGeometry(const char *str) { mGeometry = str; } bool mHollow; float mMass; float mDensity; NxMat34 mTransform; const char *mInstancePhysicsMaterial; C_ShapeType mShapeType; const char *mGeometry; NxVec3 mHalfExtents; float mRadius1; float mRadius2; float mHeight; NxPlane mPlane; unsigned int mGroup; float mSkinWidth; bool mDisableCollision; }; class C_RigidBody: public C_Base { public: C_RigidBody(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mDynamic = false; mMass = 1;; mInertia.set(0, 0, 0); mInstancePhysicsMaterial = 0; mActorDesc = 0; mDisableCollision = false; mDisableResponse = false; mWakeupCounter = 20.0f * 0.02f; mLinearDamping = 0; mAngularDamping = 0; mMaxAngularVelocity = - 1; mSleepLinearVelocity = - 1; mSleepAngularVelocity = - 1; mSolverIterationCount = 4; mKinematic = false; mPoseSleepTest = false; mFilterSleepVelocity = false; mGroup = 0; mDensity = 0; mLockCOM = false; mDisableGravity = false; } virtual ~C_RigidBody(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mShapes.size(); i++) { C_Shape *s = mShapes[i]; delete s; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_RIGID_BODY; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *svalue) { switch (operation) { case CE_MASS: mMass = getFloat(svalue); break; case CE_DISABLE_GRAVITY: mDisableGravity = getTF(svalue); break; case CE_DISABLE_COLLISION: mDisableCollision = getTF(svalue); break; case CE_DISABLE_RESPONSE: mDisableResponse = getTF(svalue); break; case CE_WAKEUP_COUNTER: mWakeupCounter = getFloat(svalue); break; case CE_LINEAR_DAMPING: mLinearDamping = getFloat(svalue); break; case CE_ANGULAR_DAMPING: mAngularDamping = getFloat(svalue); break; case CE_MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY: mMaxAngularVelocity = getFloat(svalue); break; case CE_SLEEP_LINEAR_VELOCITY: mSleepLinearVelocity = getFloat(svalue); break; case CE_SLEEP_ANGULAR_VELOCITY: mSleepAngularVelocity = getFloat(svalue); break; case CE_SOLVER_ITERATION_COUNT: mSolverIterationCount = atoi(svalue); if (mSolverIterationCount < 1) { mSolverIterationCount = 1; } if (mSolverIterationCount > 65536) { mSolverIterationCount = 65536; } break; case CE_KINEMATIC: mKinematic = getTF(svalue); break; case CE_POSE_SLEEP_TEST: mPoseSleepTest = getTF(svalue); break; case CE_FILTER_SLEEP_VELOCITY: mFilterSleepVelocity = getTF(svalue); break; case CE_LOCK_COM: mLockCOM = getTF(svalue); break; case CE_GROUP: mGroup = atoi(svalue); break; case CE_DENSITY: mDensity = getFloat(svalue); break; case CE_DYNAMIC: setDynamic(svalue); break; case CE_INERTIA: setInertia(svalue); break; default: break; } } void setDynamic(const char *v) { mDynamic = getTF(v); } void setInertia(const char *v) { Asc2Bin(v, 3, "f", &mInertia.x); } void setMassFrame(const char *v) { colladaMatrix(v, mMassFrame); } void setMassFrameTranslate(const char *v) { NxVec3 t(0, 0, 0); Asc2Bin(v, 3, "f", &t.x); mMassFrame.t += t; } void setMassFrameRotate(const char *v) { float aa[4] = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }; Asc2Bin(v, 4, "f", aa); NxReal angle = aa[3]; NxVec3 axis(aa[0], aa[1], aa[2]); NxQuat q(angle, axis); NxMat33 m; m.fromQuat(q); mMassFrame.M *= m; } void getActor(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *q, const NxMat34 &mat, const NxVec3 &velocity, const NxVec3 &angularVelocity) { NxActorDesc *a = new NxActorDesc; mActorDesc = a; a->globalPose = mat; a->name = getGlobalString(mName); a->mId = getGlobalString(mSid); if (mDisableCollision) { a->flags = (NxActorFlag) (a->flags|NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION); } if (mDynamic) { a->mHasBody = true; a->mBody.massLocalPose = mMassFrame; a->mBody.massSpaceInertia = mInertia; a->mBody.mass = mMass; a->mBody.linearVelocity = velocity; a->mBody.angularVelocity = angularVelocity; // extra fields a->mBody.wakeUpCounter = mWakeupCounter; a->mBody.linearDamping = mLinearDamping; a->mBody.angularDamping = mAngularDamping; a->mBody.maxAngularVelocity = mMaxAngularVelocity; a->mBody.sleepLinearVelocity = mSleepLinearVelocity; a->mBody.sleepAngularVelocity = mSleepAngularVelocity; a->mBody.solverIterationCount = mSolverIterationCount; if (mDisableGravity) { a->mBody.flags = (NxBodyFlag) (a->mBody.flags | NX_BF_DISABLE_GRAVITY); } if (mKinematic) { a->mBody.flags = (NxBodyFlag) (a->mBody.flags | NX_BF_KINEMATIC); } #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER < 281 if (mPoseSleepTest) { a->mBody.flags = (NxBodyFlag) ( a->mBody.flags | NX_BF_POSE_SLEEP_TEST); } #endif if (mFilterSleepVelocity) { a->mBody.flags = (NxBodyFlag) ( a->mBody.flags | NX_BF_FILTER_SLEEP_VEL); } } else { a->mHasBody = false; } a->group = mGroup; if (mDisableCollision) { a->flags = (NxActorFlag) (a->flags | NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION); } if (mDisableResponse) { a->flags = (NxActorFlag) (a->flags | NX_AF_DISABLE_RESPONSE); } if (mLockCOM) { a->flags = (NxActorFlag) (a->flags | NX_AF_LOCK_COM); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mShapes.size(); i++) { C_Shape *s = mShapes[i]; s->getShape(a, q); } scene->mActors.push_back(a); } bool match(const char *str) { bool ret = false; if (str) { if (*str == '#') { str++; } if (mSid && strcmp(mSid, str) == 0) { ret = true; } } return ret; } NxActorDesc *mActorDesc; bool mDynamic; float mMass; NxMat34 mMassFrame; NxVec3 mInertia; const char *mInstancePhysicsMaterial; NxArray < C_Shape * > mShapes; // PhysX specific items. bool mDisableCollision; bool mDisableResponse; float mWakeupCounter; float mLinearDamping; float mAngularDamping; float mMaxAngularVelocity; float mSleepLinearVelocity; float mSleepAngularVelocity; unsigned int mSolverIterationCount; bool mKinematic; bool mPoseSleepTest; bool mFilterSleepVelocity; bool mLockCOM; bool mDisableGravity; unsigned int mGroup; float mDensity; }; class C_DisableCollision: public C_Base { public: C_DisableCollision(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mBody1 = getAttribute(element, "body1"); mBody2 = getAttribute(element, "body2"); } virtual ~C_DisableCollision() { } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_DISABLE_COLLISION; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; void getBodyPairFlag(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *query, C_PhysicsModel *pmodel); const char *mBody1; const char *mBody2; }; class C_PhysicsModel: public C_Base { public: C_PhysicsModel(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element){} virtual ~C_PhysicsModel(void); virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_PHYSICS_MODEL; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; C_RigidBody *locateRigidBody(const char *str) { C_RigidBody *ret = 0; if (str) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mRigidBodies.size(); i++) { C_RigidBody *rb = mRigidBodies[i]; if (rb->match(str)) { ret = rb; break; } } } return ret; } C_RigidConstraint *locateRigidConstraint(const char *str) { C_RigidConstraint *ret = 0; if (str) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mRigidConstraints.size(); i++) { C_RigidConstraint *rc = mRigidConstraints[i]; if (rc->match(str)) { ret = rc; break; } } } return ret; } void getRigidBodyElements(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *query, const NxMat34 &parent); NxArray < C_RigidBody * > mRigidBodies; NxArray < C_RigidConstraint * > mRigidConstraints; NxArray < C_InstancePhysicsModel * > mInstancePhysicsModels; }; class C_LibraryPhysicsModels: public C_Base { public: C_LibraryPhysicsModels(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element){} virtual ~C_LibraryPhysicsModels(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mPhysicsModels.size(); i++) { C_PhysicsModel *m = mPhysicsModels[i]; delete m; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_LIBRARY_PHYSICS_MODELS; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; C_PhysicsModel *locatePhysicsModel(const char *str) { C_PhysicsModel *ret = 0; if (str) { if (*str == '#') { str++; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mPhysicsModels.size(); i++) { C_PhysicsModel *pm = mPhysicsModels[i]; if (pm->mId && strcmp(pm->mId, str) == 0) { ret = pm; break; } } } return ret; } NxArray < C_PhysicsModel * > mPhysicsModels; }; // Note..needs to support overrides! class C_InstanceRigidBody: public C_Base { public: C_InstanceRigidBody(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mBody = getAttribute(element, "body"); mTarget = getAttribute(element, "target"); mAngularVelocity.set(0, 0, 0); mVelocity.set(0, 0, 0); } virtual ~C_InstanceRigidBody(void){} virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_INSTANCE_RIGID_BODY; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; void setVelocity(const char *v) { Asc2Bin(v, 3, "f", &mVelocity.x); } void setAngularVelocity(const char *v) { Asc2Bin(v, 3, "f", &mAngularVelocity.x); } void getActors(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *q, C_PhysicsModel *pmodel, const NxMat34 &parent); const char *mBody; const char *mTarget; NxVec3 mAngularVelocity; NxVec3 mVelocity; }; class C_InstancePhysicsModel: public C_Base { public: C_InstancePhysicsModel(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mParent = getAttribute(element, "parent"); } virtual ~C_InstancePhysicsModel(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInstanceRigidBodies.size(); i++) { C_InstanceRigidBody *rb = mInstanceRigidBodies[i]; delete rb; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInstanceRigidConstraints.size(); i++) { C_InstanceRigidConstraint *irc = mInstanceRigidConstraints[i]; delete irc; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mDisableCollisions.size(); i++) { C_DisableCollision *dc = mDisableCollisions[i]; delete dc; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_INSTANCE_PHYSICS_MODEL; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; void getRigidBodyElements(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *query, const NxMat34 &root); const char *mParent; NxArray < C_InstanceRigidBody * > mInstanceRigidBodies; NxArray < C_InstanceRigidConstraint * > mInstanceRigidConstraints; NxArray < C_DisableCollision * > mDisableCollisions; }; class C_PhysicsScene: public C_Base { public: C_PhysicsScene(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mTimeStep = 0; mGravity.set(0, - 9.8f, 0); } virtual ~C_PhysicsScene(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInstancePhysicsModels.size(); i++) { C_InstancePhysicsModel *ip = mInstancePhysicsModels[i]; delete ip; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_PHYSICS_SCENE; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; void getRigidBodyElements(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *query) { NxMat34 root;; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInstancePhysicsModels.size(); i++) { C_InstancePhysicsModel *ipm = mInstancePhysicsModels[i]; ipm->getRigidBodyElements(scene, query, root); } } bool match(const char *str) { bool ret = false; if (str) { if (*str == '#') { str++; } if (mId && strcmp(mId, str) == 0) { ret = true; } } return ret; } void setGravity(const char *g) { Asc2Bin(g, 3, "f", &mGravity.x); } void setTimeStep(const char *t) { mTimeStep = getFloat(t); } NxVec3 mGravity; float mTimeStep; NxArray < C_InstancePhysicsModel * > mInstancePhysicsModels; }; class C_LibraryPhysicsScenes: public C_Base { public: C_LibraryPhysicsScenes(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element){} virtual ~C_LibraryPhysicsScenes(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mPhysicsScenes.size(); i++) { C_PhysicsScene *cp = mPhysicsScenes[i]; delete cp; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_LIBRARY_PHYSICS_SCENES; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; C_PhysicsScene *locatePhysicsScene(const char *str) { C_PhysicsScene *ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mPhysicsScenes.size(); i++) { C_PhysicsScene *cp = mPhysicsScenes[i]; if (cp->match(str)) { ret = cp; break; } } return ret; } NxArray < C_PhysicsScene * > mPhysicsScenes; }; class C_LibraryGeometries: public C_Base { public: C_LibraryGeometries(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element){} virtual ~C_LibraryGeometries(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mGeometries.size(); i++) { C_Geometry *c = mGeometries[i]; delete c; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_LIBRARY_GEOMETRIES; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; C_Geometry *locateGeometry(const char *str) { C_Geometry *ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mGeometries.size(); i++) { C_Geometry *g = mGeometries[i]; if (g->match(str)) { ret = g; break; } } return ret; } NxArray < C_Geometry * > mGeometries; }; class C_Node: public C_Base { public: C_Node(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element) { mType = getAttribute(element, "type"); mLayer = getAttribute(element, "layer");; mInstanceGeometry = 0; } virtual ~C_Node() { } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_NODE; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; bool setMatrix(const char *v) // sets the matrix transform from this raw source text. { return colladaMatrix(v, mTransform); } void translate(const char *v) { NxVec3 t; if (Asc2Bin(v, 3, "f", &t.x)) { mTransform.t += t; // accumulate the translation } } void rotate(const char *r) { float aa[4]; if (Asc2Bin(r, 4, "f", aa)) { NxVec3 axis(aa[0], aa[1], aa[2]); NxReal angle = aa[3]; NxQuat q(angle, axis); NxMat33 m; m.fromQuat(q); mTransform.M *= m; } } void setInstanceGeometry(const char *geom) { mInstanceGeometry = geom; } bool match(const char *str) { bool ret = false; if (str && mId) //&& mType && strcmp(mType,"NODE") == 0 ) { if (*str == '#') { str++; } if (strcmp(str, mId) == 0) { ret = true; } } return ret; } const char *mLayer; const char *mType; NxMat34 mTransform; const char *mInstanceGeometry; }; class C_VisualScene: public C_Base { public: C_VisualScene(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element){} virtual ~C_VisualScene(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mNodes.size(); i++) { C_Node *n = mNodes[i]; delete n; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_VISUAL_SCENE; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; bool match(const char *str) { bool ret = false; if (str) { if (*str == '#') { str++; } if (mId && strcmp(str, mId) == 0) { ret = true; } } return ret; } C_Node *locateNode(const char *str) { C_Node *ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mNodes.size(); i++) { C_Node *n = mNodes[i]; if (n->match(str)) { ret = n; break; } } return ret; } NxArray < C_Node * > mNodes; }; class C_LibraryVisualScenes: public C_Base { public: C_LibraryVisualScenes(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element){} virtual ~C_LibraryVisualScenes(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mVisualScenes.size(); i++) { C_VisualScene *s = mVisualScenes[i]; delete s; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_LIBRARY_VISUAL_SCENES; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; C_VisualScene *locateVisualScene(const char *str) { C_VisualScene *ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mVisualScenes.size(); i++) { C_VisualScene *vs = mVisualScenes[i]; if (vs->match(str)) { ret = vs; break; } } return ret; } C_Node *locateNode(const char *str) { C_Node *ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mVisualScenes.size(); i++) { C_VisualScene *vs = mVisualScenes[i]; ret = vs->locateNode(str); if (ret) { break; } } return ret; } NxArray < C_VisualScene * > mVisualScenes; }; class C_PhysicsMaterial: public C_Base { public: C_PhysicsMaterial(TiXmlElement *element, int index): C_Base(element) { mIndex = index; mDynamicFriction = 0.5f; mRestitution = 0; mStaticFriction = 0.5f; } virtual ~C_PhysicsMaterial() { } NxMaterialDesc *getMaterialDesc(void) { NxMaterialDesc *d = new NxMaterialDesc; d->mId = getGlobalString(mId); d->mMaterialIndex = mIndex; d->dynamicFriction = mDynamicFriction; d->restitution = mRestitution; d->staticFriction = mStaticFriction; return d; } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_PHYSICS_MATERIAL; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; bool match(const char *str) { bool ret = false; if (str && mId) { if (*str == '#') { str++; } if (strcmp(str, mId) == 0) { ret = true; } } return ret; } int mIndex; float mDynamicFriction; float mRestitution; float mStaticFriction; }; class C_LibraryPhysicsMaterials: public C_Base { public: C_LibraryPhysicsMaterials(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element){} virtual ~C_LibraryPhysicsMaterials(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mPhysicsMaterials.size(); i++) { C_PhysicsMaterial *m = mPhysicsMaterials[i]; delete m; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_LIBRARY_PHYSICS_MATERIALS; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; void getMaterials(NxSceneDesc *scene) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mPhysicsMaterials.size(); ++i) { C_PhysicsMaterial *p = mPhysicsMaterials[i]; NxMaterialDesc *md = p->getMaterialDesc(); scene->mMaterials.push_back(md); } } int getMaterialIndex(const char *mat) { int ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mPhysicsMaterials.size(); i++) { C_PhysicsMaterial *m = mPhysicsMaterials[i]; if (m->match(mat)) { ret = i; break; } } return ret; } NxArray < C_PhysicsMaterial * > mPhysicsMaterials; }; class C_InstancePhysicsScene: public C_Base { public: C_InstancePhysicsScene(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element){} virtual ~C_InstancePhysicsScene(void){} virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_INSTANCE_PHYSICS_SCENE; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; void getRigidBodyElements(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *query) { if (mUrl) { C_PhysicsScene *ps = query->locatePhysicsScene(mUrl); if (ps) { ps->getRigidBodyElements(scene, query); } } } }; class C_InstanceVisualScene: public C_Base { public: C_InstanceVisualScene(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element){} virtual ~C_InstanceVisualScene(void){} virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_INSTANCE_VISUAL_SCENE; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; }; class C_Scene: public C_Base { public: C_Scene(TiXmlElement *element): C_Base(element){} virtual ~C_Scene(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInstanceVisualScenes.size(); i++) { C_InstanceVisualScene *iv = mInstanceVisualScenes[i]; delete iv; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInstancePhysicsScenes.size(); i++) { C_InstancePhysicsScene *ip = mInstancePhysicsScenes[i]; delete ip; } } virtual CELEMENT getBaseType(void)const { return CE_SCENE; }; virtual void setText(CELEMENT operation, const char *txt){} ; void getRigidBodyElements(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *query) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInstancePhysicsScenes.size(); i++) { C_InstancePhysicsScene *ip = mInstancePhysicsScenes[i]; ip->getRigidBodyElements(scene, query); } } NxArray < C_InstanceVisualScene * > mInstanceVisualScenes; NxArray < C_InstancePhysicsScene * > mInstancePhysicsScenes; }; class StackEntry { public: StackEntry(void) { mNode = 0; mElement = CE_IGNORE; } TiXmlNode *mNode; CELEMENT mElement; }; class ColladaImport: public C_Query { public: ColladaImport(const char *fname,void *mem,int len) { mStackPtr = 0; mCurrent = CE_IGNORE; mOperation = CE_IGNORE; mScene = 0; mLibraryGeometries = 0; mLibraryVisualScenes = 0; mLibraryPhysicsMaterials = 0; mLibraryPhysicsModels = 0; mLibraryPhysicsScenes = 0; mGeometry = 0; mVertices = 0; mTriangles = 0; mMesh = 0; mSource = 0; mArray = 0; mAccessor = 0; mParam = 0; mVisualScene = 0; mNode = 0; mPhysicsMaterial = 0; mPhysicsModel = 0; mRigidBody = 0; mShape = 0; mInstancePhysicsModel = 0; mInstanceRigidBody = 0; mInstanceVisualScene = 0; mInstancePhysicsScene = 0; mDisableCollision = 0; mPhysicsScene = 0; mInstanceCount = 0; mBodyPairCount = 0; mJointCount = 0; mInstanceRigidConstraint = 0; mRigidConstraint = 0; mXML = new TiXmlDocument; mCollection = 0; mFph = 0; mConvexCount = 0; mMeshCount = 0; if (mXML->LoadFile(fname,mem,len)) { #if 0 // only for debugging help mFph = nxu_fopen("collada.txt", "wb"); #endif mCurrent = CE_IGNORE; traverse(mXML, 0); // we have to save out triangle meshes and convex hulls! for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMeshes.size(); i++) { const char *geom = mMeshes[i]; C_Geometry *g = locateGeometry(geom); if (g) { if (g->isConvex()) { g->mIndex = mConvexCount; mConvexCount++; } else { g->mIndex = mMeshCount; mMeshCount++; } } } if (mFph) { nxu_fclose(mFph); } createCollection(fname); } else { reportError("Error parsing file '%s' as XML", fname); reportError("XML parse error(%d) on Row: %d Column: %d", mXML->ErrorId(), mXML->ErrorRow(), mXML->ErrorCol()); reportError("XML error description: \"%s\"", mXML->ErrorDesc()); delete mXML; mXML = 0; } } virtual ~ColladaImport(void) { if (mFph) { nxu_fclose(mFph); } delete mScene; delete mLibraryGeometries; delete mLibraryVisualScenes; delete mLibraryPhysicsMaterials; delete mLibraryPhysicsModels; delete mLibraryPhysicsScenes; delete mXML; delete mCollection; } CELEMENT getELEMENT(const char *str) { CELEMENT ret = CE_IGNORE; for (int i = 0; i < CE_LAST; i++) { if (strcmp(CE_NAMES[i], str) == 0) { ret = (CELEMENT)i; break; } } return ret; } // here we will convert the COLLADA physics data into an NxuStream compatible PhysicsCollection void createCollection(const char *fname) { delete mCollection; mCollection = new NxuPhysicsCollection; mCollection->mId = getGlobalString(fname); // write out the convex hulls if (mConvexCount) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMeshes.size(); i++) { const char *geom = mMeshes[i]; C_Geometry *g = locateGeometry(geom); if (g) { if (g->isConvex()) { g->getMesh(mCollection, this); } } } } if (mMeshCount) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMeshes.size(); i++) { const char *geom = mMeshes[i]; C_Geometry *g = locateGeometry(geom); if (g) { if (!g->isConvex()) { g->getMesh(mCollection, this); } } } } NxSceneDesc *scenedesc = new NxSceneDesc; scenedesc->mId = "collada_scene"; if (mLibraryPhysicsScenes) { if (mLibraryPhysicsScenes->mPhysicsScenes.size()) { C_PhysicsScene *p = mLibraryPhysicsScenes->mPhysicsScenes[0]; scenedesc->gravity = p->mGravity; } } mCollection->mScenes.push_back(scenedesc); NxSceneDesc *scene = scenedesc; if (mLibraryPhysicsMaterials) { mLibraryPhysicsMaterials->getMaterials(scene); } if (mScene) { mScene->getRigidBodyElements(scene, this); } } NxuPhysicsCollection *getCollection(void)const { return mCollection; }; void setCollection(NxuPhysicsCollection *c) { mCollection = c; }; void Display(int depth, const char *fmt, ...) { if (mFph) { for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { nxu_fprintf(mFph, " "); } char wbuff[8192]; vsprintf(wbuff, fmt, (char*)(&fmt + 1)); nxu_fprintf(mFph, "%s", wbuff); } } void ProcessElement(CELEMENT etype, TiXmlElement *element, int depth) { switch (etype) { case CE_SCENE: if (mScene) { WARN("Encountered unexpected second 'scene' element in the document."); } else { mScene = new C_Scene(element); } break; case CE_LIBRARY_GEOMETRIES: if (mLibraryGeometries) { WARN("Encountered unexpected library_geometries in the document."); } else { mLibraryGeometries = new C_LibraryGeometries(element); } break; case CE_LIBRARY_PHYSICS_SCENES: if (mLibraryPhysicsScenes) { WARN("Encountered unexpected second 'library_physics_scenes' element in the document."); } else { mLibraryPhysicsScenes = new C_LibraryPhysicsScenes(element); } break; case CE_LIBRARY_VISUAL_SCENES: if (mLibraryVisualScenes) { WARN("Encountered unexpected second 'library_visual_scenes' element in the document."); } else { mLibraryVisualScenes = new C_LibraryVisualScenes(element); } break; case CE_LIBRARY_PHYSICS_MATERIALS: if (mLibraryPhysicsMaterials) { WARN("Encountered unexpected second 'library_physics_materials' element in the document."); } else { mLibraryPhysicsMaterials = new C_LibraryPhysicsMaterials(element); } break; case CE_LIBRARY_PHYSICS_MODELS: if (mLibraryPhysicsModels) { WARN("Encountered unexpected second 'library_physics_models' element in the document."); } else { mLibraryPhysicsModels = new C_LibraryPhysicsModels(element); } break; case CE_GEOMETRY: if (mLibraryGeometries) { mGeometry = new C_Geometry(element); mLibraryGeometries->mGeometries.push_back(mGeometry); } else { WARN("Encountered 'geometry' but not inside a geometries library!?"); } break; case CE_CONVEX_MESH: if (mGeometry) { mMesh = new C_Mesh(element, true); mGeometry->mMeshes.push_back(mMesh); } break; case CE_MESH: if (mGeometry) { mMesh = new C_Mesh(element, false); mGeometry->mMeshes.push_back(mMesh); } break; case CE_SOURCE: if (mMesh) { mSource = new C_Source(element); mMesh->mSources.push_back(mSource); } break; case CE_FLOAT_ARRAY: if (mSource) { if (mSource->mArray == 0) { C_FloatArray *a = new C_FloatArray(element); mArray = (C_Array*)a; mSource->mArray = mArray; mOperation = etype; } } break; case CE_INT_ARRAY: if (mSource) { if (mSource->mArray == 0) { C_IntArray *a = new C_IntArray(element); mArray = (C_Array*)a; mSource->mArray = mArray; mOperation = etype; } } break; case CE_BOOL_ARRAY: if (mSource) { if (mSource->mArray == 0) { C_BoolArray *a = new C_BoolArray(element); mArray = (C_Array*)a; mSource->mArray = mArray; mOperation = etype; } } break; case CE_NAME_ARRAY: if (mSource) { if (mSource->mArray == 0) { C_NameArray *a = new C_NameArray(element); mArray = (C_Array*)a; mSource->mArray = mArray; mOperation = etype; } } break; case CE_IDREF_ARRAY: if (mSource) { if (mSource->mArray == 0) { C_IDREFArray *a = new C_IDREFArray(element); mArray = (C_Array*)a; mSource->mArray = mArray; mOperation = etype; } } break; case CE_ACCESSOR: if (mSource) { if (mSource->mAccessor == 0) { mAccessor = new C_Accessor(element); mSource->mAccessor = mAccessor; } } break; case CE_PARAM: if (mAccessor) { mParam = new C_Param(element); mAccessor->mParams.push_back(mParam); } break; case CE_VERTICES: if (mMesh) { if (mMesh->mVertices == 0) { mVertices = new C_Vertices(element); mMesh->mVertices = mVertices; } } break; case CE_INPUT: if (1) { C_Input *i = new C_Input(element); if (mTriangles) { mTriangles->mInputs.push_back(i); } else if (mVertices) { mVertices->mInputs.push_back(i); } } break; case CE_POLYGONS: if (mMesh) { mTriangles = new C_Triangles(element, IT_POLYGONS); mMesh->mTriangles.push_back(mTriangles); } break; case CE_TRIANGLES: if (mMesh) { mTriangles = new C_Triangles(element, IT_TRIANGLES); mMesh->mTriangles.push_back(mTriangles); } break; case CE_POLYLIST: if (mMesh) { mTriangles = new C_Triangles(element, IT_POLYLIST); mMesh->mTriangles.push_back(mTriangles); } break; case CE_P: case CE_VCOUNT: mOperation = etype; break; case CE_VISUAL_SCENE: if (mLibraryVisualScenes) { mVisualScene = new C_VisualScene(element); mLibraryVisualScenes->mVisualScenes.push_back(mVisualScene); } else { WARN("Encountered a visual scene element but not inside a library visual scene?"); } break; case CE_NODE: if (mVisualScene) { mNode = new C_Node(element); mVisualScene->mNodes.push_back(mNode); } else { // It *is* valid to have a 'node' within a Node or 'library_nodes' WARN("Encountered a node element but not processing a VisualScene"); } break; case CE_MATRIX: case CE_TRANSLATE: case CE_ROTATE: mOperation = etype; break; case CE_INSTANCE_GEOMETRY: if (1) { const char *mesh = getAttribute(element, "url"); if (mesh) { if (mCurrent == CE_NODE && mNode) { mNode->setInstanceGeometry(mesh); } if (mCurrent == CE_SHAPE && mShape) { mShape->setInstancedGeometry(mesh); bool found = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMeshes.size(); i++) { const char *m = mMeshes[i]; if (strcmp(m, mesh) == 0) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { mMeshes.push_back(mesh); // save this in the list of } } } } break; case CE_PHYSICS_MATERIAL: if (mLibraryPhysicsMaterials) { mPhysicsMaterial = new C_PhysicsMaterial(element, mLibraryPhysicsMaterials->mPhysicsMaterials.size()); mLibraryPhysicsMaterials->mPhysicsMaterials.push_back(mPhysicsMaterial); } else { WARN("Encountered a PhysicsMaterial element outside of the PhysicsLibrary"); } break; case CE_PHYSICS_MODEL: if (mLibraryPhysicsModels) { mPhysicsModel = new C_PhysicsModel(element); mLibraryPhysicsModels->mPhysicsModels.push_back(mPhysicsModel); } else { WARN("Encountered a PhysicsModel element outside of the PhysicsModelLibrary"); } break; case CE_RIGID_CONSTRAINT: if (mPhysicsModel) { mRigidConstraint = new C_RigidConstraint(element); mPhysicsModel->mRigidConstraints.push_back(mRigidConstraint); } break; case CE_RIGID_BODY: if (mPhysicsModel) { mRigidBody = new C_RigidBody(element); mPhysicsModel->mRigidBodies.push_back(mRigidBody); } else { WARN("Encountered a RigidBody element but not inside a PhysicsModel"); } break; case CE_INSTANCE_PHYSICS_MATERIAL: if (1) { const char *url = getAttribute(element, "url"); if (url) { switch (mCurrent) { case CE_SHAPE: if (mShape) { mShape->mInstancePhysicsMaterial = url; } break; case CE_RIGID_BODY: if (mRigidBody) { mRigidBody->mInstancePhysicsMaterial = url; } break; default: break; } } } break; // material values case CE_DYNAMIC_FRICTION: case CE_RESTITUTION: case CE_STATIC_FRICTION: mOperation = etype; break; // rigid body values case CE_DYNAMIC: mOperation = etype; break; case CE_MASS: case CE_MASS_FRAME: case CE_INERTIA: // shape values. case CE_DENSITY: case CE_HALF_EXTENTS: case CE_EQUATION: case CE_HEIGHT: mOperation = etype; break; case CE_RADIUS: mOperation = etype; break; case CE_SHAPE: if (mRigidBody) { mShape = new C_Shape(element); mRigidBody->mShapes.push_back(mShape); } else { WARN("Encountered a Shape element outside of the RigidBody"); } break; case CE_CAPSULE: case CE_CYLINDER: case CE_TAPERED_CAPSULE: case CE_TAPERED_CYLINDER: if (mShape) { mShape->mShapeType = CST_CAPSULE; } else { WARN("Encountered a Capsule element outside of a Shape"); } break; case CE_SPHERE: if (mShape) { mShape->mShapeType = CST_SPHERE; } else { WARN("Encountered a Sphere element outside of a Shape"); } break; case CE_PLANE: if (mShape) { mShape->mShapeType = CST_PLANE; } else { WARN("Encountered a Plane element outside of a Shape"); } break; case CE_BOX: if (mShape) { mShape->mShapeType = CST_BOX; } else { WARN("Encountered a Box element outside of a Shape"); } break; case CE_PHYSICS_SCENE: if (mLibraryPhysicsScenes) { mPhysicsScene = new C_PhysicsScene(element); mLibraryPhysicsScenes->mPhysicsScenes.push_back(mPhysicsScene); } else { WARN("Encountered a PhysicsScene element outside of a LibraryPhysicsScene"); } break; case CE_INSTANCE_PHYSICS_MODEL: if (mPhysicsScene) { mInstancePhysicsModel = new C_InstancePhysicsModel(element); mPhysicsScene->mInstancePhysicsModels.push_back(mInstancePhysicsModel); } else if (mPhysicsModel) { mInstancePhysicsModel = new C_InstancePhysicsModel(element); mPhysicsModel->mInstancePhysicsModels.push_back(mInstancePhysicsModel); } else { WARN("Encountered an InstancePhysicsModel element outside of a PhysicsScene or PhysicsModel"); } break; case CE_INSTANCE_RIGID_CONSTRAINT: if (mInstancePhysicsModel) { mInstanceRigidConstraint = new C_InstanceRigidConstraint(element); mInstancePhysicsModel->mInstanceRigidConstraints.push_back(mInstanceRigidConstraint); mJointCount++; } break; case CE_DISABLE_COLLISION: if (mInstancePhysicsModel) { mDisableCollision = new C_DisableCollision(element); mInstancePhysicsModel->mDisableCollisions.push_back(mDisableCollision); mBodyPairCount++; } else { mOperation = etype; } break; case CE_INSTANCE_RIGID_BODY: if (mInstancePhysicsModel) { mInstanceRigidBody = new C_InstanceRigidBody(element); mInstancePhysicsModel->mInstanceRigidBodies.push_back(mInstanceRigidBody); mInstanceCount++; } else { WARN("Encountered an InstanceRigidBody element outside of an InstancePhysicsModel"); } break; case CE_VELOCITY: if (mInstanceRigidBody) { mOperation = etype; } else { WARN("Encountered a velocity element outside of an InstanceRigidBody"); } break; case CE_ANGULAR_VELOCITY: if (mInstanceRigidBody) { mOperation = etype; } else { WARN("Encountered an angular velocity element outside of an InstanceRigidBody"); } break; case CE_GRAVITY: if (mPhysicsScene) { mOperation = etype; } else { WARN("Encountered a gravity element outside of a PhysicsScene"); } break; case CE_TIME_STEP: if (mPhysicsScene) { mOperation = etype; } else { WARN("Encountered a time_step element outside of a PhysicsScene"); } break; case CE_INSTANCE_VISUAL_SCENE: if (mScene) { mInstanceVisualScene = new C_InstanceVisualScene(element); mScene->mInstanceVisualScenes.push_back(mInstanceVisualScene); } break; case CE_INSTANCE_PHYSICS_SCENE: if (mScene) { mInstancePhysicsScene = new C_InstancePhysicsScene(element); mScene->mInstancePhysicsScenes.push_back(mInstancePhysicsScene); } break; case CE_REF_ATTACHMENT: if (mRigidConstraint) { mRigidConstraint->setRefAttachment(element); } break; case CE_ATTACHMENT: if (mRigidConstraint) { mRigidConstraint->setAttachment(element); } break; case CE_LINEAR: if (mRigidConstraint) { mRigidConstraint->mLinear = true; } break; case CE_ANGULAR: case CE_SWING_CONE_AND_TWIST: if (mRigidConstraint) { mRigidConstraint->mLinear = false; } break; case CE_NX_JOINT_DRIVE_DESC: if (mRigidConstraint) { mRigidConstraint->setJointDriveDesc(element); } break; case CE_MIN: case CE_MAX: case CE_STIFFNESS: case CE_DAMPING: case CE_TARGET_VALUE: case CE_ENABLED: case CE_INTERPENETRATE: case CE_GROUP: case CE_SKIN_WIDTH: case CE_WAKEUP_COUNTER: case CE_LINEAR_DAMPING: case CE_ANGULAR_DAMPING: case CE_MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY: case CE_SLEEP_LINEAR_VELOCITY: case CE_SLEEP_ANGULAR_VELOCITY: case CE_DISABLE_GRAVITY: case CE_KINEMATIC: case CE_POSE_SLEEP_TEST: case CE_FILTER_SLEEP_VELOCITY: case CE_DISABLE_RESPONSE: case CE_LOCK_COM: case CE_PROJECTION_MODE: case CE_PROJECTION_ANGLE: case CE_PROJECTION_DISTANCE: case CE_SOLVER_ITERATION_COUNT: case CE_DRIVE_TYPE: case CE_SPRING: case CE_FORCE_LIMIT: case CE_DRIVE_POSITION: case CE_DRIVE_ORIENTATION: case CE_DRIVE_LINEAR_VELOCITY: case CE_DRIVE_ANGULAR_VELOCITY: case CE_GEAR_RATIO: mOperation = etype; break; default: break; } } void ProcessNode(int ntype, const char *svalue, int depth, TiXmlNode *node) { char value[43]; value[39] = '.'; value[40] = '.'; value[41] = '.'; value[42] = 0; strncpy(value, svalue, 39); switch (ntype) { case TiXmlNode::ELEMENT: case TiXmlNode::DOCUMENT: if (ntype == TiXmlNode::DOCUMENT) { Display(depth, "Node(DOCUMENT): %s\n", value); } else { Display(depth, "Node(ELEMENT): %s\n", value); CELEMENT e = getELEMENT(svalue); if (e != CE_IGNORE) { TiXmlElement *element = node->ToElement(); // is there an element? Yes, traverse it's attribute key-pair values. ProcessElement(e, element, depth); } } break; case TiXmlNode::TEXT: Display(depth, "Node(TEXT): %s\n", value); switch (mCurrent) { case CE_RIGID_CONSTRAINT: case CE_NX_JOINT_DRIVE_DESC: if (mRigidConstraint) { mRigidConstraint->setText(mOperation, svalue); } break; case CE_TRIANGLES: case CE_POLYGONS: case CE_POLYLIST: if (mTriangles && mOperation == CE_P) { mTriangles->addPoints(svalue); } if (mTriangles && mOperation == CE_VCOUNT) { mTriangles->addVcount(svalue); } break; case CE_FLOAT_ARRAY: case CE_INT_ARRAY: case CE_BOOL_ARRAY: case CE_NAME_ARRAY: case CE_IDREF_ARRAY: if (mArray) { mArray->setText(mOperation, svalue); } break; case CE_PHYSICS_SCENE: if (mPhysicsScene) { switch (mOperation) { case CE_GRAVITY: mPhysicsScene->setGravity(svalue); break; case CE_TIME_STEP: mPhysicsScene->setTimeStep(svalue); break; default: break; } } break; case CE_INSTANCE_RIGID_BODY: if (mInstanceRigidBody) { switch (mOperation) { case CE_VELOCITY: mInstanceRigidBody->setVelocity(svalue); break; case CE_ANGULAR_VELOCITY: mInstanceRigidBody->setAngularVelocity(svalue); break; default: break; } } break; case CE_SHAPE: if (mShape) { mShape->setText(mOperation, svalue); } break; case CE_MASS_FRAME: if (mRigidBody) { switch (mOperation) { case CE_TRANSLATE: mRigidBody->setMassFrameTranslate(svalue); break; case CE_ROTATE: mRigidBody->setMassFrameRotate(svalue); break; case CE_MATRIX: mRigidBody->setMassFrame(svalue); break; default: break; } } break; case CE_RIGID_BODY: if (mRigidBody) { mRigidBody->setText(mOperation, svalue); } break; case CE_NODE: if (mNode) { switch (mOperation) { case CE_MATRIX: mNode->setMatrix(svalue); break; case CE_TRANSLATE: mNode->translate(svalue); break; case CE_ROTATE: mNode->rotate(svalue); break; default: break; } } break; case CE_PHYSICS_MATERIAL: if (mPhysicsMaterial) { float v = getFloat(svalue); switch (mOperation) { case CE_DYNAMIC_FRICTION: mPhysicsMaterial->mDynamicFriction = v; break; case CE_STATIC_FRICTION: mPhysicsMaterial->mStaticFriction = v; break; case CE_RESTITUTION: mPhysicsMaterial->mRestitution = v; break; default: break; } } break; default: break; } break; case TiXmlNode::COMMENT: Display(depth, "Node(COMMENT): %s\n", value); break; case TiXmlNode::DECLARATION: Display(depth, "Node(DECLARATION): %s\n", value); break; case TiXmlNode::UNKNOWN: Display(depth, "Node(UNKNOWN): %s\n", value); break; default: Display(depth, "Node(?): %s\n", value); break; } } void traverse(TiXmlNode *node, int depth) { ProcessNode(node->Type(), node->Value(), depth, node); node = node->FirstChild(); while (node) { if (node->NoChildren()) { ProcessNode(node->Type(), node->Value(), depth, node); } else { push(node); traverse(node, depth + 1); closeNode(node); // pop(node); } node = node->NextSibling(); } } void closeNode(TiXmlNode *node) { if (node && node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT) { CELEMENT from = getELEMENT(node->Value()); switch (from) { case CE_NX_JOINT_DRIVE_DESC: if (mRigidConstraint) { mRigidConstraint->mDrive = 0; } // cancel out the drive pointer. break; case CE_TRIANGLES: case CE_POLYGONS: case CE_POLYLIST: mTriangles = 0; break; case CE_VERTICES: mVertices = 0; break; case CE_GEOMETRY: mGeometry = 0; break; case CE_VISUAL_SCENE: mVisualScene = 0; break; case CE_NODE: mNode = 0; break; case CE_PHYSICS_MATERIAL: mPhysicsMaterial = 0; break; case CE_PHYSICS_MODEL: mPhysicsModel = 0; break; case CE_RIGID_BODY: mRigidBody = 0; break; case CE_SHAPE: mShape = 0; break; case CE_INSTANCE_PHYSICS_MODEL: mInstancePhysicsModel = 0; break; case CE_INSTANCE_RIGID_BODY: mInstanceRigidBody = 0; break; case CE_INSTANCE_VISUAL_SCENE: mInstanceVisualScene = 0; break; case CE_INSTANCE_PHYSICS_SCENE: mInstancePhysicsScene = 0; break; case CE_PHYSICS_SCENE: mPhysicsScene = 0; break; case CE_MESH: case CE_CONVEX_MESH: mMesh = 0; break; case CE_SOURCE: mSource = 0; break; case CE_FLOAT_ARRAY: case CE_INT_ARRAY: case CE_BOOL_ARRAY: case CE_NAME_ARRAY: case CE_IDREF_ARRAY: mArray = 0; break; case CE_ACCESSOR: mAccessor = 0; break; case CE_PARAM: mParam = 0; break; case CE_RIGID_CONSTRAINT: mRigidConstraint = 0; break; default: break; } } mOperation = CE_IGNORE; } virtual C_Geometry *locateGeometry(const char *str) { C_Geometry *ret = 0; if (mLibraryGeometries) { ret = mLibraryGeometries->locateGeometry(str); } return ret; } virtual C_VisualScene *locateVisualScene(const char *str) { C_VisualScene *ret = 0; if (mLibraryVisualScenes) { ret = mLibraryVisualScenes->locateVisualScene(str); } return ret; } virtual C_PhysicsScene *locatePhysicsScene(const char *str) { C_PhysicsScene *ret = 0; if (mLibraryPhysicsScenes && str) { ret = mLibraryPhysicsScenes->locatePhysicsScene(str); } return ret; } virtual C_PhysicsModel *locatePhysicsModel(const char *str) { C_PhysicsModel *ret = 0; if (mLibraryPhysicsModels && str) { ret = mLibraryPhysicsModels->locatePhysicsModel(str); } return ret; } virtual int getMaterialIndex(const char *mat) { int ret = 0; if (mLibraryPhysicsMaterials) { ret = mLibraryPhysicsMaterials->getMaterialIndex(mat); } return ret; } C_Node *locateNode(const char *str) { C_Node *ret = 0; if (mLibraryVisualScenes) { ret = mLibraryVisualScenes->locateNode(str); } return ret; } private: void push(TiXmlNode *node) { assert(mStackPtr < NODE_STACK); CELEMENT e = getELEMENT(node->Value()); if (isBlock(e)) { if (mStackPtr < NODE_STACK) { mStack[mStackPtr].mNode = node; mStack[mStackPtr].mElement = e; mStackPtr++; } mCurrent = e; } } void pop(TiXmlNode *node) { assert(mStackPtr < NODE_STACK); CELEMENT e = getELEMENT(node->Value()); if (isBlock(e)) { if (mStackPtr) { mStackPtr--; if (mStackPtr) { mStack[mStackPtr].mElement = CE_IGNORE; mStack[mStackPtr].mNode = 0; mCurrent = mStack[mStackPtr - 1].mElement; } else { mCurrent = CE_IGNORE; } } } } void printStack(const char *action) { Display(mStackPtr, "STACK REPORT: %s\r\n", action); for (int i = 0; i < mStackPtr; i++) { const char *v = mStack[i].mNode->Value(); int j = mStack[i].mElement; const char *str = CE_NAMES[j]; Display(mStackPtr, "%d : %s : %s\r\n", i + 1, str, v); } Display(mStackPtr, "\r\n"); } bool isBlock(CELEMENT e)const // if it a 'block' section we push/pop off of the stack. { bool ret = false; switch (e) { case CE_NX_JOINT_DRIVE_DESC: case CE_SCENE: case CE_LIBRARY_GEOMETRIES: case CE_LIBRARY_PHYSICS_SCENES: case CE_LIBRARY_VISUAL_SCENES: case CE_LIBRARY_PHYSICS_MATERIALS: case CE_LIBRARY_PHYSICS_MODELS: case CE_GEOMETRY: case CE_VISUAL_SCENE: case CE_NODE: case CE_PHYSICS_MATERIAL: case CE_PHYSICS_MODEL: case CE_RIGID_BODY: case CE_SHAPE: case CE_PHYSICS_SCENE: case CE_INSTANCE_PHYSICS_MODEL: case CE_INSTANCE_VISUAL_SCENE: case CE_INSTANCE_PHYSICS_SCENE: case CE_INSTANCE_RIGID_BODY: case CE_MASS_FRAME: case CE_CONVEX_MESH: case CE_MESH: case CE_SOURCE: case CE_FLOAT_ARRAY: case CE_INT_ARRAY: case CE_BOOL_ARRAY: case CE_NAME_ARRAY: case CE_IDREF_ARRAY: case CE_ACCESSOR: case CE_PARAM: case CE_TRIANGLES: case CE_POLYLIST: case CE_POLYGONS: case CE_VERTICES: case CE_RIGID_CONSTRAINT: ret = true; break; default: break; } return ret; } NxConvexMeshDesc *locateConvexMeshDesc(const char *str) { NxConvexMeshDesc *ret = 0; if (mCollection && str) { if (*str == '#') { str++; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mCollection->mConvexMeshes.size(); i++) { NxConvexMeshDesc *cd = mCollection->mConvexMeshes[i]; if (strcmp(cd->mId, str) == 0) { ret = cd; break; } } } return ret; } NxTriangleMeshDesc *locateTriangleMeshDesc(const char *str) { NxTriangleMeshDesc *ret = 0; if (mCollection && str) { if (*str == '#') { str++; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mCollection->mTriangleMeshes.size(); i++) { NxTriangleMeshDesc *cd = mCollection->mTriangleMeshes[i]; if (strcmp(cd->mId, str) == 0) { ret = cd; break; } } } return ret; } NXU_FILE *mFph; TiXmlDocument *mXML; NxuPhysicsCollection *mCollection; int mStackPtr; StackEntry mStack[NODE_STACK]; CELEMENT mCurrent; // current major element type we are parsing. CELEMENT mOperation; // C_Geometry *mGeometry; // current geometry being processed. C_Mesh *mMesh; C_Triangles *mTriangles; C_Vertices *mVertices; C_Source *mSource; C_Array *mArray; C_Accessor *mAccessor; C_Param *mParam; C_VisualScene *mVisualScene; C_Node *mNode; C_PhysicsMaterial *mPhysicsMaterial; C_PhysicsModel *mPhysicsModel; C_RigidBody *mRigidBody; C_Shape *mShape; C_InstancePhysicsModel *mInstancePhysicsModel; C_InstanceRigidBody *mInstanceRigidBody; C_InstanceVisualScene *mInstanceVisualScene; C_InstancePhysicsScene *mInstancePhysicsScene; C_PhysicsScene *mPhysicsScene; C_RigidConstraint *mRigidConstraint; C_InstanceRigidConstraint *mInstanceRigidConstraint; C_DisableCollision *mDisableCollision; int mInstanceCount; int mJointCount; int mBodyPairCount; // C_Scene *mScene; // describes the instancing of visual and physics scenes. C_LibraryGeometries *mLibraryGeometries; // all of the geometries in the file C_LibraryPhysicsMaterials *mLibraryPhysicsMaterials; // all of the physics materials in the file. C_LibraryVisualScenes *mLibraryVisualScenes; // all of the visual scenes. C_LibraryPhysicsModels *mLibraryPhysicsModels; // all of the physics models. C_LibraryPhysicsScenes *mLibraryPhysicsScenes; // all of the physics scenes. int mConvexCount; // number of unique convex hulls instantiated. int mMeshCount; // number of unique triangle meshes instantiated. NxArray < const char * > mMeshes; // list of meshes that are instantiated by the physics as either or convex hulls. }; NxuPhysicsCollection *colladaImport(const char *fname,void *mem,int len) { NxuPhysicsCollection *ret = 0; ColladaImport ci(fname,mem,len); ret = ci.getCollection(); ci.setCollection(0); // don't free up the memory we are going to take ownership now. return ret; } void C_InstanceRigidBody::getActors(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *q, C_PhysicsModel *pmodel, const NxMat34 &parent) { C_RigidBody *rb = 0; if (pmodel) { rb = pmodel->locateRigidBody(mBody); if (rb) { NxMat34 mat;; if (mTarget) { C_Node *node = q->locateNode(mTarget); assert(node); if (node) { mat = node->mTransform; mat.multiply(parent, mat); } } rb->getActor(scene, q, mat, mVelocity, mAngularVelocity); } } } void C_InstanceRigidConstraint::getJoints(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *q, C_PhysicsModel *pmodel) { C_RigidConstraint *rc = 0; if (pmodel && mConstraint) { rc = pmodel->locateRigidConstraint(mConstraint); if (rc) { rc->getJoint(scene, q, pmodel); } } } void C_RigidConstraint::getJoint(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *q, C_PhysicsModel *pmodel) { NxD6JointDesc *j = new NxD6JointDesc; j->name = getGlobalString(mName); C_RigidBody *rb1 = pmodel->locateRigidBody(mBody1); C_RigidBody *rb2 = pmodel->locateRigidBody(mBody2); if ( rb1 ) { j->mActor0 = getGlobalString( rb1->mActorDesc->mId ); } if ( rb2 ) { j->mActor1 = getGlobalString( rb2->mActorDesc->mId ); } mMatrix1.M.getColumn(0, j->localNormal0); mMatrix1.M.getColumn(2, j->localAxis0); j->localAnchor0 = mMatrix1.t; mMatrix2.M.getColumn(0, j->localNormal1); mMatrix2.M.getColumn(2, j->localAxis1); j->localAnchor1 = mMatrix2.t; if (!mInterpenetrate) // if not allowed to interpentrate { j->jointFlags = (NxJointFlag) (j->jointFlags | NX_JF_COLLISION_ENABLED); } j->xMotion = getMotion(mLinearMin.x, mLinearMax.x); j->yMotion = getMotion(mLinearMin.y, mLinearMax.y); j->zMotion = getMotion(mLinearMin.z, mLinearMax.z); j->swing1Motion = getMotion(mAngularMin.x, mAngularMax.x); j->swing2Motion = getMotion(mAngularMin.y, mAngularMax.y); j->twistMotion = getMotion(mAngularMin.z, mAngularMax.z); float dist = 0; if (j->xMotion == NX_D6JOINT_MOTION_LIMITED) { dist = fabsf(mLinearMax.x - mLinearMin.x) *0.5f; } if (j->yMotion == NX_D6JOINT_MOTION_LIMITED) { float d = fabsf(mLinearMax.y - mLinearMin.y) *0.5f; if (d > dist) { dist = d; } } if (j->zMotion == NX_D6JOINT_MOTION_LIMITED) { float d = fabsf(mLinearMax.z - mLinearMin.z) *0.5f; if (d > dist) { dist = d; } } j->linearLimit.value = dist; j->linearLimit.spring = mLinearSpring.mStiffness; j->linearLimit.damping = mLinearSpring.mDamping; j->linearLimit.restitution = mLinearSpring.mTargetValue; j->swing1Limit.value = getMeanRad(mAngularMax.x, mAngularMin.x); j->swing1Limit.spring = mAngularSpring.mStiffness; j->swing1Limit.damping = mAngularSpring.mDamping; j->swing1Limit.restitution = mAngularSpring.mTargetValue; j->swing2Limit.value = getMeanRad(mAngularMax.y, mAngularMin.y); j->swing2Limit.spring = mAngularSpring.mStiffness; j->swing2Limit.damping = mAngularSpring.mDamping; j->swing2Limit.restitution = mAngularSpring.mTargetValue; j->twistLimit.low.value = mAngularMin.z * DEG_TO_RAD; j->twistLimit.low.spring = mAngularSpring.mStiffness; j->twistLimit.low.damping = mAngularSpring.mDamping; j->twistLimit.low.restitution = mAngularSpring.mTargetValue; j->twistLimit.high.value = mAngularMax.z * DEG_TO_RAD; j->twistLimit.high.spring = mAngularSpring.mStiffness; j->twistLimit.high.damping = mAngularSpring.mDamping; j->twistLimit.high.restitution = mAngularSpring.mTargetValue; #if 1 if (mProjectionMode) { if (_stricmp(mProjectionMode, "NX_JPM_POINT_MINDIST") == 0) { j->projectionMode = NX_JPM_POINT_MINDIST; j->projectionDistance = mProjectionDistance; j->projectionAngle = mProjectionAngle; } } #endif #if 1 // time to fill out the joint drive data. j->drivePosition = drivePosition; j->driveOrientation = driveOrientation; j->driveLinearVelocity = driveLinearVelocity; j->driveAngularVelocity = driveAngularVelocity; j->gearRatio = gearRatio; xDrive.get(j->xDrive); yDrive.get(j->yDrive); zDrive.get(j->zDrive); #endif swingDrive.get(j->swingDrive); slerpDrive.get(j->slerpDrive); twistDrive.get(j->twistDrive); scene->mJoints.push_back(j); } void C_DisableCollision::getBodyPairFlag(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *query, C_PhysicsModel *pmodel) { NxPairFlagDesc *bpair = new NxPairFlagDesc; bpair->mActor0 = getGlobalString(mBody1); bpair->mActor1 = getGlobalString(mBody2); bpair->mFlags = NX_IGNORE_PAIR; scene->mPairFlags.push_back(bpair); } void C_Mesh::getTriangleMesh(C_TriangleMesh &t, C_Query *q) { if (mConvexHullOf) { C_Geometry *geom = q->locateGeometry(mConvexHullOf); if (geom) { geom->getTriangleMesh(t, q); } } if (mVertices) // if we have 'vertices' defined. { C_Input *input = mVertices->locateInput("POSITION"); // locate the source input that uses this semantic! if (input) // ok, we have the 'position' input. { C_Source *source = locateSource(input->mSource); // far we have identified that the vertices specification has a 'position' field and we have located the source for it. if (source) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mTriangles.size(); i++) { C_Triangles *tris = mTriangles[i]; tris->getTriangleMesh(t, source, mVertices); } } } } } void C_PhysicsModel::getRigidBodyElements(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *query, const NxMat34 &parent) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInstancePhysicsModels.size(); i++) { C_InstancePhysicsModel *ipm = mInstancePhysicsModels[i]; ipm->getRigidBodyElements(scene, query, parent); } } C_PhysicsModel::~C_PhysicsModel(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mRigidBodies.size(); i++) { C_RigidBody *c = mRigidBodies[i]; delete c; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mRigidConstraints.size(); i++) { C_RigidConstraint *rc = mRigidConstraints[i]; delete rc; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInstancePhysicsModels.size(); i++) { C_InstancePhysicsModel *ip = mInstancePhysicsModels[i]; delete ip; } } void C_InstancePhysicsModel::getRigidBodyElements(NxSceneDesc *scene, C_Query *query, const NxMat34 &root) { C_PhysicsModel *pm = query->locatePhysicsModel(mUrl); if (pm) { NxMat34 parent = root; if (mParent) { C_Node *n = query->locateNode(mParent); if (n) { parent.multiply(root, n->mTransform); } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInstanceRigidBodies.size(); i++) { C_InstanceRigidBody *rb = mInstanceRigidBodies[i]; rb->getActors(scene, query, pm, parent); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mInstanceRigidConstraints.size(); i++) { C_InstanceRigidConstraint *rb = mInstanceRigidConstraints[i]; rb->getJoints(scene, query, pm); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mDisableCollisions.size(); i++) { C_DisableCollision *rb = mDisableCollisions[i]; rb->getBodyPairFlag(scene, query, pm); } pm->getRigidBodyElements(scene, query, parent); } } }; // End NXU namespace
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